Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tale phone PA lMlt The telephone numbcrto can for the Basins or Editorial Dept is PA 67 81th YearNo 135 AWARD WINNER riiscmiiirs Bonnie Lavigne fascinated with this award winning floral arrangement by Mrs McLarcn 4Schoolbdys Killed In Crash at the Barrie Horticultural Soci ty flower show last night The arrangement was done was ger in Jet Airliner STAVANGER tAP Thirty fonr British schoolboys bound for holiday in Norway died Wednesday night in chartered burned on Norwegian moun buraednn Norwegian moun tainside during fierce coastal winds to search the coast the stormy northJsea and the scat tered islands of the Ryfylke re gion Altcrlho wreckage was found police set up command post at farm agar the crash area attic Examinrr LOCAL GIRL oiiio ShantyBay Road Mrs McLaren receivcd the Eaton award for her ar rangement Examiner Photo iing RESULTS BY SATURDAY TORONTO CP Results of Grade lit examination papers are being mailed to Ontario high schools today Education Minister Roberts announced Wednesday The marks are being sent out five days earlier than last year although there wcre 23258 more papers this year This years pap ers remedlum were storm Tiie othersaboard the twin engined Vickors Vikiag two kcho icoptcr pilot sighted the wreckage at dawn 15ndlcsfrom Stavangor on maintainrin Ryfyllm Firird area Southwest coast Police saidthe plane hit 30 feet below the top of the 1870 foot mo 2th age was scattered over awide The sciioolboys 13 to 16 years old were all pupils at Lafranc School in Croydon south of London The excited boys had crowded chattering aboard the viking owned by CunardEagle Airline WednESday afternoon at London Airport Most of them had saved their pocket weeks holiday PLANNED BUSY SCHEDULE They were to stay in youth hostel in Stavanger and then in mountain chalet hiking in the mountainsy fishing for trout playin badminton and swim mingv alt was only Ziahour flight to Solar Airport outside Stavan but from off lheNorweglan coast the pilot Capt Ph Watts 40 radioed hewas fight ing gale winds an rain was the last message the Viking sent Navy ships private yachts and planes went out de money for the 12 rnilcs slashing spite the heavy rain and strong WAWA QR Ernestfif been appointed directorof headquarle effective Aug of youths Charged their not lwo Toronto teenagers were charged anemone with car theftherceWednesday hour in which police fired by Jarvis saidlie saw Jarvis and called police r4Plicé Recover Stole ticKINGlLAM have recover two mask penitentiary convicts 28 hours last week minister plans to in any fanfare Call SpeCiHllN Sesfion UNITED NATIONS or rskjold today calleda specie Assembly to meet Au Hommarskjold acted had approved an session 21 on 1H Russ 45 of Montr materiel Que CF ed the $3500 stolen Tuesday from Bois Que subbranch of the gunmen The money was discoveredin the bush nea tlfe use in which the pa evmiies north of Ottawa Police air Fulton Launches In who held fivehostages at iciiirepoini for Justice department spokesman said the aka the investigation quietly and without tera majority of these UN members AfrovAsian request for theextraordinary 15man rescuegroup led by local Jenner mpde its way over the rocky terrain to the charred ckagc They loundrno su NoiWcgianTriquEIcommi sion ordered to the scene Honest Citizen Mrs JLqilpin Sanford rnedover to Mrs Arthur Ziebold Litehfield Ill lost purse containing over $400 See story on page amuiiced today that Capt eat and Kinstqn on has supply techa after chase at 85miles an firmwaremw uebec provinciallpolice the Val dcs rovincial Bank of Canada by located at lai des Bois we 10 em SecretaryGeneral Dagdfamd session of the UN General the FrenchTun an dispute written by 31000 studenu lhercsults are mailed to local schools by the departt merit uni th rfihegihldlmahgfi school records before they expected certification he in the hands of stu dents by Saturday Complaints that the Eng listhensturc andehemis try Etams were too stiff were investigated by the de partment Mr Robarts said and they were of the opin don the tests were notun duly difficult About 100 Barrie students who wrote Grade 13 exam inations at the end of June should receive their results immediately Guy Lombardo IlslrsWeather Investigation WASHINGTON AP The US Federal Communications Commission said Wednesday it has received complaint from orchestra leader that Lombardo about radio TV weather com mentators and is looking into it as amatterofiroiiting1 Lombardo producer of show at Long Islands Jones Beach complained that some New York area radio and commentat orshadinredicteditratlastw end minersthewmionnr summer but by pm Sunday not drop of rain had fallen Lombardo born in London On had no lcomplaint with the forecast the spokesma said but about theelaboratiagg 4Kiiieci Jinan fifFourdCagstéargBanCroft CP straight 62 early to series of collisions stretch ofHighway day left four jpersons dead and at leastsevenpthhrs injured The wide lightlyzpebbled high way nine miles north of this central Ontario town borethe scatteredwreckage of thrée colr lisionsinvolving four cars cialPolice withheld iramesofilfose involved but was learned thatthree of the dead have been tentatively iden tified as Mrs George Robinson of Maynooth On and her two teena ed dau te identified man travelling alone in oneof the cars was also killed Three of the Rabinso children xDonald Geraldpfl and Charles lowere among the in jured Donald Robinson was in only ircoodition with ahrok leg and Abackioiuriesi