53 cucunlanl bill cam Dru Mum Phone mos Elmvol Dug Inn EliaD blunt ATON CO LTD ottcge or Recreation Room Specials REFRIGERATORS YOUR CHOICE IWHILE THEY LAST $5000 MANY MODELS T0 CHOOSE FROM +4TDurlIopï¬ more or nus ovm noon Emcnllc ITon mo 12 cu rr qumo all nmionuron lllo zl PHlDCO rv Lure NEW 0051 mg LES THAN LL Wu mu iEASY WASHING ll CHIN SPIRALATOR Ach mLTWOOD IllH MODEL LIKE NEW Allo hove nnv Ilnlllcd uwln hlne Ind voeuum winner all or wholelllo price at but ï¬ller anon or nelllnlluvlnl coun $IÂ¥LEFHONE PA new on In CUMBDILAND 3T BAR lz ONTARIO LIVESTOCK MN uuxn xamnl One In lll MI Memo lat tam omit Yunnan cums ul II rllflormlmmldm mm unusual AND mm All no bred uddIu mm III lfrlll3l 533 lm rA um WWW noun to flu km real an all MO 88 lull Am My Cell PA wl POULTRY omens DEKALB PULLETS Marv and mm poullnmon well DEKALB PULLITB Iurud ready to lo me fly old Chlcll Orar new or 1g of nlmunl rol urvm II on Blu poultry problunl lull Eula nu HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 Hill ruLLzrs lai Emly mm mm any rain ll run Em FARM MACHINERY $3270 quom carnmlllan urnz PERSONALS OUIL RIQIHIIEI rid dill Churchill on he lhare 50 IJYL iuvn myllrna amr our Morriln rldl molt Import IIII Tolopnpnl PA um WOMENS COLUMN llAun war only by mild lulrdrtuar own and Phonl uamln as or PANMI tI FRUIT VEGETABLES ARnKN CORN or ldul or reeling Cam ruu commodo lon Tolophorlo PA tor uh or Information Illa Cam In 11011 on It Illm Co barn wu im all Concullon VI rl Tol ohnn Mluulnl or PA um FLOWERS PLANTS ll BALI ylm olfl mflvlnl Quill and en Tolnphunl rA Mill DELANEY BOATS LTD SPECIAL CLEARANCE litFOOT PLYWOOD RVNABOUT WLNDSHIELD STEERING 25 IFFOM Coulomlm UPHCILSTDIEU IMO humor MAHOGANY Dawntn mud Tglmwwl OALe MI ELIGTfll COMPLETE SI ILFOOT LAPSTHAKE MASON RUNAEOUT TOP HARDWARE CONTROLS BATTERY IS IIlPl OUTBOARD 31155 11FO0T FLYIN DGE CRUISER van th IVINRLDB MOTOIL COMPLETE $1950 BAYFIELD STREET GOVERNMENT DOCK BARRIE ONTARIO CASH IDAN per no Telephone PA 5010 Dual St monlh Cresconl Fl Welt nnHeRllANo Drlillh trip in candllion For lurlhcr dotllll IBIIPIIOIII PA Ham lltcr pln NEW izn 5an DInlhy ï¬bre 115 iywond use niln man piywnn reronnltlonld 81 Smlth PA was Iltor ARTICLES WANTED ANTED small uled Clmont we WILL PAY cAoa or and Ilud lurnltun or nny loud Illnd Irtlcla Indlvldull Dr content loll Phone PA 81427 NEW GRADE 37 lluflflnLWlth1074RUGK5kTWRs huyï¬ny or or lullowllll 0x ford School nicclnnary llalllc lllyth and Legend Re ms at Geld Geography rol Cllll lam dlun Oxlonl School Alls He our annual General shopwnrk mnan ylvanz Plun phone salsa vaammLm THHTARRIE AMINER BUSINESS DIRECTORW AUTOMOjr USED COMBINES Oliver lo ll demonrultor Ollver st ill It aIlllley EPhllfl ll lm no molar cockllull ll in Money CI par with rnnlar Illo Dlon hrflllll 114 All nqulpv DIG on rubber At NOBLEION FARM SERVICE mil want at Nablllon rhuna Baltorl till THREIIIINO MACHINE ona Dion Thrnhlr all John Der out Bln nath mu new phiTrio Ivy lllld or Inlomlllon MOTOR CARS FOR SALE mXIAU RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 107 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA W38 19 zinnon row It Tka ovor plymonmm ondlllnn Telopll evenlnle 155d Aunm Ind ml can or all Bath Inn god but on Ino Ind In Iloll or but omr Toltphono PA llm ms lONnAc Lnumllill tor In Two lune blue Ind whltn Excollont conlflllon now Ill For Ilutllor dotllll tuiephnnu PA no utter pm loss VOLKIWAO cnhdlunn Hood way an uphumsry newly overhoulod Will lccopl but all Tel hallo PA Hm or tumor Intern llan movolvo apart ball whi wii tlru pldddd dull dlaet Mull IeIl owner levlnll country Meno ID Iopd runnln TelephonkPA pm All or €an IBII llonnls dxrorlo lloo Soon on nwnar lrom new 15309 mllen Oltllnll tire Ill Poll padded dun bunch uat wl oulllollbio Arm rutl whlto palm mu rod lolthIl nnlmry lzwoll ba ry lm eondltlon throughout rnon mu 55 TWO TONE chryller lmperlll Hump an owner lullth Power broker