Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1961, p. 12

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THE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST 17 Cl PROPERTY FOR SALE 3001 Way To Shop For HoiBargains Wclnt Ad ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS REAL ESTATE omissionAl ills 11ole Vic ioris nor iill borne on Monday Angusi ml to 11 snd lira ncri Dimmbn esrric dsnrhier IKsiby Lynn wlhuAllnoN Al lh Royl viciorln ilolpitil norctr on Tiles dy August It 1961 lo LAC and Mn ismcl Wiuismson Burris dsusbtcr Sandrs rooms rAnEiTisTilETmWE 01 inc BlessedEveniciinlie announced to your friends and relatives for only $150 Just telephone PA 824 DEATHS runeAl lhc noyrl Victori llolpii bsrrlc on nlcsd Aug eel Thoml iolcph narc loi nurlon Avenu beloved nus blod oi Helena Collins and dear iibrr oi slsmrct Mn noulil oi runl biichltlb loo usuricc rrsvclyen oi Port Credit and the in mm bore in his 7am yclr nullng si lbs Jennett runcrsl liolnr ior luneni rvlco Thun dly Auguit 17 ii in pni in enLflllrie Union Cemetery eLur At Bellsvluo Gsnersi lioipiul fiellevilie Onlslio on files August in loll Reta nuilrr beloved will of nslnh ll dcsr dsughirr air pd rrsnk nulior oi Binomilcld ind lislrr oi Lco liullrr nod nry street name in her All hlncrsl silngrmcnll lslcr blANnLBYPesied strvcnson iemorls Holplll mind on Vedbcldly Augult mi Frederick John Mendlay lnvcd ion ni Cpl Fred and llisndlryloilsnaadcsr brother of 5s ClllPel Allllton until pm rri dly Augull in than in nlly ellpsi It Csmp Burden ior lrr vics st mo PInl inlcrmrnl AI llslonVUrilon Cemetery if TCARDS 0F THANKS cAnanWe wish in illlnk our neighbors iiiellds snd rcistivri or their scts or love snd sympm thy during the recent loss oi bolovcd wile and mother nilrll Curler II or the mlily ilorsl iribulcs risiry Curler snd lum ily CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MemmeIlueMAhQndvenflk TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate of 4c per word per insertion or one and two times So per word for three four or live times and zinc per word or or more insertions 10 addi tional dinrgn it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIEDW VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded tint All phonn insertion olden III nice it ed on convenience to you Idvertlder rncrcloro the inclined AdvertislrnfA Deplrtlrlent requires nil sdvc en to kindly recheck their dvcrtlscnlent lmmedistely silcr Brit inlertlon in order thlt any erron or omission buy he reported before mm in order that me lull be reunited or the loliowlng dryr insertion order we wish to point out that The Barrie Exsmincr ll responsible or only one incorrectly printed lnldrtlnn an my Idvertlsement slid than only to the extent or portion of Ad tht involves the mlbprlntt Errors which do not input in not clioihls ior correc donlby mike goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices iorrup 1015 words over 25 words so per word extra in Memoriam No tices $150 it verse used per iwnrd uttrn BLIND LmEfl REPLIES information reglrdlng sdvertlscrs using Blind Letter Box Numbcrl 01 fiepiier is held strictly conadr an will bn hold only in days sitcr lurt dy oi puhllelttnn Class led advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex ception of Classified Display advertisements which must he in by 1200 noon preceding day into snd typo itylll ror lcml dirplsy cisslilcds Illnedr tinnull The hummer vertilinl department Little Effect fiom Boycott 01 us Ships MASSENA NY AP threatened boycott by Cann dian union of US shipping on the St Lawrence Seaway would have negligible eiiect on sea way operations the St Law rence Seaway