Russian cosmonaut Gherman iitov is escorted by Premier Nikita Khrushchev who can ries flowers on litovs arrival at Moscow ill port Vednes day Behind ï¬tov is Russias CAUGHT BY SURPRISE Millions or It ESCORTS SECOND RUSSIAN SPACEMAN first spacemnn ilfaior Yuri Gngarin AP iircphoto Pesos Seized In Currency £hangeover By JACK BEST Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CPihe people of Cuba have just been given jolt they will not soon forget With onepowertul stroke the countrys revolutionary govern ment last weekend seized con trol of the peoples savings and hr theproccsrhelped itself to millions of their pesos Announcement Saturday of changeover to new pesos in all denominations caught nearly ev erybody by surprise The changeover was carried out in twoday blitz operation pnd it was all over Monday night Pesos already in circulation were rendered valueless People could exchange up to 250 for new notes but any extra they held had to go into special bank accounts Horses Killed ImCollision DENVER AP iw race horses one an English import said to bervaiued at 530000 were killed in collision during workout at Centennial Track Thursday They were Mahrud an un raced threeyearold owned by Earl ucksonbi Burger Tex Fool sixyea old he longing to Leo Dale oi Fountain Colo Jack Wicket exerc boy riding the Eng hjbred Mahrud was only shaken up track official said Hi Fool being led by handler on an other horsebroke loose and ran the wrong way on the trackiie collided headon with Mahrud as Vickett rode the horse out of um value between the old and new or domestic dealings pegs the dollarone peso for one dollar seven for one dollar DRIVEN T0 TEARS Cubans knew told that they would not be able total depo ts would he confiscated This gloomy prospect drove some people thnse who stood to lose the most to tears or near hysteria Then Tuesday night the poo pies suspciions were confirmed Premier Fidel Castro in ra diuvtelevisifm speech announced that only 11000 pesos could be withdrawninitially by any one person withdrawals would be limited to 100 month to maximum 0910000 Any to the state Castro estimated that 3000 personsdeposited more than 101 pesos each He charged they had been hoarding money gated in May News of the impending changeover and the uncer tainty which it arousedtouched miirarbuyingr spree last Satur day astpeople rushed to make use of their oldpesos The de mand became so heavy that purchases had to be progress sively limited until in some stotres twopeso maximum was se SOME CLOSE Small private stores of differ ent kinds closed down entir81y their proprietors not wishing to THE MURRAIP gl55 TIFFINST THE MOST MODERN EQUPPED SHEET METALSHOP NORTH or TORONTO To sERvn YOUR NEEDS FROM THE LIGHT Esc GAuGEs To 1WE SPE MAKINGANY ARTICLE iltOM SHEET MET There was no difference in peso The official exchange rate peso at par with the American However on the international market it ranges trom five to without being to draw on these accounts as and when they pleased it was JnJLiolaiion ot law promul amounteabovethatr wasforfeitetk changeover eliminate the potential danger to Cubas economy and security posed by hundreds of millions get stuck with more old pesos Saturday night was wild one in Havana Nightclubs all over the city were filled with slightly gt doit customers throwing ol money around People lighted cigars with 10 peso notesor $20 bills he government said lb was designed oi old pesos held by Cuba countarrevolutionaries in the United States Cirre All ay FORBES human Canadian Press Business Editor GENEVA PARK OntCPi Disarmament by itself wont end wars says General Sir Geoffrey Bournc one of the speakers at the conference of the Canadian institute on Pulr iic Affairs world almost completely disarrned except for internal security forces would still not be safe place if there were still rivalries General Bourna said it woud stil as possi for an aggressor to attack and defeat on enemy and am afraid that would happen And if one country concealed and maintained only few hydrogen weapons it could blackmail and dominate the world General Boume now retired but who has commanded British forces in many parts of the world added VICTORIA CPlThe Times says struggle ior control of potentiallyrich nilbearing lands off the coast of British Colum bia is shaping up between the icdcral ond provincial govern The newspaper says the juris dictional dispute between 0t tawn and Victoria has been sim mering for more than 11 years but has hcen brought into the open by an announcement from Shell Oil Company at Canada Ltd of plans to explore about 11000300 acres of land along the west coast to Vancouver island and up into Queen Charlotte Sound Shell has applicd to Ottawa inr exploratory permits on the offshore lands Redmond at Calgary vicepresident of ex ploration said work will start soon on preliminary surveys The Times gives this story The oil company took the pre caution ot clearing the move with provincial authorities be fore applying to Ottawa and no trouble is expected in the pre liminory stages of the develop ment Mulcahy ac deputy minister of mines and mineral resources said the province wants to place no obstacle in the way of developing BCs oil resoprces PROVINCE xrnsmaurs However he said when it comes to drilling it must be rec ugnized that these are crown lands in the right til the prov ince and permits will have to before except after or as sounded as or neighbor or weigh 10 GAUGE PLATED CIAqu IN BARRIE bLmany Disarmament Not For War Heoeidvdismnamentï¬muat surely be for nations to set up supraworld government and machinery to keep the peace and for that world government to maintain truly intera tional police force with inte grated contingents of navy army and air at instant readit ness and under unquestioned command NEED NUCLEAR ARMS This international force would have to be strong enough to de reï¬tthe sï¬ongcst one power and this means it must have for someyears to comelongv range nuclear striking power Both Russia and the West had admitted that this was the final solution to international secur ity but It meant countries would have to give up large chunks of their sovereignties to the world government and this was long way from the pre JluitciLlIutions FederalProvincial