Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1961, p. 4

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new Examiner 1s Bayfieid emu Barrie Ontario Mommnceunwmsrmf orniws moor suggests Making Movies In Canada Everywhererthesodayo WCelgarycflerald Obstruction Of VisionCCin Be Serious Road Hazard ways and in the towns terio motor ists are warned and reminded to drive carefully Every effort is made on our new super highways and at junctions with the older onesrtoiensure safe motoring We have bypasses and stoplights Signs warn of curves in the road trucks turning and deadends There is however one hazard both for the motorist and the pedestrian which seems to be overlookedfltfs moreover hazard which is found in cities towns and villages where even renter care should be taken than on highways And in addition to this it is often hazard disguised in great beauty That thick green hedge that runs right up to the corner that lilac bushspr thejperfume of its biossomsatthee geo stone well covered with graceful ivy can cut off the motorists view as be nears the corner Edging forward beyond the cross walk in frantic effort to round the obstruction autoists often end up with crumpled fender inflicted when the driver of another car innocently turns the corner from the main street Now and again realizing that he has edged too far out in his effort to see the driver backs littlejust enough to run over chil who thought the car was going away and who is too short to be seen through the rearview mirror These corner obstructions can often he runed or lowered without spoiling the appearance Our NearHuman Ancestors Laymen might not feel an affinity with him but experts have maintained that amallbrained creature called Zinjanthropus has to be reckoned among our nearhuman cause he made and used tools Now they say radioactive dating shows the nutcracker man to be at least three times older than had been supposed It is fascinatin diseovery with thoughtprovoking plications the Christian Science Momtor comments Zinjanthropus lived at what one can call the dawn of the age of humanit on this planet His toolmakmg abi ities represent the be nnings of the rise of what weregar as intelligence as opposed to tliVinstincts and rudi mentary thought processes of animals It has been fashionable to think of this era as eologicaily scant six to seven hundre thousand years ago Now it appears to be at least million years older than that and perhaps more The sudden appearance of human intelligence within few hundred thous and years had been consideredau evolu tionary wonder The new time scale gives the leisurely process of evolution an which to operate This adds to the evidence that far from being unique henomenon the rise of humanity is can ly understood in terms of the general process of the evo lution of animal life on this planet is it so far fetched then to behave as many natural scientists do that analogous evolution patterns are being worked 2n er planets circling distant The criterion of humanness associated with Zinjanthropus is that he made tools The other important criterion that dls tin hes human kind lsthe faculty of culate communication Someday in their triivels threu space men may meet another toolma ing communicating race Will they reco pize auch creatures as also hu man Dovvn eMemOrysiLane LORD STRATHCONA RETIRES Barrie Saturday Morning onJuly 1911 had tribute to Lord Strathcona who retired that ear With his fre tirement great anadian ea an inn perial figure asses from pub ic service car Scot boy earning his living LonJeremote Labrador coast Donald Smtili rose to membershicfinin Canadian Parliament to common lgi place in the commer cial world and pe but useful old age as High Commissioner for Canada in London and British erage In quellin the first tel rebellion he scored fort government by the very confidence which the Indians reposed in him He wasa pioneer builder of the Western Em ire and one of the inwfounderspf4he anadianePaciflc Rail way and had worked on other problems He was ever liberal with his wealth as hugII ds cf deserying ijstitu ens tes At 91 retirement was inevi EXPENSE account VLIIVING When the taxpayers pay anything goes When the person or the company must foot the bill moderation is the by word That appears to be the philosophy of that latterday phenomenon expense account living Now itappears the ot go goin todisapear it in eV neath the rain ow of ht clu tabs leekyachtsrendsomeofgthe more ex ciusiveparties In Canada the Hon Donald Fleming minister of finance has warned that the national revenue 1790rrategfllndtrlpGovernmenttconcerned should realize start getting tou wi the indivi nets and companies have fallen into the habit of charging off inflated expenses to the Canadian axpayer nvthe Us President Kennedy ex pressed deep concern about the extent The Barrie JExaminer Authorized second ciu in Post om DIDrtmsnt Ditawl Dally Sundays and Iltuiutnry Holidays napiol