fSummertime and the Livin is Easy It Your Own Home Check the Want Ad sl REAL ESTATE mBUSINESS WITH AN INCOME 0F $8000 PER YEAR 0R REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS WNW QR ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Barrie Home SalesForemost In Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL meLKKOOR5PAHIII iiiii FOSTERPA Law ROGERSPA use CORNELLPA mu mam BARRLE or DISTRICT IIZAL mlin EOARD II THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST IN BUS OPPORTUNITIES ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PnOPdHTr Iron SALE 2dalllatlrlamv HAROLD FORSTER day Auluxt incl to lir and REALTOR Mrs William Coulsonist Henry Street Carrie daughter ala 95 BAYEELDJ PA 56453 ter Ior Wendy Ilelnber or Rama and Dummï¬ RENTALS ROOMS TO LET TWO LARGZ bright rost to Iel very PennII Preier Ican teach an Olamutually to an at Ox barrio Crammer APTS HOUSES WID mun on Palm Bedroom House wanlea to rent by September Must be ill Danie Would enn sloer opllon Io buy ll nlltabla Telephone PA um ï¬r SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES FOR SALE um DEDROOM olulo at Beilolre Deaeh Ior not in aiudior riot inside ccnvenleneu Furnished Completely insulated For inlornnilon can lie Harold snaprdleiroy 41 COTTAGES T0 RENT ORR LAKE nvo bedroom cottage or rent with allcenyen1aneu Ixnflybueh and care livaUabie August ll TeIEDhanl PA 52560 or timber particulars ARTICLES for SALE RETREADS FOR SUMMER DRIVING AT DOMINION TIRE STORE ll BRADFORD ST BAITRIF ARTICLES for SALE HANDY HARDWARE LINCOLN ARC WELDEIIS AND SUPPLIES WELDING SCHOOL Precast iepdc ranks weeping till tubercle blocll pm WIREDl and well tile ms Packard Clipper my vanguard gt Air compressor and tank lino ben Pump Aluminum body at Volgxlalgil noelc roamed Danae ANDRADE IR ROBERT sPEAiIE PHONE loRlo amour FILL YOUR Complete Lina or withtheï¬nm RED and ELUE eNo uperlcne oeecnary Guflnbfld minimum lnroml until bluhlul utibllihzd Slhry plifl dud 111an period which Eiwul Ill IIPEEU service Italian operation 8nd milIcan Conndenbll Innull Illuth Ivlfllblo ll Ended Yull company luppurt III times Ihcbllenl Opportunitiu Ivllllblt In Burlington WNW Ewlamwewe Guelph Kitchener CLIFF chow REALIO nmch STREET13ARRIE PHONES PA sow PA cow WCOME PROPERTY IN CHOICE LOCATION 1i Room older house In good repair on lam weu irced lot its Double llrlla owinr to ill beaiib or owner we bave been instructed to auriflca tth property It necessary RESIDENTIAL AREA Cholcdrioupmwullun SL withrlhldlrtml Pflccd QUMIIO 13300 ATTRACTIVE SPLIT LEVEL BRICK Large living room combined dining area weil anned lrltchen bed room pieeo tiled bllh hill basement recruit on room and laundry Forced air on hullnl Paved driveway nd carport The lot li so in This home it cloae to Collegiate and Public achooll Carries or as monthly interest principal and tlxes Por conaoeatial interview All and mum ioc BP CANADA LIMITED I97H0Negsr7 TORONTO ONTARIO LEWISAt the Royal Victoria Hoipital barrie on Thursday Rul Emu Denrd zvaINGs CALL 19 In III Ind Mn LEON MWLS 152 Blyflcld Slml EMORY mum PA soul J02 PALMER hirrie daughter Lesley Anna DBRTRARIAt Ilia Royal Victori SAIIL WEAKPA Wafli NORAD RAIxEs WHPSDIILLBEmnhoncmrAugm IBM to ME and Mn Jamu Bertram 161 Bufllld Slnzt Bu I12 Ion lime Evil KENNTNGMN Atcmayai VIélorll Hospli Barrie on New August not to air and MILJuk Kenningion usbiiiey Avenu rri Name Address thng 9319 lbusiness Which of above areas préferred old Barrie son William Or VII rIlODnAGERAtrtbrltoyai Vlor turla Hosplt Barrie on Monday August 1981 to Mr and His Gcrry iioulragcr Angus son William Ger 1d NANES ARE