BARN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1m ll Cdfnnot Negotiate Freedom Of Berlin Professor States GENEVA PARKJCP Dr Henry Kissinger of Harvard Mummean the West cannot negotiate about the freedom of Berlin Addres ng the conference of in this situation Dcinmtinisti leaders might snake changes that nould have been foolhardy earlier and make threats they would not have made in 1336 when the preponderance of power lay with the us The west might counter this if lt wished to behave recklessly necessity for use of nuclear weapons Januaijir Geoffrey Boonie former wmmandant of the Brit ish imperial Defence College and former general officer oom tha Canadian institute on Pub manding the British sector of tie Affairs here he said Berlin described Communist We should negotiate in order This INDIAN woman and her son dressed in typical garb of the Peru highlands lead hayburdened items to insrkct ln Cuzo lifost South American countries receive economic aid from tho United States but reporter on recent visit said be detected growing feeling of anti Amcrlcnnism itCP Photol AntiAmerican Sentiments Flourish In South America By RUSSELL ELMAN Canadian Press Staff Writer QUlTO Ecuador CF in themarket plnceofb old Ecuadorean town high in the Andes felthalted lndisn women with blanketswaddled babies on their backs squat silently In the warm sun selling their corn chickens and straw baskets if they pause inithciripreocr cupations with the worries of daily existence and gaze across the square they see the tall twin towers of an ancient church now heedlesslydcfaced with white pslnted slogans There for the villagers to template is new message Cuba Si stquls No Today these words are being written and spoken in every country In South America Not since the early days of the Second World War when some South American nt wavered between the Allied and Axis camps has such strong antiAmerlcan sentiment flour ished Cuban policies for instance have been stonethrowing attacks on US embassies Resentment and st emanate from an ambivalent American policy professing democratic ideals yet openly supporting dictatorial regimes in South America in Venezuela the United States continued to back Pedro Jlmincz right up to thctimeof1iis worthFtin 1958 and then granted him say lurn in Florida And even now economic aid pours into Para guay helping keep in power the last remaining oldstyle regime Although accepting assistance many South Amerclans tend to interpret American governmen tal old which has helped sub sidize nearly every republic as an infringement of their na tional all industries also is sometimes suspected as sub tle method of interference in in ternal affairs BRAZILS NEW LINE Within the last few months Brazil the greatest and tra Mormlly mflstrOueSxSouthv AmbNG A11 CLASSES It is rampant not only among such traditionally groups as university students and labor unions but also among professional men and government officialsoften edu cated in the United statesand is propagaited among the lm poverished uneducated masses Most of South Americas 10 republics anxious to keep shaky economies bolstercd with American dollars officially pay lip service to US leadership in the Organization of American States and dissociate them selves from FidelCsstros banrevolution But privately few informed South Americans dcny either the existence of growing irrit tionrwlthrlks policierand attit udes or the seriousness of the impact within their countries of the Cuban revolution and of Communist propaganda Pulling Uncle Sams board has become as fashionable pastime as twisting the lions Gigiiwas in other days and other gions The reasons for the decline in American prestige are diverse and superimposed on old cmo ma vs exploited VIOLENT EXAMPLES Fort most part the anti American feeling seems to stem from government policy and business practices rather than originate grievance against indi dual Americans However official goodwill and factfinding visits of dignitaries such as formerrpresident Eise bower and more recently Adlai Stevenson sparked antiAmer can riots andprotests over US Amarican nation has chosen under its new president to follow an independent course in foreign policy While Janio Quadros has declared his inten tion of maintaining close ties with the US and has sought continued economic assistance he has also invited the estab lishment of diplomatic relations wrth Communist countriu His actions are indicative of agrow ing urgency among the more politically stable countries to act independently in business and world politics regardless of the consequences Communism has made in roads throughout the continent with Communist activity be lieved to be directed from wellorganized headquarters in theUruguayan capital HMon tevideo Today Russian and Chi nose literature is easily obtain able at cheap prices at book stalls in nearly every South American capital and Soviet prestige has soared following ltussian scientific feat in outer space lMPACT or avanrs Even more significant has been the influence onSouth of under nourished unemployed poorly usetLSauth Americans have their imagination fired by theindependence of so many former colonies in Africaand the social revolution now taking place in Cuba Though perhaps unable to grasp the meaning of an ideol ogy as intangible as theoretical communism South Americas underprivileged have seized upon the idea that others in similar plight in other underde Cdstro LimitsCuï¬ency Cubans Can Exchangeln Changeover velopcd countries are being of fered better life and they want the same for themselves They too want to throw off the shackles which impede them and in some vague way they believe that the US stands be tween them and their goal The situation in South America is fluid However un biased that there still lstime for the United States to stem even re verse the tide of antiAmerican sentiment They see for example the psychological potential of Presi dent Keunedys Alliance for Progress and the new lnter American Development Fund to remove irritations but if the Soviet Union thinks the freedom of Berlin is an irritant then the negotiations wont get very far Dr Kissinger faculty mem her of Harvards centrg for in tcrnattonalsffs director ot Harvards defence studies pm grant former consultant to vsri deience bodies and au llï¬ï¬ several books on foreign affairs outlined number of shiftsoivemphasis in United States policy One goal is to assure