Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1961, p. 12

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661 Way To Shop For Hot Bargains LWarit Ads is mc militia EXAMINER FRIDAY avails ii mi REAL ESTATE pkorBRTY FDR SALB REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS RENTA NURSING HOMES RiiNT °LTZ2 dEEQLSlfifim ROGERS CONNELL PRATT LTD ARK EDEN Iplfilmhflfltmndlxm5ml¥tlfllnnl on euo ll imHl Ru ll Vittoria llu t5 URSING HOME reziltl21eph51vy 5Rl2 gt STREET EAST ifiarfie°aigi gig First BmteolifmfgflegForcmuiain Quality or Service BUILT FOR THIS WORK firEunfiinlhfisilormnrelrl ert Home is La ml rte uiiiiier tsiind PA 85568 TRUNK LINES see US For gzfidaagdgsgsgaiiehts garIrmllnghlAllngficRuzgghfis filiafriisiiii 52 REALTOR GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT mm hung cow took one in am UNFUKNISUIJ Is thre gsrirricodéxantll eelggoon SE zol BRADFORD STREET BMqu mu comp firm mSTWM TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER fiurggggnaflafig for Loam mm géggnkgfim iier usin 53 eav at lanai 1an dfignggnh PA an OR PA ROGERSPA Mm CONNELlrPA um CONSTRUCTION Centiaily lsgfllezvamlpéra will ALCDNA BEACH ROAD The rate ta only $150 51111 telling In to iarnieri Mummhiirtltls Disan REAL NATE EOARD PHONE PA 59393911 PA from snow 69 Telephone PA souhm luriber 77 Anal 77777 7777 Dmms mills éi iiiriirléa woman CLI BRQWN BE ST HOMES TOWN T5 USES T° NT are this arégiémffigrséiilg mmmaiflhmhmfig mum ADJOINlNG PARK hitchhwhlhzh slam aiafliiiim snirt ivcZf iayint inc ii ileii STREET hARRlE Avply Ariestrous Hum thcr oi JohnL Gald Dunns PHONES PA 6021 PA mu eSi One and two bedroom oparimenu Nanc hdflllanfiiestlnc mum my UNFURNISUED eli coniatoed an my Illgm £3133 SMART BRICK BUNGALOW Located lit Johnson and Steel Streets just north oi Johnson Street 513 UH no stile and dryer gammafigfigmiwgegm firytllieemehfpeiuii sEad SIlllrdy REAL STATE BROKER PM bug Wlfmlnguflflgfl gfifiml 1331 Public School niru north two blocks attiaific ligth at the 53°30 our girls Available September Anam 12 lmermem Mimi in mm snlm mun 335 8553 13 32 ist csmrsiar whammy ln Dominion Store Shopping Cenlrc at Riake and Johnson Streets mm was CemtitrY cm on EVENING ieruipriocipil and urea Tiiiuiit ituuai nimiahcd Apart MODERN our roam upsflmahl CHOICE ment tar rcnl Adults Apply at 51 CARDS 0F THANKS pd 33379 LOTS FOR SALE 04 10PM 550 durum zLeTXIIIStimhljoczvndlllhfi Street nice lot $1000 SIX BUNGALOW PLANS THREE ucbitilobi healodea ari 40 TWIWFLIW MILES wilh to thank my Queen dun iricnds and nelizhhm tor the m££lisi2pdfl3 Bum Sm °° merit in triplex close to schools imeli culls mucus Jack£51 mmyasm 1° OPEN 0R BEAUTIFULLY WOODED LOTS Two liooll lurnishcd apartment mllninufofbnla hosp iai Ml ACRES CUNDLES hcat 1ng andI Waller inlgllldtd in lflfll 03 In 05¢ it irontoge This valuable property is being onered at very FULL DOWN PAYMENT $595 AND UP figmufflhcm downtown suitable for coupll PAlNPred and would like to low price tronlsge on liayiicld st sec this properly and make Ml Telephopa PA 330 think all our relatives irieoda an Ml Call this oillce lor lull inlorrnaiima FULL PRICE $11 850 AND UP Pm mhhd RPM and neighbors lorlthllr lgndnfi Wane Roach tor details mm mm Ammm aisfisftice$iiriiisip1fiid HOME WIIH CHARACIER OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AUGUST 12 Tlmgxfinoonfimmmm Mum contained Available September Eoin Blrrte this home hia stone exterior is on paved iocnt Cenirai Private entrance WW 1mm to me by the stair ol the iioyn RENEW gift milk New PA as mm ad is in ihroughaui lira large living room with iircpiaec dlrlc Parsing taeliltiri