mama an ï¬nalisationrifle orgIlene nlI 5FARMERS MARKET FARM HAme than Ileconnlur complete with elm mill cadaver drive belt good condition Apply Hal Johnson 3th mllu wert or member No Highway tlormerly hallr rum AUTOMOTIVE Moron cans FOB saur VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN uncowaaHTREET passion allch two door hlldtov automatic lllnsmlnlnh Vin tone No money doler no monthly 1d ephone Pap173a urn 1559 DKW two door hardtop ra dio whita want excellent an 8795 or but oupr Telephone PA was lsu nAlIlrlLlsn two tone green and pink excellent capdlllaa din heoter and new motor rerm urn trade or linanc dayr PA Moll evenl PA ma VOLKSWAGEN nod manta condition good body very end upholstery newly overhauled will accept belt alter Telephone PA was or rurther intermatter lsso voavn spurt brin white wall urea pdded dash Man dell owaemervlnrc nlry Telephone Plt so pm Ask for Carl PonIIaI Laurentiln sedan for me 11m mm excellent condition new tires For lurthcr telephone PA wasp alter last MORRIS oxrohn 1500 Sedan one owner train new 111100 miles orlrinal tire all good padded dash bench seat wlth aollapslhla arm mu white paint and red leather upholsten new lZvolt battery First class condition throughout Phone PA cease 77 TRUCKS TRAILERS to HELP WANTED MALE HELP PART TIME WORK Interesting Ind nmucnuvl work completing Inlnrm Darth tn your area Ina hnv as Ind ram Ire day than noun pcnonro Baconr7 nezly In BOX ll BARBIE TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Apyllcanana III on mind um noon Alum Si or nail limo em layman 9ch insulin on commene immodlat Par rurtaer partlntlan Quaint IainI7 etc at th at pal gating an ar Dntnrl mm ll KILL Gurkhacum roouunz to mn experi cues mould masln parlance rim rirahla but not eranu Apply In omen to Pinatornlr John suet moraln only not mars Salesman wanted mnrrnusnen have good can and he Illlln to work hard Apply to nor 95 ar an Drummer lIrnanNlc wanted pretenth Ilolt raced Alto hodyman liceneea pre lured umal company bouldtl Contact hupel Broninl Bay cm Motors lolcphon PA ma qulred ror bud churchtu Partly rum uhed hours pro Idea sun mm with hour to spur morning and evantnl or retired roman ware Box 31 earn hammer MALE STORE HELP WANTED rar naw supermarket openla September in Camp Borden nonucc ornaAmn ecAsnrzas acouNran mm on worms nllvuT IF0d Ii ill herp one app eauu be considered Apply by laillr to When runner vacation coda deal students from Nova Sophia and New Brunswick willulovo to Amherst entering new quars ters valued at about 81500000 and lauded as the most modern ol their type The pew school is welcomed as the answer to an overcrowd creasing for years But the de cision to relocate cable only after long and healed discus sinus in the Nova Scotia legisla ure two years ago The Rallies school rur rounded by shoulder high lance andrahour adozenioity hardwood trees has become landmark since its construction 66 years ago But its been headache or the principal Karl Van Allen and his wilaMarzuerite since they came herminim the Edie vIllI Olin Ichool or the tits years ago CROWDED QUARTZ We have pnlylive or air lull xlu on for our 188 stu dents Mr Van Allen said in an lnterv Ware holding classes in the cloak rooms and have three going In the assem bly hall The school built or 100 stu dents has held as many as 155 are mm Nova Scotin and New Em wick with lew lronl Newe loundland and Princa Edward Island and WW 1Ihrpartroicï¬a ihe new school at Amherst Kain up in blgrlieldthatr lea pléntyol room or rec nation will have 24 class rooms Each classroom is 31pr with group hearing hll the students use them Rebels Fight For Independence Claim Colonial Rule Not Ended MYITKYINA Burma Reut MARKET CAMP BORDEN MAL on Pmnhz 35 over Unusual Phone PA 65911 on Wednesday morning No door to door rclllrll RCAF CLOVER FARM year or opportunity sales and union car menul between lllnro SALES naLr AGENTS WOULD YOU like to aupplemaat your