Development Cor poration paid Wednesday spokesman said the corpora Replleaflto LetteL Boxer Joansumes that thcelsoyoottr if called would only be against vessels plying the Great Lakes and the seaway and not against oceangoing ships He said most of the lakers are owned and op erated by Canadians The Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Transport and General Workers CLO has called or boycott in rat Iiotion ngainsLa 715 picifet line at Canadian nnned freight ill Dulut Minn Dock workers there have refused to cross the picket line The ship has been tied since July 20 American sievedores claim the ship the Northern Venture runaway flag vessel Try An Examiner Want Ad rooms rs mu Graydon KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER lls DUNLOP 51 EAST PA 54252 wls huve lull been iiico exclusive suillorily lo oller lor nls lhis vsluobic properly including eq pmcnt rlock ono Dunne il 32 in Kitchen ind re rsni id it ill Good mu IMV lill iEvery gorl sroprrly has low onus on hlgbllly by depth OIIW iny reuonlhln oller wlu llocrcd owncr will use is drrl morlgogr on very lesionbl lrrml GOOD FARM IS SAFE INVESTMENT We have lsrgc sssortinrnt oi good Islmg rsiiging in priccr mm 000 to 310000 Csli Bill Bewn It allul nmvsic rgeeill sun agent or Grlydan Kn BVlzNiNlis CALL GRAYDON KolIL PA we liliLLll COLE PA some HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIlIl srllm PHONE PA 32678 WOUD YOU KNOW BARGAIN IF YOU SAW ONE Well here It is this lovcly cu loin built home on one oi EllHes but limis complete wllh Arc plscc paved drive bucment rpnnicnt renting It no monthly so it you would ilkc Ill inlmll ircc morlgsgc phoni Fcrcy Ford in lnlpeci SIX ROOM HOME lionlhiy psymcllll only so includ ing lull This home ll only two you old ind in good condition One cor garage ololc lo down lawn and schools Coll errcy Ford PA e7oio STROSEST llodrrli ranch style bedroom brick bunglow Populsr illpt living and dlnlllg room Family siro kllchcn close to schools l1Clwnor tronsicrrrd Csll lulu Scull rcit BVENINGS CALL BilA SCANDilm PA 54865 PERCY FORD PA Him onlirlo ncrl billionaires niml airire BnoKBB 1n rllrlN smear BAnBiz SHANTY BAY ROAD Brick bungalow six room lull hucmcnt recreation robin iorced on oil honing oprli llrcplscc gursgc lilliy lndlcsped lot with paved driveway Terms ACRES 42 DWELLINGS Gentlemans listlo locotcd aboul milcr irom some on main higil wry about Ictel ol iugh dry illd nuvlng nboul mm or landscaped luvvns the hblunceIs llshily wooded All buildings are cobblestone niln house no bedrooms living room dining room kllcncn suppolpn plccs bath and zpiscc wocll room with vanity Gringo Separ olc building for serum or tllsi cxira ioniin Ill rooms snd bath circular drivcwuy ALLAN DALE 55300 rooms and both lnsul brick siding nlmost new root Located close io school mm and on bus line fiequired ALLANDALEx storey brick bedrooms llvln room snd dining morn kitchc with builtln cupboards both elet trio builtin lireplace hardware floors throughout iuii balemcnl oil nesting laundry tubs lnrgi recreation room with mnhognnl puncilcd walls and tiled floor den partly psved driveway Ear ogc nill prlcsonly $11900 This home is well located to store schools and on bus line 4€ENTRAL COLLIER ST 1350 soure not brick home only shout monthsnld This ll lsrgc well built brick bungulow located close to downtown to turing lhree lBrKe bedroom shops living room and dining room spacious work kitchen plul largo dining urea in kitchen stone fireplaces one in in living room and one in the rccrention room cnr builtin lBrIEe paved dHVEflY Teas Large down cnrrsqu red GROVE AREA BEDROOM 39500 lull price bedrooms live iiig room kitchen and