ADDI Cardsbefeat Dodgers On Pitchers WeakaBat By an Snags Associated Press Staff Writer Do you pitch to l22 bitter with two on two out and ï¬rst base open with the pitcher the next batter in the second ion in of scoreless game Or do yo walk blm intentionally pitcher Los Angeles Dodgers have only two game lead in the National Lcaguc pennant race at the moment because they do cided to walk the 122 hitter Alex Grammas Monday night Pitcher Ernie Broglio followed with two run single and five lt hit shoutout and St The move that missed for the Dodgars ending their winning streak at six games followed singles by Stan liltisinl and Carl Sawatskl When Grammas stepped to the plate the Cards utility inï¬elder was hltless in 32 at ban in slump that stretched over games going no 25 the Dodgers drought Gram maLwas abouLdtte they were right He collected two singles after the Cards three run sec ond inning and came around score on both Bmglio 143 batsman when he stopped in against Don Dry sdole in the second gave up TIONAL Spoor still lose games out of ï¬rst af ter winning 16 of their last 24 made it our in row behind 24 innings of two hit shut out relief by rookie Tony Clon lager $2 The young right handcr took over fmmstarter Bob Buhlin the third inning when therPirotesLed 34 Roy Moltliuan drove in lo runs with pair of doubles and had 11 hits of loser Harvey Haddilr and three reliev ersMathowsrhorne ma was his 2tth of the year and moved him past Joe Dimaagio Into 10th place on the all time list with 362 Dick Stuart and Bob Cla playdowns continue with three games on tap for this week at seven oclock Case Eagles play Lakevlcw Dairy Case leads the semifinal 14 Efys Barrie Welding in the Smiths leads this set to and Lakeviewvagain atseven libidohaiifini hrShannon Leads WestScorers manna aass Industrial League softball This evaning at Queens Park Thursday night Smiths Dairy game around 880 Then on Friday car its Winnipeg halfback STAGE ISSET lOBA TOUCH DON HEAVE AT OTTAWA Shannon held slhn onepoint lead over three others in the Western all Confer ence scaring race following Monday nights action Shannon scored four points for total of 19 in three games as the BiuoIBombers defeated Tor onto Argonauts 11413 in an interlocking Canadian Football League game in Toronto But in Edmonton halfback Ron Quil lea scored three touchdowns and fullback Johnny Bright had one to give them 18 points each as Edmonton crushed SaskatA chewan Roughrlders 3H Earl Lunsford of Calgary previously held the lead with 18 points ihoLJeaders Shannon Bright Quillen Eunstord Parker Sbepard Grant BOW HansenC Walden Lewis Burket nothing but singles walked four and struck out seven while pitching his ï¬rst complete game in more than two months for Ho record it was the sec ond shutout of the season for Broglio at game winner last year it was only the third time the Dodgers have been shut oat this season and it ended three game streak by Drys dole 107 The fourth place Braves mente homered for the Bucs Ernie Banks and Jerry Kin dall each hit home run and batted in seven runs between them for the Cubs as the last place Phils who have won only one of their lust 28 games came within two of tying the modern NL record for consecutive dew feats The 1906 Braves and 1914 Reds each lost 19 in row Southpaw Rick Ellsworth 87 was the winner and Frank Sul llvan MI was the loser Louis Cardinals boat the Dod gcrs50 That whittled hall game of the Dodgers lead over Cincirh half as the second place Bods move into Los Angeles for the opener of three game seriu tonight Cincinnati was idle Monday as Milwaukee Braves rapped ittshurgh Pirates and Chin cago Cubs thumped Philadel phia for the Phlls 17th con secutive defeat Ottawa star quarterback Russ Jackson 12 get set to pitch touchdownwinning BASEBALL RECORD By THE CANADIAN PRESS Rhys GEES ornnto at Jersey City Anntrim tum out at Charleston Pctbe Rochater at Col 7739 644 Syracuse at Richmond 7342 535 Wednesdays qamu 6751 55311 Toronto at Jersey City 6056 151717 Buffalo at Charleston 59 5°91 RochesteraLColumbuavN Syracuse at Richmond as 22 57W American Assoclallon Mondays Results Washington 4866 42128 Kansas City 4274 36135 13 ForiJhriLLlndlaL apeiia Monday Results Houston lhulsville Kansas City Minnesota Dave Omaha Les Angeles