OUR TELEPHONES For ttxamroci Want narrate phone PA 5241 The telephone number to call for the Busing or Editorial DepL L1 PA 663 LOCAL WEATHER Mainly sunny and cool tomor IoW Winds llqu law tonight Hi Thursday 70 For lull 8h bodies ofihimnrweriflfï¬ind in popular trout fishing resort 91th YearNo 190 GREAT wanna RlVER one CmThe an passengers and rew members of the survey ivessel North Star 1V aban doned late Monday when it foundcred in James Bay were still aboard rescue vessel early today offshore the trap ping settlement of Fort George Que The Fort SEVern was unable to land at the settlement be cause of rough seas The ship escuedfï¬e giroup from fog shrouded Grey Goose island 20 miles west of Fort George Tuesday afternoon No injuries were reported The crew under Capt Jules Jourdan of Matane Que and 13 federal government surveyors were expected to be taken from Fort George to Great Whale River and be flown out by commercial aircraft From fragmentary radio re ports it was ieamed that all aboard the tinton North Star assengers Crew rom Shipsaie llboard Resoue Vessel Dgned were evacuated in two lifeboats after the ship ran aground PICK UP SOS An SOSmessagc was picked up by the Great Whale River Radar station RCAF and pri vate aircraft stood bybut heavy fog kept them grounded The Fort Severn made t5 rescue despite overcast heavy seas Reports to Timmins relayed by Austin Airways radio from Moosonee on the southern end of James Bay said the North Star was breaking uLoJLroclu and appeared doomed Some equipment as well as the life boats and two 31 foot motor launches had been saved The North Star former ocean fog on the east coast was converted in 1960 and placed on charter to the federal govern ment for hydrographic survey It was owned by brothers William and George Sumarab of Halifax Recover Bodies DIQWneifllhen THESSALON CF The rhodies of four young brothers were recovered today by provin cial police and volunteers from the waters of remote Mashag ama Lake where they drownedr Tuesday when boat capsiz The father was rescued 40 feï¬t of water about 50o yards off ore The four boys were sons of Glenn Bussineau operator of usslneauls kimpsnntllflah 70 miles north of here The camp wasalmost deserf ted when the accident took the lives of George Glenn John and Randy fiye were about 400 yards offshore wlicn the boat cap sized presumably from strong nds sweeping across CBIES FOR HELP Jack Brown of Sault Ste Ma rie an employee at the camp heardMr min after the ho at tipped He their fathers the 1mm Bussineaus cries for or man BoatCapsized On shore Mrs Bussineauratood watching horrified and clutch ing another son tworyears old in herarms Bothhushandandwlfe war flown to Sault Ste Marie 45 ilesnortheas taken to hospital rerrAin ig hbo from anotlï¬af camp who declinedto give her that name took over as Provincial Police from lhessalon moved in to start dragging operations The neighbor said the water would be about 50Tfeetdeep where the boat turned over She saidshedidnot knowrrwhether thel4foot plywood boal pow ered by light outboard root was equipped with lifejackets dont think the boys were particularly good swimnicrs she said After all ey were money sist on an inspection vcto WES TRMAN cou ie under umbrella engage ast German couple in conversa tion over barbed wire along border between East and West Berlin yesterday ncar Dresdr5trcsse At left East German soldiers hold their oWn conversation AP Wirephotol ESCAPE To West Berlin fr the Communist east is joyful occasion for most refugees Jlhlsn youngster found the surroundings at West Berlins Murlcnfclde ref ugee camp strange and up setg experience The weep ing boy and his parents man aged to get out of the Soviet zone despite the Red clamp down AP Wirephotol HALIFAX er strong call for NATO strength and unity including an appeal for other NATO countries to fulfill their military commitments to the alliance was sounded Tuesday by Prime Minister Diefenhaker In speech dealing with the Berlin crisis he saiu it woud be folly equivalent toleav ing the Wests defences in bow and arrow state for Canada to withdra from NATO if nuclear armaments added under system of collec tive control If the westemallfatfce mamv alns its unity does not indulge in challenging speeches and shows itself assessemralnk detmol purpose then believe there should be no fear