bath lull busement now lorced sir err run since Well located to all schools BLAKE STREET COMMERCIAL LOT Commercial lot ioculcd ncsr the cut end variety store 65 165 could be used for any ommcroinl business CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member at the Barrie snd District Real Estate Bond For comploTo moving rcrvtcs ssior Ind caplsr iu COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGE LTD iAGENTi Esra Rd Berna PArklvuy 57 PA H125 1m IIDUSE3 lurge bedrooms iiigo kitchen small dining nrcs Nenr Othcltiiian illan WIIEX mntremd AP ply at GLOaklcy Purl soure amount Brand now two bed room bungalow inrgo living room And kitchen ihrco Iecn bath with tiled floors throflz out Make all er rniephono aonil stroudi MODERN HOME ttlcllltd carport en nisnboimedccuiog in spl cous living room handruhbodlinotty pine plusillnl hllsmont lurnace conveniencu flyoflcant but psi oppolie chooi in ouihris manhunmwbn PROPER FOR SALE GARAGE ATW¥EVAI2E lnr hicmbcr oi Burris and District Ind Nicely lsndsmpcd lot plul gepfiOBWnltln YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES and kitchen REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForeman In Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES OUR BET HANDYMANS CHANCE TI SANFORDNEAR JOHN STREET 35900 Here law all good nppcsring ultimoloomed boni that needs hwlirlthvnthfl mwmmsnu In attuned nrigc or number roundlion and root hrs on in am elu ibspe Mortgage ircc exempt terms are lvlillbil coop lilt lull obono PA am to up it IS GARDENING YOUR norm in sea 25 DAVIDSON sr cullnMuut home by 1th MTIlrleM On very big list eentrluy scoisd eI in both iiiih sod ruhuc Schools it goodeke bedrooms snd is are In exln line then Wllh luld of cupboards All woodwork in rlniuni blond flnhh Retirelion room and second bathroom in bum incot pmly done noisy other erinr hm rno one oi in boat high yielding well workeddrp deni in VI hIVl seen in Berna NHA mortglgc II 57 camel for 85 monthly including tun For lull Ln lornniion phonl PA 85568 PARKDALE CRESCENT sBEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW $13500 very hundy to Public and liiirb schools this lovely bunglow is only yelll very well kept and in Ipolleu condition it nu sin kit chen with lplrluul dining urn Ind ll hilly uuipped with Illimlnum items and screen The resr gurdcn ll uutuliy isbdsciped snd completely fenced The 57 carries or monthly including taxes Pull down pnymcnt is only noon See this is right away You will um that it is roll buy SUNNIDALE ROAD DISTRICT 70 LEililA ST FRAMED 1N LOVmAi mans $22900 On perfecHrlundscnped our lot cnlurlng privscy this 3bedroom solid brick bun blow in built in 1969 snd ls complcie lo the lllt detail The brsuiliully propnriloncd ilvinldinln has lovely acorns marble Arcplsce iho bslcnscnt is dividrd very right one slry second bslnroom nd liundry Hos lrrgo brcshirrt lire in pcliecliy plsnlicd ll LETIIlA STREET JUST OFF SUNNIDALE ROAD $13800 Hero is lil Inexpensive Headroom hrlclr bungllqw with prett An piscc0ll no it lot on Elrriel llmt or lovely ml iii trees til ll oncowncr house since now in 1954 lies the all livingdining shspcd combination Ind sunny kiichcn with rarerto brukrsrt ares The bucmrnt high snd dry hos naisheil rust ellyle dcn ii there is bright laundry lociion Sublilnllll ash is roqulled be but Ibo sinii an mongsge cirries st $71 monthly complete Am to see this line little home NOW PA uses 3TRAANEAYENUE SOUTHERN EXPOSURE GENUINE RUG BRICK rsnchilyio wiih recalled lront doorwsy this ycBMld tillerbedroom bungulow will hsve tremendous spposi to the gnixcs high guilty in conltnlcllon 1ts sltulted iii an lesllcolliéllthcdighborhood at other