Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1961, p. 6

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wranimrwm THE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY AUGVSI 14 III ny ems JONESCU Sports Editor ACT FOUR MUST GeorgeChuvalo Torontos highranked heavy weight boxer should get another crackat rRobert Cleroux Montreals ranked swinger Reason Money is all in Montrealphave proven to be financial successes Because of the re sults Cleroux winning twoofthree wefeel the pot will be filled even more if No was given Toronto site Since he won heavyweight tournament at the age of 18 Chuvalo has been Torontos hero His most ardenHanscantheipbntwonder 15 George really future champ Champ or chump it must be admitted hes looked mighty good against some presentday top dogs We like to call thesereal dogs but theyre Vratedrandthats something Never having seen the Quebec strongman Cieroux we cant imagine just how powerful he Is George has punch Hes hit Cleroux Cleroux still has won two fights Maybe the Toronto publicity outlets are better Maybe its just because Toronto is closer to home Cleroux is said to be an even worse DOXER than Chuvola Yet he can win Thefellow must be some thing Still he has US manager and tothis date at leasthasnLheeiLab1etodraw Chuvaloshigh ratc ing third or fourth whichever body you believe The ratings should change While we write about Chuvalos losses we wonder about Jack Deacon Allen longtime match maker for Francois Tunney ring boss of Toronto Just few weeks ago Deke quit his job as match maker and became fulltime and what else is new manager of Cbuvalo Allens pockets said brightgreen lined may fade just little He certainly wasnt starving with Tunney If Chuvalo keeps losing or just fighting in his backyard Jack may be looking for job Thats hard way to look at it However George may still be moneymaker if he fights anyone but Cleroux Lets dream How would Canadians feel at having one sitting on the throne and another bang ing at the palace door Cieroux has already challenged world titlist Floyd Patterson But Floyd has previous engage ment with Tom McNeeley an unranked exfootballer But dont be too surprised if Robert doesnt receive serious consideration Hes at1east men lioned in the ToplO Besides Floyd the champ can ask for nice guarantee We cant see the back ers of Cleroux doing anything but agreeing The challengers must feel they have chance They wouldnt want their potential to be dissolved so soon And boxing more than any other sport is close Theres really not too much difference between the man at the top auditbe guyat the bottom First lets see Cleroux and Chuvalo in Toronto if for no other reason than we cant make it all the way to Montreal gt opener 104 bill from Toronto Maple Leals Argonauts LStpart As Bomber HoSts BY THE CANADIAN PRESS Ibronto Argonauts question mark of the Eastern Football Conference open their 1961 sea son at home tonight against that enigma from the West Winnlpcg Blue Bombers The big questions are How good are the passcatchd lng Argos without their two top quarterbocksb How good are the Bombers whose two victories to datehave been by slim margins gt Bombers toppled Argos zeta in an exhibition game but wer behind until Toronto quarter back Tobin Rotc wrenchcd the thumb on his throwing hand Argos lost Nobby VIrkankl quarterback and kfl coach during an exhibitlomwith St Louis Cardinals of the Na tional League RIDERS CRUSII EC The only overwhelming defeat of the infant football season in the East was the 417 shelled Ing handed British Columbia Lions by Ottawa Rough Riders Saturday The Grey Cup champions held BC off the scoreboard until late in the game when Earl Keeley hit Dick Johnson on the Ottawa goal line from 11 yards away George Grant oop verted it Russ Jackson with aidfrom Ron Lanwter directed 0t tawas attack Lancaster