we ANo MRS FELIX CARRIERE TrinitynChapel Camp Borden Some Of Evening Ceremony Trinity Chapd Camp Borden was the setting for the evening wedding of Mrs Evelyn Sulli van of Barrie and W02 Felix Leon Carriere Friday Rev Mr Dobson officiated at the cere mony The bride is the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Boutllier of Halifax Nova Scot niece Mrs Graham Dixon of Barrie wearing sheath dress of blue and white figured org anza with matching blue organ za duster Her accessories were white Graham Dixon of Barrie at tended the bridegroom After weddln trip to Owen Irannmzxsmmn mm sooner Guidance Needed In Book Choi If Child Lacks Reading Skill 11 CLEVELAND swans As holds for you and ms the child like to do what he can do well Many parents write me of the child in the middle or upper grades who doesnt like to read and rarely or never roads for pleasure Practically always this child is poor reader end the books be is supposed to read including his textbooks are too hard for him to read reasonably well He may have trouble analyzing many of the words and he may merely pronounce words as he reads insteadrof resdlntzrrfor meaning An tho mghg write We it an oy lust doesnt like to read We have all sorts of interesting books here at home We joined the Jr De Luxe Editions Club and received many many good interesting boo Then we joined Young Readers of Amer ica and have received many Landmark and Aliabout books He sim cantfasten his in terest book and keep it there As soon as we receive the new books he is thrilled and looks through them and says how interesting they will be to read and thats the end T00 DIFFICULT My reply in part its wonderful to buy many attractive interesting books for your child also to encourage him to borrow and read books from the library But having many lrmrbï¬negroom is the son of Mrs Carriers of New Westminster British Columbia and the late Mr Carriere The bride was given in mar riage by her sister Mrs Hel en Dixon of Montreal She chose twopiece cnsemblaofpink ilks thcr hat and white accessories Hel corsage was of pink Sweet heart roses Her only attendant was her aouomr an rs Carriere will make their home in Bar When youre freezing some thing to be baked later on attach adiabelh toi the freezer echo time and temperature Then wbeobaking time comes there is no problem the necessary information is right at your fingertips read is not enough if they are too difficult for him to read even it they are meant for the averagechlld of his age Many child urged to bring home book from the library and pressed to lead it will loolc iallyifitihat pictures read few sentences from it and then go out to play never to pick it up again Obviously this child found it too hard to read Naturally of average intelligence But hr when he asked the librarian for school grade he let hiln see number at books rotted to the average child of his age and school grade But she may have bad no assurance he could read any of them So when your child in spite of your urging rarely reads you should first learn at what age of difllculty be can read successfully Vcaacx READlNGrSlulr As rule assume thatif your child cant be encouraged to readiesplume you should look into his reading skills Read to him and with him his school books especially in science and the social ecl encvs Also try to win him practise reading from materials with fareasler vocabulary no matter for what age or grade the reading matter is meant Try to make sure this ma terial is not bnbylsh in sugges tion Unfortunately book easy enough for this child may seem infantii contentÂ¥n must lier him keep his sauce of personal pride Some parents wou well this summer to find the help of skillful tutor or of reading clinic for the child who logs in reading PARENTS QUESTIONS Would you ask child to todo chore regularly No would tell him and see that he did it would also ask him to do some odd lobe and let him choose whether to dolhemorvnot ENJOY SCHOOL MONTREAL CWA French language school for retarded children LEcole Francois Ml ch lie is planning its first pub demonstration of dancing swimming andrgymnastlcs Dr Adele Fisher school directo said retarded children enjoy the feeling of movement and such classes give them selfconï¬ deuce mllllsrcnllr VGIRLS WINTER COATS clllLDRENse C9ATSETS by siesta Diiring Augusr GlRLchosrssa Styled like shrug girls All molfabricsploinorsoft checks Lined and interlined some pile lined Several styles Beige grey blue szesTtol neg case 10 eerlor coaILbaLamlIegglngs Rlimivoo abrics two styles Lined ond interllned Downhilllstyle slacls Beige izes 6X grey blue aqua or plum yoke Inter hill Lsty motmlnn nonmt to ex Gel book and told her his ago and LEADING CRITIC nly Womoii Liberal MP Is Outspoken Politician OTTAWA CPlA refluhing new pmonallty with nimble mind and llalrtor caustic comment has