Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1961, p. 10

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10 TIE BARBIE EXAMINER lilo ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS Mondays Child is talr ot taco hiccdaya child is run at race WWI Child 11 mil cl VIM Thundm Child bu in to mm Cblid ll mint and no Elmmlfl Child tnll BIN ill livinli Axsiflba EDIE i1 horn on the ia ialr and wise um good and his hearts this counter Cullen always want to no hith flay DI tho In their air intake Keep Ihls Iizd cm In nnant Information at 7° shit lulu Burl LL amine Birth Announcement will Include the aims at you null at oi the month an year birth march and cm as vital latomtlon Dnnud manila can become PermDull ord to baby door or Funny mus flu nth Intl BIrrih Ex miner Birth Notice is only 3150 To place notice phone PA Mile DEATHS ARNOLDtn Ottawa on Sun day August 11 moi Otto Arnold Pat beloved husband ot Alice Chisholm lather ot Gerry at Toronto brother or Lorne ot cookstown and ilrrman or Vim torts Bc heating at Miler nincnl Home to st Clair Ave Wut Toronto utter in min chn sdry August 16 tor scrvlcs at interment Mount Pleas ant metcry Earthas Comment Causes Criticism LONDON APJA number or women television viewers ob jected Sunday night because singer Eartha Kit appeared alter six mnll and made so inking comment about her condition The American singer wore btlloyvjnKLdressslhstcaLoLth usual slinky gowns but her pregnancy was still apparent And when she had difficulty biting herself onto stool to SIM number she looked down chuckled and said Okay junior this is the last engagement Vlewers lamfidIIiFCOmmer clal television networks switch board after the ra am went oft the air gr DAY AUGUS It REAL ESTATE PROPdBT son SALE WJC BOAKE REALTOR ul allAnroitp mm nARlur PA 86387 OR PA 85833 St111 ullml arms to amen lor lumint Clara WakrmanPA Hui llalph 1L nooksPA mus Members or earns aod District Real Estate Board CONTEMPORARY HOME jlONE ONLY New Nlht cnnllmpanry dwclung with carporl rooms largo iiv lug room large kitcnca diniiu area master bedroom eerlmio tiled bathroom with colored its lures and tacitly Lots or our boards storms and screens largo rodded lot good location roroar MelrnseDurkworth rhoua awash builder ALLEN PA M281 ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7b TlFFlN 5mm aAqu CENTRAL $20oo down prymrnt Bungalow bedrooms bathrooms open Perirulilityloomiounponhr altocncd grngc well kept home with central location 3100 down payment bedrooms large living room extra large kit chen lull bascmcot oil hca gmgcrmgrvotrsz 31000 down payment lrm slorry brick rooms large lot 56 lbs garage Owncr will hold bal once in one mortgage $14900 outstanding bedroom bungalow largo finished recrea tion room in mahogany plank ply wood double garage One or the nlccat landscopcd lots in the cut end Owncr traustcrred to Tom onto $l55uo asking price Ranch siylc bungalow bedrooms rangerDnrblocHiombns sod two blocks trom Dominion vtnrc owner lransterrcd to Lon don immediate possession slam Duhgalow shape liv ing and dining bedroom alu mlnum storms and screens nib tshcd recreation room largo land scaped tor cxira largo garage $12500 bedroom buaga ow plus one bedroom kitchenette and lollet in basement fully landscP cd lot garage 512900 room bungalow with son aratc dining room vacant immed lat4 possession Large landscaped lot mortgage carries or 71 monthly includios clpal and taxes WEST END to room two storey brick om ideal or this illEGi llmiW or would Rink land income home $31m down payment with bntanmvmmpilmfifmfi $10500 bedroom one and hair storey homo large living room on heating closc to new shopping centre ALLANDALE lntcrcst prin 310800 it attached REAL ESTATE ROGERS REAL our DUNLoP PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL First to nants Home Salesrumour in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL 1135 MOOREFA um nounsPaces rosinPA saris dunnoea tom artisans BAKER It DISTRICT ETA BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA sow PA W4 Smith CampbellPA 07569 lerlus carvesPA 51 Members at in