TnsAun EIIOP Coldwlvcs AUTOMOTIVE OTOR CARS FOR SALE ms romc Leureouu oeoln roe ulc no one blue and while huncnt audition new Lin fur ulnar It telephone rA moo alter CARS VTD TO BUY usu can your car Lien paid art We trade up or down Ai hndnll Moran 21 an Road am rill PA ml TRUCKS TRAILERS WANTED $4954 Pickup Trust Must be In lair coudllien Telw pbnne NRII strand MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT MOBILE on or nio or rent 31 two bsdrocms cornplciclv mmhhed Apply 99 or telephone sum PERSONALS mnrtmu TELLING Do you want your tortune told by cards Tale phone PA 60490 tor zppoinimeni anytime anti ncntiiitas ride daily to Churchill Must be Ihere between Mun am leave amtme alter our alumni ride moat import Int Telephone PA some womans COLUIIIN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now In this xovcmment cornered school where you are thoroughly trained In all hrahcher or heluly culture For lnlormltlon wrltc nmwm llAinnarzssmc scllooi lll COLLIER srncsr on PHONE PA now Ith by cerllned hnlrflrcsscr in your own home Phonc nemlce nt PA 59552 or M581 males by Charis lntercrtcd In ncw ieuudalioh garment mercurcd to your size In your own home call PA N737 IOr Ippolnlmcnt If you arc Viriorte st Io HELr WANTED PROOFREADER MUM THIBA1RIIW Thu mum pouidon tor my with nod hwima at English grammar and pulling Pill IDDIY In your own DIM nuug lo outrun v0 sex 10 Wurlisz Wanted experienced or dininx room lull Linc Tel phonl PA Hut itsuAaLB any Sitter or two chum In our II day week Brock sire lnity Telephone PA Milo MALE am PART TIME WORK Intemunr and lemulntivu work completlnl Insuranczr poplar in your are Mull hue cu no rug um KERR once necuslly nos 91 OARRIB twin TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Application mm be received uoul I2 noun Aululi II or lull lim employmem nt polieo courthie dutch tn commrnca Immediately Ior Iunoer pmieuim re cm laymenl Alllryr 2th It ths Mulls Iclpal Dulldlnl Enter Onllfll ti mamas II BELL Clarkmutual MAN wmzn to prune Christ mas treer Telephone PA casts tor iurther Information amna Aiurt be is years or age or Over Apply at and uowllng Acldcmy Ila nuniop street Weiiniier 10 pm lullii um batween and pm or further lnlorrnltlon TooulAKan to ycln experi ence mould makln experience do linole but not cucntllL Apply In perlou to piollemer Ltd John street moiatoll only llaAl ESTATE Salzmnn wanted lor well citbinned otnce Must ulna 3s in IiELr WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS 55 WOULD YOU III In mnllmeul your income by now town cu min your sun timer Wt Box Barrie laminar No dear to door ulnar somme wancan Div III Will lat an uni an Edith Tlilphm PA SM Ammo PALMERl For your custom combining tele hone Karl lei Duns audio Prospect or Joel 14W mm Accountant HUM on mane ner so usrs renter with local Erin leek lull OI partettm cmfioyment John color nah ml tolepbops PA 12 TENDERS TEE PENETANGUISHENE AWATERvANDshiGHT COMMISSION TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BOOSTER PUMPING STATION Ssalld under Iddflucd to Ibo Chairman and Members at Ihr Plnauntullhcul Wllcr and LIED Commission oer Gauthier Mir Peri um com vllll ncslved Hall 500 oclock Mn in 511 an DAY OF SEPTEMBER II lo ll construction til aooxtcr Pumping Station on Rabort Skeet aur Cllllnu Avenue TI to lullllion of tho pumping units to other with conuntinl suction Ind dllchlrln piping vllvcs Ind didnt tba dr Ila recorth Pfequ III will he dfln by LII Communal Drawings and speciï¬cations with blank rural or Tender rely be ob ulned tom the cm Dl Penetanlulshenu Water Ind Lllht Commission on payment at de limit by chaqua only olruoï¬‚ï¬ moo plybi to the Commission which do all will be fellinch pi Ill re urn In good condition at tho planl and ireciaemom ding tsuder roux he accompam icsandsciloois or in the meet 3mm EXAMINER mNEDAY AUGUH 15 111 JILIIDUSETS Newscdsts Full Of Red PEKING chutcrsi Thou sands of people crowd around television sets every night here to watch programs which pm sent balance between enlelv tainmcnt and Communist loco logy IIiera ard only about 10000 television sets in Peking city at about 6000000 people so most viewers gather to the rec rcation rooms oLitIliccsLluctnrc log hall of their pcoplcs com mune Tclovision is only three years old in China and Peking is and of only six cities with regular service But olticlnls say export manta transmissions are taking place in about 20 other cities Program schedulcs call tor 75 per cent at viewing time to be takcn up with recreation and amusement it per cent with news and know Iedgt and 10 per cent with childrens sholvsl China has not ncglcctcd tho educational value of tclcvision Peking has