AUTOMOTIVE II LEGALNOTIcEs Menzies To Lead Eyre it was reported lien wwweï¬ï¬u 413 wqu mum mNZSDAY Allah on 0T0 035 FOR 13 NOTICE TO Group To Meeting Sources close to Mémlés sold the main rurvose betund J1 COULD Asslsr lllnron pastoral can presented tr lemma 313 39 CREDITORS ï¬ï¬‚deiiï¬m tnrlnf Eveningfloglrmï¬iï¬rya KWGSTON CP Group 210mm Usherfly theolar onun mum man era nsractinedinmentli mfleantllaunl Wrigmrï¬lfe 32355 mmML Tumour 1m nun mum nompzlicï¬vKL WWERR gheeuineirsl trlyn nlrely to he memo ll Bnt hwpiï¬ be rum Warm mm $35 lï¬ï¬nï¬lï¬ afï¬x CABS WTD TO BUY he ï¬led on or own tom hb me his rt elmes 5W mark TALLEB GIRLS ylstance to the clergy iays an Puma who natmnlly nu 1m rno Ila rule ma um dd all mu pm WC Wes Authontatlve lourcel said runway at 135 Japanese olflclnl from the Ontario health wlthdrawn soon dlscuu their mï¬nwrm ï¬auwyllxlme Ha1 nil in 139313 egatlon ever to represent Ruse Menzies was expected to warn 3111 born and Rd in HIE dellmefll IM51 3MP 12er km ennl pan ate image nri Ik Imlolalnn1l nu none nu October mm mm In our tralln averse lojolo ln Brit that Common Market policies DrHDMcNeelrthlelrot they realize other Inca llmlhr all hcefllnl our Apply 11 PA Heal 33 ghï¬uï¬ï¬‚m 13 lsh nogotntlonu wrth the Kurt mold tome Aueralia and other axed 16 inches tall than ml the departments mental health or more urlolu problem In nmcxs was an ï¬g mu Market early devebping naï¬pu to look to Japan divlslanwu speaking ataum nld N135 ass gt sansl lï¬rrlr2 mm nlcxuorrn 5mm wm Tum doll per week no may Rum ml 13 gflgfgï¬ï¬ï¬‚gï¬k sum North tulpnonl PA um ms nu mNAnONAt ls sons morons Iï¬eï¬ï¬emtre nnï¬r TENDERS oflu lephflnl FA ml HALF me run TENDERS barredth Just gotta gal Llsten to 1031113303133 rigggnzqmmr Caren is hams 33m mm mum lawman 1m I7 Inï¬ll Dillth 703IA mmflnnSIVRHIMI Vlfl Wu Coupeva nnrJsellpnlohnmmm1 mlodrl run knflélrm renrlen ta mu on luau 5° 51 mm bedroom wul rec tlurnllun Arum 15 ml ll eeloclr noon mu were alarm mm mm mm We come Renames 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Rely 5mg 31 pig ngznlaqgh gt rEED SEED GRAIN against 121 or the Bills mu ENDURAme mist um Butch Rogers Hal Patterson WHEAT Bmw ffll Elk lml Cloth wanted tlm Telephone strnutl mu moment trpeilven2rI necoauneryl Gflrney Henley and Paul DBk Oath ï¬lmEn Mind my galeplanintmnt telephone PA ker scored the earllerVHamlltan sale mune lulu tn ï¬eld were touchdowns and Ron Miller pro °F 3° so SAVE 15 phone Ivy 20ml vlded the field 1031 Monte HELP Crnckett had two major for the losers and Art Baker got their 1744 Ghelu cum My RLgjnï¬BAvu Tut Â¥ï¬ CHARLES CHURCH EXCELLENT FARM SUPPUES 6er3vi23E2rNOJIY gt zo rmmvk L5Â¥EW turn an salre reï¬llin BALI LEADERS flox VIENNA BREAD name my Brown with good education and per flnl Av Hutu Fatm Equlpnlont snnal background age 23 40 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 who can quglfly for saies THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 3139 HARVESTNG lirnmlï¬ gill113 mm as an Elli POUND CAR M35 COEAQBlIJIIlEQAENE agsï¬fxbbwmefheéipï¬mfle Cash Detroit gal $134133 Fnrkor RuthieGAVE tor SWARTHERs mt wit wï¬bï¬Ã©mw 31 dwge Howard NYork 275 39100 352 AAP ancy Orrmy Now Punk sHAyph JELLY no ch Piersall clove 354 511121 1342 GRAIN BO preferred and the right man 11 325 70109 335 GRAIN AUGERS will earn sttbstantlal income M2131 N3 mm jm tlIezlm FROZEN FOODS BINDERS and enjoy all welfare benefits TERESHING Applicants sllouldgive full par ingfcm Dem 353 ME or 24 was $112 sev no KIrnl aceout to MACms ticulala lltatlng age telephone RunsMantle New York 101 mus TRADE number address experience inn batted IllGentile 331 AKP 2lbpolybn45t and other qualificationsflfl re limo and Maria New York dr HAV 3° mu Build R0913 our useasz tan plies treated strictly conrlrlen 1033 SALESEIGAQQEIVCE $315 79 new EXAMINER Elie32 gmsoglnmmfl 2° MEAT oï¬lsï¬urrw er 113 empl69 Get ynlu llne lnll pulslton elern Double Rupek New York use or so rmaeuu SAVE 14o Sï¬EZflcoongagwe imitï¬ny £51m Mixmmwaod Detroit mums mom amen Manna re IRE mun AND VEGETABIE FEAIIM PAis 0338 momma to yem experl stolen bases Aparlclo 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Robinson Moron cans mum Mm PA cALerltNlA SALMON rtrsll nee AUGUST ls SANDWICH MO Vlv MALE FEMALE Cnnlirflnsii enema NO GRADE lthaO SIZE 27 MAN on WOMAN wanted to tie Double Coleman Clncul Morons Ln flggï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬aï¬ï¬‚fmm aron wa ee 27 gt neuronDunn no1 Guns momma 835611 TriplehAllfllan Chl ago and RAMBLER Mun Dim Clementehlittsburgh gt HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER over Unurual appnnunlty in Home mu Robinson Cin 10 DOWN In mm if cinnati as gt LEf AMINGTDN 17 GOWAN STREET efï¬ï¬‚emy mnrï¬lnm NO1 OGEAEZE 85 PA 66488 MEN on WOMEN be your own geles 21 gt gt been Start your owrr Wntklrls PitchlnzPodreaLos Any HAROLD JORY mm 155 152 Alt EGROWN FRESH VEGETABLES MOTORS aï¬ï¬ï¬‚fzï¬onï¬eï¬ï¬5331 ismkeom mm we HAVE PtEN IFUL SUPPLY or TRIUMPH STANDARD tall in Quebec Eeles 185 gt FOR sAMDSVAWRA VsLyipmcED RES Elï¬nm ASlchEEISTRICT coeep usualouam swlnzs down or nenvy duty land 70551randNALJTawlnESerleOT sANowtclIss 15 neynuo 51 BARRLE +me0 I6=urp PA 34165 Reqwres 54 coNsm Inla tn eoad Ynun lrlall fur Eneral Stockwork between 2MB ears old and gndittun rrlvrléhewnerl Has KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 393 tneluoepl ephone PA Young woman or sales stall ol the retail store gt gt yr anvEOLEl for sale two gtApplylnpersonto KRAFT elegalltlmstalllz MR ZEGLER Mu rltels leso PLYMOUTH or me four INNISFIL STREET dlmr radio and law tullego Tm between l2 noon to pm