Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1961, p. 4

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panoramas Published by canadiennuewspapera united re Bayfleia street Barrie Ontuu THURSDAY AUGUST 11 futPm iGovernmentr To Blame For Expense Some governments and many ed itors are waxing indignant about the heavy ex ense accounts of big business men editors possibly are envi cue the governments have only them selyestoblame Modern governments have placed heavier enalties on water ial success on irlitiat ve and on the kind of person who is willin and able to acce the tough execu ve jobs that shoud bring substantial rewards for ability and hard work if the govern ment taxes away the rewards the able executive either takes an easier job at lower pmln which case the business and the country suffer or looksfor ways to keep bigger portion of the reward in which case the taxpayer suffers In Canada the Hon Donald Fleming minister of finance has warned that the national revenue people are olng to start getting tou with the in lvlduals and companies have fallen into the habit of charging off inflated expenses to the Canadian taxpayer in the US President Kennedy ex ressed deep concern about the extent which the ex ense account way of life has grippedt at country IneBritainethemakers of luxury auto it anyway Gimmicks mobiles voiced fear of de salsa when the tr made it impossible to charge off the in cost of the automobile teexpenus on the part of businesses Some companies pear tocondone the accountedding their emplo ees because of the fifvernment woul get in vlduals attempt the most amazing projects from the pur chase of yachts to the holding of parties and try to charge them off Governments concerned should realize that they bear part of the blame The companies that chisel are taxpayers too There is truth to their arguments that the government will get it anyway Taxes on people in the higher income brackets have reached the point where many an executive cherishes his looselfi checked expense account far more hi 1y than he does pay raise that appears for the most part into Mr Flem ings hands Plu ging the expense account loop holes good idea in so far as many of the socalled expenses are ludicrous But as lon as taxation remains at its presenthlg level the crackdown should not affect the legitimate costsattend ant upon makingraillving Steady Grthh Is Best The Bank of Montreal adopts tea sonably optimistic tone in its July Bus iness Revrew year ago there were igns that business was slowing down oward the end of the year the down turn in overall activity was confirmed and slightimprovement last fall did not continue into 1961 The Review does not suggest hat all fthe unpleasantaspects are finished utrecent months have brou ht num ber of indications thatvthe stuation is improving and because of this gen eral air of optimism prevails in the bus iness community Hlilfing to give some stimulus to the pti em are frguresjor exports In the first qua ervofthepresent year exports rose by per cent over the preceding thr months while imports were only er cent higher This has helped tobrmga modest im rovement in the urrent account defic The favorable pattern continued into Ap Another encouraging as ect is the index of in dustrial produc on which declined gen erally from September to March but phot up 23 per cent in April and was anointalnedin May From study of the vseverallndices the Banks Review concludes that the Canadian economy seems to be under going gradual but definite shift from the experienceof the early months of the year and it looks upon the chap es as indication that businesé is again proving and probably has already passed the turning point Needless to saKJhe ecohonr canno maintain itself will require ful stewardship of ever there is some reason care Canadian for if optimism the or lean QUEENS PARK BazzleDazrle Pc Convention Foreseen DON OEEARN TORONTOFull of the old rearmetals The PC leadership convention could be the most exciting in oulr provigcial hilatoryi has melt ngs anL era more like v5 convention than anything we have yet seen This partly because in our conventions we have been trend Bank noteayery little to suggest that do more and more to the us there will be dynamic recovery in the months ahead It may be that Canada should not loo for dynamic up surge So often this fast movement orwardis but cloak for inflation Steady growth in which all segments of society can participate holds better longrange advantage for the nation than sudden surge that ma five temporary relief but carries wit the inflation that leaves every Cena dian oorer To maintain this steady