television c61 lcge operating on sccond channel and offering university level science courses to part time students other cities loi low this pattern The Communist ideological content of programs whether recreational news or common Doctnne turai activities should have po litical background NEWSCASL FULL Newscast are talrly complete and follow the lame line as th nawapapcrs hero with emphnsi industrial dsvclopments and abroad on the shorts ot the munisbcouiitries and the titles tolist nations Common knowlcdge in cludes many instructive pro teaching In various fields as well as documentaries about liis in China and abroad Feature or documentary films from Chincso movie studios and abroad take up much of the viewing time being the main item three or tour nights wcck Many of the films are stories of the Chinese Commu nist revolution and the Japanese WIII Chincsc classical operas west crn operas modern and tradi tional plays acrobatics and jug gling and sports take up most otthc rest at the viowiu Iimc Childrens programs Include such Items sketch on young boy in the coastal dcfancc forces talk on good health habits recital of poems painting lesson and program astora oapl grams WIIIIJI otfer advice audi at home on agricultural and merited cheque payable to too Penelan linens tor and um Cemmlu on or cash as posit 51ml to per cent or the we lie the tender The lowest or In knowledge is generally high entitled war songs at the Lao following the party line that cul tlan fighting forces We wind up Our Summer Sale with Dollar Days Every pair of have 100d Eli and he summer shoes muslbc soldrsgardless of cost Buy now for waar wont hard Apply to Bar I5 ï¬rmmlnbh reader not sarmclmmc wanted pr Fawnsn am nosdly Aulust in Small aoio nndwhilo puppy Call at 60 won StruL HELP WANTED ramps HELP STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS required FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS BARRIE AND CAMP BO DEN Ontario Candidates must demonrtnte loin Ity to type at is wpm and talus shorthand It so wpm sum up to man per annual or rteuolrlphm end um per lii num ror typlsts according to qual lilcltlonl Applicnnh must be at lent to ycm at age at the closing ï¬ll at tho compctltlnn rer runher particulars as to rerl deuce and qualiï¬cation rcqulrc menu apply to Civil Scrvlcc Cone mission 25 St cun Avenue East macrom Ontario Application tenas availhie National Employment services and Post omcex should he ï¬led NOT LATER THAN AUGUST is 19 with CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION WfltIml TORONTO ONTARIO haulian wollANto look aftcr two young children and do Ilth household dutlcs Rctcrcnccs please Telcphonc an auto Gian wAmcn to work as hop in Drivevln nestuuranl Ex pcrlcnco not necessary Apply Rilchlss DriveIn I77 aredrord so some ably llclt ended Alla bodynnn II and prov tered Ulul company cat Contact nuuel arownlnl By CW hfotolt talaphnno PA mu suit on woman he yeiir own boss Start your own Watkins ousihen hill or mtlnle No axpeflencs necessary Writs Gauthier 550 EL Roch street Mon trui lo Quebec PERMANENT earner with ac curlty and dy lbnvl average earnings can yours II rural waihlnr denier Sailtop quality neceultles or home and farm No lrlve merit Ear personLillian Vlcw writs todu living III to Wnthlm Products Inc 50 5t Roch Street Mantras MALE FEMALE STORE IELP WANTED For Row Supermarket DDInIBl SO lumber in Camp Bordon WW INTER MZN OR WOMW IUOEAT DEPT Only expzricnc conslnered Ap ECAF CLOV FARM MARKET CAMP BORDEN MALE on rahiALB year or over Unusual on ortunit es Ir esscn Phone PA Hill between 111140 on Wednesday morning eraltraucan auokkc¢per re quired min or tennis or local huslnusman cry dcllrcd Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA cull BUSINESS SERVICE DJRE£IQRY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Tciephonc PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES SERVICE Service to all makes of appliances DUNLOP ST PA 61142 surname ED Mi LLS Building Contractor Painswick ccvsioni BUILDING ortmoommo KIICHLN cUPaoARDs Prion Strand B7Rll Collcctl DIAPER SERVICE EARRIES FINEST iDIAPER SERVICE rwlee weekir claim or deiivo ll FRANCIS era REAR PA 60551 Len uuo pack oi clnrsttcl day WEXGAVATING rm GRAVEL th Still SEPTIC TANKSPUMPED Excavatng and Gildinl Wltu Dlflvlty Crlulled none Ell Yard Bunion tor hln Damsmom I9 Ann Elract Barri PA BZWI PAINTING AND rAPaanAlGING EDWARD 5mm AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Palnunx Service Since mo an aAilnla PA cross SANITARY DISPOSAL NIMAL DISPOSAL VACT We ha been licensed to remove your dand and crippled arm anfr mats under the cbnvc Act FREE REMOVAL PhonelGobbEfT aAamE PArkway 1617 ORDON