Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1961, p. 11

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ALB HELP PA TIME WORK alert ad rummznilve um maulInn Wm in uuii have car and no any um noun necessary Reply lo uu vi BARRIE mule 1CHAKIC wanted prdlnbly no Also bodymxn licenced pm and Uruai company repeat onuct Ruuel Brownlnl Buy CIU uniun telephone PA at rzmunu with rarity Ind liudy above Inn earning an be your or null Wanna denier Sell top quuiy accusing for home and um No invurmcni For Personal inm view write Iodly giving no lo Watkins Pmducu inc 50 Roch Street Montreal BIALEFLE MAL on mlAlB you or over Unluunl oppa nlly ln and urvlcu euenunL on PA mil between lilmo on Wednudu morning SALES our or scours wouco You llh lo ruoplemant your Income by slop to $100 per month during your opus lime Wflte Box 97 Barrie Examiner No door to door selling AGINAS FOR the lnmile cui JunulnoardnlutALuu on gallon or fuel Write Cryllll Richwill Ilad Hamlllon Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG HAN desires employmaai with puwtr now Call Larry ii PA some or PA H137 nu cum to preschool thlldln si Marys Church nu Telephone in coast WILL mommaem my own name Wiil pick up and deliver Telephone PA aisle ucstno nonnon desires work Frlfllys and Saturday in only may Telephone PA omi AlruNnoN PAquullsi For your cuulom combining telephone lint ley Evans Brrdiard Prospect 566 or Joel Pmrscr betray nous union liter yun llrvlfll VINE incl filim Suk1llh hilln1 21 um emp oymen in Street icicanann PA oil ADVERTISE in THE BARRIE EXAMINER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 52414 PAGE and STEELE Architects TORONTO ONTARIO ASTCLA1RA¥ENH1EWESTw are pleased to announce the opening hot as brandi office at PETER STREET SOUTH ORILLIA oummo APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIXITC SERVICE Service to all makes of appliances I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 BUILDING ED MILLS Building Contractor Painswick msrommomo oncmonaumo KlrcrlEN curanAnos Phone Stroud amli Collect momma BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE Why not compare our price for CAMPING NEEDS TARPS BOAT COVERS ETC Ross Street PA 60622 bow JHE FENETANGUISHENE WATER AND LIGHT C0 lllSSlClN TENDERS FOR THE CONSIRUCIION OF BOOSTER PUMPING STATION Scaled leader addressed to In Chairman and Members of the Faxetxnluhbcn Water and KP Cmnmlulnn pt Gun as snniwmsmm Pen rumrunes Waler and um cm mlnlon will be meshed uauI 5m oclock on Lost on no on or SEPTEMBER Im Ibr maulunion at Bout Pump Station on Room Sirch nu emace Avenue To in lllon of la pumpinl units Io or win connecting rucuon Incl dloclnrn piping mm and litinlsylhu dnln connections and In recordizl preuum nun brain by the Commisslon Drlwlnn nod specifications with blank sum of Tender may be no Illnld from lb amt the runnlnmuneae WIEl and um Cmmlxdon on payment of db omit by cheque only of mm mac payable in ms Commission whlrh depom will be refunded onhe mum in good mud or the aims and Ipccldctlom Ruth lender must be accent in by marked cheque pun In tho Feneunlulxhuu wit and Uflhl Comminlon Dr Cllh fit puani equal to Per mm or the Iolll value of Ihl lender The lowest or any lender nob mausme accentd GAUTHIE Secret Tre snowusmp or vosrna TENDERS Erush Blade and Bulldozer Work will be received by the undu llxned clerk up in ll oclock noon Mendy Aulust ll ml for nppivxinuiaiy mill of mu Blade and Bulldozer work on Sideraadx lb and il Conctv lion Vesprn Township Work to be ximvleled by Supierabsr inst For plrllrulun contCt sheathlbw Barrie Ontario Ccrtillod cheque to he Towmhlp of icspn im so of tender pm to lixompany bid EARL RICHARDSON Clerk ii Owen St Barrie rigor Want Service Dial PA 2414 4a Abigail scvcnwcckold goal muAIzé Brenda TraschA cl 12 as thcy ride float at OISE HAVANA CPIThe lopiccc band plays on and oilfor the bcnciil oi one or two couples in the next room by contrast thingsArc lively indeed 1th casino is doing its usual brisk lpsin is pic ure of typi cal night at the Capri Hotel one of Havanas famous night spot and it illustrates two as pects of the nocturnal scene that visitors here scldnni fail to notice They seem to give conlrallic iory impressions as to the vi tnlily of night life under the Cuban revolution but the dif fcrencc may be more apparent than real The sight of one or two couples dancing dioamily to lull orchestra with perhaps another halfdozen couples sit ting around at tables is not un usual at the luxury hotels WHEYWWW Watching it the observer VOIIV