Apply ou vim Xilnhflilwiiiyiliif BAYFIELD STt In mam sunlfim llrRlE modgm Iglcgemillllld ble ylerc hunt on 1000 am to 700 p111 m1 when PA intoroiatlon main oor wood nors roux on daemon rcc mm 53 room on hot air heated pressure system and septic tank This house FOR INFORMATION col FIVE liooai more let rent in mu Awlimwir Mum iaheii heated ground llaor laun ENGAGEMENTS Member gun and Distrch aflgglfiflhfiéegfidgfi Effigy 1° kc my Em New dry licliltlcs oakiey Park vicinity Ru tote oard occorated Availablc septcmber COU IS pm Evmm Available immediately Telephon HUNTER VAN iizlt IIEYDEN EVENINGS CALL 5mm when sop roan LangPA 575 GO DON PA omo alter pan iii airs Elrl iitintcr at OFFICE PA 82485 EVENINGS PA 66164 Two LAiiCR bright heated Iur Ma nmr chm mum EMORY llllL Ell PA uni Pergua Gancy PA its Mud awn mm UNFURNISIIED Aylrtmcnt in 103 IMME PA 50353 Members at the harrla Real Estate board west end rooms and kitchen Lossgfimvgnlhbeal dinieyligif ism3 or KARL MAMLMLL PA Mali COU IS Er CO 5523 flfigifigmegnfuggffi cite Heat electricity and water OWEN STREET BARRIE Aw 7i Prkside Driver with iis°ias° in lake place Saturday Saplema liesden oi liarric The marriage mum Sum PA um Mums New med mud iiilid==é°hhil commivomv STOUH genCleSsLt EXCLUSIVE AGENTaFOll Timsisniillallioll gh$m5h=sfingnnggm immmuwm or 000113 WEST POINT CONSTRUCTION LlMiTED iiih°° twigmuggafwfitiglggngnghflfig £13 machoxigycgaoinfigjm New NHA contemnnrary dwelling ii COLLIER STREET PA $5901 to gamut mm mm wiih carport room large llt tar Susan id lllr Arthur llllllder in room iarcc kitchen dialer CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS MORTGAGES fitfiflflfinflmgh53 Tum imoni Apartment son at itir and lirs Ticerd Mul me luster hcdmom ceramic rciil Stvs rclrlgcrator bcat l5 Rents his to monthi der or ueachvlile ontario The tilco bathroom with colored llxr Members oltbo tiarrlo aod District lical ailla Danni MORTGAGE Lows pm SHINIAPL iliot1 lighter siinizplilcdfilgrcxglhyv marriage is to take place on sair lures and vanity Lots ol cup can Trcylccrhm gouge gr my September will at 210 boards stonni and screens rergc MR STONE LOVER NO BONUS Two BEDROOM scil contained oclock in the First Christian Re unlurnished ariiocnt round Pmmmenk tormcd church barrlc EffigzzgkvpzmSkim he bcauiy oi alone with its own kind of ciccance We think this is lnnr central Alianilole iicat hy ll value and will sell ulcitiy it has divided kitchen with 1qu or To pay all your LUXURY made mmishcd apart Wud cupboard space living Paul with bookcasc divider nice bedrooms dro suppiicd 100 niont iy Aval mum mm new bundm 3m art sin UPPER 1mm stovc Prlg WW DVHWH my 170W OPEN HOUSE gt NE ii Wm To pay 1d Cum mm mm tovin Adults lzii nunlop East ms mwsorl gem MR DOCTOR PA 6648 Combine lsi and iicatcd Large lol panting One AlL Mr Simmonmm iiows your patience No pun intended We dont mean pailcnisi it you have been looking at houses that are good lor prolcssionai iulpluu mm Em Idvmsmfl dsi Hpfi 32 mm mm 00 Incuflvd We °° 45A DUNLOP ST Ems WM tantxlncd iiicd bathroom and 67 McDDNALD STREET will rcccivethc irichds c1 iiilt lle ALBERT LENNOX LONDON ONTARIO iormeriy ol narrie SUNDAY AUGUST 11 WE mERNonN AND EvaiNG 2nd Mortgage 3233 yam man Wm UNPuansiiizD one bedroom uphnmeni lieled Use of laun but impossible asaiicrne and vice vcrsa then this is lor you Gracious iieal maid ooini For any worthwhile mm film mm mm dry militias obic immch living in Lhisoidcr but modern brick two storey home on one ol purpose mwanmwflcnhicctnr telyAduitroo Amy Iii wfl Battles bctier sireets local lor your practice 55 352 at nicely ii lid cwi dccoratcd