Income by 3100 to $200 Per month during your loan Ilmtl Write nos 97 Barrie nominal arsiAbout 800 Kachins mostly young men have lormed rebel army to light or Kachin inde pendence according to Kacbln state government sources here The rebel camp site is re ported to be triangular area in northern Burma adjoining the borders of Kachin state Shun state and Communist China The Kachin Independence Army as the movement is known is said to have orlgl naled withSItah students at the with suspicion and prejudice in spite of premlar Nua per sonal assurances that nothing will be done to take away any privileges people of nonBudd bist lalttls formerly enjoyed Kanhin state government cir cles hero say Kachirls realize they enjoy much more personal Ireadom than their lcllowAKach Ins living across the border in Communist China and therefore they believe that their dilier cncca with the Burmese can be solved by discussions with the As Most Modern or Type north md closed ltr dooulor good this month as tho Sdaool or the Deal whether they can hear little or not said hlr Van Allen Even it they dont get the sounds they sometimes get vi bration that bdp them in lip reading The Nova Sootia and New Brunswick governments are sharing the main cost oi the new school In the Halllax school the $1200 yearly tuition fee and boardhasvaenerally beensharedonasosobasisby the municipalities and provinces lrum rwhiehr thrdealchtldrul come Clothing transportation and personal necessities usually arc provided by parents AVETERAHEACHERS The change in quarters Is not the only difference that the children wilir Louise Fearon the oldest and probany thebestioved teacher in the Halifax school ls retiring Miss Fearon taught the deal for 50 years and also gave private tuition to more than dozen children mm across Call ada Her sister Margaret teacher in the school or 40 years will stay on Deal children come to the school at age six and stay lor 10 or 11 years When they leave they have the equivalent at grade XIII education The girls then usually take up dressmaking weaving typing or any occupation in which hearing Is not ssentinl The boys oltcn do mechanical work They may enter regular high schools or perhaps Iurlher their education In schools ior the deal in the United States Here the linger and sign talk went all the curriculum more than 70 years ago But the chil dren still use it when not in INO nu BARNl EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 15 To Solve Crisis Nehru States NEW DELHI lReutnn lu dian Prime Minlnar Nehru has had long letter from Soviet Premier Khrushchev doll by with the Russian stand on her lln nullity well inIor1rIed sources said here Monday The letter was received about 10 days ago But the sources discounted re ports that the Indian leader Alrightotter to mediate on the Berlin problem They recalled that Nehru told roporterslooahfléflisï¬ ing with United States state un dersecretary Bowler here tut week that he had no particularly bright idea lor solving the Berlin dispute MP Otters Resign Seat On Condition LONDON ReutersiCanser vatlve MP Malwlm St Clair oilered Monday to resign the by delauit from Britains re Iuctant peer Anthony Wedg woodBenn hut Smairsaï¬hï¬ï¬s maï¬ lng the otter only on condition that WedgwoodBenn lormer Labor party legislator does not make another hid ior the Eric tol Southeast scat unless he is ollicially qualiï¬ed as candid ate WedgwoodBenn who defeated St Clair by more than 13000 votes in byciectlon tor the seat was disqualiï¬ed by high court last monthbecause he holds seat in the House ol Lords St Clalrs offer was received House at Commons seal he won lilDY Weasrlrlt GETS HEB MAN shapely Karel1 Agnes Vobclt 23yearold Iormer Gennah wrestler pieylully practises hammorlack on her wrestler husband William mo 24 at WI lpeg The scene is Presbyterian church in Smyru Ila Georgia Kancnlr7new hometown where they were married The bride whose wrestling