ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PBOPEBT FOR SALE ASTRIDGZAl the Royal vu iolla ilosplis harrle on Tludllr Augun i5 losl to Sir sod Ills Armire Harris Man Doul antics Alli lairomAn than is name to your child should eal pleasure no nthr will no to snow lour chilie Nome your child as quickly on possible aco on me lndlvidua nam ln Bnrril mminer limo Annuuner mcni run all our cuuihed Os arimcnl givo con tact includinr to name and win oobusb Blrui Notice in the iller vdiuoo tor only iioo leispboos PA um tor this Ci milled Scrva iN MEMORIAL CAinhsla memory oi iovinl mother and grandmother who pissed awlyAulust 15 lose Tlll memory isdca And his dcparu Youll llvc tamer in our hcnrlr lovlnsly rememberad by Al vin Clhr Gnum sod IInnle CARDS 0F THANKS CONTEMPORAth HOME IUNE ONLY New NRA coalmourn dwrlnnl Iith urport room luI llvlt In NON lift ulchfll dininl ma mailer bedroom commie tiled bathroom grim colored Ila lures Ind Vlully at In board storm Ind omens largo nodded lot 00d lonuon turner IlllrosoDuckworth FOOD awn builder in ALLEN PA Hui CARPENTER on HANDYMANS OPPORTUNITY AS MW AS $500 DOWN M0 toll Drlcr 380 monthly uh rlel principal and Intzrelt ilril mortgage heated on hilha wly less than six miles to city non lot included Can gully be Ilnlabed as duplex or large bedroom een re bsll plan For iilll osrilrula ile Mr Jones PA emu CARTERWe wish to thank our neighbors irlenda and relstiver tor their acts or love and iympa ihy during the recent lull at beloved wlla and mother Elln Caner also tor the many iloral iribules Harry Carter and mm DEATHS suddenly at his homo luh Conceulnn innunl on iionday August ii loot Corn cllur iohn noubor balorcd hu band or Anna ills lirurit da taihor at John oi rrie and tile ilrm oi nawxcrlone near brother or iennekc and so both or Holland in his 53rd year Resting at the lennctt Puneral Home aarric nintrALurvlca Thursdly August ii at pm lnicrmcnl harrle Union Ccmcle No ilowen please soonAt the RDXIL Victori Hospital harrie on microy Aug us iool Thomas Joseph Edge 104 ourlon Avcnue beloved hur band or ilelens Collins and dear rather or oinrgnrct bin limit of rlint illchigon sod lliaunce vaalyan at Port Credit and tha irtc tiarcn Edge in his 79th year nesting It the lcnnclt hitterl Ilorrle lor tunersl servle Thurs day August 17 st mo pm in Holmes terment rria Union Cemetery Art Council Needs Money Meet Delnands LONDON Ont CP The Canada Council is struggling with mounting financial proha lems as the demand for sdlol arships increases while the coun cils annual income remains fixed Dr Truemall di rector said Tuesday He Inld ihe triennial confer ence of the Canadian Federa tion oi University Women that no solution to the problem has erilcrged from discussions with Prime Minister Dielehbaker and cabinet ministers The council was reluctant to appeal to the public for finan cial support An organization that was given $100000000 at its inception iour years ago must wait before it cried pov arty However tilemï¬ilion did deserve intelligent respect con cern and constructive criticism not indifference or polite sup port Dr Trueman said KEEPING COFFEE Gotteei twhen bought in small quantities and stored in an airtight container in cool place CLASSIFIED ADyERTISINe TELEPHONF PA 824I Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word FELIJJSEILIW or one and two timeslc per word for three tour or five tirnes and zlrcper word for or more insertions 10 addi tional marge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFHED AD VERTISEMENT IS soc FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 04 WORDS 11 CHARGED PER SINGLE1N SERTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advertlscrs arorelninded that an phone insertion orders are accc ed as convenience to on advertiser Thcratore ths dimmed Advertising Department reoulrss au advertisers to kindly their ndvertisament immediately alter Arri inscrtion in