AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY NEW 03 1mm KNOCK mumuy real in in wished or Acton Misses Suzanne and Cathy WI was Finlay spent couple of days mm Mrs John Kuzzyk of sing £2 alédgho nare ill Massaging em Mrs so Gibbons 1netmtiieir aunts cottage Craig mm aunt hnampton hen withdltgrimo roan Baootsnert and Harry Mc Farlan allerspeudingaweekwtthhisv Walter Hall Sr of Erin spent The Rev Banitension few days with relatives here Wm ofllinrrie had charge of the Coohtown Black Knight lodge left from here by bus last Sat urday morning for their cele bration at Lindsay LARRY BRANNO Master Steptietixdgiddlc Barrie is on wi Harold Atkinson of Tomato is Bad home for two weeks holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Clarence Atkinson and boys Thomas Hlsey of Brantford is on holiday at the home of Mr and Mrs lred Viney Mr and and family of Weston were Sunday visitors with Mr and Min Archie Waniess and fam 11 Mrs Kirkpatrick has been in Mrs Aller grandfather Ruddidi in Toronto with Mrs Mary Haugh Mrs Ham Gauiey Sr BEETON Mr and Mrs Mervyn Denney Denise and his spent Sunday hliss Sharon McFarland of or lilin is spending few days May Banks Barrie ll visiting her sister Mrs Wil Tommy and Billy Howard of Greniel spurt several days at Oscar Bowmans Congratulath to Earl Shan non who has successfully oom pieted Grade and will be entering sec at Guelph lnSeir tern lieoent visitor at Mr and Mrs Paul Popeswere Os trum of Believlfle Mr and Mrs Ostrum and family of Unlonvllle Graham of Tor service at Trinity United Church on Sunday morning Mr and Mn Mooney and Mr and Mrs Clifford Mooney and Darlene spent last Wed nesday at Penetang WESTORO Services in the Baptist Church for Sunday Augustin as fol lows Sunday School at 10 alxi church service at 11 am with the shingles We wish her speedy recovery SHOWER FDR NEWLYWEDS On Saturday evening aishow or was held at the home of Mr and Mrs John De Gorter for Mr and Min Campbell Steele nee Elaine Atkinson onto Mr Johnson pastor of achoroh willbringthamesf sage The anniversary services will he held on Oct Hev Percy Greer will be the guest speaker Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Hofley were Mr and Mrs Bloomfield and boys of Capreol Mrs Davidson Mrs Candy and Percy Worr of Brampton SorrytorepnrtitirsTPronk Slack is under the doctors care and we hope she will be feeling better soon Crawford and Hugh Ellis were guests of Mrs Joseph Wlla llama and family chumscth on Sunday aitemoon and met other friends there Mr and Mrs John Johnson and Robin of Toronto vlsited Thursday at Dohsous atom raeeverondrhira Little iltl 85de FROMGERMANY 31 vpsarrirgiiife at an Mr and Mrs Eric Goldstein Mrs Miss Gear Barton Minden Germany are visit cedi nenuggn Mn Edgar lng Mrs Goldsteins brother Ritchie and Mrs Robert Suth and his wile Mr and Mrs erlandnlattengegd the Sltratftord megï¬ï¬ If ï¬lings llears Festv on ay an Sa ur an er ave mflgï¬ggï¬ggmï¬g day August 11 and it Seen each other Since leaving TViattors at the home of Mrs Germ they hm Vim ward mad as aha man an Mlscampbcli during the New Ym and mmwa conducted an amusing contest in which the most recently mar WEEK WEN Mr and Mrs John ried couple Mr and Mrs Jenneil of Home Mr and Steele and the longest mnrrled ï¬ghmï¬fflm and family of Geo $351 idnzreanaskegs to t3 Mr and Mrs Wildash mp 1110 gent part pisses Suzanne Finlay spent the weekend with their in we En WI Ilerr sist spmira Kenny sham wank sonlnlow and daughter Mr ind Howï¬rdorgiop and bGlrgtaaE Gog gssoigg agilierS Brennond at Kirk