IMPORTANT Cboon Inc mine or your child should bc roll pleasure and otherr will want to know your clinic Name ynnre sposslcl and the In lyldurl am in barrio Examiner Illrin Announce merrl lust call our Classioed Dc arirnect give tbs tact Inciudilu lr gnome aad rawlll publish Birth No In the next edItlon lor only 3qu TcIcpIiono PA calm or this Classlllea Service DEATHS nothsoN0n Thursday July 27 961 Lottie Jean Robinson wire or Thomas Robinson lr passed away al home in Eornont she is survived by her Iovlnl huge band and one daughterSharon at home two sisters Mrs Rcckle and Miss Smlth and brollrcr Bruce iihger ol VIllnlpzz Funeral services were held Marv day July 31 or Thompson nlllclatcd and interment was in Evergreen illcmorlal Gardens Ed monion COMING EVENTS OPEN HOUSE Hits RAwSoN oi hchoNALi STREET will receive thc tricnds or HR mils ALBERT LENNox LONDON ONTARIO Iormcrl ct HIIrIc SUNDAY AUGUST Ill 1961 AFTERNOON AND EWING Mr and Mrs Lcnnnx would be pleased to meet their old friends teed an or Budget Telma an omen mm and over FREEZER FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES are lvatiablo to those who who to purchan their Olden daily at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE us TIFFIN STREET CARRIE PHONE PA 60501 Free DeIiVeW OPEII Fflflu LIIl I7 Dim EWSPAPER MATS 71215 AIl DWI 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatre PA 66481 nlbcr or harm Rel Whilst 51 BOAIltE REALTOR zei BRADFORD snlm BARRIE PA 85387 OR PA 85833 Sun selling terms to iarnieri or larnllng RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ONE AND Two Bedroom Aparb menu stove rerrlgcratar yanllor limllrlr lrd 53nd Emir cn om month oer pbona Leech PA on UNPURNIsimD Apartment three rooms and bath modern kitchen heavy wiring cpoticss conditin Ceninlly located 313 per moo Telephone PA 55281 or Iarther Inlomlllon POUR Rooru Apartment ne house Heated stove and rcirlge lor privata entrance parking stornge balcony overlooking aire Vacant st Vincent soure Telephona PA 58559 PuRNlailED tbrco mm apart mull three piece barb heavy duty stove and rcirigcraior Hardwood Iloors Scu contained Available now Apply Armstrong Hard ware ngï¬Jnmmem at ment in now home Private huh room and parliing inciliilcs East end Availbis immediately Teln phone PA $7120 arm pm UNPURNISUED Jclf contained one bedroom apartment luaud Sultlblo or couple or two busi ness girla Available September Telephone PA Mold nIODEitN iour roanl apnriment hot water heating Located in Angus 585 per month Availauia August 22 Telephone Camp hor dcn 139 Two ROOM tarnished apartment hcat hydra and water included in rent Nest and clean Close to downtown suitablc or couple Telephone PA Hols THREE ROOM Apartment salt contained Avniinblc Scpthmhcr 65 per month Casi cnd location Tclcpnonc PA c9959 roe rurthcr Mormonism CENTRAL Location Small lum lsbeo sell contained three rooIn aparlmont private bath and en trance heated laundry taciiiilca parking Telephone PA 61012 or PA Will POUR nooni Apartment unium ished healed ground lloor laun dry lacilliici Oakley Pork vicinity Available immediately Telephone PA 37180 after pm UNPURNISHED Apartment In west end nae rooms and kilclmii cttc Hcat cloctrlcrlyiind waicr supplied Avallabic Scptemhet rTeIephon EPA Hills AVAILABLE Now Heated mod ern uniurnisbed two bcdroom apartment in stroud apartmcnt house Use or swimming pool No gildnn or pets Telephone stran WAREHOUSE or rent or mo long Ample room or iracir Has privan emnncu suitable ior wlrehuuse Contact Honest laca Carr 29 landlord street BEAUTY aAwN with good clien Iel Ior rale centrally located in earrie Modern