OUR lIiLEPHONES Po Examiner Want Ada Tele pbaoe PA 32411 The telephone number to call or the Bottom or Editorial Dept is PA 6655 LOCAL Willi Partly cloudy and marrow Winds light night 55 High 1an For full summary sec pa 91th YearNo ice Registers As Missing Girl ThenTVanIiShés NORTH BAY CF VA girl giving the name of missing 15 yearold from Shawinigon Que spent Sunday nlghtat rNorthr Bay district learned today She left Monday morning after asking directions for Ottawa the motel operator said She was accompanied In an automir motcl it was ablreTbytwnncnaged between 20 and 25 The motel operator whose name was not revealed notified Ontario Provincial Police today ftcrnadmrncwspnpcr ac counts of the girls disappear care He said she signed the regis ter with the name Denise Thor rien and gave her address as Shawlnigan Que hometown oi the missing gir OPP immediately launched search of the Ottawa Valley area east at here for the auto mobile which Ihe motel oper ator said bore Quebec liccncc £5 It was not known immediately whether the operator had seen picturcsoi the missing girl and identified his motel guest iromv them He said the girl at his motel appeared well In goodspirits since she left home last Tues day to answer an advertisement for babysitter Her father Henri Therrien has since received telephone calls tellim him the girl would be returned safely it police were kept out of the case Police had not obtained ple tures of the missing Denise Therrien with which the motel operator could identify his guest it was learned The only connection was her signature and address in the register and no handwriting specimens of the missing Quebec girl were lVilll able hero He said Hughes had not even High Seas Halt Lake Swim Try NiAGARAomtheLitKE CF Strong winds and high waves to day thwarted Robert Cosette si met the missing girl Quebec provincial police in specter Gouthicrhwho spent the weekend organizing search in the St Maurice Val ley region said fthere scents to be no doubt that its kid napping case He said police have uncovered scvaralclnestqudeclined to elaborate HERES ONE yearold polio victim from Chi coutimi Que in his attempt to swim across Lake Ontario His handlers persuaded Cos ette to climb into the accom panying boat at 905 am EDT after he had been in the water 13 hours and three minutes was estimated more than 30 mileskhe distancmorn here to Tomato hut winds of more than 15 miles an hour had swept him for off course to the east His trainer Vol Fraincocur finally jumped in swam beside him for several minutes and talked him intogiving up the attcmt Steno Lou Howre you mak and not under any restraint Denise at high school honor student described by her family osa quliet girl who wouldnt run away has been missing que Of Violence May Sweep India AMRITSAR AP Tara Singh leader of Indias Sikh rel ouspcommunity today be gan fast he vowed to keep up until he dies or the government grants the Sikh demands for state of their own Sinidibegan his fast inside the Sikhs Golden Temple sar as India was celebrating the lnruotlnihe race to matrim ony Susie Steno Sue Oh fine guess have hunch Im on thelast Wisliart Campbell lap The prime minister speaking at on independence celebration today at the historic Red Fort in Old Delhi called on his peo p18 to build country in whi differenees of caste province and language would art it at More than 30000Slkhs armsted during demonstra ns tally anniversary of independ 1351 summer when another Wed In Scotland GLASGOW AP Elizabeth Williamson reported tohe the only woman in the world who owns and manages whiskey distillery was married today to baritone Wishart Campbell of Toronto number of her di llery workerscwere given the day off and they arrived for the wed ding in their kilts Campbell said he planned tomnke hlsl home at Islayin the Hebrides might learn something about whiskey making said in an inter ew singin de duriug MAYOR wiiiv BRANDT at West Berlin is surrounded by HAMILTON or 21395 will endure longer than mostpeople think said thaws yeacold itrebrandnvho pleucd to takenolhing butsalted water Sings death could touch off wave of violence that wou sorely testthe unity ofwind Heheads an extremist faction that has seized leadership of Indias 6000000 Sikhs He has been ag ting since May 1960 againstPrime Minister Nehrus repeated refusals to grant Sikh demands for state in north east India in which the Punjabi language would predominate Nehru claims and some of Singhs statements have in cated that what Singhs tacti really wants state do nated by religious min rather than drawn on linguistic lines leaderTSant FatahSign iaste lie broke hi refiised stat Singafbrmer schoolmaster was arrested in May 1960 to fast when Nehru again to agree to new ARTIST oms MILAN APlMario Sironi 76 one of italyjsr leadingpaiot led as ipated paintings of revolutionary movements prevent similar fast This time the fiery old leadci took refuge in the Golden Temple several months ago to prepare for his current fast Bearded followers whose ra ligion forbids cutting their hair stood guard with their tradi tional long curved swords in side