nunl iml but loud loan sangPA Wu Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNDOP ST Pillsr llonraAcl FUNDS PA 89961 PA 68742 AVAILABLE7 mm 60 OF VALUEN0 Fm CHARGED Joe Dongtio Dvcrctt shauwali are my ck Willron PA Moll Norm Shclswlii PA mi Howard Norris PA um PRATT VLTD TO Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PlloNis PA Mass or PA coma TJ Phone PA 02415 One and hlil siorsy brick house and 51000 down well tainlly home living room and dining room turnacc and garage tics and pool boards also utility room in rctrigeratdr and trcexrr Paved drlvo into twocar garage with huge trees MABEL MARSHALLPA M450 HOM CROSLEY Martial Asseiin Progres sflgnemhervofrarangnLLmf Charlavoix was appointed in May to the special United Na tions commission of judicial review forvthe Belgian tnlst territory of RushdaUranda in Equatoriai Africa Mr Asse Iin 37 is lawyer Photo CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING gt TELEPHONE PA824l4 Condensed andclassitted adver tisements are inserted at the rateoon per word pcr insertion or one and two times 3c per word for three four or live limos and zinc per word or tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 966 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OE $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE LN SERTION mulls on CORRECTIONS Advemsersareremhfifim phone insertion orders are accept ed as convenience to you the advertiser Therefore the clasallled hAdvemslnge Department reguiras all advertisers to kind ck their advertisement tgmledfateeiy arlcr arst insertion in order that my crrors or omissions may be reported horore am in order that same may be rectified ior the tollowlog days insertion order We wish to oiot out that The name rhra cr lg responsible or only one incorrectly printed ortlon on any advertisement and than only to tho extant or portion of ad that involves the misprintarrorcwhloh do not lessen the value ol tho advartlro men are not eligible tor correc tlonabymuk goodlyfr Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $15m Birth and Death Notices tor up to 25 words iover words per word extra In MemoriamNo titles 5011f verseused Super word extra flintn ti lfidlln d7 arms on TERI era using allnd Letter Box Nurnbcrr so Itspuca is held strictly conild ential 11 éieslto xLetter Boxes lalrltIdmiy £2 vbpriJ Glassitied advertisements and notiees for tileso pages must berecelved by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex ception lot Classified Display thls type or home 520 and the balanca on one $127506 nit apartm house All units sell contained Forccd air oll hcaung Locatcd close to shopping and has Down payment 34300 $11900 Good lneorna home rooms Zybathroams Will sell out right or trade or smaller homo wOIJTOFVIW PROPERTIES Coxmlll Road Painswick sllaoo bedrooms living and dining room combination full basement rorecd air all bcatIng double garage at Iachcd via breezewny wner will hold balance on onc mortgage Pa swlck three bedrooms ltvlng roov kitchen tllud piece hath tiled lull basement forced air all heating Equipped with alum inum storms and screens garage This is the nicest bungalow that have been given the ortilnity to sell or some time ou must make an appointment to see it now it you are in the markct tor Down payment mortgage bedroom bungalow living room and kitchen piece bathroom all heating garage Located inst on tho outskirts of Barr1e Immediate possession 41000 down payment wlth the balance on one mortgage payable $60 monthly including in tercst and principal Taxes about $55 Fuu price seam FARM 00 ACRES loo acre farm located in aro Townr ship Largo barn and drive shod room brick house modela kit chen All roots in good repair Full price only slohoo with $40m down payment and the balance on one mortgage CALL any on EVENING PAS2379 Real Estate hoard Graydon TKOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER 115 DUNLDP 51 EAST PA 84252 GARAGE AT WYEVALE We have just hecngiven exclus lvo authority to otter for solo this valuable property including equipment stock and business Garage is 32 as kttchcnand