Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1961, p. 3

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BARBIE EXAMXNEB sultan sun is 13114 Drivers Hurt In Collision No drivers were slightly in iured and damage to their veh icles amounted to more than waned xrhesult of an accident on ra Street yes erday shortly after pm Injured were Sylvia Smith 19 RCA Station Camp Borden and Cyril Roberts Princemere Crescent Scarbom Miss Smith received mnrlsed and cut mouth and Mr Roberts strained neck as told police he had stopped for traffic light in front of the Prince of Wales School Miss Smith stated she did not notice the light vehicle hit the rear of th standing car Police estimate damage to Roberts car as being 515 and to the vehicle Miss Smith was driving at so Lucky TeBeiiiive Magistrate States HELIO COURIER aircraft and needs short takeoff run of only 200 feet with full load at the Barrie airstrip Left Reporter Jim Stott tests makahilt parachute before aloft for tut flight Ex nrninorinotosk Three Named lltWasaga CIGARETTE BUTT BLAMED FOR TRAILER FIRE in for aJandlng is long air uF iajiospital after long illness and was member of the Car mon1sLodge620Hewas also Within 50 Feet The best thing pilot can see in front of him when he coma strp toysit down on The HelloCourier fiveseat er aircraft with an unusual per formance eliminates this prob lem for pilots The plane was demonstrated at Barrie Airways yesterday by pilot Luc Querton With maximum takeoff weight of 3000 lbs the Hello can get off the ground in 50 to 100 feet with the assistance of medium force wind With no 0151111111111 THOMAS EDGE Thomas Edge 19 of 104 Burton Avenue in Barrie died Tuesday in Royal Victor Mr Edge was born in Lon don England and later came to Toronto where he met and married his wife Helena in 1911 During his working career he was carman for the CNR member of Odd Fellows and Kerr Masoni Lodge ln pastyears he sea the choir of St Georges Anglican Church where he was member of the congregation Mr Edge is survived by his wind the takeotf distance is lengthened to son feet STABLE The plane is extremely stable in the air It will not stall or spin and steep turns and ap proaches can be executed at speeds asiow as 30 n1ph The plane descends at the rate of 750 feet per minute which is actually slower than paradzute jtunper who comes down to earth at over 1000 feet per minute Pilot Querton saysthe plane is ideal for operators who must use short or temporary landing strips or have to fly at low speeds Wehad one letter he says from an operator in Cbinimbl Ecuador This man flies out of 500 foot mud strip at an ele vation of 3000 feet with full load and clears 125 foot high obstacle at the en NEW TO ONTARIO This type of aircraft is com paratively new to Ontario and Quebec but it isin use in the United States and several West ern Canadian provinces now in use by the Spskatchewan Air Ambulance Service and the Alberta Forestry Service ltis One of the most interesting features of theaircraft is its high safety specifications The whole cabln including shoulders seat belts and seats can take load 15 times gravity the weight of counting for five years For Three men were nominated for reeve of the Village of was aga Beach last night They are Anthony Beck Eric Lawrason and William Prlngle The town hall was practically The following were nominat ed for the four seats on coon cil Maurice Bent Mrs Mor iorle Dyer Arthur Hutchinson Peter Smith and Jack Timlock No hydro commissioners are required and four men were nominated They are Rennie Goldsmith Arthur Gordon Wed tor Hozclwood andrErncst Os home Nominated for the six public school trustees positions were Mrs Dorothy Bent Henry Brit ten Jr John Corbett Mrs Ver da Graham Norrie Miller and Claude Riseboro The polls will open at am Saturday Aug 16 and will close at pm that day TORon CmMagistrate James chnicks Thursday sen tcnced man for drunk driving on evidence of breath test that showed he had consumed the equivalent of 14 pints of beer or 21 ounces of whisky or 42 ounces of wine The magistrate said Allan Bruce Sutton 29 was lucky to be alive as be sentenced him to week in jail Constable Albert Thompson testified that the breath tests Juno 23 showed Sutton had reading of 41 parts of alcohol for every 1000 of blood in his system Normally 15 parts in dicates impairment Douglas Incas chemist with the nttorneygenerale depart ment sold it is only the secs nd time that have found it that high in an individual still ve INNISFIL NOTES WOMAN BITTEN BY LARGE DOG Barrie police reported to day that BelleAire Beach woman hire Bogue was bitten on the leg shortly af ter noon yesterday by large boxer dog The Injured woman was treated at Royal Victoria Hospital and receivedfiv glitches totlie gash on For eg Police and the local dog catcher carried out search for the animal on Dunlop Street East where the im cident occurred Finds New Delights lit The Exhibition ncs The Canadian National 1321 where the old manufacturers hibitlon got off to good start with lovely day and big chowd Those who say its just the same as ever will have to alter their thinking this year Many things have changed One of the novflties we noted was the Mediseope exhibit We met Doctor Blcnkarn from Barrie doing his tour of duty on the demonstrations OPENS com Ross Smith who operab ed Barrie Business College for some years has arrived in Orillla to establish col lege there Mr Smith is native of ASimcoe Norfolk County He taught business subjects at Niagara Falls Fort Erie Dunnville Orange vllie and Whitby before com ing to BarrieJn 1930 to join the staff of the late Turners business college which he purchased several years later He sold the col legemmauiwentintoac the past seven years he had been principal of Gait Busi Tbere are