line homer Hrs mily ienccd lovrl is size or true isllilly coiniorl Owner Ill quick poslession is svslisbiel nvanmes CALL MEIu Ill MOOREPA S5187 Irl FOSTmLPA H143 UTA ROGERSPA H531 comm UDlfl MEMBERS BARRIE DISTRICT REAL ETATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA S0241 PA smith CnmpbuiiPA 87355 Fergus GlrvnyPA e795 llembeilJLbl Barrio Bsnl nitrite Board losn LongPA ohm CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA $5901 Members oi lhc Blrno snd niltrlct ncsi Estate Bosrd RARE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY lllriety slorc snd Snack Bar In RED hot action spot We know todays Hemtomorrows is anybody guess it youve been wanting smsil lusinclr your owncoll us right nowbeiore its too istei Clll PA A5901 or shy of tho salesmen listed below stler hours BUILD THE FIRST MOTEL 0n the new TransCurlde iligliwny Ccorginn Buy section Five vsiu abio scrcs It Vsubuuihcnc serving both Highways 12 snd 10a ZONEP COMMEBCJAL MUCH MORE LATER owricr only asking $15500 or this propc Subrtsrillsi morillle bniunce with interest only steel and not due until tree Prelenlly rented or three zroomcd Aptl and oils broomcd Apt an no file we Suitable or any commerclsl vcnturoor just as it is Vlllnblc order location Its liceparbuy beta the owner wlkel upl VIOOD INVESTMENT FOR THE MAN WHO CAN DO HIS OWN MINOR REPAIRS AND PAHITING lix good sized rooms in ii compich LowLido now CORRAL YOUR BUCKAROOS in the wcuturrsd rsnchcliced hock yard oi this bedroom Nclron street home igmlhc kl eue emit lost years igo Obey that impulse snd all now or on ippolntmeni KITCHEN ENGINEERED TO PROLONG TIH LIFE OF YOUR WEE Living room with ArepllcrtoIWWHE the bowling cold orwintor nights with crsckllng blue Fireplace also thetatine or one wall in recreation room Ganernlu windows lhmulhout the house invite cool caressing breezesespecially in 211040 bedrooms Built just one year ago by Mr Jack stolihr one of our illicit contractors Illneu of sin lly ln Orlllinrelson for Bellini POSTAGE STAMP LAWN simpliilcr ylrd work ci hauls or modern tomorrow Two your old snd is one hill or double rosltlvslynrro value no dont delay Make dsic lo up it toduyl WWW CALL Harry SIeflorPA 0618 Oren BrownPA and Frank CanfidflnPA 51475 Merv GouldOra 2516 Doris NuttycomhePA 3799 Edith Gouldore able CORBYREAL ESTATE so Dunlap st COREYPA eons HALL BROKER Phone PA Hell MAEEL MARSHALLPA 84460 It OWEN JONESPA 8793 Constructs HIGHEQUALITY HOMESr See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT T0 INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 89391 on PA GW Norman SheIsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER FDUNIJOPTST PA gnome3742 FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 m1 moo vaultNorm crummy LHIGHWAY NORTH $9500 lu price or make otter Down payment only $2000 Ind wm fimnl°5odfinhcsmllfistllrlirfulfil l€°3sliiinrfmvlils°lvifi lipntald an No 11 Kilhwl Dont nilu thll axcdptinnnl buy Nn re lollllllts offer will In roll Evenlnll Call glin PAINT willion PAVlMJI Even tshtilwoll aro 2m Normn ahslnisii PA Mm HowlrdNurfl PA Hoes Phon PA used ICARSQN Siouh Agencjesiid Call Normals ShelWall or ylrtlolllufli REAL ESTATE rnornnm FOR SALE HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE IS Owen St Barrie PHONE all cases menu or emu AND DISTRICT REAL MATE BOARD BRICK BUNGAOW Lem llvlnr room ismiiy Liza kit chsn three hummumdAl Efie STEEL iymo moo niu arcsqu DprTEI only mood 58 NAPIER ST Lug lsodiciped lot worth in oi antin prlco Livan room kllch cu tour bedroom snd bath Price inciudu inrisnd stay one some mmltun run once Mo wills taboo down asunco one private munggs si no monlhly NOR We mm Ant moflll gr