RENTALS ANTSt HOUSES WTD TO LIST house in good bee engineering executive be temper 15 Telephone PA or Iurther particulars 11 all must Redsonto Rouse Fluted to rent by Stflltmhu II he LII Dime would wil sider npuon to buy is suitable Telephonl PA N111 Hub September Three or our bedroom house or sport moei in north or cut tree would consider leasing with glint in huy Teiephone PA or SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES FOR SALE Three or ovensmos or paler Nile use per bale Robinson nerd were telephone PAIN ASPHALT DWAYB Tel guns PA NHL Dieheplemhd LARGE NIDN Outdoor Snack Bar also or IIIE Per ntrther details telephone PA min or PA all BULLDOZINU AND Grading Fish Pond construction Apply VIP tiert PA Hm iz Pr and ior all on white trilen treesrs in months old Just cloned Telephone PA out aiter one RANGE by Frigidelrv which with tour burners end ilrge oven with eutemetie timer to excellent coir diiion Selling ior only Sim Teit phone PA Mimi Tuna BEDROOM Cottage et Beiieire neech Ior sale not in iuding iot Iniide conveniences ixhtfl Completely lnsuieted Inï¬nity47 ARTICLES for SALE RAVETDU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store DUNLOP ST tum PlIONI PA mm 15 square think WATER PROOPED COLOUR PAST Sarjetini Co Ltd Mary Street FILL Yew Complete Line Or with tho iinesi RED end lILuL MEA IS ETC met Guaranteed Queiity Budget Terms on orders $5000 end over FREEZER SH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES ere evaiieole to those will Wish to purchese their orders only at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE no TilTIN STREEf iiAiutm PRONE PA 50501 Free Delivery OPEII Ffldily LILI pm HAN DY HARDWARE LDICOLN ARC WELDERS AND SUPPLIES WELDING SCHOOL mEJHDHDgtCQBHSIIQQPIIE L116 concrete blocks pressure syrtems end well tile leis Pecxnrd Clipper list Vanguard ir compressor and ianlr Mud hen Pump Alundnum body or Volkswgeo truck moch house ANDRADE JR ROBERT SPEARE PHONE i0Rle STROUD or inionnetion cell hir ihrold PAflgflgNï¬sï¬gflï¬onh PA 32913 SNACK smou and equip ment or Only used one Reesonably priced Apply in Shen tymey Post Oiilce lor iurther de PmeDOD iIIPI tehle model with threespeed eulemeuc record changer weiout tinirh Excellent condition Telephone PA Litis or deteiir slice pm plANo eon set in months old lienry Herbertndim new Vetgt uum clesner never been used Teic hone in com ior iurther pa culsrs APARTMENT iurnituro Ior uie Chestertield bed end two matching chairs lied Meltrers end Drew er Kitchen Tebi end Iour chrome in vacuum cendii DOGS PETS T111128 FEMALE Puppies ior good homes two PA looking so hortie glmlhmd erman one BOATS MOTORS DELANEY BOATS fLTD Telephone PA 84461 USED BOAT SPECIALS il ALUMINUM CARTOP use ii CEDAR STRIP M00 18 ClluiSEIlLTTE WITH TOP UPImlsTERY CONTROLS in IIP SCOTTATWATER MOTOR SPECIAL PRICE 8995 til FLYING BRIDGE CRUISER v50 EVINRUDE MOTOR UNIT COMPLETE um 15 MASON LAPSTRATE in PIP OUTBOARD MOTOR CON TROVLS BATTERY LIKE 129 it ARKANSAS TRA iiitits FIBREGLAS RUNABOUT 1960 iii IIP JOHNSON MOTOR STEERING CONTROLS $1095 HALF its just gotta gol this for bargain lien 17 Pi Mahogany nelcrait Coupii Top host 15 hy Johnson Motor 10 Gallon Permeoent ass Telit Spotlight Speedometer Camplsr Pike Pole Paddles Llie Preserve Ladder Anchor eeblo lights Any oiier considered ielles PHONE PA 33915 FISHEEMANS Delight iuoot tier strip in Al condition 31 Pnr nirther details telephone PA Listen to $6020 otter lIsFOOT MO DEIJ Menage Plywood hoot ior eeie equippgli 12 hp West Bend Motor and greiler Tciephooe PA soon oiter pm NEW lelr selling Dinghy libre glius over plywood