YOUNG MITED BARRIE GENRE sscol Wits ADS iEDPECONl Ann soilx cm 0mm SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removcd promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA 87751 Long dismal Zenith 318M License No 69601 REFRIGERATION REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICIN 0n Iii nukes Large and Imlll For prompt coufleoul sarvlco Cl WAYNES REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE SERVICING ls EHANNON cram PA um soavamc Roger Welsmanr ario Land Surveyor TELEPHONE PA seas oraolsraas HOLSTERY Chrome Chairs Boat Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN BAthtE FREE ESTIMATES AND PICKUP BARRIE TEN CO LTD 34 BAYFIELD ST BARBIE PHONE PA W37 WELLDIGGING= WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED av LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES oupiameriiImg an sonata Phone Pa 82414 PA 87646 ply strung qull Box DEAD OR CRiPPLEDI$ounim Chesterfield Chairr noccusrlly ncce led dAumxza somtarrmuurer VESPRA TOWNSHIP MIDHUEST ONTARIO TENDERS WANTED Tanderl er the conrtruciiou oI school containinl three clan roeme and playroom tor the Ver pr Towmhip Sch Arcr Num Iur One will bl rccalved not lAt than 500 pm Wedperduy Aur on 30th lost It the nine ot senor and Allison Archltcctt 2o slnpomon Strch rrle Ontario Film cclflcstlons Ind rormfl rrteuderr dieImus totsnaral contractorI by tha erchllecu on or liter Wldnudly Aurliit lath upon dapaait at amount or moo lhl low or any tsudar will not nlcmlrlly he acccp Plans and sclflcAtlnnl will bl on do lay the Toronto uo Blrrfl Ian Idln Dchangcl SALrm AND ALLISON Architeetr so cwraaron STREET aAnnsa ONrAnlO 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 18 PM sitAnp SATURDAY AUGUST 19 EM SHARP To an Again EM UNTIL in all Complete disposal oi all jewellery Including watcher rings china diamonds and many other articlcs for iev1gtLADY JEWELLERS 121 HURONIARIO smart coLuNGwoon ONT Term cull No rerrrve as tho owncrs ere ruin out or buslnssl 1th CDUGELIN Auctioneer chlqua In lht missvs AVDIA PRODUCTION SALE Stein Broil Coohtown Ontario Willi Added Constantneat From other WellKnown Horde 75 ml SWING WEDNmDAY August 23 mo pm ansc am ARENA Inr Ontario North or Oakvilla on No Hwy Au mnlllumentl AocrcdlterL Vac chilled Blobdtested Included ere daughters or chI known superior or Testcd siren rho antilea conrui er Ielcctcd HAYS lr HITS NEW HIGH WASHINGTON AP The government said today July boost in payrolls pushed the to tal personal income at in dividuolhmaricans to another alltime high the commerce da partment said personal income $410200000000an increase at 3190000000 compared with June DRINKING TOO SOON BUFFALO NY APiThs overwhelming weight of public opinion iavors raising the legal New York Statc Presby tcriuii minister has told state legislative hearing on liquor lows Rev Paul Hagen repre senting the Clean Ministerial Council was one of 13 speakers who appeared at public hear ing Tuesday on the issuc Ei Iavorad raising thé age antif argued against it TALKS UNDERWATER NORTH HOLLYWOOD AP The Bendix Corporation says it has developed an underwater communications ca pable ot transmitting the hu man voicc as well as signals The firm announced Tuesday that the system has livemils range which can be extended by floating relay stations It converts electronic impulses into sound wavesthat are sent through the water and con verted back into electronic sig nals at the receiving and PHYSICIAN DIES LONDON AP Sir Henry Bashiord 81 honorary physiv clan to the late King George VI glad at his country home Tucs ay hitters New ember open yearlings choice on Service sins ussd Include imminent noehml to thc nokd Paulin of Olkdlln Brampton carom Beacon erlu Commando Mileston Brampton Sixth Gui emiou lmpton Ronsld Acme and others Mloulhlnguur write Ink7 HAYS rAltMs uhmm Sllo Managers Box 000 Deltvllle Ontario Say Firms Pirate Costly Research HAMILTON CP drug company executive told the Ca nadian Pharmaceutical Associa tlou convention that manufac turers ot cutrate generic drugs thosc sold byformula rather than brand nameare oat tail riders who pirate the costly research of reputable drug firms HI Martel of Montreal mar ket planning manager for Merck Sharp and Dohmc of Canada of Canada Limited said the sols research done by theï¬mush rooming generic drug compa iratereputable manufactusrr successlut prud ly It is now fashionable for some lett wing politicians con sumer associations and other groups to sound the hunting horn every time pharmacy or pharmsc It ti are men tioncdflf Mr Martel said l3ut the drug companies he laid participate in the costly mpmducts to stay in busines WILL SUPPLY AID ElELiGRhADE Reuters