mm Grim weekend Ahead For Nfld LAs Flames Rage ST JOHNS Nfld CF Fires continued their rampage through Newfoundland forests today as the province braced for another grim weekend There was chance of scat tered thundermowcLsLbut not enough to sï¬ï¬ilic advancing flames its Just terrible said weepingimolher of threrchilr dren who fled her firethreat ened home with only bag of clothes and hopeful prayer All We got is what im wearing said 52year old svacuec with heart condition They were lust two of sev eral hundred Newfoundlanders driven from their homes Fri day as the fires worst in the provinces history through dry sprulnnd fir woods MEN REMAIN Most of the women and chil dren of four remote fishing vil inges were crammed aboard schooners and trucks and taken out of rench of the flames The men stayed to fight the fires As usual reduced night winds and fog rolling in from the sen helped dampen some fires But there was all information on several other ï¬res Commu nications to the remote coastal communities broke down as the fires scared telephone lines The villages of New Chelsea Wintorton and Hants Harbor on Trinity Bay 100 miles north enst of here were evacuated by 600 women and children Far ther to the northeast 150 women and children of the Bonnvista Bay community oi Aspen Cove were taken to safety by the transport department ei Acadia Keough of Newfoundland pre Keep Out Of Woods Public Warned In FiréRdzed BC VICTORIA CPlThe British Columbia Forest Service put the fire situation in plain language Friday The public causes most of the fires and until it realizes the disastrous effects of care lessness it must stay out of the woods it is their own property spokesman yet 70 per cent of the 5351 fires in the province this year have started from human causes The forest service made the statement as firefighting crews prepared for tough weekend There was no sign of rain to aid them Recreationseekers have been forbidden to use forested areas in most parts of the Lower Mainlnnd Vancouver Island and Kennedy Softens Congress Haste For Battling Sabre Over Hijacks By non annex Canadian mu Staff Writer Outcries in the Congress of the United states for to reprisalsmgainsrcumafh ve come more shrill with each of the recent aircraft hijackings President Kennedy has taken raced MAP LOCATES four major forest fires of some Z0 which burned at one time Most widespread damage is in the northeast Indian Bay area where hundreds of people have been evacuated from villages on the north shore of Eonnvis pared an order to close the is lands woods to all but emer gency travel Mr Keaugh said hewould sign the order today if there was no substantial improvement in the fire situation Some forest MaureenMinistcher sections have been closed for weeks The new order would southeastern part of the prov incc Industries have been affected all areas exceptthe Peace River district and the north coastal region where there is enough moisture to hold closures off for another four or five days forest service spokesman said closures are normally last resort because they sev erely hurt the lumber and con struction industries mainstays of the provinces economy ln this case we had no choice said the official We have proven year after year that human carelessness is the main cause of fires and we could not take any chances the Nelson Forest District in the ishablc by death Senator Rob crt Kerr Democrat moved an amendment urging Kennedy to give Castro 48 he to return ennrtheafu tareor else OB ELSE The or elseLpart of the Need Real saunee Roblin lop World Tells Canada To Dave POW sauna Canadian Press Business Editor GENEVA PARK Ont CF Premier Robiin of Manitoba said Friday limit Canadians should be prepared to make real sa criï¬ces in the cause of world deVdemflllr He told the Canadian lnptitute on Public Affairs there is worthy role for Canada both in assisting emerging countries to economic strength and in sup porting such agencies as the Exposed international food At the same time Canada coiilinTlolo pm pro per role in North American solt ï¬iï¬yiiLthe Western alliance and in the development of the United Nations national Affairs and former asz for externaLatfairs said the to Bay lnberior fires were burning in the Dead Wolf Pond regionsz of Gander Imke and in doe Dunns Rivaaree Firefighters were also battling major blaze at Pitmans Pond on the Avalon Paniimila CP Newsmap close all timberlands except those of Labrador Little could be learned about what was happening in the evac uated communities Evacuees could say only that the fires were near their homes when they left Gordon Ash of Hunts Harbor bothered by heart troublo said Most hazard ratings were in the utreme bracket as more than 2000 men were on the fire lines Costs to fight the out breaks totni $1072000 so far this year There were 266 fires binning the most serious in the Km loops and Prince George dis tricts where temperatures were in the 00s Two blazes covered 57000 acres of both scrub and market able timber near Prince George The National Employment Service office in the northern city was