bentthe toxLsoles flourish Butin the capital and throug halitiiif leader of the church at An tioch acwmpanied Barnabas andPaulonthurfhst mis sinnary journey When hard ships became severe however Aots 1295 13 When the time came for second ndssionarydourney Barnabas wanted to take his young cousln along again mosmrroï¬haar scnom 1133011 went not with them to the workActs 3638 50 Maw did each feel that there arose sharp contcn tion so that they parted Barnaer took Mark withhim and rail ed away unto Cyprus ap parently having faith in Marks potenii Acts 1539 Barnabas faith proved iusti lied lie so redeemed him self Iatarthattanhtnprisw Ioned found in him one of his three loyal friends and com mended him to his followers Colosslnns 41011 GOLDEN TEXT Timothy 23 Tourist Retail Groups TORONTO CP While throughout Ontario spokesmen for tourist and retail associo tions predict that the provinces new sales tax will have little effect on business The provincial government has set Sept as the starting date for its new threepercent tax on retail sales The only provinces without sales tax are Alberta and Manitoba Faced with the job of collects ing the tax for the provincial government many Ontario mer chants have been capitalizing on the period of grace until the tax goes into efect Store win Not upset By 307 Tax dows have blossomed with ham ners urging customers to buy before Sept and save the tax But David Gilbert general manager of the Retail Merch ants Association of Cannda aaid Im of the opinion that it the tax will have little or no effect on retail sales and tourist spending Retail sales have been good in recent weeks and we expect the present excellent tempo of business will continue DROPS NOT EXPECTED sales to tourists arent likely to he hurt lnexpericnce with the introduction of such taxes in $340 Million BudgeleryDelicit For Year Is Fleming Forecast OTTAWA CWA budgetary deilcit oi$3404210in for the 106061 fiscal year which ed March 31 was reported Frday nigthy Finance Minister Flemings office It compares with his June 20 budget speech forecast of WNWJDO deficit and with his original prediction in last years budget speech of $12000000 surplus For the current year the government has budgeted for $650000000 deficit The final accounting for 1900 61 showed budgetary revenues at 35617639754 as against 55 289751209 in the previous fiscal year and Mr Flemings June preliminary figure of about$5 616000000 Expenditures rose to $5958 060846 from $570286l053 and were about $3000000 less than forecast by Mr Fleming in June Defence took the biggest share at 51537966276 compared with 31532504546 in 195060 The net federal debt rose durlt 01th2 year by 3017921092 to $12437115ms This is the dif ference between government as sets and liabilities the latter in cluding $16067914914 in unma tured bonds and treasury bills Friday nights statement did not include the nonbudgetary operations of the old age secur ity fund Preliminary figures released earlier showed the fund had tax receipts of $003 000000 and made $592000000 in pension payments with the $11 000000 surplus appliedagainst Previous temporary loans to the fund Budgetary taxrevenues last year climbed to $016776586 from 34752339938 quirk in the Calendar shaved about $40000000 off tax reve nues when Good Friday fell on March 31 Many tax payments usually received on or just be fore the last day of the fiscal year were not received until April or and went into 196162 books Similarly Mr Gilbert said other provinces supports his con tentio he said acting Erwin Kreutzweiser manager of the Canadian Tour ist Association thinks there may be some temporary annoyance at first particuinrly among tourists returning to Ontario after previous taxfree trips but he doesnt believe it will last After all people in most of the states across the border and in seven other provinces are usedJozsalostax Mitten pointedout loophole especially designed to to accommodate visitors Purchases in Oninrio can be tax free if sent by the dealer to an outoiprovince address Among exunptions fmm the tax are food children resta meals $l50 Legislation which set out the sales tax also provided that res idents of Ontario must declare purchases