ran WAY AUGUST 11 m1 Say MisSing cin Seen In Barrie police are today in vestigating report that is yearold Denise Thenlea In in from her home in Shawlni gen Quebec nine days ago was icon in Barrie sometime yester sy Metropon Toronto police requested the Barrie depart ment to check the report The Toronto department said it had received information from Mr Anders that he had observed girl answering the on Dunlap Street East He al In said that shortly afterward description of the missing girl Barrie he had seen car with Quebec plates being towed away from the area Police Chief EdwardTlcbir hart said this be was inclined to discgmlllge report but that his department would check it out thoroughly Police so feralave been bel lied by the girls disappearance They are continually receiving leads from citizens which when followed up have proved disappointing The missing girl is the dough ter of Mr and Mrs Henri Tberrien of Shawlnisan Barrie win Tax FallOut Shelters ruxr exit The assessment commissioner for the city of liarrleL as waves haveiasmanyres poseiblc lutioo thevassessor would prob EXECUTWE PfiAN program uï¬gï¬rdemflmw wri no say ey are com ably EJUDMEMIH for reuhidï¬trront row from lCll Leckhart lnnlsiil and Smith of Barrie earn tuition PAT WALKER and Judy fees by running their own business at Giltord Beach Top the girls hold up sign which advertises Pat Judys snack bar better known to mwryxï¬ï¬‚ rim customers as Below Pat is kept busy with steady flow of customers Examiner Photos the booth Man was elected president of would have noaiternative but to tax fallout shelters here if and when constructed by private citizens Mr Partridge said There are no instructions to the con trary and unless the Ontario government passes such new Weekly Papers Elect Officers Jill Convention HALIFAX CP Rundlo McLachian her of the Empire Advance of Virden the Canadian weekly Newspa pers Association Wednesday at the finolbuslness session of its and annual convention He suc ceeds Werden Leavens pub lisher oi the Bolton Enterprise Vicepresidents elected were John Pinckney of the Rosetown Sask Eagle and Nolan oi the Stoufiville Tribune Directors elected for Ontario were Spence Strathroy AgeDispatchzGrccraven Ridgetown Dominion Gerry Scott Gananoque Reporter and Jeff Hurley Burlington Gazette Committee chairmen include Executive Barry Wenger Wing ham AdvanceTimes Postal and Parliamentary Debbie Smiths Falls Record News Ad liam vllewo Tribune Rains Slow Fires RavagingJiild ST JOHNS CHScattered showers were forecast for east ern Newfoundland where fire ï¬ï¬wmgm 1m vement or addition in his repor The commissioner was re spending to report from St Catharines to the etfect that murclpality will not tax fallout shelters They gave as their reason civil defence author opinion tbatsuch tax might deter construction of such shelters Mr Partridge pointed out the difficulties hisofiiee might be faced with in this matter There would be nothing to stop citizen from perhaps lin ing his recreation room cali ingit fallout shelter and con tinuing to use it as recreation room By the same token where separate stnrcture is built it it was made comfortable enough the citizen could use it as an extra or guest room if he so desired The commissioner said he felt some decisionby the pro Vince is required before any oc tlon can be taken locally to ex cludo such shelters from taxes Orillia Plans Big Festival Folk singing coircert bands street dancing and film screening will highlight the Mariposa Folk Festival to be held in Orillla Friday and Saturday The activity will take place in the oval behind the Community Centre In event vertising GJbearmELQLraln the ceiebrants will retrestJn theocntret jamborce square dance will he held on the streets Friday night The final concert will be held at pm Saturday community folk sing will maisrk the end of the festi left DBradley Barrie Ed Parlrldge Barrie George Rodgers Barrie Harry The two Simcce County but talions made up for overseas serviceto the Canadian Ex peditionary Force in World War One will reunite in Bar rie Armoury September 16 iiieseibattallansdvhlcb began With the Militia Unit of ihc Simone Foruters were said to be the only battalions in Ont ario tanned in single coon ty Although they never served overseas as unit being draft ed into reinforcements for the 4th battalion the 16th and var ious other active service units they played proud role in their service overseas They were taken overseas by the late Colonel Mac Laren father of present Simcoe County Judge Donald Mac Laren The Honorable Leslie Frost was member of the i77th Bat talion and will be taking an active part in the reunion act ivitles here The program of the reunion includes registration at 130 to 440 pm Saturday Sept 15 It is expected that hundreds will havc registered Following this the members will fall in behind two Barrie bands and parade to the Ceno taph where wreath will be placed by Hon Leslie Frost