Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1961, p. 4

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te limit Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario FRIDAY AUGUST 18 4m Minimum Of Interference Is Need Of Industry Today Free enterprise if it is to flourish re uires minimum of government in lfercnce Andsolong as Ree enter prise recognizes its responsibility to the common good there need be no ov ernment interference whatever Jortunately all too oftensomeirrespons ible persons bring free enterprise into disrepute with the result that govern ment has to step in to maintain the com mon good An ap eel to renewed look at eth ical business behavior was made Gordon Hnlme president of the Be ter Business Bureau of Montreal in his marks at the Bureaus annual meeting He warned business firms against the temptation of unethical selling methods methods which althou they may bring shortterm gain so at very high longterm cost The answer to this roblem is self regulation Certainly business or an izations do not regulate themse ves along the lines of accepted ethics then the public demand grows tothe where mamentmuststepinoan force regulation And every mst ance where government intervenes adds Attutkfirgfiurricnnefioday Ever since 1873 the us government has maintained hurricane warning system but as with bad weather it wwhasnt succeeded in doing away with them The experts think now than that they learned enough while stu ing hurricane Donna last September start doing something to bust up her successors Donna was one of the worst on record She killed 150 caused numberless in firrjuries did billion dollars worth of ro erty damage and brought endless ar ship and heartaches She petersd out before hitting Ontario but were still paying for the damage done by her predecessor Hazel However in Don nas 11day rampage navy and air force pilots in weather bureau planes fully equipped with weather instruments fiew into Donna 13tirnes The data theyvaccumulated experts think point the way to curbingfnture to the cost of government which must be borne by pl taxpayers The ideal situation is one in which there is no government intervention whatever where business and lndividI uals res ond readily and willingly to the accepts ethical principles Needless to say society has not yet approached the pint where this idea can be realized Ve must continue to strive toward that goal proving to ourselves and to others again and ain that honesty is indeed the best po cy Mr Hulme notes quite rightly that the price of the freedom we want is reall rather low it is paid for throng responsible action and this does not come as cost of business indeed re onslble action by an business pays vidend for it wins res use in goodwill from the public cal prac tices pay off because the public wants honesty in busln And where business gives heed to the oint ublic interest government can fade geneEra chimpEnterpde free and taxpayer can have more money in his pocket storms Next month the US weather bureau is going to try to seed cloud accumulations atthe rim of hurricane to divert it or cause it to lit into two storms which they hope tear each other apart If they succeed control over hurricanes may become reality The big storms are among natures most powerful phenomena The wea ther bureau names them after women wobably as Editorial Research Reports ashington research agency says be cause they are eye taking destructive and relatively unpredictable big hurricane generates an estimat ed 500 billion horsepower It can pick up two billion tons of water from the ocean and toss it back in rain Each day it releasesfipower equal to 20000 atomic bombs man can reail tame it new scientific landmark Will have been reached and he willrbe doing some thing he never could do withwomen Other EditdrS Views ORIENTALS BATTLE APARTHElD From the Milwaukee Journal In South Africa Negroes may not go into white cafes or open businesses in white areas Whites cannot go into Negro cafes or open businesses in Negro areas The two are legislatively sep arated in almost every way under the apartheid policy This is not true of Chinese or Japanese The law hasnt determined just where they fit into the stultifying racial cate gories Chinese can go into any cafe white or black They can have white or black girl friends They can belong to white or black clubs go to white or black schools associate with anybody as theychoose The monthly nblication Drum which addresses itse to Negro readers in Johannesburg discussed this ridiculous situation in recent issue It sum med it up Oh to be Chinesz Japanese now that apartheids here Not to belong legislatively to any race exceptThe uman one STUDENT FREEDOM From the Hamilton Spectator Many intelligent students in their middle and late teens are anxious to break through the narrow confines im plored upon them by school curricula eyifeelArestlessdiecause the cannot express imagination and individuality but must adhere strictly to the course plotted for them and the books laid down by anonymous authority Perhaps some teachers fee1the same particularly the widélyread liberal hinking members of the profession For this reason the advice given to teachers by Dr George Flower of the Ontario College of Education at the