rne annals maman SPECTACUI Discovery at all and natural gas sparked tho latest devel opme of the Peace River count straddling Alberta and British Columbia These two oilfield workers man Dymond Throw For Leadership TORONTO CHHealth Min ister Dymond MPP for Ontario riding announced Wednesday he is candidate tar leadership of the Ontario ProgressiveeonseF vative party Dr Dymond said at press confetcncc he decided after discussion to throw my hat in the ring The PC leadership has been thrown open by the impending retirement of Premier Frost as leader oi the party ingntarioq Dr Dymoads candidacy is the second ofticial notice of in tention regarding the leadership ofthe party Resources Minis ter Macaulay also has an nounced his intention of seeking the leadership Mr hiacaulay is 10 years younger than Dr Dymond Dr Dymond said he expects close race for leadership The party is so hanlthy that feel sure it will he avvarlv keen contest as Gaowrï¬ Irrrunsnn AUGUST 17 handle heavy equipment near Fort St John BC in the everwidening search for oil gas finds Hundreds of wells already dot the region CF Photo Hat In Pan 0i Ontario PCs early to make any predictions or pronouncements about what he would do to change the party if he become leader ItskedWhyhFi5ruhh gTor leadership he replie The country needs leaders and am conceited enough to believe that have been given some ability and talents to he of help to my fellows Aside from that like public service PLANS N0 PLATFOI ile said he will present specific platform during the campaign but would depend upon signals from the rank and Iile believe in the grass roots actually believe in them and do not just talk about them DrDymond said that in the event he becomes provincial leader and ultimately premier he is not contemplating any cabinet changes desnite the fact that membersgoi the pm sent cabinet now are seekin Refugees Escape Reds Germanyfllirospers By LOYAI GOULD BONN APlOna of historys greatest esoduses has oomato an end =nt least temporarily with the Communist action in barring East Germans from fleeing to the West This flight of 3000000 or more persons over uyear period has cost the Communists untold riches lnmaapbwerfandbeipcd build the economy at West Ger many into one of the most thriv log in to world Since Sunday when the Com munists closed the main escape hatch in Berlin the flow has slowed to trickle Before that 1000 to 1000 day were crassL ing the border leaving their worldly goods bdrlnd Some 2700000 of these refu gees hava registered since Sept Ill19 when West Germany began to keep track Tho West German ministry of allGerman affairs estimates 500000 more come without bothering to reg later in 1960 alone 109188 refugees mtounted in 1961 up to last Monday 53474 checked in The accent was on youth with half between the ages of one and 25 RISES AND FALL West German government at ficlals say that the flow rose and fell according to political events After the German democratic republic East Germany was founded in October 1049 the to tal was 18563 in one month Joeileum than slumped but climbed when the Communists organized their secret police six months later By January 1952 it dropped to record low of 7227 month it rose slowly when the Reds started pressuring pcoplc into lheimlkrhm laborservlce and preemiiltary training corps The big year was 1953 The increase coincided with drive to coliectlvize farms industry and business The Communists also were putting pressure on the churches at the time in March that year record 5261 refuseeStMrasth re glme forced large numbers of craftsmen iota governmentrun industries From then until the East Ger mans revalted June 17 1953 the refugee total never went below 35000 month WAVE 0F ARRESTS After the uprising secret po lice unleashed Wave of arrests and tightened security precau tions The number rose again in August 1955 when the Reds an was only possible an Commu nist terms Western ofticlsls say the fines tuation always was in direct re lationship to Red pressure When Soviet Premier Khrush chev showed up in East Bean in August i057 21590 rdugees fled compared to 24100 the pre vloua month He went there again in July lï¬araodAZIMS reiugees iicd against the provi ous months 19233 Government officials attribute this years exodus to Khrush No Muss Exodus From Berlin BEBLlN ABMBerlin in her agonizing conflict with the Com munlsts presents more syrn pathctlc face to the world than most people can remember Gone are the bluster tho but lying and the doomdefying ges tures of Adolf Hitlurs day The impflinl trappings of still ear lier days have vanished The unpleasant militaristic atmosphere that once perme ated the city has disappeared