restaurant 15 to Good apart ment abovegarag Everything goar Property has low trontago on highway by depth or 190 Any rcaaonahic offer will be considered Owner will tako back nrst mortgage on very reason abla terms GOOD FARM 1s SAFE INVESTMENT We have alargc usunmant of good ms ranging In prices from 000 to $2000l1 rCliI Bill stn at BIREI Elmvale ecill tam geatJoLcrayd EVENINst CALM GltAerON KOHL FA 54508 Pluvnra EAL canald so Castlo Drlv custom aplir icval lile room dining room kitchen with builtin stov driven bedrooms larga panelledr tam room with tisephtin don or tourth bedroom to bathi nt It late onTtIeldly Allin 15w in ll PA firr° ro sity win no listed ma IIEIDIJI or this Barrie and District LEECH HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR so BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 Member or Barrio and District Real Estate Board mlmcxu anion illle PA com we PALMER PA coast isAlu MARSHALL PA basil NonAn RAIKEs 001023 MAEG smith PA Mails large kitchen tull haramont Across rest troni park with playground tacili CORBYREAITESTATE BROKER Dunlap St SHANTY BAY Thrcc bedroom living room and din has room kltrhen pleco bath ruii basement garage beaulirul nd All convcnlcaccr of city living will country economy LOW COST IaleG Brand new live room horde including bath tull basement ou turnaoa to per month carries HOLGATE STREET One and hair storey bungalow bedroom Gil tired BEAUTIFUL EXECUTIVE HOME null or gracloiia living and entertaining Enjoying ruch leniureg as cxcollent oak panelled reception hall giving cntraoco to spacious living room wlth log burning fireplace dining mumden and powdcr room Large kitchen with molly cu Full basement with large rec room we storage room and turnco room has four large bedrooms cedar lincd closets and two tllcd touoplcce bathrooms Third noor nicely tiniahed includtll Also well appointed pinrllcd Upstairs cedar lined closets Largo beautrully landscaped lot COREYPA aster OWDN JDNiEPA 37917 ES BY BERNICK All Homes CompletelyIMO erri andWleshed lll Every Detail Garages Included FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT DAY on NIGHT PHONE PA 82670 PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLS BLOCK OPPORTUNITY FOR swan wrrrl $4000 CASH Owner must sellhelps transien rcd out at town room brick hours ln pleasant neighborhood near proposed alto new pubuc school on Anne Letitia Fcntures garage with direct ao ocss tohouse 2nd washroom etc Pull Prlco limbo Carries rar 392 month Wm owner IN BOX 85 BARRIE EXAMINER GARAGE FOR SALE lo to test lh excellent cnnuittoh Cansbo vastly movud Telephon PA sav07 tor Author information HENDERSON EEALTOR lo COLLEE ISTREET PHONE PA 82678 HIGH ON Tim HILL llvoo rhrceuont treed location in the Amour area Three hed roona ranch red brick bungalow shaped living and dining room Terms to suit buyer as the owner will hold an upon first mortgage lhrclustvc For all details Rita Seandrett DUCKWORTH $12500 Tali trccn trams this cozy three bedroom grey brick bunga low Lovely large kitchen and living roomanlsbcd rac room 516 mm terms that carry tor ieronthiy including taxesCall its soandtett nvanNcs éALLr RITA SCAMRETT PA M855 PERCY FORD PA 57830 Member or Barrie and District and Ontario Real ktate Boards REALTOR Next door to dis impartl Theatre PA 66481 Member or Barrio rnd nish1ct heal mats Board INSURANCE and it all need Gxtneavl1lle litany Id SEE STEVENSONS PA HM 113Dllhlop St nouso large bcdr oms largo irltctien small dining tea Near schools anchor on heated Rs capable Owner tranatcrred AD ply Oakley Park Square CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST TWO DDDROOM Bungalow or sale rrame east and Suit are tired firmer in good repair Talo phone PA H490 sites or tun Lbei infarmltion mm constructed Home 16 in good condition to be mov cd or demolished For further in tormation write Fax 93 Blrrin Exlminer PROPERTY FOR SALE onRENr Two STOREY House situated in shanty Bay just law yards root tho water Features bed rooms fireplace in flying room excellent weil indoor plumbing oll iurnaeo large fenced in yard Available