made outside the province and pay the tax on them TrappedDrown In Flooded Sewer NEW YORK AP man andvbis son brother and cousin were trapped and drowned in sewer pxcavation which sud denly became flooded with wa ter Friday in the Gravesend section of Brooklyn Police said one of the men apt parently was outside the exca vation when it became flooded but leaped into the pit to aid his relatives flhe fo workingoa thief cavation which contained pnl lution control chamber were Raymond Evangilista 55 his son4uis 35 Frank Evangi llsta 45 brother of Ramond and Benitto Evangilista about 25 cousinofRamond Fear For de Gaulles Lit If Rightists Attempt Coup ay conrnar ANDERSON PARIS AP President Charles de Gaulies government this year regards the midAu gust holiday season moctras Julius Caesar once regarded the as Irish7 No soothsayer is needed to warn that the fifth French re public standa in danger Some VJérencbmeaï¬andthosoamong the best informed see even the possibility of an attempted right ist coup detat this month Andwith de Gaulia as the main obstacle to the success of rightist plansthey fear for his life The lofty disdainfnl president as usual gives no public sign that anything could be wrong with the serenity of is regime Two days ago he started his usual vacation at his country re treat ofColombey lesDeux EgliseariiwmilesiromParisr POLICE WARY out the country and teliigence agents have aria ell ear avatar to the ground and police iform ers are busy There are plenty of problems The painfully slow Algerian peace talks have broken down again amid the continuing ex touchy question of Frances Bi zerte naval base is still un settled and the United Nations will debate it Aug 211 vBrrfarTnersnreziï¬ï¬iï¬l again pressing for parliaments recall to discuss their problems and behind it all the Berlin crisis is looming Professionalpoliticianswho oppose de Gauiieand they are not fewsee themselves rele gated to the background of con ducting foreign affairs so long as the present strong man hold power Many armyLoLiioar terly oppose his proposed solu tion of the Algerian problem by letting the Algerian choose cyeaiiir selling out the empire REBELS animus Those who tried to unseat the regime by the Algiers revolt of January 1060 and April 1061 still thirst for revege Weli informed journalists warn of impending danger The Conservative Paris daily Figaro the influential leftist weekiies Collision oulasummmmmmmuce Observa teur all stress that the regime is in danger now as it was in April The tragic conflict of loyalties which divides the army and weakens France is as sharp as ever Even royalist generals are fishing retirement ahead of 115 Puts Oli NULLMEYERS BACK Rev Nulimeyer n1 Em manuel Baptist Church returns this weekend after vacation in Peterbomugh Mr Null meyer his wife and three boys spent week at Elim Lodge in the Peterborough urea VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Rev Dyer of St Georges Anglican Church reports va cation Elble school for children will commence Monday mornin at his church One hundred children are expected to attend and will heflivided into three gmup preschoolers primary and1uruorClnsses will be AROUND THE CHURCHES school session will end with Parent night VACATION scaoor Church vacation sdrool at Trinity Anglican Chum began this Monday at cm for child ren ages four 001 The theme tbisyaaris the Ten Command ments in community living The church will supply sailor hats to the youngsters this year 011581on1 To mason The Rev Howard Green native of Barrio son of Mr and vheidtortwmweeksrhiondayto swimWEI Friday 845 am to noon Ac tivities will include singing Bible reading crafts and gam es picnic ia planned and the for the Anglican 11de of Canada will preadr at the 030 Anglican Church this Sunday ileum Wellingtmjt By Alfred Buescher CONTRIBUTED sermon By REV STEPHEN TILLEY Bethe Church Barrie On reading this short psaim one is made Immediately cons cious that it is the prayer tom the heart of one of Gods noble saints As the writer proceeds in 71isprayer we catch glimpse lnlo hEEhï¬ECtérï¬As mini thinketh in his heart soils he declares the scriptunt es Ahd as this noble saint prays he opens to us his heart May we not