or Friedmcwn New Bruns in th tinny lowly gifts which hir and Mrs Wilfred Service fir 1mm 1mg neghew oi had he laced in gafly spent week recently visiting mm tint ouch een vis onth ishing we friends and relatives in the £5 ï¬r aegheglemoaney Luke Huron district and attend mm in madame at St Johns United Church Alliston last Saturday for the marriage mfgï¬folvgryï¬ 31xng ed ttie strotford Festival and outs and invited them to visit 5° 5de Grand Val them in rumor ley Centennial held on Satur um day August new 30 Smith Tom and hill Howard are Mr and Mrs Keith Jones of and be °f Tomm spendine few days holidnyr Toronto were guests of Mr and En Boyd MthiheBowmanaetKnocitr and Mrs Butt during ï¬gmï¬nfldgnfdï¬mh de Littleri Mrsid CharieSdCole the weekend and the held may me an Dav re me So Zpflgnf12$ 133 myvgï¬imguvgstï¬fatmday rday from ntriodhrouoh Que were few days visiting friends in to have on Monday my vim ueskilwanimes banihensl family picnic on Sunday after noon in Belfountnin Park North Bay ML and Mm their sister Mrs Wilson at undo ViSit Cl nits Lillian Jenneit Thar Parry Sound were my and Misabud mung ton spent few days V151 Mrs Tom Alien Mumwell and John Eobbettc of Tor vislted relatives in Toronto on Saturday friends here is at present visiting Mrs Wil onto and Mr wt Mrs it Menary Oransevxne lioni Sharpe font McNabe grid iarthliy of Mr and Mrs returned home alter visitlna Several of the Ancaster CONTRACT BRIDGE attended the annual iiddlera and Mrs Menary as BECKER Icon HEAR EVERY SYLLABLE MK BABINE OHle LEARNED DOD AeourAcnNe INST ntE PASTTEN MINUTES JuEIEr ILiottss contest in Shelburne Friday evening REP To DURHAM Dr and Mrs Spearlng Members of the Black the attended the Stratford Festival swamindwaaxtehottendedJIrIna the nastweek TELEVISIOTIPROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRlE mam hearts Observe the predicament as AUGUST no Long iohn Sliver xu WW 50 35 Placed by Lutv oithx aooN Hdlin 08 thebld Bun airirri asxchrirchni 9109 South can pass which is 5° 9mm cm 59 what happened at the first tabr hi it it Egg ï¬gulgbmL Elngircsaon °° 18I1gmpraitdgliblehï¬can bid four spades which lswhat Dennis Till Monaco News Weather Sport happened at the second table Thn Peoplla caoicr warti Euro or he can bid five diamonds 51 euro Sineions iuhiiu Sea Hunt Snutle amt 313 ï¬fflmnmmfm Note that South oannot he one News Clio For the Court sure that anything he does will turn out right He hasnoiderr oi what his partner has and he cannot find out with any TwovenesYoute FATHER AND Wen ENGAGED THREE WM 014 HAD AVenv GOOD JOEYOUR ME UNTIL HE EARNED DAD HABTOO ASMUCH BEFORE lout East dealer WERE MARRIED of preemptive bidding Both NorthSouth vulnerable Easta took advantage of the vulnerability to open with four 832 UAQB Ja +KDBIB egwaia 42 Salim WSL vs onan noon The bidding East sotonWeatNorth Pass Pass Opening leadking oi dia moods This hand comes from match played between iceland and Switzerland At the first table the Swiss East opened with four hearts and that end 035 tea firefigtflégï¬e FEWMEBE hypo TA FAK JUN In VPA W5 GON vgufl LEEVE MVï¬giv =F9npsnssa 11m ma assgsssss Mï¬w who son run AGIUEOEI AN Weather News Spoflsimi gigWe nailt MAKINHPA BMGK H611 one hid it ï¬g°3 am The vutflrmn The bold four spade bid cho sen by the Swiss South work Today in art Woman Possessed Comm emu Auousr Test ed out well True he made six but it was slam no ainrrirti Joan body would want to be in Lets suppose the North and West hands were transposed which could have been the case so far as South was concern