September 15 Present tenants moving troin Ontario Call 1X14 chom PA Hillsor Oro PROPERTY WANTED WANTE Buudlng Lot in city IilniLI at least 80 tootlrontage Telephone PA 61700 or Jim to hex aarrle Examiner lme WITH slono wants in brick home in andalu or vicin lty Ca pay 75 psi month Phone it Canon Real Estate MMLruldom 71456131 MORTGAGES ror tun particulars REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONUS To pity oi all YO Ellis To pay art Mortgage Combine 1st and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhile purpose You Pay Balance Borrow Monthly Insyis 51500 3769 nil 52000 4712 nil 32500 5939 mi Lower monthly paymellLa avail vrahle lfrdcsiredswitirvpto years to repay For tart cour teous service BARFRIED ENTERPRISE Barrie mildail elii operator and ask tor LE 7m filo mu cannon others can GuelphwiKW Member of Ontario Mossy Brokln Association FINANCIAL $58£ ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR llLL SIMMS PA 60203 BUS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL BTOREB Service st lions snack nan Ladlca Ready to Vclr Grocery store in or out or town Contact Corby Real Fatta Dunlap st East PA Hm MANUFACTURER requires Incl resident to Duke deliveries to re tlli accounts ill the Inn The In iilhi deliveries and Will re quire mo nours work weekly it can bo handled In addition to regular work either man or woman lcaat must be resident of are for It lent hava lraospvrtatloa lvIIIK record Ibstalncra Ind SL200 cash IV In Sum tearful Inpucant will be trained hiccch iuii company bendfill ll ary and commission to stun Apt ply in writing Elvin brie outs llno ot qualifications to Personnel Office Dept 115 88 hiltlsan R1 Downsvldw Ontario RENTALS APTS uousrs ro Rafi APARTM NT FORRENT Three bedroom lpartmeritl piece bath with shower Central loci tint on Dunlap St West par month Apply smilms to pUNLOP 51 our Phono PAoasso days PA 32511 nights miter Roorl naalshcd Ana meat for rent Adults Agni it 57 Baa Roadnr ieldpiiniie Lyssa THREE HEATED furnished mums Adults only AVIIIlbia immediate 1y Private bathroom lrlapboaa PA 85132 THREE 1100M mmlshed ADIR mellt Central Private entrance Plrkinl facilities 3pr VIElt torln st or telephone PA 74 TWO BEDROOM ground floor Apartment 101 NatlBTU kitchen Ind porch Centrll Unfurnished Ali facilities lncluded sill mouth ly Telephone PA 81084 TWO bannoolll unlurnlibed apartmca new roirtgeraiors and stovu Pushers and dryora Avail bzéaszimmedlatcly Telrphono PA awohenlzoolu seIt contained unturniabcd apartment ground lloor central Auandale lteat hy dro supplied sail monthly Avail abla SeptembuJaIAJaSMI RENTALS APIS HOUSES TO RENT on mucosa ml in sputum bondin rem arator lunar drynr supplied month Avliilble Alum ll Apply in Cook Etroel PA Bail mutual all contained one bedroom continent heat suitable tor WWI or two bush near tinV Availabi September Tclepnana PA as lrwo noon rurnhbcd apartment heat hydro and water included in rent Nest and clean close to downtown Stillbl or couple ralopboav PA unit mm House with thre bcdroonu attached garage Close to school churcan Avauabls tmmrdialc Adults pretencd epbon PA 35 man it Apartment Jr contained this September set per month rm rna location Telephone PA Wlor 1191 ultimatum UNruRmsm Aplflment tn wert cod rooms and kilnhem electflcltg and water grapplle Avaiiable optember 14 what PA 915 snow room house and an tor rent uodrrn convenien cei close to No Il ngnwa latte garden Telrphono stroud unloL AVAILABLE Now Heated mod era unmrnisbrd two bedroom apartment to Simon apartment house Uta or swimming pool No fluids or Dill Toilllbono Shroud ec minimal Apartment or rent Stove rotflurstor heat and not water supplied Use or washer and dryer Dont miss seeing this abet Telephone PA 60719 or IP polnlmen LUXURY modern furnished Ipa men Brand new hulliflnl loll contanrd tiled bathroom and shower Overlooking bay Down town Adults in Dunlop Eu AP over SimpsonsScm new muoderp due and two bedroom apartments overlooking rccalo kcmpantolt any deal in lor arklna and Janitor sorvl Vtuciu an Automatic Washlnl cilitlas PA b7907 SELF coNrAlNSD unturoiahed