Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1961, p. 11

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ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TKLID Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store amino 51 wm PHONE PA um NEWSPAPER MATS Ilul mic mm for Main arn hotsec Atuu lull OIL parrch luuiatui 25c PER DUZEN In Harm It arms Ontario on uoaARr Lieclric sieu SE ur nru my condition Tel whom PA Mm OszsmcK or aalrr mwbaimR burr teirpnono PA Mm AaPBALr naivzwilyi Tel hnueiPA mu nlrhrrrcrrnc In Ninr ihrd SIXTEEN Plus or uic lI weakl 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK ron unznr Toll HINDI all old Tu PMnl SIN 1131 WANTED Six work Hana Must be quiet Wril broken Will with buy or rent for lubaeeo brrvut At once Their can nulnlud Telephone PA M575 old utlnr well MEI iilyls our mil iaan Telephone PA 59500 UOLanIN cows moat duo this nil For further information apply Watiaw arcrzbinr Shanty any or porno Oro £5 aflsr pm RacisrzRE HoLItzln cow for nle Ive yc rs old sird by Sell in sovznian Achiliu Rs rnllu In few om and right In every wa Jim Henry Thornton Ivy 1a ll FEED SEEmsflkAlN Is AcRKs or Second Crop Ailli Lily rtnndlnr Iclchponc vy isRc Mauric of agar LARGE Outdoor snack ilhr In or iurlbcr dotll to lphun PA mo or PA puma nULLDOZINu AND Grading run Pond construction Apply Nut PA um Asml REFRIGERATOR for rule lplflnluli rlrc In good condition Reasonably prIrra Telphonc PA 529 axle BICYCLE suitrarbordwh for In good condition ona now tire and salt 315 Telephone PA M210 Io oatlb DELUXE MODEL Elby CIHIIKG including rtrbller om cnmpllle with mums unrilrnl conci tion Tolrpnoac PA Mm PRRPJER like new Manure Spru do 1959 Cncv Truck Apply Rn sob root on cut side too ngh on art Cooccuion of in so RUG Ior lulu off whlio trtihn lrecbhrk lo monlhl old inst cinncd Telephone PA um after pm RANGE hy Frigidaire winch with four burnorr and large Oven with Anioniqu timer In cxccilenl con diiion Selling for only now Tele phono PA solos CK Mn atoms and equip for Io Only ulod Ono yur rlccd Apply to shun lyuary Post Oitlro Inr Iurthcr or PIANO rort SALE lo months old Henry Herbert also new Vac Uum Cleaner novcr been Sadr Tale hone lla com for furlhar pm tularr LAIDE1ALJLLPcmcRsnrerWr In rxccllont cnndIUnn 75 our burner Ind llmrr Included Tele phone PA sons anytlmo tor turl ther phrticuihrr ANTlQllB Grandfllhu Clock about 150 years old now high hand painted Iacc wooden works rill Good condition Telephone Crccinoro mwz REFRIGERATOR Into model 10 cubic root In good condition slbo Can bo rccn Talerlmic so Mary street or tc phono PA Hail vcsilnrhourc lone215R MJI ND so 7roor common with vincludlnl some fflllESlleG iilAclnNt Inch Highway ifomrrlylulirrrlml AUTOMOTIVE 1955 RAIIIILER two tone arecn AlTZNnON Sportsmen Buy now and an on our preseuson stock Of rifles and shotguns Ammuni tion illhIng equipment hand guns live bait and cam ing supplies aprn evcry day an ovcnlngi or your ranvcniencc Hobrons EarX RR No name icitphona PA DOGSPET THREE FEMALE Puppins Ior good homes Ono Chow and two Gonnan Shepherd relcphono PA 60901 BOATS MOTORS DELANEY BOATS LTD Telephone PA 83461 ionhinr ELBOAPsPaehmF 12 ALUMINUM CARIOP ll CEDAR STRIP $100 In CRUISERETIE WITH TOP UPHOISIBIY CONTROLS io dull bench ruluwl FARM MACHINERY INTRONAIIONAL Ihrcsber for nlo on rubber in very good con dlunn Dion nuier App hunch Moreu Amen 3min elephan 15st Elmvu GARDIIN ntAcrOR with plow culliynlor Ind dire