manna wanna roamsr noun ILAIGET General Manuel is llioPmlDN MAIlull ssitor names were anxious Maom nonznn HERIER deyuunng Muller some corona discontinuance subsori tion rate my by unit so fifia yohr Edit132 MBy mdu ain oiillimz Ontflu ism ye quid us Av roionw ontrlll ms doom slid Mamai or tishm mlmuSnciii Ciwui humour Pinb Andli norm or Canadian Pro ens clear the main llnetoo Other Editors Viewsis manner noisnrsur able but Ciinadians will wish him years of leisure to enjo his honors and his friendship in the world and the new HAULiNG MELONS BY TRAIN From The Saturday Morning July 1911 is an item from Tucson Arizona June 26 Hauling 180 cars of canta loupes from the Imperial Valley of Col ifornia to Chicago markets the South ern Pacific operated through here the other day the longest train in the world according to railway men The train was pulledby two of the heaviest and most powerfullocomotives in the ser vice and even those had to be helped up grades switch engines making three engines or motive power at times The melon special was run as fast freight and givenright of way over all trains the 130 cars extendin more than mile and half it being possible for the war the longes nand to which the expense account way oflife hamlpppdtharcnnntrif gt In Britain the makers of the mighty RollsRefine voiced fear of declian sales en the treasury made it im possible tocbarge off the full cost of the automobileto expenses on the part of businessesrfl There can be no doubt that expense accounts have gone too far Companies appear to condone the accountadding their emgiloyees because the govern ment woul got it anyway Individuals attempt the most amazing rejects from the urchase of yachts to he holding of par es and try to charge them off that they bear part of the blame The companies that chisel are taxpayers too There is truth to their arguments that thegovernmentwill get it anyway Taxes on people in the higher income brackets havereached the point where many an executive cherishes his loosely checked expense account for more hi lethanjhe4does+payraisethe for the most part into Mr Elem ingys hands 12 year ore reasonable time QUEENS psnx Form Battle Lines In Leadership Fight By JON OHEARN TORONTOWhat will it be Brains and boldness Or so lidity and security The chips arent down yet on the PC leadership The battlellnes are just being formed the deals made the support being wooed But one can say now what the essential issuer of the partys convention will be It will be the some as faced agobrains vs solidity boidnes vs security TWO MEN That was the underlying ques tion before the party in 1049 It had to choose between Les lie Frost and Leslie Blackwell 0n the one hand it bud solid man who would not get it into trouble 0n the other an individualist and men of strong imagina tion But one who believed in striding into problems headon and who bore the prospects of trouble RIGHT CHOICE lt chose the secure Leslie And there can be little quarrel with ltswlsdom One cantsay whatthe pic ture of the province might have been under Mr Blackwell But that it has done well un der Mr Frost there is no ques tion And with the tremendous nat ural expansion of the past dec ade he probably was the best Britain To Boost man forthefiob His firm and secure hand guided it well This time there will be the same situation 0n the one side will he Energy Minister Robert Macaulay 0n the other will probably be Education Minister Roberts or gerhaps Highways gtMinister ass Session Will lls Scheduled OTTAWA CF Parliament will resuma its 1001 session as scheduled Sept and carry on its work from where it left off Air weeks ago Prlme Minister Dlefeubaker said Sunday He said he saw no reason in the international situation for shortenlnry the summer recess and recalling the Commons and Senate earlier than they planned to resume their war Moreover he added in an air ryiewitsv planned that the session would continue normally info the foil and thererhas been nothing de Plugging the expense account 10091 velnpintcrnaiionolly orothor holes isagood idea in so far as many ofthe socalled expenses areludicrOus gt But aslon esgtexation remains at its present hig level the crackdown should ng not affect the le itimate costs attendant jupon makings ving gt i021 and is His wise the recess plan liegtthercbv ruled out some pec on that he might pro he i001 session soon sumption next month tohchunge afte iiandopc newnesslon melt prhgrom The current session actuaily starfcd lnNOVilmllBl many to make any coiitrlhution ens ly ton the issz atiirough hrisima erand miner cesscs ii already is the longestlnhletory The prime ministers remarks oisoeppeared to mom any gfielihood of gene ole ion utumn territory and tor it Mr llncuulny certainly has for and above the host brain in the present PC ranks He also has an abundance of imagination But also he has an independ ence of thought And he does not shrink from frontal fiction The other men ore slower movers