iiiust Puxci Slrcct otter pm or tclt kept grounds This is real pleasure to show MOVING be soon to be appreciated Tclt PM PA om rare to truism your You Pay Balance mm Mun iii and Mrs Lcnnox would be REAL ESTATE BROKER NRW Aim iiiodern one and two meet their old lriend oRciiARh DRIVE oAthli MR GARDENER NSURANCE Borrow Monthly Infiyls Two 00 mmmm nunmem bedroom apartments overlooking FA 592 hot as 22 wilh well established garden already planted Large well end it you need extra coveratc hot and cold WnlolSuumln sccnlc itempcnlcit nay tici wa DANCING DAYS 0R EVENINGS bull hymn with min in Included or any kind $1600 37 nu one or two adults Available now Wm MR THRIFTY MAN SEE STEVENSONS $200 4742 11 Telemannmolassevemmior llliigfiplmaidl iurthcr particulars Llsti in it $2500 5989 n11 Vmfldmmfg Fm Yen to live in an exclusive neighborhood with the best or neighbours PA 352 FIVE MOM Eungnluw FURNISHED Aparlmcni two You can do this and have an income tooor you can builryour own 113 Dunlop St Lower monthly payments avall Munth sum my Mod large rooms priviitc entrance cornmcrcinl coltits name on the extra lot and have an income troin both parts oi the Sh Pbumst jfuNFEFéRogé industrial Business duplex This couldnt be in better location tar ciihcr renting or lor OppokTUNITY me If dam mu up mm lrigerntor $65 mont iy Lenlral Bay Port omcc lor nirtlicr lnloh living The price ior duplex and lot la only slimn See this to be years 10 199 01 851 CW location it ly cargo Em up Memzzlfigfiengnfiiflflfl rim FOR BUYER WITH zeous gem ALSoyleNvmnmmfll Timiai nooni niriitshcd opar Por tonic rcscrvauons MR $4000 CASH hum gm liltmliT three room apartment ¥fiPH0WEmNALE 757m BARFRIED 01 furnished rivaic bathroom an We havc rare olicring near the Yacht Club in Rarrlca Rast end So WM MW mm ENTER ph fang 501 nialgvdr Laundry admit pertcct ior you Pour bedrooms large living room with fireplacc red out WW 10° hm RISES Egg QEflgnglflgnm and arising space Central loo divided kitchen rccrcoilon room attachcd gar ge and many exirai hm PM fighwmgfig Barrie rcsidcnls call operator and thin elephane PA H747 for his Senate roves REALTOR mart ygfluixvlzuld have to sea to appreciate call anyone at PA 55901 or fggfillgpififh gufim ask tor ZE 7cm Fm1mm mm mm tiarr inrormaiion PP ho Tom conch Lei if gui my to hum 2nd washroom etc 0er and WW WWW Large living room iiltchcn and Defence Spending DO JOR Full price $490 Canlu 0m mph in 061 ngmfi fizsffijmfifimfi three piece bath Front and back RIGHTDOWNTOWN gnurlmonihlie Payrlfinl will be less llun rgnthln this extra large 33 H331 mm mm 0mm mm we Edeiiiméhehiifimiiiialih iii Vm pm beam WM unga ow on reswc our Garage second at room and tiled bases in on Association UNFURNISHED Upper artmcnt WASHINGTON AmA Scn cuy dulled in large lbmlly or He only few who mm meilms In this brick home Can box as BARRiE EXAMINER ar an simfisapmie fragileh APPgAagimigayfipld streak Me House or RC resemaiws Tummy Lam mm mm welshow you this listing with monthly payments of only tout which FIRST MORTGAGE entrance room mm bum in one separate dining room in excellent CPL mm ML CARPENTER Rental sis monthun lmmdlfil Tiilliaa Rooni heatod lmlurnlgheq compromise committee aP fiynxr1ighdiiiw élliTsfiilin gin MR FSHERMAN on MONEY NEW APP fimmimvm bflhmom proved Wednesday virtually allLioam Nicely dccaratcd Terms HANDYMANS WFDRTUNITY To LOAN 0N 0le Aim TWO Bedroom Arm 5232 €3fl°3£233 ch mum mama Wm ham acatlon at home on eautitul Kcmpenlclt llay when you own this AS Low As $500 DOWN meats stove rclrigcrator lanltor ed ppm mm pm $3v°°°i°°°t°°°m in ex an not mm cm on illiydillmhl icldlisislah iii