Prcmierrof Ontario in mem ory of the comrades who gave their lives Barrie Cecil Robertson Bar rlc John Willton Elmvale These men are anxious to ring of Barrie the Reverend George Sher The parade will then return to the Armoury where ban quet will be served at six hers of the Womens Auxiliary to the Royavaanadian Legion Speeches at the dinner will be short and to the point followed by entertainment arranged by Borden assisted at the piano ing to the rsvihmth battalt iions reunion in Barrie Sept 16 Premier Frost Will Attérflf Battalion Reunion In Barrie affairwas in Camp Borden last year and at Midland in 1950 As Sept 16 is the final day at Barrie Fair it is hoped those members from distance who DCIOCkv catered by the mem have come for that event will spend another day to take part in this celebration Wilï¬rh Bradley of Bar rie is arranging to have cir cular letter go out to all known Major Alex mailman or camp members whose addresses are by Capt Jimmie Hone THIRD REUNION Pnnmnn sauna pair of the members of these units This is the third reunion of the 157th and 17701 the 1060 available This will give full outline of the program and de tails of whom to advise as oon as it is known they ex pect to ottend The family oi man burned to death in fire which de stroyed his lramevhorne on the 10th sideroad in Tecumseth Township last Saturday will re ceive financial assistance from fund started bya committee of local businessmen in Alliston Cookstown and farmers in the area Asplmrihted when flames raiv 47 the father of six children His wife Myrtle and five chil dren at home were left destitute by the blaze Donald Way is member of the committee said there was no insurance covering the home or personal property destroyed anna ll staying with their mother at the home of the deceased mans parents Mason RR Starts Fund For Family Qt VictimQieHomEFirew log treasurer of the committee at BB 54 Cookstown Three girls Linda 13 Sue and Gloria 14 are Mr and Mrs Edgar Albeit J11 wo boys Bria 12 an KEdgar Jr 20 are staying at the home of Peter Flemin RR Alli aged his home was Mason New Minister iltv Burton Ave Burton Avenue United Church Students Proft Anglelmportant Item if youre going into the snack bar business be careful about how you sell ice cream This willhe followed by the lighters today continued battle playing at Last Post and in the blaze to save the forests from fire mm on vldneMwmmneiogduges the on giggeï¬gwess ngalpgeninétsg fallen Will be said by Colonel 51 05 II air anidMMrshAlilelélrorrisnon witht rt lath mid iran rs an 00s anllmllzljl glands and Mrs Howard Blakely Brief outbursts of rain during for list Cadets Camp Borden and Mrs Howard Blakely Mr the last week slowed the Trinity Graduation ceremony for 250 Chester Fleming Bay fires enough to allow one Ontario high sdhooi cadets will 39m entering the minim Donations which could in clude cash for snow home the uses to return to their homes but hardly ruffled themoredan Mr Reeve spent six years as 5lhtlthird an apprentice and journeyn committee is planning for the gerous conflagration in Bona day The impacting officer Fin790 family or clothingï¬ndeIum em mta North iturc may sea Helicopters flew men and will he BrigadieriHLEmenk Central Gntario area comman equlpment into the Bay do den has new minister Rev David Reeve 32 has been serving the Burton Avenue congregation since the end of June Mr Reeve is graduate of MclVlaster University and Em manuel College University 05 Toronto Prior to his appointment at Burton Avenue United Mr Reeve served six churches large rura parish at Magnet Ewan in the Parry Sound die let the store open until Thanksgiv ing weekend in October Original capital for the busi Thots the advice of two on ness was borrowed $200 to tcrprising Barrie girls who are buy the first stocks of coke operaune snark baraLcli bamburgctsï¬milkrrbreadrclg ford Beach this summer to earn arcttes and many other university tuition fees items they nee ed to get going Judy Smith 17 and Pat Pat and Judy hope to make Walker is both of Strabane profit of about $200 apiece by Avenue in Barrie have found the 0El 01 the 593500 that the toughest item to make Both girls attend North Col Mom on is ice cream legiato in Barrie and will be en you give your customers terrng Grade 13 next year Af big scoops says Pat you lose it Lat they both have Plank oney If you make the scoops mgr too small you lose customers wAms To an TEACHER girls have teamed up in busi ness enterprise Three years ago they went into the baby sitting husiness to finance train trip to Western Canada Next yearihelr plans areeven more ambitious They hope to get employment with trans Atlantic shipping company and work their way across on liner for European holiday But in the meantime the girls have their hands full running their business The store opens ata am and shuts down at rely of goods Andi customers Verde peninsula where fires burned inland in sosquare gnile area not