Good rondilion Apply Puncr Ganton Iliilsahlr P0 Tellphon Moon ccnoitlon rwn en Wreckinl Pm for ul lnvu Movli tia AlliIon in snot rnolor drive In McCormick complete withvciover mill co drive belt good condition Apply Hal Johnson Iva mile or Scnomberr No cannon wurrc Thrulicr 42 with 110 dilvc halt grain thrower shudder iubhrr um all roller bearings two ynrs old pcrfect condition Tclr hone PA oosaz um mowin iii cvcninls MOTOR CARS FOR SALE in School An Univenl 0H LP WANTED IO HELP WANTED hIALa RELP ws PAY YOU AT0 TRAIN unity for Barrie raider RETAIL STO lipgood education and per Iou1i background ago 40 MANAGEM FOR ENT Eganan Cumin Rn tn Diana from sou nunlti inLItt Alu zolo so do bar my men ll toad Slng ermo Sufliu uhrlcs age uchUou cxpmcncr Ntm to coast on llnmcdialo opaaluu for your an to tr for Slnra Mann ll Um no In lip on th lb not limo olith Illb llrhblc but coins for mentor or end on uninan niry depend upon In nbiuty and pcrIonn lha minrzen usualsumac cnt lavIl rang upvnrd from minimum of M0 to our 7000 Innu ally Enroll axplnlion And cuorrvlud exccilenI apportunily rapid promolinn baled upon Individual performDu Emblo lion Elan Gr lip Anna and Ruth sharInr Sumsr Vnchuoor Life mun Plan Profit and Winlu QUALIFICATIONS lnadelahlp abillly OAt lent High incl educa tion or buttcr Attrnctivc hurt for htu both mrb Grlflu Wluiurneu It periodic alpinepaid mourn durial training Iddmu lei REPLY linking IIII particular Nuns bar ban nun marital claim educl liars and prevlalfl work uncri once BOX 30 BARRIE EXAMINER VlAU MOTORS RAMBLER HiLLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN l7 GOWAN STREET PAS6488 and pink cxcclicnt condition Raw dlo banter and now motor Terihr Elan tradc or Ilnhnccd Cali day PA $051 evening PA aouo Isis VOLKSWAGEN good running condition good body very good upholstery newly overhaulch Will sccopt but offer Iclcphnnc PA 643594 for further informlion lass CHEVROLET senn Low milelgc and In excellent machn Iui rnndltlon illult sacrifice WIii accept trade Tolcphnn PA Mus lass cliavnnurr or FpMml gnnorirci1oiwrimnln nrdcr Snpcr Thornton 3350 each Apply Sprvui lert aria mIla south of Iciophohc Ivy IIRII ma MORRIS OXFORD isoo Sedan one owner from now 13800 iiu original tlru All Hood doll in collpubic whltcpslnt and red luthcr upholrtery now than brtlcry Iirrt clm conditloo throughout Phonc PA was TRUCKS ETRAILERE 1954 GMC TRUCK for bulk unloading AIIII rub fully equlpped of grainr or This Iruck is ready Io ush now Contact Feed neprrtrncnt slmcoo District Coop tclcphonc PA Mm ctdr MOBILE HOMES BUSINESS SERVI DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAGE and STEELE Architects TORONTO ONTARIO 72 ST CLAIR AVENUE WEST are picasedto announce the opening cl brand office at BPETER STREET SOUTH GRILLIA ONTARIO its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re LIDl sultslPhone PA 82414 DRIVING LESSONS IN YOUR OWN CAR AT YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE pDAlLQR EVE NlNG INCLUDING WEEKENDS Fully Qualified Instructor with over 1000000 miles experience Itlcuiars 23313 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We have In exceptional oppor who can qualify for was career lending to an executive position in an stablisbad and permanent business Experience that bu brought him in con tact with the public would be preferred and the rial man will earn substantial llicoma and enjoy all welfare benefits Applicants shouldgivo iuli number addres