or no Resdenl Properties am so muniv mum has Freer in on 06 Vew dfieme funds Naked by mm Mm part has thrce bedrooms living room and kitchen vltlidlnln arca punch and interest H7ur Busmefi OWme LETigece° p°pr°l3 PA MIL PreSldent Kennedy to stirren INCOME PROPERTES fionthlnilr tihlshia tcr aiucAukhenyoulcorhsiixler yuir have asiirnmep nrflmgflgaikfi Lnbulfidotllhixguh Oimpioved well located iarms minim forces means fshe wn or me on one in red in one package Let us way less than six as THREEROOM artnicnt newly Berlin iris lgupiex central location 51500 show you this duplex now lure list included cao easily VICTORIA GREY demmm mmgmy mm gflmige Elia5125in rumour own be nnlshcd as duplex or large TRUST cm Lung and pup mm mm Menu The compomise hill exclud Dblible limos Sophia Street l2 MR TOWN LOVER bedroom centrelhhll Pilinéngsr mi mmucsmmwdeliiizilzhfisi diufiqvnunm Scamp MumNH rP uwm iiig the clVll dcience funds 31 311330 3° me We hivc large mumLunallriwnwhhtfigrgyjofiuaun 3ng DUND ONT cggggffifhggfilgay Telephone PA wasi waui kick my mung we now 101 will harden The homummmpmtflmflte oost or lived in REPRFSBITATIVE FOR GROUND Don mm 000 car lost as it is Call us now has more lliiormhtlon GARAGE Port SALE in in loot RARRii AND nisTRlcT 55 Two BEDROOM hcatcii sclr ry on once dephr ihly Make an oiler umbth apartment Rentalinfo mcni activrtiesinthefiscalyear Dupicx downtown separate MR YOUNG MAN WW HENRY ELRCK containcd apartment toi rentfac tained hardwood rioori Cen ily moved Tclcpbonc PA 543907 lng iakc Privatc entrance Park hem and Hum mm iraily lacatcd Available Septem wmd beg July sell An opportunity to oiva your owni roomcd homcon pavcd road in MICHIE his one mm mm berzl Telephone PA mos OLEA pm pm pad the Village or Churchill Lot 65 zn1v Pull price only $3500 Two BEDROOM Bungshlflv ior is OWEN ST 325 mm Tm PA dalmlumeyeastrendi rkr mom CLASSIFIED at Mo MAN or Acriew Pods mm or may FORD PA was First come first see Just listed Duplex on Riake street aiih upper fféfinfimaatm gfflfifxgefigfgfifnfizmy 11 run porch hydro hot water hca rented and lower ready to move in We think ills alerrtfic ii MORTGAGES15 nd ed cd laundry racllitics Rcirlgeratar Efififiafifilfggngsmd now well drive you out to see it NEW MODERN uuagaiow tor sale sold and arranged Cnndmmegllfi £9355figfiflfifgfihfifimflgfi omi sthLsuPPlleLAvlillable two hedrooms electric heating and residential micys loaociLon sum mm mm MR NATURE LOVER tiirflonrsfiWflGOol wlu exchnnizt Exlsdnzlimrlgages Barrio Mort Moms e7 4T as part baym at on house in gags litohm PA N504 sour CONTAISBD uoiurnlshcd ELEPHONfii We ave nestled in among cool trees on the built or swift running commercial are Phooe PA Mani bedroom mam maxim room kitchen and hathro stream an adorable bedroom brick bungalow with fireplacev nd Ill we onglIlhlvhemda the comiorts MJ city homo The nwnenrwapt to build the own FINANCIAL Wfim bewarng in Allindole PA °E 113 would even accept ii lot in trade He who 53m noon Hansel 15 acres mmqu mph FA 5959p Phone PA 24 Ind ask for hesitates will mid son on the gate call us today hm hydro Whmm mnm mm spamwlm Stransman rram pm to EVENINGSCALL lull basement water on top ll FOUR ltoolvl win was him couldom 2515 Harry siessorPA soon mm mm ONLY A79 FOR WEEKS ilNPliltNlsrihb Rascmcnt Add mmc ately Kent fol noils NuilycombcPA osiial Orca BmwnkP n7sz €352 Lflsfiefi sfiaflolhinfimfifif ammst mm $40 and $50 per month riydro and 5Fralik congdonPA 37475 Tcm Telephone PA sdou ASK FOR grnlfgisrggfgmgfigdsfingggfinfi space heater provided Also lurn NEWLY DECORinn live room Condensed and classified adver iiseineiiis are inserted