Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1961, p. 3

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Almost half million bushels of potatoes are within week of harvest In the Allistan area and all are destined for use in the rapidly expanding potato chip market One of Canadas largest food processors has entered the pot ato chip market in big way and chase the lush growing area near Alliston long famous as tobacco growing region as the site for nurturing hund reds of acres of potatoes One reason for the success of the companys growing op erations is system of port able irrigation equipment much of it patterned after that used bythetabaccogrowersi area Known as the Vade Irriga tion System it conslsLs of six or eight nch header off of which are taken numbers of direct feed pipe lines which pr vid water to revolving heads Water pressure causes the heads to revolve and as they do water is ejected in fine spray for distance of about 50 feet in all directions company employee Henry Critcll Lorelle Ontario who was manning one or the sys tems on the 14th Concession at Tecumselh Township said that 1240 gallons of water per min ute were being sprayed on the sevenacre field under observa tion Mr Critch explained that the water was being pumped through the header from the Nottawa ver flowinghearby by two gasoline driven pressure pumps It was explained that the ir rigation system Is used for period of about two hours Kiwanis Speaker Deplores The fact that our standardiof living is higher than that at our competitors places as in dit Wastage Of Our Manpower fieul1ositionasa world tradA therefore where they were staying The hid the head hide and walls ichard Beer special ser and veterans officer of the Unemployment Insur ance Commission told Kiwan is luncheon meeting Mr Beer suggested that the wastage ofmanpower in this country is luxury which we cannot afford Facilities where by every person who can work is allowed to make their maxi mum contribution tothe produc tive effort of the communit are needed he said Every time we place per son with serious limitations either physical mental or so cial every time we assist such person in becoming selfsup porting we relieve the com munity oftheeost of maintain lag him When this process is repeated hundreds of times per month not only are welfare costs substantially reduced ut these people immediately ecome taxpayers and share in rrrying the costsfoi maintain ing the residue who simply can not suppt themselves Over period offlme these benefits become accumulative and can have direct effect on the cast of production and the ability of this country to cortpete in World markets Our Canadian economy ris basedon our ability to ex port relatively high percent age af our naural products and manufactured goods This can on be done if and whenwe can meet competitive priceslin world markets anything that contributes to the costs or Jailed 15 Days For Cattle Theft ORE CF An elderly woman and young man were sentenced Tuesday to 15 days in jail on charge of cattle theft Testimony showed Mrs Ethel Lockwood 61 of nearby Hawke stone iand 11 of Tara helferfrom the farm of William Rankine to neighboring farm pair butchered the animal and under lT odpile Commercial or Industrial Photos Portraiu Passport filmDeveloping chili SMITH STUDIO as Dunlap at 15 PA 34115 tonr flan BEER pro Lion has direct influ enco on our trade balance and our internal economy The more sufficient per sonnel we have fully trained in vocational guidance techniques to rerform he counselling ser vices included in otir special placements function the more valaabletbe contribution to the improvement of the efficiency oof Canadas labor force with the resultant improvement in our national economy Trumpet Band Awarded Prize JJILKEmpenfelt TfiifnpeLBanL won first prize in brass band competition at Lindsay Satur Bab Lucas director of the band said today about 50 bands competed in in the class which waswo byrther Barrie band Competi on was held in con nection with the commemora tion of the Relief of London derry insult IlElll HEATING EQUIPMENT ALT TILL ITS TOO LATE see slilllSTlIWe oi BlllllllE ii humor sr PA 83770 gt we Heavy Potato HarVest Ready For Chip Market day with the direct feed lines bein moved from location to location within field or with in the arca as dictated by lo cal conditions onaar FRIEND Water in proper amounts is great friend of potatoes as of all growing things said Mr Critch and if it wasnt for irrigation systems such as the one we use here we would not have such high yield from our acreage The company has approximat ely 1100 to 1200 acres of pot atoes under cultivation within 10 to 12 mile radius of Alli sinn The pipes used for the irri gation system are constructed of lightweight metal and they do not provide any problem when moving is attempted It is possible to move complete system within matter of hours If we have water within reasonable distance of our fields then werfeelwewhave elimin ated our water supply prob lems insofar as our growing crops are concernedsaid Mr Critch Compare