DIFFERENT TIME Will the choice again he the Orthidox man There are those who believe that political conventions per ticularly of party in power bend to security But there are other students of politics who feel that the public in its mass choice usu ally rnakcs the right one There is no question that the situation is different today than that of 12 years ago It would seem to call more for brains and fresh thought Mrullfacaulay might make it yet FORMER MAYOR DIES CHATHAM CP William Harry Westman libformer ma yor of Chatham and retired au tomobile parts manufacturer died Sundoyjin hospital Mr Westmon whs born inthe Al some district and moved new years ago Drought Cuts Grain Surplus WINNlPEG CF Grain of ficials predict Canadas long standing mountainous stock of wheat will be cut by half or more in the next 12 months Wheat stocks are expected to dip as low as 250000000 bush els by the end of the current crop year on July 81 42 as the full effects of the summer drought come into play If the predictions come irue it will be the first time in eight years the surplus has fallen be low 500000000 bushels Other grain stocks will also diminish in the next 12 months officials say but just how much was difficult to soy For whcat next year could mark the lowest carryover since 1052 when 217170000 bushels remained at the end of the crop year Canadian wheat board spokesman says be ex there will be plenty of wheat for Canada to meet all her domestic and foreign commitments Preliminary figures show that wheat stocks for the 106001 crop year Vwillernount to 544585000 bushels about the some as last year Normally the Prairie grain belt would produce around 471 000000 bushels of spring wheat but it is estimated the current hogs willgieao only half this to REPORT rsouitkg lislillTOStrengih By Mciivrvnn noon London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LondonThe British army in West Germanypart of the NATO forces is to be built up to its promised NATO strength of 5000 men This is the army 110 which the nth Canadian lna fantry Brigade in Germany is attached The Canadian force however isynot included in the strength of 55000 For some time the British force on the Rhine has been over 5000men below strength This shortage has been attribu ted to the change over from that system of national service to the plan of completely rogue iar army force Plans have been worked out this reinforcement of the ritish Army of the Rhine and these are being presented minisers in laris PLAN FOR COSTS Coincident with thedeclslon to brlngthls armyup to its full strength the British govern ment has worked out new fourpoint plan to induce pros perous West Germany to make some contribution to the on of maintaining this army onls defence Themew plan does no ask Ger towards the actual costsyof the army itself it does howsvcr make ademiind that the West German government should pay the wages of the 520006erman civilians working for the brit ish Army and the Royal Air ioncd in Germany This bill for wages to German civilians makes up about one thin of the cost estimated at $102 million year of main teining the British Army on the Rhine Other proposals are that West Germany provide free rail and road transportlthr3rl troops andrsupplies maintain BAOR buildings and services and buy more British Weapons for its own armtad forces Witb its determination to cut down oversees spending in cluding expenditures on its armed forces the British gov ernment estimates that it re quires financial support to the amount of about 550000000 from the Germans Until last year Germany contributed $33 600000 is yearior thlspurpose but the payments were discon tinned inMarcliof 1980 armors cssn wmmLmflungiut NAmflmgL BritaTnhes slronguse for out without being regis September askingfinancinl support from Germany for its army which is committed to German defence It pays out twice as much Germany out of national in come for defence In view of the possible threat of trouble over West Berlin be mun tain is willing torelnforce its army there Theplonis not to send over full units oftroopr unless real crisisflares up over Berlin but to ssnd over troops from individual reglnb ants in the United Klngdom to fill gaps in the present forma tions ofthe British Army oftlie Rhine This willmean sending an addltionol 5000 men to Ger many by PATBICK NICBOHON OllAW You perhaps no ticed the recent newspaper re port that the two Hollywood stars Bob Hope and Bing Crosby lolly rented an Bullish stat home complete with two private golf courses and butler for per weeknote laid weckwhiili they are making film In that country asked myself dont they eamelomak04tboirifilrru Canada Hollywood has been dethroned as the worlds leading and al most sole film city iodny six out of every seven feature films are made in countries such as England ftaly and elsewhere where film industries have been built up with government assist ance and insistence to meet lo cal television