aletorll lnddfly hurt687s no Phen PA 3565 Alter hour Phonl Bob Howelllnl PA Wt REAI TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next dour to thl Imperial Theatre YEAR ROUND HOME mm oil price bison down with one mortlue It lei month mo celient condition nrcs bcdroonu ism uvilig room kllcbcn with builtin rupbosrdl snd hath sun Ited on Ilrflal lroco lot over lookinr this like ror nirtncl ne lills cll nuncli ellion PA W1 oitor 5110 PA aelsii WELLINGTON STREET EAST Bedrdolnl New brick hunnlow Eltil large uving loom kllchen helllmmriitulted an lol with 66 ironthgo lilli price 7400 wlih mo down Call nuu Carson PA ml alter 110 PA Midi $1500 DOWN room storey irsmo home on one acre lot Bill Price only 310800 hill basement oil illn ncr Csii Russell Carson PA 86481 alter 1130 PA Hlfll INCOME HOME EDGE OF TOWN Terrier opportunity to live in low tax urea Ind hsvo on lncnms irons uppcr npsrimcnt lower bedroom wllh dining la in lng room kitchen runroom snd car grrsge This property csn be purcnorcd with $1000 down and mortgage st e55 which inc nrtmnnt wui carry Cull Gerry sliory tddiy bills in sin evenings PA A1072 EDGEHILL DRIVE ONLY $1000 DOWN PAYMENT nil price onlyteooo This home carrier or only sumonlbly slid FglrdIwt bedrooms living room pleee Surprise This property lilo I5 room herrnt with privste hath built rnr with private enlrlnco This revenue will carry the house occioso to it See it before it line SOLD lizn on the front llxee kitchen Mb PA 6648 Member at Blrrll lnd Duhlet Rlll hints Bond TAYLOR sunnroeen WORTH itcLAPlihnlmrorlmlsEMSAnaE PHDNEPA 617 BRICK BUNGALOW bedrooms dhlped living room and dining roomlcentrnl location close to schools snd shopping mortgage will cirry ior ssh pol month including taxes EDGE OF TOWN ms rooms crtrs large lulcncn snd uvlng room teen butli $1200 down will hand For do tnlls esll this ollice 50 ACRES Mother has controltower view or klddlcs piggy15 hummusubsinuoimortgsrnlinwrwdirro uy wt APP mu mm worlnbic with good buudings ior only 9200 with 83000 down Evenings cull NELLBPA More nnioonn=PAB£ico Member Toronto Ind Ontrib neni Estto Boards HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 4mm 51 PA 66453 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Lime ton room brick home two blocks from downtown Lot do by 140 75 teet fromvfllydeld List price sibooo at good lnterc rate of 659 lmnledlslc posse slon Clll Joe Polmcr PA doom FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW mm buy this very ncit Ind tidy tour room hungllow with all lconvcllionccl sun sooo down Ind one block outside city limitlz Possession enlist nor ppo men is nspsc cc phonc impairingPA noose LOW TAXES lull waldo clt limitl Ell room older brlckyhomewlth new fllrnlne plumblnl and with Nooguthroolmfi Updtbirl coiltld out to en curry mor go EIll Drlc 813000 Call Merl have heavy lndliatilll size 212 492 tor $6000 IV iluAn1us oucshricir piece bath living room kltchcnputiuty room round sir belting Lot zu 7m 230 carries sol175 per month includA lng interest snd prlnclpil cu Elnory lvlnlcr PA 60475 Member or Home and Dlltrlct Rel Ito Baird WINGS CALL DRY PA 00475 JOE Pm JA weds KARL MARSHALL PA 58911 Cell cc silo knuicsqueL ings mud on end it you used uus covqu or my had TWO STOREY House llluntcd in MONEY mmGAGEBlstrnnd 42nd hongbt 865 MONTHLY Two bedroom uri NOMHBAIKFS Ora 02 mu Um IA 87585 kitchen with stove nnd refrigera 355 ii JunTelephone PA $0719 for no REALESTATE RENTALS PROPERTY FOR SALE ms access To him MOVING Dont orgl to mule you INSURANCE zaar no one bedroom bested nnlurdlsbrd Abutment rlvst cntrsnro Avourbio srptrni Adulu prelemd iclrpbono PA 57101 5° TWO B001 1mm mats not Arid cold