Costs Ils Advocated For School And Barrie District Collegiate Boards plans for the proposed Central Collegiate auditorium call for 1100 seat auditorium with net cost of $381200 Townships of Vespra Innis fil0ro and Essa have made counterproposal for build ing witha net cost of $250000 Following is breakdown of co in each of the proposals Collegiate Board propos Barrie $336751613 per cen lunisfil $60992 16 per cent 0m $28971 76 per cent Ves 528108 14 per cent $18678 49 percent Sunni ale $1067328 per een Total $381200 Townships proposal Barrie MW 618 per cent Innis iii $40000 16 per cent Orn $19000 176 per centl Vespra $10500 74 per tt Essa $12250 49 per cent $250000 Ctt difference between two plans is Barrie $80425 Innis iii $20992 011155971 Ves pra 708 Essa $6428 Sun dalgflsm Sunni7 dale $7000 28 per scentlfllotal Permit Orillia Police To Give News To Press DRILLIAThe Orillia Police Commission sifting through the troubles of the Orilllapbllce delt partmcilt spent six hours he hind closed doors butmade no statement afterwards about its findings it was the commissions sec ond marathon session in two weeks At the previous meet ing the commission reinstated Sgt Murray Robinson who had been fired by Police Chief McIntyre Every member of the force appeared before the commis sion Judge llarvie and Magistrate Gordon Foster both of Barr Mayor Ggorga McLean the reorgan ized commission that took over July After the meeting Chief Mc Intyre said the commissioners had told him that in their opin ion the department is staffed by highcalibre policemen and that there is little fault to be found with the department as whole He said the commission was pleased with its findings and regarded the Orillia force as equal to vanyin Ontario The commission announced tha future members of the éparliTehtiwill bowel lowed to give news to thepress They formerly were prohibited by Giiel McIntyre from com municating with the press and this was factor in Sgt Robin isons dismissal Mayor McLean was asked to day whether the commission plans action on petitions for outside and independent inves tigationsol the police depart meat but he said he could not comment Students and CahiagueDig DRILLIA CHAbout 25 Uni versity of Toronto students re turned to their homes Tuesday aflEworkigmr eight WEeRs at archaeological excavations at the Cahiague Indian village near Warminster 10 miles northwest of here Another 100 persons worked for short periods on the train ing school project during the summer Arecent exploration of site at Hawkestone five miles south of here indicated that it was used as landing place at the time of Champlains visit in liilL medalcommittee Simcoe Arethereanyactualmdown iii 3LamhushedJanger company Urges Calm Approach Auditorium Problem After heated discussion at Barrie District Collegiate Board meetinR last night motion was passed to call special meeting Monday Aug 21 in bid to resolve eon flicting viewpoints over pro ed Central Collea orium The motion proposed by vloolt chairman Pratt IEVMCT oadfirbTCfrGiifffi read file board after considering the replies from all municipal ities affirms Its request to the various municipalities for approval of net expenditure of women to co nict and furnish an audito mm with seating capacity of 1100 and that board members he asked to contact their respective coun cils Immediately to arrange gtttlr members from each council Wlih the power to act to attend meeting with the board on Monday August 21 at pm in North Collegiate for the pur pose of attempting to resolve conflicting viewpoinla regarding the proposed auditorium Also that all members of the var ious councils and press be In vitcd to attend HEAR TOWNSHIP BRIEFS Prior to the motion the board rd romanticism from all townships excepting Sunnidale rejecting the school boards recommendation for 000auditurium and cgllnterW proposmg num expendi ture of $250000 Suilnidale Town ship indicated itsracceptacee of the school board plan Before the motion board members expressed their views on what type of auditorium should be built its purpose and jlsifinancilll lllr consider to be started before winter the attitude of the municipalitv lea somawbat petty considering the small amonn of money in volved to them He pointed out the need for decision in the matter be cause the architects would have to be instructed ders eaed for if construction was The recommendations of the board were made after months of consderatiou Mr it mid ejection by the munici ties seems to indicate they aveno faith in the board Members of this board should be preparedto resign if their municipalities arenot prepared to support the board GYMNASIUM T00 Stoddart Township of Dro representative referred to town shipproposals that the auditor turn be constructed so it could also be used as gymnasium If the double gymnasium serves North Collegiate why not here He said the audit orium favored by Barrie City Council in which he said he understood conventions would be hold was moneymaking propositlon for the City of Bar rie Griffin Barrie alder man said The fact that we will need