Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1961, p. 6

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streetlength dresses of camsr MR MRS FORD LEAVETHE CHURCH AT MORNING CEREM Gayle CdcuIiCk Weds PaulLQIgL The altar of St Marys no man Catholic Church Barrie was decorated with red and whit glsdioli and candles for the marriage of Miss Gayle Evelyn Cucuiick and Paul Ed gsr Ford Mouseigneur James Claireperformed the ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Anthony ulick Shirley Avenue The bridegroomis the son of Mrs Clarence Ford OwenStreeC and the late Mr Ford BRIDAL GOWN Given in marriage by her father the bride wore tradi tional gown of delustorcd satin famioned with bateau neckline and threequarter length sleev es Thebell shaped skirt was enh ced by chapellength train Herqu length veil of ny lon tulle was caught to head dress crown of matching tulle petals She carried crescent shaped bouquet of red and pop permint stick camations Bridal attendants were Miss Petrleis DAmbrosio maid of honorfhebrtdesrnaids were Miss Gail Ford sister of the bridegroom and Miss Patricia Kyte of Toronto Junior brides maid was Miss Karen Whaien and Miss Rhonda Vhaien was flower girl Carrying through the theme of the bridal gown the attend ants were gowned alike in tioa red peau do soieawith white lace overskirts Their headlt dresses were large roses fash ioned of matching peau de sole with white veils They carried cluster bouquets of red and white camations The flower girl wore frock of carnation red with bouffant skirt and puffed sleeves Her headdress was wreath of red and white petals She carried basket of white carnations Gerald OReilly was grooms John Bearcroft and the brides brothers Kenneth and Gary Cuculick acted as ushers Miss Sheila McKeown solo ist was accompanied by Miss Margaret OConnor RECEPTION For the reception at St John Vianaey Hall the brides moth er received wearing sheath gown of beige linen with beige lechummenbnnLAefiowered petal hat of pink and beige and osuwfiaageiavé Reveals Growth LONDON Ont CP Whfle the Canadian Federationof Uni versity Women has more than 10000 members it is not grow ing as fast as the enrolment of women in the countrys univer sities federation President Mrs Morton of Saskatoon said Tuesday night She added in an interview that this is understandable in view of the number of profes sional anisations claiming the part pation of university graduates During business sessions Tues day at the federatians 15th tri canial conference vice presi dents and provincial directors Japan this October hourradaynfterschobtfine 0NY brown accessories completed her ensemble Her corsage was pink Sweeheart roses Assisting the bridegrooms mother were petal pink sheath gown of organza aver pesu de sole Her hat of pink roses was fashioned of matching mater ial Her corsage was deep pink roses For the wedding trip to Nor thcrn Ontario the bride wore sheath gown in turquoise shade with matching jacket and hat and white accessories The couple will reside on Kempenfelt Drive The top layer of the wedding cake was the original top layer of the wedding cake used when the brides parents were more ried 21 years ago The knife used forcutting thecake was an heirloom of the bridegrooms family Wedding guests were present from Toronto Ottawa Sudhury Oriilla and Vancouver British Columbia QUEBEC INSTITUTE The Quebec Womens insti tutes started in 1911 in the Eastern Townships community of Dnnhsm Toronto Teenag At World Congress Competition TORONTO CP Beverley Bowers 17 year old Toronto high school student who won the North American senior ladies freestyle roller skating chem pionship July 29 at Fort Worth Tex now can represent both Canada and the United States at the world congress amateur Lrolhg skating competition in If she goes as Unitedstates representative she will have her way paid shed rather repreV sent Canada but has no sponsor as yet Beverley said she has been skating since she was siLhe cause her mother wanted to find good sport my brother and could do all year around and thlsvwas it io dualify for the North American championship Bev erley defeated 3000 skaters practise for two to four said It doesnt leave me much time for anything else HeefatzhesrllarryBowcisrdev signed skates with special strong metal brace for her be cause she kept breaking regular skates Her mother makes all her costumes tivitics of university womens clubs on the local level Dr Alice Turner of Tor onto financecamnntteechsin man reported surplus in both the general account and the fellowship account Discussiongronps were held on education international rela tions libraries and creative arts reported on the growth and ac and status of women 44 Conn Photo TODAYS RECIPE Barbecue sauce has come long way since it first hit the national scene via the cowboy trail it is no longer merely smooth an hot The latest version is irlyilfiifiislychmllhblfir mushrooms What