name Karon Wolf has been in mo than 150 matches Photo QUEEN WELCOME ELGIN Reuters ThousV ands of pcrsanswrnedroutrl the rain Monday In welcome the Queen and Prince Philip during lsumllr uhlstle slop llncDull where they come ashore from their yacht Britan niatbay4vercpraseniedrwith box of the ports lamous smoked haddock Large crowds turned out to greet the visitors In all the towns and villages along the aoarrrs FOR the lanthalic Cal central government let Outboard stator man hour on gallon of tool erltn crytat Slice nicnwlll Road Hamilton Ontario EMPLOXMENI WANTED YOUNG MAN dealru employment with power saw call Larry at PA colon or PA 51737 DAY CARE to proschool children at llarya church area Telephon wamn l95lwl Pickup Truck 5185 hlust be In air condition Tclelt phone stall Slroud MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT atom lloau tor a7 two bedroom completely turnlrhcd Apply 99 Victoria or telephone PA pain TRAILER rolr sALz 47 teat 1957 modal Iully lurnlshed Three bedroom WIll acco lurpltura our payment Hall calms Arr us Illnhlla Home Park llousr nutle lor Io use gt General at lo reel perieu condlttaa Privately owned ï¬rms tilled Apply to ion Burton Avanuo pr tolaphuns PA coca noorurlm all Accoun am tired PERSONALS on pension Altar lo year3 sarvlct FORTUNE TELLlNG no you want wlth local and seeking lull or rttllna employment John being your rorrune told by cards Tele ohpno PA moo lor appolntment it High sxre relanaaa pa apytlma norm womans COLUMN TENDERS naAuivVaaor old ate mmmrauculsnnun by certlllcd hauntarse in your WATER AND LIGHT awn name Phone oeraloe at PA COMMISSION cars or PA H581 TENDERS FOR THE anDmsldliry Charla CONSTRUCTION OF $25 nilJ MP 15mm on cd tendeTa Iddrcuhd tn the 3°m2m chalrman and alemhera or the Penellnguishana Water and Light gamutsliceprrm Gaughler eel auxor ene 10 HELP WANTED tas ulahena Wï¬er and mghtcomr Ion will be resolved until FEMALE HELP no oclock run c1151 on no pay or snrrcunaa Ivar PROOFREADER or till ConllmcuhnoftRtmltll Pumping Station on Ruben Skell Ciarenca Avenue Th tnv Required at ltlon light pumpgzl unitsutlr Ea or conned lll ml 01 Jihitltiliiiiélit conncc an lldy with good knowledla of English grammar Inll apelllnl Please Ipply in your own hunti Wlltlnl to th racordllg pressure nun will bl Klan blr the Commission THE BARRIE laxAllem n0 BOX Rangoon University who went tour at northeast Scotland At underground year rigo taking with them some of the Knchin classmates Subsequendy some Kachih Irom high schools In Kachln state joined Some former soldiers from the Burmese army includlng lormer lieutenant also are be lieved involved SPREAD LEAFLELIS The rebels have distributed phampidets In the Romanscript Kachin language asking lor new recnlita to light for free dom and democracy tor the Kachln race The leaflets com plain thot the colonial rule at the British has not ended with the independence alburma in so far as the Kachin state is concerned The leaflets claim the Kachlns are depressed class suffering disabilities In trade commerce education and fundamental hu man rights Wealth from Kachin jade mines and Kachin ï¬elds has been depleted they declare and the religious freedom ol the AKachjnaInterleredwi Many Kachina are Christians the central governments policy ni making Buddhism the state religion of Burma in wed coolly by the Labor party route despite heavy rain or rent PA mot W111 LOOK Arrer chlldran In my own home wru lelr up and dellver Telephona Mass AmNrwN PARMuta For your cuatom combining telphone HIrt Evan Bradlord Prospect or Joel Pruner may ll you are new lnundation your aim call PA H737 Populationllises In Small Centres arrawa do Populations ol an Canadian cities mostly smaller ones are covered in the second report at the 1961 TeensHsreleasedtoday by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics Drawings and lpcclllclllnlla with Form or Tender tzlned rmmthaomo the Panetangulrhena