Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1961, p. 10

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telephone PAVE phone insertion order an sccc tr cdncaoonvenieoccworyo scvcrurcr Thoretm the iassiaed portlorrot ad that Involves the VCool Way To Shop For Hot Ill THE Em EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST In all ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS In REAL ESTATE Pnordsu Port SALE sTAlmAt tho Royal Victoria Hoapilai barrte oo Wodncsdly August loci to Mr and sin Barcio Siarr RR 0m station son istilihornl PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS the Biased Event can on amounted to your lriends and relatives toronly $150 Just DEATHS CARTERPukil IWUJ her home in Psinswlck Ontario on Wronesoay Ausnsi mi also aiurooco beiovcd wise oi Harry so our mother or Rotten issslr Ha rmlrllh ii on cw Ir lnh lilm also or noiton In hcr loiit yrsr Rcstliil at the Ilnnlll Funenl Hbmfi Barrie or ninescl service on Prldsy August rats lun Iolennrnt st Pauls eemriery inoislll ENGAGEMENTS BOYESLBIGII iiir and Mrs Prank Morton Euycs or st Caur arincs announce the enragcment or Lhrlr daughter Patricia Cou aen to Orval Eddr Lem at Toronto son oi hi and Mn Edgar Leigh oi Barrie Thu mar risre is to take place on Friday September incl at 710 oclock in iiart House chapel Toronto PlilLuPs nEAmBRLY Lance corporal and him Phillips is Coriano Crescent Camp bordcn havn announced this apartment or their eldest daughter liarltyn Louise to Craiuman Lorne John llrathcrly oi Edmonton Trinily chach Camp riordcn will be the settinl tor the aitcrnoon crrcmony sat nniay Aulurt IF 106i COMING EVENTS OPEN HOUSE hills nAwsoN d7 licooNAul SHEET will receive the lrlendl or bill sr sins ALBERT LENNOX LONDON ONTARIO tormcriy nl liarrid SUNDAY AUGUST is 1501 AFTERNOON ANo EVmNG Mr and Mrs Leonox would be pleased to meet their old rrlcnos Crash Follows Popes Warning ROME Reuters Cand dlau woman broke her leg and seven boys were bruised Wed nesday in road accident soon after they were warned by Pope John of the danger of auto mis haps They were 951 ota group of 35 Canadian tourists whohnd attended general audience given by the Pope at hlssum iner residence in nearby wCastcl Ganddllo Their bus swerved when trylt ed on streetcar trac near Caste Gandolto The injured woman is Mrs Yvette Provost Thomassiii wile of Jacques Thomassin leader of the Silhwinigan Que cadets band An earlier report that Thomas Iin also was injured apparently was false During the audience at Castel Gandolto the Pope spoke about the danger of road accidents and recited new prayer to ward all all harm that may be caused to men by the ditticul ii inf irnlel777r CLASEIEIED ADVERTISIN EfIELEPJrIONE PA 82414 Ooiuiellsed and classified adver fife inserted at the rate of 4c per word per insertion for one and two times leper word for three four or five times and zinc per word tor more insertions 10 ad tionai dialgo if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR hOGTFORflWDRDFIF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION Emails ORvCORRECTIoNS Advertisers urn remindcdthlit Ill Advertising Department all advertisers tnklndiy their ddverttsolnent tmmediatcly alter first insertion in order that lny errors or omissions may ha reported hetore in order gtthat moralitybe rectified loi the inllowlng days insertion order we wish to point out that Tho Barrie Number Is responsible or only one incorrectly printcd insertion on any advertisement and then only to the extent or requires rewiheck mlsprini Errors which do not 1essenib vTa insoi the sdvsrnsr lnent are not eligible or correc tions bymskc Rodin Conung Events 5c per word nimum Charge $150 Birth Landlheuovern 4ivinproom mmumfiPAMsir BOAKE REALTOR BRADFORD STREET BARRIZ PA Assn ORPAelt5m Eiili IIIi111 hm litYams or arminl WlkemanPA IJGI RI IL DollopPA slomosrs or rum and District Real Ennis aourl AntsTATE BROKER 1s Tirrm srkm count CALL