it does to bar becued chicken is delight crisp tossed green salad is the perfect goelong Measurements are level recipes for Mushroom Chili Barbecue Sauce in qt saucepan heat tbsp corn all Add tsp chili powder Yr each choppedgreen onion and seeded green pepper and minced peeled large section gar lic Slowsaute until color turns Stir in lotson can con densed cream of mushroom soup ketchup water and tbsp vinegar Simmer is min stir often Mushroom Barbecued Chicken Brush split small hroillng chinkens with salad oil Dust with seasoned salt Place on shallow pan skinsidedown Broil 15 min inches mm heat Turn broil 15 min more Brush generously with mush roomchill barbecue sauce Con tinue to cook so min or until forktender ABasteewithrsauceanditurnr every min It preparing outdoors grill chicken skinsideup min over glowing costs Finish as directed above er Will Compete Beverley has to travel 600 PEOPLE AND PLACES Notusrelntendedtoeever thcgnneraiaodoimeetthn euynsdamwmiu waiveraria bitumen oa satedn com or summationId Master Andre Lalsge return ed to his home in Ottawa Sun day after spending two weeks vacation at the home of hit uncle and aunt Mr mm Shsnnou StreetAodrslsthesonoer and Mrs Paul LaPage Staff SergeantOiin Ion Shannon Street left the city yesterday for London Ont ario where he will name dut ies as Physical instructor at tached to RCRs Dc He will be Joined by his anally later in the summer JinchkSicrlercreattova Coulngwood Streetlcft Milton via TCA Readily enrouts to Newfoundland where she will visit with her parents Mr and Mrs illscock Mr and Master Patrick Allan organ of Allan Park Michigan is vis iting at the home of his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Viacer Shannon Street WEDDING GUESTS Outofdty guesu at the RutlcdgeMclcan wedding in Central United Church Friday evening were Mr and Mrs Alvin Rutledge Miss Carol Rut ledge Paul Wayne and Keith Rutledgey and Mr Rutledge all of Gravenhurst The bride Gull McLean is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald Mouton Donald Street The bridegroom Marvin Rutled go is the son of Mr and Mrs Alvin Rutledge of Gravenhurst WEEKEND GUESTS Dr and Mrs Howard Jones and family Chntham were guests of Mrs Striiih So phia Street East during the weekend Mrs Corlras Gael also gumt of Mrs Smi home after 10 days vacation in the city RECEIVE AWARD Barrie Crystal Chapter No 50 was awarded first prize for marching at the annual Pro ceptory Parade held at Lind say Saturday Thirtytwo ladies lodges were represented from Southern Ontariob Among dihe room are para ing froelm wile were Mrs Louise Stewart Mrs Lunda Gilhooley Mrs Mary Davis Mrs Lorne miles to Pittsburgh when she needs lessons There Edward Bossar teaches championship skaters If she wants lo skate atthe club with Which she is affiliated she has to go to Win nipeg There are no rinks of the Rollerskatiag Rink Operators Association of America in Tor get to know the other com petitorsfrom Virginia Califor nia and Georgiaalmost better than my Toronto friends she said Along with her brotherBill 21 who gave upicharnpiunship skati ar Beverley has collected more than1oo cups and medals BBIDESM Handy Mrs Aims Funecott Mrs John Corbett Mrs Mad eline Minnikin Mrs MnryMii es Mrs Agnes Wynes Mrs Balcom Mrs Vera Bristow and Mrs James Alker BRIDAL ENTERTAINMENTS Prior to her marriage Aug 26 Miss BarbaraAnae Tapson has been entertained byher friends nai shower was held at thy home of Mrs Gladys McCunig OtoStation Hostess at the event was Miss Marjorie WotOshawa Mfu Karen Smith PboaeEfleuaDixonorAudnyCoulsonPAW event were Mrs Bruce Mc Croae and Mrs Homo Shel wall of Barrie and Mrs Huge and Miss Shirley Martin were how at miscellaneous shower at the bores of Miss Martin Bay tleld Street Among the outof tows meets were Mrs 11mm of Minesing and Mn Ray Walton of Toronto will mlfly Ta son George Brown at Cen tral ammonium pt no pm SOUTHERN HOLIDAY MrrrJosPin too street has returned to the city after uniberohollday in Califvnis and Mexico While inCalflormmevisi her mother in North Ho her sister who resides near Disneyland and two bmher in to Angela Mrs Street accompanied by her niece Mrs Annie Ingram of lhlcsdny to holiday at the DougsllDcli Cottages Orchard Beach Lake Simooe They will return to theclty the beginning of September TING Miss Helen Kelly Maple Av enue was hostess at the regu lar meeting oi the Central Reg istry oi Registered Nurses ot Barrie During the business session it was decided to raise the private duty fees to $15 for dust hour shifts This will be effective Sept 1961 Miss Margaret Vanderhurgh has been guest of her cousin Miss Mae Ferguson Strand Miss Vanderburgh recently re turned from Trinidad where she has been principal of girls school for thepast three years She plans to continue her teaching career in home economics in British Columbia OTTAWA VISITORS Mr and Mrs Stanley Part ridge and daughter Lindaof Ottawa are in the city visiting