Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1961, p. 15

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Toronto Print plainly JOHN WA tinned from page four ters WiLhin week he ed call to act as past of those Presbyterian in who were entering the ion and who had decided to amino with Collier Street itin hodist Church until the Unit ed Church came into being on June 10 1925 vacant furn ished house in Barrie was of fered to tho Watt family and they lived there happily until the following July when Mr Watt was called to Burks Falls It was in Allsndalo that he wasllntroduced to the unique bobby which he pursued with outstanding success mtlt his rc tirement in 1947 In pen be bind the mouse he kept pigs ay ALICE anoons roa mm MISS Two little girls running in the raino most fascinating quilt for any little Miss 3patch applique quilt dress bonnet umbrellal Use fabric orgay scrapsITattern 7144 charts patch patterns di rection yardages Send Thirtylive cents coins for this pattern tstamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Our 1961 Needlecraft Book Over 125 designs for home furn ishings for fashionsknit cro chet embroider weave sew quilt toys gifts bazaar it ems FREE six designs for uIaHeilcaperulcku1anParkUnitodfehnm 25 cents TODAY TELEVISION sons and they become for him solace and refuge If sermon didnt go well or some body said something nasty or something upset him at the door he went home and went among his pigeons while hire Watt got dinner ready The boys enjoyed the pigeons and when father began show ing his pigeons at fairs and winning prizes the whole fam 11y banked in his success Ev erybody was in hurry to get to the Canadian National Ex hibition or to the Royal Winter Fair to see if Dads pigeons had won any prizes Regularly they did win priz es too thirds and seconds for while and than firsts and finally in 1931 the grand pro to meat for Iho Watt family One morning soon after this John Watt went out to feed his pigeons and come to look ing shocked and dejected His pigeon pcn had been robbed during the slight The police nati and by stroka of genius sped immediately to the St Lawrence bfarkeL Just as be had guessed there were the pigeons on sale at the mar ket All the pigeons were re covered except one The grand chnmyion had been sold for 25 cents for pie Those who recall his ministry find It difficult to tbka of John Watt apart from his wife Ed ith Referring to the newspap er error which read The welding will take place at James Church mi ister who knows the Watts adds Mr and Mrs Watt were truly welded together in the holy cst ate of matrimony John Watt and Edith Barber met at high school in Walker ton While John attended uni versity Edith taught school and in 1907 theywere married Edith Watt was one of the early CGIT leaders and she was and still Ir especially con cerned about the work of the Womans Missionary Society It pleases her to know that in Trinity United Church at Grim shy there is the Edith Watt Auxiliary of the WMS The three youngest Watt boys Robert George and Don ald enlistedvitlitlleRCAF during the Second World War and served in air crew in the fall of 11345 they entered Vic toria College and all three are now in the fulltime service of the United Church The rest oi the family are busy members of their own congregations Dr Arthur serv ed for summer with the mis sionary doctor Dr George Dar byy at Bella Bella BC He attends Byron United Church London where he is the as sistant organist Archie is an elder in Deer the Sunday sclmol in that com negation Muriel who was nurse be fore her marriage is the me if warms 821mm out cr Sunday school teacher and member of the choir Genevieve has three children and in berIfivn we wth tha usual shortage of leaders in our church find myself with more jobs than like to hold She is president of the MS leader of the Mission and member of the on Committee there is anything heroic about John Watts ministry it never appeared so to himand does not now He was called to the ministry as young man in the Epworth League and he never doubted his vo cation He believes that young monvoro stiiihralledandthat it is still worthy vocation Telephone Voice Intrigues By DOUG MARSHALL Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON iCPt Twentyfive years ago woman with what by nrw has