moved into the defence when Daignenult went out with twisted knee Lions were han dicapped when quarterback Bob Scltloredtwas sidelined in the first half with pinched nerve in his pitching shoulder Jackson passed to Bill debT ski and Lancaster hit Bobby Simpson for touchdowns Dick Desmarais Jacksonfinve The lcn and Jim Reynolds of 130 fumblesoared along the ground Gory Schreider con verted five and had one blocked Argos coach Lou Agase made it official early today John Henry Jackson myeorold roo kie from Indiana will be at pivot tonight with Dick Shatto and Brian Aston ready to help Bombers coming out for their third game in seven days will likely be without halfback Leo Lewis and corner linebacker Roger Hagberg both injured in Montreal Friday End Farrell Funston and halfback Ray Jauch wiu likely be their re placements Wonodeshick Hurls illlorlins Victory By THE ASSOCIATEDPRESS Charleston Marlins better on joy the pitching of Hal Woode shick while they can Hehiny be back in major lcague baseball soon Voodeshick recently acquired from Detroit Tigers of the American League pitched twohitter in his first appear once for the Marlins Sunday to shut out Rochester Red Wings 40 in the seveninning nightcap of an international League dou bleheader Charleston took the Columbus Jets aided by homerun barrage swept twin 53 and 43 Richmond Virgin ians captured two games from Buffalo Bisons 62 and 53 Syra cuse Chiefs and Jersey City Jer seys split pair The Jerseys won the opener 43 in 10 in nings and the Chiefs rebounded with victory in the night cap Saturday Toronto downed Co lumbus 42 Buffalo defeated Richmond 74 Charleston downed Rochester 73 and Syra cuse beat Jersey City 74 SHOWS N0 EFFECTS lWoodeshick showed no ill ef fects of monthlong layoff as he gave up two scratch singles and faced the minimum 15 bat ters after the second inning The Marlins laced into Rochesters Gordon Jones and Herb Moford for 20 hits The Marlins got 16 hits in cluding two home runs by Fred Whitfield to make things easy for starter Hal Dielz in the first game Dictz was tagged for homers by Barry Harry Chitl and John Powell Columbus Dick Gray hit two homers in the first game Ho mnn Meiias had two and Larry Elliot one in the nightcap This burst of power was enough for southpaw Bob Veale who picked up his 13th triumph oi the season and Fred Green who nailed down his fifth suc cess BELTS HOMBRE Dori Lock belted homers in both games for the Virginians They were his 17th and 1th of the season Richmond won the nightcap with three runs in the fifth inning off Ed Keegen Cal Neeman hit homer for the Bi sons in the fourth to touch off threerun uprising Jake Gibbs started matters for tho Virginians in the second inning of the opener with two run single off loser Humberto Robinson An error by shortstop Ron Stillwell with two men out In the inlh gave the winning run to Jersey City in the first game Frank Leja had pro pelled the Chiefs into 35 tie in the eighth with ter Arun homer it was his 22nd of the year Ted Sadowski won the night Inent hamburg out of Paul Va cap although he was forced to retire after five innings with shoulder trouble HONOR CHURCH Keith Wood left catcher for Emmanuel Baptist was named the lntercliurcb Soft bail Leagues first Most Vai Lapointe Grows 115 II Mat Hero Rocco Columbo has his work cutout for him in remaining local mnt fans No hero big guy from another ten ritory is moving in Maurice Lopoinle placid looking gent with all of the skill in the warld has been knock ng at menu hither andyonthe past few weeks at Panlo Arena Last Tuesday he made pretty chun in fact Maurice hasnt encountered too much trouble with anyone Tomorrow night he and Col umbo team in the card final against Tarzan Tourviiia and Rocket Monroe This match could be dandy ll Lapolate isnt too hard on Tourviile and Rocco doesnt do away with