eouiomcnt Includ ed mo cash or best olier aa Pmunl owner must sell No Raai mute brokers please Telephone PA elleL MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation ill BIIIs Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly JpJoï¬MOandGOmouthstr repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4l Dunlap St PA 66477 FINANCIAL $5000 are FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR 1ILL SIMMS PA 602Q3 RENTALS NURSING HOMES Fergus GarveyPA MP5 Members or the iaarric Real Estate Board Norman Shelswell REALESTAIE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 FIRST NORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE75 INTERET 607 OF VALUENo Pam CHARGED DONALD ST Nice ondnd halt storey stucco liar two bedrooms and tillea plecc $13 ï¬kgmtgl bath upsiilrs Largo living room with stone ilrcplnoc modern glleiren mm mm mm and one bedroom downrtairi IIur giirrcdln porch vcrarrdail and gin Ru an age Lovely deep lot with rurlnItu sircarn at rear AllIbis ror 52500 with 31000 down will carry for $75 monthly CIII IIEk Wllllon Evenings CAII REAL ESTATE BROKER loo Lorilun PA 740 ck viiiscn Evltmtt shelswcll Oro 291g Norman shelsweu iii TLFEIN STREET CARRIE CENTRAL Howard Norrli PA 55463 COLLIER ST LTOPBTPETESTATE BROKER mm5 MAREL MARSHALLPA 84450 COREYPA 55485 large well built brick bungalow located close to downtown Iel Wm NILEI 979 PRATT LTD athi IIinIg room And dilian Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES large dlnlnl DICE In kitchen stone ï¬replaces one in tho llvliil room and one In recrciitlon See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMESUNDER 57 iliii has CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 89398 OR PA C6283 ZSXN¥°AY ROAD HOMES BY CROSLEY BERNICK IliIrk bungalow aIx room lull basement rccrcatlon room Diced DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $98700 air all hcntlng opcn nroolace etelyiModcma JathFimsï¬Elir John LangPA 7M HAVE YOU TillJ Home Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST Wm PHONE PA E1417 PATIO STONES AD 15 Collins thick WATER PRooPm COLOUR FAST Fl 11 SoljéuntW 33 mm Mary Street PA Hm PA wool etc 25 PER DOZEN Apply The harrie Cumincr Carrie Ontario BULLDOziNG AND Grading Fish Pond construction Apply Hart PA D3139 CHESTERFIELD ind cnale or sale In good condition llcuon nhlc Also Electric Relrlgcrator suitable in return Tclcpbone Siroud ooRs BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Loyd mugMancheorSfearuTf Telephone PA 82414 USED VACUUM Cleaners or sale 315 and up Free home iria No obligation Telephone PA Mia or Iurthel lniorrnntiorl WESTINGHOUSE late model Ro lrigcraior in good conditioncan bu rcen nt Tcicsonlc 18 liiary st or telephone PA aablo ONLY Peace Treaty Is Main Topic BERLIN lRoutersThe East German Volkskammer Parline ment will meet here Friday to discuss questions concerning peace lrcdtyil wasmnrlminced Tuesday night No further details were given In the brief announcement pull Iished by the East German news agency jhdn Observers here believe the central committee of the ruling Socialist II II ty Communist party now is in session and an important new step may be an nounced at the meeting Communist leader Walter Ul bricht has not been heard of here since the announcement that he attended the Warsaw Pact Communist summit meet ing in Moscow last week The obServers believe he went straight into toplevel consulta tions with his colleagues on the result of the meeting throughout Terms CLASSIFIED Ltpits£s$ ADVERTISING Membe at the Barrie and DIotrlct Real Estate Board TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classilied