MALE FEMALE HAL on year or over Unurual opportunity In uiea and unit car cuenIiL Phono PA mil bctwcrn 1130 on chnudsy morning SALES HELP AGENTS 1mnrnr11ilh Outboard Motor Run hour on uilon or luai WHI cryta 512 Richwiii RoroRunlitoo Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG MAN dullu cmpioynunt with power uw Call Larry at PA arm or PA uIm DAY CAR to Madeline childrln st iiiaryl church arcn Iclcphon PA 60590 WILL hoax AMER chiipun in my own home Will Iclr up and doiivcr Tolcpbono Mons ATTENTION PAaliIaRai Por your Culloln combining telephone Hart lr Evans Bradford Prospect or yorl Proucr Loiroy mm BOOKRzEPlR Accountant retired on pension alter so yun rorvlct with local lino rccklnl Iuil oi partlune onlponnnnI John Lalng With Stud leilphanl PA ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER CE FA 51951 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT hm bean licanrcd to remind your one crippled flrm wi mall uudcr abovo Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECl BARRIE PArkway 03617 Pym rlw II III main At Lot TENDERS THE PENEIANGUISHENE WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRULHON OF BOOSTER ING STATION Sulra who addressed la the fih£ dfhiii ConsularIon Gambler samuraihumor Pro rrnrnlmnr Water rho ugh can launch received unlii 500 oclock PM no sr on out DAY or sunmath teal iar the cantrucilon or Boom PIUannr Station on Robert Strut our crrcnrr Avlnue To in milhlicn of tha pumping unlit Io ulncr with concreting auction no mochaa rlpilu mm and fittings thrdnh connection and Lb recording pressure laun will don by tho Commission ludlpecillcltion With Ink Firm Tcndrr Buy In lib Co on on nuymot at posit by chcquo only 500 mo plybio to in comlulu which deposit will DO MHHHEG on return In good condition or plans Ind truncation rm tum mus in toll by marked chart to in Penatanlulslbenc Lllhl Communion or lcllh d2 Balk 2TH to var cent Ihl Dill VI III lb Edit Th lolau or any tends not noctume Accepted GALnun hfi Wit 811 OF VEEPRA TENDERS Brush Blade and Bulldozer Work Will in received by tho under rirncd clerk up to 12 oclock noon Mandly Auguat ml for npnrnxlmnely of mile of brush Dime an ullrlarrr work on sidcruadn lo ll Cancer lion Vaapra Townllllp Work to ba comiploted by summer ml or pmlcuim rantct lvan mu la Perri Lam hrrrir Ontrrio Certihrd ehcqlul to thn Townlhlp or under price Vupra for 57 EARL RICHARDSON to accompany hid CI erk l7 Owen Sh Barrie I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE for Miss mlriz ROBINSON on Try on county road lea euLMJVnnrley on wanNrsDAy Aucusr is SHARP The following Sideboard China Cablnct ii olnl In Room Chain in match Side board and China Cabinet Ropo Bad spool Bed High iroht bed Chairman number of ic lum and framas on Palnlng um Mirror Numrrmu Vaur Glmwlra and Crocknry Cnioi Stand Aladdin Lamp Coal on Lulu Grandlather clock Anort ed ooh county of Snioir Enamel Cook Stove Huh oven Electric stnvo Wood shaving hem Wear nench who vmv Goon neck Cotter auuy Sci innitt sielglu cg Wagon many othcr urticch too numerous to mention Toms Cash Anderson Plowman colwlll Ltd Auctionun Phone 5min Vie torI Harbo YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might betrylng to gel in touch with you during those LIST RESULTS FOR GRADE 13 Continued from page three Geom mg Phys Cirich Fr or Oraer NancyEng Comp Eng Piper LynnEng Comp Eng Poole JohnEng Lit Alg Trig Zooi Phys Pratt JamesEng Comp Grain Trig Ricci