DA on EVENING PA 82379 Member oi the Barrie son District Real mat Board HAROLD FOR REALTOR so BA YFLEZLD ST EA 56453 $500 DOWN heated in the Villno or Anilus is six room homo which we have Just iislcd With no can venlumlyverynltelol abouts Pull asking price $2500 now Call hoary Miller ROOM HOME Slutled in quiet plfl or town IiiI nice room home live rooms and three plcce bath down lilllllld our rooms Ind tree piece hath upstairs Upstairs rents ior oer month Largo int 127 156 I0 live litre is likc being in the country Total Iskv ind price 811000 Clll Ioe Pal iner PA cm Sec it ORO Till bcsuuiul bomo is right on tbs wsiors edge In tine grnvc in trees on oprivale roro Lsrgs rionc ateposts with lsnicros on top give It all air oi distinction This modern and bcsutiluily plan ned home Is all on ono lcvoi It Is wintcnsod Living room has large open nrcplsco snd dining room okltNienills hard and sort witcr on tsp Three boo bedrooms orcucwly and ab lashed ganse Cement dock and hoathouae has electricity to bring your host in The owner very keen to sell ror lppnlntmcnt please call Norah asikes are im slso buysIskcsborc properties tram new up to 355000 to show you QUEEN STREET ANGUS his °l dinette and iiiy plcrc ba 3d attaehcd rage Newlypnl and wishes immediate sale Asking $7500 ulI price with ap proximately 500 down What mountnave you to offer us Contact Emory llilller $600 DOWN Pour room bungalow in excrlienl conditio lust on the edge or town Living room kitchenraud two bedrooms tour piece bath with pressure systems lsrcr lot with lovely garden 375 per month wily carry interest princlt pal and taxes For further psr tlculus can the Palmer $800 DOWN Located at Baxter near Camp Borden your old lrlsul brick home on Io acres or land treating hardto Amati Five room home with pece bath very low turns and carrying charges Call mory Miller tor lnspcctioo $300 DOWN arentwood near csmp Borden roomy bevelled siding home on an sxlrs large lot sue Ioa rot ittihls house has two cood size ruolnslarlle kitchen with built In sink sod cupboards molly she Aluminum storms and screens throughout Also an attached gar age Only nskinlz 50000 iuu price For an lupolutrnunt to inspect call Karl Marshall PA $9917 OWN ER LEAVING BARRi Very attracch three hrlckbungiithith attached garage and breeroway on well landscaped lot Recreation room with plumbing cumplctetor extra washroom in basement Excellent condition What is your oficr For appointment to see csii Mara shersr bedroom Member or Barrio and District Real Estate Board Warm CALL EMORY MILLER PA 50115 JOE PALMER PA Mass NORAE RAIKES MARG SHERAR am 12 PA usas HENDERSON caLLEiz ISTREET PHONE PA 82678 BUILDING LOTS Three acres about 75 too ironi age close to highwsy c550 building lot with creek close to highwayAny size you require Letliis street lot as 250 feet only $2500 Letitia Street overlooking 400 Highwsy lovon lot so no test very msonsble price Phone Per cy Ford LAKEFRONTrFARM About an acre with lame house and excellent born 00 test at and combination aluminum storms and screens complete the Dwnorihuhcen irsnsrerrco DUNLOP ST Plusulllty room REAL ESTATE extortion P08 sans ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Qualiw ct Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Ii LLriiIA 3mm JUST OFF SUNNIDALE ROAD $12M Hero is in inerpensiu vacdrwin brick bungalow with mi Am Pllt On lei dnBlrrill me Bl lovely marl trocs II on was bound silica new In ass is clan iivlngdlnlnr shaped comamatlon ind In kitchen With Devrat hum ml Till baumc high and dry in Mllhed nulthylo dtn Inti than ll hfllhl Hillary muon Substantial cash LI ulred lien hill the mill mufljlfld carrlu It monthly EDI Ell Mint III in find little homo NOW PA 5556 39 STRABANE AVENUE SOUTHERN EXPOSURE $14500 GENUINE RUG Bilch raorhsiylc with messed trout doorway this yoamld threebedroom bungalow will have tremendous appeal to the man who rccnlntus high quauty in ronstrucllon lta situated to an excellent