illarric Examiner Publlshed by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Baynela emu Barrie Ontario WEDNESDAY Minusrs 1m Pan Gail Terms A1Fitting For Insurance Fund Fraud Towhat extent is the Unem loyment Insurance Fund being depleted fraud ulent claims and what is being done about it The commission itself clearly just snt and is not likely to have the per sonnel re uired to Edge aiLclapmsgxg WEI own fraudulent applicaï¬tsUnder the circumstances the most effective rwa ofputtingastoptounem insllrance fraud which un ou tedly exists in all parts of the country is to impose stiffer penalties on those who are caught in this welfare racket Evidence that some courts are begin ning to think this way and areconsui ering jail sentences instead of fines for cases of unemployment insurance fraud comes from Montreal where Sessions Labor Abuse The boss of the Teamsters James Hoffa has charged that the Kennedy Administration is plotting against him This attempt by Mr Hoffa to cloak himself inthe guise of martyr is not either on union members or on the public at large The disagreeable truth is that Mr Hoffa has spent most of his life as union boss seekingK new ways and means of extending is already considerable ersonal power over the livesrofrcount essthousands of workers in Canada and the United States alike The trouble with union officials like Hoffa is that they seem to imagine that their favored position above the law is natural right and that they are free to abuse their power at the expense both of workers and the public If un ion bureaucrats like Hoffa feel less secure than heretofore it is because they know that the public both in Can ada and the United States is growing weary of the irresponsible conduct of people like themselves NEW GOLF CLUB HERE From Barrie Saturday Morning of July 22 1911 Things are progressing infund lgeLnfva Court Judge Fontaine in the case of 10 persons paraded before hinrfor this type of fraud remarked that while thiefs who steal an the spur oftbe mo ment usually go to jail for three months thosewho consciously break the law by defrauding the unemployment insurance 1thfibesand errara granted delays to pay their fines think we must revise our thinkin and cos without option of fines Judge Fontaine is right The only way to stain out unemployment insur ance fraud to make the penalty fit the offence Jail sentences would he fitting punishment for those who thus seek to undermine Canadas welfare system to the jeopardy of those who are really in need In mentï¬sgonmimrmrewms ofTaIlï¬ WearyrngLW Union power stems from legislation which when it was first adopted was intended to protect workers against the possibility of exploitation It never occurred to the friends of labor in those atthetimewouldeomewhenfigndHEIESAHOlher the exploiting both of workers and of the public would be done by union officials themselves as it has been and is being done by Mr Hoffa What union officials should remem ber is that thepatience of thepublicis not inexhaustible As people grow weary of paying tribute whether in higher wages in disruptive nationwide strikes in actions which threaten the national welfare or national security politicians and legislators will begin to pay heed By the nature of things they cannot do otherwise This is what is already happening in the United States Sooner or later it is bound to happen in Canada too Blindness to the rights of othersonthe part of union official dom is something which the public will not tolerate indefinitely and trembling but he worked away as unconcernedly as if on the ground GILFORD TRAGEDY I911 very nicely at theneWgoileubT Affiliate 3111371911 a7 terrible fatality staff of men is at workon the grounds and the links will soon be ready for play Prospects for the season are en couraging PAINT ST MARYS SPIRE Thespireof St Marys Church has been freshly painted by steeplejack from Toronto Many persons watched him at the hazardous work with fear RELIGION AND THE PEACE CORPS Christian Science Monitor The distinction that American Peace Corps director Sargent Shriver has at tempted to draw between proselytizin and nonproselytizing missionary pro jects does not stand upunder close scrut my The question confronting him is wh ther thmrps shouldsign contracts with religious missions abroad providing them funds and workrs to carry out LcharitablerogramsSomesuchdoingcthenquietgood ways have using racts have been signed Congress in writing the law that would make the Peace Corï¬s permanent and provide funds for it cold reverse this practice It should stipulate the occurred at the farm of George Ma ee of Gilford During brief thun er storm Mr Magees only son George Andrew was struck by lightning and capitals Jobs secondly to impress Prew QUEENS PARK BlacksmiihiDoeeri The HairCulling nynoN oneanN TORONTO Sixty dollars to fill tooth No doctor within 80 miles And the blacksmith does the huincutting This is taking place in Ontario in community serving better than 1000 people Gogamo is on the main line of the CNR about 100 miles north of Sudbiiry It fllstdevelopedaia lumbei lug centre Today its principal industry ls the Department oILands and Forests The and district head quarters has permanent es tablishment of some 50 men In addition lot of trapping is carried on in the area And there is large Ojibway Indian reservation few miles away N0 SERVICES instantlykilledwhileeatet=ingthebmnmost