Robert Engr Lit Trig Zool Fr ng Comp Hist cGaom Phyl Fr Ba Zool Rmnblcrfiobbfiqing Comp Eng Lit Alg Gcom irg Phys Chem 11 Fr Lat Lat Fr Fr Scruton RobertEng Camp Shannon EarlEng Eng Lit Mg Trig Phys Aim Cl Shppard Joanne Eng Comp Hist Gcom Trip Zool Fr Fr Smith Anita Eng Lil Hist Smith Rita Eng Comp Eng Lil Hist Trig Bill Zool Chem Lat Lat Slurgcss LindaLee Comp Eng Lit Chem Lat Fr Fr Cl Sutherland Colin Camp Bot Taylor Susan Eng Lit Hist Aig Geom Trig Chem Lat La 01 Fr Fr Thurlow WayneEng Comp Eng Lit Bot Tschirhart SueEng Compl Eng Lit Hist But Zuni Lat Let Fr Fr VunDaien CorrieEng Eng Lil Hist 80 Zoo Fr Vial MichelineEng Lit Bot Zooi Lat Lot Fr Fr Wait KathleenEng Eng Lit Alg Trigl Phys AJJEI LL Webb DaleEng Camp Geom Trig Phys West PeterEng Comp Wice MervinEng Comp Alg Trig ii Wiles BrianBot Zoo Wilson GailEng Comp Eng Lit lg Zoni Chem Lat Lat Fr IA Fri e531 ilkM WnlIEndo rimEng Comp Eng Li Geom Trig But Chem Young DayleEng Copll bung JudithHistfi following Grade XII at deniaw9rc successful in 11th trig standing in Grade XIII Mu sil Bosweli Leslie Peggy Jaunzemis Aina Lee LornaMnc lichvoy Terrence Neathway Andrea 2t0Drane Jean Ogden Stefani Westman Valarie Privatefiludy Cnndlndlca CoxMrs Betty 1Bot Zuni Elliot Donna J7Eng Comp Comp Geom CherLinton Eng Gcom Lal Eng Comp Compl Geom Chcmlfi Fr Gibson Geam Trig Bot Eng Comp BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST i2 51 ll SPY SATELLI SANTA Calli AP Prof Victor AmbarsuA mlan dimlol of an observa tory in Armenia who Is alleadlt ing the lniernationai Astronom lcaI Union conference here du closed Friday that the Soviet Union is working on project to orbit satellite equipped with telescope He did not elaborate I1UEVIN7H05PITAL7 JanetEng Comp MONTEREYI Calil iAPI Mire JHHCALLSMW to hospiuiFrlday suffering from abdomitlal pains She was driven to the hospital by her Iormer husband ariar Dirk Powell Both have been va cationing hcre Hcr doctor said her condition was good DENIES REPORT TEL AVIV APlAn authori tative source Friday night dc nied reports that lsrilcls second test rocket hns been launched The lsrnil state radio sold the launching of the second and third rockets are expccied in the near future ARMED WITH CANDY BOSTON tAPlThe Forrest Sherman US destroyer in tended for nnllsubmarinc war fare Friday took aboard 10000 lollipops for distribution to the kids in African ports The Shar mnii leaves next week for goodwill tour of some 20 African ports BARS RED REPORTERS WASHINGTON AP Com munist reporters will be barred from background brlefi ngs whippflfiresidcnt Kennedy and other government officials will hold next week The sessions Monday and Tuesday will be limited Io US rcporlcrsr More than 700 editors columnist and reporters are expected to at tend JOBS FOR GENERALS LOS ANGELES AP For mcr governor Goodwln Knight of California suggested By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Topics this weekP MII lctes foul IE question OI brand new diacasea and drinking in Russia ATHLETES FOOT Bacteria are found to be cause of athletes foot alfcct ing the toes and toe webbing Miami Fla physicians re port The Itching scaling and cracking of skin on the toes inng has been blamed on fun gus infection only But Doc tors imrich Saritany David Taplarl and Harvey Blank iso iatcd bacteria from the skin patches Antibiotics which strike at germs can help clear WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF in telegram to President