11pr or viii caps Quick send Rebels wont Respond To Offer Of Amnesty NEW DELHI tReuteralDe spite Indias decision to grant early statehood to the 450000 Naga tnbesrnen of northeastern India tribal revolt for an in dependent Nagaiaod continues hard core of tribesrneo offi ciaiiy estimated at about 1500 still is holding out in jungle hide outs refusing to respond to ap peals by moderate fellow triba men and to Indian amnesty of fers am the rams are flndiag it iocreasiingiy difficult to face the By ALICE IIROOKS BE LIGHTHEIIDED Fresh young flattering CroA chct this new curvy pillbox and pyramid in crisp white or sparkling summer color Ve ti threaded through ublecrochet creates light ssalr look Simple crochet Pat tern 7008 directions all sizes Send Thirtyfive cents fooinst for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Tomato Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER 1961 Needlecraft Book Over 125 designs for home furn ishings for fashionsknit cro chet embroider weavep sew quilt toys gifts bazaar it ems FREE six de combined opposition of their own moderates and the Indian army New Delhi officials say the majority of Nags tribesmen are co operating with indian troops and civilian officials in liquidating the extremist rebel bands rebel force has been forced to flee to the remote jungles bar dering Burma There compara operatioos they are reported to be considering their present predicament in the light of the latest developments in Naga laud Nogniand wildiyebeautiful mountainous region near Indias Rid with Burma covering some 6000 square miles is for bidden to all outsiders includ ing Indians STILL PRIMITIVE There in vanishing era of primitive nakedness poisoned arrows ferocious feuds and pagan worship live an esti mated 450000 Nags tribesmen who belong to is major tribes and speak different dialects For the last six years sec tion to the Nagas has been wag ing guerrilla war against the Indian government demanding complete separation from the rest of India and the creation of sovereign independent Noga land With arms recovered from Second World War Japanese dumps the tribeslnen resorted to hitvandrun raids on vil posts The Indian army moved into the area in 1056 in bid to check the revolt Simultaneously India began pacificatlon drive to win over the Nugas While tllc indlan nrrny chased rebel bands through the jungles the lndlan government offered blanket amnesty to all who surrendered This twoprongcd drive has proved largely successful Ac cording to official estimates about 1500 Nogo guerrlllas were killed and about 5000 were capturedï¬ol surrendered depleting the rebel strength to an estimated 1500 today AGREED TO DEMAND Last year New Delhi decided on solution to the Nago prob lem The Indian government agreed to demand by the moderate section of the Nagas for an autonomous Nagalund state within the Indian repubA lie An agreement was signed set ting out procedure for the pro gressive transfer of administra tion into Nags hands The first step in this was the formation result the bulk of the The advisory council took of fice In February Soon after the Indian army captured about 100 guns and an equal number of Noga guerril las in period of eight weeks This was considered an indica tian of the growing trendamong the Naga villagers to tip off in dian troops about the presence of rebel bands in their area Since then there has been tivoiy safe from Indian army deï¬nite improvement in the law order situation in Nagaiand say ofï¬cials here With sun stantlal following among their own tribes the members pt the advisory council have swung over large majority of the Nagas to cooperate with the ï¬deMtiW GO ON TOUR Tho advisory council mem her have split into three groups and are touring different parts of Nagnland trying to contact rebel elements to persuade them to come out and cooper ate inthe new setup New Delhis offer ofamnesty to the rebels is still in force But it does not cover crimes such as murder and kidnapping Officials say the hulk of the hardcore rebels still holding out are wanted for crimes other than waging war against the state and this probably is why they have ignored the amnesty offer The stubbornness of the cr riilas ammeï¬ gotlatlons The indian army now appears to be determined to isolate and ultimately to cap iages and administrative out Juro the rebel remnants Efforts now are beingmode to obtain Burmese government cooperation to prevent the reb els from fleeing to Burmese territory Rangoon has prom lsed all possible help and al though effective patrolling the border is considered diffl cult Burma recently strength ened its border force in on at tempt to prevent Nagns fleeing into Burma While conditions have im proved in Nagaiand officials here do not expect peace to re turn overnight to thiaistrategicr larealltrhust they say be slow process requiring tact and tremendous patience BY JAY South dealer Both sides vulnerable CONTRACT luau to East would be giving de Negroes Welcome Mall Malt Leader GATUNDA Karyn Reuters Thousands of dancing singing Negroes today welcomed back Iomo fawning Spear Xen yatta jailed in list for leading the saltwhite Man Man terror lat society The appearance the bearded Kenyatta raised to fever pitch the excitement of crowd of Nelson that swelled fmmIJJtI to about 10000 dur ing an allBlth Vigil at his new home here lsoroan poiicaguard rfood with tear gas bombs and mmportors rican nationalist movements chanted rival songs Kenyatta ho gives his age as about 