called on to supply all available men The blazes have burned for dine days Information officer Bill Edwards of the foiest serv ice said shifting pail of smoke hides the country Smoke conditions were so bad in the Kamioops district that spotter aircraft were grounded until wind clearedtbe skies Forest service officials said they would probably bring un der control fire covering 1000 acres and heading toward Wood fibre pulp town about 30 miles north of Vancouver It was burning through fir and cedar stan 3015 Sentenced econnrnic an But it did not in notice off timedapparently it Many Congressmen Cuba guilty of the hijackings be fore all the evidence was in in each of the four cases of plane seizures it turned out that Cuba had no direct involvement But the Congressmencumser States would takersuch action amendment said that the United as may be necessary to recover them The action refs 11 of course was military Kerr was finally persuaded to withdraw his amendment But Goldwater said the amendment lforDuel Over Girli WINNIPEG CP Two 18 yearzold boys were given two Vearsuspended sentences Thurs dayon charges arising from duel over girl fought with whips madepf chains in leather recurring wars of the last if Nearly Until Dawn terruptsdeliberations at the in ms UN Mr 30an said does seem to be developing an executive arm through the of ice of the secretarygeneral am DIPLOMAI John Holmes president of the Canadian institute of inter sirtant underseaetary of state Uniï¬ed Nations is not supra national government bnt an in strument of diplomacy And Dag Hammarskjold God bless him is the worlds best and purest diplomat dlt was not thclfirstmplaudlt uring the day for Earlier Ritchie Calder Eras lessor of international relations at the University of Edlinburgh widths UN is the reason the years have not become total To suggestion thatthc UN in its discussions lshclping to educate the world audience in world affairs Andre Philip French economist and socialist lender replied it depends upon what you 100 Fiddlers Duel SHELBURNE Ont UP Close to 100 fiddlcrs battled with their bows almost until dawn there today when eight survivors emerged as finalists in the lith annual Canadian open old time fiddlers championships The arena in this village 05 miles northwest of Tomato was packed for the 10hour jamboree in which farmer champs and children veterans and green horns sawed away for share of $2125 in prizes and five trophim Among the final eight ï¬ghting it out for the main title is de fending champion Al Cherny 28of Wingham Three former titiists to make the flnalsaro Ed Gyurki 23 of Woodstock Ned Landry 38 of Saint John NB and victor Pasowisty 31 of Toronto Youngest ï¬nalist is Ellen Ruth Walker 12 of St Cath arines Another youngster to make the grade was 18yearold Paul Windle of Granton Ont They play off tonight Cherny also wound up in the finals of the noveltyciass which he won last ye PREMIER ROHLIN God Bless Dar mean by world audience Only relatively small group follows international affairs malorlty of the people of the world are concerned with th own problems PUBLIC SHARES BLAME James anra assistant pro fessor of political science Uni versity of Toronto said the pub lic as well as the diplomat must be indicated for todays problems The prevailing notion of the arms race environment be said is of soceity of inno cents manipulated and held hos tagie fly the Ilnerchants ofdcath an err wars spew The yeast diplomatic Copter Radios Mayday Call TORONTO CPlAn Ontario Hydro helicopter radioed weak mayday distress call Friday indicating crash at White River 250 miles north of Sault Ste Marie and has not been heard from since department of lands and forests station picked up this message at 207 This is insignia By at end of lake Send help May day Provincial police said nothing else is known about the heli copter and said made for sear dro craft ions are being Cancer VictimiDoesnft Know It But Hell Die On Visit To Italy BALTIMORE AmVincent HospitalEarlicr doctors there Cavalicri was back home in It aly today for visit He doesnt know it but hell die there Cavalieri believed his cousin Larry Rossi of Philadelphia won lot of money at the races yesterday lied Rossi lm going to give you pre hip home was in Baltimores Mercy Delegates Uneasy As Retrolt Looms By WILLIA ML RYAN PUNTA DE LESTE Uruguay APiTha revoltescare inrAr gentina underlined today the ur gency of 15 proposals to help cure Latin Americas social and tarAmerican economic confer once here rchportsof therevolt caused fr wave of uneasiness among dele gates here until the Euenos Aires nment announced the uprising had failed and of nationsto receive aid The Argentiiiés feltthis would com promise their sovereignty and freedom of choice in the pm gpam The smaller LatinAmerican countries support the idea4fAn central commission as way to safeguard their interests After day olwrangling Ari gentina agreeduriday night to goalanrwith new proposal sponsored by Brazil Mexico Chile and Colombia This plan would provide for ninevman panel of expertsrto be Hail Rain Storm Hits Ottawa Area