wsicr spli to on or two Adults Avliilsbis npw Telephone PA em svcnings or inrtiser psrllcuisrs 111 Dunlop St unite noon scii contained run OPPORTUNITY lsned sprrinirhl time place bun me iii FORA sum WITH 81 ShfifliflAfiflfifik $4000 CASH mm between um pm owncr must sellbeing lrsmicls llemD modern two bedroom led out at town room brick continent in strnud rtincni house in plelunt neighborhood house Adults preferred Na ob our proposed lli new public notion in brbiei No cu Ull oi bool on Anna ll Lotiiis swimming pool AvsllsSill new as Futures lsnso with oirrct or monthly Telcp one strand cu in house no wullmoin cte rilli Brine Simon rrlc ipr czNmAL Location hvo bedroom 392 month For lull yariieulln imiurnlsbrd hutcfl tram owner sppiy also one hcdrouin both it prlvsls coirlnco snd bulb Avail EOA 35 BARFIE sblc sepicmbsr roitpbono PA mAslx Coulislimo Home or 51 14 in good condition to be mov ro or dcmoulhco ror lurLlier ln iormsllon write box or innls phimined filugnlulienuhts ownsr ls summon ROAD arcs New $265 mm NJLA tum bedroom brick bun fig gslow slischcd grsgc stone lionuliN our bedroom unturn lire colored lilo hull with ishcd rrlmrui si vlniyslornu Ind screen loaded mull mum flu 12 Msy be seen it 27 Sb illllcs snd puking cuntssly lo cited Avilisblo September Mount ibrro bedroom homr nigh glam brrskilui Inaok suit 91 PA on mu lumnum ur ago on portI windows doors icrcrns ind psrlllgcnl unifiznllgeofl bidet1 mu Large lot Conllrl two private eninncel siovs rod Lulu slroud fifilimgrlior ll Allesllie Garage rcmcn lhln insoicdll oven until norm and bulb crnlre hsll pln on in cm at cmbm rich land lotled on blcbw runmelinn three cm Complete new rlvmbm menl ground noonrgrivflolpell syllcm ind well Low down py mics vrry ccnirrily lacloo Pri mrni rim mungu xIt blnklln vsto bilh All service included lcreil mu PA W35 11 no monlhly ldcsl ior couple PA SINZ only Telephone PA 560 PROPERTY FOR SALE gNfiufiMSlglf linemen Ann EIIv W0 is rooms no 11 OR RENT bright rcii contained in Sloth lurk urn Avrilbio Se tember No oblocllnn in on child Tele Phone PA calla nwb 110qu Apnrlmenis un iurnlrhcd downtown iocsilon Pri vsto cnlrsllcc laundry llcllltlel Heated Ind occ Tele SEE STEVENSONS PA m1 HOME Modern sunnld snd Anno district two bedrooml lin isbod recrcstion room Bensonbin Shinty any lusl isw ylirdr irons tho wltel roaiurss bed rooms droploco in living room excdlient well indoor plumblnill oll lumice largo icncrd in ysrd Avrilbis scplclnhrr is rrcrcnt 2p iclllinls moving irom onlorio Clli pnollo lgtA we dnyi PA out 21 deLom PA one or oro evenings WEIRD spsrtlncnt hcsted isulidry IcllltloL shin im adlatlyb Na chlljilrle musk so is also no one dials or detour 53 mile noon healed unblmishcd spsrlmcni Private bithroolu Ind cntrsnce oil ground floor rrlvm vcrondo washrl Ind drycr sup plied Ap llnneel ilanll Free lpolicing clcphonn ml or bedroom Ind us or FARMS FOR SALE lAnli ran SALE implo ments stock dairy bud and milk lng contract milk pipe line now houso Two miles iroln Elmvlle Telephone 719ml Elmvllo MORTGAGES MORTGAGE also ClioUNn noon three room up tarnished nriincnt Heated self contained srdwood lloon Con irnlly iocetcd Avsiillbin Septew alga Telephone PA oesoe or PA AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Pnyments insured lgnlnrt sccldent siclmcss death CRESCENT FiNANCE DUNLOP 5r WET BARRIE PA solos MORTGAGE LOANS BED eirrnm lionm snd kitchen in quict house niso one srooln slid one irooln rtmslit loll contained Krnund In with tree nlrklnz AvhllehlarAugust 10 PA Bile aria ideu ior lining houses Attics ergel perfect intui RENTALS GARAGES WANTED WANTED HY Genilemln leaving country for on ycsr ncgulrcl At all