Washington Only games scheduled Todays Probable Pitchers Chicago Pizarro 75 at New York Ford 202 Baltimore Brown and Es trada so at Detroit Lary 186 and Masai12 Kansas City Archer o7 at Minnesota Kralick 108 Boston Conley 610 at Cleve land Bell 811 Los Angeles James 02 or Do nahue +5 at Washington Ho baugh 66 Wednesdays Games Chicago at New York Dos Aug at Washington City at Washington Boston at Cleveland Baltimore at Detroit National Lcaguo Pct GBL 5941 627 pass to Riders Bill Sowalski Sowalski caught the hall in ac Hoas end tone for the days tirst TD Action took Rough Riders went on to win place at Ottawa on weekend with ridiculous ease Lédis Toke Pair 17er Jersey City THE assocmmn mass Another Mboynot Mantle or Maris but Roman Mcjias of Qinmbusis swinging the most potent home run hat of his co rrcrto help keep his team on top of the league The 29year old Cuban centre rtielder bashed hls litthhome BALESTABS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pitching Ernie Bmgllo Cards blanked first place Dodg ers on five singles striking out seven and drove in first two runs with single in5o vie tory Billing Ernie Banks Cubs drove in three runs with three hits in three trips banging home clincher with two run homer in 92 victory over Phils Mg Bowsfield 94 and Rice Gabler 35 Klippstein Garcia to and Green HR LA Thomas 15 Kansas City 000000200 72 Minnesota 104 010 00 Walker 59 Rakow and Pignatano Knit 512 and Eat tey tilts KMohnson Pig New York Detroit Baltimore Cleveland Chicago Boston Loa Angees Minnesota run in the seventh with one aboardto clinch 52 Columbus victory over Rochester in the international League Monday night In the only other game Tor onto swept doubleheader from Jersey City 61 and 63 Mejia has neverhitmore than 18 hbrhers in season his 1960 output in nine years in or ganized boll Addidonally he is only 10 behind last years runs batted in total with 81 Jet Southpaw Don Rowe was dubbed for tworun homer by Joe Durham on the way to his seyenth triumph TORONTO TAKES FOURTH Toronto moved into undis puted possession of fourth place with the double victories The Maple Leafs who have won in of their last 16 games have jumped from sixth to fourth un der ompson Thronto was forced to go into extra inn ings in the seveninning opener They broke through for five runsin the eighth to wrap up the decision Orlando Pena former Jersey City righthander held his for mer teammates to six hits as he went the route for his ninth victory Dave Stenhouse top 13mm Spins 7Hit Victory By ED wmrs Legucmï¬m WAssooiated Press Staff Writer Hank Gmenberg Ln Gehflg It may read New York versus Joe mmaggm fa mue Chicago in the American MICRFY th hit F2 in 1955 League schedule but its really could 10m Ruth nine times Whitey Ford Mickey Mantle Gehrig four and Foxx three and anger Maris against the as the only sluggers who have records tonight when the first Int 46 or more at least we place Yankees open three in their careers game stand against the White mm RECORD NEARS 5°X Maris also has shot at the Ford SOlfihPBW Who is the major league record for most 31 leagues 10 2° game home runs hit against one club Inner 5855011 Sthg in one season Gehrig set the his 15th museum 9er mark with 14 against Cleveland That would be Yankea record In 1936 Maris has 10 against Whitey tied the club high of 14 set by annir Chesbro in 1904 323 Sgggngï¬ieï¬gï¬g when he beat Los Angelea An against them gels lm Thde for an Meanwhile Ted Bowsfield of record Pentlcton BC picked up his No American League pitcher ninth victory against four losses has won 15 in row in 24 years 1mm as Los Angcles Angels defeated at men Allen did It Washington Senators 5lt1 Bows mama India 1937 field held the Senators to seven Senior Hockey Has Clubs INGERSOLL CF Three new entries were accepted into the Ontario Hockey Association Senior League Monday night to bringsther number of member teams to eight The new entries are from Sar uia Waterloo and St Thomas Allan Cup champions Gait Ter riers re entered together with Chatharn Maroons Stratiord in dions Woodstock Athletics and Strathroy Rockets Only Windsor Bulldogs failed to return The meeting adopted ruling preventing any team from signing more than two players from last years Buli dogs Tentative plans are to open