SECOND YEAR student Jean Faith of Egbert lends SEWING UP catheter key in the central supply MARY HiWORTHsNiiiii Mans Condudi Iii iTheflPéiéi Is Guide To Future Acfionsi Dear Mary Howor Tom in great need of advice am in love with umarried man who clisims he 1mm ro mance seemshopeless We dated each other regularly before he married then broke up after an argument few months later herharried girl he wasonce engaged to Now he is trying to get divorce but she is contesting He says he really loves me but am doubtful because he knew was pregnant with his child before he married the other girl gt Do you think there is chance of any happine for us WS Dear WS matureaged persons paskhistorwastabilityr or irresponsibillity in his or her manwoman relationships is fairly reliable index to fu ture performance And as Lotliario has proved unstab in at least three instances involv ingtwo women since youve known him the moral seems to bedoot count on him YOUR HEALTH helping hand to patient Charles Mevaen of Barrie room is Margaret Osborn of Stayoar thirdyear student To list the instances First the girl now his wife bowhom he was once engaged Obviously he had either broken with her or was cheating on her while dating you Second he dropped you using the argument as excuse and went back to her on learning of your pregnancy gt Third and currently he is twotiming her again talking love to you after putting himself in the clear legally out of your reach matrimonialiy He may or may not be lying about try ing to get divorce which his wife allegedly is contesting in any case his proclamations are meaningless Actions speak louderthan words proverb tells us and hisactionssayhiL cant be trusted see no chance of your being happyywith him or even resum ing an alliance with him Get firsthand counselling help from family service agency coun seller torallygyour common sense and courage in adjusting Live Polio vaCCine Is Proven Effective By BURTON ir rams no1 EXACTLY what is live polio vaccine Why cant you get itflls it really better than Salk shots While Salk vaccine contains killed polio germs live vaccine contains millions oftamed polio viruses trained never tocause paralysisThe live vaccine idea dates back to those first small vaccinations just after Wash flgton carried all 13 states Today live virusvacclnes can protect you against sucbdiseas cs as smallpox and yellow fev er Salk sliots force truce where enemy viruses are still around tospread to others We polio vaccinesseod epidemics by demanding comp te uncondin tlonal surrender Cheap easytogive live vac cine erases the need for needles syringes nurses and doctors You gulp down live polio shots in capsules or liquid Just like vitamins But the Public Health Servi ice had to be certain that the was more tha altiofe efoanllowiniFith WehrUnvaccminepds be used If tamed viruses chan ged back into savage paralyz ring germs wed be letting tig ers loose in Yard Tamedp viruses spread just like the paralyzing kind One vaccination may spread to to of others Even though five million people were safely vaccinated delinquent virA our own back usss may not have shown up What of these millions lived where poor sanitation gtguaran tees every child mild usually nonparalytic polio And so they grow into immune adultsi who can wall off the begin oings of any polio epidemic Tamed viruses could have broken trainiog without anyone knowing With our whitetiled sanitation millions of adults grow up still vulnerable to polios paralysis Unsafe livi vaccine might trigger not preventpolio epidemics Finally live vaccine was pro ven safe andeffective in one trial town it prevented all polio ac persons vaccinated AUDREY MAPES PEDIATRICS DISTRUCTOR Lady With Lamp Inspiration For Youthful RVH Students When glamorous movies are made about hospital life the camera usually focuses on beaut iful young nurse or stern matron However it is not just the glamorous side of hospital life that attracts young women who choose to follow in the foot steps of Florence Nightingale Seventyseven student nurses are in training at Royal Vic ioria Hospital under the super vision of MissLlllian McKin non director of nursing educa tion in September third year students will graduate and make way for new flock of stud ents TRAINING PERIOD During the first six months class schedules are heavy and students have limited ward out if the end of this period capping ceremony is bold which answer to your needs MH ten recommend the book The Enemies of Love Kenedy and Sons publishers by Dom Aelred Watkin Unfortunately this book is now out of print andicao only be obtained by advertising for secondhand copy which isnt always suc cessful We thought yournlght be interested Bookstall Pro prietor Dear Bookstall Proprietor Thank you yes this isrthe sec ond messgae Ive had sayuï¬ thatWatkinfs invaluable book is lately out of print As it is wonderful study of love presented with exquisite empattwftctielptuosewho are strangers to lovewho havent been loved and dont yet know how to lovei am hopeful that continuing demand from would be readers will persuade the publishers to give us reprint soon MH LOSING REPUTATIONN Dear Mary Hawortbi We are twin sisters 14 very concerned isbout friend who has on sev eral occasions permitted strange boys to kiss her She is slowly losing her reputation Her mother would be heart brokenif she knew and our motherwouldnt permit us to go with her at all Should we tell our mother or just what shouldwe do RR Dear Rn Folklore says that birds of feather flock together and people are known by the company