Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1961, p. 10

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Want Ads ROOMS To LET on mun innniath to modern homo Telephone PA 750 Ior m2 moimanm CLEAN uruiabed Boom linen lied on bur route Parking ava hie Telephone PA Milo ior Am lnlonnltlon OVBnNmtIT Accommodation avail abla in clean quiet llama la Tab unto Two minutes irons nosedan Subwly Enaklut deslied For iniormatlon telephon PA laleovaarnv1vcnlulr 300M BOARD TWO GENTLEMEN wanted to share room downtown Board hop Hot Bargains Poornnu tron burn Cool WayJo III THE HARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST 12 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPER FOR SALE GOOD NEWS 5101 When Jon announce thr birth at your chit the harri examiner clippings oi the notice an available on more door ramliy tree accords and lo mlh yalul neon And reroute in those tar awry places to place on announcement rile birth call star Immincr ciaasuled PA um ENGAGEMENTS BIKES MEAL well Welsh wishes to announce the engagement oi her daughter JoAooc Elvin Io Lyle tamer nrisio ron oi Mrs Elmer Drie tow And the late umtow The REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET Dosr First in Barrie Homo SolesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85558 TRUNK LINES EvaNlNCs CALL MOORIPA FOSTERPA 10 itOGzltsPA Dam in CONNELL PA was mums nAltluz DmerqunDc CLIFF BROWN REAL ESTATE nus OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS WITH AN INCOME 0F $8000 PER YEAR OR 4AitIlCLESInn5ALE FILL YOUR Complete Line 01 lm Lin one an and BLUI MEATS ETC loop Guaranteed cunt budget relma on orders mm and over ATEEEEZERwfi FRESH MEATS BOAKE REALTOR zoi nnADPOllD 5mm nAltltit PA 645387 OR PA £5833 still selling terms to lumen Clara WaltemaoPA Hui Ralph BoastsPA mo iiemberr oi Darrin and District Iieal Litan Hoard oNo experience necessary uamleed minimum income untu buainut estbullied OS lary paid during tnlnin rind which colerr station operation rnd mnupeement mm Coiniderdbln liarnclnl artistnee available It needed Chill camplhy flipper li lII times Cantilenl oPPaflurlilidx IVIIII ADJ II Mgr uflfiflfg bili filintumau no Kiteheotrr For conndaulihi Interview All and return lo CANADA LIMITED marriage ll to ink place on so uniy September i961 at so pm in Collier street United Church Darric DEATHS CONTEMPORARY HOME ONE ONLY New NuA contemporrry dwelling with carport rooms largo liv Smltb chmpbellPA 57539 REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60242 Form GarveyPA 8795 loan LangPA l971 YONGEST TORONTO ONTARIO ROOM AND BOARD available or included Telephone PA m7 two gentlemen lloma cooked For nlrthcr details telo anytime to ATTHE LOWEST PRICES are lulllblo to those who win purcbua their orders duly Name Address Phone horrid at your KLEERPAK LFOODH STORE at 11er smlzzl DAhlttlz PHONE PA ml Free Delivery Open rrtdny till it pm PATIO STONES 15 APTS HOUSES W11 WANrdn 10 ltlzNT Three or Ioul bedroom hours in good loca tloo by enzirleerhu executive Ma is Telephone PA 53817 int mrther particul mono BY September Tom or ronr bedroam huuso or apart ment In north or east arerWould consider leulru with otton to buy Telephone PA M7 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES To RENT LAKEFRDNT Colt Accommo dates compcher tutdished in cluding telcvlllon and electric washer Available immediately weekly ll hr sum was Point hoao COTTAGES FOR SALE rungs nlzllltnOllCottaga at nellnirtl Beach or sale not rludlrlg lot Inllderrconvdnlence rutnicheo Completely insulated lSggwigorincatlgn 6111 In