Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1961, p. 2

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Jg theJormer Gestapomolonel igwmpletelythe ermodeli concenv DEFENDANT Adolf Eith malm right take notes in his bulletproof cage as Gld eon Hausoer left Israels at torney general sums up tho prosecutions case against the former Gestapo colonel in Jerusalem Hausnm cnlled Elcbmann murderer of millions and anrlnveterate liar Summation began af ter the court reconvened af ter twowaek recess Israeli lfrosecutorjcfihqrges Trucks conide Eichmanfintrolled Camp JERUSALEM AP lsraeli prosecutor Gideon Hausner to day reopened his slashing at tack on Adolf Eichmann charg had either direct or indirect control over Nazi extermination camps in Poland and Hungary Hausner nearing the end of summation of the prosecution case said Elchmann organized mpatilherestenstadtr Poland which later became staging centre for Jews shipped from all over Europe to the gas chambers at Auschwitz Eichmann dealt with the se lection of Jews at Thereslen stadt for Auschwitz Hausner said Eichmann was known to all the inmates of that camp We have heard one witness here who saw mann actually take part in selection at the camp The prosecutor recalled testi mony by Auschwitz death com mander Rudolph Hoess that Elcbmann had complete control is Held ill Mmesmg About 200 persons attended the cemetery decoration ser vice at Minesing Sunday after noon Those taking part In the ser yice were Archdeacon Light bouro lay reader Walter over Jews shipped to Ausch wilz HANGED AS CRIMINAL Hoes was hangeL as awaL cnmiha atAusintz ter the War Heusner pointed to portions of Hoess testimony in which Etch mnnn was named in the man who supervised personally the transportation of Jews to Ausch and selected which trans mermaidmoraine the gas chambers and which would be put aside in socalled family camps inmates of the family camps were forced to write letters back home describing the good liv ing conditions at Auschwitz Elchmahn her that heTlslledWszilzfiVe or six times Hausner said Why did an officer who says he handled only timetables have to visit Auschwitz As far as timetables were concerned there was no need to visit Auschwitz Hausner laid stress on evid ence showing that the Nazi in stitute for anatomical research at Strasbourg applied several Lima tn Eichmann personally for skulls and skeletons of Jew ish death camp victims for study gas chnmberevictlms and to cut TODAYS STOCK PRICES Complled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrie if his office had no connec tion with Auschwitz why was the supply of gas and skulls re ferred to Eichmannt TESTIMOW Housner recalled testimony to which Elchmann was quoted as telling one Jewish leader in Bu dapest trying to arrange the transfer of Jews for trucks we donthearisomethlng set the mills going again reference to the Nazi death factories in the east The attorney general cited more Hoess testimony in which the former Auschwitz command ant said Elchmanu was the man who gave him the order to ex tract the gold teeth of Jewish off the hair of women When we add all this toge then we get picture not only of conspirator but of real accomplice We have in contra diction only Eichmann words and them alone Hausner de clared Elchmann stared straight ahead during the prosecutors blistering attack As hohfias done for weeks he continued to twist his mouth as thnpgh bit ing his lip He kept his hands folded in his lap One Man Hurt One man was injured yester day in collision between pickup and dumptruck at the intersection olone and lo township roads in Tecumseth Township ar Beeton tioBergrn stifoFth flir eito received scalp lacerations when his vehicle collided with dump truck driven by Florent Piets 40ot 21 George Street Alliston Bergin waseharged with care less drivingr Police said he failed to stop at stop sign and was hit by the truck at the intersection Eergln was re moved to Alliston Memorial Hospital where he is in satin factory condition Police estimated $200 damage to each vehicle The accident was investigated by Constable Rankin at the Alliston OPP detachment DEATHS ay ma CANADIAN ritess TomatoGordon