Is FivePointWcilkLightL time allowed momma scream TERRY HARRIS service sta tion operatorJib Youve got to hustle to get across in the can get across but the light docsoot allow for elderly people The walk time should be extended rate SGT JAMES TUSIIN sol dierYes The light Ls on long enough it you walk at decent You cant just mosey acrom As it is the cars are held up enough Theyve got to get through and if wandered across at ther lei sure the cars would never get through Three Injured ople nowann assumes sales managerNothey are not On account of there being five streets crossing at that inter section the pedestrian has far ther to walk in some cases suggest we return to the old system Hope TV Eliot 11m aunt EXAMINER mar auousr wnualvr nanny salesman ch This is good system it prevents accidents from rithumsandyonnonthavr to make hundredyard dash out of it Traffic is held up enough as it is say léava things as they are ong Enou muns Will Support School Board Support for theBarria Dist rict Collegiate Boards proposal of an Linoseat auditorium at Central Collegiate willvbe rec unmanned Lo cilMon UWWF draft recommendation was approved by members of coun ciis finance and general gov ad ditlon is to be borne by the provincial and federal govern men The cost of the audit municipalities Costs to these municipalities are based on assessment figur es TquLsto 61 per cent of the total in Barriss case this arm ernmeutoommltteesdta spec ial session last night MALCOLM BIKER driver N° mmmm Christie stuns Iiid bosriLse Burton another ten seconds should be allowed Older folk just do not have chance Meeting with council wcro city representatives of the col legiatn board Headed by board vicechnirman Horace Pr the yincluded Sarjmt Read meeting The recommendation approv ed by the joint committees also lncluded approval of the plans presented at the Boards meet ing July and called for ac ceptance of Harries share of the costs of the new addition board wl Mr ostensibly called to dismiss reed and saddeesd with and investigairthrfenslhi cep on to the wishes of their Horace Prirtt wcecbairman of the district board said in his opinion three of the ï¬ve councils in the district exclud ing Barrie would support the mooseat proposal at Mondays it depends on the htandrBar ris Councils attitude on Mon ad3i night in great part be AGREESWITH MAYOR Mayor Kinzle saidhe felt the municipal councils had act ed contrary to the collegiate Plans For Aid training The cost of the school leEpreuntatives were not invita IVRPRISED ber séid he felt obliged point out that several of those in attendance at the meeting in question exme surprise that Barrinhadmotheaninvlted They even suggested that the meeting be called off One is apparently leading the way and it is un fairto sumtlse that all repre sentatlves were in accordance with the move not to invitathe city to this meeting he said Alderman Cooke stated this one action did more than anything else to spur the mo tion of council last Monday call ing for an investigation of the feasibility of separating from the distri stomAIe still feel we should continue oin studies of Barrios costs in this association but at this point suggest we support the boards recommendation caillng Urges LowRental Housing Project There is need and demand for selfcontained lowrental ac commodation for Barriea seal 400 Volunteer Blood Donors The Barrie Branch of the Ca nadian Red Cross Society will hold blond donor clinic on September barrio separating from the dis trict collegiate system the meeting concerned itself mainly with the difï¬culties being ex perienced in getting approval of participating municipalities for the Linoseat building Earlier four of five township council had approved motiona own board Mr Pratt aald that the boards greatest problem was to get approval of the plan submitted litany rural people feel that Barrie hormone to gain by for the iloosent auditorium he said Alderman Hersey also spoke in favor of the commit teessupporting the boards plans blayor Kinzie said will go along with malaritldccisA ion in this matter but am representatives on tho In Accidents Thrco persons were injured and extensive damage was caused to six vehicles involved in three separate accidents in Downsview Drive Barrie were in collision at the intersection oi Clapperton and McDonald streets yesterday morning In cases of need but no de mand which are no recorded an increase in old age assist ance was regarded