Battle Likely 0n Control Of OilRich BC Lands the province JlD in crown reserve sole where they would be put on public auction Mr Mulcahy said We leel our position is sound and that the acreage involved is provincial crown land which the province owned when it entered confederation in 1858 If oil com panies wish to apply for so coiled titles to the land from Ottawa thats all right with us But it doesnt change the own Shili The attorneygenernls depart ment has been studying the ownership question since federal legislation placing the issue in doubt was passed about two years ago BI DAVID OANCIA Canadian Press stun Writer tBritains formal application to join the European economic community could be the begin ning of break in the log jam that has impeded progress to ward European unity letter saying let us join has been sent by Prime Minis ter Macmillan to the Common Markets Brussels headquar ters Macmillan was given the green light by Parliament last month The negotiations that lie ahead will be long arduous and complex Spokesmen for nations on both sides oithe Channel say that tooinuch Eat stake to allow them to fail Success could mean the weld ing ofthe nations of Western Europe into powerlul confed eration And there is alike lihood that it coirld give rise to some king oimn Atiantlc com munity including Canada and the USan idea still consid ered nebulous and impractical RISK OF DIVISION Failure on the other hand carrieswith it the risk of di viding the nations of the ngt who lee they must maintain their strength to deal with an aggressive challenge from the Communist bloc No Im not confident but Im hopef Macmillan told three vane agitator an inglls Custom NOW ONLY be granted in the some wuyvua for any other crown lands in This would mean Mr iiiul cohy said that oil companies wishing to drill would have to planhanetbLlandancludeiL at the some dote cases with deaths numbering 23 The Custom is designed for full lb family washlond at aneconontloni price it natures safety wringer automatic pump and special Youilheproud to own lNVESTIGliTES Cari Goldenberg of Mom tree was appointed in June 196i ds oneman roan com mission to nquire old wide spread strike that tied up To ronto apartment housing and subway construction yer Mr FOLIO SHOWS OTTAWA CP cases oi paralytic polio were re ported in Canada in the week ended Aug bringing the total for the year to 52 the health dcpnrtment has reported The EDI new cases were ien ported in Quebec bringing the total there to There have been two deaths this year both VINEGliR LACKS CERTAIN PUNCH StY Reuters Australians who snatched bottles of Scotch whisky iramghcnexhiuit stands at Sydneys giant trade fair should have bad taste in their mouths today The bottles were filled with vinegar Britains Market Entry Step In Direction 0i European Unity Pnrllamcnt when he asked it to approve an application to ioi Ml the Common Market He spoke with the knowledge that progress had been made in bilateral diplomatic talks in Bonn and The Hague Paris Rome Brussc LET BE RANK one man eosrs win we co AU ummn mourn inform RICHARD spun PA68911160VESPRAST ï¬nglis Custom WW Washerm ErT961 m7 Inglis Hercules Mechanism 119 INGLIS LIBERATOR FULLY AUTOMATIC WASHER WITH suns SAVER law Goldenherg was longtime mediator in labor tnIanagementdisputesrittil Photo Four new were 390 HAMILTON CP rebel group of striking stevedores plans to meet today to discuss terms oi tentative contract settlement and form plane to overthrow the reigning union ex ecutive The men members of local 165 of the International Long shoremens Association CLC have beenon strike for 32 days in members walked out over it contract dispute blocking overseas pping at Ihe two parE Allan Ridcout vicepresidcnt of local i654 and George Fort mon former business agent ral lied their forccs forashowdown with Lhe local beads They claim to have the support of almost 7olmcmbers oi the itaman in ca SEEK PROTECTION Mr Rideout and Mr Fortman said they will ask for police prtr should anyone from the Toronto local or the Buffalo cxecutivn board intericre well muscle them right out and thats no fooling The faction also wants to break off relations with the Toronto stcvcdorcs and bar gain unilaterally with the ship ping companies for new con tract About 40 stcvcdores headed by Mr Ridcout marched on the JinksheadquartcxsIbursday and demanded membership meeting They said they were refused but were invited to an executive meeting in stead ilir Ridcout has been In dis agreement with the rest of the local officials since the first days of the strlke He is ap posed on the executive by Peter Campbell re John is oo 1961 emomat the mcetmg But 10 TEE BARRIE EXAMIXEB Fanny AUGUH 161 Striking Stevedores Plan Meet To Overthrow Union Executive Jackal Kane business agent and his brother Hubert record ing secretary Gabriel Desk secretarytreasurer Mr Rideout said the compa nies have indicated willingness to talk to his group lie said the original company after of $215 an hour was adequate The members only objected to meas ures involving the safety of work gangs Five stevedoring firms sent letter to the strikers warning that in another week they may he forced to withdraw their of fer of retroactive pay as agreed by the companies and the union last spring RAW JUICE AND DIET Cheeriulness and optimism are milestones on the road to re covery but carefully selected raw vegetable Juices and the As is true with so many other diseases in practically all cas es oiarthrltis there is history of vitamin and mineral delic iency in the diet It is tel remedy this lock that fresh fruit and vegetable juices arei includedip the dietaLtgeat ment of Its ailment Wr for further information on the subject no obligation NATIONAL HEALTH nasaanca so Wellington Street wart state 04 roanmntuv Picktheginmfl 12 Martinis like best Pick vmeowra sc sAvE Mo BY owz BEAT THE NEWSALEVS CU FT FRIGIDIAIRE REFRIGERATOR jar ThaArihriii7 111w gt 24700 jNOW ALTQYOURSPECIFIC ONS INGLIS FLAT SHEETS Ith ALE BLACK LIBERATOR seer ANHWMFNUW DRYER Mn INDPERATION someas out FawE SERVICE our sea9 gt gt ASINTHEPAST CANNOT BE EXCELLEDJTOZ DAYSON 90 0F ORDERS SLIGHTLY LONGER 0N SPECIALTY ORDERS sHyEARiNGtfrBENDlNGvIl ro nupopgnnmm m7 Viscosisnnhi xnniictE Now