emerged in the House of Commons as one of the Liberal Oppositionl top crit ice of government policy Judy Ls Marsh wyearold lawyer has been MP for NI agara Falls less than year butJlready speaks andancts like veteran politician in matching will with opponents The only woman in the OppoW altlun she has dBfial Au whichrshes not afraid to ex press in forcible language She has the ability to coin snap retorts during the best of av ate all like many women knackfor having the last word She was elected to the Com mons in byelection Oct at 1960 succeeding the late Wil liam Houck for whom her late father Clayton La Marsh had had been Liberal campaign manager During the byelectlnn cam paign she vowed that if she enhoker will have to listen to the voice of Niagara TANGLEDWHHPM it wasnt long before she was taking on the prime minister and other cabinet ministers who are expert at cutting opposition members down to size She de scribed one of the prime min isters TV speeches as Cheshire cat al hnd edSinanckMinlsterFlemrl lngs June budget deformed child But she gives the prime min ister credit for the appointment of Canadas first woman cab inet mlnlstcr immigration Etcr Ellen Fairclough of Ram She says fu tu cabinets should include Women but only it comtent women are among the of the majority party Veteran political observers on Parliament Hill say Miss La JUDY MARSH Marsh would be strong candi date for cabinet post in the event the Liberals return to power woman of many talents she speaks and writes Japan escMlxrla Marsh1rboln enthusiastic and critical about the lot of members of Parlia ment She says her greatest sail faction has been in suggesting Ideas to the government and having them taken seriously WORKrLONGHOURS Miss La Marsh complains that the public doesnt appreci ate the amount of work done by conscientious MPs in the heaviest going they have to work from to about 11 pm while in Ottawa and still ok after their constituency business Yet some people think we dont work fulltime The public also had no ep preclatlon oi the financial posi tion of MP aggravated by the cost of commuting between the capital and their constituencies In her own care the demands amber time are so great that she has in effect abandoned her law practicen financial catastrophe The present financial situa tlon in which members find tbemsahies canrlead to onlyrther wealthy or semiretired people being able to afford the luxury ofindUIging in federal politics hours we do sew MPs receive 310000 annually SMALL QUARTERS Miss La Marsh lives in one room flat in Ottawa She has closed her home in Niagara Falls and boarded her pet mini ature poodle Mimi Her greatest domestic prob lem are finding enough time to do laundry get clothes dry cieaned shop for food and new clothes especially stock ings and get her hair done The Parliament buildings are equipped with many facilities for male members including barber slï¬ps tailor shop steam baths and massage serv cc Theyre even going to pro vide exercise room with rowing machines for the men But there was nothing for the women parliamentarians wantat leasta sink and hair dryer along with an operator if only for few hours day she said Were as much con cerned about our appearance and our figures as the man Miss La Marsh served with therrcanadian Womens Army Corps during the Second World War working near Washington on an interpreter in Japanese for Allied lntelllgsnce branches She learned to speak and write Japanese during special army course at Vancouver for money we obod works the Bride Showered By Community miscellaneous shower was held In honor of Mrs Robert Vichere nee Carol Nicholsonl cfl¢trcy Wednesday evening Miss Key Allen was mistress of ceremonies Mrs Kelly led guests in slngsong with Mrs Ed Jackson accompanist The bride her mother Min Frances Chaotler of Bond Head and her sister Nicholson Were given the chairs of honor decorated wishing well held the shower of Kills for the bride Donnelly read short Ibd extended best will TRUE VANIllA uqu flavour saver Fullbodied vanilla flavour is locked in this bottle of Shlnltf Extract Youll find true eyour In all SniadeShlrrittHolsny productsfromShirriftDasserts SundaeToppingstosaladafea so new prciiucl is glile guaranteed by hassmnn IMPDRIANI Aucusf WINTER COAT SALE If LARGE isELEchow Winter Coats with fashion knowhow Nesrlingrring collars of fur or fabric nggï¬ffect blacks slimming fronts And fine fabrics in exciting colors MFhewmywou Winter Wm to look this Fall and SAVINGSI Moll 2693 After August 315 2998 linen button slacks Sim Dunne sunrise shoesr clGiraLAnawDuHcosg tullnylrroollnTalle lab elmks InVBrtad afoot cock crela trim lined and lnterilnrd or green in but slut hiltéiaiagosl 3133 1060313Buitltsifslvrgn Provincial SalesiTax lnEffect Septemberlst ITS WISE TO BUY THIS AUGUST After genera 4998 ills Miss Lynda