Ilaroltl 31 Sam igioriltizrtagn 3323 Suitable tor couple or two huile mum Ma RENTALS gigging gimmlsvmemm 4ARTICLESforSALE NURSING HOMES Md wter included in USED FURNITURE iiiiintoililat SiiItiblchIIiilr figsoilplei PC CHESTERFIELD 65 00 VANITY 24 50 Telephone PA H01 ling room large kitchen dining area master bedroom ceramic tile bathroom with colored nx tures and vanity borrd Numbers oi the Burt licri but Board NOrman EShesWeIi REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 FIRST lilOliTGAGE PUan AVAILABLE1 INTEREST WE 0P VALUENO PE CHARGED Zvenlilll Call loe Longiln PA H740 Jack Willson PA Hail Everett shclawcll Oro 29 Norman shelswell PA Mm lloward Norris PA om PRATT LTD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECTHQMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 59393 on PA oats CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA il24l9 93 Dunlop St SHANIY BAY One and ill ltDley brick house Thnu bedroom living room Ind dill KER lug room kitchen pieca bath mil hosuneilt gnrrge benutitul lurid Rupnfggfnmganm acrpcd lot Au conveniences oi city living with country acnnomy CENTRAL LOW COST LIVING brand new tlvo room home including bathJull basement oil lurnoce 52000 down plymvnl Bungtom SLOW down $67 per month carrler bedrooms V2 bklhtoltnur9n=n refilled minty room lunporch HOLGATE STREET amhffmgfgcmg ideal tnmily home Ono and linllllnley bungalow bedroolnr living room and dining room large kitchen tuil orrcnlont Grr bred 31500 down mymeni beam lurrlncc and garage Across street trom pork with playground raciit largc living room extra large llit He and pool chcn iuil hrsanlcnt oil heating BEAUTIFUL EXECUTIVE fiOME MCMIANAt Barrie on Tour day Augult lo tool Ruth ltupert beloved wile oi deard hicku £15 Dunloi Shireetévgl InVIIil mgt Frflirr or it on com Glen Nancy and Allan netting at the Pathick Funeral Home l27 aylleld Street Darrtc service to the chapel pm Sllurdu August Interment Mlllullll Cemetery IN MEMOle BRDCKWELLIn loving memory or dear who one mother liln nnhert nrockwoll who passed away August ll 57 on how patient in thy rutterlna When no band could give their ease God the hoiper oi the helpless Saw thy pain and gave ihea pence lovlngly remembered by hues hand and lamiiy business builder Which of above areas preferred ll ALLEN PA mi HENDERSON REALTOR to Count ISTRELI PHONE PA 84678 EVENINGS CALL RITA scANDrtm PA Hm Ich Polln PA 57931 lilembcr or llarrlc and District and Ontario llul Exttn Boards MOVING Pin complete movin rorvlca inter and caller all COOKECARTAGE Gr STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT in Elli lid Bomb PArkuay nests PA 58115 GENERAU amuzs Servlca Sta tlonr snack Dara Ladles heady to Wear Grocery store In or out or town Contact Corny Iterl gulch bullion St hart PA RENTALS APTSo HOUSES NFUIINISIIED bedroom apartment modern cohvenleh Available August l5 Reasonable rent Telephone ivy 511 or DBDROO Apartment in apartment building Stove reirlg erator washer and dryer iuppued too month Avallnhlo Augult ls Apply in Cook street PA Nils FUitlellBD threa room apart merit three piece bnth hcnvy duty stove and reirlgerator Hardwood tloora Sell contnintd Availnblo now Apply Armstrong liard Lunrec EM UNIunmslllln leli contained on bedroom npnrtmcnt heated We MANUFACTURER requires local resident to male deliveries to re toll accounts in the area Thus are light deliveries and will re will thick WATER PROOFS COLOUR rAsr Sarieant Co Ltd Mary Street OMIAILT AND Engine ring llydroplano with In Sllver lirercuiy motor $550 quire isle hour work weekly It can