adverv tiscmenis are inserted at the rate ol do per word per insertion lur one arid two times at per word or three tour or live times and Wm per word or or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST garage hilly landscaped lot with LDZVCII driveway Telma CENTRAL v1 starcy brick home IorathIJC central in the CGL arca bc room and bth upstairs Largc living room and ininily sirc hit chen downstairs Full basement all heating ncw root This home is in excellent condition both in side and out Fully iandscapcd lot with pIInIcr at mm house Itill price only $10500 SHANNON STREET 73 bcdrnnm brick Duughluw with attached garage large living room and extra large kItchcii lull hair ment with completely ilnlsllco recreation room Iully renced ind landscaped lot Apple irees and berry bushes Tolsllr very nice home and well planned and you should make an appointment to sce it now WEST END room brick home located across train arena Forccd air all heat ing innocrn wlth oak iinorr throughout paved driveway plus garage This is one or the bctier kept oldcr homes in Barrie and is In number one condition Aahmbbul BUILDING ED MILLS Building Contractor Paillslvick ICUSTOIII BUILDING flEMODElLING KITCHEN CUPBOARDSV Plroncstriuo omll colieci DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup or delivery ii FRANCIS ST REAR PA 68551 Less than pack of cigarettes day EXCAVAILNG FILL GRAVEL TOP Srlil SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating inn Grsoin Delivery cnuherl rtone Hair Yard Raoirhoa int hire DENNIS MORAN APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYSIAPPLIANCE SERVICE Service to all makes of appliances I47 DUNLOP sT EPA 1142 REFRIGERATION REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICING On all makes Large and small For prompt courteous service call WAYNES REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE SERVICING to SHANNON STREET PA 34475 UPHOLSTERE UPHOLSTERY Po Chesterfield Chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN ARK EDEN NURSING HOME WV 013211 and up patients OHoIiday guests Kind careTV lounge tstdtion wagon available or transportation and outings ALCONA BEACH ROAD STROUD 69m APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lnka One onmplale wilh stovc and relrlgcn otor Use oi washer and dryer Redecoraled annually PA 51068 LUXURIOUS very large ultra modern rive room cpartmcnt wItII bilcony Available September E4858 II All Homes Comp Every Detail Goroges Included FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT DAY 0R NIGHT PHONE TL LEECH PA 82670 PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLS much TIIREB ROOM Apartment for rcnt sinvc rclrlgcrutor heat and hot water supplied Use or wasth and dryer Dont miss seeing this one Telephone PA M1719 or ap palntment LUXURY modern furnished apart ments Elliid new building aeit contained tlied bathroo vorlooklng bay own Aduits lzo Dunlop Edit over SimpsoniSeara AN SEE THIS completely turnlabcd modomraportrnontrlcircnc fast nook tllcd bathroom bed room living room viaw or Near East End Shopping Plan Telephone PA 127154 UNPDansngD one bedroom apartment treated Use or laun dryl insignia AlthIaAble imme acy uscn ltoloo Puget street angry mhonhPA soaez days NEW AND Modern and and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kempenrcit Bay Heat gelikinf IIn Irinlloihlxervlu onla wa as cliitlcs PA MM FURNISHED Apartment two Ihrze rooml private enlnrlce bullteln cupboards range and BARRIE and Town HENDERSON REALTOR ls COLLER lsrREEr PHONE PA 82678 RIGHT DOWNTOWN Simon Four bedroom home Ex actly suited to large iamlly