mngrom AL MR AND MRS ALLAN eLIeHr AND BRIDAL PARTY St Thomas Church Scene Of Wedding MWAngltcan Church Shanty Bay was the setting for the wedding oi Miss Gall Mary Atkinson and Allan Blight Rev Mr Flynn oiticiiitmt the nttcrnoon ceremony The bride is the daughter ot Mr and Mrs Howard Atkin son Shanty Bay The bride groom is the son oi Mrs Vera Blight Dalston and the late Mr Blight Given in marriage by her totherthe bride was gowned in waltz length dress of his patterned lace tiers over tai teta The gown was fashioned with fitted bodice and lily point sleeves Her ï¬ngertip veil of tulle il lusion tell from halo head dreq oi sequins and pearls Her bouquet was cascade of red and white carnations Bridal attendants were Miss Marilyn Kendall of Toronto cou sin of the bride maid of ban or Miss Carol Atkinson sistEr oi the bride was bridesmaid The attendants were gowned alike in dresses of powder blue organza over talieta Mat ching halo hats and corsoges ni pink carnation completed their costumes Miss Karen Guthrie cousin of the bride was flower girl She wore rock at pink organza matching halo hat and carried nosegay at red and white carnotions Ray Blight Barrie brother oi the bridegroom was best man Tom Blight also shrothcr of the bridegroom and Gary At kinson the brides brother act ed as ushers Wedding music was supplied by organist Angus Ross of nor Tm The reception was held at ShantyvBay Community Hall Receiving the the brides mother wore two piece rock in mint green with white accessories Her corsage was at yellow earnations Assisting the bridegrooms mother was gowned in dress of blue flowered silk with white accessories Her corsago was oi pink carnations For travelling the bride chose suit of beige silk with mate ching accessories corsage of yellow roses comptetedher en semhlc On return from the wedding trip to Ottawa Morrisburg and Kingston the couple will reside in Shanty Bay FASCINATING COU Challenges Canadian Artists JARKERï¬urmonthrshould be long The department of lands and lorests has in its possession many interesting iilrns of Can adas Northland At Springwater Park last Wed nesdey they were being shown by Hadley Colcs oi the depart ment One film which showed the Growth of Land in the Arctic is history of the ap pearance at land in this vast stretch of fascinating country Frozen or eight months of the 12 only four are left tor WI strong The landscap is artis tic powerful and colorful sure ly an artists country waiting tor the young and strong to put fa deanvss the beauty of this an COMMUNITY OF OWERS Few of theriilowers grow tall iheyhave resources to survive like the saxiirage Over 400 species oi plantshave managed to live and grow Their decay vegt on increases the soil each year and so the com munity of flowers expands Con tinuous daylight harms the igrounthanddsortbelovelycoinir pattern grows Eve the wil low hug the ground Muskcx herds are growing slow larger Rock ptarrnigan have followed the receding ice birds make their nests right on the ground antLlintL then with their own feathers The redthroated loon each year seeks out its former nest CLOSES DOOR But with the passing of the the land withdraws its coma and shuts the door Giovanni and Pgrrl enrly part at 1962 TRY Aï¬ï¬‚c enough or an artist to record this spectacle oi rare and un usual beauty and life It only awaits the strong heart apd skillul hand at young Can adian to make name for him sell and record the grandeur of this beckoning land THE STARS SAY ESTRELLITA Keep yo on real istic level Dont expect too much and you wont be dis appointed FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that financialrmatters should be un der excellent influences tor the next six months Another good period is presagedin April and May Many pressures will be lilted during that than and there are wonderiul prospects for advancement during the Dont speculate especially during September when you could oflset gains considerably Personal matters will also be under good vibrations during mosJ oi the coming year with emp asis on rams tuition gimber should also prove xc ti ally happy where tamiiy interests are con cerned child born on this day will be intelligent and imaginative