the temple Singh lay on couch in special hut Three Fl divided contents saddened Janet Leighia itioo cut shorthyher fathers comforted thy her husband GRIEVING Wire apparentsuicide Hei father Fred ï¬ll Morrison 54 we us announced they would begin counter fasts to demand that the Punjab not be TRENTON CP RCA Search and Rescue here saidto day helicopter from radar station on Hudson Bay on its wayeto the 877ton VeSfllMrIhT Star IV which ran aground Monday night on reef in James Bay The 21 membersuf the crew 1he l79foot ship 12 Micsfromshoreafterscndhrg an SOS signal intercepted by the Great Whale radargstation miles north The men in two iifeboats ap parently are heading towards the nearest land Fort George oncthe Quebec4oastofJames Bay thick log covered the area today RCAF oftici 15 here saida Canso amphibian and other air craft are standing hyat Fort George waiting for the ing to lift second vessel Se rn is expected to be inthe vic ty by noon EDT The North Star lV captpained by Jules Jourdan of Matane Que was eng in hydro graphic survey RCAF ofiici wind was blow was abandoned ii is owned George Su She hadfor far In HalifaxWill Sumarah said the l79ltfoo er ocean report but it is known that both the RCMP and localrpol icewere called out and that dregnc spread throngiiatlieA eastern part of the province for two cars in the ï¬rly pï¬ioithecentungfticerswere that the Crcwlibandons Survey Vessel Aground On Real In Iames Bay launches two lifeboats and 13 dori The shipp is the formertFound ation Josephine II It was pur chos time Limited here twovyears ago and convertediromga sal vage tug to sealer andireigh for before goingiotofederaL government charter umara Sal the ship and equpiinent were onlypartly covered cbyjnsurancer Ilc awaiting word iromthe captain as to whether there was chance the vessel could be saved from Matane three from fax and one from Goose Bay Labrador The others are from the Nova Seotia south coast MIAMI AP vThe 11th States and Ouba who have not been on speaking terms for manymonths get together to day to exchange 40 foot pa trol boat for an Eastern Air Lines Electra tug carried two 31 of motor Made By Bight PARIS ReutersFo1ice for the second straight day checked identity cards today as Paris calmly awaited rumored right wing putsch Foreign embassies and most newspaper offices for the last several weeks have been re ceiving announcements purport ing to be from the rightWing extremist or ground army OAS saying the coup would attempted today The OAS opposes selfrdotermi gnation for Algerla by Paris was practically deserted An EAL crew was scheduled to leave Miamiaboard alre Paris Calmivaaces venupsThréat Wing Extremists try have said the chances of putsch coming off were virtuV ally zer Nave eiess mi is ry spokesman said about 18000 special police and riot squad men weremrrleredout in the capital One of the aims of the threat ened putsch was the assassins tion of French Presiden Charles de Gaulle Police scale so Up page To Intercept Heroin Shipment mspickwwmmrmgnter Won Vari At least three of the crew an Boat Plciiï¬ swap gested themichange verts siggflcgg VPlidrawmg newsman at flempieholf Air port Sunday upon returning to Eerlin from political cam palgii tour AP Wirephoto colour canes monks nuswro wcstern powers opened cam Trade BERLIN AP The en munists tightened the screws on West Berlin today and the palgn of pressure and protests against Russia and East Ger many United States Br sh and French military commanders commandant in East Berli wesi Threatens appealed to thLEastGermans to remain calm The appeal signed by pastor Kurt Schari chairman of the Evangelical Church and Bishop Otto DibelilLs oi Berlin urged East GermaoProtcstanls to help peacevendrall forcautlon to exhort to love and to spread iseria oodprohlcmsof lif sent sharp mm the 50 the faith that overcomes the testing the illegal measur taken by the East German re gime against travel in Berlin With tempers flaring on both sides of the border dividing Ber lin Mayor Willy Brandt called West Berliners to mass test demonstration outside on hall Wednesday He issued thecall after the Communists turned out troops and tanks to enforce new iron curtain across Berlin Possible plans to apply the pressure of trade embargoes against East Germany or the whole Communist bloc were re ported from Bonn Washington and London FLAGRANT VIOLATION The Western military com mandants letter called the East German actio the most flaA grant violation of the citys status since the Soviet blockade 11 years ago The commandorngted Despite the heavy Communist guard patrolling the zonal boundary West German police reported 42 refugees including elghtwomcn and two children managed to get across the bor der during the night Most oi them swam across canals ï¬HMhkflSWtflsScmfl the border West German Chancellor Kon rad Adenauer warned in speech at Eegensburg that the western powers are considering cutting off trade with the Soviet bloc in reprisal for the sealing of of East Berlin to stop the westward law oi refugees The word from Washington was that suspension of trade be tween West and East Germany