complete with nil 5450 also used 10 Out IIOIKLI Plywflod reconditioned sits Rusuiith PA om liter LE ltPooT cINcii Boat or role in lipmotor in excellent condition Sce et Oro Mcmorioi Perk dcteiis et Duoth CASH LOANS$500 et month Telephone PAm FARM MACHINERY CHARLES FARM SU CHURCH PPLIES Er SERVICE ease Devils New uoiieod Iirowo nutty hrm Equipment 176 BURTON VE PA cm HARVESTING EQUIPMENT COMBINE SWARTHERS GRAIN BO 38 GRAIN AUGERS BINDERS CASHTERMSTRADE DELAVAL SALES C1 SERVICE Get your Ill and ed now service on pulutors clean ell otlitern HANK EROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 VIRan culith Milken Used hiechine parts PO Box Ontario or telephone PA 50410 INTRRNATIONAL nls on rubber in very good con diiion Dino Denier Apply Preoeie Moreu Anien Milk Telephone 751 mmveie luIl NI MOOT combine with motor drive in Ad condition Two good used Spreeders ieverei Binders ell parts ior nic including some canvas tie Aiilllon IKE 57106 STOCK TRAILER plywood construction hig ior pooics cows swings down ior heevy duly iced lng Ritual Rods Excellent AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 1957 PONTIAC SAFARI 511 MP to person to Mr DUUK SIAUUN WAGON so Collier Street 111110an MOTORS LTD 07 c145 BRADFORD ST PHONES PA 82449 WHOLESALE SPEC ACT NOW THESE CARS WILL ONLY ED ONCE PRICES 1959 AUSTIN A40 Blue one owner excellent conlt dltlon throughout An outstanding value $849 1959 CITROEN meny Light Ieetures blue reel 1956 VOLKSWAGEN school hueproof or road worthl nuesgs luPpiiedVer good shape i955 CHEV Panelgood condition snap tusi condiUon 72eg iven wright Coohiown i50 Sepereiore and Sales end ii creighurst Thresher or Wreceing Movit 1whee heavy sides eic noclr end on to ior terp Ihrouchout eARTICLesIor5ALE serARMeIts MARKLT AUTOMOTIVE SXAU EILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN Only One Demonstrator Left 1961 RAMBLER CLASSlc SUPER 4DOOR rimmed ling hgf IIELHH ey ua no out II Vim nflln Ihlia wulb Ibglil dllll bloc oil ï¬lter lnd reclining moo HILLMAN itile 4DO0R Finished In Babe Red And You Whit Iolone This II III standard Jennmillion New CIT condition throurhout 1959 RAMBLER CLASSIC 400011 With Frontenac Equipped wlih iaiï¬fmliniog eeetx own 1057 RAMBLER CUSTOM moon Finished in Whirlwind Ten and Slern Pencil worlono with ciirii rests Our best used Remh er no the lot 1957 OLDSMOBILE 38 2DO0R Biiic end While twolone with metching interior Equi ped with eutomatic transmission eIi give you good deei on this one car youu be pmud to 195LAU PA 66652 IALS BE OFFER AT THESE outstanding huy et rm CAMBRIDGE 4ltDO0R In ioveiy green with oil button radio end lender nor Low ectuei miles see it todly Ten end Reige with V41 engine wegon nuy be used roe butioess or piesure 1957 HILLMAN iiiNx iDOOR Blue end white Clurl One own er cer Perfch condition 1956 RAMBLER SUPER 4DOOR Pinilhed in Serensr Kreeri EquiP ped with radio reer rcet Spell er lender milTon See it end drive it iudly 1954 BUICK HARDTOP Green end while twotooe Radio eutometic hackup lights Resi sscnilce 17 GOWAN STREET PA 6W8 1960 PLYMOUTH ior seic out door radio end low mileage As now Best oIIer Telephone PA 07535 19536HBVROLET ior me two tone green and white good tires end good running order Sacriï¬ce PA 901 1956 CHEVROLET eutornetlc dlo end ruilyequlpped privately owned and reasonably priced Cleeo throuehout in excellent condition Telephone PA sizie isssneliieRMlmmmmuem end in eresnenihon°l In very good shepe value at $100 1954 PACKARD dendy loai cundiuorl luust sacriiice Will eccept trnde Telephone PA 09916 1953 CHEVROLET or Ford cieen good tires top running