seweral other doctors from Barrie who have volun teered their services to help to make the exhibit success Livestock will be in stalls Monday Men Brass and platoon of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police make very colorful ad dition to the show display of flowers which is situated The British band Weed Spray NotHarrfiul Report Says Experiments by the Ohio building stood excels anything ever seen in flower display Lby this writer before I€istlieNational Slow of Canada and deserves every Ca nadians time toattend Mr Keyes who has had charge of the work at the town ship park in connection with the new campsite comfort sta tion reported that work is pro gressing favorably Water for the system will likely be pump ed from the lake as there is not sufficient supply in the well it is not likely thaLtrall ers and campers will have any use of the equipment this year CHANGE LOTS Councillor Mrs Law state that she had been approached by the owner of three lots at Big Bay Point who wished to divide the three lots into two leaving the buildings on one and adding another house on the second It was suggested that this was matter for the Planning Board to approve first before being brought to Council Assessor Robert Sproule told Council that in the case of An Oakvllle Ontario man William Howe had his hands badly burned and gushed just after am today as aresult of trailer fire on the 400 on tension whero it leaves the four Hlflrway The injur ies resulted from his attempts to put out the blaze An estimated $250 damage was sustained by the trailer and its contents Mr Howe stated that his at tention was drawn to the blaz ing trailer by passenger in his car The Howe family consisting of Mr and Mrs Howe and four children and the passenger were enroute to Sudbury where they expected toflyin to resort north of there Trailer Catches Firfefi Tourist Suffers Burns Mr Rowe could give no rea sonfor the outbreak unless it was caused by cigarette flung from passingcnr There wasnotbing of an inflammable nature in the trailer he said and can only surmise that the flre was caused by care lessly thrown cigarette The early morning highway blaze attracted large group of early morning tourist trav ellers Several motorists as sisted Mr Howe in unhooking the trailer and in putting out the blaze with band fire ex tinguishers Both Mr and Mrs Howe felt that their holiday was ruined since large quantities of load stuffs clothing sleeping bags tent and other camping equip meat were lost in the fire Mr Howe was profuse in his thanks to passing motorists who assisted him their help it is difficultrto say lust how serious the fire might have become As it is there is no damage to my car whatso ever He said that one motorist had offered him and his family the use of two cottages in the Pen ry Sound area free of charge until they could get reorgan ized Ontario Provincial Without Police from Barrie detachment are investigating Corft Sell Paradise Homesteaders Uninterested By BRUCE LEVEH Canadian Press Staff Writer EAY RIVER NWT CP Only three familiesllvev in Paradise Seven years ago the federal government tried to open the area for homestea but no and the three elderly couples lived on body was intereste undisturbed in lush valley Paradise is shown on the road maps as Riverview Gardens It sits just off the Mackenzie Hlfghwaylo miles south of here and just north of the Alberta border it was Mme Vanier wife of the GovernorGeneral who re named it during the recent vicelt regal tour to the area She saw garden blanng with pansies Strawberries lay large and soft under huge leaves Bluebells and brier roses grewin the poplar and spruce forests and she sat This is Paradise The three couples who live there are John and Pansy Cam eron Joe and Amy Krause and Leo and Delphine Webb of British Columbia and Al berta That got too crowded and be built Wino boat He and Amy tookthe long way around landing in Hay River from the North in 1946 Amy born near Madison Wis was the third white woman in the area We spent two days in says We even had some beer along The ice as cominA through thehulshpfifilie cabin We werent afraid of drowning but that ice can crush you MOVED TO RIVERVIEW That was when Joe and Amy moved out to Biverview Gar dens There theyan corn pota toes tomatoes pumpkins rasp berries beans peas strawber ries rhubarb and anything else they feel like planting Cereal crops woulnggw but dog and Amy just havent room Joe has one field devoted to experiments for the federal gov ernment These areprops such Bl skiff during the 1951 flood Joe home brew which he makes for his own use because havent been able to find anything to match it in the stores mem berof the governorgenerals party bung back when the tour went through the valley and eopiedrvotthrrecipe Dining the growing period Joe and Amy work from early groaning until what passes for us In the offseason Joe cuts wood with neat but com li plicateddoTttfyntnseirsaw mill which draws power from 1m vintage tractor But he doesnt like it do enough work during the summerI shouldnt have to work in the winter only ONE There is fllll¥lllll nesa College Orillia Business MW College has been nonopera tive for number of years Mr Smith has taken over the former premises on Matobe wife Helene is Maurice mud daughter Margaret Boult of Flint Mich igan He also leaves six grand children and four greatgrand cbildrenAsonHmrprede oeased him in 960 State Diagnostic Laboratory show that the weed control sprays 24Dand 245T have no harmful effects on animals Some of this spray was blown onto vegetable gardens in the Shanty Bay Road area when the CNR sprayed its tracks on We have never had afatal accidents in this type of air oral Querton says Pilots have tcrashéad into seawatls and mono ainsi es this plane and