63 told reporters be was not bitter about his impris onment because he knew his wasJust friend he said Kenyatta arrived here by car after flying into Nairobi airport from prison in April 1959 Kenyatta the dominant per sonality in Kenyas polities said his first plans were to unify his people He said he was ready to serve in any position PLANS FAST AMRITSAR India Reutersl Tara Singh 7yearoid Sikh leader is to begin fast unto death that could give the in govemment one ofits most serious challenges since it gained independence in low The whitebearded Singh is re vered almost as saint by millt iionsof5iilthsS if 7the border rlslatc of Punjab could be plunged into bitter vilt olence Singh is embarking on the threatened suicide fasta favorlt ite weapon of Mohandas Ghnndi to try to force Prime liiinisr ter Nehru into conceding Pun jabi language state Today is the 14th anniversary of Indian independence The indlan government stead fastly has declined to accept demand for Punjabi state New Dell claims that Singh wants in effect to iotrnaSlkh state and Indias policy is ap posed to geographical divisions on the basis of religion BECKER In doing so he realized it was very unlikely that East would go up with the ace sin clorer two spade tricks instead ofnniy the metro was entitled LARRY BRAN NON regard everybody as my dence since his release from JULIET JONES NANOS DNTHEREFRIGE SUIT Ill HARRIS mm WEAY acoust II AS PINSICALPERFECHON THE MISSIEEIASEKNNTBI MESABINE soilssawrm uvMHaple MEIN unnamed ll WINGEY WALLACE YOURE Nol duisosyeouneilof 25 cents TODAY TELEVISION PROGRAMS to guide the administration CKVR CHANNEL Bakers TuasnAY lumen 15 Test Pattu llinvtc Gentle Gunman Summerarna News or Sports interviews Cartoons lllurlc Hancocks Half Hour Jain and the Kid Holiday Lodge itianhurlt CloseAU CBC News The Weatherman TodosI mI4 Community ewr 1135 Crossroads WEDNESDAY AUGUST JL 115 Test Patt Lao Movie You Know Ar coo Summeramn Farm nd interviews Building thBlrh Cartoons Mun Junior Roundup 531 Huckleberry Hound 60 News Headlines rrmnscamr of Missouri Fann Iliarket Hepnm oan lamieson 625 News Weather Sport no The Real McCoys no Bachelor Father CFTOVCHANNE TUESDAY AUGUSTIlf too Professors Hideaway olno Vhlrlyblrda 530 om 640 angleromens ln Sport 645 News Weather moor Guestward Kai 730 Wyatt Earp 800 can v00 moo 1030 llon 1115 International Zone My Three son Kurt Theatre The Superior Sex Explorations cacAVNuwa The Weatherman Today in Sport communit News 1135 Not For no THURSDAY AUGUST 11 115 Test Pattern 130 Movie Time Out Mind umramawf News Sports interviews GoLt Tips Cartoons Music 45 elected from the to tribes KKW and West led the lack of hearts wasr EAST 107542 as SOUTH ynoaz QKJIODG 410432 van oars eLKBSI The bidding South lest North Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Pasl Dpennig leadjack of hearts Here isa tine band played in match point pair tourna ment where every extra trick you make is like putting sooth 61 million dollars in the bank South was in two notnlmp WASexpected East the ten and South won with the log Now preylng Wests fears declarer led the eight of hearts West covered uncom fortably with the tenhe was afraid rSouthiwouldfinessor and dummy won with the king and piayeyd the queen of clubs East tool the ace and return ed diamond Declarer ducked once and then took the con tinuation with the ace Next he led the king of clubs guessing correctly that West had the club length and then played the nine trapping Wests ten West covered the nine and deciater took it with the jack and returned to his hand with the eight By this time South had eight sure tricksa spade three hearts diamond and three ClubsMLIEJBS still LruniaLnnundup Roy Rogers News Headlines Three stooges Farm Market Report nun Jnmlerun News Weather Sports Gunsmoke The Rebel Summer Circuit Checkmate Parade Country Junction Peter Garra DECTV News The Weatharman Toduy in Sports community News Decoy L9 TORONTO ï¬gutrsï¬ï¬t strip Big Four Football Game of the Wee Nicknames of Fame News Weathcr spam 1130 Batter Lara 1215 News Weather spam 1220 apuogue loao mm Westrnlghf have led dia mond instead but he was of raid thiswouid cost trick if his partner had neither the ace oor queen The sequence lead looked safer to him But things didnt turn out that way Declarer won with the queen and was careful to drop the seven on it Then instead of going to work on the clubs the obvious suit to tackle South led low spade not satisfied He decided to go all out for the extra trick which is so important in dupli cafe play Accordingly he led the four of heartsraod when Westol lowed low he finessed the six This brought him to nine tricks for wellideservededrsfcore DeeEFMllimthroughout as GRANnMA as AGGRESSIVE THATTA GIBL one on Inn wri snagging my own Egan that 22 to 15 too geedom crazy 50m Uwerï¬ig rï¬bitbmwéb on GO EIGHT OME AND ASK Voun FATHER To You12 ALLOWANCE you TAKES Vault CHOICE All FlounN AGAIN Eu ERVANDMAS cam moms As Eli Klssep ME on TH EAD LAST EVENIN though he had seen everyones cards which is as muchas you can ask of anyone irom dummy ACROSS Student Female soldier 900 Theatre armat Four Just Men and Route so mso Barri Beat 1Lth NewI Weather Sports lull Better Late 1215 News Weather Sports lzzn Enllaguc wEDNasnAY auousr 1o 11no News Free and EASY channel Theatre is ddlers Three News Professors vnlruhlro Sports Magic Moments in Sports News Weather Jana Wylnnn Brothersflrlnnagan is $23 Hideaway 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