order maï¬mun sackï¬rm es AUTOMOTIVE MOBILE nomis Port SALE on RENT IIOUII ior eels 159 Genera in net in persect condition Privete owned Poro iehed Apply to Burton Avenue or telephone PA 606 mnxn eiccpe two stoo Wm end clothing Sei Rent or 15 wceii be seen et ll ton Street ie GXNKIAL Tretei Tieller for sole pericct condition sleep Iour lamp equipped Specie bitch prerents were on ear Teie phone II mu Angus PERSONALS cull i1 noon oi RR No Rerrie Ontario will not he reL eponsihie or soy debts incurred by my wilt without my writlen content Dried this dlh any or Anni INL WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Imrol now to this government cherlered IIth where on ere thoroughly trained in all renehoe ot beeuly culture Por lorormetion write mem HAIRDRDSSING school COLLIER STREET OR PHONE PA H961 by eeruiied burdrrsser in yiffir own home Phone Bernice et PA MN or PA SS1 LOST FOUND DOG mill Iiicit end white lost liondey night vicinity Rerrle no 400 Higth Answers to Doll Rewerd eiophone liirs Sowden Odilil Peirvicw Hell to in 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP LADY To REEF Rouse while mo rworits Twolcilnal egcd chil dren Live in ii desired lliiddie ï¬gs preierred Telephone PA STKNDGRAPIIER required Icr pen mhnonte cuuon Employee bone WortluNti iilAN reqtiires women to or 55 who would cere or his home and chlidren nvc boys end Live in Telephone PA H273 SCHOOL TEACHER weots relie hie women to do light househecp ing end mind one przelchofll child Mandey to Friday codringtan school oree Reply iiox 89 Bertie Exemlner MALE HELP EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We have on exceptional oppore iunity ior aBarrie resident with good education and per sonal background age 23 40 whocan quaiin tor sales career leading to an executive position in an established and permanent business Experience that has liraught him In con isct with the public would he preferred and the right man will earn substantial income rind enjoy nli wounre benefits Applicants should give Iiill phr ticuinrs stating age telephone number address experience therqunliï¬cntiniisfdiiref plies treated strictly conï¬den Lilli BOX 79 BARRIE EXAMINER In HELP WANTED nonhuman SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP Requires Young man for general stocTAwprL between moo year old and young woman or sales staff 01 the rotoii stare Apply in person to MR ZIEGLER lNNlSFILSTREET between to lZnoon to pm MALI OII mu your or over Unusual opportunity in sales end saucepanJuana Phon PA mil betweenIIlxuu on Wellheady admin EMPWYMENT WANTED ATTENTION rAuiuui for your anxious combinirll when Hen le Hyena Bndlfl Ptorput mm or Joel Pruner Leiroy hm Roomm Accountant retired on pliulnn etter can eervict with local iirm eee roll or srttimc employment In LeinI High Street telephone PA mi 11 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE To CREDITORS AND omens IN THE ESTATE OF EDIT IRWIN Lite oi the City oi Elrrle in the County or Simone Widow De eeucfl All persons hevleg claims erelost the mate or the solo Edith lrwin who died at till City 01 nerrie on the 12th dey or any 196 re required to tile prooi ol the more with the undenilnod on or bciore the let dry oi Sci temper ml Aiier that due Administrairlx will roee distribute the M41 ste be rut reeerd only to the claims oi which the shell therl have Ind notice noted at perri ohmic this end qey oi Augu lid SIEW ART Mchin Mints lirewer tierrie Ontario solicitors ior the Mminislrltflx to CODY or Wont Ad Schon eccopied until pm Day before publication BUSINESS 11 LEGAL NOTICES or LANDTOR TAXES Towoelup er