order that any errors or omissions may be reported beiora non in order that same may be rectlaad for Ea iollohwlpgdnm lnselrtton order in am an on that The Taiyonelncnmcï¬ywflflid or lnmrtlon on any advarflsement and then only to tha extent or ï¬rtlon of ad Lhirinvolvelflia sprint Errora which do not lesson the value or lira advertise ment arrnot allglbic leptoncc lions by make goods Coming Events St per word tminimurn charge $150 Birth Ind Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per Word extra ices $150 it verse used 3c per word extra burg INTIiii amines orma re or nslng aiind Legtter ntloxTilLuEm ror ncpilor is held strictly cocoo rntlol itcpllca to Letter aoxos will be held only Iodnyl attcr last day of publication Classified advertisements and notices for tileso pges must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the 2X1 ception of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be luby 12 00 noon preceding day litter slid ti to col dispioy chill eds lolly lla ob hlned through The Examiner ld inrilslng department rem er is responsibly In Memodamï¬rr om era gt CARSON it 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to in lionrial Theatre PA 66481 Member or nani and Dlrlrlct lial 11 Board HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 90 BA YFIELD ST PA 56458 Member or Salno and District Roll male Baud EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA 5041s JOE PALMER PA boas KAIll MARSHALL PA E9911 NORAH RAIKIE Ora on MAI1G SHERAR PA 51535 TAYLOR REALTOR is CLAPPmIToN ST aAilRiE PHONE PA oiisl HANDY MANS SPECIAL Approxxi mtlelrlrom Barricpn highway 21 one acroJInd with small house or only 000 CID this oiiice now tor iurihnr ln iomauon NEW MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW siloind cdgu oi Barrie with liv lng room it x10 it and Iain ily room It ft 14 It with fire place Large kitchen and dining area bedroom with built in vanltler hill basement This is an axelurlva type homes in otiice tor appointment to inspect this one now 100 ACRE FARM sunnidalc arcs in room house water undcr pressure barn in tilrt class condition It It now lmpiemcnt rhcd good level tarm with good sized crook through property Only $5000 down bal nice on one mortlillo 150 ACRE FARM Ncar Elmvalc room house with all conveniences good water lnrga barns so it so it and as 100 Ljlnpcrfcct condition lritllr house and silo paved barn yard 35000 down will handle balance on one mortgage Evenings call NELLPSPA56690 EL MOOREPA 02350 Member Toronto and Ontario Real Estate Boards HENDERSON REALTOR ls CDle STREET PHONE PA 82678 MELROSE AND VANCOUVER Charming bedroom Lenll brick bungalow witï¬ï¬uhr gul age Features an extra large haautuul bright kitchen and liv ing room nlvidcd basement for recreation room Terms under NRA Exclusive For appointment call Rita scnndrctt HELLO YOU HANDY MEN Gtve me call now to inspect this older home with seven rooms Could he duplexed Reasonabla tzrms Call Perry Ford LOVELY SUMMER do WRITER HOME Modern kitchen living room and three nice bedrooms Three piece tutti Ono cur Kluge This lovely home is only stones throw ironi the water Has beach water and docking rights only $7500 Call Percy Ford APARTMENTS FOR RENT Central location to downtown Pbooa Percy Pold EVENiNds CALL RITA scmnm PA was P1nrzLPonb Plugged Member or Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards Grayden KOHL REALJSIAIEJEROJSER its DUNLOP ST EAST PA 04252 BEAUTIFUL IIOME 174 Wellington strct narric built by one or flurrlql better builders only two years old tully llndlt rcaped back and rent with ver garden at tho hack on well spacious lawn Driveway la urbed endall atollItemva is in and floorilnid tor gnrngc sun or lot or loan llourc 10M floor area Threebedioo good alzed living room kitchen roomywitb nice dialog nrcn Large rec room in basement tully com plctcd Aluminum storm window and screens Total price $13853 on ago