Monroe in earlier single matches Semifinal on the professional wrestling program is between Sandor Fozo usually trader man in Maple Leaf Gardens and other big cltiesond Jim Conroy BIILL LEADERS American League AB Pct Cash Detroit 382 88138 361 Howard Work 296 40 106 sso Piersall Cleve 366 62126 344 Gentilephnltt 840 74 113 332 Mantle Work 397 105 128 22 BattlpgCnsh Detroit 361 RunsMantle New York 105 Runs batted iiiMaris New York loo HitsB Robinson Baltimore 40 DoublesKubeck New York 34 Home runsMantle and Ma rls is saunas lire Underway Midland and Thornton played gt5 55 draw in the first game of quarterfinal series in the South Sirncoe Baseball League Saturdar con game is slated for Thornton tomorrow And at the moment neithilsideknm whether its new series or each has one point Nevertheless the game at Midland has plenty of every thing including fine pitching duel between Thorntons Don Johnston and Gord Dyment Don was nicked for sevaahits and Dyment six Thornton scored three times in the last inning to gain the lie or maybecause no contest 1n the other Saturday game Oritlia on threehitter by Kmarmmg Cfiemo ed Sox 91 Bob MacMuilen was the losing pitcher Second game of this seriesiis at Drillia Wednesday Tonight Knack starts its ser ies at Collingwond Allistoo Braves cleaned Bee ton ill0 Second game of the FREE night at Beeton Ian Incentally finish ed atop me league standing with 34 points Creemore had followed by Alliston with 24 Collingwood 23 Thornton 23 Orillin i9 Beeton 17 Knock 15 New Lowell in Clarksburg 12 and Utopia By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Batting Luis Apari White SoxrLed Chicago to 95 vic tory over Kansas City Athletics with three hits four runs and two stolen bases stretching his batting streak to 15 consecutive games Pitching Starr lliams DodgersPitched Los nngelcs to Ixth straight victory shu ling outfit is Cardinals so on eight way NO CBLEG oppoinimt new HEC DEWAR 88 ouNALor sr PARKING For Appointment BAR fI7STORES RI Es ucAR SAFETY INSPECTION 57 HEADQUARTERS EASY rams AVAILABLE rates As DOWN rnviunnr BIIIIIIE SPECIAL Feline all wheels Full contact adjustment Repack front wheel heur ings Wflflafllea Reg 2495 Value FIIIINT END ALIGNMENT Correct Caster Correct Camber JubilantT be In Correct Toe out MUFFLER SERVICE Fast complete service we install precisiontuned sil encers alumihlzcd and zinccoated Inside neededtn beat Inside rust 11RE VALUES METAL CHAMPION Myron onyx Plus Meantime andsrn ALI mes Moumnornnn where 935 MOST MODELS 1588 gt Plus Installation 871115 Stewarts Slugs Thomas Boys 101 Stewarts Lunch clobbered Thoma Electric and Don Dyk stra 101 Saturday at Queens Park in Barrie and District Softball League game The game meant plenty to the winners and nut to auth ing to Thomas The Electric crew had said goodbye to its playoff chances earlier in the week dTIIIDyETIIltwas Poorest performance of the su son And who cares Don al lowed eight bftland whilfed only four He gave bundl of walksude Thoma may not have had both heart and soul in the game It Wls different with Stewart The Lunchmen wanted the victory and got it They played well not taking any Illly chan ces of Thomas rebound They looked more like champions than at almost any time this reason Al Smith who metal to haw regained his 1959 form allow ed niumns but four hits and appeared In the fellow to fill Jim Armstrongs shoe in the playoffs 0W 18 Corner lb Ransom 55 Jackson 311 Dykstra Quinlan of Dykstra Hastings rf Anderson if Forbes 2b Total STEWARTS uable Player Saturday night at Queens Park during the exhibition game between the Church AllStars and Bris tows Plumbing and Heating Wally Corruthers President of the league and donor of the Carruthera Cnrtogo fro phy made the presentation The award will be presented annually to the player com bining outstanding sportsman ship and ability