become onn of the most famous voices in England began talking Her voice hasnt stopped since Day and night through war and peace at regular litsecond Intervals she has continued to inform and intrigue the millions who at one time or another have stopped to listen to her Few have seenhcr face but it is rare visitor to Britain who has not carried away with him haunting memory of her voice True the conversation can he bit onesided and slightly mo notonous You can only listen fol so long before becoming tired of hearing At the third slrokc It will be Followed by the correct time and three irritating beeps To the British she is known affectionately as TIM the code letters you at to reach the General Bo ffices speaking clock Accor ng to tho GPO SEEMJ Ltllfln100000 000 times year The voice that Is TIM be BY JAY South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable norms sass 752 can Bond Sunday school teacher CONTRACT BRIDGE Recover Body Continue Hunt For Others R359 Alta lCPOne body was recovered from the South Saskatchewan River hfnn day and search continued for brother and sister presumed drowned sometime after their disappearance Sunday night Draggers found the body of Gordon Foster 14 at point in the river about l50 miles out of Calgary Still missing are hea trice Dodd l5 and her brother David 13 All are from this area UNVEILED WOMEN While men of the Tuareg tribe in the Algerian desert wear iadlsrthrwornenr gorwithout em Millions longed to GPO telephone oper ator chosen after competition in 1935 The girl Jane Calne now works in the theatre The 131 clearly enunciated words that are the limit of TIMs vocabulary were re corded on four synchronised glass discs mechanism com bines the words to allow TIM to make 4320 different an nouncements day litany fans claim that during the ycnrs TlIIls voice has be come cracked with age and is beginning to quaver little Officialspourmmontldr suggestion The glass records are not touched by any needle The voice is reproduced by means of photoelectric beard TIM they claim confidently can neverwear out TIM was too much of sun cass not to accumulate few rivals Nowadays equally atgt tractive voices tell you what the weather will be like what the latest cricket scores are and sights to see in London in three languages But on the occasion of her silver anniversary the girl with the golden Greenwich con ltroliod voice is still the most popular of them all BECKER step would probably be toplay the AK and another diamon hoping to find that suit dlyid ed 33 in which case your troubles would all be over Since it tums out though the diamonds are divided and has been superintendent of PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE WEDNESDAY aunusr ls 43a Junior Round 510 Hucklunnrry ound 50 News Headlines lungs Bros of Missouri Flinn Markit Reports Don Jamigsnn News Weather Sports The Real MI Encbalnr Father international Zone Elly Three Sons aft Theatre The superior Sex Explorations CBCTVans Tho Weatherman Today In Sports Community News 1115 Not For 311 HURShAY AUGUST 11 115 Test Pattem 130 Movie Time Out of blind mmerama em SportsL lnterylews ps toons Music ior Roundup oy Rogors News Headlines ram Stools Farm Mix1m Report Dan Jnmleron News Westhsr spam Gunsmoka one Rebel Summer Circuit us 100 7211 who 11on 1115 one 93a 1000 loan 1100 15 Checkmate Parade Country Junction Fatnr Gunn GBCJV lel The weathuman Today In Sports Community Now £135 Decay lnsoaY AUGUST 1s Ils Test Pattern loo Movie Woman They Ala molt Lynch Summorsmn News and Sports Interviews Cart0or Music 430 Caravan Jana so Now aoounu lnvlslnln Montar lam ltllrlsat Report nan Jamlasnn News Wonthar spam so EstheLKnowr am Love Lucy 00 Rod River Janthorn 830 Perry nuon oso Danger Mu IOJIII anvn Gun wlu Trsvsl 1030 steam 11no cac 1115 The Weatherman Today In spurt Community Nun 1155 Movie The Winslow any LOO CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO WEDNESDAY auouss 16 too Professors tasuwny 600 wrurlynlm son arts mo agto Monsanto lnspnrts s4s News Wuthu moo Jana Wymnn 130 Brothers Brannol AnLflsunIaIStrtp oon Big Four Football Game or the Week 1alo Nicknames at run 1mm News weathlr Sports 1130 Better Lats raunaon aucusr 11 non News lt loo Fran and any Channel Nine Tana Little Women News Professors Hlduway Whlilyblrds ortl leMamentn Now