he handled in addition to regular work by either mall or woman Ap liernt must no resident oi rrra tor at least two yenrs nave transportntion clean drivlhl record ahrtriner and sum it an able Sui ceasiul apnlrant will be trntncd receive tuil cnmpnnv beneiltr sai nry rnd commission to stan An 124w tvriLlnEr giving Tor li oi ounlincrllons personnel omcc Dept 215 so lintison Ild Dow view Ontario CDRUEXlln loving memory oi our our son Elmore Colhrll who passed hway August in mi The memory is awrrt indyr Al in the hour be passed away dDrr inmrmheledfileomJnd CO EVENTS CRAWFORD REUNION SUNDAY AUG 20 DEC MEMORIAL PARK All membors or the CrawIOld clan oung and old are requested to Sepmmiortltlr rapedtweet slnlt 3100 Rat hp Quick ARK EDEN NURSING HOME BUILT FOR THIS WORK IBcd and up patieth OHolidny guests Kind careTV lounge OStntimi wagonavailable for transportation and outings ALCDNA BEACH ROAD STROUD 69114 APTS HOUSES TO REN APARTMENT FOR RENT Three bedroom apartment piece bath with shower central loca tion on Dunlap St west $47 per month Apply smutms 40 DUNLOP 51 EAST Phonc PA 566 days PA um nights lllltgi ROOM Furnished Apart ment or rent Adults Apply at 57 Etta liond or telephone PA Dyson TIllLEE Dilution heated apart mcnt in triplex Closo to schools and store $100 per month Tele phone PA snot TWO nEDrtooM Cottage or south merit to rent the year round Partly turnlshed lel honn 32w Wasagn Boacbior dc ails rtANcll TYPE House with three bedrooms attached garage Close to school and churches Avnllabla immcifllicly Adults limitProd Telcphonc PA L514 11sz R00 Apartment sell contnlnod Avnllnble September 565 pol montlt East end location Telephone PA Bow ior rurther lnlormnttori UNFURNISIIED Apartment in wast endu rooms and kitchen ciie Iicat clcctrlcitg and water supplied Available cptcmher Telephona PA 58915 smouil room house rnd gab llgo rnr rant Modern onnvonion cos close to No il Highway Large garden Telephone Stroud AIRIOL AvnILAnLE Now cm uhiurnlslse npartmcnt TIME ll AlIl DINNER AT Dukui lunch Bring dishes table cloth ctc lioiwatcr supplied or tea Pr ram arr niod Ottawa Beauty Miss Canada BURLINGTON OllL CF Miss Ottawa 20yearold Con nie Gail Feller Friday night was named Miss Canada 1962 at the Miss Cnnadn Pageant here The tivcsloutsix inch brunette 35 22 359$ was chosen trotrri etinalistsFAsflnmonco guitarist singer and Spanish dancer she won the judges ap proval for her talents Miss Victoria hrunneitc Hel ena Maria Nina Holden 18 36 24 36 was second Run ners up were Sylvia Wilson Miss Toronto Claudette Tousi illsnt Miss Central Toronto AnneMarie Poran Miss Dor vnl Gardens Patricia Anno Little Miss nnitnbawtrnamedMiss Congeniality Betty nose Miss North Bay was given the talent award for her singing The pageant was interrupted ior hall an hour after an an onymoustelephone caller told police abomb ivas planted in Burlington Arena PC RED KROEH CHESTER FIELD SUITE PC WOODEN KITCHEN SUITE 2ECCHE$IEREIEI=DSUITEw Sir Charles of London Styled CHEST oPDRAWERs PC HIDEAWAY BED CRIEI COMPLETE PLATE MIRROR 22x28 KROEHLER SWIVEL ROCKER Like new garage large lot 32pm down payment two storey Built tor gracious living and cnlertninlng alloying aueh icaiures as brick rooms llrze ini 5g cxccllent oak nneiied reception hall giving entrance to spacious 155 gelrm owner wiii pom ini living room wlt log nmlng iueplaco Also weil Appointed pnnelled in mom dining room den and powder room Large kitchen with many cup boards also utility room mm basement with largo rec room Walk in roirlgerrtnr and ireeser Storngc room and lurnacc room Upstairs