of the and crew on load of hay The whole neighbor hood was shocked at the heavy blow to the ed parents The barn was burned and so the team of horses attached to the wagon if only by the resence of religious name on ding And the United states government is not for the most basic constitutional reasons supposed to be in the business of furthering any de ligion from funds provided by all the the American people If Congress should prevent missions from receiving government aidtluo the PeaceVCorps itwouldnot certainly be harming the work of those missions in any way They would sim 1y continue they al their own personal and voluntarily subscribed funds LOST CAUSE OF FRENCH Baltimore Sun tbarPeace Corps work not done on governmenttogovernment basis be awarded to nonreligious private found ationssuch aftth or oun atom of established local organizations or of United Nations technical agencies Mr Shriver is correct in asserting thatthere are many types of American missmnary efforts abroad Some proselys Me Some educate securlarly Some care for the Sick Sume distribute charity All are doubtless carried on with motives of deep convrctionr And most are benefic ial to the people served But all do further some gamzatlon directly or indirectlyeven The Barrie Examiner i7mauuaoxfnru cond unis mid For OuiclDbPlnmant Ottaw mny Sunday no statutory nousy dxcepted KENNETH WALLS Publith BRIAN SLMGIIT Gene Mlmlger McPEERSON Minllun Editor CHARLES EWADGE Businc Mlnlze ROBERT £38133 Advnull Mull JDEN EDIDER Circulation Manner ASubflcflpuï¬n rdlllywbyr corner 35 grain you so in copy 132 spy mo of WE yur man ram tb month Outside ammo £900 year ldl $1000 year can no Unlvmn hv of $352 Montreal in an ma slim or cu Conadlln mu Newspaper Pub luhm Association in Canadian rm Ind nu Auslgeumu of continuous rs Candim Press is exclusively entlt to be for republication of an news on chad to tan Esau credited to or 11 Alsocated Fun or outer Ind II to la Loam publish my mo £196 Outside Cun out Incon censureu ProfessorRene Etlemble of theSan bonne who Is leading new charge against the invasion of French speeohby English words had better save his breath to cool his potage Noble his aim maybe In summoning les spor men of France to the defense of chef language the effort is vain People who can not only call radio announcer un speaker but coin feminine une speak erlne peoplewho have produced verb like member who call hike on footing whose stable lnstiution is Le Jockey Club de France are beyond redemption mum1W PmWasflasremMsm on claims by the Sarnia band Vertlslhg agencies and the popular press which are corrupting their language In wlcswmoname Aflegnll 5P Agermé La dinectrlmï¬m that runuerrpresentrcondilioxrsoutskirtrnfcthe citvwnd cons andFrench has no word forfootball except football But the writers who say Mrs Kennedy looks like une star who live in un home who send out has hom messendwlchs to advertise their warES wear pullovers carry gas to thelrcars In no Jerryoan or take voyages in on cargo when there ch quivalcntsafor gt all these terms dos professional Even soitmay toolete Hardly page of any French dictionary pret ndu public charges when he does require assistance are family men And as with most employees of this dedilt cated department they like their work But when they serve In Go gama district they must have particular dedicationand some extra financial resorv For practically none of the services of the ordinary com munity are available to them If someone becomes sick they must take the train to Sudhury or fly out 80 miles to hmmins toothache in the family means trip out to Sudhury and usliblly an overnight stay There is no drugstore but then again of course there is nobody to write prescriptions If boy or girl wants to go it in sclmul lt costrflmoitoaendthem outJimB side for year AN OVERSIGHT Figamer not alone In this plight Indians Given Only Crumbs ShieleStaie There are other northern com munities in the same position And that they can exist in such stale certainly is an In4 dictment against government gencrally today Doctors arent too nlcnliful as yet But there certainly are enough around so but no conl muoity should go entirely with out one The state pays good part of the cost of the training of every doctor educated in Ontario Surely we have enough in genuity left to see that in return every community has some medical service available Ditto for dentists We have given them legislatiye powerLemment in connection with the for powerful association Can it not take awhile re sponsibility in return One would hazard bet that In Russia they are doing things better Thing We Can Get an 01 BIBLE THOUGHT And thermaldeihenplm of the holy crown of pun gold and wrote npnb It writing vu HOLINESS TO THE LUREExodus 1930 Many in our day know only holiness that is flesth in or igin rather than that holiness that is the work of the Holy Spirit Russians Claim Superior System MOSCOW EculerslThe So vIet Communist party quickly exploited the propaganda as pects of Gherman Titovs suc cessful space flight claiming that it demonstrated the su periority of the Russian system The claim was contained In an appeal for peace issued by the party and the Soviet gov space flight The appeal sold the success ful flight showed that the time was not far off when man would travel to the Moon Mars and other planets lETTER IO EDITOR Suggests Another Look