Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1961, p. 1

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Racketing increase in high way fatalities and some staggering accident statistics may spur an anticipated io crease in the Ontario Provin cial PoiiCe force in the Barrie area Fatalities in District Simone and Dufferin couo OUR THEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 82414 The telephone number to call for the human or Editorial Dept ls PA 66537 119 mufficiix 97th YearNo 181 BUENOS AIRES Midnight Revolt Ends UD ties and Muskokal have soar ed more than5lperccot in the first six months of this year compared to the some period in 1960 To top off agi tation for an increased force an inquest jury Friday recom mended moro cruisers and police officers on Highways 400 and ii The recommenda tioo came in the wake of Nawmarkct inquest into the death of five persons includ ing the driver of vehicle travelling nearly 100 miles an hour in the wrong lane on Highway 400 Photos above were taken at an automobile graveyard at nearby ga rage Altof the vehicles were wrecked in recent accidents in the Barriearea See also stories on page one and three Examiner Photos iocii WEATHER Chance of thunderstorm today Sunnytomorrow Light winds Low tonight 50 High Sunday 15 Forsummary see page two mm As Rebels Surrender BUENOS AIRES AP vest pocket midnight revolt against President Arturo Fron dizi cattle to an abrupt blood lessend early today as the last rebel boldouts surrendered Diehards among the Bilman rebel band gavethemselvcs up at 515 am EDT without firing shot after receiving sur rendor ultimatum from Argen tine troops who ringed the tele phone exchange they had seized shortly before midnight The troops had trained artillery on the building Earlier the rest of the insur gents had surrendered less than five hours after they seized the government radio station to broadcast claims they were tak ing over the government The rebels who aroused on popular support have not been 1332sastBeriinmrierwesr In Zlllours Shelter Earmarked BERLIN tAPiDespite rigor ous Communist police controls 1332 refugees from East Ger many registered in West Berlin in the 21 hours up to pm to day Western officials reported in the same period last Satur day the numberwas 1100 the previous Saturday 925 The total mounted after the Communist regime threatened harshormeasures to stem the human tide Western off als are prepar ing emergency sleeping quarters Elevated tr from Pots dnin pass throtigh West gtl3erlin on the way to East Berlin Po lice were ordering commuters to take more roundabout routes to Eastherlin toprevent them from getting tfin the allied controltédiseetion TheEast Germanrcgime Fri day threatened harsh measures that may seal off the WestVBer lln escape route butfno details were disclosed clearly identified as to political tint One of the group claimed they were antiCommunist na tlonalists with no political llnka Frondii declared in com munique shortly alter the rebels had broadcast their electrifying announcement that the at tempted revolt was dud There was no bloodshed HOTHEADS BLAME Tho nment announce mentblamed the rocketssized cused them of trying to upset internal peace and damage Ar gentinas prestlg road Goverhment nine appeared convinced the attempted revolt had no important political oiticance But Fro ndizi re mained in his office through the night waiting for final word that all resistance hadbeen wiped ou zForeinginister Adolfo Mu gicn described the rebel action as the work of brains that do not functionwell The abortive revolt caused flurryjof eireitement whileit lasted It roused fears that it might create confusion at the inter American conference at Olympic Stadium was oné of the places earmarked for possible use Although it is becoming more ffiiifficulHoslipthrnngh the ring of Communist police around the divided city the number of refu gees usually rises on weekends Many workers Fridai Pay before setting out flundreds of Communist police were reported seen at railroad stations around the city today ENDING Hosp WITHOUT CYCLE PORT CREDIT CP motorist on the Queen Eliza beth highway was driving 50 when twoqnotorcyclists sped past birdwith no motor cycle for Berlin They also consider it easier to slip away before cirrabscnce is noncadatrtheirVV AntoineLeyne 31 Pitts jobs on Monday burgh and Vivian Bluelt 24 of Toronto had fallen off their cycle landed ina sit tingpositinnonthe road and Puntefiiehflji The rebels broadcast revo lutionary manifesto after seiz ingflthe tale exchange which controls alliradlo Eiying theimpression at first that it was countrywide re vo Po and kooprererushed to building wherethe rebe ere holed up but held the ire LlTerrible Mother FleeL uprisingonhothcads It ac nanis Ontario Canada Saturday Angust 12 1961 Pélirbls filmmaker torn GeneralKelsoRolierEs said dny increased highway patrols and by coroners jury investi gating one of Ontarios