dFsFStreet and with remodel Walkee 323 With my few ling complete will be ready Sflaifihes for the opening in September tents of clear plastic But even in the open air his vegetables growtoa ant size hia rhubarb resembles minia ture palm trees Amy admits thereare disad evantagesofecookingonieecampv crown land fronting thelakeT1o grow Eh food to live on between properties be is as and sell enough to cover the sessing owners of adjacent lan other necessities of life In some instancesthis had dou The Krauses conduct experi bled the assessment of the lands ments for the federal agricul aifected He said certain own fur department era are asking for adjustments The We 81 mmfifl Burial was Thursday at Bar rie Cnion Cemeterygl NAMED Manners it was announced this week that Harold Todd is the new manager of the Coward Clothes Shop at Barrie Plaza Since opening of the Plaza in the spring of this year Mr Todd has been associate man ager Previously for some years be operated Todds Mens Wear on Dunlap Street East which he took over from his father 1871316 Wilt ll Educational TV could have great advantages and disad vantages Well school teacher says Mrs Moira er Carop Borden public Mrs Wellerattended one week course in educational TV at the Ryerson Institute of Technology in Toronto TV has great visual im pact almost hypnotic effect on chlldrensayseMrsrrWelle1i it can bring the best teachers available into every classroom in the country and it is an ideal way to teach such subjects as science lish current affairs Eng literature anLdrama There is another side to the coin of course TV sounds like mass educa tion The needs of the individlt ual child could be overlooked Mrs Weller says teacher from the USSR at tended this course with us and this made me think about TV as potentialweapon of mass its ed via TV by smallgroupor people with ulterior motives At the course attended by Mrs Weller teachers were in structed in the techniques of production writing and research for TV They were shown sam ples of educational TV from the United States where it has been used at Hagersvillc Maryland for MLyears nod thereara children who have never been taught any otherway The CBC will be starting an extensive series of educational Igofidcalslts this fall and er opes to makeuae nTthese5roadcasts in her worli at Camp Borden The programs will include series on Canadian history music current events dancerCanadianwriters phys biology geography and other subjects July 10 Simcoe County health officials believed at the time WlTPotfentiEFWeapon Today CampBorden Teacher States hatthe weedkiller might be oxic to animals Doctors at the Ohio lab con ducted experiments with live stock to determine the effects Jfthaspray pasture was sprayed with four times the recommended amount sheep pigs and cows were put to graze there suffered no ill effects of weedkiller and The animals lo further test the bay and drinking water of animals was tested with weedkiller They were put on this diet for 41 hayswith no visible toxic ef fects at the end of the period further test wealmade to determine the toxicity of spray ed forage were fed Sudan grass winch had been wilted by the useof the weed spray They suffer ed no ill effects Calves and sheep As resultof the experi ments the Ohio scientists con cludcdthat 24D 2454 and dalapon appear to he veryrsafe weed killers HAWK Two juveniles gt who thought they would havea lark at the expense of residents of Cedar Harbor south of the filth line of Innisfll decided that alter ev eryone had gone to bed they would sneak out of their tent where they were camping and deflate tires of all the cars in the neifliborhood They were getting along fine witbsnme 50 tires softened when the Police cruiserwith Constable Martin arrived To avoid trip to the lockup and an appearance in court the boys agreedsthey would pump up all the tires This took them all night and well on into the next morning and creating amusement for car owners who watched the hard working lads pay for their fun merclallyi NO PERMAFROST Their Paradise is segment of land around which the Hay River curveser hairpin Cold drains from the soft allu vial soil into the surrounding river and there is noneoinhe permafrost usually found about three feet down in that part of the country TiieJuiy rainfall they supple ment by pumping river water to the fields There is threemonth grow ing seasonthree months of hours of sunlight day with temperatures up around 90 de grees As Joe lCrause says You can almost hear filings rmw Joe was bornin Chicago found the Prairies too windy for his liking and moved up grad ually into the Peace River area stove and preserving by the light of coaloil lantern but she wouldnt leave They read lot Both have their wings in theGround Ob server Corps and spend much time listaiJLandwgtchm some And Joe is known for his SPMS NEW mums WASHINGTON AP The weather bureau today cratitéd the Tiros ll hunicanehunhng satellite with discovering two didnt show on the weth maps The new atoms were about 500 miles south outbeast of Ra all new Pacific Ocean storms which HkomoVVngon phon FAQS6302 photographedintheir infancy thoughtcontrol in totalitarian state The minds of children ANDERSONS Todd His predecessor as lt itCowards Frank Labor Doherty has been transferred to the Newmarket store in similar capacity Try An Examiner Want Ad PIONE DA 82414 Mn CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines 77 PA 66555 could be influenced and mould lieoroe llavres CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio as ssiss 12 DONALD ST PA 6so85 AT YOUR SERVICE TOU PHONE ILLSEE YOU AT YOUR HOME WRITING ALI CLASSES on mannancn BOATING seasons Vanna you FULLY CCVERED WWI an arm zaycundlesitd Barr Included

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