as the primer theBarrie1reaotrThursday witlfbaItdmlichce HR Eur rle passenger in car dri ehor Minister Starr said Thurs musicians woman was injured and two cars were badly damaged as result of an accident late yesterday afternoon at the in tcrsectlon of St Vincent St and Highway 400 injured in the smash was ven by heryhusband James She was rushed to hospital here by OPP and was found to be suffering from shock and broken bone in her foot Driver of the other car was Charles Sissons 82 RR Newcastientlniario TRAVELLING NORTH Police stated Mr McGee was travelling north on High way 400 when the Sisson vehi cle pulled out of St Vincent St Extensive damage was caused to tha Sisson car with lesser damage to the McGee vehicle but police declined to place an estimate until more details are available Two motor vehicle accidents in Barrie yesterday caused da mage of more than $600 to the vehicles involved and inlured two persons slightly Cars driven by Violet Bailey Scarboro and Joan Armstrong Pdliï¬mmflmd ent occurred when the Bailey vehicle moved out into the in tersection into the path of the car driven by Mrs Armstrong had stopped at the intersection but had eased out when she in the Blood Bank in Toronto is so low it is stated that the Red Cross is worried as to whether it can meet the demand found her vision blocked by two trucks engaged in maintenance work parked at the southwest corner of the intersection for blood made during the ac cidetitfilied Josephine Ryckman extensive bruises and Jane Armstrong aged abrasions to tho eye and bruises lnthcotheraccideut vehi cles driven by Robert Chap man Paloswlck and Allan Can son Campbell were involved ina rear end collision on Bradford St in Al bad not observed turn signals by the Chapman car and that his attention had been disturb ed at the moment of impact by his attempts to swat large moth crud but extensive damngar was caused to both vehicles to investigate both accidents himBailey told police sbe injured in the accident were Ave Barrie Carson told police that be No analwins utilised in the Barrie police are continuing WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CDSTLY STRIKE OTTAWA CP Work atop pages in June involved 13023 workers and lasted total dur ation of 182320 man days La day There were 38 work stop pages25 of them in Ontario One stoppage among build ing trades workers in Toronto accounted for more than 78 per cent of the months time loss BOW KILLS NAPLES AP An artillery ell dug up by youngsters ex ded Thursday killing six chilT dren and woman At least three persons were wounded the projectile blew up in courtyard CHECK FRENCH BLAZE EILLES ters Firemen Thursday broughteun der control forest fire that threatened seaside homes at the Marseilles suburb of Cassia Flames advanced to within mile of thebuiltup area before mac firemen succeeded in pushing mAWA GP TFq END OPERA TALKS NEW YORK AP The Me tropolitan Association Thursday broke off negotiations on pay for its 90 member or chestra and reaffirmed its aim celiation of the 196182 opera season Thenssociation had an nounced Aug that itwas can celling the season because of exorbitant demands by the PIGEONS STOP PLANE VBOSTON APt An Eastern Air Lines Electra carrying 32 passengers turned back to lo SP tacking directions gan Airport Wednesday after running into flock of racing pigeons shortly after take off it was learned Thursday The plane landed without incident andnn one was injured RAILWAYS IN THE RED necessity since they felt that calling for an expenditure on ior citizens reportapvrepared the 300 donors req red The Em blood donor committee is plain onmo department of mm ulng telephone campaign to enlist other volunteers ï¬tt zens generally are also asked to attend blood is official said This is also dangerous state of affairs clinic collected 400 pints of blood General Electric club rooms For donors other than those in industries the time for attend Ianwe anco is to pm ldin pagne shoot was postponed last better accommodation at slightly higher rental was luxury they could not afford There were also about three cases which are not recorded If which interestwas shown in owreotal accommodation but the number of rooms required was too high There is senior citi sens club sponsored by the Soroptimist Club This appears to be the only project speci fically for people over 60 out side church organizations The Salvation Army had to place sayeral single people over 80 in