non oedy Friday that he appoint tanner president Eisenhower as head of NATO and Gen Doug las Alacarthur ambassador to Russia These two LI pa Americans will cicctrily world opinion and command complete respect from Russia Europe and all Asia and confidence and support from all America he said ARRESIS GANG LOS ANGELES AP Th6 EBl haHrresledmrmbcrrnfT ring called the Magnificent Seven on charges of transpon iag women from Cleveland for purposes al prostitui FBI agent William Simon said the seven men uccusrd of transporting eight women to Los Angclcs this year dressed in expensive clothes and drove high priced automobiles lo show their casy lilo in the prostitution racket DIES IN COMA CAMBRIDGE Mass AP lifrs Marilyn Tagcn 23 of Ho ton who gille birth to son year ago while in comaLdL today in hospital after 15 moods of unconsciousness She suffered from condition which increased prdssure of the brain The baby is normal and healthy DIES FALL NEW YORK APlA Inor yearold girl fell In her daulh Friday night from her 4th floor apartment The victim Rhoda Denis livedtfor five hours alv tcr she landed in soft tqu out side the building SEEK APRENHCES DALLAS Tex APlTlle in ternational Typographicill Union closed its 103rd annualconven Iion Friday aitcr sounding call for more apprentices Tho committal on apprentices that during the last yearfillt lTU journeyman died retired or left the trade or every three apprentices gaining skilled status FOCUS ON HEALTH Bacteria Cansé Athlétes Foot in small groups and didnt come in contact enough WILil kggpfthe germs SOVIET DRINKERS TheUSSR has as much alcoholism as any other coun try Soviet psychiatrist told Dr Morris Chafetz of Bos ton but he didnt estimate the number Chaletz investigated alco holism in Russia Poland and Czechoslovakia and concluded that the Soviet attitude to ward the alcoholic patient tends to be moralistic and punitive has in the United States He was much impressed with Czech programs of anti IIP SCOTTATWATER Mmon SPECIAL PRICE 5995 ll FLYING BRIDGE CRUISER v50 EVINRLDE MOTOR UNIT colilPLm Is MASONLAPSIRA OUPEDARD MOTOR GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENlvE 55081 periods when your phone service alcoholic clinics and other ta discontinued melbods of helping the alco holic to stop or control his drinking PA 68609 APPLIANCE SERVICES FOR SALE OR RENT MOBILE HOME for rain or rent 37 li two bedrooms campieidiv Iumishadl APPU 99 Victoria st or telcpuono PA H014 up the trouble they report NEW DISEASES New virus diseases seem Grcuvcs RonaldHist Bot Zoo Fr lncsnn Brian Eng Geom Chem Its the ranlo with your adver tising People are buying every TRON BAITERY LIKE NEW 31m VEL PIDREGLAS RUNADOUr 1960 40 HP JOHNSON MOT STEERING CONTROLS slim rlustigultargai Listen to now mornrm Coupa ron Dore ho Johnson Motor onion rcmhhent Goal Tank Spotlight apccnnmetor Compass Pike polo Paddler Lilo Preacrvan Lroocr Anchor Cabin lights Any Offer conuncreo nill PHONE PA 915 IanIT TRAILER with which and llcansa ssn also hp outhcnrn rnnlor gear shirt 95R Reasonable price Apply Agnes st Uhrria 14PDOT MOULDED Mchogrny Plywood aoat for sale oqqupcd I1 hp Wort Buhd Motor and grhllcr lcicpnonc PA 68678 hitcr pm NEW IzPI Sailing Dinghy abre 1957 model Iully gun Mobil Homo HOUSE mm Ganerai Ished Apply to WOMENS BEAUTY SHOP DOG small black 400 mom mRewnrdrflyc TRAILER FOR SALE bedrooms Will accopt Purl pnymcnt Hollis CII lei shed Three turnltun furni Park Lilli tor nia 