Worst traffic accidents would soon be in operation OPP spokesmen blamed the delay in the implementation of Mr Roberts recently announced plan to add 50 men to the pro vincial police traf force on the treasury hoardsiailure to release funds However Mr Roberts said itbingsawjnbviWitopm wide the first instalment of funds We are proceeding at once within the limits of the in stalments 7k The coroners jury lnvesti gating the Highway 400 wrong way collision that killed five Toronto residentssduly lsreF ommended Friday ubstentiall strengthening of police andl equipment in three OPP de tachments north of Toronto at terlit heard evidence there was no police cruiser on traffic pa trolin the Bond Lake detach ment area where the accident incurred as urged recently by himself Cuba Charges USN Authorities firmed Wouldbe Castro Killers anniver LIST resorts for GRADE 13 The long awaited upper school results appear on page three today Lists of grade 13 students from Barrie District Central and Barrie District North vCollegiates were made avail some tber iiessirtodayfi along with theresiilts of ex amination tried in June HAVANA AP The Cuban government charged today that authorities at the LLS Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay arm edtwo men with socalibre macbmegrmtrassminate Raul Castro lastmooth An official report claimed the two were to fire on Premier FideLCastr bromer from house adjoi he stand in san tiago where Raulwas scheduled to speak July 26 the eighth lotion Cuban indiistries minister Er nestoGuevaia made similar charge early this week in speech before the LatinAmer ican economic conference at Punta del Estate Uruguay The report today gave what the gov Vernmieot claimed to be details saryoithe Castro IEWL Not More Then To per Copy12 Pam OPP HERE 9551 JURY Asks Blame WronQQWCiy Driver nicaiiioNn HILL or coroners jury Friday criticized shortage of provincial police tag W3 quut into fivedeath collision on Highway400 July 15 port saidwould have given the United States an excuse to mount armed aggression against Cuba The re ort conten th Ellis warmimam Agency masterminded the plot Former Guantanamo Bay commander Capt Schenweiss it said was involvedibiit was gpar ently relieved of command of the base due to disagreements with the CIA on planning HiisbandKilled Bride Charged roaonro cmh and of 10 weelm was charged FrldflL night with nnirdaring her hus Sole responsibiility for on crash was fixed on Philip Nelson 21 of Toronto hose car speeds in etc was onnd stuck area miles anhour following his cars crash into another in highway head wife onto the thewrong lane of the The jury recommended substantial strengthening of staff and equipment or the Band Lake Bradford and Barrie OPP detach mentsi It also urged that direct telephone Jioesr to police detachinan be plau ed at all duallane high way cloverleafs to aid motorists in reporting er ratio drivers Killed in the crash were Nel son RusselLBellsz driversoi the second car his wife Beryl 47 Alfred Glazier 50 andvhis arolyo 53 all of Tor provincial po bed two hour chase at speeds up to 2D 7miles an hour during which Nelson avoided roadblocks and fsped through back roads before making his fatal turn into the wrong lane on therbighway Acting crown Attorney Mere warran can arrest person commi ting an indictable of fenc TERMED DAILY HAZARD Provincial Police Staff Set goaot Ayers said that wrong ay ers and drunks on the loose are almost daily hazards on bighspced Highway 400 He said that week after the fatal collision threerpr upped travelling southbound lane in northerly direction None of these were drunk be said butlast year 2331 drunk and impaired drivers were ar felted in the OPP Barrie dis IC CplH Hobo in charge of the Bond Lake OPP detach lment on the night of the crash aid nearly its miles of highway in the area were without high woyepatrolsrAllsfonrcarsavail able were investigating other calls he said 7Alithough his detachmentwas warned about the Nelson car an hour before it crashed his was short of staff with officers off duty th ro gh vacations overtime or sickness Charles Brown department of agriculture inspector at the food produc inspection station on Highwa sour esflifiedfie saw Nelson turn intotbe wrong of the case Havana radio said today 159 persons had been arrested in the aftermath of the alleged riot The plot allegedly included simulated attaclr against the haulingpeople off trains bound for Berlin Commuters from Potsdlam on the western outskirts of city reported about 100 police on gangs 5133 fizzyth guard at that station alone New Yo They were eeking on every lane but he didnt call police because he thought the highway was closely patrolled and he wouldnt get far Brown said Nelson had driven into his station askingfor band shortly after he came home from work Lorene Inouye 40 who re married June afterfour years of widowhood was arrested after her husband Tsugio 35 dith Fleming asked jurors