neighborhood ot othcr Isoo homes Has tuily icncsd lIVol in 11s it deep Living area In extra spacldul and the bedrooms or amflo also or inio lamily omlort owner is tronerred to Toronto so quick poueulon is avauiiblai $12800 OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL AREA llcprcsenis top voluq on todlyl market This post ilduyrkep Shedmom brick bunnan is cspecisily well located ror schools it an extra large lilthen combination livtnkdining and divided burned with partly iinirbcii recreation room Very iiocd terms arranlco with at NHAA mnrtqlle that carrier or $510 per month includinl tam Call R56 or lull lnlornilitorl 425 CODRINGTON STREET ONE MORTGAGE ONLY$1500 DOWN $10500 Mr is ln most atlrlctlvo location overlooking Krmpeniolt ba bedroom huuaiow with ilvingdinina combination can largo kitchen Very nod toms it has rultlsirr builtIn cricrcdonly Mo down balance on one open mortgage Now vacantmeat possequ is portunity wont last loos Phoon PA om today rue with concrete floor Th BEAUTIFULLY TEEED LOCATION SUNNIDALE ROAD DISTRICT $17000 set sninsL attrsciivo Ivastarry Colonial plan with bay windows not an ormers upstairs The house was hunt in IBM and is rpotlcul its true sir roomcr wiih 14 llvlnl erooin lovely iircplaceaod large dining room with one or Earrics ilncst sweeping views trom this high elevation The garage is attached with walkrirl britrancn in basement mprrty or has ty and real cordonand exceUcnt tcrms arc obtainaBlc To inspect lmmcdilte please call PA Mud iiir noscrs $14700 This Is thrceyeargtold red brick hungaiow or excellent lan situated on brsutlrully kept dcep lot it has dno landscaping spillde trees carport and enclosed psilo Tho mt living room has lovely dry bright pouroflwali basement complete lsundry secii oii lactins picture of iamin comiort heml Owner transicrred oiicr txcell at quick sale with 32500 down Phone PA asses 29 DOWNSVIEW DRIVE NICELY SITUATED AMONG FINE QUALITY HOMES 316500 Very attrocilvc long ranch bungalow solid brick construction and hole proper to attached gtraxa ty is ocat and well its it the ravourltn Lshspcd livingdiolng combination with cove céium and builtin vaianccs hanovcr kitchen in natural birch bu lsrgo table area with recesses or appliances The bainmcnt is divided and his sand recreation room only 32500 down is requircd and you can have quick pomcrslon SEE lT Now Phona PA was 1YEAROLD BRICK BLINGALOW WITH GARAGE sum SELLING AT OWNERS ACTUAL COST thnnvhedroom illnlnz combinatio plan that is universal rivouritc sircable kitchen with cupboards ascmcnt is aving ns barzaln withlmmcdl is sIo NBA monogr Ps vml Has Islgr living brliiiit 3Tislnm snd otter this unions down psyrocnt to stall EVENINGS CAL All MOOREPA 55m nocEnsPA use iiEiiraiins aAlullE sr blsTiilcr is es LT FOSTElbPA out CONNE PA REAL STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALIOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA Hm PA $0242 smith CampbellPA Mails Fergus GirveyPA Mias Members olLhcEania llcsi main board Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 89981 63742 FEST MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE75 Tm 50 or VALUENo FEES CHARGED Country home at shanty Bay zstoroy seven room bedlruoms piece bath plus screened sunporch Msioilgglliosfllsflig did no room living room and Arepisce with modern kitchen and extra ulilityroorn Has stircnod Izariize odlarge lot all planted and Iloiwersr kin 73530 withJiathash canryarrwmsolr Evenin lon Longtin PA 52140 Iiaclr Wliisnn PA Most Yndn LangPA coral firm III to $3150 $10500 hiil price rorthis woli dermlinn REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Slouri Agencies Lid COLLIER STREET PA $5901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGIEI REALTORS unher ol to film and District Ital blat Ecard NEED LARGE HOME But want sonis Immrl Let In IDLJMJIJDU¢I oldr ho within wa at 31900 lktnx disulti od downtown area Priced or quick nil NEARLY NEW Semidoiachrd