West 74 former president of thelkoyal Architectural institute of Can ada Mollne litLaurence Mur phy60 senior vicepresident of Deere and Company and greatgrandson rot John Deere founder of the machinery com Pany AlgiersSi Mohamed 35 in surgent leader forthe Algiers regionof Algerialtilled in no tion an leacksonand Rev John Barnard Service started at 30 pm and was stopped by rain at ap proximately 325 oclock Safety Council Head Fined BRAMPTON CF David Canticld Elliott 32 of Oakville chairman of the Trafalgar Township Safety Council and auxiliary police staff inspector was convicted Tuesday of care less driving and fined $50 and costs Magistrate Pearse said in convicting Elliott that police officers must drive with due care and attention at all times The charge followed July incident in which Elliott in his own car attempted to appre bend another auto minor ac Asbestos Abltihi Algoma Steel Aluminium ltibertl Gu Atlu steel Bk of Montreal Bank in 38th Ill4 81 em Dom Tar at Luke Gat Pow Mis no 31 24 69 Home Pit Cdn Bk of Coin Cdn Breweries CPR Canada Cement Can Chemical Can oil Con Min Sin Con Paper Consumers Gas Dis Sell loan on inland N1 Labltt Nonndl con Denis Con Hall Sullivnn Falconbridle Nametnl Gcco Mine Opemldkl cideut was caused by the at tempt court was told REEUGEES SWAMP wEsr BER Women and children from East Germany sit outside Mar ienfalde camp for refugees in West Berlin amid possessions refugeeshit 2021 highest dai taken in every which way from the Communistcontml led zone The days count of ly total in eight years West mnusmar Dom Found Dom stores Exqullitn Famous Play ms Harden rim Eomo oil Hudson Bayhfln imp Tobacco 1nd Accent inter Nickel lnterprov rip Jockey Club Mac Powell luv Mersey Faro MOST Acmrsrocka np Oil Latin American Slscoc SalldaShlrrifbfldrley Monarch Fond Dowaortas NEW YORK AVERAGE industrial down LM nulls down lv Utilities up 46 TDRONTO smelt EXCHANGE mnnx ndust down 60 Goldaupd7 BMutlld down 34 Oils down 36 LIN cama Berlin officials sald The act ual number fleeing may be much higher sinca many people did not register immediately Nor Ont NG Moore Corn oohw Pacific am PHIL Pi Que NA an no Rothmans ham Bank llloltAllom Salads Shirrlif Sim sons Sta ford Steel of Can Stelnberg TornomBk Immanuel Trans Mt For mam Pin Texaco Union Gas Walker GW as 14 Quemont Sher Gordon Steep Rock United oil Ventures wtlroy 990 350 190 90 no no crea Jlslsigsseflfled liacheneedlonav Tuesday sometimepredominant the 11 em volInoe was 362000 thesame time yesterday ternational Nickel GunnerNor gt Crouutrydealersarequoted by grade Ontario tenderable 83 Ann WET inlandJ Phillip Garrison i9 University of Mich igan football tackle smothered to death in car accident Stock MARKET TORONTO CPLThe stock market Tuesdays down during light morning trad ing today Thageneral industrial decline was spearheaded by banks and financial institutions foods and utilities with smallibutwvide in banks and financial institu tions Royal Bank backed down from the high of 80 it set ear ller but remained ahead Yo 0n index industrials fell 69 to $0106 base metals 34 to 23574 only 35 away from rec ord igh and western oils 85 to 96 Golds rose 37 to as and sharesem nt gtOn the seniormetals list In ands Campbell Chihougaman Malice roaouro churning 7Ir13dusjytirials Slip volume15 Down groundygammgkoadandwarwhileelightgamswenfioFslr BAKED names WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11 CAPSULE NEWS Found Hanged NEW YORK AP yeanold physical culture en thusiast was found hanged late Tuesday night in his familys plush apartment Police said the death was apparently accidental and may bavercsuited from an exercise the boy was flying The boy Gerald Murphy was found hanging from bell looped around shinning ban Police said the boy had been practising lu iilsu and karate for several months Conciliate Strike WRONTO CHFrank Ains borough chief conciliationot flcer in the province for the fed ersl department of labor de cided Tuesday to step into the fourvweek strike by Toronto and Hamilton loagshorcmen Representatives of the inter national Longshoremens Asso mo cu in our stand on Mr Ainsborough at twohour meeting He said later