hni tour bedrooms cedar lincd closets and tvvn tiled founpiece Fifi Wilder nicely imished including collar lined closets Paved drive into twncnr garage Large bchltlrully landscaped lot with huga trees lIlADlzi MARSHALLPA lsMso COREYPA Miss OWEN JONESPA 937 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFLELD ST Pk68453 NORTH EAST 5V1 NHA $14200 rull price tor this modern bungnlow one and Onohall years old It hna three inver bed rooms epncious living room and dininguels and largo bright kitch on Nicely Inndscapcd patio at tached garage Close to schools Owner has been transierrcd and will consider reasonable down payment Cull hiarg Shenr DEAL OPPORTUNITY Ncar public high nnd schools This two and inlet air yearnid brickbungnlow contntns irrgo nnd attractive Heated muti an bedroom troud apartment house Ilso or swimming pool No gudun or pets Telephone Stroud boo mnmm In bungalow largo tinished rccre tlon room ill mahogany pianit ply wond double garage One or the nicest landscaped lots in the enrt and Owner transtelred to ror on $155nil asking price lunch style bungalow bedrooms attrchcd garage Duo bIoCleoln bus stop and two black from Dominion ilore Owner transicrrod to Lon don lmmcdintc possession 6800 bungulotv shops live ing and dining bonrooms alu minuln storms and screens on irhcd4ocrcauonrnomIugotnnd acnpnd lot extrn largo garage 2500 bedroom bungalow plua ona bedroom kitchenette and toilet in hrsement luliy lhrldsblps ed lot gnrdze $12900 room bungalow with sep arate dining room vacant IniDIQLIA late possession Largo landscaped lot 55 mortgagernmes or $77 monthly lncluding lnirrcst prin otpnl and taxes WEST END 510800 In room two storey brick home ideal for the larger tunily THREE nooli Apartment or rent stove rerrlgcraior heat and hot water supplied Use or washer and dryer Dont miss reelng this and Telephone PA 30719 or pointlnont lUxultlr modern rurnlrhed sprit mcnts Brand naw building acii contained tiled bnthroom and ahowor Overlooking bay Down town Adults lzs unnlop rst Apt ayes SimpsonsScars new AND Modern and and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kemponiclt Buy neat wr ter parking end ianltor service inclndod Automatic washinr ra cuttles PA omz SELF CONTAISEII unlurnlshcd one bedroom heathd apartment Private entrance $55 monthly Du bua route centrally located Parke ing facilities Telephone PA Mails or further particulars UNTUrtNlsInaD Basement Apart merit two bedrooms modern and brlght sell contained In Queens Park area Avuiiiible September Noroblcctlon to one child Tele phonc PA N140 Two uaDltoDni Apartment now 1y decoratod private engendfi trustand kbnatedhac uton and tile iloors Parking rarllltlea Telephone PA 66717Hor further information THREE ltoolii Apartment and sunrnpm tile hatli stove and re trlgerntvr supplied Central loca tlon Available Immediately No chlldron $50 per month Telephone PA B7A7l or PA was vcnlugs TWO Room Apartments is iurnlshed downtown location Pr vaio entrance Laundry tacllities Hosted and parking space Teln phono PA duos dayaPA MM eveniniis ONE APARTMENT modern and private lee rooms with or with out rurnlure Pnrklng facilities Aisothrce room ground floor lure nishcd apartment Both available now Tolephonc PA 66154 ml 930 hm and arter Pm UNFURNISIIED one bedroom apartment hetisil nndusc or laundry facilities Available lm medlately No children plensa Close to bus stop Telephone PA Nola tor details mmslmn Pnornnu rOlt SALE on RENT TWO groggy llouso situated in Shnnty it just tow yards tram the tcr Features bed greplaco in living room excellent