more classroom ac commodation next year must be considered We cant know what we are going to do about that until this auditorium deal is settledf SUGGESIS CAFETDRIUMS Dunsmore an appointee Simcoe County referred Co it to Toronto where he had spected cafeteriame com bination of cafeteria and audit orium which he felt should be investigated MrVPratt said he had been Questions Need HealihClinic In Barrie Area mm as to the need of mental health unit in Simcoe County was expressed by sev eral IS who attended meeting of the local branch of the Mental Health Association yesterday It the decided to submit questionnaies to local agencies to determine the factual need of unlt here Dr Scott director of County health unit All say we need clin but do we need clinic earth facts relating county doubt it He suggested that interested people came down to earth and obtain factual accounts of how Vinintpersnns in need of trea cat are seen in given time by the local agencies think we are all In the clouds he said Chairman Bruce Owen said it had been his intention to re quest specific information from local agencies and it was the purpose of yesterdays meeting to appoint members to the task to this PRIESTS KIIDNAPPED SAIGON fAPl Tlielddllfipr ping of eight Roman Catholic priests and the killing of 27 Communist Viet Cong rebels by was reported Tuesday Saigon newspapers id the priests were seized Friday as they tra velled down river in thej swampy Mekong delta rcgion southwest of Saigon MTTOAMPBEIL LTD Furniture Moving and storage Commercial Warehousing Agent for North American Van Lines PA 66555 SHURGAIN FERTILIZER SEWGE anJalLsoergrains have your fertilizer spread on grasslands hay pasture on cash crops for next spring accurately easily and economically With the new SHURGAIN Bulk Fertilizer Spreading Service akesfgoodwdollarsrandreents tooItmayeos you no more to have SHURGAIN delivered and spread than you stillpresently paying for bagged fertilizer For det FOR FAST FERTILIZER SERVICE and SEE YOUR LOCAL SHU FERTILIZER DEALERfJOW illii SPREAIIIHG SEME liar7 STtllI SEIWIEEPLANT mammava and RGAIN For Mental of preping and submitting the questionnaires Mr Owen anticipated re quest Irom city and county council for factual authorita tive riort on the need of mental health uni in the coun ty when epresentation is made to them in the fall Dr Scott agreed with Mr Owen and said he was convinc ed of the need of unit in the county but felt factual ex pression of the eed should be prepared Toronto JJLJZowman there with Mr Dunsmore and felt this idea was not feasible because of the different situa tions existing in Barrie and llr Stoddart said he had been against the idea ni theatretype auditorium from the beginning SAME OLD PROBLEMS I7 Central Collegiate said gym nasium auditorium or cafet erln auditorium would be mistake1r would mismhe same problems as the present old auditorium he said ilii cipal of ONTARIO which has been criticized for years The meeting ended with tplea for pacifism by Merlyn Parker of Vespra Township who asked all members to go back to their councils andslxuwiow mlm approach to the questions and help settle the diffejicnces of opinionThis sug gestion was Slippmedbytaa on it ad of Barrie who added that he hoped the membera of he press would he klnd lo and help Pfomole peace ful resolution of the controv iNTIort Retailers Wholesalers nufocturels+ and all others who require RETAIL SALES TAX Retailer wholesalers manu facturer lid all others who loll noodl normal purl for Retail Sales Tax Vendora Permit You an nqulua to have your Palm by September in whom The Ontario Retail SaleaTax Act gocaintoetfect If you do not have this Pep mit you will be unable to buy taxfroathetnxoblegooda you purchase for resale Also ifyou cell goods after August aint without being régle VENDIORS PERMIT cred aa vendor you will be in default under The Retail Sales Tax Act reftheirburlnlnmuarapplyTg mnw interest to fill out and return the oficinl Application Form at once Otherwise you will not be sure of receiving your Permit before the final dead line of September lat ramnuppluunumuimay rmivoa bolng protond and will lmml on and after Annual la and helm Septumbvrl If you have not received on official Application Form MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Men Missing In Bay Area COLLINGWOOD CP ProA rviaeial police arersearchingrfo Paul Morel 46 of Ottawac and his son Benjamin 18 missing and presumed drowned in the Nottawasaga Bay area of Georgian Bay The pair set out on canoe ride from Craigleith just be fore sudden storm Monday night Retail Salon Tax Branch Office of Comptroller of Revnun Parliament Bulldlngs Toronto Ontnrlo Please and Inn Permit Application Form together with detailed information on in Ontario Retail Solar Tax ADDRESS5 ME or BUSINESS PHILIP CLA RK Comptroller aim THURSDAY SPECIALS LEE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE FIRST GRADE NO CREAMERYV BHTIERf LEAN FRESH 54 La sHouEDERs HOME shown AVERAGE 910 area oun ale WEEKEND FEATURES an

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