he will call both sides for fur ther talks The two ports have been blocked to overseas shipping since July 11 when 150 steve dores walked out The HA membership turned down coa ciiiation board recommendations that included houfly wage in creases to $110 from 5198 this year and to $216 next year Shatter Tradition COLUMBIA AP ChathEaBoineauJ SLyean old trucking firm executive has shattered nearly centuryold tradition by winning election on the Republic ticket to South Car olinas general assembly He will be the first Republican in the legislature since recon strucudn days andwlllbe out numbered by Democrats in the general assembly by lsstol Balneau got 7333 votes Tues day to 5940 for Democrat Joe Berry Jr Judge Escapes Bean Reuterst Judge Horst Hetzar of the East Ger man supreme court has fled to the West refugee officials said today He was accompanied by nine members of his family they said The West Berlin investigating committee of free iurists quoted hlmvas saying after his flight that in East Germany the ad ministration oi law has sunk to such level that one is ashamed to be lawyer PONY WINNERS Two winners in Saturdays Pony Show at Barrie Fair Grounds were not published yesterday They are Gilford GrahanLol Barrie Vand Lloyd Robson of Alllston They plac ed first andsecond in the pony race under saddle 44 inches and under and Consolidated Mining and Smelling all had small falls conbridge and Steep Rock Gold trading was light with Campbell Red Lake hp at Prices rose to record heights in some cases in light trading rTuesd HnpaperafiGrown Zellerbach and lnteruatianalfiapergaloed and 17 respectively and among motors us Ford and Goodyear rose two points or more although Ford of Canada flopped hefty ts aNO0NDOLIAB NEW YORK CWCanadian dollar 364 loweratonikin terms of us funds Pound sterling sat higher at 52am MONTREAL CPiTlle US dollar was at premiumof 1332 per cent in terms of Carla dian funds near noon today Tuesday the noon rate was $103 546 SCORE 18 T1110 Controversy still swirls around request by Mayor Willard Khuie at recent council iect lng for favorable consideration at request to allow the prus to attend committee meetings Three of five committee chain men including the mayor have expressed opinions on the mat ter and so far the score is tied ona for one ag in the middle MAYOR IN FAVOR mayoLh minefield ed he is in favor of admitting the press to committee meet general government committee of council composed of chair man at the various other com mittees reliesRates Starting Octl TORONTO WRate reduc tions throughout the service area of Consumers Gas Company were approved Tuesday by the Ontario Energy Board The new rates become effec tive Oct The service area in cludes Metropolitan Toronto and nearby areas Georgian Bay the area served by the Ottawa Gas ompany ro Vi awa Peterborough and Lindsay The savings estimated at be tween $1000000 and $1500000 vwlllextend tohome municipal commercial and industrial con sumers For the residential consumer fullyequipped with natural gas the saving will be about $75 year eSalessueeryisnr Egernamfilsna opVof Barrie said about 400 natural gas subscribers in the Georgian Bay area including Barrie Collingwood Midland and Penetahg will be affected immediately by the new rate He descrhed these 400 as blue star users those who use gas for healing plus three other ap piiances Rate reductions have also been applied for to benefit the other 2400 households using gas in this same area he said aloof and one 0n the other side of the fence is William chairman of the public works commlllee who told The Examiner dont like it However this is personal opinion and must admit havent discussed it yet with other nemben of my com mittee lhey of worse could ovearulc me rm Nor rare Mr Williams added In could not be considered to be in favor andng quoted when they were at stage of pure and simple dis cussion with no decision on any matter bsvmg been reached feel that committee meni hers feel they have more free dam of discussion if they know ptibe misunderstanding arising from committee discussions he said Alderman Cooke chalr man of the city development committee said he has an open mind