Yu gos avs dac lLtoJu atriamaislfln all rough President Josip Tito announced Tuesday in joint communique issued with Tunisian Foreign Millllligtcir SEfdggl Mokkadem cm at grade alter hrca=d urmgw lc he had talks with Tim about Bi zerte Berlin and other world taincd because its the first time RIDE SHOTGUN SAN ANTONIO Tex AP Border patrolman have been riding as guards on flights out of San Antonio since last week when President Kennedy an move the San Antonio Express said Tuesday Most airline spokesmanwere mum about the COMOX 30 CPI Officers of the Royal Canadian Air Force say they have only one problem with bushsurvival program in this area on the east coast of Vancouver Island The problem is to get trainees to move out after theyve spent the allotted hours They complain when we pick them up said an RCAE oili CEI The program ls called pro ductionline bush survival test but its more like deluxe camping trip complete With womans touch for the 60 mem bers ottha medigLsguadron of the lsWing auxiliary are ieiried up to beautiful Buttle Lakaj40milcs northwest of here for their 48 hours in the bush am they ham the bars necessitiesoi la in the open Slime luxuries are re the RCA Frcsarve has tried onthespot survival training In fact the campsite is better equipped than most it has fresh and canned loud sleeping bags and parachute rilen tents glass iishlng rods for the onlID Nsws III BRIEF rigsLllttanthLflnJinmlEIlaI€0l drinking age to 21 iromlii in nouncedchewouldvordersuchrlï¬ecanadian shore to divert the SurvivalfProgram Hits Snag Trainees 31ng Move Out Twelve members at time move but spokesman for American Airlines conï¬rmed that border patrolman have been riding American flights on spot basis CDNVILIS DIE SAO PAULO Brazil AP otingcconviothsettirertoea prison near here Monday night and at least 00 of them per Islicd warden Antonio Andraus announced Ten others are criss Ing and presumed dead Cause of the riot was not disclosed WILL NOT RUN QUEBEC CPIAntonin Tal hnt Union Nationals member of the Quebec legislature for Chi coutimi and the partys acting leader says he will not run or the party leadership or health reasons Speaking at press conference Mr Talbot said will rcmaln acting leader until lha UnloriNEtionala convention Sept 2173 Daniel Johnson member for Eagot and JeanJacques Bert rand member for Mlssisquoi have announced their bids for the leadership HydroBuilding Plans Approved tional Joint Commission has ap proved plans by tho HydroElec tric Poivcr Commission of On tario and New York State Power works in the Niagara River it was announced today The commission allowing public hearing in Niagara Falls Ont last week said the works would not change the tlowot water over the falls or impair the scenic beauty ot the Niagara River Included in the plan is con struction of wall parallelto flow of winter ice away from His intakes of the Sir Adam Heck generating plant Two nurses accompanied the first group into the survival ores and two others were in tile tourth group reserve unit spokesman said the women shared the some tasks as men while in the bush But hasaid it wasnt long before thclwoman dale gated themselves to the cooking duties Another spokesman said that by the time the groups complete thalr 48hour vigiis they have enough cxperianca to survive with only basic equipment and all cmergehcyiood supply SIGN AGREEMENT in ependentvgrocers of the Montreal district halt signed the Retail Dada Employees Aa soclatinn providing tor compul sory union membership and company check ollJLuiiioL dues Lucien Parreault presi dent ottha Mootrealfood Re tailers tiori working hours intheretaii food trade are io 60 hours week comparsd with 35 to 40 hours In other lines oi work HE said limited trout supply two boats with engines and piped water tromthe lakehot or cold 11128th is in picturesque area where thsElk Rival cas cades down series of falls bringing icy glacier water hill the lake Just around the point problems the association and the union haveapplicd Jointly to thaQue bcc labor department for de ermitting the improvo meat or the food trude the decree is granted the 5000 retail trad employees would work 45hour wcck tor minimum salaries OTTAWA Cplrho lntérna Authority to undertake remedial MQRIREAL calSome soo working conditions In the Watcryis 10 degrees warmer for swimming ranging trom $5 to $00 id in SS id Sum SS id ts as SS SE SE SSS EmmiWIM lb this year or next and id c°m Eidfb F0Ll°sLcisclion Boat the Tax THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY myAImwwmmzmm mum and SIP Childrens Sho Summer BackToSthool Shoes Mans LOOK OUT THEY GO Womens mer Shoes YOURE pers CHOICE and es ounigv Mens Shoes