at the CO rate of 4c per word per insertion Real Estate Broker one and W0 mesa per mum Tam ishcd apartment availaais sch word for three nul or live owenfihee 33ml Pours on FIVE Redroom iiouae MIN LOAN phone mm tcmhcr Phone PA cam or 146 hradrord Sire times and 252i per word or $10950 Full Price ginrliltifge iiliiigpiiéediiatifi THREE nooivi Apartment and Potm Ronni uniurnislicd apart oom Phil basement Laundry til th stove and re fignflllulglmseriflwnst 19 add £33155 um gm blinding REAL ESTATE BROKER tubs oll heated Vcry low down liiiiiiiir Slipplaicd control locaa 135 figfi Fflf Emmi£53 arge no pal Within mm mm mm Cdn payment oyeais old 0n Highway lion Available immediately No 5° fin lo days THE MINIMUM COST sf schadi stares In iii DUNLOP ST PA 841961 PA 68742 ii is mildewlimits rem gmmmrmmsmmmev smunnggwggagmfigt gagerg cg FOR ANY CLASSIFIED Ana route Terms arranged Cali FmST MO$EGAGE FUNDS AvAiLARLEm iNThRPsT PM 26 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 471 01 PA 599 Wm bfla formant cliilti Tolephone PA 35306 or PA VERTISEMENT is see FOR 24 F5 0m PROPERTY FOR SALE ASK FOR aim SIMMS mo nooai Apartments mo mamame 13V £3755 $14000 Commercial Area SHANNON 5T ox RENT ms TO LET iiIMRGED PER SINGLE 5m 133121 girafilalggeifislgedpglgmgé bedroom bungalow with roll basement extra large kitchen piece lleaied and parking space bath iiic llvl Two STOREY House situated in phone pA 32555 day on 3294 on CLEAN SERHO WIN Willfie street lot 54 x165 cllgsemttimsclzioobfrggflciiowflfl1$oisnmké Shanty Buy inst few yards rns Thu Property on rovide you train the water Features hed HIS ah we mm Xsfinm mm lggglgfg ERRORS 0R consonants Wm buslnlssioutlef as well BUSINESWPPORTU moms drapiacc in living room Won ONE anagram modern and nevummwnmmw um an living accommodation licaaooablc TIES excellent well indoor plumbing private three rooms with or with pumsum mom phonc insertion orders are accept msd Grocery and snack bar on Highway do north Large comer nt 215 nm mm in CICISSlfied Ads get re nut furnflmv Parking WWW central Parking lacillties mic ed as convenience to yin the aim good locationtor motci serylne station etc Also service station Avouahle September 15 Present Also three room ground floor ml phone PA 34648 tor lurther ia advertiser Therefore the Classified $12000 Lovely Bungalow snack bar and grocery doing good yeariround business on mum pd tenants moving ircoi calorloaCau nished apartment Both available Advertising Department in west call iaclr wilison lilra chom PA 33103 or OrijMGnfipflmmoWhmmPmmiiw Ill advertisers to kindly eiheck 3cm fifiifflangflg 44 mm and after Pm FURNISHED R001 and suction lhclc advc lsgment immcdl is tor root Rclrlgcrator and stove alter orat scrtioh in order athaé afidmtiliilflmilifiohewscei°$ blew7 HILSDALE FARMS FOR SALE nus OPPORTUNITIES 05 Wm WM Imam Ssmrflé lManes Dawn my man or omissions may he Freeland my game Sham $25m lull price good rooms in good condition and localed on all heated MirFlew 5° WW lawn area Tclcphono PA N594 reported acid acre lot Only slooo down he met 0R RENT Ea iaincd uico flours kitchen with ldr turthcr dctdiis um um mg kg auger all as Coutls mm mam Mum cm in who to arry tor 390 hair ivAliiziaouso tar rent 42 leis slrlkand modern cupboards plan the tollowing dayslnscrtla rd Fl Aims Putin and born tor salc 1WEAmpls room or trucir ty or closet space Kansans Ind FURNISHED Bi We wish to point out tiinata Till $51000 summer conage Evening Call up mi saver mm ham iias private entrance Suitable tor fll lt ome Suit two Work nmie mam myst South side 01 on Loke 5w water ice Longiln PA 82740 Jack Willson PA 