bedroom hlnotlon divided kitchen and mu close to dwritm 27 monthly Fin room until bring ang nits sopsnts schools yuan POTATO Isa Icrca soon potato 1nd Water bowls also now sis mo rrs Asking price only szloov Also tarms trons iierv Gould0m this Doris NuttyoomooPA ml Edith Gould0rd CARSON it 45A DUNLOP ST cht door to tlla imperial Theatre $500 DOWN spoons hoop monthcoo Carries tor no monthly lncludln inter est anil rlnc sl csu nussoii Canon once tour alter pmPA Miol RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW Now under construcilori lovely six room brick bunlalow with at tachcd nragc Jurt outside city llqu with low taxc Call Russ ell Carson PA Mm alter pm PA Midi YEAR ROUND HOME £7500 iiill prion room winter cd cartgo with largo iot Trees Basement Excellent condition Carries or $65 monthly $1500 now aliriusseli can after pm PA Midi WORKINGMAN cross to schools and shopping bedroombcould be iour Largo lot 5an ins children Only about thonssndyards out olvtown bathrooms rissz room amnth with separate ontrsnco or oms income LPIQggarwism to sell at only so with low down oumsn Csrriu or has monthly GchyMallory oliina PA 56491 cvchlnls PA aim MODERN BRlllK BUNGALOW Located in the newust end urea Taisbome Is in excellent condition consistsnf in sbsped living room bril kitchen and three Invriy lich rooms picceilird bstb armcd air oil heatcd rod nicely and mapHWrchofllrbnranfi mopping Priced at only slum with ressonsblo down payment Seetnls ono filoy Gowner fig snx our to se erry ory oiiice PA W01 evenings PA won JUST OUT OF TOWN Brand new bedroom brick bun ganw with sitsohcd gsrsie largo lot with plenty oi trees hill inse lnenl roomy kitchen Amplscc in bright living ronrn Reeleatlan room This property is real buy st $10500 and may be bought with 51000 down and see montll ly For iortner srtlcuisrs call Gerry Mallory oilcl PA user evenings PA elm SHANTY BAY ROAD ML itl°5unoo£n gamete bgth Upstairs consists ol roamed apartment and rigs Dorris room brick bound with all convenien to to too acres Priced toru EVENINGS CALL mold brokers plea PAdrl or maman PA oosal Wursdnwcrrcc tioh on Dunlap st West 341 and hunglow Livlnrroom dlnlntrrnoin com Close to school and shop Inc Special unit to torture in this lmmrruistely kept homo slim with monthly psymrntr or only Price or the tbsiity at being principal interest INCOME PROPERTY am down tor this apartment dwouiog Rents BARGAIN flJOLJMmmxomwna will 11000 down FARM can now with steel stabllnt Harry slrasorPA m1 Dru BrownsPA bIus rranh CudlddnIA um VBUS OPPORTUNITIES wltxmousn or rent 11w Ionl Ample room or truck En privato entrance suitable inr wsrebnuse Contact flouut Jons Cars no nradiord stran BEAUTY dALoN with Odd clien trl or sale Centrally located in riallie Modern equipment includ ed 3800 cull or but ofldr presont owner must sell No Real Tclophono MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured slnrt accident sickness csth CRESCENT FINANCE an own 51 wtsr nArtnlE PA moi MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately to consolldltd iinhll ly ult ulstinl mortl Isl homo Enprovemenu etc Cll tor ap itlort can Dunlop strrst East iionToAaLslst sno 2nd haunt sold sod arranged Commercial snd ronacntial nolio loaded on axlslin momma lrrlo Mort Ills Brokera PA 504 RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ADJOlNlNC PARK Beside Lake One and two hcdroom Ipsrunents comploi with amvdpnd rctrlsip atnr Una of wuhel Ind dryer Reduorlted lonullly PA oim APARTMENTS FOR RENT Two and three bedrooms two piece he rlr UNFIJlileriED phono PA 60362 dsys lcenio Kcmpaorcit day RENTALS RENTALS cirgainsl Want lAds APTS HOUSES VWTD 1111 300M imLIBEd AP 3nn°iilh renown Iona nl telephon SA IM on human Aganmni in Apartment butidlnc love rema crsior washer and dryer suppord month AvaUaols Aurust is Apply in Cook Blunt PA IIm mmm Apartment thro roonu and bath modern kitchen heavy wtrlnl ticu condition Centrally locate er month VTeinphonfl