theykeep lhus if you value your goo name as you should whereas your friend is behaving un wisely and sacrificing her rep utation think you should get your mothers advice on how to herprudent and fair and diplolt you confidein her shell be lm sure MH Ladies Fo THE roucH riikr Mr as so MUCH In Holr5tyllng Wiokis Beauty Salon to the fact tht hes not the Dear Mary liaworib You of imaticLinthisdalioatematter if more sympathetic than harsh is thrilling moment in the life of young nurse ifEiomgidarch until June stud ents ha nnothe iérl of cc ures an spen mre in the words in the summer training is carried out in word classes with only 26 hours week spent in the classroom Miss McKinnon refers to this latter period as concurrent teaching when student nurses are given an opportunity to ap ply knowledge they have ac quired in classes under the watchful aya of an instructor AFFILIATION PERIOD ln their second year of training students serve an at filiation period which includes three months attiieSick Chil drens Hospital Toronto and three months studying psychia try nt Ontario Hospital New Toronto After their affiliation they return to Barrie to spend eight weeksio the hospital op erating room and two days on observation working with the Victorian Order of Nurses First and second year exper fcncelnctudesï¬nedicine surg erypediatrics and obstetrics third year is spent in the home hospital school where the students obtain senior experien celn all departments includ ingtraioing1n the diet kitchen and the supply room lo the central supply service Notes are intended to cover the general social life of the city and district Wedding anniversaries bridge pur tler birthdsye coming of uge parties visitors and tra vellers are nil items of inter est to the women readers of this page Your help in greatly appreciated ATTEND WEDDING Mr and MrsJames Mor ley and daughter Jao Welling ton Street West were guests at the recent wedding of Mr Marleys nephew Kirby George Overtoo of Harrisburg Pennsyl vania to Miss Rosalie Ann Cog hill of Mechanicsburg TRUMPET$AND Kempenfelt Trumpet Band at tended the Derry Day celebra tion at Lindsay Saturday Und er the direction of Bob Lucas the band was one of us bands taking part in the parade Among the parents and friends of the band members who at tended the celebrations were Mr and Mrs Robertson Mrs Ivy Robertson Mrs Earnes Mr and Mrs Fleming Mr and Mrs Gen nings Mr and Mrs Cripps Mr and Mrs Kennedy Jack Nesbitt Robinson Mr and MrsR Pringle Mr and Mrs gs Taylor Mr and Mrs nonunion st students learn about sterile pa tient care equiprhent which is packed and labelled in this do ment to service equipment alMiss Dot Hamilton is the supervisor assisted by Miss Marguerite McKinley watch the preparation of meals which totals approximately 800 per day including special cour ses and specially arranged trays eat normal meal FINAL MONTHS During the final months be fore graduation they gain ex perience as headnurses work ing with teacher or ours iocharge All iostnictors of student ses are graduate nurses and have takendiplomo courses in teaching at the University of Toronto Throughout the year an age of 5000 people leave the hospital cured Andriow that an new extensions are nearing completion not unreasonab le to su pose the figure will next few years increasing the need for nurses Everyone realizes the strenu ous and soulAtearing task of thenursing staff their job is supplyfogthlanensisillhe one recognized as vocation if anything is PEOPLLAND PLACEL Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA H537 Hankin Mrs Dore Mrs George Mrs MAgnew Mrs Davis all of Bar rie Mrsul Lees Brampton Mr and Mrs Songs and son Ted have returned to Bar rie after tour ofNew York Pennsylvania Washington ginla and Maryland While in Waslï¬gton tbey were guests of Mr and Mrs Bud Acker form erly of Barrie now with the diplomatic service there Outo Windatt wedding in Burton Avenue United Church Saturday were Mr and Mrs David Wright Miss Swift Mr Dawn Webb all of Toronto Mr and Mrs John Woweh Sound Meldon Snider Shelburne Mrs Ella Ford Stouffville Thebride Miss Barbara Ann Windatt is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter Windatt Carni ine Street The egroom Thomas Wayne Martin is the son ofNirS Leonard Martin and the late Mr Martin of Thornton ENGAGEMENTS Mrs Darwell Welsh has announced the engagement of her daughter JoAnne Elvira to Lyle Elmer Bristow son of Mrs Elmer Bristow and the late Mr Bristow ihewedding Girls the best way know to keep your famtly on the road to success is through good healthy saving account When youve got mnay in the bank you can pay cashtor the thingsyou want and take advantage of opportunity Know where my husband and iaeaauuroenovaiscoriav clas grow considerably during the WINGheadoursr parlance on secondfloor med ical arcPat Sproule of Col in the diet kitchen students for certain patients unable to promo council of mi land firstyear student is shown above putting formula By ELEANOR ROSS What homemaker doesnt he mertime Then if ever is the time to cuthousekeeplng to the honest minimum When you live with plastics the living is easy indeed no Bu summer we rea ceremony will take place in Collier Street United Church September Mr and Mrs Jacob Huy er Shanty Bay have announc ed the engagement of their daughter Miss Susan Buyer to Arthur Mulder son of Mr and Mrs Tieerd Mulder of Beach ville The wedding will take place in First Christian Reform ed Cburch Barrie Sept Burtbn Avenue UnitedChurch will be the setting for the daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Hunter