but may be inclined toward ma Iermey Family Hold Reunion At Midhurst Park The tirst reunion ot the Jer mey family was held at Spring water Park Aug 12 withap proximately 75 attending Oiflcers elected for the com ingyeartncluded president Delno Jermey RR Dorrie honorary president Sam Jer may Oriltlo secretary Mrs Phyllis invero Barrie public lty Mrs Grace Pouk Orillia sports committee Charles Jer mey Dorrie assistants Char les McKerroll Drillia Murrny Moore Oro and Orville Jer mey Drillio Next years reunion will he held at Drillia Couchiching Park the last Saturday in June ROLL GRAHAM CRACKERS There will be little muss and tuss when you are rolling gra ham crackers it you use the method suggested by Mocdon ald Institute Guelph Puttbe crackers in plastic bag iold thevtop oi the bag under then roll with rolling pin The crackers are crushed and there are no crumbs to dean up PASTEL STRI Rose and yellow crocheted stripes lend summery lair to this gay place mat set Its era chetedof doublethtcircotton fast in make vi with OUTSIDE VIEW WlNNIPEG CF Winnipeg women arent actually talkative ey are ammer articu late said Kim Sage travelling beauty expert from Neth leans Its not always the case that women are able to ex press therns well she teriabsm Season Specials 1m FElllViiliiEilT waits added PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Carlson PA H511 Notes an intended to cover the client each life the do and count Weddtns nnnlvcrnriu lbrldge pars tics birthdays coming of age parties visitor and tru vellcn II III Items of Intel est la the women reamI this pile Your help In uppr um run will nut presided NUB CONTINENT Miss Fern Hodgson Burton Avenue and MlssLtndu Dolley Rose Street returned city irom thrée Mont 11 ran ri on the continent leaving Mal ton via BOAC the travellern toured Scotland and Eng Arriving on the continent ey travelled by bus and visited Belgium Germany Switzerland Austria itaiy and France WEDDING GUESTS City guests attending tho Fer gusonCrawiord wedding in Mid land Presbyterian Church Sat urday were Mr and Mrs Ferguson Mr and Mrs Dun das Mr and Mrs Dobson and tarnlly Mr and Mrs Mar The bride Miss Mary Mar garet Crawford is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Alex Crawford Midland The bridegroom David Robert Ferguson is the son of Mr and Mrs Ferguson Napier Street WEEKEND GUESTS Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Ferguson Na pier Street during thewcekend were Mr and Mrs George Southprn Mr and Mrs Elwood Burris Mr and Mrs Kenneth Alyce Mr and Mrs Lorne Al yea Mr and Mrs Earl Burris all at Consccon Mr and Mrs lEleLcu ton Ross Burris Hillier They accompanied Mr and Mrs Fea guson to tho FergusonCrawtord wedding in Midland Saturday Mr and Mrs Ronald Ferguson and children Elmonton Alber ta have also been guests of Mr Fergusons parents tor the past two weeks Mrs Pratt and daugh ter Miss Diane Pratt Mary Street were among the passen gore aboard theCanodinn Paci iic liner Assiniboia sailing ham and return trom Port McNicoll to Fort Wil Mien Dllne Pratt Mary St is vnmiioning in Pembroke tor on week NEW YORK VISITORS Rang5 Mm reet are on Very Rev William Michell at New York City CALIFORNIA GUESTS Min Shelley Coughlin and Michael Couxhlin have return ed to their home in Pasadena Callioraln While in the city they were guests at Mr and Mrs Coughlin Eugenia Street arlidn Mr and Mrs WASHINGMN HOLIDAY Miss Jeanette Pratt Mary Street and Miss Donna Jory Dunlap Skeet West are holiday log in Washi DC or weeks Va Miss Anita Wilkinson REX daughter or Mrs Annetta Wilkinson Perry Street is re turning to Holbwood California otter twomonth holidayln the city Miss Lorna McLean Reg Candles is accom panying Miss Wilkinson to Coliiornla to resume nursing at the Los Angeles General Hospllt tal Miss Jane Bell Reg Ross Street will motor with Miss Wilkinson and Miss Mc Lean but will return vla air in two weeks Members at the Ontario Lawn Bowling Association at the Blind will meet in london Sat urday tor thomi rn ament Participating in the tournament from this city will be Mrs Eleanor Howard presi dent ol the association Mrsx Agnes Maison Miss Jhosephtne reenerEMflthT Keetch Howard coach of the