and cinema needs and to boost wei countries am Wt fact in merchandising tbst trade follows films those countries felt that feature films could nod should be an item of exoort in their trade Instead of being solely on import from Hollywood This argument and ill solu tlon equally apply to Cnnoda Yet no Hollywood star has ever sought to rent TorontosCese Lorna or any other stately home in Canada because there has never been government drive to create film industry In Canada although we are now the third largest market in the world in view of our huge tele vision and cinema audiences and we spend over $50000000 each your to see films hired from other countries BUILD CANADIAN CULTURE In the latest year surveyed we In Canada used no less than 655 feature films of those 300 came from US lerom France 01 from ltaiy 60 from Britain and lesser numbers from West Germany Greece Japan Hungary Russia Spain Sweden Australia and Poland Only one of those 055 films was made in Canodaf Currently the proportion of films seen on our television and cinema screens which are made in UsA would be much lower owing to the expansion of the film industries in other coun lri excluding Canada The significance of this is ob visits The Canadian culture which our government is striv in to buier up through Ca nadian television programs and Canadian magazines is being seriously jeopardized by this flood of foreign films further more we are overlooking this valuable field in which we can popularlse abroad the Canadian way of life and stimulate the sole of Canadian goods at home and especially overseas INDUSTRY THREATENED Prime Minister Dlefenbaker set up the board of broadcast governors to regulate all bros coating in this country Th0 BBC as one of its first lots ntnmlnlmumofssperccatof Canadian rogrems in the makeup our television broad casting This policy and indeed vibeI gvindustry is new ea on Ick of Canadian mads filmsI ur is ev on systems pub liclyowned and private rest on thetwin pillars of flip CBC and ivate stations Thou than themselves could be self and capable of supporting the re sponsibility our ss nei coop Canadian programs But also those pillars solid though they no in theory themselves stand on ice unreilnble foundation of sand which in our Production industryfmdhn mm There is considerable anxiety being expressed hm lhat the Dielsnbaker Government will Wehiya to retreat from its nation alistic stand of 55 Canadian content Dimes whole TV industry will crash in ruinsunless Cuneda now ur gently builds up Canadian film industry which would not only provide the needed rv pm grams of high quality accepb able to the viewers but also serve our cincmns and incl dentally and importantly assist our falling trade picture by rm duclng our imports and boost ing our experts in this field Forests Destroyed By Eating Habits ROME CBMiddle Eastern ers who love good Kebab have been worried they are gradually eating up their already depleted forests For the delicious dish of sch QcLiiLA forestkilierJt is cooked on charcoal burners Kebab cooking means using charcoal and the conversion of trees into fuel for this dish has over the centuries drastically depicted the accessible forest of frail said Abdul Mallk Khat lak He is Pakistani forester now working on forest causewa iicn in iron as specialist of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization The same steady deplciion of trees has menaced the already limited forests of most other mideastern countries FAD has nothing against ka bab as tasty dish The prob lem is lnthe cooking BIBLE THOUGHT But ye shall destroy their cut down their mostExodus 3113 Men are aware of the gulf between themselves and God so they try to bring God down by making material objects that stand for God ONTARIO Arrsurlou Whelesalers Manufacturers and all others whorequire RETAILSALES IAX Ritalin wholesalers munu lecturers and all others who all sends us normal part of their business must apply for Retail Solon Tux Vendors Permit You are uqulnd ie have your PI lib Sephmberisi when The ntario Retail Sales Tax Act goes into effect vriioolis PERMIT tered ndavendor you Will in default under The Retail Sales Tax Act It is in your own best inmost to fill out and return the official Application Form at once Otherwsse you will not be sure of receiving your Permit before the final dude line of September let If you donetbeve4hisPer suit you will be unable to buy taxfree thetenblogoodli you purchase for resale Also if you sell goods after August Pavmllupplleallonsu in and will be is utter Aunusl lBnnd before If you have not received an official Application FermiMAIi THIS COUPON TQDAY Retell Soles Tait lunch Office of Comptroller efllevenuo Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario um and me Permit Application Form together with detailed MM NA tevlekoiamlesluxe couiam ADD or susmcss PHILIP blank Comptroller of Revenue

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