mortgage carries for $9854 per month EVENiNos CALL on yDON KOHL PA Moos house largobedroomr largo kttchen nmall alums area Neill schools and bus Oll heated gonlhla Owner trlllnlarre BTEOIJD flrnnfl new two hcd mom bungalow urge living room and kltuhlll three icce bath with tiled 001s throng out Mlkl oli tlt Telephone JIRII stroud PROPERTY FOR SALE C331 WGYTO Shop For Hot Bargains Want Ad is THE aAnluE EXAMlhEB wenNEsoAr Aoousr 1mm REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home salesForemost in Quality of Servica PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENlNGs CALL ALBF MOOREPA um FOSTERPA GuamPA 54581 CONNILIrIA 507 mans BARBIE Dismal ml STATE BOARD sz HIGH STREET BARRIE amnion PHONES PA cow PA sow STOREY AND HALF STUCCO Lirlnl room kitchen and bedrooms with pilru balb on lint liner bedrooms and piece halh on second noor mu basement retreat lion room oil healing In good location and lo nicely planned house Price slum Terms arranged NORTH OF BARRI umNo ll Hilthway this room bungalow would moire comiortablr home it you Willi to live outside the city rhnro la good like living room bedroom and kitchen piece bath with pressure system at it 15 zoo Priced at 000 with $000 down OUTSKIRTS OF BARRIE ON PAVED ROAD Nice laroo lot to zoo innl smau economical house has llVlnl room kitchen and three bedrooms Can be boulht with $500 down easy inanith peyrnenu lmmedlala Possession BEDROOM BRICK HOME On quiet street Has large kitchen living room dlnlnl combination bathroom hardwood nooru Nico treed lot Cuh inle Make an otter road building lots lot rala Priced right ior quick sale Phone this olilcc tor details 8mm ClmPhCIIPA llllfl rcrgur GarveyPA ms Members ol tali Barrie lull Zitltl Board Norman ShelsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89951 PA 68742 FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 INTEREST aim or VALUEN0 Pm CHARGED Bunion Call Joe Lonngn PA Milo Jack vlllson PA 046 Drum shclswell our NW Norman shelawoll PA sml Howard Nonla PA Miss CORBYVREAL ESTATE BROKER ronn LangPA Hm Phone PA M419 93 Dunlop St MADEL MARSHALLPA we COREYPA B5458 OWEN JUNEPA 07917 7HONES BV CRQSLEY BERNICK DOWN PAYMENT ON LY $98700 All Homes Completely Modern and Finished in Every Detail Garages Included FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT DAY on NlGliT PHONE LEECH PA 82670 iPUBIzICANDTHIGRSCHUDW PRATT LTD Constructs IGHQUAIIITYTHOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA cocoa on PA oozes sEvEN LARGE Rooms and bath MOVING centre lull plan on ï¬ve acres at Dont lorch ta inhaler your rich land located on highway Complete new plumbing scwngo system And well Low down DI rellnoilBBEeutgbankInf terest rates PA 54798 evenlnxn PA 64032 PROPE INSURANCE and It you deco extra ot any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 8520 113 Dunlap St REAL ESTATE BROKER 73 mm STREET BAHRIE CALL DAY 0R EVENING PA 82379 Member or ibojnrria and District Renl EJtlte Board RTY FOR SALE OR RENT Two STOREY aourn situstcd in shanty nay lust nllew yards Irom the wrtcr Penturcr hcd moos iireplscn in living room oil iurnace large icnced in yard Available September la Present tenant moving from Ontario Call 215 deLom PA sum or Orn FARMS FOR SALE lAltlll FOR sALB also in le mcnis stock dniry herd and lk OppoRTUNlTY log contract mllk pipe line now FOR BUYER WITH riléï¬honlwlniilii digniwm $4000 CASH MORTGAGES MONEY AVAI LAB FOR Consolidation oi BillsplIome repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l 549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly UP to $5000hnd 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT Owner must redbeing transfer red out or town room brick houu in pleasant neighborhood near proposed sits new public school on Anne Lentil reaturcr games with direct ac cess to home 2nd washroom etc Full price $14900 Carries ior 92 month For lull particulars irom owner apply BOX 85 BARBIE