brie bedroom heated apartment Private entrance 55 monthly Oh bus route Centrally located Park log tacllitles Tclophono PA New or turn partlsuiln uNFURNlatIBD Bascmcnt Apart ment two bedrooms modern and brill sell contained In Queens Park area Avaucbla chtcmbcr No objection to ID lid Telg Phone PA Mud Two DnDOM Apartment now ly dec atcd private entrance irant Ind back hollcd hardwood and tile tloora Parking lacllttles Telephone PA H711 tor turlher lntonn loo TWO ROOM Apartments tin hiralrhcd downtown location Pris to entrance Laundry neillllos Heated and arking space rclo phono PA days PA azoti svcnlo 0ND APARTMENT modern and private three rooms with or with out Iurnlture Parking tadlltles Also intcs room ground rioor tu nlshed apartment Both available now Tctcphona PA 86164 tul 030 am and alter rn ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU ram Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store DUNwP ST rants PA um NEWSPAPER MATS sun mil ideal ior limos bah Dalila llLIltl lmltl IU inmiliux 25o PER DOZEN Apply To Barrie Mil Barrie Ontario LL YOUR with the linut and BLUB MEA IS ETC loos Guirantcad Duality Dungi Terms on orders mm and over FREEZER FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRIC$ are avauiblo to than who wish to purchua thctr ordarr daily at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE us TIFFIN STREET Bluutiz PHOND PA wool Free Delivery Open Frilly till pm CLEAEmCL SALE MOEEAT RANGES RDIIIGmAiORS DRY are RBDIJCTIONS Buy hctorn September hi and beat tiia sales tax ROBINSON HARDWARE DUNIIOP 51 EAST PA 82431 AaPilALr DRIVEWAYB icle mm PA 5027 Dbhstlnlnii Ited LARGE NEON Outdoor snack Bar sigh tor sale For rurthcr details tulcphona PA Main or PA mo nULLnOthG AND Grading Fish Pond construction Avpiy Barn PA tum Alan ulsrkmsnarorr car sale apartment slto Reasonably priced Telrphono PA $9529 UNPuanauun mrtmenhb laundry flellltlu Available im mediately No chlldrcn please Close to bus stop rclcpbouo pvt biota ror dclrlls MODERN two bcdroom artmcnt Large living room kltc cn and three pleeerbath Prontondbatk entrances laundry room in base rocnt One or two children wcl conic Apply in Bayilold Street Telephone PA 56716 Tunas koonl heated unturnisbca aprrtmant Private bathroom and entrance Dn mund rioor Private veranda Washer and drycr sup plicd APDiilncts Pllkinflr Telephone PA 541931 or PA 61032 GROUND FLOO turntshed one bedroom three roo Igutmerlt Heatcd sell contained ardwood rloora Ocrr trally atad Available Septem pgrné Teiephorlo PA 85306 or PA FOUR ROOM ttllhlmisbed iPIfl merit belted sell contained Cun LlliIJ locate Also three room basement apartment unlumished sell contained No obiccuoa to child Telephone PA 35306 ux PA ROOMS TO LET inmodern homo Telephone PA HIMor Luther iniprmation Wrflb ONE CLEAN furnished Bedroom USED VACUUM cleancrsdor mrtmth obligation Tclcphono PA W61 or turther iniorniatlon DBLUxB including stroller part complota with mattress Excellent candi tlon Teluphnnb PA 89704 to appraise like hawglllanuro SDTeaV our use Chcv Truck Apply ruckus 5m root on east side inn Illgrllwpyon Bthr gnccssiou crlav itANGD by Frigidaire iolnch with tour burners and large oven with automatic timer in excellent con nrlinnnl FreeJedltlcardemnHorcnlyusoarelr piaonc PA solos alorrnr DLacmc hinge 24 in excellent condition sis tour burners and timer included roles phone PA c5175 anytime tor rur thcr particulars ANlrQUB Grandtathar clock about tau years old about high hand painted race wooden works runs Good condition Telephone Creeuloro ziawz REFRIGERATOR Westinghouse tatc modal in cubic foot in good condition 3150 Can be seen at Tclesoalc Mary Street or tel Phone PA audio lYPEWIuTliils Portables as low 359351 year guarantee Tcrms down 33 Per week stu s7o UPPBTI DUPLEX slavdrllrlge7¢LEAN7Furnishcd7ROODi llncn Idntre Cellini Laundry room 0le AND TWO bedroom Apart ments Stove rcrrlgcrator lahltvr urvica and laundry facilities heating rrom sail monthly Telr phone Leech PA Leora rartea 00M Bnnlslow one and two bedroom apartments to rent Contact corny neat FAtate asDuotop st East telephone