Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1961, p. 3

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joiued4nore than STEEL DOOR FOILS BURGLABS IN STROUD Manager Lloyd Cumming points to broken drill in vault door at lonislil Credit Union after unsuccessful burglary attempt at Stroud After gaining entry thieves drilled into the steel door but the VISIT T0 BAXTER gave up Full story appears in Innisiil Notes by RGS on steel punch broke off and they page five Village Of Only 100 By SIMPKIN Baxter village of less than 100 people is the home of the Township of Essa municipal of ficcs and from there all the business of the township is transacted Referring to the Patterson His tory of the County which may be obtained by writing the ed ucational committee of the own ty we find the only mention of Baxter is in connection with the first reforestation plontalion of government trees as being inl Essa Township at Baxter and says it is connected with Angus by road The item further states that following the first plantation established by Drury then premier of Ontario the dominion government bought land at Angus the following year and established central tree seed plant Baxter is said to have obtain ed its name from the first post master James Baxter Coulson and the name was also given to the station of the Canadian Pacific Railway when it came through The postmaster and the post office are long since gone Mail for the area now comes by way of Angus over the rural route The village has three service stations general store and Presbyterian Church Most of those who live there are em ployed at Camp Borden and from the number of children on the street at this time most of the homes have families CPR station is still there but it is used mostly for freight with flag service for passengers The clerk of Essa Township has the distinction of being one at the senior township em Attends Meeting member of l500 other delegates from Canada the Un ited States and 25 foreign coun tries to take part in the 37th annual international convention He was accompanied by Oril lia delegates Graham Fraser LJacthilpot and Atheidisi riot governor of ubs Al Garvie oi Owen Sound Ernie Runham local Ys Mens president said the theme of the fiveday convention was This World Under God Charles Thompson emotion al president from Steubenville Ohio Dr Benjamin Mays president of Morehouse College in Atlanta Georgia addressed thoopeningdinner Russ Davey of the BarrierY said highlight of the meeting wasthe workshops dealing with strengthening the clubs com munity relations workshop sessiof devoted to youth programs Club growth and recognition of the club vkESSCf Township ployees of the county Har old Bell was deputy reeve of the township in 1926 and has continued as an employee of the township since then He is now clerkvtreasurer having taken over this office two years ago He does most of his ownwork with port time helper coming in two days week Hehandles over $7000000 in taxes includ ing allowances which are paid in lieu of taxes on the perman eotymarried quorters of Camp Borden which is done in the form of an annual grant based on the size and type of the homes that are used These allowances are derived from charges added tothe rent al charged to the occupants who are permanently employed by the government either army or air force The deductions made are then passed along to the township in thelorm of grants and this is divided among the other services which are pmvid WWW ty Baxter has three addresses if you desire to phone the town ship office there you have to go through the Alliston ex change Mail is addressed to Baxter by way of Angus and rifrone wererto askdirectionsto go there they might be told that Thornton was the best route along county road 10 to side road of the township However it is nearly the centre of the township and no matterwhat conveniences or the opposite are derived from the location of the township office there can beno argument from ratepayers that the odd weed However most type of floweer of an arrangement Winner will THE HARRIS EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 10618 Plan Iflower Show Trinity Hall Today Even lowly weed could be WW Winnerifpre 1y ranged with other flowers in Barrie Horticultural Societyl mutual flower show at Trinity Parish Hall today Anytype of floral arrange ment or flower can be entered Mrs Jean Gable secretary of the society sold todny Among theelassdications is In arrangement gathered as result of walk through the woods This could even include arrangements are expected to be of the more conventional For the firsttime Henrik show will haven Lrige for the most oumtandfifllowcr can be single specimen or part receive the Harvie shield Any member of the Barrie Horticultural Society whose membership is nearly 900 may enter exhibits For nominal fee nonmember may enter providing be resides within 15mile radius of Barrie Two judges will pick winners of each category Mrs Non Dollery Toronto garden con sultant and It Fcndley of Barri Lindsay To Mark Reliei 0i Derry Lindsay will host thousands of Royal Black Knights fmm Ontariothis Saturday to com memorote the Relief of Derry Lodges will attend from all points in Ontario County of York lodge will arrive in Lind say in special train of 12 coaches to be met by Royal