EXAMINER FRAME Constructed Home or at 26 in good condition to be move ed or demolished For iurthcr in iormnlion write Box 03 Darrin Examiner TWO BEDROOM Bungalow or sale iramc east end Suit re ilred former In good repair Telelt Phone PA ostso Titer ior tur ther Inlormnuon UNNIDALE noan Tina threo bedroomfllfick hm HEB sniow ttrchcd garnso stone pA 66477 ilreplnec colored tue bath with REAL ESTATE RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE MORTGAGES ms HOUSES T0 BENT BOATS It MOTORS CENTRAL TI beam CASH LOANS MORTGAGE Lows mom nil 215 SALE dong 505 mo 3383531 mshmslni 533 on TEL ya ab September Telrpnnna PA MOFFAT zlwmuÂ¥1 Dfluhilhumlcz Rosin Modern Sunnldrlc sod Namiligznrlgmmns 17 lurlgrrndghllscoï¬lwggllePA TO pay OH Mortgage 33 iiiSea two bedrooms on um alter pm Combine Isl and In zgfuil53annirn5frbll BIG REDUCTIONS avg 53me ampso 2nd Mortgage th PA Hm any bebglartms7tllll2er£lt and gill Twath in Gigi31 ngpgéy worthwme gigantic none hednmm upturn ROBINSON or PM Tierill Exiled 535ml HARDWARE N113 Shilliryonzlnlhy fibro YD Pay Balance elnlled Allow 551233 Ill DUNLOP EAST with 113150wa tiled Out Borrow Monthly In5yrs Tcicphons PA 092 PA 52111 boar plywob 51500 3769 on ococno noon on bedroom rRETR Rsmm $2000 13 rtme unturnlsbco bcsled ARTICLES WANTED $2500 5M9 mLnu raping eltrlaleedlitoéeulnldl FOR SUMMER DRIVING Lower monthly payments avail able ll desired with up to years to repay For inst nour tcoiis scrvice BARFRIED Barri ruldenu call operator and nut ior zE Tuio No TOLL CHARCE Olllul null Guelph TA 24061 Member or Ontario Morin Broiler Association FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47 ron WEEKS $10 monthly hill basement Ava able Immedi ately Apply last Cumberland sl aZLlr CONTAINED three room turnlrhed apartment prluta en trance laundry iscllliir Near shop lug pla Duhlop St Rn sona le Available September Telephone PA FURNISHED three room IDnrt meni ground noor private ent ncc Very centrally located Pri vlto bath All services included ideal or couple only Telephone PA MOM Tunas BEDROOM Uniurnlrhed apartment ground noor central location Close to school and church Laundry taciliiies Avalla sblc saptember Telephone PA More alter pm LlerJRNlaliED Basement Apart merit two bedrooms modern brighl aeli contained in Queen Park area Available Sc tembcr ASK FOR MIN LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOPST WEST ASK FOR BILL SiliiMS PA 60203 BUS OPPORTUNITIES alANuPAcrunen requires local resident to mlkg 0x llIflBUtIflhTï¬ me Are he arc light deliveries and will re quire ltia hours work weekly it crn be hrndlcd in addition to regularwork hy ollhcr man or woman Ap ilcnnt must be resident at or area car at lo two years havn transportation clean drlvlor roeord rhstnln and sum carh rvausble suc ccssiul IDDllrlnl will be lrslnco rccclve lull eomlnny bones Iryand commission to start AF ply in writing illvlng hrici out line or qualldcrtionr Personnel orilcc popt ills is llraltson Rd Downsvicw Ontario RENTALS NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME BUILT FOR THIS WORK IBed and up patients Hollday guests OKlnd careTV lounge Annrtmcnith Jstation Wagonamlablï¬WTm an th modern kitchen transportation and outings ALCONA BEACH ROAD STROUD llth APTS HOUSES TO RENT Beside Lake One and two bedroom apartments complete with stove and reirigcr otor Urn oi washer and dryer Radccorntcd onnunfly PA Moss APARTMENT FOR RENT Three bedroom apartment piece bath with shower central loos lion on Dunlop St Wort $47 per month Apply STEPHENS MOW Phuna PA 81500 days PA szsiv nights THREE HEATED tarnished rooms adults only Available immediate Pr 1th W132 THREE BOOM Furnished Apart glcnt Central Privato entrlgce utterApp tom or telephone PA H474 BRIGHT three room apartment oil heated heavy duty wiring on Iurnished $55 monthly Tclcphonc PA 3457 ppiy ONE AND TWO Bedroom ADIfl merits Stove reirlgcrator Janitor service and laundry