flange space or car by September Wr1te Box 83 Cm idea SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES WANTED vehARGEef COTTAGE 0R SUMMER HOME for 1962 summer season fllree tourbedroom slimmer cot tage adjacent to good swim ming bench in Shanty Bay Big Bay Point Kcswick or Beaver ton area Write Box 100 Barrie Examiner Include photo if available ARTICLES for SALE EWSPAPER MATS lies etc 25¢th ooznn Apply Tho nuni sirminor Burris ontsrld CLEARANCE SALE MOEFAT RANGE Rmlfimm le5 BIG REDOCTIONS Buy buiorn September lit end but the isle tux ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP ST EAST PA 82431 NEEDANEW STOVE OR FRIDGE Buy em with lowcost Illavlnluldd SCOTIA PLAN LOAN AMHERE ouehhtorcsnommolmdr MULMWLSWML pm UNFURNISHBD two bedroom rlmooi modern coovrnlcncu nlllnl surroundlnzl Availbl August IS Relsnnlble rent Clan to Camp Borden Close in store hndJchnol JdlnhunnJVySflllr LlNiUKNIBHBD ihrca room heat ed apartment or rent rllv bnlhroom snd rnlrancc Ncsr Gen enl Electric Avrlluble September Robsonublc Telephone PA H251 or PA 609117 MAIN noon Apartment three rooms uniurnlshed icii contsinc $15 month heat water snd dro included one lmlll chud we come Avniisblc Septumbcr 15 PA was or PA 53534 or Apply st Brndlord Street FOUR ROOM uninrnished Inert nicnt heated leiE Contained Con trrily incted Also three room basement apartment unlurnisbed lmmedlstciy to consoudnlu debts ly of existing moflzlgos homo Improvements etc Csu ior IP Ointmefll PA moi illnrtguc ding over SimmonsScars nunlop Street East rold lnil lrrangod commercial and rcridcoilsl mane loaned on existing mortgugcr arrio lum grgs Broken FA oesoi BUS OPPORTUNITIES MANUFACTURE requires local resident in make dcllverlel to re tlll accounts inthe nrel These Are light deliveries Ind winne quire 1218 hours work weekly It Cln he handled In addition to regular work hyeltllnl is man or women Apfiilclnt must he resident or lrcsior at least two years have tranlportntion clean driving record abstnlners lnil sum cash available Sucs cesslui ap ilcint willthralned recilvn lu campfly benefitlg HI nry Ind commission tn start Ape ply In writing 11th brie nut llnh of quulldcntlond to Fenonnnl Ollice Dept 215 SB Biottsnli Rd nownrview Ontnrlo $5195 RENTALS APng Bonsn 19 REM ggEgEmEfigfigoggmpspifi ADJOINING PARKf fiiooimim mm 11 tlflmsgsénmihgdihi silla are on mun BeSlde Lake One Ind two bedroom nputmltnt opholie PA 56401 or runner in complete with stove and retrlzcr iormntlon 0M OLET ntor Use of wsshcr snd dryer nedocorntcd nnouolly PA 068 CLEAN Furnished Room linen lupplledi on bill rmllLJlrklafi m3 HEATED lumsm mom nvallnble Telephone PA com tor Adults only Aviinhlo immediate further information iy Prlvuts hstb oom Telephone NICELY Binlulled Bed sitting PA 35132 Room for rent 3160 Weekly Arena Ires Telephone PA H097 TWO BEDROOM Cottlg or apert ment to rent the year round liter p111 Partly iurnlshcd Telephone saw mnmenan annuoolii to rent wings acsch ipr details Two blocks iron gngltmgin my Life encssrmunprcrene one mo BEDROOM furnished spart Mm mentl bested sell contained Avuillblalor the month or Sop tcmber PA alien cnild rclcphoms PA as no or PA 35818 ATTRACTIVE two room spurt mcnt lb Alllndlle Completely fumllhlfl stove retlrlgerstori bundorlch hdtwnter isund facilities linens if desired Ava able immediately Telephone PA nousemrms noom two heel ringetls snd rcirigcntor For two huslness mcn who would like nulct home in west end distinct Phone PA c7134 mu pm ROOM at BOARD 25 BEFINBD middle rgcd July to 11 alum good home Brill boll Rel lonaDIE Write Box 94 Blflltlk Aminnr TWO slmonl Apnrtmcnts unfurn Iahcd immedihtc possession Telli rhone PA 56681 