except for the present warlike activities in the Communist sec tor The small garrisons of French British and us troops in West Berlin are hardly in ev idenco to the duwntowowisltor The wounds of the last war have not all healed Vast areas are still not rebuilt But in West Berlin most of the ruins have been removed and there is an air oi prosperity The people of Berlin pawns LcoldmszJnostdonger ous sector seem to emerge as vital and sensible citizens whether may suffer in the shabby Communist sector oi the city or ponder the futuro in West Berlin For 16 years Berlin has been isolated cut off from West Ger many by Russian troops Thai Soviet Union and its East Ger man ioliowers now are threat ening to isolate West Berlin even further by stringing barbed wire and laying concrete oblt stacles along the sector lines No West Berliner can know what may confront him or his children in the iuture STILL REMAIN But more than Berliners still rem Nearly vinth of them gathered before halt Wednesday tohoar Mayor Willy Brandt shout defi cnevs renewed attacks on Ber lin Communist organizational pressure and food shortages The West German government says it has spent $1000000 000 for care of East German reiugces it reckons 352mm 000 went for housing and retro burslog personal losses of the refugees It Fishnetman refigeeoho has the toughmt time in the West is the farmer There isnt enough land to go around Many have ended up in industry and others ll farmrhanda it didnt look liko the crowds that once showed up far Hitlers speeches There were no uni forms no saluteS no frenzied adulation These were people concerned about their future And they knew that television and radio would carry their pro test into East Berlin common 01 INSTRUCTOR wms HIM GEORGE cnoss LONDON AWFor Sgt Albert Edward Small 87year KoldJnstructor in crank British paradlute regiment and Sec ond World War combat veteran itbegan as just another rou tino run as he and three other men soared aloft in training balloon Suddenly the balloon The collnpsed bag and the plummeted earthward Two of 600 feet above ground Their the cgggl it was Sm fact he could get clear and save his lite that the inexperienced man WaILFhad no chance at all Caimly Small gave up his Just before they hit the parade ground voice Brace yourself and lift your feet It workedBolibmenwnik only minor injuries Watts undoubtedly owes his votlon said the london Gazette is awarding Small the George Crass for the May to incident The award is the highest given for heroism not in combat if we had not lifted our feet we would have broken our legs said Small father of four who said the sudden des cent wasnt just cup of tea it was tip dimmed to sw river in the leg at Arnhem called pepple ground he shouted in typical sergeants Mu esLaosrjeneLLevecbaLindndinthu UMBRELLA SIGN Election Result Brings Setba To Israels Political Stability 0F JFK POLICY BONN Rauterst Neoty Bonn University students have mailed President Kennedy replica of Neville Chamber lains umbrella in token they say at the United States lead ers reluctant reaction to Berlin events An accompanying letter told the president he had shown himself the worthlen recipi ent of this symbol of fatal Wu With this move lchiet Premier Khrushchev has put town the fatal questlonrnro you ready to defend Berlins freedom and the freedom of the Western world with all moans at your disposal However strong the West ern protest notes on their own they are merely very dim na the letter said The umbrella which Brit ains Neville Chamberlin took with him on his peace ioiaur time trip to Munich in 1038 to meet Hitlcr became symbol of appeasement poi icics toward dictators ITS NICE PEPPLE MALMOE Sweden AP Swedish scientists have an nounced the crossing of pear and an apple into hybrid fruit exploded umplng cage carrying the four the men parachuted while still jumps wero successful even He knew that even at 400 But he also knew beside himLCpl Reginald own chance to lump Then ed aWay iromrtha crashewith life to Smalls courage and de it announced that the Queen to escape after being wounded mans has given details of new search is assisted by postgra possaneMstaLiotreating By BORIS MISKEW Canadian Press Staff Wfller Israels shaky climb toward political stability uttered an other setback during the young countrys general election Premier David Ben Gurioo had appealed to the people in the listless election campaign for an absolute majority of 51 per cent in the Knesset Parlia ment and mandate to reform the electoral system cent of the total vote but the party still managed to muster more than double the seats of its nearest rival LOSS OF 81X When the final results at