team Mrs ii Neill Hosts Members Of Gilford WMS Ms Ndlly entertained members at Clitord Womens Misonary Society Aug in The president Mrs Weaver led the prayer The word was used in the roll letter was read into Mrs Allen Corrigan of Everett no cepting the invitation to be speaker for His nnry Sunday Aug 21 in Giltord church Mrs sawyer read an ar Lihe1me Missionary Monthly The outring was tak en and MrsSawyer gave the prayer of dedication Mrs Frank Kell gave an in teresing talk on Martin Luther writer and composer oi the well wn hymn Mighty For tress Is Our God The study book was capably given by Mrs Allan Todd entitled Meals are at Achievement The worship service was tak en by Mrs Paul Russell with Mrs Frank Kell reading the scripture hi Neiily served bullet supper The September meeting will be at Mrs Sherman Todds WWW FRANCISTOWN Hechunnlnlld ReuterslG Mennen Williams united States assistant state secv retary for African alfaira said Tuesday the US will consider giving financial aid to the Brit ish protectorates ot Bechunnn land Swaziland and anutoland He sold the US would discuss the question with Britain it the British government asked tor such aid 50W THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST il in Tour Of Barrie Examiner Plant Impress Craightust WI Members Members oi Craighurst Wo mens institute held the July meeting in the form at bus Barrie iheIim point visitedwnn the county building where they were met by Carmen Downey chairman of the property com mittee Mr Downey conducted the tour at the new building and pointed out the renovations which had been completed in the old building Next stop was The Barrie Ex aminer building where all was hustle and bustle The electriclt ity at The Examiner had been off for several hours and the composing room men were striving to make up lost timer members were taken Vl through the comparative calm oi the front ottica and the ad vertising department to the bee hive oi activity in the editorial department ihrwomen were impressed by the pressroom whcro the daily paper is printed and the capability of the men working with the huge rollers and cogs ot the press which runs or 40 minutes daily and produces more than 8300 pap ers The group decided otter see ing the various departments each newspaper item pictures etc must go through before the tinal stages of printing that it is mall wonder Mrs Jones name sometimes appears under Mrs Smiths picture PW ul them at and Intormative and members appreciated the Mperntloa ot the stair oi the county building and The BarrteExalnincr it is hoped the grandmothers and other community triendn will be able to attend the Aug ust meeting to be held this Thursday at the home at Mrs Ellsrncre CLOWN DIES DENVER ALEdwin Coo per 11 known to circus ions as Bozo the Clown died at cancer BLthc American Medical Cen tro Monday whose mother and tether both were circus clowns became circus trooper when he was and tra velled or many years with tho Ringling BrothersBarnum and Bailey show TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Phone Pl $24 For Hair Style Of Distinction loan danish HAIR 51st at mph on PA Hut WANNEAL 15gDIscouN1 SALE PLACE SET terbsting textured look Each mat measures 12 15 inches You may obtain theqcrocheting ructions by sending stamp ed selfaddressed envelope to 1th Needlecraft Department at paperhrequesti Past Stripedliace Set Leuilet No max JE gar arm or my PLus SAVE3 By BuviNewNowé EXAMPLE REG PRICE LESS 18 YIN PAY ONLY 32 YVOUSAVEFROM 720 19132500 av SELECTING yous WINTER wagersN 330 rLet moire you look your loveliest Reg Reg $1000 Reg $1250 Reg s15qu am Reg $1750 Reg $2000 Reg $2250 gt NOW$680 Now BARRIE NOW $1400 NOW $1600 Now $1800 32 ANNI fPERRI HAIR erLIsrs 23 Dunlop Sf Shirlltf Grape Jelly with Its rich harvestgrapeflavourYoulltind tvuoirutt flavour In all Shlrrlfl fruit lollies and desserts Eva Sate SM tlHcraoy product Eu ï¬lms miss our spectacular 15iDAlsoouni Solo that brings rynuqualit fabrics luxurious tailoring and hrlil ianf choice or polorrln all casual 1nd dreï¬sycoat stylesl tremondo small depositVII hold your solution Eosy ManWU so lilo Dowll PWMEM 3fnumop tunning fur trims west smartest us selection at