ï¬tszpoï¬didningLaw Dear Sir According to the proposed zoning bylaw for Bar rie light manufacturing as de fined in the bylaw will not be allowed in such zones as 63 and other commercialtype zon es This raises so many anom alies that it will render several sections of the bylaw not only ridiculous but at complete var thgemditaddénis of individual freedom and yarn vale enterprise For example in ZOIES suai as Co which in cludes most or commercial area it would be legal to engage in the business of repairing radio but to as semble radios from parts on commercial basis would be il legal to make welded parts for servicing an automobile would be perfectly right but to make commercial weld SARNA CPlChieI TeHoeraperanthheLnnnt Adomrrofthe Ssmio Indf dish is merely getting crum from his own cake Why does the Indian once thefull and free owner of this country have to abide by the unChris anlike decisions of the department of Indian Affairs he asked on money held in trustby the government following the col lege of the dimensional invest ments land deal The band feels not another inch of reserve land will be sold he said The department was cerned about In ans bcco ut the Indian is merely getting crumb from hi owncake MARRIED STUDENTS dllctSISf0 Band said Monday that the In brper making and marketing paper Christmas decorations for ex ample would be illegal selling hardware pmductssucbrnsrlad ders will be legal but if some enterpri lug individual wishes to setup small shop to cut off lengths of extrudedalum inum and rlvet them together enlingllLth eformofatepladde go about marketing his product he will not be allowed to do this anywhere in Barrie other than those zones classified as light industrial which are on the seas no small suitable build Ings which can be rented at low cost for virtual one man up oration IMPRACHCAL All this of course is quite impracticable Indeed if the lannLng committee want ever the embarrassment having many sections of the zoning bylaw as at present pro posed from being laughed out of court at what wouldibe very early date they should take pains to amend sections where they have qulte demonstrably over roached ownwplanningvcomnuftees oat certame do not have the the downtown to am sure licence in dividual enterprise straightjacket Such plan ning should always be approachï¬posslbllity of an earlyrdevelop ed from the angle of what can not be done otherwise there will be an unending succession of petty legal actions all of which invariably will go against the city If the city wishes to restrict manufacturing downA town toa certain size of plant or doesiot want to have ob iecï¬bnableï¬misewr indusirf exhausts then this should be the basis of restriction Outside such oaranablh rest tions there can be no dictating to lawabiding taxpayers as to what they can or cannot do in certain areas of this countrys towns and cities RESIRICTIVE Anything other than such broad tolerant restrictions in oning bylaws would be totally sedr MUWHeWlknoth restrictlve to free enterprise Permitted to manufacture news Light manufacturing for ex slick modern plant in nicetidyl reserved zoue It can start in srnoll converted garage or the back mrrmmwgmï¬mromar Aircraft Co for example start ed as recently as 1941 in small complex Louis garages This kind of progenesls of western industry theexceptlon am neither aEarrle resi but this cert day might wish to become one And would not like to feel that would have to waste time and money in court he fore Ircould for examplestort manufacturing lollypops oryo yos downtownor even set up be operating legally another wise banned Strode simplylbe cause his was proestablished trust Barrie citizens and legislators will make the im portnntrevlslons necessary in the proposed zoning bylaw he ternpting to put it in Yours truly CTGREENWOO in in competition with eomonther QTbusinessmanwho llflppdus to 0mm moor New Party Meeting Big Bold Brassy By PATRICK NICHOUON More than 1000 delegates and alternates crowded Ottawa last week for Canadas ï¬rst political movedtlon tabbed with union labeL That founding of the New Democrch Party saw the big gest bczorgenized most ex pensively backgroundcd breas lcst and grasslest lilfcal galhenng ever staged Carr udaEvidcnce of Its mammoth attendance which saturated the lmlnutive guestth dlulg fac lies were nightly ap pealson1ho looai radloforpriv vale families to throw their homes open to stranded tourists vainly seeking bed The purpose of the convention was twofold Firstly to co dcuvor to form united front of four or five or more leftof centro but nnlvaammunist fac micr Tommy Douglas of Sask otchcwan that It Is no longer pennllcss undersupported move ment in lead which he was being drafted from hls previous role as big frog In small puddle BLOOD AND GUTS This second purpose incident ally implies the third the plot of the sclfstyled brnss of the New Democratic Party to stab cluslly and ungraclously the back of he present parliamen tary leader of the CCF the courageous likeable but brash young farmer Hazcn Argue Mr Argue is regardcd as being too socialistic socialist to serve his ossossins plan to attract liberallyminded voters to the new party which is dcdi cated to socialism if necessary but not necessarily socialism in an attempt lo earner massive voting support from among the ruiusrof etheiMockcnzic King united front In passing trihule should be paid to Mr Argucs attractive