or income Large living ro and separate dining robin In ceiicnt repalr mm mm lurnace Oak tionrs throughout Glhsscdiii aun roorn Nicely decorated Terms are altered as the owner will hold an open ï¬rst mortgage Cali Rita Scandrcltfor details LANDSCAPING HORTICULTURAL CONSULTANT LANDSCAEEJDESIGNINQ MAINTENANCE SERVICE Personal attention given to All Problems LEMON PA 66178 PAINTING AND BARRI TENT AND AWNING CO LTD 31 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE PA 66487 UPHOLSTERING Evenings call PA mild MOOREPA Mam Member Toronto and Ontario Real Estate Boards TAYLOR MOVING REALTOR Dont relgar rranstcr your 15 CLAPPERTON ST can to INSURANCE and you need utro ecvcrazc ST VINCENT STREET ii kind $11500 ior thIa outstanding lied raonl home close to schnols and SEE STEVENSON shoPpIitIBdlIiis large living an gAlBSZDSI SEPIII II n8 100m IIYKE 31111 bathrooms bhscmeilt uupxw IIO OI IPPDH Eu II spnlct the one Immediaie poss PROPER F33 SALE relepbona PA 55° RE mo HEDKOOPII Ilnlzimlsheg so ACRES smouir Slx Wm rm apartments new rergera or an Avail proximately rnilcs north of garage ror sale or rent Mod We lignih Just on No It Highway conveniences close to No ll medml mm Plath newnz hedrotdm blilngzlsiglald girlfllvgaléhgiarge garden Telephone 35 convc encer or any on lol down balance on easy terms This iï¬iafllj $5932 Opportunity wont last lont Ca FARMS FOR SALE ii tmoewalcl Avallable August Ibla otiicc DowJDr rail lnrorrna 15ng mum RENT Peel street ApL5 31 ACRE FAIIIII and ham for sale man noon Apartment ior or rent Sevenroom house all rcnt uniurnlsbed heated VAISV conveniences Located on 93 High bathrohm and entrance abla way one mile from Dalston Store Sgptemhnr Reasonable Telm Environ Write Box as Rarrla pponc PA oezal am 91 FOR7 ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 95c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF OPPORTUNITY 78 DUNDONALD ST $14900 Excellent trccd loilalion in the Amcllhiarea Three bed room ranch red brick bungalow shaped living and dining room FOR BUYER WITH $4000 CASH MORTGAGES THREE BEDROOM heated apart ment in triplex Close to stores Ownelml lrrg Tiansren red out at town room brick MORTGEE LOANS TWDRoolii rurnishcd artment Jud schools SloLper mathJeL whomMAM irigerator $65 monthly Central location It hayilcld so comer of Sophia cphono PA oodol ashramprimes room apartment furnished privata bathroom and sex contained meuwlues PAPERHANGDIG EDWARDst ANDsoN Painting and Paper Haaglnl Spray Pointinr OF EVERY KIND Draperies lip covers Broadloolrl ICommercial furniture Installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE 35 iMAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING AND RUG CO 64 BAYFIELD ST PA oIstz PA aossl Out or towneill collect Completc rings or lgbrlca shown In your home CLEANINGI For fine furniture and rugcLeantngm MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES PA oleiz PA ossal CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS AdvortIsero are reminded that all phone Insertion orders are iicccpte ed convenience to you the addvertkIlssir ThDereiorie Classiï¬ed GARDENERS Poly var niz Elur men rcu yaerceroneroornbnrrgalnw XAM and garage also greenhouse Lo 3° 35 ERIE NE cir bdertccntny fleck noted on highway near village MOVING Immediately 15mm Only show down Call Percy Ford For complete movin service aster BudJflmXgnll order that any errors or omissions may ba reported bcrore RUG BRICK BUNGALOW very dust to downtown complete COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD mm in order that same may be rectiï¬ed roc with paved drive Alnrninnrn storma and screens