dcrs why the rcstaranl manI agcment continucs to employ the number of hands it used to when there was enough busi FA 54952 SAHITARY DISFOSAL DIEAD ANIMAL DISPQSAL ACJ am noon ncanscu remove your dead and crippim iano Inl mall tie the above an EE REMOVAL Phone ClllLEm BARRIE PArkway 84617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICEWE mu woman DEAD OR CRIPPLED LlJQRSLES CATTLEV HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie FA 67751 Long dismau handy31809 iiiour expense ED PHONI AND SON 7LT DRILLIA UCEDSEHNO 69C61 SURVEYING ROger Welsmari Ontario LondSurveyor TELEPHONE PA oases DIAPER SERVICE BAREEES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE 71 Weekly pickup delivery gt ll rowers 51 noon PA 53551 Lu man pack of cigarettes thy EXCAV ATING FLLL GHAVEL UP SJII SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavnuuz and Grading Water Delivers cnuhed llonl rim Yard Backhoe for bin DENNIS MORAN Anne Streel on Him PAlNlINGrAND4 PAPEREANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging spray Palnting Service Sinca mo RE BARRIE PA 66956 VEEFRIGERAIIION REFRIGEBATION and APPLIAN CE SERVICING all makes Lnige and limit it Irumpl courteous service aaii WA YNES REFRIGE RAT 0N APPLIANCE SERVICING lo SHANNON sTRErrr PA 84475 aurric wonderful the way Classified Ads get re suits Phone PA 82414 uononsrrmv UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND Draperics OSlip covers OBrondloom OConiniercial furniture lnshallatior CHEGK OUR PRICES $f$ SAVE MAIIFAIJI CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING AND RUG C0 64 BAYFIELD ST PA slslz FA naval On air towncall collect HOLS ERYV Chesterfield Chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats Summer Porch and Gardun Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES AND PlCKUE BARRIE TENT AND AWNING c0 LTD 34 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE rooms PA 6M37 CLIEANING or fine urnilture and rug cleaning coll MAYFAIIR OF BARRIE man ESTIMATES Toss toTreep hem occupied And he learns the simple an lt is forbidden for any employer tolayofl workers How the rcsaturant manages to keep going at all is another and even more intr ng ques tion no laws of economics seem oftcn in state of sus pension licre Havanas vollknown casinos which barely survived the first year or so oithc revolution are once again going full blast But the belting in many cases seemsto have phoncy ring to gt it There is nothing to buy with your money anyway so you might as well have the fun of gambling itawayi rivals the way one devotee described the temper of the betting frater nity =Funéral Services For FamousIlrlist OAKVILLE co Funeral services are to be held today for Louise Paul internationally tress who died Friday at the home of cousin Born in Fort William Miss Dr Ernest Paul She was educated in Oshawa and studied art in Toronto Miss Paul spent several years in New York where she pro duced busts of the late Fiorello LaGuardia former msyolfifi actresses Helen Hayes and Tal lulah Bankhead Survivors include mode Mrs LawrenceNickle of Wawag lindians Depict 11 Of oet BEANTFORD OFFSeverity five Six Nations Indians took part during the weekend in the arm historical pageant de pictl the of Pauline John son amcd lndian poet who was born on the reserve south of here 100 years ago In addition to glimpses intu the life story of the poet the audience was shown dayind activities of an Indian village of century ago Members of the cast in full regalia presented authentic and traditional Indian dances and songs The pageant put on annually since 1949 willbc repeated next weekend FIRST IN RUSSIA Catherine the Greht who died in d796 was thefirst person In Czorisi Russia to be inoculated PA slaiz PA MIMI against smallpox cull PALS WITH GOAT Money doesnt mean any known Toronto artist and sculplt Paul was daughter of the late Shakespeare Ont In July Photo FORBIDDEN T0 FIRE EMPLOYEES SimJ P10 011 For 0119 Or Couples ihihg shciaddcd alluding in ihc shortages which are grow ing more arid more widespread mm BY GOVERNMENT Both the hotels with their casinos and tlicprincipal nighL mlis iavc been taken over by rumMW WHEELS the government lnthe night clubs business is slack during lhc week but picks up on Fri day and Saturday There seems to be no shortage of liquor but Jood is not always easy to come Entertainment is only fair and is apt to be spiked with revolutionary propaganda The magnificent Tropicana advertised as this most famous night club in the world now is ill the hands of the govern