TH 3AM EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST 17 lltl ii 1mm enema the FM IALONWMW Atom um Jams arm at AROUND SIMCOE RCOUNTY librarian in the lheenee oi Bin for 1981 claims Augun as Watson who is on holiday its date Handsome donated and Congraurlatlm In Patsy Mui Our summer residents have been favored by Lady Luck in the local dr held recently Mrs Kissing oi Tomato won the electric barbeque atthe it all supermarket bits Portion won an mm automatic mov ie camera ill the Cedar liarb our draw to the minor base ball draw the winners were Mervin Ayers Glen Harris and Mrs Hughes hoiland and Beverly With and to Wayne Martin and Barbara Windatt whose marriages took place on Saturday and lllrs Allan Martin won David Martin son oi Mr lIgerit handsome rewards Prize honorable mention in Barrie Rix baby contest last week Mrs ired blulhoiland return ed home on Thursday mm in dio Calii where she had been attendingherrnietea wedding can prim my be yoursjf You exhibityouvou specimens and make artistic floral arrangemusta The horne ly home garden products also to can be obtainod from Mrs hir and Mrs William McLean are visiting at the home of theirson Bobin Ottawa or two weeks Paul and minimal lhure Mr and Lloyd Coboln day with Khalid Mn lone clement at Penetang Hrs Sterling Robertson of Richmond Hill is visiting her cousin Mrs began this week Air and Llrs Russell Rowe JWMZMHvM Donald on Mondays LARRY RANNON 71 we oer IAKES CANADA W7 AMI WW swimsueumaaokm wane THEDLD is Shirley Rix is adios The Peewee and the Junior Stroud baseball tenms conunen ced the playoff games last Fri day night Tiley in conjunction an york an guests oi the latters moth er Mrs John Shepherd and Mr and Mrs Ralph Bough ton andiamily have moved to their new home in Markdale sue DiDNT SAVE so Mum Immamroelvs azaAoleowmguusgsr as ENORMous Jean Hancock Toronto visiting Donelda Nash this week lValier Blacktveyblun ism is Visiting his relatives in this community this week Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bartram on the arrival ON ATRIR MR HOSKINS ULIET Jones they all attended the Oaklay whera hlr Hnu tonwill he maulefluï¬nm McArthur wedding in Orlllla on grnuprmmayml if in ï¬mmlm SLMW Am 11 Mr and sin Lloyd Coborn Seated on Br number from here atlend Paul and Peter were Sunday Fina Station Dennis Sheard and mm khan in guests of Mr and Mrs Lorne You Br 16A Lindsay on Saturday West at Stacey Point it was with deep regret that Mr and Mrs lennox Black Mls Noble oi Leiroy is vie his many friends learned that and Mr and Mrs Chester Mc llms Mr and Mrs Dee Chant Black the venerable pat Cookey spent few days this in rlach of our village went to week with North my friends Barrie hospital one week ago Mrs Jamel ACourt and two rommtQrMmmuOF dfluxhterrwhohnverecentXYTF wan nd Margaret mch turned to Toronto from Branl Shakespearean Festival in strut visited her mother last week iord They saw the Shakespear Mn Tilly Hunter can tragedy Corigianusld ghey report that Paul co le res sed in Napoleonic costume play ed powerful part in the title rule as tragic Roman here Mrs hiargaret Miller is molded by his mother into an patient inrthe Ark Eden Nuns epitome oi staunch military ox Home mu Struud We mindedness full bolas not wish her speedy recovery ME pm ffl fï¬klï¬ï¬ï¬nflfmegé MrsidMeiayn goal her can in the Royal Victoria Hos gran aug or aro and ï¬gï¬fém 19 you min friend Ralph Lutzko oi loron Mr and Mrs Peter oliver ed to dance hem an the to for the holiday weekend were guests oi Dr and Mrs moot at Fina Service Centre MConggatuiations dto Mr and Séienion in Muskoka this th local firemen rs ruce War nee Pat m53mmy agentye much Cartwright who weremarried Congratulations to Lynda Rug commendation tor therworkrthey mJaturdnyrAusun It Afflicnieompleliogljherfwr are doing for worthwhile pro sympathy landed in the 311 IS enm In el iecu They are supplyingth family and relatives of the the We 11 fa belts for school patrol officers me Mrs Elmer Mcuam who Mr and Mrs Mason and giving trophy to the school Fused away in the admired Doris attended the Mason re By ALICE mumps that eliminates the most ilre Clinic Saturday night The late union at Woodbridgo this week hazards ind henjve figï¬iiad Mrs McLean was the former Efld netoaineyfl EL Muilaclrh in SHEEBELEGMCE tni lrebovrthrinmimlbitï¬Eï¬THiï¬ï¬haï¬in n23 icilmï¬ieihnqiï¬ihï¬wii Dlcrssl upl with tlhhis sfrvijce they render in the call deceased 1m in year She 1an Sum Mm graceu sc easy it uy ieavu one son Jack McLen perfect hotwcather handiwork ino Pacaud oi Scarborough and daughter Mrs Tom Rey Eights and MI wan Butterfly wings of pineapple on walking tour from Van aids bag 01 Toronto hm crochet so decorative youll oouver to CNE Toronto passed titer Roy Jack of Orillia gig want scarf ends for TV buiiet through our village at noon on set to match the chair set Pattern 7221 directions in No 30 SendrThIrtyiivercents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care oinheBarrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Ou 196 Needlecraft Book Over 125 designs for home furn ishings for fashionsknit croe chet embroider weave sew quilt toys gifts bazaar it ems FREE six designs for Monday intending to make Bradiord by nightfall His bar row has three nibher wheels on