ior ruruicr lu termntion aerply no Essa Rood iurliishcd umldr duplex Avsllnbic now Children weicomc Telephone PA moi Hznnn Aparimcnt Lsrgc living Ea room bedroom dinctlc modem 1100 Ind board Ivnfllbia one block 1mm downtown Luncncl puckcd sis perweek Telephone PA 643MB WANTED Foster home or two cm 110 or school term rrctcrsbly flrflmmm any term For nirthcr idioms mcnlli East end location Telephone PA noose ror turthcr an Irriy Box aortic mom lnrormstlon EAST END Roomond Baird gfgvmgm 215 amps gentleman fir momWm ifilliht laundry snd Itd IllAllllEEElgFfiOIgfihfid wl ruck lunches it desired Pieu conic Telephone PA sonic telephm PA M767 FOUR noolii Apartment uliiurlp APTS HOUSES WTD ichcd hertcd ground floor inun dry facilities Oakley Park vicin DO Youbmm THE IMPOSSIBLE lty Avgghhl Byourillntfielii Tele er Phone AIi Apartment with two large lhrce or even our bedrooms is Room artmcnt or wanted by four lady telehcrh rclit Stove rclrigsrnlor hcat and hot wotor iupplicd Use or washer Reply in box on Ellrid immincl an and dryer Dont miss seeingtnls tor Central Businesl couple ple ielrsd Telephone PA Halo Apartment lei dlt polntment NE IDMedmun and bedroom npnrtments overlooking Iconic Kempcnlelt Bay Heat WA tor psikin Ind innitdr scivice Included ntolnntio washing in cilltlu PA 82901 MODERN heutcd soil continelh three room unfurnished spart mont with three piece hntll Sit usted on PCnelAng st 310 month reicphnne PA 3404 TWO Benitomll uniuiniibcd lipnrtincilto lluW roirigeratorr snd stoves washers and dryers Avnli ghzlianimmediltdly Telephone PA room house or wintcrlzcll coitngs ill or rri by tenibcr rfieliuhlc Phillie AHobd awn bennoom Apsrlmsnt rec oulrcd by September ncnsonrblo rent in exchange for gcnerui mnlnlcnnncectc Rolllhlis tenlnts Wm nox lsl Walngn ncsch WANTED 130 Km Three or our bedroom house in good lou uon by engineering executive has lots Sctptumber lo Telephone PA to New iurtiicr poriiculirr sou nxAivlmnii WANT Ans VPIIDM rs ilziil AsrllALl DRIVEWAYE hallo PA H274lrDlshetrFmAn Limited nuLLnolea and Grading Fence wmeo TD RENT or inch $4 JOKART AND Engine $100 lnr ilydroplsn with 20 hp slim Mercury motor hp iohllroli motor $100 nob on Station we burn Avc FILL YOUR Complete Line DI lb theJlnuL RED and BLUE MEATS ETC 100 Oulrlnteld Oillit Budget Telml on ordetl $5000 And over FREEZER FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES self CanillnedNoob actlonftor elnulvflllblerOthoskwh purch their orders daily At your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE 24 245 mm STREET BAnilu PHONE PA 50601 Free Delivery Open Fridly till Dlfl HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA 421 VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED rv SETS $4900 REFRIGERATORS $9500 McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 coruJBJmY Hardwood niosi mnpic Telephone PA $6891 leir wi snd slumps removed Alva ch Kurt PA H139 bnmebmrolc or slip Westlnl house cubic ioot excellent com ion Hi1 Tnluphonq PA Mole aPAcn BEATEB and 01L Drum Ur Inle in perfect condition Sel init reasonably Apply nt 25 In Street Welt AUTOMATIC Dun Truiismisrlon for inr 1955 Meteor or Ford A1 condition Telephone PA 441 nor lurther details OFFICE FURNITURE Roll TOP Olk Desk Burl Swivel Chlfl AlelflrSile 16 25 33 in good rennin Apply rrsokiin orlcn hlcll phone me Coilingwood IEWYA VlCilthn Cleaner or nie Attachments included new mos semen Milny other mukes models taJilquse train Tele phone PA Mai rocondilioning splliug or null price Telephone PA 84310 PA Moan ioi lurtbor inloml in lophons PA our Try An Examiner who no PHONE PA 62414 WA shimwicuuimynua

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