then take lesson from his life for om There are three petitions at he prays that if we will cin cerely do likewise would chan acflLMLflLfl First he Ways Couso me to HEAR thy loving kindneu in the morning Is that they might not hear Him From even casual made aware that God has from the beginning of time sought fellowship with mon in the dawn of human history he walked in the cool of the day with uninllen man Dur ing the succeeding dispensalt tions he spoke to man some irectly Hirertimes by the prophets and finally the writer to the Hebrews says that God has spoken to us by ills Son time is that men have not speaks ti man and calls Him Collier Street Next to the Post Office mmrrrm 800 nn1 Holy Communion 530 mm THE REV nowann canon from hurcla ofla11an 1100 ann TEE REV HOWARD GREEN from the Church of Japan 700 pmEVensong and Sermon Mr Kent Diamond church Vntton School Mon day 900 am 1140 Children age 11 Organist Mrs Robertl Ali Are Welcome THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA DIOGESE 0F TORONTO Theft Rev Wilkinson MM MA 91 113 Lord Bishop of Toronto TRINITY CHURCH Church of St Giles as cook Street The Rev II Riddel Th1 MrsL£SiaclelL Organist and Choir Director Serum was August be conducted by FILL OolleyPadre aLEQAESE don Edgar mamr x1 am now COMMUNloN 1100 EmuMORNINGi PRAYER AND SERMON Special welcome to vacat ioners in our area Everyone welcome The MEItom Church of ST GEORGES ALLANDALE aurton Avenue at Granville Street Rector Rev Willter Dyer Organist Mrs Shaw ATOM Choir leader Mrs Smethmst Call ye upon Himwhiln He Is near am1Ioly Communion 11 am Morning PrayerAve We invite you to come and join withua in these services of worship Monday hum 14th may vacIran Bible School for ten am All boys and 31m no your people are In vitcn szrs mm It the rar rsuant Raymond Daniels WHY DO YOU BELIEVE sT ANDREWS PRIESva Owen and Worsle St Rev Adams BA Minister Director of Praise ll00amm FIRST BAPTIST UNION SERVICES INpST AND REWS CHURCH DURING THE MONTH or nus FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH appertonatWonle Rev Gordon Walker Pastor Miss Elsie Clonghiey Director Music 10 to 10 Church School All Summer Gods great concern for man listened to God speak He to conversion by commitment Not Enough To Hear Know Must Also DO Gods Will of this life to Christ He calls him as surely aslie called men in the long ago to deny self and follow film We need in never before to pray as the psalmist HEAR He Pray Cause me to ch icpofCh on women today is not really one between good and evil That choice was made when we came to Christ But life is challenged by choices that will determine our course in con fllciing duties Duties which by either choice may be legitim ate and yet are in conflict the good against the better believe this was the prob Jaeingr Gospel chapter nine who came to the Master and said he would follow Him but he must first go back and care for his father and then when by the fathers death he was liberated Jrom this responsibility he would persua the life of disciple Now this man was doing right in sense for the law of his day compelled him to honour his mother and father His choice then was not b1t tween right and wrong bu between conflicting duties There In that we are faced with this problem of conflicting duties and hence our need to pray knovLJthuy It is useless for me to pray the first two petitions if am not ready for this last one Rev Open EtiSA Blili lift it jploinalic Tie Jith Mongdlia AWASHINGTON AP The United states has decided not to set up diplomatic relations with Outer Mongolia at this time the state department an nounced Friday The departnientzsaldthat in View of the existing world situa tionit is in the best interests of the United States to suspend further exploration of tbntmat for at this time OutsLMangolla lies between Russia and Red China in Asia its government is Communi The possibility Outer Mongolia has been wid ely discussedwithin the Ken nedy administration since it took office in January of recognizing usT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE 1n JOHNSON ST sermon srunldm IvnNIsrnn Mr Jameslerrie BA 980 mm MORNING WORSHIP 930 n1n SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE warman Those supporting the move contended that establishment of 115 embassy in Outer Mon gobawould provide useful listening post deep inside Com munist territory some consideration had been given also to supporting bid by Outer Mongolia for admis sion to the United Nationsa bldvpushed by Russia but strongly opposed by the govem mentoi Nationalistucbina it was unEhELEiJJudPresident Kennedy made the basic deci sionnot to extend recognition State departmentPress Officer 11th White who anuounced the decisionxa dit was not die tated by the views of National ist China He indicated that ris ing EastWest tension was malt The Salvation Army Citadel 80 Collier street Sr Captain and Mrs Gillespie Corps officers moon snovicns mm and thin Tempornryheldl the 011 Fellows nail on Collier street Opp Postloffice WELCOME swans you CHECKJIME ANoL CHURCHFCRUNION jor factor SERVICES THE BARRI REFORMED CHURCH Rev Cornelia lions Minister Phone PA 840 SUNDAY MORNINGI 1100 SERVICE or WORSHIP in Dutch language 1100 SUNDAY scnoon nonv CHILDREN be held in schamas Church at Crown Hill YOU ARE WELCOME THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Horny and Dunlap Streets George Ross Pastor 945 umSuaday School 1100 um20th Century Gods 700 mm Evangelistic service CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY communism7 ram Sunday School 11 mm SOUL Reading Room on premises FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORM CHURCH St thcent Street Itev Jae Geuzebraek pastor Phone PA $9878 151 shanty Bay Road 1030 am REV JAC GEUZEBROEK 730 pm REV JAC GEUZEBROEK Dutch NO SUNDAY scnoon DURING eHounhvs The Church of Back To God Hour Radio Program Roman catholic ST MARYS CHURCH vs MuwAsITERST PA 32985 SUNDAY MASSES an 9am 1015 nan 1130 am EVENING nnv Tlo Sunday Wednesday at 7130 our Mother of Perpetual Hel Novena amsa rumors Wed 24 pm BAITIST St VincentVPark LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOODSHEPHERD 5d at on nwy 11 REV MILAN nanny PA 01031 DIVINE WORSHIP of TV This isllhe 111 ALL CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY 12 NOON ON THURSDA Cause me to the anonTin tnkcr as tthsaimlst $Cnusssmrsto Teach me to DO thy will UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CENTRAI UNlTEDCHURCIl THE NEW CHURCH WITH THE OLD STORY Toronto and flora Streets REV CECIL BRENN BA 31 MR IRELAND RJILA Organist and Choirmnster UNION SERVIch with Collier Street United Church in CENTRAL UNITED Junior Congregation and Sunday School COTTAGERS 8r RESIDENTS WELCOME UNION SERVICES Burton Ave United Church with semen 1N iiiiiiiiliii lililtlili Clililltli Psalm Two WAYS To GO evDavidlteeveBAB 930amChurcb Sunday Schools 1100 ampNursery and Kindergarten VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME BAPTIST OUTDOOR CHURCH Guest Preacher Mr Campbell 945 Family none School Hearing add linenin must io sue in doing or else it will is sue insa wastednnd useless life for God To do Gods will tre mendous privilege To do Gods we must bear Him speak will through prayer and His Word mustJnowHlswayrthe right choice betweencnnflieting duties and then we must give ourselves in Complete surrender and continuing sehhandoment to doing as He chooses The psalmlst closes by as suring us that sudr life will lead us into the land of up rightncss Rap Parkslaw For Developments SARNIA CPINew and more realistic legislation governing parks playgrounds and their personnel is needed In the prov ince delegates totheOntarlo Parks Association convention ngreed FrI ny They cr cized present legisla tlon requiring subdividers to provide five per cent of their land for parks or open space saying this is unrealistic in view of differing population densities Needfor moreoontro1 in management of park land was proposed by delegates who felt they were losing ground to mu nicipal govemmenls AEanel chairmen weroA oilagnn of Sarnia Munson of St Cothorlnes Heatnn of leamlngton and Butcher of Pelerborough 1100 am Brena Preaching Session ROAD L511 vmanr sh No 11 Highway Worship Service WILLowoALE UNITED CHURCH steel street Public School MR ATKINSON Minister UNION summons wmf ZION mnmcnï¬mv any AT 1000 nan nunmo THE MONTH or nuousr Nowcm ca sonva