Black Knights of Victoria County Letters have bgcinireceived Tim as far away as South Porcupine signifying intentions to attend what is billed to be the most colorful and impres sive parade ever held in Lind say Lodges will gather in Victoria Park moving out at 230 pm Parade route is west onPeel street to Albert south to Kent east to Sussex south to Glen elg east to Lindsay Street north to Kent and west back to the park following vacation VChihand FRED GIBSON GibsVOn Family To LeaveCiiy Fred 11 Gibson manager of the Allandale branch of tho TorontoDominion Bank for the past five years has been appointed manager of the banks branch in Kirkland Lake and will be taking over there at the end of this month Norman Clark who comes from Thorn buryI is taking over the Al londale branch Mr Gibson is native of Gannnoque In his banking career he wasat Colllngwood for several years and was manager at Gaspe in Quebec for time before coming to Allandale He is Rotarlnn and Mason and on enthus iastierember of Barrie Gigi BIMJTOH Examiner Beporlcn fhercs an old story that millionaire once stood on street corner and tried to give away dollar bills Nobody would take the cash because they cotddot believe anybody in his right mind would give away money Yesterday the Social Credit the Dlefeobaker gover give every Canadian $100 to on spending spree Balkan egfiple the streEEBfhame yesterday and thenrfihonghtrit would be good idea to get free gift of $100 from the govv crorncnt ALWAYS RICH AND POOR Dove Williams Camp Hor den soldier said if you took all the money in the world and divided it up evenly before 24 hours had passed there would be as many paupers and as many millionaires as there are now its just human nature Some would increase their mo ney and some would squander it There will always be rich and poor in this world George Carney plumber from Toronto thought the scheme was poor idea fPeoplo just dont know how to handle money Theyd blow it all in three days buying enl go Essa Township council has approved on agreamfltiwjth theEiist Toronto Evangelical party made proposal that DAVE WILLIAMS AnMnnyPaupcn things they didnt need in Vol using it to pay off debts Per sonally if got 5100 ld give It government right back to the by buying bond WONT CREATE JOBS Alec Martin clerk in Barrie store said It wont do any good because it wont create any jobs The big boys in the syndicates will get the money again and well be or badly off as ever Sacred leader Thomp son admitted io the Ottawa Essa Council Inks Agreement Re ew Lutheran Summer Camp Adulnng as is Mrs Gibson register ed nurse who has been ac tive in the local Victoria Order of Nurses branch They have two children Ruth 18 and Rick 14 stu dents ot Barrie District Con trol Collegiate who will be enrolling at Kirkland Lake next month The family have resided in Barrie on Holgate Street They are members of Burton Avenue United Church Lutheran Church for die es tablishment of sununer camp to be situated at concession sideroad new bylaw passed by coun cil Monday requires all owners of lots and subdivisions to in stall steel pipes 15 inches by 20 feet as entrance culverts be fore buildiog permits will be given Applications are being called for police constable Nel of III trcai has been appointed Bell Telephone manager for Barrie and vic ityrsuccecdlngdrfifl Donald who has been named manager at drillia Mr Nelson will also super vise the companys business at Allistou Angus Camp Borden €oohstown and Letro ed there Mr Nelson comes to Barrie with background of 20 years service in the telephone business He joined the Bell as an installer in 1941 but the fol lowing year lett the company to join the Royal Canadian Navy in which he saw service in the North Atlantic Dis charged in 1945 herejoined the company in its Hamilton office MADESIJEERVJSDB After gaining experience in number of posts be was pro moted to the notice sup NEIL TAYLOR within the community were maV jor areas of discussion While in Chicago AWAITING APPEAL Essa Township is awaiting the hearing by the Municipal Board of their petition asking that the letter of the Act of 1961 con cerning assessment and grants beeleated4mn expected that Essa would ac cording to the Act hand over to them their share of the grants and when this was not forth coming because of the fact that Essa had not had their payment from the federal government the countylevied the penalty for delayed paym plus delegates visited pFInTs of inimflmdflef lefest and YMCAS within the Cl The delegate from Singapore plans to spend some tirne in the Barriesrea later this menth lillBERT Essa does not deny that the county is entitled to its share but Clerk Bell says that the Act was amended last year and this states in Section 100 of 11361 amendment Clause 94 had been sectionsubstitutL ed that the municipality may accept an agreement from the government for the premises occupied by men of the armed forces Amadoby them to cover mes and other services and then through tthe county It in this point that Essa Town panysoperafionsheadnuartersr the visor methods and year later became supervisor re sults Following threeyear period as unit manager in Toronto hewas transferredetoethecom in Montreal as commer supervisor methods he has held since 1959 Dog In Vehitle Sets 0H Crash dog bent on leaping out of an