what lies ahead he If it had not be the rights of free men long since Would have gone he told the Canadian Weekly Newspa pers Associatzo The free world for th first ime is united ct result of Sn viet Premier Khrushchevs ac tion on Berlin Berlin is modern tnie of two cities the ï¬ghts of one part are too brightij CRITICIZES NDP Mr Diefenbaksr took swipe at the ision of the New De mocratic Partys founding con vention to quit NATO if nuclear ï¬rms acetaudedtotheolliance arsenal There are those who advos cate that Canada should viiih draw from NATO in the event nuclear arms are made Closing thNTREAhTiCPlTha cod of 37day waterfront strike in Tomato and Hamilton appeared to be in sight today after top level meeting in Montreal be tween tha intemntlonal Long shorcmcns Association CLC and the Shipping Federation of Canada it was reported that the two sides in session for several hours Tuesday behind closed doors reached agreement on terms of settlement that are to be submitted to federation mem bers and the ILAs Toronto and Hamilton locals for approval The top union spokesman Thomas Teddy Gleason of New York the lLAs interna tional organizer said were closing the gap but he declined Ito any specifically what was discussed gt it was learned however that the union proposed comprom isein the form of twoeyear contract providing basic hourly wage of $215 the first year and $275 the second This represented 27cent in crease over the present $198 an hour Montreal longshoremen get The Gap In Wage Dispute Toronto lawyer Alon Clarke spokesman for the shipping fcdv cratlonK said both sides want to report back to their members on what was discussed at the meeting there were no plans for another meeting between the federation and the HA Unionsourccs said the new proposals may be submitted to the striking Hamilton local 155 and Toronto local 1342 in the next day or two The strike of 550 longshnre men began July 10 after six months of failure to reach agreement with the shipping llngipa irhegolfrom DEL Both he and Mr Glecsonsald cm KEEPS PM WELL SUPPLIED DARTMOUTH NSCP Chances an the next time Prime Minister Diefeubaker visits Dartmouth he wont re cean set of the citys cuff The prime minister was pre seated with set Tuesday by Mayor Akerley the tlinerhe happened to be wear mouth threeryears ago Israeli remier Loses Support Holds Majority TEL AVIV Premier David BenGurions Labor party Mn and stevedorc compnnics Mr Gleason said after Tucs days meeting we have reochcd clarification of all clauses in the dispute The union originally asked for $140amhour and rciectcdo conciliation board report rec ommending $210 in the first year of twoyear contract and $210 the second The federotion accepted the report and prior to Tuesdays meeting said it would not make any concessions beyond its basic wage of $224 an hour nvai able for the posscssl control of NAT belicvo that lhis is advocating course which would dangerous to the survival forces or and dangerous to the survival of freedom itself New Cap Rate TORONTO CP Consum crs Gas Company has been granted approval of its rate schedntemï¬lï¬ng natural Crozier chairman of 7th ard announced the boards approval Tuesday in 36=page decision which found that the gas companys rates as wg rereasonabler It was the first major rate hearing for the energy board since it was establishedJasL Sept and statement from the board said its decision on the Consumers Gas application will serve as guide in future The rates affect Toronto 0t tawa Barrie Oshawflndflerzt starborough Fwell as 33 sep arate townships 31 towns and 28 villages all communities where Consumers Gas holds franchise for the supply of na tural gas SOME WILL PROFIT The approval means some of the companys customers will save up to in per centJuiJheiL bills The new rates also pro gas to Ontario communities States then from Alberta rate hearings sion on rates goes into effect recommendations W0 dyod in idol facedby the overwhelming Soviet might in East Germany facing West Berlin would you place those thguarrLthciportolrvffrceT dam in the position of men armed with bows and arrows ts simple as the Schedulelllay Bring Ill Percent Saving 0n Bill ferent types of gas users such as those who beat with gas The boards decision noted that none of the communities were represented althoughthey were ndvisedof the hearings