Carl Con stable pitcher for Ennnnnucl was runnerup Examiner Photo aeri Barrie Junior LAKEHEAD serving Keno Rainy River and Thunder Bay Districts Dlitrlct Offleu at PORT ARTHUR 229 Pearl Street Tel DI 51294 Island Tour Administrator VICKRUCK NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO sewing Algoma Manitoulin and Sudbury Districts puma om at SUDBIJRY 102 Durham Street Tel 08 43151 mmm Tux AdminiilraloII ll FRASER NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO serving Nirissing Parry Sound Temiskam It and Cochrana Districts Dlitvld Office at NORTH BAY 651Cassefl4r8keelTel GR 44900 Dlltrlct Tax Admlnlrkolon FERGUSON SLEEORGIAN BAY sewing Muskoka District and Simone County Dislvid Office at ORILLIA 26 Colqua Street TélTFATtTisl Dirtrld 1st Administration BEARE OTTAWA VALLEY serving Callelon Prescott Russell StoImonl Dundas and Glongany Counties DIIMII am at OTTAWA Hampton Park Plaza TelPA 95103 Wimod Carling Avenues DIIIIIGI Tux Admlnltlralur SABOURIN ST LAWRENCE serving Frontenac Hastings Lanark Leads and Grenville Lennox and Addington and Henfrew Counties plurleronln at SMITH FALlS Main Street Tel 2832758 District Tux Administrator FRASER MIKE ONTARIO EAST wwwlvlllgifiliinidonNonhunibarland and Durham Pelerborough and olmm cm at remuneration 263 George StIeat Tel ill 52418 Dlltrkl Tax Admlnlltnflon ANDREWS LAKE SIMCOE sewing Ontario and Violoria Counties puma cm at Winter Brock Bulldlng Tel M0 85801 NW Comer rock panda Sis District Tux Admlnlilrntar BRUVEk eLue WATER serving Bryce and Gray Counties District oun ut OWENSOUND 93Illllfl AVE TB ER 611610 District Tax Admlnlllfalon BOVD PflllteEdWillI caunllos Monarchs Start PWSU Play Hiliorest Mofir start Provincial Womens Soft ball UIiion playdowns at Once Park tomorrow Opposition will be provided by Owen Sound Mona are playing in the series with is other clubs The eight losers will im lotely be dropped into ONTARIO l8 DISTRICT OFFICES for administration of the ONTARIO RETAILSALES TAX qre now open throughout Ontario Retailers wholesalers manufacturers and all others who will be collecting Retail Sal Tax are cordially invited to visit theseemcee if they requireadditional information For your convenience itieauggesied that you IO II KRAWCHIJK Wanamaker lf Falconer cf Marley 2b McCartney 3b Armstrong 1b Martin HoOONwHHbc zoqeooua ooteeuhuoe 31 A°°°OHHFO° Dykstrn and Dykstra fail and Martin Bertram Umpires Bill Hare plate and Bud Knapp bases telephone in advance csNIIIAI ONTARIO serving Dutierin and Wellington Counties District OfIEo at 1921 London Road of TA 1200 District Tux Admin strolon TAYLOR LAKE ONTARIO WEST serving Hilton Fenland Woolworth Counties Dilirfcl Ofllco at HAMILTON 363 Klng St Tel IA 72736 Dittrlct Tux Admlnlflmlnn GRAND RIVER servinglluvou Perth and ateuooliouoilesé pIqu omé at STRATFORD 36 Erie street Tel 2710601 mth Tux Admlnlxlrolon tounos LAKE ERIE serving Brant Norfolk and Word Counties District Offlu at BRANTFORD 255 Colbolne Street Tel 7566338 District To Adminlitralon IIowaIta NIAQARA sewing Haldlmand Llnoo ll Welland Counties Dismal Office at WELLAND 49 Niagan Street NorlhTel RF 21318 Dlitrlci Tux Administrators ADDOVCE HURON AND ERIE and serving Elgin Lamblon and I7 to Enlinton serving Kent and Essex Countlosii Mlddlesex Counties Dlltrlct Offlu at LONDON Eastown Plaza Tel GL 13000 Dundas St ii Flrst st District Tux Administrator RAINBOW LAIR Dllhld om ut WINDSOR 374 Oueilelta Ave Tel CL 24405 DlIlIlct Tax Admlnllmlon JACKSON METROPOLITAN Easr servlng YorkCounty east of Yonge Street Dlltrlat OfficeEAST TORONTO 40 figliuton Ave Tel 4892176 Dlrhlel Trix Admlnlltmtol OIUFFRE METROPOLITAN WEST serving VorkDouIity west of Tonga Street District om WEST TORONTO Tel 4892113 District Tux Admlnlitmlan oouzliimsnMA Philip Clark Comptroller of coonu

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