hotels by special arrangement as no suitable accommodation was available Living condi tions for people over so in Bar rio are generally good and there is good deal of pride in home ownershiptbo report said The report has been referred to the committee on city do vainpment the auditorium of not more than $750000 plus 354000 for pur chase of land Barrie Councii previously had asked that the seating accom modation be increased to bet ween 1509 and 1600 Estimated cost of the 1100 seat building has been set at $385000 plus land costs An estimate of the cost of Barriea request would raise this figure by further $90000 SPECIAL MEETING special meeting has been called for Monday night when representatives of the district board will meet with members of vBalrie Council and other towndlip councils to attempt to arrive at solution to the prob lem Plans for an auditorium call for it to be built in keeping with the addition to Centsa1 Collegiate of number of class comsand shops for vocational Paves TheiPooreSivSireet iitho CostTo Community over Hacks in old pavement merce and development states The report was prepared in May and June at the request of city council Some 32 of Barries 2375 sen ior citizens were questioned for the report 0n the basis of these repllcs and interviews conducted with local welfare and social agencies the report recommends that six onebed room unita and nine bachelor units be supplied Ilï¬lhie rurlrlroyi need indicstes cent or or use In September IBSIYEBPrihfielying on their possum sufficient benefits accruing from better easiertomanage accom modation to justify the recom mendation of lowrental hous ins Particularly as there practically no other provision to senior citizens the report es 139 511° callous 2iéi5 Discuss Plan The reserve sirpply of blood al summer months lhe supply of ï¬llnegative very very low one The clinic will be held in the era the housing was structural lrgood and the furnishing wail cared for giving the appear nditioastI There was evidence of hard ship caused by the financial and physical burden of house Barrio Revolver Clubs cham their heads together in this matter and to which Barrie summoningman Canadas railways allowed net operat iugdeficit of $103718 in April compared witl1 an income of ADMIT GERMAN nnruenn Im ST JOHNS Nfld CF East German native Carl Pet era 23 has been granted asy lum in Canada his lawyer James Greene announced Thursday Peters jumped the East German trawler Branden burg in St Johns July tram MADRID Reuters Three persons were killed and 200 in jured Thursday when part at builring collapsed at Jimeoa de la Frontera in Codi province it was reported here Matadors and their assistants in the ring killed thifï¬lii whimthe acci dent occurred to prevent its at ersoos fleeing in all WWO night in favor of an executive meeting to discuss plans for the new club house It was agreed that theoost would be held to 41000 and that the building erected would be on an 80 by lilofoot lot ad jacent to the clubs property at the seventh line in Vespra Township Members were informed that the club had received gift of dingtimbers for use in con atruction of the shooting range The meeting also decided that rifle insignia would be added to the bottom of the club crest to recognine the female mem befship who shoot with rifles on Membership also agreed to continue the monthly bulletin to members which had been pub lished several times on an ex perimental basis Propose Merger Of US Railroads President Walter Tuohy of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rall way of Cleveland said Monday report will be tabled this fall on la study of the proposed merger of the company withthe Baltimore and Ohio Railway interviewed while here to at tend regular meeting of the keeping which can result in re duced expenditures for food clothing and recreation Such drastic sures as aflliï¬g furniture working as mothers helper at 88 years of age and taking roomer into two roomflat indicate that some outside help is needed though the pervading ethic in the city is commendany one of self ciiance andinltiatlvaflonr traated with such people are those who prefer to live in dark damp expensivetoheat iiatsat nominalrent of aroundsso per month Britain Agrees recipient of yesterday giftthnt may bring more good fortunetoths donor than the recipient Varcoe Broth rs Limited of Barrie wrote city offering to pave at no cost to the city tbe poorest oldpaved street in