mcnt In formcr times you had lo wear black ticand be lot of prepared to spend mom to go to the Tropicana VowHSpossiblfinnmymrrwrwmmkfisfllmeiy shirlslccvcs and the cover charge is $125 Anoihcr feature of Havana night lifeprostitutinnis very much in evidence The govern nated the ladies of the night bul evidently they were just ting out thestorm Legitimate theatre is cnoy ing certain popularity 25 pccially amon the more inlc LEAN FRESH PICNIC PORK LEAN SHOULDER PoRKC STEAKS FINE GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR icHOICE no SHQULDE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 14 01 By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Sophia Loren has twoword recipe or avoiding nervous tension Please yourself The onelime wail of Naples In less than decade worked licr way up from modeling to become one of lhe worlds husiai as well as most beauti ful actresses Sophia look me to lunch dur ing noontimcflrreak in the task of dubbing in English dia logue for her 30th film Two Women have the philosophy of peasant she remarked Take it easy everything Is going to be all right Lunching with Min Loren Is even more at treat than go ing to scatter in movie in movieyou only get popcorn Sophia showed up in an unduA lating sheathlight pink dross Hcr enormous green eyes flocked with gold gave her ex otic face stiange lookas if she were hall panther half gazelle Waiters fluttered up coo leciuolly inclincd revolulion aria Plays have revolutionary flavor or at least carry the right kind of message us de termined by the authori are licrlolt Brecht and Arthur Miller For those who like music lhc Havana Symphony Orches tra is active Movie films are mostly Rusv sion or Czechoslovakian with Spanish subtitles It is possible to sciI an American movie but chances are it will be old Television fare to the North American is dreary the propa ganda conlcnt heavy The most common sight on Havana TV scrccns at night is that of some shouting gcsticulating young revolutionary trying ta imitate Fidel Castro free of propaganda slogans Even here however it is vir tually impossible torforgel the revolution booho bookies are legal in lilovanacolleizting hats in b00lllllnl bears the Sign First Socialist Revolution of View Latin America Country or hallconguer STYLE tlllili CREAMERY BUTTER=53 HOME GROWN WTATOESIIO Please YoiiISelf Actress Advises ing solicitously in several lane gauges love to eat said Sophia Its my only pleasure while working like any food that Is spicy and full of sauce Challering charmingly she went from an aperitif Lilrough small plalc oi sliced tongue and ham dish of kidney slow potatoes and vcgclablcs two glasses of red wine two bread rolls then wound up with big slice of cake topped with whipped cream WEIGBT No wopiw Sheis toll girl with lot of lovely body to fuel and so far shc doesnt have to worry about gaining weight real plcasurc in cat with woman like thatparticularly if you go as guest Sophia doesnt feel that suc ccss has changed her much since the childhood days when she felt herself to be thin and gawky ugly duckling She is poised friendly and complelely selfpossessed rm very strong have al ways lricd to keep myself as naive and innocent as possible But like in work hard and dont believe in drilling never like to be taken by the routine of lifoor to become tense and nervous ll is hard thing to do but try to look at things in re laxcd way think ynu got tense only by doing things you dont really want to do So please myself do only the things that please and interest me Why not when get third 11 atop Jél1earQld$els Marathon Record OllAWA CPI year old Ottawa girl who first donned roller skates year ago defied driving rain and hlistercd feet in 33 hour roller skating marathon during the weekend in suburban Rastvieiv Lillian Therlcn taking only three minute rest stop each hour for refreshments outlasth other competitors to set what she claims is an unofficial North Amcrican roller skating marA alhon The previous mnrk she said was 32 consecu tive hours set in the United SLachw ivefont tIIo Lillian began her endurance cat at the East in Club pm Friday She was alone on the outdoo ril for the last three congruous sightis to sec Lhoiirstlorc herJinaLhalLaL mcntclaimedtohavoellnflTTl Tbelcagucrcd looking 530 Ini Sunday In spite of badly blistclcd lcct ayl drcnchingin Vagraip storm Saturdaynlght Lillian said she felt fine when it was all own She is to undergo medical chcck today 16 DliNLOP rooo masks

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