row should be the first callon every anadian VOther Editors Views ORILLIA MAY SECEDE Midland Free Press Herald rhsultofwhat has been termedeeihe railroading attitude uncil in establis the new registry office in Barrie council agreed form special com ttee to explore possibilitiesof seceding from the county system One Orillia alderman claimed the town the largest single tax contributor tothe county hadvbeen sold down the river in the registry office move He said he had dnumerous complaints as to why Oril did not get treatment by count counc when the $300000 registry ties with its$60 000 rumpus room was voted on at the June session of county council the county 1nfavor of the by county Barrie location Mayor George McLean said he was the impres countycouncil referential had already decided where the new regis office was to be located before his delegation of 718 lawyersand others approached the council Char ing that Orillia had been short change on its hospital grant from the county and in the registry office loca tronAlderman Ray Hoover said Orillia stood bylike contented cow waiting to be milked BUSINESS AS USUAL NemeomHeraldTribune international trouble of unusual proportions be successftu met in the comfortable atmosphere of domestic business as usual Are We going to keep on talking about sacrifice or are we gomg tosacrifice 1low the Ken nedy administration answers these qucs tions willdetermino theproportlon of American muscle and determination in the eyes of Mi Khrushchev Down Membryi EINTERTAIN roe amoe From Lets Chat of August 1941 by Margaret Atkey toher marriage to Lloyd Morrison one event was picnic at Innisfil Park by the 39 Club of which she was mem ber This included miscellaneous shower with gifts inp nic bags The club president Bessie Spearn presented lovely credm and sugar and tray set monotone Barrett Manner McPEIZBBONl Mlllllll Editor enhances wanes sumu Mauim nannr ariaIn advertising Manam clxeummnasurn By mall inouum entba $250 thrc months nod so outla ts olunv den to to ublication of all newfifizrltchad in this There had been much entertaining for Jean Wilson prior sted Prsn or to Jean Mrs Nettie Wilson also enter tained for her daughterat atrousseau tea Mrs Morrisonymother of the during tea were Mrs Wisdom and Mrs Cullen while Mrs Arthur Pu and Mrs EDoe Bresided in evening Assisting wit the tea and showing of thetrousseau were Mrs Bell Mrs Albert Kelcey Mrs Jack Clemmens Marionqlacksonmf ence Brunton Vera Lyons Bessie Spearn Mabel Riddell Laura Roach andrNorma pldviugsto OPERA HOUSE 50 YEARS AGO Barrie SaturdayL Morning July V1911 stold of SAll theComforts of Home billed for Wednesday evening in House Thecastof the performance with ir friends to the numberof about 30 wet banqueted at the Iroquoisfiestaurant by Addison most enjoyabl timber is ger was fit kin Mr Haipeny fP erboro taken part in the lay favored the comp any With hp of dialect readings brin in of applaus of Rutiaud it says tr thingsbands noise color endexcitement But even more so because there probably will be more lien 81 on an anwe NOT 0WAY At us conventions there usu ally are three or four men who get serious consideration Ours dont seem to work out that wayeither provincially or federally Its usually case with us two men or of one man against the field Provincially we haverhad1hrfrib1rr Wintermeyer vs Harris and back in 1949 Frost vs Blackwell Federally there has been Pear son vs Martin and Dlefenbaker against the rest But it shouldnt work out that way here this time when the chipsnra downmmTMaetype of campaigning course costs the candidates there should be at least three or four men to be seriously con sldered The personalities of the prob able candidates also indicate quite bit of Ihowmanship ltwould be surprising if At torneyGeneral Robertsa sure starterdidnt figure some way of bringing in fire eoglne zMr Roberts reaches for the whemlt comu lolbedra magic Ml it M11 ner or been by should falfoduce something new and dif erent in the way of tub tbumpers You could bet how on at least one bagpiper for lelth Min ister Dymond And the otherswill have the cluus4rlmmlnga ensr ctually ileum PC conveiv than was the best we have had here at least in recent years lLtonLtbeJlrstlpeaLsteptolooketr tlIHesults nerds the bellyhoo type of meet There were booths and aunts and buttons and some igh xiglde and handsome entertain reached the peak the PCa did At their last convention there were plenty of trimmings But there wasnt the carnival spirit that goes with them The bodies and desire were liters but the spirit wasnt bundle But from the signs sev eral prospects will have it to spend REPORT FROM UK