Saskatoon meeting of the Canadian The Barrie Examiner Authorised as second elm mu Putnam Department Ottawa nuy Sundays and Stitutory Honour exceptd KENNETH warms Publisher ennui auteur General Manager McPfllliSON Managing Editor cnnnzas wanna lmlirIll Manger means ensign Advertising Manager rem noznsn circulation Mmm til Avs Tornto en flonr $11333 months non outsid ode 8x000 you Officer as unlvanlt It Idoutrolll Monibu of on men Association Audit Bureau of Newxpa or Pub cane In Press Lam lens llllivdly entitled to the nswulls atohcdrincthls The Annie and Pm or 931 to it lutlra and Illa thl local new Dublllhad ti Ill none praise Teachers Federation cannot have much effect He told teachers to let students think more for themselves that itwas not enough to preach about freedom and responsibility while hemming them in One wonders whetherit is teachers who hem in students or the curricula Certainly many senior students long for the day when they can go to university because there they believe they will be able to read not only the books prescrib ed but others too and not be penal ized by expressing the knowledge they have gathered from all and charged with eir own viewpoints the freedom of teachers flows intellectual freedom with bright vigorous and thrusting ideas We need these now we shall need them more in the future CANADIAN ACTOR SCORES Edmonton Journal Summer is time of music and drama festivals in many arts of the Western world and so Shakespeare The festivals at StratfordonAvonin Eng land stratford Connecticut andStra ford Ontario are always of particular interest because of their perennial em phasis on Shakesgeares plays in has mg with the tradi on of the Playwri hts Stratford England birthp ace ow ever Stratford Ontario also is of spe cial interest to Canadians because the name is associated with remarkable success story The Canadian Stratford festival is comparatively speaking newcomer among festivals of the arts yet it has become one of the best on the North American contine Jamabl compared with festivals in Europe In Shakespeare indeed it has come to enjoy reputation second to Thus Howard Taugmamof the New York Times recentl said Today Canadas Stratf0rd has eniost excit ing and most flexible theatre of the three dedicated to Shakespeare other critics this year have voiced similar This sort of comment should be music to the ears of all Canadians There is an interestingvfootnote to th comment this year At Stratfordod Avon the original home of Shakespeare and of festivals dedicated to his works one of the stars is Christopher Plum mer the Canadian actor whomede his name at Stratford Ontario and sub sequently stag dianveultivatio appear torbe or ii nor rm aoor QUEENS PARK 35 lldvocdtesTouch Oi Drew For PCs By DON OEEARN TORONTONeeded touch of Drew The PCI are dedicated to get ting their new image tried toturn over office to oth ers King and St Laurent Ferguson and Henry The question now is will the party recognize the real need and act accordingly Brit mfarithe rdwmnxwmicaFmtoiyans practice seems to be all in the one dl is not reassuring on this rectlon The hunt is face But wont morethan this be heeded isnt some new thought also called for The Conservatives have now been in power formom than is years in Ontario And when you review those stopping at new ora thirdofn joh Members of political parties are not noted for being able to go deeply into questions And also thinkers in politics usually are not too popular Drew himself is good ex ample We would any chances are the PCs will end up by doing hall yedrs ynusee thers has rially been no important change or development George Draw put them in power in 1043 with his 22 points And the policies ha introduced than are still the foundation of the party4nd of the govern ment He was the father of the grant system liestarted the Labor Relations Board He brought in the first antl discrimination legislation He had his immigration scheme there will meet with thee call for cut in property invest ment but request for tem fpoisry wage freeze was turned lion OTTKWll REPORT PMShould in Pay To Official Home By PATRICK NICHOUON UliAWA When the annual salary of the governor of the Bank of Canada was recently under the microscope of public inspection it was indicated that the gagnth year was an the person who in effect gives himvthc lob the prims minister of Canada This is true without giving In laureate picture It is generally understood that the four highest lainriu paid to servants of the state are these first 375000 to the chairman Canadian National Railways second 350000 to the governor of the Bank of Conndl third H667 to the Governor Gen eral and fourth $37000 to the prime mlnLrler But if other perqulrltu at taching to their respective fich are taken into considera tinnahotlLthaGoirernnr General and the prime minister are pro vided by the taxpayer with dignity of livingstandards which irand very properly iscon slderably higher than those af forded to the appointed heads of thoscetwo Crown corporations The prime minister ll paid $5000 for working in that po sition which could belikencd to that of chairman of the board of directors of massive industrial complex of companies It could be likened perhaps in rough terms but not in respect of the