OTTAWA CF blinding haiiand rain storm lashed the Ottawa am late hidny top pling trees flooding streets and setting off several ï¬res No injuries were reportai in the kopicailike storm which struck after hot humid dsy duidng the evening rush hour Lightning was balievcd re tpolnible for causing be in store on downtown Rideau Street and in barn in south Bull on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River it also knocked the bricks off four storey dwelling At one stage the downpour Wm streets were flooded and stalled on the road Woman Shot Dead Alter Knife Battle BUFFALO APlMrs Lern msr Harrison 41 of Buffalo was shot to death Friday night with lzgusge shotgun after an eveninglong nrgummt with neighbor werHuesticning Sam uel Burnett 32 who witnessm said shot Mrs Harrison Bur nett said the shooting was occi dental Both are Negroes Police said Mrs Harrison and Burnetts wile Arlct 32 had gotten into an argument over the fnmilies children and that the women were fighting on the sidewalk with knives US Plane Crashes Killed In Flames BURNS LAKE BC UP United States plane crashed into sunbnked woods Friday starting forest fire that be came funernlgayre for its four occupants American fishermen Guests from lodge on Teta ehuk Lake 50 miles south of here were not able to approach the aircraft through the flames The plane had left Ephrata Wash to take the fisherman to the lake Witnesses said the plane cir cled three times then crashed about mile away We got there within 10 min utes of the crash and the place was an infemo said Allen Gsugh We found no sign of life Guests and staff at the lodge had to fight the fire Which could spread into huge blaze cars were file whole district is plagued with forest fires found Cavalicri had incurable cancer TheyJald his family he has only month or two to live but Cavalieri doesnt know it While in hospital he had talked wistfoliy of returning to Ascoli Piceno in ltsly The It alian air the native food and his mothers care would restore his health he was sure Fellow workers in garment factory started collection and contributions amounted to $700 The plane fare was Saulfor Co valieri his wife and daughter Fellow workers pledged the difference hoping to be repaid from continued contributions The money was given to Rossi so Cavalieri wouldnt suspect Thursday Mrs ri stood in the lobby weeping Thirtyseven years old so young so good and dying she moueki As the time came for Cave lieri to leave some gave Mrs Cavalieti an envelope lts sealed dont even look at it yourself the nurse said Give it the family doctor in italy as soonas you arriv The pathologic report contains the di of Cavaleirs morocconomlcalr enabling By THE HARM SATURDAY AUGUST 12 1561 INNISPIL norrs Township Oiiicials Need Ofï¬ce Space We have bade letter from Magoo manager of the Hy dro for the Barrie area com coming our report about spray killlng Mr Mageo says that chemical control on the Corn Was so fierce visibility was cut nuslons POW 11m 41311105 has proved the most effective means of controlling rulers brush Before that time the cleaning was done manually but the chemical method dro to pass this benefit along to its customers Mr Magee also says that the statement attributed to bee keeper that Hydro warns terms when spraying is to be done so the cattle and livestock canh removed is not correct Prop srty ownersadjtTcEnt to road allowance the Hydro plans to spray are contacted to ob tain their permission and not to warn them to remove live stock FAMILY STARVING An lnnisfil police report tells of investigating complaint made regarding family said to hnva been in dire need The report stated thattbe mother was receiving only $7 week to provide for sixchlidren the youngest being two months The father who is said to be em ployed is reported to be mak ing $57 week and giving his wife 37 The matter was turned FOCUS ON mos over to the Childrens Aid Sod ety for investigation Coundl left unsettled the rite clsion on making use of the building brought across country and placed on the lot back of the township building Three suscean special meeting of Councilinst hiesdoy which was another of those unheralded sessions about which we usually receive tip Reeve Sproulc Jnvited the archlAteg 11 for the County to make suggestion as to how the chen gcs should be made His esti mate of costs total nearly $8 000 which he says could be re duced Since the Council disagrees as to how to revamp the extension the office mmggunebangod Clerk AHFImton has an ac cnuntnnt assistant working in the cramped office space and has instructions to engage another stenographer The vault is too small to hold the records The assessingdepartmentacdvthe building and welfare officer are housed in two small rooms Councillor Gibbins suggested tbnt the assessor the building inspector and the police be ac commodated in the new wing with the police office out of the basement of the present building new vnnlt could be built there for storage of old documents and also lunch room for the use ofthe employ cos HEALTH lderlynlersons Falls EXplainedk