PA um drummer NormHon Poll loo Apartment new home Build no and Ninten tor privlio entrance puking any Lil non htlcany Overtmun kc Vacant st Vincent Square Telephone PA 550 rumsnxn threo room are mrntinrrc plrcl bath hrsvy uty sum and mrrixarsto Hardwood Annbis now Apply Armstrong Harm wsro UNrumsueo sell contained obs bedroom spsnmenr hostro Suitbid or couplo or two busi neis sun Availath esplsmbor Telephono PA um bloom our room apartment hot water heating Located in Angus as month Availabls August clcphona Csmp our den TWO ROOM lurnlshcd apartment but hydro and water lnrludcd In rent Neat and clean Close to downtown Sultahlu tor couple Telephone PA H01 Timur n00 Apartment sell onlolnrd Available Scptemhar 65 per month East rnd location Telephone PA was or ruriher lnrnrmatlon Small lurrllt ished sou cont lncd tbrro room aplrurlcnl privon oath and en huled laundry llctltliu Telephone PA Lion or IODB noon Aplrlmclii unturn ishod llcatcd ground noor laun dry clllucr Oakley Park vicinity Av lablo immediately Telephone PA 37330 alter pm UNPUILNISEED Apartment in wen and rooms and kitchen cite electricity and wairr supplied Availabln September Te ophono PA min AVAILABLE Now ern uniurnlshed two bedroom apartmenl In stroud spartmrnt house Use or swimming pool No figildflm or pets Tnlaphonn stroud ilcated mod TlmEE ROOM Apartment or rent stovc rcrrigerot host and hot water supplied Usis ot washer ms is our Tclcphono PA M710 or so Pointcent LUXIJILY modern tarnished merits Brand new building selr contained tiled bathroom and shower overlooking boy Down town Adultr I29 Dunlap East Apt over SimpsonSears ska rms completely rumored modem apartmnnt Klinhln hlnlh 4m en in ocu room Iivlnl room View at bay Near East hid Shopnlnl Plan Telophono PA $7184 one hudmom apartment heated use of ilun dry hellliies Availhie immedh atcly Adults only Apply to 06 Puget Street after rpm or tell NEW AND Modsrn one and two bedroom apartments ovsrlooldnr Hell tar parking and lonltor tcrvl included Automatic washlac cliitles PA 90 Norge Refrigerator Leonard Reirlgerator Kclvinator Refrigerator Fri idaire Refrigerator Admiral Refrigerator Tins on mLa Bedroom Home wanted to root hy Septrmhcr Must be in name sidcr option to on it suitablo Telephone PA 55172 mom or September so Torc or our bedroom hours or also in north or east ma consider leasing with buy Telephone PA or Would con r14 null don to SUMMER RESORTS COIIAGES FOR SALE mm million Cottaka bruairu Beach or salt not his ludtnl lot Idsldo convsnienrcs nirnishcd Completely For intcrmsilon call ids Harold Edward mm 41 It inmllufl ARTICLES for SALE AVE WW7 Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store is DUNLOP ST Wm PHONE PA 51417 PATIO STONES loll mom thick wATim Plinom COLOUR rAsT Sarjeclnr Co Ltd Mary Street VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 Us $4900 REFRIGERATORS $9500 McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 NEEDA NEW STOVE OR FRDDGE DIy em with lowcost litcdnsurrd scam ELAN LOAN The Bank of Nova Scotlo EATON Co Ltd Enrons Weekend Specials on Tradein Merchandise Westinghouse Refrigerator dptlsize $4995 $4996 $7900 $8900 $8993 apt size or month Apply smms to DUNLOP ST EAST Phonn PA H566 days PA 62610 nlahts ml annuallrheated apart mentin triplex close to schools and storc $100 per month Tele phone PA 39204 Two LARGE brleht heaicd up nisbed rocnis bedsitting room and kitchen Electric stove son rotris mtor hydro and wstcr supplied Apply 74 Psrksldo brlvc TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apartments new refrigerators and stoves washers Ind dryers Avail able immediate Tali tono PA Junious0pstairLtwohcdroom unturnisbed apartment Central Heat and water Avallubls Aururt l5 henis ror tan monthly Apply Peel street Apt Pumsneb narrator $65 monthly Centrsl Aprrtment two rivste endsore rnnlzn and re largc rooms buililn cuphnn location 11 Bayllcld st tortier or soon Telephonn PA 56401 BRIGHT three