alliiitler Renting tron $80 monthly lela phnno Leech PA em THREE ROOM Apartmcn it contained Available Septcmhcr $65 per month East end location Telephone PA 00858 for lurtller Information mount room house and gati aga for rent Modem convenient ees close to No II Highway Large garden Telephone streud ilRIoI AVAILABLE Now Heated mod em unturnishnd two bedroom apartment in strpud apsrtment house Use of swimming pool No gllldren or pets Telephone Sicoud TlrnaE RooM Apnrtmcnt tor rent stove rcrrigcrnior host and hot water supplied Use ot washer and dry Dont miss seeing this one TEIEPhnno ensom tor ap polntmant NEW AND Room on and two bedroom apartments overlooking niottcmpentcltOnyrReahwr tor parking and lrnitor rcrvics included Automatic washing ra ciuiics PA moon vanity storms and screens soddcd Mly he leen at 27 Shirl MODERN three bedroom home with kitchen lirealiinst nook sort vMORTGAGEsLOANSr ANYWHERE MODERN halted self contained hreer room uniurnlabed lplrt ment with three piece hath sit uated on Penalong st 70 month 1y Telephone PA HIW lnuocdlatcly to consohdate debts my art existing mortgages home rovenlcnts ctc Cali tor ap ntmentPAaoooilllortga nding over Simpsonrsem lav ounlop Street as monruaaaslst and and bought sold and arranged VCommarcla and rssidsadai nooe loaned on cxistlnz mortg arria lliort saga Brokers PA ssot and hard water aluminum car port wlcdowa doors screens and ngs Largo lot Contact Julia stroud MODERN HOME Attached carport open plan bnaioed ceiling in mi clous living room and kitchen hundvrubbed knotty pinc panelling hasemcut Inmace convenience at rice you cantbeat ApPly appeal it gchnolln Guthrl oi the other cor suffered fracture right shoulder and head injuries CaledoniaMilo Killed In Crash HAMILTON CPiJomes Ed ward Stoneman 44 of Caledo ilia waslkilledlMonday in two ca sï¬onVHighwny so near suburban in Peter Slope 35 of Hagersvilie gt CHINA STAYS BERKELEY Calif AP lele International Astronomical Union Tuesday rejectedtho Rus IIDACZECII mo on to Oust notionalist hip is from the driver union line vlcinityCenlraHllghSchoo Immediate osscsslon For appoint mant tb nsptict telephone PA sous TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apartments ncw relrlgerntorn nod ntovu washcrr and dryers Avril able immediately Telephone PA Ono bedroom heated unlumlsheo apartment private entrance Available September Aging prcicrrcd TantalumPA Two ROOM iurnishcd apartment hot and cold water sui able or one or two adults Avoiinbie now Telephone PA cam evenings tor lurther particular JENREEROOM it oninined iurs lshed apartment three plccn bath Parking iaclllilcs Residential area One child lvclconic Telephone evenlnll honc PA com for iurtller TLllï¬goma on POUR BEDROOM Home on bus this by engineerlri No obieciion to one ud Teln phone PA Mlio Two ROOM Aparimcnu un iurnishcd downtown location Pri vste en ance Lsundry iacllitlcs treated and parking space lclm phonc PA dosed days PA Am uNTlmNIsuED one Apartment henteo laundry incllltier Avnilnhle lm mcdlaicly No chudren chul Close to bus stop Telephone PA Mold or details THREE ROOM heated unlurnishao apartment Private bathroom and enirancc 0n roundllonrtvrivato veranda er and dryer sup piled Appl necs tinnal iree Elrklnfl Telephone Most or oloiz GROUND FLOOR three room un tulnlshed apartment Hcsicd rali contnined hardwood Iloorr Cenv irally located Avsllablc Scptcin ggrézg Tnlcphona PA moo or PA bedroom and use oi nm ammo Room ndkl in quiet house also one iroom and one 4mom pariiilenlreli contained ground floor with tree parking Available August zo PA 2615 bciora 930 am or atter pm minimum arimont modern canvenlarlrds pcssnnt surroundings Avallsbla August 15 Rcasnneblc rcnt Close to Camp Bordon Clorc to atom and school Telephone Ivy SRII IDlm ROOM unmrnished ari merit hcntcd sclt continc trally located Also three room basement apartman uniunuslicd scli cnninincd No ubirction to Telephone