Gnraidi dndicating that the occupants of Barrie Ontario Canada In unday August 10 1961 er LOCAL WEATHER Partly cloudy tomorrow Cook Winds to 35 as High Friday For full rumoury trim to page two lav tonight Not More Than le per Copy14 ULS EXERTS WASHINGTON AP Presi dent Kennedy said today the United States is putting max imum effort into space develop ments in an effort to catch up with the Russians who he said are many months ahead of us Kennedy said in response to reporters question at hispress conference that he is satisfied the Russians liavwmi into orbit Another rcportcr asked if Kcn nedy has given thought to cstalr lishing projectsimilar to the Manhattan Project which de veloped the atomic bombin an cffartlupcedaipspaceaceomt plishmenls Kennedy replied that maxi mum effort already is going into space dovelopmcnis At present Kennedy wntin lied all that can be usefully em ployed iii being put into this ef fort Kennedy said the United States cannot permit any nation hostile to the US to dominate space At his 14th press conference attended byn record 433 report ers Kennedy also said JFK mars screens NAIROBI Kenya Reuters EsesidentKenaedyWlltr receive shield and spears from Ken yas warrior Masai tribe in ap Supreme Effort Catch Russians The wife of naval petty of lie is sendifghrihur Dean back to Geneva on Aug 2A for what may wcll be final at tempt to rcach agrccrncnt with Russia on nuclear test ban Kennedy said report from panel of scientists had convinced him that with present techniques it would be impossible to deter mine positively whether Russia is secretly lcsling atomic wean ons He finds no new proposals in Soviet Premier Khrushcbevs speech this week and recent statements on the German prob lem tie repealed United States determination to employ every seeking Jcaeclul solution of the cold war clash over Berlin Adiplomatienmeonravuilablcin Jalurdmmcmiflimj BUT NOT TWINS DARTMOUTH NS CF ficer said Wednesday she gave birth to two boys to years ago who were not twins although they were born within few hours of each other Mrs John Miller said she had not discoscd the rare births at the time for personal reasons but changed hermind when she heard of similar births at Cleveland Mrs Miller said rays showed her babies now husky lads doing well at school were nuttwins They not enconccivcd atrthe sameitime One was seven month baby the other eight months Mrs Leonard Shaffer of Cleveland gave birth to girl and boy within two minutes hies were nott ris OSCOW AP Premier ta Khrushchev brandished the threat of supervhomb five times more powerful than the average hydrogen bomb Wednesddy nightrbut claimed once more he is arnanoyt do no wantwarp only iuua hasthinka warJthe Sovietlleader decl Khrushchevw dcd warn ingitranilmpromptu peedi lse ec Khrush Brandishés SuperBomb VDeclares He Doesnt WantiWar magmas suggested to the Soviet government that they can create bomb equal In 100 oooiooo tons of TNTonly one bomb Khrushchev declared Unless the prospects for peace improve the premier co nucd he will give the scientists the green light to build the bomb ELBOnk DlIeCiEISf OHAWA CPLThe Bank of Canadas board of directors has suspended the tide by which its governor can claim halfsab ary $25000 annual pension for lifeFinance Minister Fleming announced Wednesday new rule will have tobe Writtén for its newgovenior Louis Rasminsky and his sue Vcessors Mr Rasminsky was aware of the suspension before he took the job Mr Fleming said He added that will be question of legal interpretation whether the banks controversial formergovernor James Coyne will be able to collect thupensionattthewflfimrate if and when the 51yearold banker applies for The finance mi stei presided at twohour cabinet meeting subbing for Prime Mi ster Die fenbaker who is visiiing his home at Prin bert Sir Discusses MANY TOP st Mr Fleming st cabinet interview with reporters was al most as newsy as one of his budget addresses It lasted 45 With He is satisfied with the pre sent significant discount on the Canadian dollar amounting to between three and four cents It will benefitnheCanTa ian economy under present circum stancmt redincensed suffered broken leg and iawf and Charles fracturedshoulder and chest injuries Others injured were Glenna Moxan 19 who suffered Iran tured leg Mrs Sally Crane 40 of Birds Creek Ont Lawrence Dwire 27 ofBancroft nd an other unidentified ma irst collisxon involved car bearing one man who was killed and another car catrylng the Robinson lamina The two cars were then struck third andall thretnpeople in that car wereinjured Finally police saida stolen car struckthe wreckage The occupants apparently Vfledmand police added that there have been no reports to hospitals in 7mg said But at the meeting of Governors PeflSion He will meet Premier Rob lin of Manitoba today to discuss but not reopcn negotiations onJthe provincesneed to im pose provincial income tax in line with the new Dominion provincial tax plan which be comes effective next March 31 Hecan make no prediction on when British Columbiia and the federal government will agree on arrangements to build theColumbia River power pro ject He saidhe knew of no way by which Commonwealthcoun tries can participate directly iiL Britains negotiations with the European Common Market al though Australian Prime Minis ter Robert Menzies said he would sit in on the debates OTHER RULES UNCHANGED The Bank of Canada pension rules affect all other employ ain in effect lem the board which namedM Rasminsky governor the rule covering