llecrinz Inw Indowl And way ml wllm lonlble Whllo llo roll north No ll llllbwny FA mm WANTED 511954 Pickup Truck Mull hln llll nondlllon Tele nhuno mm straun so INTERNATIONAL ona tun loud candllï¬n Wilson Anpiy Zl Toronto 01 tolephon PA 5975 PERSONALSw roum BLIND Du you wont your mum told by urdn Tale pllono PA Mm or pyointmnt Anytim SEKVICE Ask About Low Rates By Month or Your Telephone PA 32414 APPLIANCE SERVICES SERVICT Serviceto all makes of appliances I47 DUNLOPST PA I42 DIAPER SERVICE mamas FINEST DIAPER SERVICE on weekly lcku were slla RZAIIWH FAB3551 DRAIN CONSTRUCTION BILL GETHONS coucnm AND DRAIN consmucnorr if ptle Tlnklr waepinll bed in repaired Concrete week hlng excavaunz NTDN ONT 1w mun PA um GRAVEL 0P pxcnvltinl Gradlnr Wam DENNIS MORAN Anna stnaz Barn PA mm AND ANGING now am AND son Pllntlnz Ind Floor nanrlnr Spny ralnllnn Bowl sluce 1920 ammo PLASTEEING STUCCO STONE gQUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Arnhwaya Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLEGE SANITARY maroon DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT Walt Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArkwsy 53617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED ï¬lm25355 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled caltle horses some TANKS PUMPED Momma For last sarvlce orask tar ZENITH 91130 COLLECT ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fomeod Ontario Llcense 139651 Its wonderful the way Classified Adrgel re PA lam suits Phone PA 82414 Try An Exunluer Want Ad bu oumlflcrell Apply by letter In ENEMYMENT WANTED anim LAolm lry Illll you on lntlnlted In 21 lounrflutllaE omlnl ml an you In your Own ome nll IA H131 tor uppnlnlnmlt LOST OUND Lonnine Hudlzle tron is Con flnllon Strut Amwtn to lo nan Joey Phone PA M105 10 will Wid nmy at nm on llluhwu ll hllwoen 11 and lllll Llne mm Al Urgently nudeu Telpliant stroud URL IO HELLWALNLED FEMALE HELP WAITRESS Vlnlld xpulen lfll dllllnfl mom lull Hole plan PA um RELIABLE Inlay Sitter ll Illrod al two children in our own one am wcek Brack Strut vlr lnllynlaphonnlPA um ulnu WANTED to walk ur hop In Drlvzvln llutlun Ex perlencc not uncanny Apply lmehies DrlvcIn Burnout 5L Home MALE HELP MAN WANTED to prune chrul ma trees ToldphoneLA one 17 lunhenrn nrnlallo rPlN Serrano lllxstlbo il ya or over pp GolovIII nl lo Dunlap Strut can now teler wlntod Tolopllnno PA 6279 between And MIL or mlthor informHon FLDOII LBANING Schloo non lor re gnu mould mnklngmarlannu sirhill out not esscnlin Apply in Dunn ta Plutumrr Lt innn tmtrï¬mornlntr allin ESTATE sleaman wmtrn yon woll lllbllshcd ulnar Hurt and ur and Du wliilnlr to wn Ird Apply to Box is Bllv rlo Exlmlner MALE FEMALE STORE HELP WANIED For new Supomllrket onlllllll an tumour in cmp Bordon hoogglé OPERATOR Séï¬llm Tum on WOMEN MEAT DEPT Only experienced IPPllclntl will CLOVER MARKET CAMP BORDEN MAL an FEMALE yarn or am Unulunl opportunlly in me and lnrvlcu Cu ulentlll rhonrrAwlsllwmmn 11 on Wednesdly morn exhumencuo oonlllreeper qulrrd ml ar female lml vbuolneum Reply mung qull nclllaln ml 1an 97 Horde Exlmlne SALES HELP El AGENTS wouno YOU llkl to lIlPDlHnInt yaur lnenrna by um to saw par month durln your 1pm tlnm ertl Box 91 BIrrln Ellminor No dual to door lung RCAF RM WILL LOOK AFTER Chlldrl my own homo Will dlllvll Tolovhono AmNxmN FARMllnsi Far your euItoln oomblnllil tolephono letr ll Wool Drldlnrd Prolpuct 53665 Dr Joel Pl°llll my 170 noomznn Aunununt on panllon anu your wlth 10c ï¬rm altan lull llttlmo mploymlnt John Lllfl lendlion Street mum 12 TENDERS VESPRA TOWNSHIP MIDHURST ONTARIO TENDERS WANTED Tendon or the oonlLructlo lcllool Eontllnlnl In room Ind playroom or tho on Townhip Sehoo Ann Nu be One wlil be reculv not er than 530 pm Wodn any Aug un 5m 19 It th at on or Alum Architecthn Clip mn Strut Irfle Ontul Plnnl pectï¬utlonl and form of tender will be luued to lug melonhyflheï¬mmc all or