days election are available the party will wind up with about 41 seats and will likely form is raels filth parliament in castl tion with several other parties The pment caretaker govern Underisraelttow suehn mar mitt hmdaf lawnmower Jorily is necessary betore the govcmment could consider cl torai reform But BenGurions Illapal Labor party which ad vocates change to constitult necy election system from the present proportional represeata tion lostvsupport The Mapai which held 47 of the 120 seats to the last Knaset suffered loss of about four per New Research ï¬gï¬hkï¬ï¬ will remain in otflae during interparty coalian negotiations which may take weeks or even months iheeiect on ICVBTeErsEiter the previous contest did proc tically nothing to steady the po litical picture in lsraei The country has had nothing but coalition govemments since it was established in 1948 Advance Surgical Procedures By ALAN DUCKEII Canadian Press Stafi Writer MONTREAL CPIThe man who gave the English word stress to several other langu ages today startod his second quarter century of research into human Ills by announcing ncwxcscareheprogram Worldfamous Dr Hans Selye siyearold head of the Univer sity of Montreals institute of ex perimental medicine renowned for his research on stress in bus experiments which offer the pos sibility of eventually obviating some surgical procedures Given the technical name of catclphylnxr the startling new research pregnant is the only one we have going on now said Dr Selye But we are examining it from all anglesas it affects stress heart rhenal skin and inflammatory diseases HA5 ASSISTANTS Famous for exposing stress as relentless ltliiareatemen Dr Selye in his new program of re dunte scientists from Canada the United States Belgium lt aly Argentina Czechoslovakia and Portugal The research group under Dr Sclye has induced moultlng in vertebrate and has opened human ailments And as Dr lye explains it it was while doing cardiac and rhenal disease research during recent months that his research ers accidentally discovered that calcification of animal tis sue couid possibly certain forms of surgery The scientist said this possi bility was very much in thl future if ever in sight The ex mental method was in have calcium deposits made at predetermined sites of the body of rats in one case the animals skin One chemicala derivative of vitamin used in the treat ment at ricketswas used as sensitizer or the skin of the abviata animal and secondegg white was used as chalicng in the calcification process After about three weeks the rat shed its calcified skin Actually it climbed out of its skin lust like snail said Dr Selye There was complet ely new skin with hair under tho old rockhard skin TYPEWIllTIilis NEW REBUILT FROM 49so RENTAL and SERVICE SllViC0£ auerEss mcnmas Dunlap St PA 84824 at Dr Dymond said it is too leadership nounced German reunification ance to the Communists SEPARATE CAB AND BOX CONIIIIUCTION minimizes dir torï¬ng rhesus and strains Shock and noisu are not transmitted from the box into the cab enrvvs cor Ir PROVEN SMOOTHNESI OF INDEPENDENT FRONT CUS PENSION with tough tonic bar npringaaedu nuiza tire abuse load damage and driver fatigue CNEVYI GOT ITI rAuGuseetEARANcE sonar REGULARPRICE TO CLEAR SPORTS EouIrMEIIr morons sons FISHING TACKLE POLYETHELENE PLASTIC aAaarcurs Reg 193 ro998 BARBECUE AQOESSORIEFr GOLF CLUBS Ercj PASSENGER CAR HANDLING EASE results from the combination Lindamdmt4mksmand sion ballgear stoa ng Rolling steel halls raplnw BIIdin gear teeth minimize fricï¬on CHEVY GOT ITI Honestms CONVENIENT WKING CABS High TVIdBTPIndahieldfSeeataGianoer Instrument panel high level van illath plus many other features planned to reduce driver fatigue and Increase safety CHEVYS GOT ITI PICKUP BOX WITH HARD WOODILOOR outlasfsailothen However damagedmnnrmg can be replaced in sections Fleahide body tenor panels CNEVY5 GOT ITI HF EDIT FAMOUS SIX THE INDUSTRY proved par formar that haapowered more pay loads than any angina in the history of hauling Wine in the ways of gas savtng too pirited V8 owes lant also available GAS srovrs CAMP cars OIL cums 7121 AIR MATrRESSEs SLEEPING aAGs ONE ONLY asap CEDAR STRIPTlUtt Is FT pEIEaaoaopeHasaEEoerR TCLCLEAR CAMP NG EQUIPMENT oNE ONLY 12 n1 MoULoED FLY CARTOF To CLEAR 510090 ONE oNLY useo DE LoNE STAR DEAUVIttE BOAT MONSTRATOR BLUE 16 If SAVE $90000 Fully equppeolvwitlféï¬fh Viking electric starl ing outboard morons deckhardWare runnng fightswmdshieloi antral II cketJ doll ITOHCLEAR EEG 239500 BUY IN AUGUETI PURCHASES MADE PRIO TO SEPTEMBER IST NOT sualecr vr EATON ca NEW ONTARtOV SALES nANcH are cANABA gt DANGERFIELD MO is Collier St LTD rs 32431 roams