as game schedule Oct 20 or 21 Each team will play each other five times with six teams in the playoffs St Thomas Royals returning to senior hockey after years absence have indicated arena difficulties may force them to play in Aylmer or Belmont Herb Parker of Strattord sec TD ll 18 16 18 National League Phlio 010100000 62 Chicago 220050001 92 Sullivan 311 Ferrarese Baldscbun and Dalrymple Kendera Ellsworth 37 and Taylor HRS ChiBanks 20 Kludali Pittsburgh 021000000 to Milwaukee 10132002x 8111 Haddix 85 McBeaa Loblne Shanta and Bur gess Buhi Conlager s2 and Torre Hits PbgStuart 18 Clemente 21 MilMath ews 24 St Louis 030 101000 11 101 Angela 000000000 5t Brogllo 940 and Sawatski rysdsle 1M Craig Far rell and Boseboro American League Angech 201 am 100 10 niboooomuuu OHObNOQOOeJI 12 Big Four Scoring Crowded Room By THE CANADIAN PRESS It was standingroom onlth the top ofthe Eastern Football Conference scoring race Tires day night with 10 playerssix of them Ottawa Rough Riders tied with six points each Two Toronto Argonauts Gerry Philpp and Dave Mann made it real scramble with touch downs as Toronto lost 1413 to Mantle and Maria each need Winnipeg Blue Bombers nles Lns Angela retary ol the meeting said the league win operate under strictinterpretatlon of the share the wealth rules as set down by the league last year tentative schedule will be discussed at meeting at Lon don Sept 10 16 home runs to break Babe RuthSrecnrd 6i of1972 Each has ciubï¬am andor 15 games ahead of Ruths pace Maris could join tight little cluster of clouters who have hit 46 or more round trippers in bits Minnesota Wins beat Kan sas City Athletics 62 nrrse has Beaten every leagueclub at least twrca ex cept for Cleveland He is 14 against the Indians Whitey has 30 record against the White Sox one seasn erican British Footballers May Get Sidll By Mm HOOD London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON The 19614962 foot ball season will start assailed tried on August 19 There will be no strike of football play ers on that date but there is later date if the management committee of the Football Lea gue does not honor the agree ment mode with the players Footballers Association held in three different cities in Eng Manager Ralph Haul has his aca set up for four starts be fore the Yankees go against the second place Detroit Tig ers Sept in the opener of three gamc showdown The Yanks lead the Tigers by 311 games Si Ensroman or Edmon day in CanadianFootbali wiho Sowaiskl Desmarais Reynoldsro rl Jackson Thelen Clark Yarbrough Maria Philp Schreidcr Eskimos Smash Eiieiiiiii omlsshSQSkRRiders rs Ians Pt St jo ummmammmalma mpson ouHHHuu meeoeeoo ecaeooe ooeooaoo Gettyrcompleted five of eight Cincinnati an Francisco Milwaukee Pittsburgh Chicago Philadelphia Philadelphia Chicago Pittsburgh Milwaukee St Louis Los Angeles Angela Koufax 187 San Francisco Marichal 1M Night MLWLL 60 50 545 58 51 532 10 57 55 509 13 54 54 500 14 45 65 409 millï¬mï¬ Mondayo Rosalia ouis Only games scheduled Todayl Probable Pitchers Cincinnati Jay 167 at Los St Louis Simmons 77 at Pittsburgh Gibbon 87 at Mil waukee Willey as Philadelphia Mahaffey 716 at Chicago Curtis 77 Wednesdays Games Phila at Chicago Pittsburgh at Milwaukee Washington natauoslfl Latino=ltiuebcew nrtin bullet with is triumphs was the loser on an an annotation ton Eskimos scored their sec ond win of the Western Foot ball Conferebce season bomb ing Saskatchewan Boughriders 3841 Monday night before an es timated71i500 fans Eskiriios led 71 after the first quarter 171 at the half and 2443 after threequartera HalibaekirRonQuiiien from East Tennessee State stole the show from more established Es St Louis at San Fran Cincinnati at Loa Aug International Rogue Pct GB 75 47 613 65 51 564 66 56 541 61 62 49615 60 64 484 16 56 63 471 18 Rldlmond 55 67 451 Syracuse 48 7t 381 29 Mondays Besults Tomato 66 JerseyCity 14 Rochester Columbus Only gamesscheduled pass attempts for about 100 yards and Parker completed 11 of 15 attempts for 179 yards Saskatchewan quarterback Dave Grosz from the University of megaaWntTllm ersucomplating five of 21 passes attempted for 151 yards Saskatchewan lost homcbrew centre Ron Atchison who suf fered leg injury and end Ted Auchermoa with badlybruised left thigh Auchorman was 