Iride County oi Sirocco Town By virtue oi vvlmnl ierued by the Reeve oi the Township oi iunder his hand and the real or the said corporation bear inf date the let dey or my Mi oi lands in mean oi texes In the Township or lontrdl win he held at the Community lieu Siroud et the hour or two celocli in the eiternoon on the iii dry or september ml unless the iaxe sn hereby given that the list or lands ior ele ior erreers or texes who published in The On tario Gazette on the srd day or luoe lw end copies oi the said Oat my he had at my oiiice ii lands ere not ell sold on September lip on sdiouroed nio wiil in held on So temper Hih et the rem hour en piece Iruwrorl Dulce this 5th dry or June 19 IRETON ICLERK TREASURER 12 TENDERS TENDERS For the Supply of One 5000 xVA lrllulnrrnu iiigh Veitege 44000 Deite Low Voitege Aldozinc WYE Three Pbtsv cycle wui he receivedlo August tomsqu mly obtained at oiiice EARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ls uAYPIEID 5T iiAnRIE TAX EXPERT Mrs Dorothy Wight 0i Mont real is the tax expert in the ac counting departmeut of Du Foot of Cnnadii Limited SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About LOW Rates By Month or YERI Telephone PA 82414 PAGE nd STEELE Architects eIOBONIO ONTARIO 72 ST CLAIR AVENUE WEST are pleased to announce the opening at brand 91 peTER TREE SOUTH oiï¬ce nt oRlLun ONTARlo FA 51952 ONTARIO MOTOR PAINTING AND Emit FRIDAY AUGUST 12 TENDERS HIE PENEIANGUISHENE WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF emu mUhiHNG STATION ten addressed to the Cheirinen and Iiemben or the Pineteugniabeuo Wster end hi ii per Gun Ir he secretaryTreasures Pene tengtttaiseoe Water end Light Com mixture will be received until 00 oclock PJL EJJ Sir on pin DAY or swan nu ior the construction eooster Pumping Station on Robert Street near curnee Avenue The in itelletlon or the pumping units tie gethee with eonneeling suction end diecherge piping veives end Elihu main connection And premix null will he done by the Commission Drawings end rpecidceticns with bient Film or Tender may be ob teined Irom the otilev oi the Peoetengulehene Weter end Light Commission on payment or de pooit by cheque only plum mede peyehie to the Dominic which deposit will be relunde on the return in good condition or the pills end toeciiicetione Each tender must be cuspLL lednpy Pl marinachow peyebie onto one eeren Light Commissftln per cent or the ve ue oi the tender lowest or eny tender not Pompom Secreldryehuluru 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE oi Household Furniture House and Lot The undersigned euctioneer hes received inrtrucuoor Irons WALLACE DURKEE AT STROUD VILLAGE In mile east No ii Highway tuin ielt oi Muihoiiand Drivo ON SATURDAY AUGUST 12 AT PM SHARP To SELL Til eoLLuwiNG Eiccliohomo eed good condi tion Kelvinior cubic it elem nic reirigeretor good condition Automatic Norie Electric Wuher good condition Prig sire Electrid Dryer good new Clock eleo trio Radio Goneni Electric 17 inch crossley TV good eondluon lunch Admirel Tv tinn Eurek Vacuuro cieeoe good working orde Eureka rioo Polisher gcod es new chrome Lllvhen set and chain to meich Dinette set with lhelrs to oilywood Williams Sewing Iiechlo isee Chestertield Euiil with ciu to notch nedroom Suite with box spring meitreu dresser chest or drewrrs to match good condiuon Set or Red More complete with spring and inertrees be used as bone or single continental lied with met true and springs complete $dhletiressolgmlw1n coalrs Plcdie Mtxer Coriee alln prspes loss huletr sed orde in his el end many other elier ertleies too