Village Facing Survival Fight by McINTYREHOOD London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner RUlLAND Rutland th smallest countan England has fight fur survival on its hands And its people are tak ing up the challenge which has been presented to them in report made by the Local Gov ernment Commission to th drenV 1hsrecord and ex perience of other counties prov es that it is possible to achieve form of administration that is neither impgrsoncl norie mote Rutlanda main claim to con tinued independence that by being small it la keeping local government truly local did not impress the commission ministerof housing mallardmmaaomamd government the minister with as unit of local admin istration and merged in the neighbouring county of Leicest ershire it givesthe reason that Rutland is too smallto take care of the needs of its 25000 inhabitants in the modern wel ferastate The commissions oplt lnlon is thatwhat in the end matters most to people living in countyvarei the services thatcan be provided Rutland it claims could make little headway with the important changes in health welfare and education that are coming in The minister of housing will now invite comments from the countyLeadlng citizens of Eut The report recommends to that this little oom assisted in receivingthe guests4uWV4liilwiWd53Bt they mhsm chairman The people of Butland have threemonths to marshaltheir obiections for public inquiry The challengahaa been taken up by Sir Kenneth Ruddl Rutland County Council lfe The battle just beginning weahnll fight this to the bit tor end These are monstrous proposals We are country peo ple here and we do not like belngmessed=about by white ball find it strange that irecalled local government com mission should set out to des troy local government for that iaiust whot ihey are doing Thisis not the only change PEPE performanc afitba7nefoewyearL4recommended by the Local Gov ernment Commission it propos es that Cambridgeahlre and the isle of Ely should bemerged land are prepared to fight back to become the administrative in the effort to retain their county of Cambridgeshlre cheribhedcollnly diaths Before themthey have the commkssl ns report Costs were in methaneatanderdsm ervica too low for the en lo We behave that theyWould ibeaatlurom improved service particularly health welfare ed ucatlonproViaionfor the ham dlcapped andtbe caraot chil lluntingdom and the Sake of Peterborough ul do the same it pro oses under the cKun donandPeter boron or anges recommend county boroughstatus for the fastgrowing automobile town of Luton and the widening of the present boundaries of beicopter and Northampton Whack again from the share lay base For New Politicpl Ediiice 42a OTTAWA Now that Ottawa is freed from the immediate impact of Canadas most pub llcised and largest political oop vcation participated in by Can adas largest and most deeply thinking assembly of delegaiu ohsentrshere can segregate rar CHAINS WILL as BIBLE THOllGHT And take ihou unto thee Aur on that he may minister unto me in the price office Exodus ta Jesus Chri our high priest is Gods mighty snowplow that cleared the track that man might find way from earth to heaven PORT ELIZABETH South Africa AP Canadian born Stuart Gault who celebrated his 91st birthday here told his friends that the two most im portant things in mans life were sense of humorand our We catch nlneéggs day for more years than care to remember he sold and Just Although he is blind in one eye Gault still reads avidly llls hearing ls almostv perfect and he enjoys good long walk narrowTodays Dimerick By GAME Summer is most beautiful time The sublect of many rhyme But with holidays oer To be honest we havent dime long before Princess Marguelami her handsome husband the solid steel framework of licy from the gingerbread of dink and assess its value say framework because last week unquestionably laid the foundation of new poll cal edifice replacing the inad equate although sentime tally alluring sod but which sthe prairiemade CCF Whether this edifice will prove enduringly et tractive to significant number of former Liberal voters as hoped only time can tell But it has an undaqu stability exceeding that of the sod hut thanks to the steel frame pro vided by the active participation of the Canadian Labor Congress and the consequent moral sua sionalthuugh not legal compul sionover the dues and votes of 1250000 union members DEDICATED EUPORTERS It was welcome revelation that delegates to political con vention anxious and able to think for himself and able to express his own opinion Such interest in public affairs has been fun matched at recent conventions