One mortgage YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT tire lollowlng dayls insertion ordcr Phone Percy Ford urzsaa Rd Rama wish BrienIE ca nlr titheiii HELLO YOU HANDY MEN PAikin 35575 PA 58125 but and cold water Sui able ior one or two lilultsuAthIlDln now Telephone PA E7396 evenings or further Panlculnrs EAST END One bedroom heated urniahcd spa airliftmu Asiallabla September Adulti preferred Telephone PA c1102 THREE ROOM iurnlsliad apart ment ldealrnr buslncrs girls or purpose couple On bus route Laundry racllitlei included rclopbonc 20 Péy BhionceWmmmermmnmnn will mil REDPHPAPP also and go Ccntra locatcd $260 4712 ml npnrtmentbullding in residential $2509 5978 ml dislriotrrAHIIRbIe September aner manlle PhyrnEnts avaiI Service Since we RR BARBIE PA Loose SANITARY DISPOSAL iDEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been uccnscd to remove your dead and crippled iarm ani maiy under the above Acl FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI BARBIE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG JJAAIIEDrBARRJIli LICENSE SEC61 WANTED DEAD OR CRI PPLED N0 BONUS To pay or ai1yout BILLS To pay of Mortgage Combine lot arid 2ndMortgage For any worthwhile and panting pace centrai and tlnn Telephone PA 133747 to ID the Information MODERN two bedroom apartment Largc living room tItchen and hmplmbntmfltnnd back wntï¬nccrlllltï¬iry room in bare merit LOU Illmew3 oIIIIlddien wel come ppy ayiic street Telephone PA trails THREE Room heated unfurnished apartment Prlvntb bnthroobl and trnnceLOn ground flooervtlvatAIr vcrandn Washer and dryer slip plicd APPllonccs optioni Free parking Telnpllnne PA solidi or PA 511732 sizva noonl Hails ior rcnt Ten minutes from thccentrcT the city clash in ahg rooms llVIIIE room den kitchen rnd dinette iour Dleca bath nnd Bingo OII heated Loci Terms to suit buyer as the owner will hold an open ï¬rst mortgage Exclusive For niil details call Rita Scandrett ATTENTION hDIuar chnsant neighborhood near proposed site new public school on Anne at Letitia Features garage with direct ac cess to house 2nd washroom etc Full price 5900 Clrrles for 592 moist Poe ull particulars iron owner lhsertlnn on any advertisement and then only to the extent or Portion of no that involves the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value oltha advertise ment are not eilgiblcler correc tlona by make gooda Telephone PA wol PURNISRED two room bacheio apartment completely seii con ior only one incorrectly printed Give Inc call now to inspect tilla eldor home with seven rennin Could be duPlaxed Reasonable Coming Events 50 per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words ï¬cvper word extra Munqriam No Does $150 if verse used 3c per word extra nLl LETIIER RDPLIPS Iniorma ion regarding advertisers using Blind Letter not Numbers Tor Replicals held strictly conud entlnl Replies to Letter Boxed will In held only 10 dlyl liter last day 01 Pubucluon Classified advertisements and notices for theseupnges must be received by pm day priL cedlng publication with the site ception of Classiï¬ed DIsleiy advertisements which must be In by 1200 noon precedingdny Rate and Iypa In tor aeml dilplny cl rlnrda bal o1 gil The Examlllor ad Vnfllslfll departmant terms can Percy Ford EVENINCS CALL itlrA SCANDRm EA cares Pmlcv FORD PA 3791 CARPENTER OR HANDYMANS OPPORTUNITY able if desired with up to years to repay For lost cour teous service Mcmizer of Carrie and District and Ontario Real Ids ONE ONLY NcwNllA contemporary dwelling with carport rooms large liv lng room largo kitchen dining area mostnr bedroom ceramic tiled