remuneration which in the field of commerce would be im measurably higher than $25000 He also receives motor car allowance of $2000 Year valuc of the car and driver which would be allotted by his Ami than lhdlt lnllro mer WWW mm cy seat of pure gold and bunt OFFICIAL RESIDENCE The prime minister of Canada is also the member of the House of Commons representing the constituency of Prince Albert Saskatchewan and for that re sponsibility he receives like every other MP $10000 year The prime minister of Canada no matter who he may be is required to live in the official Exodus 2717 22 The mercy seat today is that throne of grace where Jesus his active llfer The thought of Christ sits waiting or men to come fellowship with Him and the Father REJELi WAGE FREEZE IONDIJN Reutcralrynhfitmresidenca provided for his use alns insurance companies at Sussex Drive This house Thursday heeded government was purchased and furnished and is maintained staffed and partly provisioned at the tcx payers expense 515000 is voted each year by Parliament for the domestic upkeep of this real dence estimated to cost this year wages of one steward 15940 wages of one cookfl down by 500000 civil servants Both appeals were linked to the governments new light money policy aimed at improving Brit ains balance of payments pori He initiated thegreat Hydro and highway expansion Yes he also brought in cock tail bars Mr Drew looked atthe needs of his day and took these 111mg iuative and sometimes bold steps But this is different day We are faced From thisfiems We have to try and get bal ance in our economy to avoid employment peaks to meet world competition We have to recognize the need for individual expression and encourage it beforewhetan society of robots We have retake strong look at government and see where there is wastagebefore we find ourselves paying 110 per cent of govern our our incom to Frankly it is hardly likely that it was these considerations which lnoughton the demand 50 forthe new imageand forMr Frosts retirement More probably it was memory of failures of the past when leaders stayed in too long or Gavéyworld Much Leif Sinall Estate Lee Da Forest inventor of the YimSANWmwnrea vacuum tubewhich made rs dlo possibleleft an estate of only $1250 Tflis became knownThursdny when his widow Maria was ap pointed executor She said De Forest who died last month at the age of fre quently didnot bother to recover on royalties from his more1hs 300 inventions Superior Judge Clarke Ste phat remarked that it was odd theta man whohasgivonso much to thaworld left so lmgih gt an estate Mrs De Forest who married the inventor 31 years ago said that lawyer is tryingto collect unpaid royalties De Forests in ve tions in AinMArrnESSEs POLYETHELENE PLASTIC Reg 198 to 998 CAMPING EQUIPM ENT CAMP COTS l6 PETERBOROUGH SPEEDSTER TO CLEAR ONE ONLY Useo DEMONSTRATOR aqu 16 LONE STAR DEAUVILLE BOAT lyequippedwitliflhrpTViklngnelectrirstarhfi ing outboard motor all deck hardware running buy in AUGUSTI NOTSlJBJ cr lights windshield controls lifeisckets paddles TO CLEAR TAX ageinmonsiderablylcssthanthefih wages of five maids $7070 oI lice stationery etc use uni form $350 other materials and supplies $8000 entertainment new sundries mo moi conoir omen Tbe prime minister uni trlbutu $5000 towards the cost of spelling his official cal dcncc And this cash payment as anyone can calculate from an income tax table rcprcsenb ex actly 010000 of his earnings be fore punLent of tax It is widely considered here that our prime minister should not be required to contribute any sum stall regards the cost of upkeep of his official rul dence After Ill the standard of living maintained there is for the greater glory of Canada and the perpetual motion of govern mcnt papers and officials in and out ll for the greater benefit of Canada whilst cntllllng the greater discomfort and disrup tion of the prime ministers home life In the use of our presenf prime minister it is well known that he lived for many years more cosin at as 19th Street What Prince Albert at less cost Finally of course we have the parallel of the Governor General the only other high officer of state for Whom an official residence is provided by the nltlnn he does not con tribute anything at all to its upkeep The prime minister of Canada ll the head of the biggest busi ness in the country it was re firtedlast week that the most aid head of business Evil cry snme $600000 year plus fringe benefits and taxfree perqui liter That sum is much marl than we the taxpayers of Can ada pay to the entire Loyal Opposition in the House of Cara nions llpprove Highway Link Airport 401 BRAMPTON CPDPeel MW council Thursday ap proved roads committee re port which says the Ontario highways department will build new fourlane road linking Highway lol and Tomato Inter national Airport at Melton Con struction is tomtart next year The existing tivo lane road from Highway 27 to the airport Ilsa to be widened to four ones sroiirs rouunrnr MOTORS scars szHiNG TACKLE BARBECUES shksscuE AcorssoinEs pair cLuss Erc GAS STOVES on sums 129 ONE dNiYIZfiTMOULDEbPLY cAaroP To CLEAR lullL SAVE $90000 REG 239509 149509 PURCHASES MsosTRionTosssrsmeen Lsn 41 EATON cgm Inucw on than

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