numerous to list TERMS Cub No reserve owners are lenvlog the community end homo II ior se PRDPmTYHnuu and let io Viiigga oi stroud room house insul brick oil iurnsce minum screens and doors mm is in good condition ueevy duty win piece huh Inflfls weiï¬il bimlde ome 1oid sub ect servo hid Iemu IndJmndiflo or home will burner electric no WEBB JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Phone Bertie PA 55440 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING clin be given dmIf doros PAPERHANGING This car in good condition through out Must be seen Ind driven $399 1955 SIUDEBAKEFf This is reel buyin very good conditionanrst otler wiu teite it tor Hi9 1953 VANGUARDWV 5900 1953 PONTIAC 19900 1954 FORD 17900 In uch APPIY Sprouls Super ï¬n one mile south or Thornton Telephoner OAUGUST id PM SHARP SATURDAY AUGUST 10 PM SHARP TO P1d IEIIII 7PM UNTIL 10 PM Complete disposal or sit leweuery Including WIEEIIEX Him Hill glamonu sod many other erticlei or LOVELADY izl HURONTARIO 5mm COLLINGWOOD ONT germs duh lNil reseéveb ll ï¬n wners ere gong out usin JERRY COUGRLIN Auctioneg so WAUCTION SALET WT SATURDAY AUGUST 20 PM SHARP Crescent Finance fldDuuin St West lsrOoT DELciiAPT host with hp Dinmdo motor electric sterling complete with TeevNee Trailer two Cruisesday tenlis Teiephooo PA 68214 FRUIT VEGETABLES cUcuiIlDEils and other fresh veg etahles or Slle Apply 00 Morrow RR ecrorrlre ran from MussuyElr ris Telephone PA Midi ARTICLES WANTED PIANO WANTED to buy Must be SUBCONTRACTORS Wanted For 15 housing units in Allision LEAGUE ARD SMITH AND sou this service now For lam61312 Painting and Paper Hmlinl PROVINOIAL REPRESMATIVE spray Painting VIC WILDMAN ServiceSlnce loin Piso PA H625 int bARRlE PA 56056 wAPPLIANCE SANITARY DISPOSAL WEELUKE DEAD ANIMAL TONYS APPLIANCE DISPOSAL ACT sERVICE We have been licensed to remove your dull and crippled hm In Service to all makes unis under the above ml of applianceS FREE REMOVAL 147 DUNLOPST irPhouerrCOLLECl PA 61 142 NEWSPAPER MATS Ideei ior ltnlng hen Terence etc less MORRIS OXFORD i500 Seden one owner from new 3ii00 mllos originei tires on good padded duh bench son with collapsible Construction arm rem will Juliet and red mm mm buttery First class condition throughout Phone PA man pl ce ons rece ve un CARS WTD To BUY liP noon August 2i tor tull time employment or pouce constable CASHFOR your car Liens pald duties to commence immediately air We trade up or down Al Por turther perticulers re em Iuidale Eaton 31 Essa flitclI Hu Piaymenhnlliy £16 at the Mflfllt ric PA 83321 icipsi Building Dexter Onililn DENNEY Reeve LTRUCKS emotions INTERNATIONAL Ion sues tests houses in The herrie Examiner Barrie COLTin USEDREFRIGERATORST $9500 TV SETS $4900 NEW AND USED vrAPPLIANcEsi ADPU LED FOR VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENTS AND LOW DUD GET TERMS TO SUIT BARIUE PArkwey c3517 GORDON YOUNG VII Rm ClerkTTusulu McFADpENs 128 PENETANG ST VPAsozserr INION TIRE S5FORE 110 BRADFORD ST BARRIE ONE HOBART Electric hiet su cer ï¬ntclass condition 75 Tel ephooe PA 543514 ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR ior sale epsrtmeot size in good condition when we mama PLEALouiephooePnxnm Reasonably priced con 09529 uows BICYCLE suit boy or 10 ror selein good condition one inew tire Indiseat $15 Telephone Amlo ior details 17an VAcuuM Cienncrs ior sale obligon Telephone PA mm or lurther iniormntion lorrAT ELECTRIC Range 24 excellent condition 575 hour burners and timer Included Tele phon PA 56316 eoyume ior rurl tiiel particulars ANTIQUE Greodrether clock nhout lau years did about high hand