threatening terest led tovbis decision to en ter the ministry rent crop year would compare Furniture Moving aod Storage The girls began their enter prise in May and hope to keep Wheat Carryover Takeslï¬rge Drop OTTAWA fCPA Wheat car ryover of 523200000 bushels down 14400000 bushels from year agoexisted July 31 the bureau of statistics reported Wednesday The estimated figure com pares with the revised total of 537600000 bushels for year earlier and the 10year carry over average ot 490400000 bush els It marked the second de cline in two years The bureau said its estimates should be regarded as prelim inary pending flrrner checks and that form stocks may prove higher Total carryover of the five major grainswheat oats har iey rye and flaxis estimated at 738700000 bushels three per cent below last year and two per cent below the 10year av erage of 752600000 bushels The bureaus report followed byLonaLdayéAgricnltureflin ter Hamiltons statement that exportsup to July 31 should hit 354000000 bushelsthird high est on record gt It was hoped exports this our iavorablyhe said and he noted various estimates that drought may lop prairie wheat produc tion to around 24000000 hush els of cements orn Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 vity of Toronto Judy says conversation and casuallymen would like to go to Unl think would like to make career asa high school teach er Pat is not so sure of herself thought of becoming an en gineer she says Now Im becoming interested in psychol ogy and history This is not the first time the Police lire Seeking Salesman Who Got DOnation From WOman revealedthatrthesaleer ad cashed the cheque to have given Ontario address Police are not sure what of fence if any has been commit ted but are anxio the salesman for questioning Barrie police for magazine salesman who is said to have persuaded an elderly local citizen into do nating $100 cheque toward educational expenses of an un named medical student Officers who declined to give the name of the woman said she answered her door to the salesman who engaged her in tinnedvthe plight of the student who was desperately inrneedof funds to further his education When thcwoman expressed interest in the student and his rthemarrisrepdfled to have talked hcrinto making the donatiorsr She reported to police that check at her bank the following consmucrrou inn chm as some include local eottagers and vs cationersnï¬ 7777 Next to ice cream the gest problem for the girls has been children ds are the worst custom ers Pat says They come in With two cents in their hand spend an hour deciding what they want and change their minds at the last minute nCounty Camps ty day camps will close Friday Throughout the summer over 400 county children have at Close Friday Tottenham and Elmilale coun ended are searching mornin man He reports Fort William 20Cundles Rd semaphore Midland Penetang Elmvale Phone Zenith 74100 No Tell Charge Parents of the Elmvale camp ers have been invited to pie nic supper at 880 pm today Tottenham open house will be held Friday at Supervisor of the day camp staff Mrs Florence Fish said todaytheweather was excep tionally favorable this year and this resulted in better all around spirits She said the children semed to learn as well as to enjoy That the staff concen to locate trated on the needs of the in dividual lid rs semi Lucy Ter Stege 10yeanold daughter of Mr and Mrs Hank Ter Stege Edgehill Drive would much rather live in Australia Theres no snow and its much warmer she says Grade pupil at Edgebiil Drive School Lucy came from her native Australia to Canada with her parents in 1858 and has had her alpaper Examinerjrouto for year She took the route over from her brother John Right now she likes skipping but shes not too sure what she would like to do when she fin lshes school PLAN Now To ATTEND THIS senmash gratin GATEWAY To barometricw During the past seven vveeks the students have been train ing hard at the cadet trades training camp on driver mech anic signals and rifle coaching courses The cadets on rifle coaching have just returned after taking part in the Dom inion of Canada Rifle Associa tioa shoot at CoanaughtRan gee Ottawa you of thefeatures of the the presentation to the best cadet in camp It isexpected large group of the cadets parents will be in attendance for the ceremony and to take the boys home Among the guests will he Brig adier EZL Purvis commander Camp Borden Col Theobald chief instructor Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School and Group Capt oific Hilton comriranding RCAF Camp Borden graduation ceremonyWW nttheLakelnda reception reuhisr OFFICIAL Stanley Watson has re placed lan Hall as supervisor centre Mr Bell is nowuem played by the Federal Gov ernment at Ottawa as tour ist consultpnt He and his wife Marion have two boys Teddy and Allan 17 months The newrministerhopes to en elargetwoareasefactivity at his congregation youth work and assistance to the elderly