room rimcnt inrnlsbed private bathr In rod self contained Llllndry fleilitlca and nrlttng space Central loca tlon elephants PA 747 tor lul thcr inrormuiion MODERN two hldmnm dpattlnllni Large living room kitchen and thren piece bath Pram and back entrances lsundry room in barn ment One or two childrcn WEI come Apply all Ellfield Strcc Telcpbohs PA M7 meta noolil heated unturnished IplrtmeoHrlvntrblthxndmnl entrance 0n ground floor Pr vmWfimfljfi piled Appliances dorm Free parking Telephonl 50981 or PA 64032 Rangettes McnrmickSmyth apt ize $9505 $1095 eburner range $2995 gt Admiral l7 Console TV $8995 General Electric TV Used Electric Motors $500 mTDNS EASY AVAILAriu $5995 BUDGET Tanlids IF DEIRED Telephone PA 60291 FILL YOUR Complcio Linc or with the finest RF BLUE MEAEIS ETC 100 Gulronteed Quill Budget Toma on orddi Everett Shclswcll pro 2919 Norma award Norris PA Essie an PA CORBY RE BRQISER Phone PA soils so Dunlap Sifts MABKL hiAnsliALLPA 34450 on toss OWEN JONESPA E7037 By GSRRATT LTD Constructs QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATlONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO iNCSgECT HOMES UNDER PHCNE PA sermon PA clam OPPORTUNITY Fon BUYER willl $4000 CASH Owner must séllJaeinl transfer red out of town room brlck house in pleasant ncizhbnrhond near proposed site new publlo school on Ahna ls Leliun Features orK with direct It can to house End washroom etc Full price $14900 Carries or 592 month For full particulars from nwnsr apply TAYLOR ln CLAPPE¥31NTOSRT PHONE PA oIiolumm BLAKE ST Income propert sItu 1y nmnsrm ion in private apartments all rent67v call this office or complete in ionisation ACRES 10 miles irons barri de andrilowing pin bungalow ling Prlc ll sum mm on IS dowr aslsnra trunendous mortdnze arrange ments Owner ssking 9254 down and one mortgageutor oi cc on Clil now mm oven on PA own WPA 66481 Member of Earth and District Real Hilts Board MOVI NG Dont torch to tranrrer your iNSURANCE 3cm Hag need extra coversgs SEE STEVENSONS FA 8520 113Dunlop St FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT onvenionecs Locstsd on Its nigh wsy ono mug mm nslsionstore naierooccs Write box as brrrle Examiner my Exam WANT ADS Ilaillle Pa $2414 THREE BEDROOM henied apsrt ment in triplex clnsc to stores and sohools Slon per month Ici ePliono PA 03204 BRIGHT clea two room furor ished apartment neat electric supplied Ndwlydecoratcd Must be seen to be Wreciatcd Tele Phone PA oAiso Two ROOM Iurnlslicd artment hot and cold water Sui hill tor one or two adults Available now Telnphonc PA arm evenings inr lurther Particulars FIVE RDDM bungalow or rent unturnlsbed at Shantyany Mod ern convenicnces Apply at shanty day Post Office tor iurther into motion mm lionsl insnished apart ment Ideal ior business girls or conpl 0n bus route Laundry iscilliics Included Telephone PA 11987 for miller information pinto ment for rsnrt Heated pflvatd blthronin and cninncn Avliililior September Reasonable Tn1alt phono PA soul or PA cocci mumam Upper Apartment rear or loo Henry street Separate entrance rour rooms lece hsth nonisl mmcaiit possession APply beioro pm REAL ESTATE BUS OPPORTUNITIES NEWLY DECORATED dvn room spartmcnt Fireplace runroom and gsrage Centrally locatcd apartment building In residential district Jyalldble septunhnrflim Telephone PA M354 crown noon LhreerooInu nr iumlshrd artment Heated sell conislned srdwood floors Dem trally locutcd Available septem her Telephons PA 35306 orPA hangs DUNLOP sfim WEST Unnam islied two bedroom lpmment sun porch hydro not water heat ed lsundry rsclliuer henlgcrsior rnd stove suppUcd Available sep umber $75 moisthim PA 5713 Two Bennoollls one living roo kitchen and bathroom 70 mon heated Next to Christies Supermarket In Allandsle Tele Phonc PA um and ask tor Sam Stransman from p111 to p111 Palm nonhl unfurnished apart merit heated sell contained Celi Also three room basement apartment unfurnished solr contained No