Wospt WONDERFUL lrlcot specialty of the French knitting mills is at its best when made up to the speciilcotions at an American house Here is one example oi the new all line suit period for town travel or country wear The warm brown is highlighted by pas WOOL KNIT tcl beige scallop trim on the jacket front the banding un derscoring the cardigan neck line hem and cuffs The over as worn tuck too the skirt in matching beige with salt giro on the coliarlcss neck Early American Fits With Modem seamen ROSS Theres real revival and strong interest in items indigen ous to this country in its early origins And this goes all the way from the good oldfashioned rocker to milk glass Americana as expressed in iuroiture an decoration its in perlectly with our modern way of living which is all to the Hood The rocker has been brought up to date and is at home in almost any setting As for milk glass it is immensely popular it has been brought up to date and appears in some very hand some modern pieces lrom water goblets to attractive accessory pieces such as plates edged in the characteristic hohnail pat tern The milk glass pieces are ideal for the much in vogue black and white table setting liked by so many young mod ems As for glassware in gen eral the leading colors are mint green pale aqua end to pal COLORFUL GLASSWARE Colorful glassware goes nicely with the white bone china that is so popular these days but should be used with discretion with decorated or colored china survey of table settings leads naturally enough to the washing of same And to leap lrom things EarlyAmerlcan to YOUR HEALTH the ultra modern we would ro portoifsomethiog nawin dish washers As is our way of doing things once theory becomes principle improvements lol Iow And so it is with dish washers The very latest dishwasher goes in for mobility and oven with its vastly improved way of doing the dishes manages to be of very brief dimensions so much so that it is at home even in the small city apartment kitchen And is that small many wars The dishwasher can be ceased in or hung from wall it can be floated as room di vider used on counter by the sin or placed below the counter in nonstandard cab ioets it is an attractive pleceot equipment rectangular in form and there are three models pro viding service or 10 and 15 respectively Yet the cabinet length of each unit is butso inches As for its flnnards well this machine is the first con sumer itemfrom one of thsnalt tions leading manufacturers of electronics missiles and air craft equipment So it certainly is precision job for all of its radical design Dishes are washedaod steam puriiied in 75 minutes built in steam generator eliminates the oï¬ï¬Ermotm hugaboo Iutï¬re Inï¬urgery By nonron am on may turn out to be human re trigeraior Throughout the coun try lives are being saved by putting patients on ice The whole ideastarted with flmjear who sleeps all winter cooled by icy tempera tures His breathing almost stops He doesnt have to breathe His chemical machin ry slows down and he cane getraiongwithout much oxygen Years back doctors had to JamLelearaeJlon to tackle maior heart surgery but without their oxygenr supp ram cells weak en and wither in afew min utes masonsan on New hop was triggered by news about icechilled soldiers who were able to live for hours with almost no blood flowing to the brain Doctors began packing voluntéers inice to see what would happen to prevent shivering and other reactions which multiplytli need for oxygen or the cold treatment would backiirel Research soon proved that coolbrainwo spoil even when there isn much oxygen around Brain cells slow down inst like the wintering grizzly 581 By this time heart surgeons had already found new ioveo tions that eliminated the need or Jack Frost But doctors soon located other markets for human refrigeration OXYGEN DETOURED Shock drowning and heart stoppage all detour oxygen away from the brain The shock victim has low blood pressure his heart cant pump uphill Waterfilled lungs cant sorh much air even with the bestartificial respiration And ntheb rtstops oxygen richblocd doesnt flow Also moltenslower stop dangerous internal bleed mg Nullins yam lilopdlesspainfree amputa tiers can be done by putting th arm or leg on ice The cold slows bleeding and numbs pain The whole future of brain surgery may lie in some hid den retrlgerator Who knows Doctors have only begun to flacktheice ZIPPER STYLES ipper tech niques in fashioning garments was initiated at the Brandon provincial exhibition this year Miss Nancy Morris oi Hurling ton 0nt was the expert dem ons at FRENCHE MAEHED Why Pay MOre POTATOES AIP NECTAR TEA BAGS sham vr ANN PAGI KETCHUP Lamamoosa Illa MAVI DI 7t33¢ REG DIMIAVI 1°C WANEON TV DINNERS M59 Ecolqu Milo Pink New 31 REG BTLE SHAVE swam TOILET TISSUE c=049c PEP GHIGKEN LIVER 0R BEEF DOG Foon 2mm to OFF onu apsctau oneroh MARGARINE Mary Lou Anomd SUMMER CANDY Lu ouokm COCKTAIL MIX Christie REO mellow Reg ROD AVE 29 GRAHAM warm ISIool pkg 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Pkg NEW BORDEIIS READY DIET FROZEN DIETARY FORMULA Contains 900 Calories Hum Tastes like ice cream container COTTAGE ROLLS lliood Frozen FOOT Features AIP Brand twosave 4B PEAS VCARROTS arena39v iiï¬iiriinnis motel MAnaAIuNI PABLUM 5999 151 INFANY GERIALS rws arm SA manners AJAX CLEANSER Waaa security PRIcEz runs so save an EXTRA 4o ToTAL 51mm on akérv Matti nEuTAL CREAM FAMILY so mum 93 RAISINeBREAn 2o43 In Purkor Vlriltiel CAKE Low Prleol