PA mos or PA two bedroom uNPIJ SIIE rek heavy duty wiring spollcss con dition Centrally located Tele phone PA sson tor timber in iormnilon ATTRACTIVE two room merit in Allandaln completely iurnlihed stove reilrlgerntor bundnnco or hot wstcr laundry iacllitlas linens if desired Avail aiélen lmmcdlaicly Telephone PA uNruRNTsnE heated sail cont tolncd ttircc bedroom apartment Owen st Two bedroom apartment Penttails st Also two room ur nlahcd hnatcd npsrlment Central Eelephone PA Hood for iniormIA on FURNISHED ground Iloor apart ment two large rooms private entrance lEuiitin cupboards range and reirlgcralor arlgh Ccntrirl location $65 monthly Tc npnrb ROOMS TO LET Fur en supplied 0n bus route Parking uvnhnblnrciophonc PA ooiao tor luthrrl inrormntion Rob 1enaarcn Telephone PA osoar alter pm FUansnED BEDROOM to rant nvo blocks irom downtown Busi ness man prcinrrcd Telephone PA EMB nousauEarrNt Room twd beds rrnrette and rctrigcrrtor For two business men who would like quiet home in west end distinct Phone PA Mist alter pm ROOM BOARD REFINED middle aged lady share good home and board he sonable erla Box www 1mlnc BOOM and board available one block from downtoWn Lunches packed $15 per week Telephone PA sum EAST END Room and Board available or gentleman private roo Will do light laundan TFIIIL YOUR TA Tull oi NICELY Furnished Bed sitting AT DOMINION TIRE STORE Iln BRADFORD ST BARRIE Completl hint or with the dam RED and BLUE MEA IS ETC 100 Guaranteed Quality Budget Telnu on orders moo and over FREEZER FRESH MEATS ATTHE LOWEST PRICES sra avrunbls In those who wish loumlrctiua thclLordan dolly ll your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE us Tllmiv STREET aAnrliil PHONE PA M501 Free Delivery Open Frldly till DATA HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST PEONE PASMfli AsPIIALT DitlvaaYs hone PA om lmlicd lilrLLDozINO and Grading Fence Row and stomp removed Apply Lea Hart PA 03119 LEIVYT VlLflllm Cleaner or ï¬le an attachments included new no ior man tinny other makes and models to choose rrnm rein phone PA out RANGETy Frigidaire soinch with our burners Ind llBE oven with automatic timer in rrcellcnt con dition Scuing tor only mo Tele phone PA 100 Ball EWALK BICYCLE and Boys st ndard ire Bicycle me can Telephone PA mm or iurihcr iri iormatlon SNACK EAR leN for sale tout doors large neon not used since complete reconditioning Selling or ball price Tclephonc PA um plr PA 06530 rol further lnlornia on nPEWRrxEfls Portables In low as 559351 year guarantee Terms 54 down $3 Per week stu dentrsnlals repairn Star Tyge wrltor On It ord st 56595 loKART AND Engine 5100 Inc lils Hydroplann with 20 DD Quick sliver Mercury motor slam in hp Johnson motor 3200 Robinson BA station loo nurton Avenue Tclcpbonc PA oms FRUIT VEGETABLES ONIONS small white pickling AILJircs or Cucumbers also ML and Green savory Mr Nash 47 anyoeld Street CUCUMBERS utll nnd Gerkin ï¬nmmcmflefl qul lty at Contact Lorne Wile son sih Concession Vespra Tel ephone Mlhcslhg uz orPA arose PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT USED CAMERAS STEL SSKODAK PONY Iille DIIIIorFnrrlnd stops 35 CENTURY $2495 620 KODAK TOURIST 995 828 KODAK PONY $2000 MOVIE CAMERAS ELMO ZOOM $115W KODAK SL 3000 ODAK SL WLIGHT BAR ND LIGHTS $3500 ROLEX SINGLE LENS $4000 Agra RECORDER PHILLIPS 700i $15000 All Guaranteed Other Cameras Low iced CaIIrMcFadderrsr 012 on ilnsscy s0 sP in it into complete reconditioned WANTED REFRIGERATOR FOR SUMMER COTTAGES mGlfEST TRADEIN VALUE FOR PRICES PA 89288 WANTED Small used Cement nilxer Phone 739M Elmvale EH PIANO WANTED Good enndlilon Apply loo Dunlap st Eut Apt WE WILL PAT CAsIlior good used turnilure or any good used article Individual or content in Phone PA mm NEW GRADE iludcnt wishes in buyilny or all or ioliowlng 0x iord school Blcuonary niacin oi illth and Lexcnd Iicalins or Gold Geography ior Canadians Cana dianeriordv School Atlas Hcslth