objection to child Telephone PA loom PA Rooms and private bathroom oll heated complctcly selt con MrulMHwfiliflifllflrwi sink and modern cupboards plem ty oi closet space Rsngcle and mg supplied Reasonable rent Available immediately suit cou plaPhonn PA 66355 OWN YOUR OWN Buflsnlessi sgno PERYEAR on EOMS TO LET om CLEAN iurnlshed Bedroom in modern home Telephona PA 34750 or iurther inrormation IIJRNISEED bedroom in well kept quiot home Suit two wo Worm res as sTn lunch lr deslred Centrally locntcd Tele $5000 Ind our FREEZER JRESlLMEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES are available to those who wash to purcbsro their orders daily at your KLEERPAK FOQILSERL us TIFF sitlmi BAHKI PKONE PA 60501 Free Delivery Open Friday ll PA HAND HARDWARE LINCOLN ARC WELDERS AND SUPPLIES WELDDIG SCHOOL Precast septic tanks wccplog tile concrete blodrn prossurn lystem and wall lode Packard clipper 195 Vanguard Air compressor and tank Mud hen Pump Aluminum body tor Volkiwuon tile truck roamed house ANDRADE nostrils sessile anthemdis Th tenniI Particularly andDeathNntic wtlrds aniovcr 25¢wordr5c flier wdrd extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if Verse used do per aLiNn LmEn IlEPLlEs iniormrllon regarding advertisers using bund Lsiier nor Numbers for keplles is bold strictly caufldlt 181 COOKSTREET Lovely three bedroom ranch brick bungalow with atllchcdzoragc largeliving and dining rnaln cus tom Anlahed family size kitchen swim with term under NHA bier and ea ccnspletn emocing calrte COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD aiar Evenings ull NELLFsPAoosos Mani MgORElPA 02360 er oron an llcal Estata Bnlrddnuflo csslsry paid during trsioing period whichcoverssil srpccfsoi servics dtutldn opcrstion Ind mancement ICdnslderablaJnanAtataullhm ihblokheededTf and company support at tirad amcnllont opportunities avsilrbls in aurllngton Guelph Kitchener House kitchen schools rousblc largo bedrooms lure small in Ire Near II hute YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Em Ed on Whitby Ind Metro Toronto For consdeniisi interview on and return to firms heat drid lights included Ideal for couple Telephone PA B4593 TWO LARGE bright rooms to lot Vary antral Prater school tench ers or proicsslonsl man or warm local or uninl hen duration ate perfect lnnlla or 25 PER DOZEN ply To barrte Examiner as Ontario Telephone Rita Scandrctt 114 MELROSE STREET $1551 vcry nice plan where IIIKB chen ll desired be rooms living room attached Ir Oil fto minith and Ibo pop or on srsndrrit PArkwsy M515 mm PA 63125 CARPENTER ential ilepliu to Letter boxes willlbc held only In days sitar last drymr Pub Classified advertis notices for these CANADA LIMITED 1971 YONGEST TORONTO ONTARIO on Parking Apply box BlrrlrExdmniel ROOM BOARD AVAILABLE Room and Board for two persons Will pack lunches lr idcslred Vory central Parking inc illtlcs Telephone PA ddooa ply at Oakley Park so Two pennnowi sale trsme east end Suit re fitted farmer In good rnpolr Tels phone PA ossso aftei cursor hcr1nlomation NEW MonmBuuaiow for sale wo bedroom electric hoa ng tlla ilouroniimo or will exchanfo part pdymlnt on hours Ier musculaturen ZONEWonAliT Electric Meat su ccr ilrst clnss condition 75 Tel ephono PA 554 UULLimziNu AND Grading Flsh Pond construction Apply lro Hart PA illlsll ATTENTION soonsmeni buy now sod love on nur rescsson stock or rum and she guns Ammuni li ll hi its wonderful the way 332 biltnzalgii Wlnglgupgllfgi Clii55ified Ads islet re yinFNoolIVKnieninllohihiirnisirir suits Phone PA 824M it z° Bunlolnw or Name Address gt WWWEE fFlawless Which of above areas preferred PA as PERCY roan PA will WWBWWWMWW be our hsdfs iI pldx lsr ed OHIHORWEWEFwd hedroolis controhili plan Porruil fry An Examiner wintAd 3335 Wt lier Rain Ind tyl liylelttdr display classifieds In his tallied throulbv Examiner ld Vdrttlilil department Ad Try An Eyliilnct Want

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