which last year totalled nearly $500000000was under consid eration pr Im Free men involved were armedaod dang on being tirdughtto area from Montre cisciagg order are carryingT ms Pa APlCa nadian members of the Fran tlieyve fotmore eason than paper protestsraeninst Commo ese ay anewWswwersamnrfbi against background of West German demands for more than terbitxm closing West Berlin offfrorh travel in and out byGerljljpps Factory Guard Flees Berlin special watth has been kept on several houses Ham Jltoo ior the posttwo ays SUPPLY SHORT The supply of narcotics for the users in Hamilton has been dwindling off lately and local addicts are being asked to pay as high as $15 for capsule The regular price is something over $5 it is reported too thatthe heroin being sold here by the underworld has been weak and the addicts have ha to use al most twice as many Th combined MEHamil 1ï¬police ug squadha had the pressure on forvsorne weeks Aboutiwo weeks ago ham mï¬mnaddictsmade Warapes inHamilion drug crackdown inTorontowas ilux COMMITTED F034 TRIAL LETHBRIDGE CF Ron ElErnest Pitt 19 of Leth biidge has becncoininitted to stand tria on charge of mur der inthe eath his brother Larry 12 ay gular Pan American plane for Havana toreturnthe $350000il turbo prop airliner seized by Cuban born naturalized American July 24 gt At about the sameitime Cu ban crew was due at Key West to take over patrolvboatgval ued at $50000and return it to the Castro government Three Cuban rflugees sailed thepa trol boat 01Fifllid Julrzo The swap gi out of cover change of notes betweenjthe government and CubaLsent th ugh the Swiss because th ncipalscut off diplomatic rea lationsseveral months ago lii tdel Castro himselï¬ Alter thépatrol boat Key West Harris and Company against thecuban ernrneiit for advertising services Thevcompan ea 91 id tached verai pirated Cuban sol sthe demons ate clai edresponsible tor the in ih weekwhen flames raced to uscube Aimee Miami advertising ogencyrob tained ecircuit court order at mostfolks When one enters the Ro man Catholic order he takes vow of erty and of cial cxplains isnt an to handle money Rev Ireoaeus Herscher treasurer of the Franciscan education conference dis closed the northobtheborder developmenthere Monday Will Franciscans in the United States shit using credit cards They affordac veniencc he sa dont seem toneed Fires Rage Oil Up Nfld Coast communitieswbere crest fires were quieted by rain but twomonth tire on the north east coast charged on unbridl For about 750 residents of the villages ofHants Harbor temn New Chelsea and New IVEIbourne it was the iirst look at their hurries since late last their doorsteps Moregthan an inch of rain in the last three days cleared the smoke and removedithe imn mediate threat islaan started in the Hare Bay area early in June and since has ad vanced mile aday in heavy gt in Crash James Gilbert Horton as of Kaiopt The area mm residents received about quarterinch rai during the weekend not enough to dampen the blazes which The latest order by the East German interior ministry barred West Berlin motorists from get so permits Vehicles at the Western allied occupation forces were not ai iectcd by the new order The West Berlin Trade Union Federation asking for some thing mcre than protests voted or concrete measures support ing the call Monday nightby Chancellor Konrad Adehauer for trade sanctions againstthe en tire Soviet bloc German Protestant leaders fearingra violent eprOA sion of protest in East Germany mm APAniast Ber lin factory militiaman in full uniform his steel helmet hang ngciroiiiiLhis belt fled to the His family fled save days agonod he wasawai righis chance when the Communists shut down the EastWest Berlin border Sunday Police said he sneaked up to the border behind an advertis ing sign and then made quick hwm tun lo the Wes Berlin side he threw his cap in the air and shout ed Thank God now Im free IN NUTSIIEL ï¬sh Emission Prosecu Hotel 11 DY Union CLC today askedpermission to prosecute the Royal York Hotel ior unfair labor practices Thevuoiou on strike since April 24 asked the Ontario Labor Relations Board for permission to prosecute the CPRowned hotel for firing 700 workers who defied an ultimatum to return to work last month Boy Recovers From Operation TORONTO GP quite satisfactoiycon tion today in waiteraiivehour operation heart was used Immigrant Youth Drill THORNBURYCP onto drowned Monday evening of Thombury when into the lake KEMerviiLn ii avid Phi ps oiFott Eriels in ck Childrens Hospital Monday during which mechanical an iinin grant youth from Tor Duncan Lake in miles south he tried to swim toshore from raft drift ville was killed earlyboday when his car went out oicontrol truck tree along Highwayds seven miles south of here Thieves Get $20m mainframe Smash In Merchandise nd abuthievesr stole an estig and watches groin je elry othony Giiiildsrnith aohsini solimtor lane for Canada Mug championshi competition The canada until after the Canadia ediles ay take part in the nLalt Ontariornug awe ishteam to tic British groupwill remain in nghy regatta which follows he pension MST