43iokedeupiastweelrftom Tor ontoArgonautsoEtheEast Bright and veteran end Jim gfggï¬psiilmï¬agade Pr we Letvaeits scored one each land have decided to give the League management committee an opportunity to prove its good faith it will have to deal with number of appeals from players who have rejectedrthe wage terms offered them by their clubs and have been re fused transfers The footballers claim that the January agree ment provided for automatic transfers if agreement on wag 151 11°le Rated kitrms stars picking off three The cm we situation 15 passes rforytnuchdowns while theattitudewhicmthkmguVJOFmHMWbmJW management committee takes in dealing with the appeals There still the possibility of players withholding their labor at Toumeyl Is Underway TORONTO CF The six day provincial lawn bowling tournament got under way Mon day with competitors trying for five trophies Results included Eaton Gold Cup the tolwift smart of the air Tobago within the read of most Mortars On this mailed incredibly beautiiui island you will ï¬nd thefulï¬ilmentofyourholidaydreoms Knownas bbinson Cruooes isle Tobago offers you vasgVeivetyï¬ hire beaches lapped by the blue blue Carib pleasantly cooled by gentle Trade Winds Ydu will spend unforgettable days amidst splendid may Iiaim Villasei me any Heavily people who soft musical version of the Queens Engiish night daring under the starstudded tran try hi rhythm or steel bantk Columbus Charleston Buffalo Tomato Rochester Jersey City First Round Cornwall Bouieau 13 Toronto Withrow Mayo at Kingston Dennison to Caledonia Saikeld 17 Owen Sound Whitehall 14 Ottawa Grant 18 Balmy Beach Beacom 2t Oshawa Ciichrane 15 Belleville Watttin 15 Agincourt Wigmore 14 Second Round Grant 12 Beacom 17 Third Round Watkin in Toronto Runny mede James 16 Robert Simpson Trophy First Round Grimsby EAiton 24 New market Budd 21 New Toronto Llewellyn 26 Lindsay Souley 19 Lindsay Elsden 17 Tor onto Lansdowne Adie Waterloo Deakin zo talofF Dobson 1o Second Round Ailon 11Toronto Leaside Points 17 Toronto Runnymede Scott 23 Deakin 18 Pilot insurance Trophy First Round Toronto Baimy Beach In Gardiner 12 Kingston Dennison 17 Tomato Boulevard Mclt Kerihoa 21 Oshawa Coch rane 19 Ottawa Maclcan 15 Port Credit Whyte 18 Weston Wallbank 13 Grimsb Lew is likely to be about 40 of these appeals to be heard aft er August 31 1f the committee is prudent and magnanimousL and recognizes even the spirit of the January agreement here is likely to be no further trouble But if it should take hard Iineand weigh its de cisions heavily in favorof the clubs there is still some pos sibility of strike action by the players but not until October or November One noteworthy feature of the players meetings was definite spirit of compromise and of faith in the good sense ofthe League management committee If these are not re ciprocated by the committee there may still be trouble ahead for the league clubs Matt Busby manager of Man chester United has at least got the play hasï¬wantédJolL long hm David Herd Ar senals Scottish international for ward is 54 LONDON ins NEW MELGHERS ziailVlitihi converted all fiveand added secondquarter field goal ASaskatchewal eorers were halfback and punter Ferdy Bur ket with single in the first quarter and touchdown in the third and kicking guard Reg Whitehouse with convert GAVE RIDERS TROUBLE Quillen brought the fans to their feet time and again from his halfback slntas be continu ally gntln behind the Saskat chewan secondary and into the clear He was in replacing vet eran JoeBob Smith out with in fluenza Parker engineeredthree Ed monton touchdowns tossing twice to Quillen and once to LetcovitswhileTCanadian Don Getty hit Quilien for the third time on 65yard passandrun plnan thorfourthiquarter and handed off to Bright at the Sosa katchewan five for his touch down DRY GIN avsrat uoittr Quarterback Jackie Parker sienna concern savuios sorrosus rterly balance tndmceor listen to will honor lilting in Inner rates are sensibly reduced in Tobagoa fine hotels and sued houses Â¥onr howl Agent will give you additional masons why more and more discriminating Canadians vacation in Tobago TOBAGO TOURIST inusrs TloN BARR 31210 Sherbrooke St Suits 290 Montrool IE TRAVEL SE 102 Dunlap Que For Yourlesorvations CALL NOW RVICE