the governors pension was suspended hen was passed by the board in February 1960 but the rulergoverning the governv ors pension did not come to the government attention until this sprhimfrrFlemingsaidftha previous pension for the gov ernor was about $12000 One pf the governments rea sons for lack of confidence in the former governor was its belt iféftfiatfiofiurd nd should No More Arrests lxpectedilnlfraude QUEBEC CP AQuebee Crown prosecutor said Wednes day ho further arrests are con templated immediately for fraud in the defunct Quebec Liquor Police Force Prosecutor Gerard Levesque said pressmontecence there will be no more afrests at least until preliminary hear ing is completed fanthree men already charged in the case The three including Ros Lemuel formeLchiefofAhe liquor poli uebec district have been ordered to prelimin ary hearing next Tuesday Also charged areDéll Lafore 1347 an rcault49 both fa the areaof anynoeelsc injured the stolen car escapedtinhurt easof lheqv ebcé branch VLafores stepson iboost missal that the government did not out of line with other senior Organization for an increase in mag some smaller powers in tile have vetoed the big pension Mr Coyne maintained before the Senates enquiry into his CllS know and that the pension was executive business Both Mr Fleming and De fence Minister Harkncss said they know of no formal request from the North Atlantic Treaty pensions in private Canadian military contributions to Western Europesrcollective defence being sought by NATO View of tension over Berlin HERES ONE lGondness Ceorge this isnt our aby the wife enclairned the wrongwarriage soon up one has tires shots killed the planes captain HAVANA AHEnemies ol Fidel Castro attempted to hijack Cuban airliner in flight Wed nesday but the plane was landed in Cuba after gunfight in whicbjhrec persons were killed authorities announced today The pilot was among those killed inthe gun battle intbe sky and the co pilot crash landed the plane in sugar cane field Sixpersons were wounded The twinvcngincd plane owned by the nationalized Cuban dir lines AeroiiasQ had 53 per sons uhoard when it set out fromifnvanas Rancho Boyerus airport for the lsie of Pines off Cubas south quasi Five minutes after takeoff the bandits atlcmptedflo force their way into the ilots cabin aerfiike over the£15 ane pre sumably in hopes of heading for the Uniled States When the crew and two guards resis gunfire broke out Au reported the bandits fired first and one of the first Luis Alverez Regato GUARD KILLED The other dead were one of thevmilitary guards Silvino San chcz Almaguer and one of the hijdackers who was not identilt ic While the gunfight went on in the main cabin and terrified passengers duckmt for cover the wounded copilot Alberto Bayo managed to crashland safely to field The land ing gear and propellers were smashed As soon as the plane landcdrxv the four or live remaining ban dits jumpch out and escaped Authorilles say they believe they hid in the sugarcane field Several hundred militiamen Smlollllded and searcher the area Besides Bayo and crew mem ber Ramon Ferrandis four pas sengera were wounded The plane was making reg ular flight with 48 passengers cmbcrsnnrtwo guards when the incident oc curred lt toolt lacewhile ahommann decred an Americanworld Airways jetliner was waiting at Havana tobu returned to the United States after its pilot was forced by young Frenchman to bring it here Premier Castro has urged the US government to conclude an agreement to stop the increas ing number of cases of piano seizures involving the twoeoun tries Castro Orders PlanesRelease deafinWhiElr gun waving wildeyed French an forccdit to fly to Haven None of the 82 passen crew was harmed Cuhah Premier Fidel Castro reporled embarrassed at this latest act of air piracyperson ally ordered the plane released and flown to Miami The banditidentificd as Al bcrt Charles Cadon 27 an itin erant French artist and New York City restaurant worker was taken from the plane by Cuban militia and held in Ha vana The FBI later said he had gets and long record of mental disturblt ance TadonT described by crew members as having maniacal look in his eyeswas quoted as saying am not Communist and not Cubangf do not like the way Washington interfered in the Algerian situation am taking this means to show my protest Among the 73 passengers ahmdm sar Turbay Ayalaran outspoken foe of the Castro regime Cuban officials said the quick release of the plane passengers and erenuvasjndeferenceanhm Castro himself saw the South om bian Foreign Minister Julio Ce Yd expressing regret it the inci dent SEIZED OVER MEXICO The latest victim of piracy in the skies was PanAmerican Flight 501 between Houston Tex and Panama City Pan ama ltleft Houston at l0 am EDT and flew to Mexico Ci taking off from there at pm No sooner did the planeget aloft than Cadon his pistol the isle from the back of the cab compartment and wént inside closing the door he hind him turhay who witnessed the scene with the other passengers said he realized the plane was being commandeered At firstsall the passengers appeared very nervous said the acker was normal or crazy Fifteen or 20 minrtos later we were over water and realized we were headed for atcmal The crew managed to get off terse radio message It was picked up in Brownsville lex and US fighter planes made vain attempt to intercept the mirlinorbcforerib wl vana beardedfiuhan revolutionaryas cocked and readyrusheddownlt

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