By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Toplu this week Drop attacks In elderly persons and the effects of pressure cooking on vitamins AGE AND FALLING Accidental falling in ma jor occupational risk in grow ing old About 75 per cent of such fails are easily ex plained An elderly person trips on astep because of in adequate illumination or fall ing eyesight Or his shuffling foot catches on piotuberance inncarpetorrugoranum even flagstone on the pnvalt ment But roughly 25 per cent of the falls are socalled drop attacks The old person is erect one moment and the next be is flat on the ground He has remained conscious but doesnt know what hap pened Oncc restored to an erect position recovery is complete Dr Joseph Sheldon of Wolverhampton England spent two pears studying 200 elderly patients who colleclt lively suffered more than 500 falls gt He found curious thing chain the drop attack we thus At least half of them suffered unpleasant symptoms whenever they tilted back their heads He concluded these persons suffered from some failure in the centralmechnnislnso pasture situated in the braiL antiban stem The supposed reason for the failur decline in the urn MAIN REMOVAL Tablecloths with meat stains shotnld he spanged with cool ber of working brain ncrio cells rendering the remaining cells more responsive to slight changes in blood supply PRESSURE chasm ls fund in prossurccookers suitable for growing children consultentto the Ameri can Medical Association re ports that pressure cooking has no more effect than other methods of food processing on the three food nutrients asstr cintedwith bone development vitamias AND and He said Pressure cooking has been shown to be he least damag ing to most foods and in fact pressure cookingng tables results in high retention of vitamin the most easily damaged of the vitamins IMPERIAL Am coNniriounn LAST SHOWING TODAY Ever ENTERTAINMENT STARTS Mleain expressed the backbone of hem blamed homeadsy named by me American change their verdict convinced that somehow Cuba must be to blame During his last press confer ence President Kennedy went out of his way to suggest that Congressmen show more pru denc We should not get over excited about matters when our information isso faultyso in complete he said 100 ssmen are not in mood to make cairn assess ment of the hijackings They are too rankled by theimprudence they feel Cuba has shown to ward the us Demands forr drastic action against Cuban Premier Fidel Castro caught fire at the time the second hijacking July 24 Thenn lone gunmana natura Elized American from Cuba forced the pilot of an Eastern Airlines Electra to take him to Cuba Castro let the passengers go but refused to release the plane valued at $3500000 number of Senators and Representatives were prompted to propose rnili tary intervention in Cuba to backsthe Electrae andi generalipunisliCastro Cuba After the most recent hijnc ing Senator Barry Goldwater conservative lican de elared that ifit wereleft to the American people we would in Cuba tonight He made that statement one day after the PCs jet was returned by Cas lO While the Senate considered bill to make aircraft piracy pun America and should have been left in bill The eagerness of many Con gressmen to strike some kind of military blow against Cuba is not easily reconciled with their incessantwvorriesï¬ï¬r US prestige in the world in this vein the affair now re ferred toss the Cuban fiasco wa bitter medicine forthe us HIM PLAYERS THEATRE An Conditioned THE MllSi Wfllillilflils Hilliiltliï¬ Eitii William Wayne MecKsy and Jurgen Horltflnfimsn fought to settle an argument over who woltrld take out girl they had me The duel was fought in sub urban park One boy was ar rested at the scene the other gave himself up They were charbed with pas sessmg weapons dangerous to the public peace OUS iUSEPH LEVINE Last showing Today ALL HANDS ON DECK in Color with Pat Boone 16 415 STARTS MONDAY MATINEE DAIbYz PM sassvan sauna moons 955 an ill iillliE illili iltlllilll THE Sflililii Squsbbles among the Latin American nations threatened to hold up progress at the confer ence but concession by Ar gentinaraised hopes ofa solu tion gt Argentina had balked at sign ing final conference declara tionrunless the meeting droppï¬ the idea of task force to super vise tbe development programs codes to advisebut not direct dividual tion The panel would have no veto power over nations fun in see the famous pallisaded Huron Indian Village reconstruct ed under the careful supervision of Dr Wilfrid Jury notedCan adlon archaeologis and histor ian Over 350 feet Village is ilOflfltlfldifllilï¬m antiy more than 300 years ago ltis highlyrecommended by teachers and educational utborltict development projects of in ppiying for alliance Bring TheWholo rams To little lukei PasIs Mcllund its only short drive to Mi it Sunday 180 pm nounsn nannnnnn nuranrAnvMENr VEGAS for levees 20000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEAANDARDUND THE WORLD IN Bil DAY NOWTHE AMERICAN spammime illlï¬s THEMES Gown vm ENTV RICE minus ennuilint imli was mountain