ed Then the four spade bid would have Worked out bodly and double would have tum ed out to be the best bid We have no strong views about the proper action for South to take withhis hand though we do frown upon the pass which is carrying caution too far The chief point of the hand so£arasweareeonnersiedv is the four heart bid by East The many players tend to pass with this type of hood and titus lose an opportunity to make things tough for the op Wnents On Monday Another Famous Hand is presented by Mr Beeh er ll Po SS Pope News Weather sports oooo Life Theatre Clnldl stir Country Cliendlr Holiday Edition News ltin ulna Naked Cl Rainer of tho Juani National Velvet Some or Those Days on Sullivan Slow GM Present Bringing Up autidy MeetMoGraw on one TV News 1110 NewL Weather 1115 Movie Lisbon MONDAY AUGUST 21 Test Pattern uLMovln Hunted 800 Summerinn News and Sparta interview Cartoons Music 30 Junior Roundup crro CHANNEL TORONTO sATUimAY AUGUST Mommy AUGUST 21 4100 News mm use Free and Easy no Hiiimo 200 Channel Theatre oat Sport Cheer soy Cheer we Mme mm up NW that icelond lost 580 points on us Weather 00 rroressora riisuwu the deal sprig The hand points up the value 100 Magic itionrunu in Sport units caossvv0ho Wagon Train Theatre At Eirht WEB 15mm Rale in Heaven lime The Riflemu weapon Gen reason when 22 115 Test Patter uh Movie rm errsienna 300 Summitllml News Sport interviews Cartoons Music iunior nounriup Cartoon Party 00 News Headlines Threu Stooges Channel at cm Farm Market nrport Don iaricson News Weather Sport Wanted Dead or Allvr Alistnr Theatre Hancocks iinir Hour Jake and the Kid Holiday Loos iiihaunt 10MTiosoU 11eo cac News 1115 The Weatherman Today in artI Community ew 1io croumrir so 359995559 sssssssssss rrigt TAKEA WEEK oaAkiMT PAYYBU lotslosing dla OFF iN COOKIES sum two ciubs and two mood spades At the second table the bid ding went mwat Kathi 61 5a appearrus 328388 The are oi hearts was led followed by diamond shift The Swiss declares had no trouble making the rest of the tricks for score of Bali points so the net result was mot oi the Week Johnny Elaw Show News Weather Sport Saturday Night Theatre All About me Epilogue seams Auouar ca 130 Youth and Religion 1050 Stories tor Sunday 1100 Around the World News Package anvo Theatre Douglas Fairbanks Presents Tombstone Territory Major IlaIlia Ensebaur ren kin Tin Tin Glenclnnnn This Real many The Donna Reed show Academy Forlornnu Valentina Intemlssion Academy Performance Part II Fluadlum News Weather Sport Epilogue Wanted Dead or Alive The Third Mu News Weather sports Eeltor Late News Weather Sports Epilogue TUESDAY AUGUST 21 iii nsy Chlllllll ll Theatr Corridor or Mirrors NEW Professors HJdEIWIY Whlriyhird DELI lilo Moments In 511th NEWI Weather Guestwrd HUI Wyatt Earp TIIEIUG At Eight Port Amqul Route 65 hm Who rt ews en po Better LIIO NdwI WisShut Spun EDIIOEHU tarnish Miss you Is your carrier hasnotarriveo we pro please phone PA 82433 And copy HeDeuvued To Your Home THERE ISNO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEYi TAXI DanEYoURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS 22n am Goliasz ates land as ï¬lm an Betitle actor Peruse 25 Noth ins It Lin geras Sell 29 Slang We Amu 30th uplands min zol DONALD oucx ymn xvi mrn rvno ozï¬n SHENDIDI Ativ WIN lS BRINGDIE SURGICAL ti INSTRUMENTS FNMA OFIHE GRAND PIANO FUR All OPERATING 12 Muddied TABLE 18150191111 modern priest 2th Indies union 021 Fountain ot Youth seeker 26Wioked 21Monater Entertain mant IVAWH ï¬lllllé ginnwnpnil zwl lil wallgha Sewnn