here of the two older parties whose supporterva at elec tionsshow high proportion of sheeplike dependence and un thinking lsthargy Butand this is serious reservationtwo qualities were outstandingly re markable during this assembly of more than 2000 enthusiastic builders of Canadas fourth ex isting democratic party The first quality undesirable in nationwide political move ment yet from time to time Klavely evident was lack of statesmanllke judgment and re Sense Of Hum Most Impartant About year ago Gault walked ss miles to Humans dorpend then telephoned his shocked friends In Port Eliza 2eth to ask them come to fetch decided 112 miles of walklt ing would be bit too much for followol 91 he grinned But euioyed the walk there fling there years ago when his ship docked in Cape Town He liked the country and decided to settle in South Africa instead He later moved to Port Eliza beth where he found job in the pensions office and has lived here must of his life Gault hopes to live another to years bachelor be has no known relatives anywhere in the world But he does not at tribute his longevity to this The fact that lmstlilalivemandmacqusint theepubllc with is due to the fact Ive not died yet he says people in the know go sponalbllity 11m second was deplorable abscess of patriotl national sentiment Both these harmful features were evidenced on some Db casinos For instance during discussions upon our interna tional treaty obligations andJn the healed interlude which led up to the banning of the words nation and netional every where in the constitution of the New Democratic party Such irresponsibilitytowards our treaty commitments al ready approved by Parliament can only make us appear un reliable and feckless as na tion whilst the retrograde step fostering national disuaity is aven more regrettable than the temporary revelation in the 1957 general election that the Liberal party was redomi nently French anadian rather than national organi ration WIDER UNITY URGENT Never before in history hes considerable agglomeration of the countries of the world more surely had to recognize the dic rum Wm mama we fall Never before has Can ada been more dependent for her democrotlc iunciionin and Lairn liens economc se curity and military survival upon her hot war and cold wet allies praisaworthy plank of the old CCF consistently upheld by its former stalwarts such as Caldwell and Alistair Stewart and Angus Maclnnls was the internetionalism so typ ical ofwestern Granada es pecially the PrairiesHad political convention held in 0t tawa under the shadow of the Berlin crisis and the pending challenge of international trad lng blocs been dominated by that kind of thinking we would have seen platform hammered out urging closer integration of the countries of the Atlantic community in military eco nomic and dipomatlc affairs The NDP convention was offered glorious opening by the diplomatic vacillatlons of Ldlllqmau V891 it the present foreign secretary Hon Howard Green and by Trade Minister Hees and Fl nance Minister Flemings oat rlchllkeatlitude to opportunl ties for vastly ameliorating our trading relationships Yet this chance was overshadowed by sectional bickerings and un realistic demands for an un attainable Utopia as the prom ising convention wilted into dis appointment Weumomowes Railway Plans WINNIPEG CPUTop team ster offlclals from across Can ada intend to oppose the pur chase of trucking lines by the railways Casey Dodds of Toronto said niesday Mr Dodds head of about 57 non teamsters in Canada said the union isdefinitely going to take action across the country how their money is being squan dered to Tobago the MshhidEd am the subilemfilm of steel band and chase Tobago for their honeymoon the quiet them of this roman island had drawn knowledgeable vacationers from both sides of the Atlantic Several great film were made against the lush backdrop of its brsalhlaklng scenery and movie stars mum to it again and again for rest tlon and mioyment of its mispollcd beauty the climate is always pleasant in summer and winter alike mile trade winds cool the balmy air At night mule the beguiling music of Cllypso and their spell over the young and the mistham only no nun mom nouns Tobago less thanflvshaprs flyingtlmaflbn flowery Summer um areleducedasdsecm ibsniasoibolslsand guesthouses more ihls mama will was and again sggofour Travel Menme want For me LIrsksrunr TRINIDAD and TOBAGO TDLIRiSI BOARD 1210 Shawn St Stlfll zoo ml 20 Canada or our Reservoir III CALL NOW BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE 102 Dunlap St PA 65474

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