in Hart Van Der Hey don sonof Mr and Mrs An thony Van Der Heydon The ceremony will takeplace Sept Miss Jan hounds Blake Saturday enroute to St Johns Newfoundland where she will IHolson Smith for three weeks Mr and Mrs James Mor weekend guests at the summer residence of Mrs Morieys bro therlnlaw and sister Mr and Lake Science Now Shrinks Piles Without orilï¬scomfdrt Finds Substance That Pain Toronto Ont SpeciallFor the first time science has found new healing substance with the ability in shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve sin and itching Thousands ave been relieved with this ineir vs substance right in the yflflqykoitheir own inconveniences Incnse after relieving pain actual reduction shrinkage took place Most swarm of allresults were so thoroug that suï¬erera ceased to be problem ghaï¬gega anawdixlsealmgau noveryo famous shentidlc institute Now thisnewbealing substance isofl edinsu posifanorointmnt form aiiéd rcpuraium Ask lieve iiieasy iving in thesurn matter whatthe tune of yenr1dealrfopmmplasï¬cwv Street left from Melton AirporF be the guest of Dr and Mrs ley Wellington Street West were Mrs Pearson of Go Home Aodltcliinngit MWW home without any discomfort or case while gently made statemts like Piles have ngwood left andwlunevmter ad of Stayner both thirdyear students who will graduate in September from memberah bottles in the autoclavefor sterilizing This is part of students training while work ing in the nurse Plastic Materials Aid Easv Living appreciate the various plastic items and surfaces how many ways you can make plastics add to your comfort Aod how nice that the majority of items as well as plastics by the yard are all so sensibly priced cred cushions and pads for in doors and outdoors TABLE LINENS Then there are those pretty plastic table linens eitber place mats or fullsized cloths Some are so dainty dupllcate sheer linen so cleverly that they can hold their own at noon pany meal if it is of the infor mal variety And moving from the table to the windows how about those plastic window curtains so gay and colorful that the stores are featuring just now And in the liningt If you are in the market for brandnew flour canister then theres beauty and with brains yet The brains touch that the canister has shift ing attachment right on it so rtha flourcaonestoremand then sifted from the same con tainer This is an improvement thatjsloog overdue The container is ade of sturdy pure white plastic with MflllNG If snmeine you know is mnving ï¬endly call the WelcomaWagon eaten wiil Help them feel It homo Join in carrying on our communityafnditionnl irif thnsï¬iltaiiftyTeu elcorne on the name and ad can of families you know who mmovinz PA ssaoz WELCOME WAGON iJustsltdowuandfigureout crnn sum mason auousr is an Women Campaign For Recognition As Board Members LONDON Ont CHKearn palgo by the Canadianfedera tion of University Women for the acceptance of women as members of government bodies is beginning to show results federation President Mrs St afghan of Saskatoon said Mon She told delegates to the 15th triennial conference that the federationhas made persistent reminders to the government mnmmmu members on many of the boards iind consultative and governing bodies She reminded the 400 dele gates that woman has been appointed to the national parole board and another was men Aim of the Canadian delegation sent to the Commonwealth oon fereoce on education at Oxford in 1959 The letter appointment Mrs Morton raid was direct ro rult of efforts by an executive member of the CFUW The federation had started dhrgstrengthto its resolu tions by sending delegations to Prime Minister Diefenbaker to cabinet ministers and other gov ernment officials Dr Mary McCallum of Smiths ip secretary reported that another 10 clubs had been admitted to the feder ation adding further 839 members to raise total bership to nearly 10000 THE STARS SAY ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW good day Most persons will coogeniflTThere is ï¬ieation of some good news from afar During the PM financial and property matters will be under fine aspects it will also be period in which to deal with su panors FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next six months will be ex cellent where business matters are concerned good period along these lines will occur in November and mldvDecember Your personal life is under beneficial vibrations with re toaoce under unusually good influences in January and so continuing for the next six months Look for an opportunity totravel The next three months begin an inspirational threemonth cy cle for those engaged in creative pursuits and for all this same period should stimulate good ridmhmh could lead to future progress Achiid born on this day will behlshlv principled colors to match decor Before refilliogs tbs atheup ciipacity container it should be rinsed with cool water then washed in suds and rinsed well it should be thoroughly dry be fore being filled with flour To get back to plastics for easy comfortable summer liv ig it is good notion to pro vide the youngsters with plastic aprons andcoveralls when they grub in the garden or make mud pies For Hair Style Of Distinction VISIT loan gomck HAIR STYLISTS as anin Ave PA HIS kitchen how aboutfresheoing VWeddlnEreMissShellaHHHOEï¬pshflmwithplï¬sï¬cSheu BAaGAiN FARES roroaonro onion 53 75 FOR THE ROUND nousThursday Aiigust 17m to Monday Septembemth incl Return LimitSeptember 6th For fares and train service contact your localagant Jhean MiceaLseverelJ