open car window was the major cause of serious acci dent in Barrie yesterday No injuries resulted from the twoear collision but damage was estimated at over $600 Police report car driven by Lorne Plaxton Curtis St Angus proceedingwestonTik fin Street went out of control and smashed into standing vehicle being operated by Geoe Whiteside Patterson IVIacD Orll position suing years NELSON New Manager Here and Lindsay He before New Belle Manager Named onald Is Post MacDONALD Moving To Orillia inBarlieiabout two weeK rIeCofiEy ClubTer alsowas prior to the latters departure member of the board of dir for Oriiiia NATIVE ornhnnur Mr MacDonald who was born in Barrie was raised in was an onorgrad uatefroflrorilflmflfifite his telephone career 1927 and during the en held positions in Weston Oshawa Toronto Kit He will join Mr MacDonald cheoer coming to Barrie He was an active Rotarian here and member otthe Bar ectors of the United Appeal Mr MacDonald has son Bfiah 26 who alsoworks for the Bell Telephone Company He was an honor graduate movnmmes tern Ontari joining the Bell in ironto No other children Diane employed in the John Otton law office here and Jan presently taking course at TorontoGen eral Hospital in ology are well known in Barrie commence immediately mated cost is $30000 tenor Icem inlboth sides boogie ed by council and work will MACHINERY BUILDING machinery building to be located at the township yards is in the planning stage Esti Wéekena Final agreement between the CPR and the board of transport has been reached regarding the improvement of sight line and crossing located on concession lot 26 Agreement has also been reached on the installation of electric signals at the cross ing Council has been notified by the municipal grams di sion of the department of finance that the 1961 application form grant in lieu of taxes from the permanent married quarters at Camp Borden was filed July 25 Action qu follow soon as possible the notification speci fied On Thursday at 830 pm council will conduct court of revision tocoosider the Gurgis subdivision drainage in Angus Council will meet at Baxter byla been passedsfom bidding all persons or coxpen ations to use any land or struc tures for storing usedmotor vehicles for the purpose of wrecking or dismantling them or salvaging parts of them for sale or other disposal unless licence is obtained from the township Licences are availJ able Kempenlelt Bjnd Members of the travelling Kempenfelt Trumpet Band saw little more of Ontario this past weekend They contributed their musical talents in parades at Bonsa cours Beach Alcona Beach and at the Orr Lake regatta The band will parade at Lin say this coming iSaturIlgL ipart of the Royal Black Knights commemoration of the Relief of Londooderry oess BASHlUL RETREAT AldermanEorl dict an early start on the chip ping snd paving program local ly This new phase of the street here has been delayed some what because of the ther ALECMARTIN ArBadly0fl stead datelined news story that the government wasnt likely tone cept his partys proposal May be its just as well Judging by the em Mn Barrie theyd have bar time getting people to accept the money We can visualizedés perote cabinet ministers stand log on street corners trying to distribute $100 bills and getting the cold shoulder from wary citizcos HAD TOUGH TIME in fact they might have as tough time giving away mo ney as had in trying to get opinions on the idea of giving away money 0f the people talked to so expressed opinions on the subject but asked me not to publish them Barrio clergyman asked not who quoted becauseafhll positioiin the community Dunlop St husinessmap gave strong opinolns on the sub ject but refused to be quoted because he said people some times get strange Ideas from what they read in the papers and might be bad for husi sales clerk on Dunlap St gave me his ideas on the sub ject and then ran for hislife when asked him for his name and pointed my camera in his general direction Judging by my brief survey if Mr Dieienbaker did decide oswayall that money hed run into lot of trouble but have suggestion which would solve this problem Nev er mind tha other 16 million Ca nadians Just give it all to me LOCAL AND GENERAL smoun cans TOPS The fivemonthold Holstein calf purchased from Donald Mfllabb of Stroud in June by Nichols of St Charles minols State Fair and was adjudged was shown at Illinois Mayor Willard Kinne and Williams pre maintenance program wet weo CHILDREN MISSING Local police report an upsurge in the number of children who get lost or go missing In most cases the children are it cated and Promntly ages for these escapades ap pear to be in the five bracket returnedhorn Themostpopuiarr toll into effect This tax will delivered utter thlt dxte OFFICE MANAGERs Ittention LEIIERHE éTATEMENTS BUSHlESS ship is asking the Municipal hes is freoue becoming entirely too IBonrdtoshaightmnnt Make them yourself and Its easy Its fun scour Mocs Childrens sizes John Street mt Baton ates our SPECIALS Ladlos sixes Store he rs 8004 Mo 0N Moccasins save roncnss srsrs coucnrr nooks Ans lt Heroine PRINTING BUY and now fvsAvE 3737 On September trianew Proviiaclai ale or omen be chargeable on in printing orders you check your pinch manor MAILERS BOOKLETS PRICE 11er AD

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