to consider testimony from four persons who said they knew Nelsonwas intoxicated and hazard on the road Mr Flem ing said the Criminal Code pro slithered along on Tan oil slick so Jams Nfld an After hospital treatment Mrs Reginald Penney mother of three young children told Friday how she had to flee her fireT threatened Hants Harbor lind Ontario Men Dead In Lake VIRGINIATOWN rice body buying to Berlin BERLIN THREAT nv carefully prepared the lost in Paris in June oflast BONN Reuters EastWest peared irtually certain today and there was possib tyof Ha new summit conference summit meeting was pre dicted by Chancellor Konrad Adenauer Friday night as he told an elccdonnJaHMwas convinced there would be talks with Russia on Berlin Soviet Premier Khrushchev told Kremlin reception Friday negotiations would take place President Kennedy rime Mioist ecntillonand President de Gaulle were on aihle men while in Washington gtState Secretary Dean Rusk told reporters think we all un derstand that negotiations will occur AdenauerTsaid summi year brokedown over uthe U2 spyplane incident even before it started The chancellor said West Ger many and the United States are in complete agreEment in our assessment of the present situv sary To our consideration of Willhavetobetakeo few weeks and SUGGESTS SANCNONS He said economic sanctions which he termed cheaper than even mited war might be used ag inst Russia ifneces In Mdscow Khrushchev made pointiof seeking out the Brit ish Can dim and French am bassadors at ta Kremlin recep impliesswir madeby Berlin he gave earlier in the day He said to the envoys that the Western leaders are too sensible to permita war over Berlin and he thou ht therenou1dhene gotiations instead The United States was not represented at the reception At it SovietRomanian fri nd ship meeting earlier in the day Khrushchev openly staked Rus sian prestige on the German issue but declared Russia would notbe the first to press the button andtoiich off nuclear war home with only bag ofclothes and hopeful prayer lfisnnAtso pans FIVE Its ust terrible she said intheli ing oomof home her we were all inhed Thursday morning when the sirens from the Bay Roberts fire trucks gan screamingall over the Vil lage They didnt give us chance todo anything just ordered us to pack up and leave only had time to take bag of clothes for myself and chil dren The ages 550 sleepy peo plepiled vaboard cars trucks and buses for Old Perlicap Her little boy hearing that the coastal vessel No ern Ranger was com to evacuate HERES ONL Awitncsswasontheratand and lawyer instructedan to repeat the words the defendant had used an argument under disctssio Id rather not the witness replied They ware not fit words to repeat before decent People Well then the attorney In structeéi Just whisper them to Kirkland Lake day night to gather driftwood capsized dragging team Friday flit found the body of gold assayer Morris Gardner about half mile from the spot are his wifes body was recovered in harder Lake rearly Thursday following boatingaccident Mr Gardner 56 yes chief assayer at KerrAddison Gold Mines in thisrcommuluty near Heand his Wife hone oi went out in their boat Wednes and fish The boat apparently Mrs Gardners body was Guantanamo base This the re Zhviation Firms Merge In Britain VLONDON AprNo of the romantic names iiiBritish tion were night Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd and the vGioster Aircraft subsidiaries of the Hawker Siddeley Group announced they are to merge operations Thenew company to be found with the neek snared by the boats ropix BUFFALO found today in laid about 15 LancasterAn attendant at the appeared about 24 to 30 years ol iionio cr rohonro or Pete player known as Whitworth Glostcr Aircraft Limited IN monsoon on wrangled Bodies In Field Two men apparanfly strangled th adopetha was Jocpederoundtbeir ncchsardfeetrwere miles east of here in suburban Erie County morgue said both The attendant said they look ed alike enough to be brothers or twins Call TopLEVellLiheral Caucus was defusedFriday onSZMtfl aenienoedtoithreemmflielor $11 joined FinlayT died of multiple gunshot wounds She told police she had bought arifle for her husband as blrthdaygift Police came to thecouplets apartrnentrr after Mrsiioouye telephoned th em and the fainted An autopsy showed footiye waLstruck by bullets in the head neck chest and twice the abdomen Neighbors heard snare loud bangs about half an hour after Inouye came home tro his job in an upholstery factor Shortly afterward Mrs Inoiiye knocked on neighbors door in state of hysteria slidkept ref peatin 1heresheen an ac Mrs Incuye native of Ne Glasgow NS moved years ago to Toronto where she met fnouya at party Inouye came to Cdnada from Japan in years ago Stuffed in cmoaoo mi111$ boy shopoundwollec sharks was found stuffed itriinkmfan ab don dcar vides that anyone without place to lie down

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