Mr Partridges father Partridge Owen street and Mary Ward Bayflcld Chairmen Reports Womens filipathy Effects Status LONDON Ont CPI Wom ens apathy is their most insidi mcaamyvintbdr eflorta as smasnumnnrsmnx elevate their status In re port to be mm to the tri ennial conference of the Cana dlsa Federation of University Women The report by Miss Micheline of Ottawa chairman of the committee on status of women says it is time to take constructive look at the work ing womanand hcrrcsponsihil itiea srticulsriy if she thl Fer the professional wnmln than is need for equality of op portunity for advancement for whatever the legal position dis crimination against women does in fact persist especially in re lation to posts at higher levels for the up women there is crying need for ad equate vocational guidance WW be encouraged to enter the newer professional fields that provide opportunitiesfor the of tendormant intellectual capsc itlcs of gifted women as federations committee on international relations headed by Mrs Jean Royce of King ston reported that the CFUW has cooperated in international studies on access of women to the teaching profession at uni versity level changes in matri moniai property law the United Nations convention on political rights of women and the Inter national Organization convention on elimination of dis crimination in employment SALLYSSALLIES Mrs Partridges father SMc Causlsnd Burton Avenue Miss Diana Moore Calgary Alberta arrived in the city on fhummedr wihur Mondsyaner iiifght lromher home to Malton While in the city Miss Moore is guest of Miss Gerry Bonnie Weldon Street Miss Gerry Bonnie Weldon Street accompanied by Miss Diana Moore Calgary Alberta is holidaying in Detroit Mich EBII monument mun ADS Phone Pa 32414 McCuaigof Oshawa assisted Spencer of Pains wick Ou ftown guests at the YOUR HEALTH reassess auausr 17 on Heart Condition iNotIllWaysFataL By BURTON ll FERN MD WHAT is heart failure7 always fatal No If your heart muscle cant puma all the oxygenrich blood your bony needs its failln to do its iob heart failure harder you work the more Is it er your hurt to race and pound Often weakened heart has torhainto keep up with your rfbsltying needs But it cant one any more And so the impish and run bc bind when you stand or walk It bottieahehclri mckclreulation damning to cause swelling and shortness of breath swelling in the lungs Other ailments cause swelling and breathicsmess too Dont try to KIDNEYB AFan To supply all the oxygenrich heart failure blood is detoured away from the kidneys Now salt and water accumulates in your system You can fight heart failure three ways HEARTS BURDEN EASED Resting eases the burden on an overworked heart Digitalis drug prescriptions can strength 1gtine in For Hair Style Of Distinction VIEIT ffuun genial HAIR STYIJSTSV 89 run to 10 erdoy fund It It but ausnvma mas and you are sure to Ines flawwa so Maple Ave PA Hm AIDS 5H FIESTA II WIWQWIZIIIK Adams valuent only $8995 Look stwhatyou 36 IS table extendbig leaf and padded chain hie with smart moulding to full 60 with jackknife centre inlaid oeugo Arborlto top witnwlse rubber diagnose heart failure yourself blood your brain needs during COOL CLEAN on every heartbeat other medi clues empty out extra salt and water So does an empty salt Ihnku Occasionally doctors ease tho hearts burden itself Surgery and medicines can slow the thyroid gland until on need sr any oxygen ow your heart can keep up without aver working MILD EXERCISE Mild dilly exercise may help prevent heart failure Like powerful biceps heart muscle used to heavy loads can easily handle extra work Yes you can live for year with heart failure Just loat fail to check with your dodor novl PELIED WITH STONES GEORGETOWN CF Dr Cbeddi Jagan leader of British Gulaaas ruling Peoples Pro gressive Party enumflg nearby village under ooveroi friends shotgun after he pelted with stones eggs WEI bricks while making no show campaignspeech Dr Jagan 43wss speaking in an agricul tural village 36 miles east of here when group of young people caused disturbance Comflrt PLEASANT In and try our dolinloul man In am For reservations or nutnm Meetings call no easel Try our delicious home can and baking It it our motility OPEN AM 10 PM errace Owned and operated by Mike arm Corn HWY 11 SHANTY BAY RD PA choice of inihy Br WTIoFgrey Tfeilir reinforced table with leg bracketo avilabie inbronzetone or chrome table and chairs with swivel caps Polyfoam padded chairs with foam over polo spring countruouon throughout honourst nowu 0Nl¥9tl= mm Open convenient mam ermine ACCOUNT EfliflflflY This beautiful wall to wall carpeting will enhance the appearance of your home and can be completely installed in your home for only $985 square yard this includulunrlerlay and labor ASKFfiR an semenmm FlHRKS Races sAYFIsLb sr cm nin must for an appoint inputPA same HOME FURN HiNGS on faoa

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