on the subiect think all chairmen should adopt this altitude he said and it is WEATHER wwmuere thundershowers will occur in the warm air today and Wed Lake Erie Lake Huron Nla gara Lake Ontario Windsor London To ronto Hamilton Partly cloudy today and Thurs day Wldelyacattered thunder storms today and Thursday Warm White xiii MontgoeadL lan Bay Haliburton Cochrane Tamagnmi Sault Ste Marie North Bay Sudbury Partly tonight and Thursday with scattered show or and thu howers Warmer winds light Marine forecasts valid until 11 am Thursday Lake Huron Georgian Bay Lake Erie Lake Ontario Winds committee Chairmen Split On Press Issue nuatiou they should seriously think about Mr Cooke also pointedoui that in committee ideas and suggestions are bandied about at random in an attempt to reach fair and just conclus ion committee is in the same position as man in an office who has problem but doesnt quite know how to hnn dlexit lie may make suggee tioaa or comments which are later discarded and quite atur ttheseelaiss starts publicized Mr Cooke said he didnt think chairman should ar quest dont think council should attempt make it an arbitrary yes either it should be decision reservedw Dl lhétfiillflilh 51737ch time and specific instance The power to make 25qu decision in reunites mncludlxi Two other council committee chairmen Morrow fin ance and Hersey fire and traffic were not available for comment EORECAST westAlo Eduthwést 10 to 20 lmots Partly cloudy with widely scattered thundershowers late today and tonight Forecast temperatures Low tonight High Thursday Windsor St Thomas London St Catharines Tomato Peterborough Trenton Kilialoe Muskoka North Bay Surlbury Earlton Kapuskaslng White River Moosonee Sault Ste Marie $8233$8¢$$8$$8213$$8$ gadggfififiififilfifiififii 27588 The chairman of the city pub lic works committee Wil liams said today an accelerat ed program of chipping and road surface renovation began this morning Admitting that inclement weaV tthso far this year had thrown the program behind schedule Mr Williams said with any kind of break weatherwlse we should be able to pick up on our lagging schedule and the program should be com pleted by next spring on time An extensive curbing program throughout the cityis schedule and thistactorwttl assist materially in enabling the schedule to be met The public works department has approval of council to chipll miles of streetsrin the city this year Six miles were originally approved and council recently approved an additional five miles masher FRIGIDAIRE DRYER Mr Williams said from now until next spring our men and machines should be going full speed ahead on the project We should soon have the original six miles completed and the remainder of this project to withthea miles will be completed as part of the winter works pro gram which extends into spring By that time the entireproiect should be completed The committee cha man said th oil and sand base applied ddilionaLfivL Rodd Surface Program SpgeedivngUp In Barrie before the chips has now been completed on all streets with curbs to date fllQNENUMBERS FOB EMERGENCY City Police PA 85588 Provincial Police PA 6848 roe Department PA 83151 Royal Victoria Hospital PA 85951 auvrvALE DRENCHED Basemeuts were flooded in the Elrnvaie area during the weekend rains Many residents reported as much as it inches of water which had to be pumped out Gardens were washed out and flowers flatten ed At last An ideal Jmnanlon fear ANY type CAMJBELI LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 DELUXE dwm anemia eggmEritet was firm with offerings inadequate for fair demand the federal department of agri culture on Canada gradeeggs delivered Toronto in fibre cases large 4lA medium 35 small 26 and grades no market Butter prices Canada first nonlttenderable SPA62 in light trading western 62 Nominal iieorge Davies cousrnvcrim LTD Barrio PA Mm Found sterhng up raw DAYS Lani errors BEPillll HOW rilli tilTEll on odrhhndy Budget Plan Dont delay repairs to your earl See us today lnluEEnrlElo Molnnlitd 65Colller st PA sgisv lowest Priced Erigidoire Ever scisprees tax Hirs THISE ITEMS

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