liter Wudneldly Aulzult lath upondegrfultzï¬gn hnqul In ul Inlnunc ten 11 went Tho lower or not neuunllly ho Pllnl Ind Ipnclflcluonl wlll In on dloplly It tho Toronto Ind Blllle Bulldon Exchlnlu HALTER AND Amson Archltectl no GLAPPERTON STREET BARR ONTARI bl POSTAL CLERKS mrrbepuutorlp 131390 $4320 Post Office Department BARRIE mu Dlrtlrulul to mlama auaullullu mulrlnunll III or piiullan Korma plum all dilnlu It to NunI nplamnl 5mm and run om Apply mm Auouu to Ctvll flwmmmmmnranvnmnmmï¬ Ontario Wirldsform Gauges Stage To Collapse VERONA Italy AP The who cardboard ltnga city of Seville collrad here only to day In ten Amman one death scattering ll opera lpectltou In pnnlc flle mum to mile wind and torrentlll downpour much just alter mldnllht durlng the linal none all outdoor pres antutlun ol Burts Carmen In Vareml old Roman Irena Thousands of loectatura packed the stone nenu en thralled as tenor Franco Carelll and mezwsopruno Gullietto sl lniomto hit the IIIRII note thelr llnol duet Than the wind rm drowning out the liner IIItl ule orches tar lhe cardboard towers and bulldllll lrontn Itrurls am the CAST FLEE The cut of 150 and the ore chedtru fled only moments be taro the Ituge collapsed with roar One lulloll Ilnier In the chorus was Injured wom ms ll BRIEF worms loo YEARS CIRENCESIER Engllnd grayed Wflngox say he mo Ind he lee flno brand Ills laurel blrthday at Wltormoor flannel tn thu Enlllsh country town Wednu on Smoking newt dld me my harm III inld reportm sum LAID ur LDNDON iReutdu World lhippzng laid it tor luck at cm total tonnage 1751 on AUTOMOTIVE THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD REGA QRS MUST CLEAR THEIR useo CA Aug KhoErIIIJh Chamber at Shippmz laud loony This was decrease or him totallinr 41 to compared with the Ill month CUBA IUYS UNDER GEORGEIUWN Brltlsll Gul In RectumCuba will buy 1000000 cuhlc tut ol Umbcr Ind 250000 rallruad ties trnm thlr 8min colony ll Ill pounced hen CUBA SENDS DELEGATE HAP Dlvaldo Dortleon will reprelent CARS WTD TO BUY REFUSEDI ACT NOVII i957 BUICK 2000le I957 PLYMOUTH DOOR I956 DODGE SEDAN I956 VOLKSWAGEN BUS I956 CHEVROLET PANEL I955 STUDEBAKER I955 DODGE I955 FORD I954 FORD SEDAN I954 PACKARD SEDAN GENUINE WHOLESALE PRICES WILL BE ACCEPTED 93 BRADFORD ST FINANCING KRAMER MOTORS LTD REACH Your Advertising inflï¬vflapers Reaches Cuba at llla coolerenu un commilled ll opening Sept In Bel rode Yulelulu the pruldeut oi pallet III pounced today mu KIM SAP PAULO Brull MP Oitlclaln today Iced It the death toll in tire that raced through Tuubala rllon Monday night The at or ulnar the prlton un lire durlna riot ol lIcIIl sold BWT HURTS THREE AMIDCH CIIIIDIAPI All explosion rI pod hruurll My pally plant nur hare Wednw dly nirhdt liuurlnl mildark men In alum up can ruined amount at on Wmmln or new mthyl bromide we took ll gallon at the IN KIM neunu DETROIT Andra much better now tilt Ill lulu back to work The three VWoldelwhm will be mt lug the children Into ut the hell III we aIIolt rIlour hula XIII IN JillLLWlttholnllnmd Fibber hall that bounced Into her pen Hr KRAMER MOTOIZSWLTD RDLESS OF COST KRAMERMOT LOT NO REASONABLE OFFER I954 PONTIAC I954 PLYMOUTH I954 BUICK SEDAN I953 PONTIAC SEDAN I953 FORD DOOR I953 DODGE SEDAN I953 BUICK 1953 AUSTIN SEDAN ARRANGED FOR THESE UNITS 145 BRADFORDST Far More People Every day out of 10 of the natlone farrlihes get one or mine This means yogu news advertisement an seen by far more people tilan can he through any other advertising medulla TENDERS wul ha recelved by lna under llln until September in or he lutnllutlonwtfln tollél mill tlnk Hilton ln Thor ton Drnnze Hill certinnd che ml for of the totll vnlllo of Iendn plylbll to tho trullmr L0 No 16 Thornton mun com ny oh tender anllgtMto bl completed by October For ruruler Inlolmntlnn lpply Granules SPENCER Trim THORNTON ONTARlO Metal kniwmwéefl Newspapers give yo peoplemhavehfmltï¬m or addemslng the longest