ritrwithrhandleshighennugh that he does not raise the wheels oif the ground or have to stoopto push it Ninety pounds of equipment and sleep ing bag rest in the body oi the borrow Good luck Mr Pa caudl Rev and Mrs Warllass and family oi Grand Valley are onholidayatacettageal Glonwood Beneh Lake Simone Margaret Comewas visiting popular veil caps Quick send 25 cents TQDAY her aunt at Springhurst Beach Staynor The Flower Show in Struud ters Edna Reid of Leiroy and Lucy Dollery oi Toronto TONTRRCT BRIDGE BY so BECKER VNorth dealer EastWelt vulnerable NOB two rounds oi trumps led the TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI Phona Pa 82416 spadeshis fifth best Dummy played the eiylt and East prop erly played the ten when it held he returned the king Declarer took theace drew jack oi diamonds and rmessed East won with the king and now had to choose the right return to deieat the contract neeus DAT is TEACHING Hen To unive pocs 5H HAVE License yer TELEVISION PROGRAMS cnvn cHANNEL Bangle munsnav auousr can lunlnr Roundup 530 Roy Rulers coo News Headlines Three stooges Farm Market Report nan snlnlesnn News Weather Sports Gunsmoka The Itehel Sumner Cireul Chenhnatr Parade Country Junction Peter Gnnn wow News The Weatherman Continuum News 1135 necoy FRIDAY autumn is us Test Pattern 130 Movie Woman They Al most Lynchnd Summerma News and Sports Interviews crtonns liluslc no Caravan sao Cannonball sou News Headlines invisible Monster lrnnn MarketReport Don Jamieson e2smwr Weather sport Ioo Father Knows am CFTO CHANNE THURSDAY auuusr 11 am Professors Hideaway soc Whirlyblrds sou Sports 640 Magic Mornnntl in sport 645 ans Weather 1no Best ni the Port Lookus Tantra At night Bowery to Broadway The Rebel llnn and tn Challenge Lou Agar snnw News Weather Sports aetter utn ana Weather spam Epilogue FRIDAY AUGUST News Free and Easy Channel it Theatre tour Vines am viarm Grapes Eid been my Whlriyhlrtiski it gtngc omens in arts News thei Outdoor portsman so Love Lucy am Red River inborn Perry Mason Danger Kant Have Gun Will Travel htro T1 in cacrv News The Weatherman Today in sports Community Nun Movie The wlnslownoy murmur Kubulr Test Pattern News and Waathar Cdn Amateur coir Baseball Game of Week ltlorte nounrluny but Voyage chute Kuoo Bugs Bunny Albster Gel anr Weather Sports AllStar sols Part Dennis rhn Henna The Penpill Choice an Ellko Sen aunt Great Movies The Women can mm Weather News Sports GWIZiIn China Twin am Money on my Back Mar5 8883 pPFrrlrswwwl sesesgnses awmrrrnnrrsnr 7llrrx hnnnlrnrnu rubber TORONTO IMI Theatre At he nut or The treeneon 1M0 Hart of the Matter two News Weather Sports 1110 Better Late 12 Hilly Nlaht Theltrl iSan MaudStory mint sarunbu aunuar to loan Professors Put 1115 is arts college lzoo ewsLVWreatLag MAL 1215Channel Nine Theatre Adventures olltuaty So You Wont Talk lambll Wrestlinl at Time arts rule mount in sport enthal an men into Space lulu Guam Show bm no wm Naked City Plant or can ovaa Johnny Esaw now News Weather Sports Saturday ngnLThnatro 9934993 Sac 2s 852 Leave it in Beaver If your carrier basin please opy Wiltne nelï¬dfed Tmtu some THERE is NO CHARG VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF caassnn raucns illilillili lvnss You All About two annull at arrivedby pm phone roa rHlsseawcr Opening leadtwo of spades reader would like to know Wflthsasr not Including the convention of leading the fourth best card of suit on defense Some players are of the opinion that regularly hon est leads such as fourth best are more heipiul to the de clarer than they are to the defender It seems to me that defense is difficult enough without ad ding to it the further uncer taintiesthat are creatadby introducing deceptive ta tors closepartnership cooperation is the key to good defense and seldom is it possible to fool declarer without all fooling partner bridge game illustrates the point West led the two of DAILY CROSSWORD LQIIBhoA Lflo EM 2805 850m Wm com nestith 40th non Germ Inhibit weight nuflnele meaauee marerain usinrpinton goods 131mm 90115013 wk Popes 158mm 203eer mugs untanoe some too had won the first trick Ho de thereiormoclamr thJ on the tricthEITm He knew that West had the queen of spades because the also know that West had led the deuce of spades thus indi cating fourcard suit It to had another spade tolose So East returned spade This proved fatal because South ruiied the spade and then got rid of his hearts on tlls diamonds So declarar made five Suppose West hadpiayed rog ularly and opened the Tlveof spadeshis iourth best East would have played the ten as before and returned the king Declnror would take the ace but on this trick Eost would have acquired vital information about declnrers hand West would havepla himself with fivavcard suit and at the same time marking declarer with only two spades When East iatertoolrvtlleking of diamonds he would realize that spade return was futile and would therefore have re turned heart to déieat tho contract Tomomwr lest your dummy play ERIE Milli Hi IIIIVA Iliil is DONALD DUCK ouz skwven Musésa osK Eric iiitï¬ SURELY HAVE NADMV MAGINE SPRAININ ME BAD LUCK FELLERS GOOD OL Riemann mmgnsssvrgrncugmlsr SONI cute mention HAS DEWLME Wifll Rut50F ormn lillNVRED POISED mick FENEREBEWRF MIDNIGHT PDSSiBLY runes not at