bathroom with colored Ix tures and vanity Lots 01 cup boiroa storms anneacreens largo aodded lot and location cnrocr luelrorcDucitw rtir Pllono owner Diludc AELE PA 34231 NEW MODERN bungalow or role wo bedrooms clectnc Iicatlilg rloors shrub or will exchangc part payment on how in commercial area Phone PA cram artar pro first mortgage way less than six miles to city mat loi aclaIn thovillage oi Hilli daie in good rcpnir with good As Low AS ssoo DOWN 55500103 Fri 60 monthly iIuplInitIPAI Nd Interest Located on high our lutvlncluded be ï¬nished duplex or large bedroom centre hall plan For rull particulars call Mr Jones PA Can easily GARAGE FOR SALE II to tact In excellent condition can be easily moved Telephone PA basal ior mrthcr particulars SEVEN Rooni Inaul brick houaa well and large lot Principals only Telaphnno Moonstone ZIEMJ Harrie residcn ask for ZE rosin Immediately for on oxldt Enlutment iIDdIIlg over SImpso Dunlap Street East EARFRIED ENTERPRISW ts call Operator and NO TOLL CHARGE Othcra call Guelph TA com Mamber or Ontario Mortgage Brokera Aaioclnilon MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHER movements 52 PA Local to consolidate debts in mortgages homo Call tor Martini DCSESII 129 lonhble Owner trlnslen Ap ply at 52 Oaklly Park5quarc HOUSE large bedrooms largo hitchcn small dining area Nonr achooir and has oil locate Rea sold and mildcnunl mom existing mortgagea gu Erokora PA Moot onTGAGEsist and Ind arranged 2nd bought Commercial ioanad on Rm Mm ti de round tioor Bright Hy dlrtlunndl heat auppiled Iire lace and large clothes closcts vall ablo nnw Telephone PA 39228 Imrncdlnto occupancy Earand water supplied Electric refrlgcrla tor and stove DPtIunnl Scparate entrance Corcgc Adults onl 75 monthly meL I° ER MODERN three room anartmem tillnejh Ullicd ted on large treed lot with gar dens Phone PA M19 ROOMS and private bathroom Cnmnictcly sair loom sliik and upbonr plan ty of closet apacc iinngctte and trig supplied Reasonable rant Avalla tce Iiolle PA 65 GROUND FLOOR thrcc room un tarnished apartment Heated self contained hardwood ilonra Cen trally located Available Septem ber Telephone PA 55308 or PA TWO BEDROOMS one IIVIIII room kitchen and bathroom sin monthly heated Next to cornuc Supermarket in Allilndiiln Tele phone PA 81424 And uk for Sun Stimuliill rain to FOUII ROOM unfurnished apart mcnt honlcll dell contained Corl trolly located Also ihrcc roam basement npartmcnt unlurnlslioda self contained No bicction to giggle Telephone PA 51M or PA Tilt ROOMS TO LET PURNISHED ROOM ocntroily lo cated so weekly For lurther pnrtloulara tcicphnna PA 85884 ONE CLEAN iumlahcd Bedroom in lnodorn home Telephone PA 85780 or Iurthor Information FURNISHED BEDROOM in quiet home east and location Available now Parking tacillties Telephone PA Mm PUnNiSiiHD Dcdronm inr well kept quiet homo sulttwo work ing nicn Ilrcakiast and lunch HORSES CATTLE £165 EmDYed uniptl or disposal Telephone Barrie PA H751 Lilng distance ZenltbrSeflflflï¬ratomwsa ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 6906 SURVEYING Roger Welsman Ontario Land Surveyor TELEPHONE PAHIHISSII IRyinrx AMINER WANT ADS desired Centrally located Tole Dhorlli PA M23 or partlculara Phone Pa Ilziia WELL DIGGING WELLCLEANING How long since yonclaancd your well YES WE CLEAN WELLS Wells Dug Dccpencd chuircd We also sell and install Doro shallow and Deep Wcll Pumps Phone or write KEN WINTERS l2 MARIA STREET hAthlE Just north or ion Highway or EnyIicld PA c9752 WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LI ENSED DitlLbERS TREE ESTIMATES CouplandDrIIIing rm NO BARRIE PA 87646