painted Iece wooden works runs Good condition Telephone Creemoro ziewz RnpnxGliltATon Westinghouse late model lo cubic idiot in good condition slso Uen be seen at Teleroolc 36 Mary street or tele phooe PA 33810 xlIPliswmIEiz5 5LS Term dent rentals repsirs Star writer on broomd St odors ateKART AND Engine slim PO Sliverhiercury motor sisa 2i hp Johnson motor szuo Robinson BA Station iguéiaurtanAveuue wiseth use GMG TRUCK ruily equipped Ior hulk unloading of drains or reeds This truck Ioreedy to use now Contact Feed Depurimciif simcoe District coop telephone PA 06531 AHENTION Spoflhmenl Buy new mum Portebles es low Watsonstock or rules and shotguns uen dshing equipment hond guns live end com ing supplier Upe day an evenings so you once Robsons napx pit errle Telephone PA 58154 oeisooretriokNr prQuItk Ammuni WE WILL PAY CASII for good used turniture or any good used erticle Individual or content lob shoelaceme ijlHmHMTST NEW CAR any It Now With LOWACast Truck Ior sale with recite in good condition Aeltlog $120 or best orier Telephone PA 075 eiter pm WE PAY YOU TO TRAIN QR BUHJJING LIMITED BARRIE SENSE95961 Phone PA 02427 Fa 5FARMERS MARKET KW Lirelo SCOIIA PLAN LOAN BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA suredr FOR SALE Registered Polled Bereiord null 10 months old Tele Phone stroud mini RIDING HORSE rising years quiet and broken 3100 Also our Shorthorn Cows bred to Hereiord Bull Telephone PA 57090 WANTED six Work Horses Must be quiet Wou broken will either buy or rent or tobecco hxrvest HAROLD JORY MOTORS ssLmodelioityfurnishzdrrhrce STANDARD bedrooms wtu accept tinniture es Timmin It Replies to OML end NAL ib DAYFIELD PA Iiiiss ALI Mnlres Towan Service St BAILluE MOBILE IiOllfIES FOR SALE on RENT MOBILE HOME or sale or rent SI two bedrooms completely furnished Apply 99 Victorie St or telephone PA will TRAILER POP SALE 47 ieet Psrt cotHollis Cairns Am mu Mo lie Home Perk TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Phone Pa 82414 CHILDS HORSE years old chestnut quiet trained to ride drive hnd lump Also western rsaddle antrhridie Make no otter Telephone stroud 59M POULTRYdram DEKALB CHICKS Piece gout order now In deliv ery en desired We suggest Dexlb tor good uvshiiity celleiit egg Emmy hilher his Also Re it Rock Ind ed Sussex erDIIDKEdL Prices and service on request HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 ELYLINE PULLETS 2500 16 weeks 9000 11 wceiir These birds will produce tor the Kï¬rrmililr ONTSIARIO PHONE AURORA PA 74235 SIMCOE DISTRICT coOP JLWP BRAY runners els deyolds end eteried eveilebl as mixed cooker quuest list Broiler Au teotherrorder copelend RR tcmzl FEED SEED GRAIN wniiAT STRAW ior sole zzacres Telephone Stroud 22M mï¬g FARMyMACHINERvY ONE GARDEN TRACTOR with plow cultivator end dilc Good condition Apply FisheriGnntnn le PO Telephone Moon rl ISM OUTSTANDL TSPECIALS Reï¬nish 1952 Hillman 1953 Dodge ed Sedan WedgeEden 1956 Dodge 41100 1955 Dodge 1958 Plymouth 4door Automatic 1956 Dodge V8 1952 Meteor 1950 Meteor Sedan sedgn 1951 Dodge Hordtï¬p moor FRENCHMOTORS Z5 Braglf 0rd St 1957 Plymouth snotty lie Automatic Neme nddrcssr 7500 17500 ovahbid but not esflni PA 8597 RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT Ra Id expanding Gensdlso Re tail7 Illme with stores irom cum to coast has immediate openings or young ineo to train on the lob ior store Mhnfllzement with int ure opportunities in liome ortice end administrative positions Agu to so desirable but we have few openings ior men is to 20 Single men pn rerred escorting ninrlel depend on sge education sod pert worit exocrleoce