Weather st Lisa Post Theatre At night 1050 Bowery to nmdwm no no Rehll Iona Man and th cnuann 1030 Lou Agasa Show 1100 News wmnufipem sun Better Late 1115 News Wolfilfrsvflm 1m nvuom FRIDAY AUGUST 1100 News 11DgtFfla and Elly 200 Channel Theatre our Vines Ifsvo iandar ass News utolrotassors Eldaswu lmfiwhlriybirds 30 Sports Mn Magln Momonts in spam News Wanna 700 Outdoor Sportms 7u baava 71L ro aoo roam At mnT Lost or ran Buccaneers Hart of th Wl Bl 130 11311 Batter Late Iron rody Night Theatre Saa Franet 1as muogue ClllllllElt MISS Yilli your carrier has not arrived by p111 pleasejphone 78213 Ailifly Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS No CHARGE son THIS ssavlcs EAST 1073 zones OQB Qlo scum our on 0x943 max The bidding South West North out Pass Plan Pasa Opening leadking of hearts When to draw trumps and when not to is problem you face every timoyuu are de clarer in suit contract There is no easy way to solve this question because most hands vary greatly and each onehas toibe worked out within the framework of the su ding circumstances Take this band for example West cashes the AK of hearts and leads anotherheart which you wit The problem is wheth er te draw trumps now First of all letls see what would happen if you did You take three rounds of trumps after which the AK of clubs can be ledinr the han that the queen will fall Wben it doesnt wear one QAKIDS snosz +364 the next Unit weight Alone Bothered Fencing oils The Christian SGonus alang usttlo Hindu Spectator unknown so European god volcano 713 Copr 1550311 21 Prepared river on dates 19 Sacred 26 Sollcltuda picture 27Ethertmi fluid 28 French painter Educle laborer 30 Tropical lruit Motiva ACROSS Afflxoa 5Weak 11 Naugbt 12 Extirpate 1a Elliptical 14 To dry an lumber 15 Leave quickly as City Pa graph gain 42 Flourish 43 Ladies 44 Shower 45 Smudgea to Building additions DOWN 1Russlan sea A2Buddhist DAILY CBOSSWORD 2800 or IIIIVAE HI trick defeat This is not so surprising result however since the odds are almost to against suit dividing 33 The outcome raises the question of whether or not trumps been drawn The answer is that the dia monds should be played In this band ahead nfthe trumps By first leading the AKV and an takes care of the case where the diamonds are divided equal ly if they are he can then draw trumps regardless of what is returned makes the contract At thesame time by lead ing diamonds first declarer also caters to tholpnssibility of 12 division which is the act ual ease it GRAN DMA but regardless of what he does next South cannot be prevent ed from rafting his fourth dia mond high in dummy to bring home the contract By playing diamonds before versa Southestablishes himself as favorite to make the con tract instead of an underdog otlon avls as Appla need 22 Dem oer thunder threndrosnirwouhfbrroll should have and thus drawingrtrumps instead of vice Tomorrow Partnership cooper LARRY BRANNON IAIN 2mm WEDNESDAY Am ll 1m ll gym aaowv Aerwallow we mwzm Mk us mosses rowm ms new wrwnm rm amen anemia1M5 10 RM no SALZEK 5y OLLOWWG antov NonAr Loom MPDRI ILL Gwen1055mm BROKEN AND SHELLNEVER NOTICE BLONDIES THE DIFFERENCE FAVORITE WATER FITCHER JULIET JONES other diamond declarer still mwmcss MOFWIIE GGRRREAITI GLENN HEROLD NANNY WINE mam DIADEIImAT INTO SLAVED We Rafims mass YOUTHINKTHE Jana Pmmh KIMJ mME THROUGH REDICINSLE mo figmlNroMAtlce 0F Mar NEGLECT WEROFFACF THIS is DELMA THE PADTVS BREAKING UP WHAT HAPPENED TOYOU 33 ME bVEIZ To ooeeow FEW RECORDS ETIAS PLAYING ALL Hale escapes so CAN PICK mites TO FEET 31s who were against thats mporton For exam Io wean tillers 1n biog one against too fr arsuor£rzerwitnatiuime 5119551 no rmaw lN My NU we 531291 iinifiiiiefici AHLADVYDU DONT REALIZE TH TERRIBLE FOOD GET AT TIMES THATS wuv REALLY APPRECIATE sucu DELICIOUS coolant As YOURS canton POOR MAN ILL BRING MORE FOOD MHBr menize 3r 266mm letter qukldly In 26 Jargon ansloan 3013undlers knot 32Tlcket 3832am 388pheres or rye 35 Monatell so Bind as spoken 41 Wing Muses AND skssrsn VimthlRPtAtlE we aim SIIlL mu AmiwltzEAIJAN VILLAGE GUARIEREAIID MAKEOIIR OWESYOll REQUESTFORTROOFSa 1tL IE llANSED boost metal lWIRE user 15 NO iSNIIION sciEM moose our OUR ONLY TIRE HOPE I5 rm MERRILL SENPWORD BY AEAINI MESSEIISER now co uKr 5M mu

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