The hearings started Sept 28 and with seven adjournments ended April 2i after recei ng an estimated 1000 page of tea timony Consumers Gas incorporated in years ago for the manufacg ture and supply of manufactured gas in Toronto switched to un tural gas in 1954 taking its sup plies firstv from the United Until the energy boards deci the company will newsman winder the inteTun rate orders such as havebeen in effect since 1954 when its rrates first came under provincial control lheiboard was satisfied with the effects of Consumers Gas ratesivln oneyear test period ending Sept 30 1959 the com pany had net returnot $4 799600 on arate Ease of $110 Jazmmndtbereturnthefallowf ing year was described as well Gurion pal lost support in Tuesdays fsraeli elections but remained the largest group in the new parliament returns showed to day With vote counting almost completefst ntl stlclans calcu lated that the hiapol would lose about six of the 47 seats it held in the last parliament But this would still give the Mopnl more than double the number of seats held by either the Notionallst Herolh party or the new Liberal party These parties were expected to wind up with about is or 17 seats each in the twomember house Although Mapal remained the largest party the result of the vote was setback to Ben who had campaigned cl of ThElEttElï¬décl log seven troop carriera dreds of thousan liners in seed in front of their by West Berlin lnbor uni test banners withsuch as Kennedy to Bcrlln of action angers us trayed by the West accompanied by high pressurc rolled gate before Gen mander of the United States army in Europe the Brandenburg gate area With he walked along minim turn to page two Page ++ SAYS BERLIN APlhlnyor Willy randt of West Berlin ao Brandt told cheering rally 200000 West Berliners about said what we think in allA frankness sman polzce moved up to the today as hun ds West Ber Enst erlin border ty hall in protest The demonstrators Mayor Willy rally called out randt and one to pro EastWest ure cs ied inscriptions ank and Be The Communist troop carriers two trucks with we to rmhosca to the Brandenburg the rally got under BY East German oter hose in East Germanys erlin bo rder clos police pointed the direction of Bruce Clarke com when he toured randt enrll er in the day The hose was not turned on but rows of emergency lice behaved to have to the the American general as thehacder Tï¬mmhwmds Must Move PoliticallyBrandt lice told travellers on an early morning train from Leiplig in East Germany to Cologne in West Germany that the border had been closed to all East Ger mans since midnight Other reports reaching Bonn said all East Germans were or dared off two night trains at checkpoint on line to West Germany further south in Thun togfa East German passengerl also were token off Swiss boundrtrainrfl scare hit Wcst Berlin this morning when the overhead rall rond supplied by East German electricity ground to halt But power was restored after 70 minutes and police said it seems there was power break after all CALM BUT UNHAPPY West Berliners remained calm although they were not happy at reports that the Allies oppose any drastic action in retaliation against Communist closure of the divided citys border Westlicrmanys largest paper criticizethe allies for doing nothing in the crisis Russia today rejected West ern protest delivered Aug againstEast German measures against East Berliners working the West The Soviet commandant in Berlin described the protest as American interference in tho internal affairs of East Ger many and said it was com pletely out of place The Western commandant sent another stiff note to Russia Tuesday over the subsequent shutdownme pen for clear majority in ghe Police Hunt Clues IanttalSiayings NEW YORK APlA force of 75 policemen combed chesthigh weeds behind Brooklyn bowl ing alley today for evidence in the knifekilling of two young boys Known molesters of children were questioned diroughout Ihc city Apparently neither boy had been sexually molested but no lice did not rule out the possi bility that sex fiend com mitted the crime one body hound znndinudehati stabbed 25 times the otherï¬f times Jommadwr gagged The griefs parents entlfied th Negro Led Party Wins In Nyasaland BLANTYRE Nyasnland Reu ters Dr Hastings Bandns rMalathongress party held sweeping mandate from