well indoor plumbing ollJurnscc largo tanced in yn Available September 15 Present tonanta moving trorn ontorlo crll 2145s deLom PA MIN or Oro PROPERTY WANTED WANTED Building Lot In city limits llt least no toot lrontago Telephone PA $1700 or hpply to box iii Norrie Exalruner CLIENT Wllll small wants largo brick home in Allandnlo or vicin ity Cori pay 575 per month Phone Cnrson Real Estate PA 6648i or resldohre PA £6161 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE as tumor ST wrsn BARRIE PA H203 MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE lntmrdlatcly to conaofldatc deEfi my of existing mortgages borne pmvements etc Call for up polntmcut PA omt Mortgage Funding over Simpsonsesehls 129 Dunlap street East M0I=YNALLABLE FOR Consolidation oi Bills Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOWRATES LIFE INSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Unto$6000 and 60 monthsto repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT l4i Duniop St PA 66477 MONgGAOEslst nnd 2nd bought acid and arranged Commercial and residential moneys loaned on xtstlanortrnggngatnla as gage lsrolrara PA 53504 FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR lMINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR lSILL SIMMS P18760203 BUS OPPORTUNITIES gt WAILEIIOUEB ror rentu 72 long Ammo mom or nick Pi1vatc entrance llitles Apply 99 toria st telephone PA 474 TWO Dltooli ground iloor apartment or rent Largc kitchen nnd porch Central Unrumlshod All iacllltles Included son monlhe ly Tolophonn Pia64034 TWO LARGE bright heated nth nlahod rooms bedsitting room and kitchen Electric stove and refrigv orator hydro and water supplied Apply 74 Patkettle Drive TWOJ BEDROOM uniurnlthcd apartments new roirlgcrators and stoves washers and dzyera Avail xmileimmediately Telephone PA SPACIOUS Upstnirs two bedroom unrurnlahed apartment Central Kent and water Avnllahla August 15 Rents for $30 monthly Apply Peel Street Apt TWO DEDILODM soli contained unfurnished apartment ground floor central Auandhle Heat hy dro supplled son monthly Avail able SBPtnmhel PAcaeml s70 UPPER DUPLEX Stove Erlge ldairo Central Laundry room Heated Large lotv Parking Ono child welcome immediate posses alon PA 32295 IlluGrn clean two room urn lsbed apartment Heat electric auppllcd Newly decorated Must JUEmJULwECImd Idle phone PA 34w TWO noon iurnlshed apartment hot and cold water Sui ablo ror one or two adults Avollnble now Telephone PA 81398 evenings ior rurthor particulars Pivn ItoOlII Bungalow for rent uniurnlahed at shanty Buy hlod ern conveniences Apply at shanty ladyl Past oiitco tor iurtborgnior ma on THREE BEDROOM Eungalow Um and two bedroom apartments to rent Contact Corby neni Estlte gyuDgulilop st EISI telephone Pit PC KITCHEN SUITE FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR HOSTESS CHAIR DUNCAN PHYFFE TILTTOP COFFEE TABLE WALNU PC CHESTERFIELD SUITE PC BEDROOM SUITE USED WASHER PUMP FULL SKIRT STYLE LAWN GLIDER ROUND OAK DINING ROOM TABLE PHILCO REFRIGERATOR 10 CUBIC FT 8500 fRiFfiTMAWREWCOInpfflefls BURNER HEAWDUTY RANGE v6566k Apattmotlr two large rooms rtvnta entrance builtin cuphorr tanga and re irtgerrtor $65 monthly Central location 113 llaylield St corner ol Sophin ToiepllonoPA 86401 ltloDlzltN two bedroom apartment BURNERVHEAVY DUTY Large living room kitchen land RANCE three piece bath Prom and back PC SLEEPER LOUNGE entrances laundry todm LID buo ment Orin or two children wel come APply 531 Boyheld Stret Grey Wool Freize CHEST OF DRAWERS ODD CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS Felephone PA 716 THREE ROOM heated uulurnished apartment Pllvllte bathroom Ind entrance Dli mum flour Private veranda Washer and dryer SMITH l37 DUNLOP ST EAST basement apartment uniumlshed self contained Ni objection to child Telephnlla PA 35800 or PA FLOOR COVERING SANDRON coNC UM plied Apniiunccs Optional Fret Pblkllifl TolephonoJA 64M or 59 79 Square TOR GOLD SEAL CONGOLEIIM PA sum AND ZfFOOTWI DTFIS GROUND FLOOR three room up hummusVARIOUS SIZES UNFURNISIIED three room art mcnt fol1ont Ilontcd vate bathroom and entrance Available September Roasonnblc Tele phone PA Mm or PA c0937 UNFURNISEED Upper Apartment rcar or too Henry street Separnto entrance our rooms piece bnth iflentalrwimonthlyv Inunedtata possession APPly before prn EAST END One bedroom hosted untumlshed lanrtlnent Prlvnt entrnnce Available September ll Adlutleta preferred lalnphono PA 57 mile linolvt Aprrtnrent nawly decorntcd comrottnbly ttlrnlshed very control Laundry hnd liar ing iacllities provided Suit ncrs couple Phone PA 8527iifintier orhnytlme Saturday 55 mo BEDROOM heated sole contained apartment or root ho lng lake Private entrances Pnrlg lng One child welcome Immedi sitela pusscaslou Telephnno PA lids 41811511 ROQltlaollnonblnuun iurnlshed npartment with atovo and rctrlgerntor Plenty or pork lng splice Availnbln immediately Eorgzend location Telephnnu PA Il 5900 7500 2500 350 turniahcd apartmcnt Pleated soli contained hardwood floors Cah traily locntod Avallnble Septem gggzé Telephone PA 85306 or PA FOUR noolIi unlurrtlsbod apart merit heated aolr contained cen tralty loented Also thrmr room more SALE in 20 feet in excellent condition can easily moved Telephone PA Milo Iol further information novels large bedrooms inc kitchen smut dining area Ncir achools Milnu sohable Dwricr trausiorre ply nt Ilz Oakley Poiit square pltiVArS sALiz Sunnldala lt lclastlflo rigflodfillletom split iovolr with builtin ROOMS TO LET eFlmNISHEDsrBEDRDOM or ran Central Parking incliltlcs Tele phono PA 54048 or iurthcr in ionoation FultNIiniln lmolti with relrigc ntor hot plaie toilet and basin Prlicipants and 2000 specta tors were led out at the build ing while iiremcn Searched the or would mnko good incnma mt find bomb home some down payment with balance on one mortgage rt eta7 CLASSIHED oilfiatingrcio ping cen 4Mngvsoomiovniykuchen and three large bedrooms dtvtdod ALLANDALE basement Owner is very anxiDul Alli dill sell canblnold an my PM we on nca Member or Home and District PA 82 shopping and bits Down payment Km mm now $11900 Good Income home is rooms bathrooms Will sell out EMORY llm 504 Condensed and glaSSlfled advare right or trade tor smaller home lDr PALIIEII PA sodas tlsemchts are inserted at the KAlti ltlAhsllALL PA M917 for one and two times So per pROpERTIES liiAltG mm PA 55 Word 95 V9 coxlnlli Rand Polnawlok silpno times and 292i per word or bedrooms living and dining room on EHH mum nir ol hentingfidoublo garage pk 10days THE MINIMUM COST hold balance on one mortgage FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD Painswlck three bedrooms living WORDS WIIIIIN 10 DAYSvOR iiieéesilié fifiiéfiiijitflmzdquTDUNLOP 313i pop 24 WORDS tmun storms and acrcena gnrrge Next door to the Imperial lnoatro CHARGEDPER SINGLE This in the nicest bungnlow that SERIIDN to sell tot some time fr PA 6648 nukeian appointment to also it Agvmasmnf wild um now you are in the market tor mm Bum one nsa on era are done qHFHmmm UV gmgdénd the balance on one MQVNG Advertising Department requires bedroom buncnlow living lnom 3° for Jamie your llludve5tkfi to kindly