tor Canadians General Shopwork Punch vivant Please phone PA Misc xE FARMER5M LIVESTOCK l2 NINEWEeKOLD Yorkohln Pigs tor sale Contaci Mr Poihcrby till Sbanly Bay iolcphono On 35 NINE PUREIIRED Knrknul he One Karkaul liam also one Sut ioik Ram Tcicphone Ivy HRH ior iurther details POULTRY CHICKS zzs Diwa PULLETS lylnl well Ihfllly hlrdl raised on re rtricicd iccd going at so Bert Maw llilncsing DEKALB PULLETE tor aale onthnold loyinr wul sell In Imlll amounu Tclcpbonc mm Simud Gordon Rlx FARM MACHDIERY DELAVAL SALES SERVICE list your linc and pulltors clun ed now Service on all milkcn HANK BROWN RR BARRIE tllOLLYl PA 60338 USED COMBINES Oliver 25 in cmonstrstor binsse so pull type it Cockallutt lsz SF 10 It mom III553 Cllpperhwith motor no on rcr er 2238 ll Ill pad on rubber At sq NOBLETON FARM SERVICE mile west of Noblcton Phone Bolton us THRESIIING MACHINE and Dion Thresher and one John more cut aindcr both like new Telir phone Ivy ionii tor intormailoo IllH NO so 7FO0T Combine with mot drlvcin Al condition No sood used Spreaders Wraciiinil several Cinders on parts tor sal lncludlng some canvas Movie tic Alliston HE 54103 mistr Morons LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROV 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 616488 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR buy it Now With Lowcost Liteinsurch scam PLAN LOAN THE BANK or nova sconA HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH STANDARD DEALERS RepairstoAl Maker Homiliesl neuronPlease telephone PA um GARAGES WANTED Also for Cameram SEE 4ML and NAL Towing Service 75 BAYPIELD sT BARRIE PA 84165 lost AUSTIN and lost Consul for sale both have good body en line and tires seen each or best ntrcr Telephone PA 09355 lass nunJr twodocthhurdto Iw BEDROOM Aprrtrnent reA quired by scpicnlber Reasonable rent in exchange or general maintenance etc Reliable tcna Write Box lsl Wasaga Beach PHOTOGRAPHY BY °ryls llirriiiilrol°ctl FAVERO gzpticerrlbcrd Write aox as Camp 29 OF ST APTS HOUSES wrn PA 85494 D0GSH PETS BOUND one Redbone and Dongle Hound six months old Telephone PA 89010 WANTED To RENT Three or tour bedroom house in good loca rsepre ar Elephone 05337 tor iurther partlculrrs ARTICLES for SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes axis dell tor Unlngben bounds on Jaruan etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Aorly Tho carrie Examiner Earn rln miDrtAIILIC lloor Jack ior sa Block Hawk threeion Telephone PA bdltlfortï¬llï¬irl ormnilc EFRIGERATDII lor sale Wcsilng house cubic foot cxccllentcon BOATS or MOTORS WOW LTD SPECIAL CLEARANCE lMCDT PLonoD RUNABOUT WINDSHIELD STEERING 5325 10ltFO0T CIIUISERETIE UPHOLSTERED $750 ISFOOT MAHOGANY ELCRAPI RUNADOUT TOP HARDWARE CONTRDIS liAlrEilY lvso GALE ELECIZRIC COMPLETE $1396 isPOOT LAPS MASON IlUNABOUT TOP HARDWARE CONTROls BATTERY hp OUTBOARD $1195 21FO0T FLYI DGE automatic transmission two too No money down its monthly Tel ephona PA 6113s lass DKW two door hardluprli dlo whitc walls nrccilcnt mileage Sacriï¬ce tor quick ral 5795 or beat oiior Teicphono PA 59562 lass VOLKSWAGEN and 111ml on goo very good upholstery nowly overhauled will accept best offer Telephone PA 58591 tor iurther information 1960 VOLVO art beige whit wall tircs pad cd ddsn radioctc Must sell Owner leaving country Telephone PA 56443 am to pm Ask lor Carl lass MOlllus 0XlDltD 1500 Scdnn one owner irom new 23000 mllcs original tires all good daah bemmmith arm rcati RadLe on oï¬lnle white paint and red leather upholstery new lttvolt baitcry rirst class condition throughout Phone PA Mass 1955 Two Tom Chrysler lmpe CRUISER v50 hp EVINEUDE meow BAYFIELD STREET GOVERNMENT DOCK 03170 between mm pm dition 50 Telephone PA 04014 BARRIE ONTARIO Hardtop one owner car lust Wowflthrlkollsleerlii er windows nnd iwny rant walls town and country rhillo Vcry rcssonnhlc While Rosc SI tion other noth or orlllla No ll Highway FA szolii