hltm salary depends upon the ability and performance or the individuel Salaries at the management level range upward irom is minimum or $6000 to over s31000 enun elly Extensivc expansion program end supervised treinluc pro vides excellent opportunity ior repld rcmotlnn based upon indivi uni pettormeer Employee henedts inciudoPen eion Plnn Group Lite Iosuo eoee and Health Plan Prodt sharing Summer end Winter Vecntinne QUALIFICATIONS Lehdershlp ehiilty At lent nigh Schooleduca pt betterLAttm ing salaries ior hotb nigh School end University credo etes Wiillngiiess to eecept periodic expensepaid irhnsierl during training REPLY rioting inll particuIa aliphunéiiflm her age marital status cduce tlou endprevious work expert ence Box 50 EARRIE mum TOOLMAKER 640 ydlrx exgpfl euce mnulil melting perkencgdle person to Pilstoiiier Limpl ho street mornings only MARRIED MAN required or butt ierm Churchill eres Pertiy turn ishcd house provided suit men Glillii Ithrt LAWNMOWER 190 Iii ED MILLS Building Contractor Painswick CUSHmUEGDmG mmnm CUPBOARDS Phone stroud omii couect DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE iekup or delivery ii renewed 5T noes PA 68551 Less then paclr or eigeretiee til EXCAVATWG FILL GRAVEL 50de SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating end Grading Weter Denvery crushed none Heir Yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Stre IA b1001 FOR SHOVEéeKHVYPRIéLAM EXCAVATING iiA DRAGLINE CEMENT dusmm on RAISING STEEL 55 eoord SHOVEL mom LDADNG LEV ELLnIG 0R BACKFILLING n07 ER word PnoNI STEW ART PA sense uth ANSWER CALL PA 37321 LAWN MOWERS Berri irs on all Apply st White ye at Rose Station 220 Bill Berri PAW PLASTEBINGj STucco STONE QUIKBRICK AND with hour to lplns morning and evening or lemIAiquxed iermer Write Box e1 barrio Thiamine WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly ior disposal IeIEphnne Barrie PA 57751 Long distance Zenith 37300 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILIJA License No 65GB SURVEYING Roger Welsman Ontario Land Surveyor EPHONE PAoiiass DPEOLSTEE UPHOLSTERING OFEVERY VKIND rODiapEtlES Siip covers deirnercial iurliiiure installation lit at in Complete ieanirlgrééai MA RQF BARRIEX Auction or nod househl iurnlture We mniwï¬mn MULHOILAND STREET BARRIE Turn left It Puklldl Drivc Park Street Terms ssh No ro servo as the home ia sold and Mrs Mlllu Klvlnl up hflulé keeping mill COUGELIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FRDAY EVENING AUGUST 55 PMSIlARP Auction sale or household lump ture herdwood end tools roc DR HARVEY BALDWIN ti ship right on Highway vi mlle straight south orDelston Terms Cosh No reserve the horns is sold end nr Bliflwixl is giving up housekeeping Please notice sale at pm sharp JERRY cavemen Auctioneer Traffic Fatalities Up During 1951 injuries and accidents in Canada in 1060 than The previous year the bureau 01 Statistics reported today Not all provinces shared in the increase Motor vehicle accidents on lolleels and highways look 3183 lives iast yenron increase 485 on increase at Ii per cent Thg accident total we 247020 compared with 242429 Thenu bér of fatal accidents lid to lites increased in New oundlo Nova Scotia New ninswlck and Alberta Nonin cidentSEdroppeminvmvnc cutie and Alberta only wiih 1950 ï¬gures brack Newroundland is us Prince dward island is it cutie 162 121 NewBrm 071 Oiitarlo iitis 1107 Manitoba 122 147 Saskatahe WSII 164 1631 Alberta 2904745 BritishColumbIli 09 Yu 1m and Noth Tito e5 etLot 21 Concession are Town The Ihï¬odeaiie toil by prov wick 168 108 Quebec 858 pencenLInjuroiuotaiiedwï¬ï¬ev