PA nadir UNFURNIEHED two bedroom apartment modern conveniences Available Audubon Reasonable rent Telephone Ivy 51111 FURNISHED three room apart merit thrco Placa hath heavy duty stove and retrlgerator Hardwood lloora Selr contained Availabls now Apply Armstrong Hard wars THREE ROOM Apartment newly decorated Columnny lumishcd very cantral Laundry and park Iug ladlitles provided Suit busi ness couple Phone PA 35272 Ilia or anytime Saturday 55 TWO DDDRoOlil heated selr contained apartment or rent ia in lake Private entrance Par lng Ono child welcome Immed ato Pnssession Telephone PA 132513 rUnNrsnap thrco room apart ment ground floor private en rance Very centrally located Pr Writebathrflkliservlnerlnclude no monthly Ideal ror couple only Telephone PA mot MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately tn consolidate debts pay on extitlog mortgages homo mprovamants etc Call tor ap olntmcnt PA 60931 Mortgage DiIInl over Simpsonsrseafl 129 Dunlop Street East MORTGAGES1st and 2nd buillbt told and arrogad Commerclai Induregsidantig nb We BkaIsa SELL MestAfiythlfig loaned on arrl amaze ROOM rel contaTned un turnlshed apartment with stove and reirileraiorr 1an of park ing apaco Available immediately East and location Telephone PA blrm NEWLY DECORATED ave room apartment Fireplace sunroom and garage Celt located apartmcnt building in residential district Available September TelephoneTABdm UNPUrlNlancb Apartment three rooms and bath modern kitchen heavyduty wiring spotless eon dltlon Centrally lo tad Tele phone PA new bar rurther in form on Rooms and privata bathroom oil heated completely sell con taincdtiled tloora kitchen with link and modern cupboards plen ty of closet splice Ran ctto an lrlE supplied iiolsoni in rent Ava able immediately suit couA Pie Phillie PA $5305 Paritan aup licd On bus route 60130 ava table Telrphono PA lrnatlan FINISHEDRUDE withroman ator hot plate tollct and basin 35 per month Telephone PA HIM cam Location Bright bed room and kitchen or rent Fully turniahed Reasonable rent with heat and lights included lrtcal roi couple Telephona PA H593 anusgknapnit lloooi two beds rangatto and rerrlgcrator For two business men who would like quiet home in west end distinct Phone PA 51134 aster pm OVERNIGHT Accommodation avail able in clean quiet home ln Ton Two minutes train Roseualc Breakfast it desired tamlion telephone PA salon Barrie evenings ROOM BOARD Two GENTLEMBN wanted to share room downtown hoard included Telephone PA B4347 two gentleman Homo cooked meals For rurtbcr details tell phone PA sum anytime APTS HOUSES WTD WANTBD TO ham Thrso or tour bedroom house In goodrlucar tion by cngincerlug executive bcA rorocsmiemborsi rascal ror rurtbcr particulars ARTICLES for SALE USED REFRIGERATORS $95 00 TV SETS $4900 NEW AND USED APPLlANCEs McFADDENS 28PENETANGSTT PA 89288 ALL FOR SALE AT DOMINION TIRE STORE iio onanrono STREET aarthia itiJOlvl AND DOARD available tor Tclophonc PA 55595 Goernr AND Englncpslllontace ingiiyuroplanowith 20 ulck sllvoLMercury motor mil hp Johnson motor 5100 Robinson aA station ioahurton Avenue Telephone PA was NO MORE rv EEIAIR BILLS Buy New Set New With bbwcost Lufllgggd acorIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NuVAscorlA ms nu We in good condition MODEL Baby Carriage donsrenmhrcpairarstarTyoer wrltcr Co arsdrord st PL ancu 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK Registered Pairst lirrerord and in months old me pboaa Strand 21R sun1n PIGS rnr nle ll week old eating well Apply uaovlro Dryer ooo nails north at Edgar iclepbona PA bssoo most dua ibis IllI For luflhzr miomatinn apply ICIIW chxebior Shlni as or pbonc OM is ancr pin RBGlsTsBED llalstein Cow tor sale on years old aired by Sell lrlg Sovereign Achilles trrabcnlns in tew days sodrtghtln every way lim itch Thornton Ivy HRH ry POULTRY ac Sticks DEKALB CHICKS Placc yonr order now or deuw cry when desired We suucst Dehtrlurzoad lllllbllllyi ex ro rd and sensor as quality higher Bu Aim and Rock and Bosses crossbreda Prlros service on request HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 