Watur and Light Commlulon on payment or da WAlmEaa Wanted xparlenced or dining room lull tlma Tale phone PA 424 RELIABLE nahy Sitter re ulred for two children In our own on days wcelr Brook Street vlelt posit by chequl only 01 $1000 madl payable to the commlulan which de Dslt will be rounded on the re urn in load condition till plans and speciï¬cations Each tender must be accompan hy marked cheque payable revision counts compiled during the spev The figures subject to later are compared WIth ial baby census at 1956 gest city covered in the re to the Penetangulahena Water and Light Commission or cash de posit equal to perwaaLoLthL tarrumor or JuuwuLnLAnyh nacerurï¬ly Inlty Telephone Pa Mala SCHOOL TEACHER wantl railbin irwomlnito do lighthm and mind one Monday Iode School area haply Examiner part is Halifax which had 1961 woman of 179220 In Its er compared with 104200in 1956 The popmtalon for the was 90072down from as not in 1956 25 figures with 1956 in brackets include Fort William 563 39464 Sarnia 50300 43447 Saul Sta Marie 42354 37329 rRepreaantativrtuwnarvlllflér and townships Deep River 5347 3069 Gua hanoque 50604981 Nestor ville so 115 Renlrew 0754 NewspaperAdvertisingRenders giAlceReacl3£TcBuy oerted Ask About Low Batu By Month or Your Telephone PA 32414 11634 at Lake improve ment district 13001 13700 rah 10184 7158 Tarentorul 11519 8ll7 EXCAVATlNG FILL GRAVEL OP Still SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED luautin and Gradln Delivery Crusher Iralt Yard llama or hire DENNIS MORAN Anaa aim on cam ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE inlornlr this service Cantu iPflDVINOIAl gnarlrim VIC WILDMAN PHONE PA 83628 DRIVING LESSONS IN YOUR OWN CAR AT YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE DAY 0R EVENING INCLUDING WEEKENDS Fully Qualified Instructor with over 1000000 miles experience PA 68609 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS PinWC SERVICE Service to all makes of appliances I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twin eelr plcknp dell ti era 51 mm Eds5551 Len than paciï¬er clgarltteh Open Colnpetition lor CentreDesign TORONTO 515ch national competition for thaliuignalfï¬ae cultural centre inechariottetown commemorating the Fathers of Conledetation opened Monday with an offer of $15000 in prime for the beat designs flLw An announcement by the Fa sm fly 3151105 thers nfederation Memor ï¬ï¬ ial Foundation on at Barbm Tisslonflï¬ï¬m DIS ACT across Canada called for plan hDv up Ant combining the features of aper ya 42 33 manent memorlal and usa mull under the abova act ful centre lor the arts FREE REMOVAL The competition is open to of themchecktha ads lntha ally newspaper fort 131558 191 my phone ccme Canadas 2500 architectaand Ar mm mm prizes of $7500 55000 and GORDON VVOUNG meyiegfgnflfm Insular lanai road mason tarpon LIMITED BARRI mm dim 10 larrte ramrmc arm PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Papar 3mm ipray Punting Service Since 1820 NeWspaper readersaraattracbed in your advertising it interests themrilléyore more apt to be live froadyIlobuy prospects than is the case withrreadera and viewersol otharzadvertising media gt Live prospects assassinsto sell They actually shop the newspaper ads theyWant holiesold and are looking for nfo ation in help make buying decision ke housewives Ior exampleresearch proves that 7575 Regisiration tor the contest Clamps 95061 clostzsbeoct 10 ï¬dvall entries mus In or JII glng by Jan DEAD OR CRIPPLED 19 1062 hullding of the mem orial at an estimated cost of HORSES CATTLE HOGS $5000000 will start as soon as possible after the design winner Ia announced Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA 87751 Long distance Zenith 81800 at our expense EDPECONI AND SON LTD ORELIA Lienu No 00001 art galleries libraries museum archivaa and restaurant Thailand go granted 330000lofiï¬nce the architec $21 ammmrï¬anhAd PHONE PA DMll