631 conveniences Located on illgh warehuuse Contact Ronest Joes valiaoie immediately Suit cou inc med ilreakrast and luncii it for only one incorrectly mice from and over 400 reet in depth Everett shciswell oro 2919 Norman Shnlwveu pa 39951 way one mile iroin Dalston store Cala hradlord Street ple Fhooo PA MEGS desired Centrally located Telc Insertlun on any rdva iii bcvcl slding cottage gonzo HowardNorris PA iisioa Rcrercncm erto our as Ennlé phone PA cram ror particulars Jud the only me mix heautlnilgrove or ittyearmld pines Examiner Portion or ad that involves the gulf beach good fishing BD MORTGAGES gt golfing kllaocfixmlitar3éfilfrfifig ants riot Err rsv whl co do not lurnislicd Reasonable rent with mcnt are not euglhlc ior colrec 0m 3m NH neat and iightr included ideal lor tions by make goods Real Fstato Board MOETNESGAGIE WITH AN INCOME UP To $8000 PER YEAR OR °Pl°HT°l°phnPA Coming Events 5c per Word PHONES AtprILABLE la MORE Two mm mm Ws minimum charge $150 Birth attics PA 32485 No Bonus on experieuca necessary vligafESiiiEssiJfliafimimi and Death Notices for up to 25 EmmiEs DOWN PAYMENT ONLY Payments insured against orivarantced minimum income until huslncss established en Parking Apply to hop as Wards Over 25 words 5c we GORDON iii COUHSPA Solu accldcni sickness death selary paid during training period which covers all aspects at service mic Elimm extra Irl Memorjlam No WALT at comsPA CRESCENT FINANCE station operation and mnnngemcnt OVERMG hers 51 if Verse used SANDY courtsPA ms 16 DUNLOP WEST an gemde 551 mm ll ccommodation rival word atria bzalrlcleuitirqiierilimhnfiin To gt row gt ml company auopor at all times on Two ninu cs rain osodaa gt an DriviflCumflnglfiarmjfi gt °m95 ompefey odem and FImShEd MORTGAGE LoANs Exccllelil opportunities available in Burlington Guelph Kitchener gggwnflf Barfiialrlinstxilh dosingIii Imfglafm FloTummgflmadfiisxmm llvigg room dining room kitchen Every Detail Garages Included Whitby and Retro Tatunto Hm Tome mum and using hlliid Letlcr Bax Numbers mm ANYWHERE no ii illl to for Replies is held strictly canod 35533113 0151 3110 1230 FOR APPOINTMENT TO NSPECT immediately to consolidate debts 300M BOARD eatial ricplica toLettrr bares ashram or cxisiin mort es homo DA LIMITED will he held onlvlo till after inched larfiéc$élu¥¥osszg DAY DR NIGHT PHONE fillymvemcnts gain Cfing ror ap CANA AVAILABLE Room and lioard ior last day or publlchunn use LEECH PA82670 pp ntmcot PA want Mortgage two persons will pacir lunches ll Classilled advertisements and arty will he listedwith redress gimfénvSg gmgsnnlSEm 129 Trade mom Mme these pagas must late on Tuesday August 15 PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLSJBLOCK 35 ltler Tcicphoiie PA olosa be received by lim day one zoo Acnlis or clay Loam 165 R00M AND HDAIID availabler ceding phliru ca ion With tho ex amarygorkgnie Ho gem map gt ROTARY REATER gym gflgmfigm Peption of Classniled Display pan aox°diifoniiiirsaiiciia5 he Sing my 97 35 advertisements which must be 40 Han house an ml Waterin heater for milking it is often inky mm mm viewing dBY 5aiseiiriiiiiidscsc an BROKER noisy SeLthLdishomaJdamp 1015 giatal5°dsymm Eeffifl lflXLcrxiflggkngflu flMLEAJflW v93Bilrrh7p8E Wham This keeps the bosyl pFione home busmessx THE BARRIE toincfithrough The ijulllpfl ld 7W miles to Claiming Tglcgligric MARRL MARSHALLPA Minn CORRYPA lisiiiii from Slipping Nd 315° Cuts veruaiar department Cecll ii vContusl mwzc owirw JONESEPA may downon the clatter Which ofaabovedoreas preferred gt EXAMINER lessenrihc value or the advertise

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