voters in this Britishprotectorate to day following the territoryr first general elections The party led by the egro physician won all 20 lowe Roll seats which were upfor election by Negro voters Tuesday and took 99 per cent of all votcs within reasonable limits vide varying reductions for dif BEGARDLVESSKOF RllSSIIiN STAND Iuc1 WASHINGTON AP if ident Kennedy is reported to have decided against any re sumption of nuclear testing this year regardless of whether the Russians demonstrate at Gen eva they want no foolproof agiecmcnt The presidents post it as outlined to congressional lead are is that the United states should do nothing to prejudice the case it the United Nations that the readytoaccept while theRusslansW Grandson How dlmcs have changcd Kennedy is sending negotiator Alyhlll Dean chief back expects to make in the Russians still are stick ing to their origiinal position if they are he said Dean will come home quickly There Is little hope within the administration that sians will change tieir oo Accordingly thoplansistd df matiza this last chance lEjeE tlon when the general assem bly meets in September UN tinictablc érrisdlleadoitlnnallw in thisrcportcd decision that it would take couple of months to prepare test shot if pres idential goahend is given Opinion within the adm istra tion is that the united States wo Sfljiuejflmmby ï¬lng few men months be fore it moves into the fieldof perfecting types of smaller scale nuclenr weapons epnbllc mittad presentatlves called for um ption of te ng They sold stalled negotiations with tbe Russians should not be per to sandbag the na tions safet Halieck and Dirksen toldwr press conference they nave quite authcntlc information that the Russians have been testing all alone This vi seeuisznotettrcetsharedï¬byme bedy administration leaders Rressednf urceof hi lidormation Republicans saidtheyflco dn gtv They dad that same informa Tr tionls known in our bl government officials ghost West Berlin with con and wire Jefugeeebarrl manency Meanwhile urn from Moscow Mood Leads Evaporate Quebec information today that will start luganSou After several promising leads evaporated under police investi gation motorist from Jacques Carti up two Alan from Showinigan and ing to Toronto 111A NUTSHELL pnbliclyvwnedlr onus atoms The Communiststh over ght pluggedescapc routes into crete walls strung slxfoothlgti barbed giving the emirat ences Stll SHAWINIGAN Que CF police hope to receive trail of a16ycor missing for aweek ome in nearlujbah om her ghway last eek Police declined to disclose the name of the motorist due to call at police headquarters in Mont real today to study pictures of Denise The motorist said he picked gi one resembling ldthcy were ders by the Communists Chancellor Adenauer to against East Germany to meet With Soviet Ambassador Andrei ong meeting was at Smirnovs request following Denise one of two daughters of Mr andMrs Henri Therrlen has not been seen since sh let honle cightdays ago to answer bureau ad fr 4Mkhwsemai sitter CHECK LEADS Police ran down two recent leads to the girls whereabouts and drew blank on both motel owner in North Bay Vtold Ontario provincial poll girl using the name of Denise Therrien registered at his motel Sunday accomp by two young men The car carrying the three was traced on real and the occupants were questioned and released it was learned the girl had not registered at the motelpaod there appeared to be no Vconnec were g0 7Commenï¬ate Midland on with the Shawlnlgan case FOunding TOEONTOVCPlFounding ofthe town of Midland in 1871 Jiniondllhllrlubli mum unveiling mod tofTvei £35 TORONTO CPJToronto teanisters were lhientenedluesday night with the publics wrath if forthcoming Canadian National Govt Breaks TCA Monopoly OllAWA CPlThe federal into London Engl government appr mrlliiesfloog with techni an TORONTO CPiTwo men li ansCanada Air Line Canadian airlineoperating the lucrative Transpolt Minister Baicer announced of the privately3mm Canad cal stop at Gander Nil tiled today in the crash of light plane near ill they hinder operations at the Exhibition llebels chances Pr VEight Roman Catolic priests rlday by VietCong1ebels In est of Saigon have been mllitary spokesman said government Tuesday hroklee monopoly as the only North Atlantic route fan Pacific ndon rou were reported urbnn Locust and two women