town The reason was so whereas similarxproducts do not Fred Grant Street eastof Memorial Park was chosen as the test site and equipment was moved onto the street shortly atter three pan yesterd AlllOMAIlC DEIIVERIES larm Home Council accepted the offer Added interest in the new product is being exhibited be cause of the extensive street resurfacing program currently under way here aenovnn mums Remove Troops From Kuwait LONDON or nrltain an lbnnndayahahasr agreed to request ofthé ruler of Kuwait to withdraw British troops from tho oilrichtPersian Gulf sheikdom British military formations weresenHoKuwaiteredttat the request of Shaikh Abdulah galSalim aaSabah to be ovemm LELemierAbduLKarimxae mmn April 1We Do minion bureau of statistics re ported Thursday POLICE Gm DAIMLERS LONDON APlBritisbhigh way police are bein with lilomile flimth cars to help them chasebandits speeding motorists and teen age motorcyclists who roar through crowded areas at high speed The cars are low sleek Daimler Darts The first will take the roads Monday equipped gt 45mm board of directors of Chesa penkhfirst meeting to be held outside the United StatesMr Tuohy said the proposedmen ger now is being studied by the interstate commerce commie sion in Washington merger be made the new concern would have more than 10000 miles of rail running through the oil fields of West Virginia and Kentucky and linking eight northeasternstates with outlets on Lake Erie and Lake Michigan dere pntroieforeebelngorganized by the Arab League AND our For The Arthritis Cheerfulness astroptimf ism nremilestones on irroadtotceo yeate the drivers in voï¬ed Charles Sissons 82yearso1d carefully selected raw vegetable uice proper diet will keep one there As is true wtth so many other diseaSes in practically all cases of arthritis there is his tory of vitamin and min ero1ltdeflcieucy in the diet it is to remedy this lock that fresh fruit and vegetable juices are included in thedietary treatment of this ailment Write for further informa tion on the subjectno obligation NATIONAL VarcoaTrothrs loci agents for the product claim the mat erial has been approved by the Ontario Department of High ways and has been written into tbeir specif ations The company claims the suir stance can aid in various an inch only tVarco aisoiclaims the abll ity of their product to knit back Your physician and pharmacist are sincerely interested in the better health of you and your family We both study the new advances in our professions which enable in to do our best We often consult physicians to make certain will always dispenseihe catact medicines they prescribe And physicians refer to us when they need moreiniormaï¬onaboutnewpmducirs their dosage toms gt YOURDOCTORWPHONE US when you need amedicine Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby or we willdeliver promptly ithouc extra charge great many people entrust in with their prescriptions May we com pound yoursr Home stone Lcsloweu emf 31attwitbnuklzesnth building an auditorium than any one else Perhaps they are right if council feel use this is true also it may be necessary to wave the olive branch is little at Mon days meeting Local council memberswere openly critical of socalled secret meeting at which rur members here re to municipalities apparently ut Dont delay pain to your car See us today illitiiiiiliiiiihll Motorl Ltd Cit Collier 5t PA 84487 onraaro EHTIO not happy aboutdt have come out in favor of the lar ger building and five years from now thinki will be proved right have stated my asons many times in the past weeks RICHARDSON SPRINGSERVICE lilo897i 160 VESPRA 5T Mdnbiacturers and all othersWho require iRuAItsnrsnx Retailers wireless oh man lecturersand all oilan who soil good as normal pair of their business must apply furarRetafl Stuffs VendorsPcnnit You or squirmi Intrav your Permit by September lat when The Ontario Retail SaleaTaxActgomin adect If you do not havithis Par mit you will be unable buytaxfreatbatazablagrioda you purchase for resin Also gt3Jieiariiersk vendor you will be in default under The Retail Sales Tax Act uuuLaym beat mterastbo fill outand rem the utopia Application Form at once Otherwise you will not be sure of receiving your Permit before the ï¬nal dead tins of Septepr lat Pumill applications airadv received on being processed and will be issued on ind flocAugustil cm of common of Revenue Tourma Ontario Application Forni togattlar with detailed Retail Sales Tax