rccbeek mm mm the outiskirtsslogoDaéneflmniedlnti agd 11km nezfltutrn comm any errors or omissions my no 1705555011 owl prymcn reported helm with the balance on one mortgage mi owning rs flTEVENSON CDOWEIS ae unodr We wish to point out that $1 firm 568 113 Dunlap st Burl1e mtamlner is responsible FARM grudcrtlignn witty nadvertisement OPPORTUNI 119 FORAEUYERWITH portion oi rd Littr involves the Mia mm mm 0120 Te ar figfinfitfifimfiifimfimy room 55c house modem kltv owner must sellbeing transrer mm by my no out or town room brick price only siphon with 54000 down hniua in pleasant neighborhood guggnt and the brianca on one Le minimum charge $150 birth °° Featurea srage with air so and Death Notices fossilp to 25 cess to mine 2nd washroom etc was over 25 war PA 82379 gt 92 month Fri tull particulars mber rom owner EDP tlces $150 if verse used ac oer an infti flail BOX as BARBIE EXAMINER word extr BLIND WEE REPLIES ¢alarleea ifsdine exalt edld suit 11 urlng Sllnd Letter Box Number tor ilnplius ts hold gtrictlymarlnd mm cniiai ncpliol Letter boxer alsva ltooht House ocros JuldayoLnuhlluflm bar lidlo bntbroolu iurnncc Clnrsii ct advertisement an ion haazmelitrwhtetbnin TII notices or these pages mus barrla llmls Lotcan be bought be received by pm day was beside its Neul lchuol and bus Terms ophone PA soon seats with flashlights They did SIOJDO bedroom one and hair 2590 unit 1th ham to sell Contact Nornh Ilolkes to TELEPHONE 34900 WINGS CALL rate of do per word per insertion OUT OF TOWN NORAH tiAIKns Orn tin or more insertions 10 ad combination nrlibrscmcnt torced VERTISEMENT Is 96 FUR 24 room kitchen tiled piece bath havehconglven thowtwnl You must ERRORS on VCORRECTIONSI liamber ot Barrio and District this type or home Down payment advertiser Thoretnra tho Clarailt and kitchen teen bathroom Oll healing earso Located just on INSURANCE atter nrst insertion in order that pnyabia 50 monthly includln in PAWSNI ior oniy ono incorrectly printed 100 ACRES misprint Errors which do not sum CASH chcn All roots in good repair Full Coming Events 5c per wnrd near proposed site new public CALLI DAY OR EVENING Full price sienna Carries ior ward extru In Memoriam Na rwolsgnltoorl bungalow ior lniormotion regarding advertisers ther inrormatton wl bu hold only Ill dry nrter Highway south hair min to waiting publication with the ex when 69 ception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by 121017 Mon preceding clay llats and lot for ioml oiriilry stratified lymay be ob atnvc and oven nedrooms largo pnnelled iomll room with nrnplaec donor iourt bedroom complete baths trohcd gnrogc lolnlodiniepolre alon Call PA ozoso Tnin mtldlniihthm lrty will be llrtcdwltll sari to on Tuesday August 16 EM FOUR UR FIVE Bedroom Home ra privato entrance shttnhia ior sale Largo living and dining room kitchen our ledo bat room Full Inlunen rLaulidry tube on boats Vary lowidoiitll its men can aid On Highway mlla om bpwn limitl Toia phone PA warahnuah Contact Honest Joal Cars zza Dradtord street rnltnliAMlNEltWANr Ans notions2411 noolusmnd pri bathroom oii heated completely sell con tallied tllod floors kitchen with rink and modern cupboards plen ty ol closet apnea hancctta and trig supplied neaannabie rent Avriltrio immediately suit cou pls Phono PA was $25 per month Telephonn PA HIM CENTRAL Locntion Bright bed room and kltcltcn for rent Fully urnlohed ttoaaonuhlo rent with heat and lights included ideal for couple TelevhaiioPA 88593 KSHOME FURNISHINGS 3438 BAYFIELD STREET PAS2843 CLAR

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