wife Jean who for months has bamstormed Canada frequently alone addressing party clubs and union locals on behalf of her husbands candi dacy as continuing lender Neiicr inthe history of Canadian poli tics has any leaders wife spoken so much before so many audiences on such protracted iolll Labor contributed heavily to this convention as it REPORT FROM II For Nuclear By McINlYRE HOOD London England correspondent For The Dorrie Examiner LONDON In the early part of this year there were hopes that Britain would soon be ready to start construction of its first nuclearpowered mer Lebantiship Thesehopes have been rudely dashed by the an nual report of theAtomlc Eo ergy Authority The conclusions reached in the report place very effective damper on any ment of vessel of this type Although the report intimates that the authority has continued to help with research on no clear propulsion during the past year its work has only served to show how very difficult it will be to design small re onomlcally with other methods of propulsion It says that much more progress in both reactor and fuel element tech nologies will have to he made before nuclear power can begin 929 was Je ships was concemedflm EKA GRAHAM WWé mESOLyTE la hoped they will contribute to the New Democratic Party in future elections In votes and money Of the target 3250000 fund to pay for the convention barely achieved at the Ian rnln ute union contributed more than tlehirds The largest group of delegates was the rep resentatives of sundry union headquarters and locals among which Ontario led with 479 dele gates followed by 57 from 51 fromQuebec and nfiom Saskatchewan trolling down to two from PEI This illustrates the opinion it ely mat the huge organ We of labor will lend to domhiato the new party and frighten away the indlviduellstl and in tcllcctuols OCF constituency associallonr were well represented with 2Mr delegates from Ontario 158 from siren ser num ra or none at all from other provinces SIGNIFICANT FACTOR There was widespread repre sentation from New Democratic Party clubs which hevc been attracting whitecollar support ers espcciully university and school teachers students pro fessional men and thinking women who have been tending lo drift away from the Liberal party Amongvlhcw noted for mer Libero candldalcs fan mer Bank of Canada employee doctors wives social workers and was told more than 150 Liberal party ofï¬cials The union label was widely evidmeiatï¬roconvenllorto endorse the theme Jobs for Ca nadians first Everything from the ribbons on delegates badges to the free pencils and the mas sive supply of literature bore an appropriate union label Pretty models paraded in dresses made of union Iobel imprints Union booths in the main foyer advo cated buying goods bearing the union labelsome inappropri ately stressing this theme with llteratura marked printed in USA Some observers suspected that the union thinking also per meated the convention floor where the frequent subordina tion of heartfelt principle to col culating savored more of cumbersomeorganiza lion than of the soughtafter liberalism Dampen Prospects Sub to compete field Ono polnt which the report makes is that capital costs would have to be slashed much more severely than is possible with any of the existing reactor systems if nuclear ships en glne were to begin to pay it way it is promised work will be concentrated now on more advanced systems such as the high temperature gascooled systems to discover if they show as better econom ic potential But this will mean starting off on new research tangent the results of which are still uncertain MUCH DISAPPOINTMENT There were early expression of disappointment from interest ed quarters when the report in the shipping of these came from John Brown managing director of theluho Brown Sbipbulldinï¬ Company of Clydeban Ilfr Brown said it was dis appom mg lhatï¬le Atomic Eu ergy Authority had not pro grammed for suitable reactors long time ago The Ameri cans he declared were much further advanced As far as the buildingof felt there was little difficulty however that actor which cauldroompeterecwasrpubllshedr0ae oftheflrst Conventional designs could be quite easily for nuclear power If the Authority had pro grammed new types of reactors several years ago they would now be well advanced BEHIND RUSSIANS IJames Lenaghen managing director of Fai ds Ship building Company said he hop ed the report of the ABA would be rejected The Americans had nutpr clï¬e the possiblhly that some ARCTIC STATION Map locates Graham Island in the Canadian Arctic future site of the Worldsflrst atomic powered weath station The unmannedstatlonfbulltWthéT United States tornic Energy Commission wrll collect and rainy data on temperetursp winds and barometric pressure filling gap in the weather ltwork between two manned outposts at Resolutegbay and Eulekan Being installed this common it is scheduled to peratc scver years gt withodt maintenance or re nuclear ship nearly Nady for going to sea The Russians already have the nuclearpower ed of for hindjussla rmarihme notion he felt Br all could not delay any long 8r The development of nuclear propulsion said Mr Lcnaghan patltors took stlve was all wrong Jest sy Gwn Jest supposln the old brindle cow Who supplies we poursmnrfalsv with chow Were to go on strike ngatgltmoutL on hike slow death would be painful isoBrltr tCPNev wenlap