7FEEDv SEERGRAIN is ACRES or second crop Altai Eu atandlng Telchpoac Ivy use FARM lllAOnlNialif DELAVAL SALES C7 SERVICE Get your line and puilhtun clean ed now servica on all mllircrs HANK BROWN RR BAREIE HOLLY PA 60338 hicconllcx Grain Binder tor sale and casc 11 Threshing Ma cblnr Apply Don Robertson Phripston ONE GARDEN rrtAcTOrt with pmeuluvatolHMiAImGmg condition Apply Fisher Ganton Telephone Moori rtono 215m ml No so 7FOOT Combine motor drive in Au condition good used Sprcadon Wrccklng savcral uinders all parts or sale including some canvas alcvit tic Alliston W708 mrnasnnvo liiAcinrla 21 inch McCormick complcic with clover mill coacavcs drlvo belt good condition Apply llsl Johnson miles west or Scnombcrg No nlgbway tonneriy niilcr Farm GEORGE WHITE Thrcshcr 24 with ml drive belt grain thrower shredder nibber tires all roller bcnflnls two years old pcrtcct condition Tole phono PA 541682 days Elmvala 3U dveulnzs AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MOTORS RAMBLER alLLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET HAROLDJ0R¥ VMOTORS TRIUMPH st sTANDAitD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes DMEaDd NAL Towing Servch 75 BAYIIELD 5T BARRID PA 84165 lass BUICK two door hardtop automatic transmission two toac No money down $25 monthly Tel rphono PA oivalr I959 DKWtwu door hardtop ra dio mlicagc Sacrifice no quick sale $795 or best otter Tolophono PA D9662 i956 itAnlaLcn two tuna grocn and pink excellent condition Ra dio heater and new motor Terms cash trade or tinnncud Cali days PA basil evenings PA rssio NEED CASII Sec Seaboard Fin ourilycndlng Neighbour area or $30 monthly 141 Dual gistm East Barrio Telephone rim VOLKSWAGEN good runri condition good body very good upholstery newly overhauled wtll accept hrst orrer Telrphono PA basal ior rurthcr intormaglon 1953 tilortltls OXFORD 15ml Sedan one owner trons new new miles urlglrial tlrcs all good padded dash bench seats with collapsible arm rests whitc paint and red leather upholstery nan Ierolt battery First class condition throughoutPhonc PA 56358 MOBILE HOMES 440mm on RENT MDHILE ttonu ior sale or rent 37 two bedrooms completely furnished Apply 99 Victoria or telepbano PA 53474 FRUIT VEGETABLES cUcUlilalslts Dill and Gerklns or role also corn Excellent quai lty at tam Contact Lorna Wll aoa ath concession Vespra Tcl ephone Mlncslng u2or PA 32566 soars as MOTORS uFDOT MDULDED Mahogany Plywood host rvr sale equipped l2 hp West Bend illolor and Trailer Telephone PA dosm arter Pm cAsll LOANS5500 at 22 par month TclcphonaPLsoznr crcaeant Finance West is FOOT CEDAR smlP Petcrbar ough Boat 51 itp Johnson motor in excellent condition Also it rt Plywoorl host hp Johnson and Trailer also it toot Fiat Bottom Punts Apply Little Lake cedar Park Barrie PA 68359 Almch WANTED sclloOL nooks tor Grade it North Collegiate TolcphooclgtA raves WE WILL PAY castsTIor land used filmituilior any good used lrtlcle individual or content lots Phono PA M427 5FARMERS MARKET lensroox 12 NINDWEEKOLD Yorkshire Pigs tor sale contact air 2d Dunlop 5t Fouterby tin Shanty any or telephono oro so maroon ron sand 41 rest l957 model rally tarnished Three bedrooms Will accept iurnlturo aI part payment Hollis Calms An gus Mobile Homo Park HOUSE TRAILER or sale 1959 General 32 it tact lh pcrtcoa condition Private owned Furn ished Apply to 19 Burton Avenuu or telephone PA Most PERSONALS LEARN HAIRDRESSING now in this government thoroughly trained in all branches or hcauty culture For intormation write DDRWtN HAlrtDREsslNG SCHOOL 10 COLLIER STREET 0R PHONE PA so WWW BEAUTY SHOP toidwaves etc by ccrtlilcd halmrcssrr in your own home Phone Borntcc at PA com or PA $3537 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE naLP WAlrnEss Wanted experienced ior dining room iull tlmc Tele phone PA 424 MALE HELP Mailman MAN Minnow rsrm Churchill arca Partly lrhcd hauso provldcd salt moo with hour to sparo morning and evening or somierctlred tatmen Wiilu no 31 Barrio Drummer whlto wmlsrucmunrggr hartcrcd schoolr where you arr

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