155 in rest in gelrm aondltion Private owned nim Burtna Avunue or telephono PA 59513 PERSONALS COLUMN Coldmv by ccrtlheci halrd uwn borne rosy or PA 34507 LOST FOUND TAEPS BOAT COVERS ETC and will ioyl lllcnday nIght vicinityDarrin and Answer to Ennis vabono lifrs anilis Flrvicw 6M1 anwnoh moon rnl AlP TONYS APPLIANCE SERVICE WflService toiallrrmakes of appliances l47 DUNLOP ST PA 6l 142 CAMPING EQUIPIVENT BARRiEj GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE Why nal cflmnura our Dflcel for hiil your CAMPI NEEDS Ross Strecl PA 60622 DIAPER salmon WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGSV Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA 07751 Long distanu ZEIIIIWWTEI iiiIr expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORLLLIA License No 6066 macaroni UPHOLSTERING OP EVERY KIND Draperies lip covers OEroadloom CComlnerclal furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES $$SAVE$$ Rowe QC day Dprlt let that business pass you by jdiscootlnued because your advertising is LEGAL SEAGRAM ROWE BOYS Solicitor narrlmra Diaries Public Conveynoon lie atticsls Owarl so arrrlo PA 66511 Branch oficaEimvala Ont Seagranl ac Ourago Torrey CON DER SUGG EARRISTm HOLICITOM NOTAEIFS PUBLIC IiiliESSiiiiiii Lyons DonnaHist Rallder Harro Eng Eng Lit Trig iGermC Smith JoyceEng Lit Comp Germ nlllrciniili AeeeUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Hume Barrio OfliuoWllson Bldg Fred Gun Square PPHONE PA 83397 Nudhlm CPA Underhill CPA Resident Partncn ROSE Di to be popping up But it iahighiy improbable they are brand new diseases Morelikely theyve always been around but werejusi submerged or not recognized because of more prevalent diseases say Doctors Ernest Watson and George Lowrey University of Mlchi gan pediatricians WIIEii old killer or serious diseases were conquered the vinlsdiseases had better chance of making mark and people become more aware of them But it is unlikely that our stone age ancestors had meas les commoncclds or fiu the physicians said Hunlers and galhercrs those people lived FEAB 0F DISEASE Illness of relatives or closv friends with cancer heart ease nrvolher serious illness can make some people sick particularly if they are over 40 Thediseass BIBITLL gious but the fear of getting themgcan be And that fear can bring on symptoms of ill ness say Doctors Jackson Smith and Lester Rudy of the Illinois State Psychiatric lnstitutp Such persons may become nervous short of breath feel their hearts racing their ears ringing and got indigestion and other troubles Cure lies in recognizing and getting rid of the anxiety Dialling Oil New Cohaiiiuiion stdllififgilmeiit Over Name HARRISON Chartered Accountsnti Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel ERose CA 69 Collier St Phone PA 949 MAYFAIR cusrou UPHOLSTERJNG AND Rut Aflfficdflf SID11 Dunlap III DIAPER SERVICE PAW va5599 comm FA 551 our of townqu collect glass over plywood corn late with nil 5150 also and IcpOuI board plywood recnnoltlancd slab Smith PA Moss mu CASH LoANasboo at 022 pa month Ielcphono PA Mm IOTTIELP WANTED FEMALE anLP BARRIES FINEST tlon of the name The discus Crescent Pinnncc 2A Ounlo st Welt ISvFDOT DELCRAFT Hall with 35 Imp Evlrirude motor electric ssm TagNee raller 1W0 Cmtsntnday flnkll Tel hona PA M114 Iron CEDAR amIP Pcteihnr oulh Boll 56 Johnson motor in uccllont cond ion Also 14 fl Maud Eula It Johnson and no root mt Bottom Apply Little Lake Ccdnr ahrric PAsaiias ARIICLDS WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGES HIGHEST TRADEIN VALUE Call McFéddens FOR PRICES PA 89283 SCHOOL HOOKS or Grade North Cdliuglltn Telephona PA Mml No WANTED to buy Must be and condition Apply to Box arrlo Examiner Wlfl Ir PA mp5 so lllrnltura gooii use article Individual or Contra loll Phonl PA 2411 All Erdmlner Want Ad homo and for dining room phone PA 84424 In If preferred ETENDGMPHER nlaiicnf tuition rick at Dang 65 Culliar Siren MAN and Live In aclrool his woman to do in and mind one Monday to school In Examiner Churchill nr lrhcd Poona PA BMfl WAITRESS Wnntod Prid Reply Box or arm MALE HELP SUBCONTRACTORS Wanted For housing units in Allistou Construction Co PiroNr as new RN Mmuwnmn to pruno Christ mal Ire Telephone PA 885 cunlred hnusc provldsd lvltli flour to spare morning and availing Or reini Wrifl DunWm experienced full tlmc Tele dalind Mlddlo Tolrphonu PA required tor par Employoh bana flta APP In palIon to Mr Meri emcld Motor Lulu Barila requirca wnmln who would care for his children Wu boy Telaphonl PA raAounR wnu reii light hounkee prurhonl chi Dy Codrlngton an rtly furn suit man rotirod ruraln Lou thin pack of tilrel adly EXCAVATDIG FILL GRAVEL nP SIl SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Ending bellyn urnbro Eat Yard ackhao or air DENNIS MORAN Anna ragA WW PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUlKBRlCK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archways Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAIMDNT SIMCOE QUIKBRI burner 00M PHONEI0LLECI PAINTING AND PAPDRDAPGINO EDWARD aMna AND aON Pullman and Paper Eanllnl apry Printing acrvlco Sincarlflm RR aARRlz PAuass Barrfo In your home UPHOLSTERY Chesterfield Chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats OSilmmer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE 1N BAREIE FREE ESTIMATES AND PICKUP BARRIE TENT AND AWNING COI LTD 34 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE PA 643137 CLEANINGI For fine fLirniture anal rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE EAEg WWW WELL DIGGING VWELLS DRILLED ayifiifisnmglbmm may Coupland Drilling RR No 25mm Try An Eumlnei want All PA 7645 Complain run of fabric shown to Own or at Ross COWAN 53 COLLIER Sl PA 34521 LIVINGSTON MYERS acrrirtorn and souclton ls CoIIIr at Earria Ph PA Mun WILSONTAOQRBY HARRIET dc EOUCITOR LAW OFFICE AT 101 DUNLOP ST PA 0738 SMITH Er McLEAN acher Smith QC Arthur Manu imri will all Hhona PA um GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 Batrlrtor Ind solicitor EWISWRS Julian for this country arerhnv MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE gaafsoN Touchr fiche slammin Pupils mu axlmInllIo BI bl Oyli Community of Music rotonto An on All ModIll mllhn 17 Infill 5L PA 5411 BANGKOK Th and AP Officials drafting new cons ing an argument About what to call theAalIlion Thaliaitdor sion is still going on The Lfactlorlrjavoring Thai land bases ts argumet on An interpretation of the word Siam meaning raca ofaavages who were slaves it Indianitrausiatioaro rth Wpidmeaniug darkskinned which and assembly member called inappropriate and mana Tun DAVIES or ANGUS R05 Rollatored undo lion Plano Thad rrahch Latla eth huwe group backle Siam points numhat Thai in other countries such as China and Norm Vlct Nami who are not citizensof Nazi influence If about ii hli EUREKA STECKLEYF

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