civilian control of US military forces fore and during hostilities Another is for the free world to al forces siblflhd South Americanst By FORBES RIIUDE Canadian Efren Emilie Editor GENEVA PARK Ont Nstional independence is pre requisite to progress but once achieved it is not all beer and skittles This to put it lightly seems to be the central theme devel oped so lsr in the week long summer conference of Ihe Ca nadisn Institute on Public Af fairs which started Saturday The theme as variously ex pressed by number of speak ers runs about as follows individual man must first be elongtoAhimselfeboioreeheecane give to anything else and na tional independence is prore quisite to individual freedom MUST JOIN OTHERS To sustain independence how ever state must be work able one both politically and economically To the extent that side will be able to improve its PostIndependence Hangovers May Strike Todays New States methods as nibblenibble nib ble Gon Bourno remarking on Dr Kissingers address ex pressed broad agreement with the iattera interpretation of the desirable course for us and Westerr attemptsi topresenr ace but to be ready for war pushed into it in reply to question Dr Kis singer said that soon neither position by attacking first be cause both will be strong enough that there would be enough re taliatory force left to carry out counterattack ingcr said the tradi tional notion of victory has lost of sf niiï¬anc it is deficient as an economic whole it fliould Join with other neighboring states mowera economic programs Some of todays new states are liablevto suitor from post independence hangovers Their peoples in number of equated independence with getting all the material things they hitherto lacked However independence they find titers is still hunger and privatlon and this frustrates them Also aiter Independence is won there may be tendencies towards fragmentation People whoactedvasoneIo win the main goal of independence now find time for internal differ ences This is particularly true where the loyalties of peoples are not traditionally identified with the entire area of the new country Indonesia with its for flung island empire is one in stance of this problem 4nd willing tLoegotlateJ lomic striking power of NATO lggcr one The lirst objective would be CALM AND COLLECTED But we know we cant be have recklessly and the tcnd ency of the west will be to prove that it is cairn collected Gen thought the was best left with the US where he believed it would be used wisely He would not hm tnate Britains nuclear striking power which while limited has the power to inflict damage Dr Kissinger suggested steps which would give NATO coun tricLLsentegLuniLlhesL ht include certs arrang media which now exist with Canada such as the ellminatlon of passports Dr Kissinger and Gen Bourna discussed the stops by which small war with conventional weapons might develop first into nuclear war on limited scale and perhaps later into to have sufficient conventional forces available to meet con ventional attack anywhere You can im steaks Bourne saidthat ground forces in NATO equipped with atomic weapons might use them on the forces against them if pushed too hard Or you imagine the air force carrying atomic attack into the tactical ares Gen Boume emphasized that voluntary restrictions were prsc ticed by both sides in thelo rean war UN didnt bomb Wandlhc Yalu River and the Communists didnt bomb theiuNs ports of entry Dr Kissinger said that in the past its allies feared the US would he too triggerAhappy Now there was fear the US MONTREAL CmArranges allily are lining made to use the CH4 transport to ferry Americanmade let in terceptors to European buyers eneJLuesdsyk The Montrealbuilt transport with the unique rearend load lng system would be leased to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation of California making FiM in terceptors for several NATO countries United States freight air line would lease the CLMs to Lockheed An air industry spokesman here said the airline ianoJrobableoidd buy several more CLMs from Cs nadalr Limited Csnisdair turns out the 137 iootlong transports on its 12$ acre plant in suburban St Lau rent Tum USl freight lines own the would not be trigger happy enough 0144 Flying Tiger has lo and Seaboard and Western five May Use Canadian Transports To Airlitt Planes To Germany The can hpsï¬hingcd tail sec on that szngs back to allow cargo to be loaded directly into the fuselage it is believed the only transport that can load two slithersefcotlong Flot fuse laces GAVE DEMONSTRATION Canadair demonstrated two weeks ago before observers from West Germany and flying Tiger Lines that this can be done Sales record of the CD so far has been disappointing Be sides the freight lines the RCAF has been the only buyer Csnadair tried to sell the transport to the US military Air Transport Command but was unsuccessful Sources here said congres sional pressure as result of lobbying in Washington by US manufacturers was the down fa HAVANA ADFidel Castro announced Tuesday night the Cuban government will return maxrmum of only 10000 pesos per person to those who depos ited large amounts during the government ordered exchange ayandMonday gt Any deposits above that sum Will be taken over bythe govern rency into the countrys blaclo market to unsettle the value of the Cuban peso and finance anti Castro activities While officially valued by the Castrogovernment at $1 the Cuban peso is actually worth only 20 to 80 cents on the free moneyAmarketoutsidethecaunr Roomy CRICKET ROCKEE and merit since they had been boarded in violation of the anti hoarding law he sai He added that no one would be prose cutedl Castro sa persons depos corn we lieved many Cubanswho had piled up largeamountsofcash did not declare it because they feared legal action An exception was fori old persons and cripple stro said would be given are for deposits to maxitnuin 20000 pesos Castro made the announc ment in telev ion speech whid1 be accused the Uniged States of smuggling go amounts of the old Cuban 3r The governments money ex change order allowed the heads ol eachfamilyto draw 200 pa sos in new bills with receipt for any funds turned in over thatjrnount Castro saidltthatiof lie balanc deposi ripto pesos 1000 pesos could withdrawn Jmmediatobzeand 00 pesos could be withdrawn each month hereafter The aged and the crippledle be allowed to withdraw son pe sos month Tho premier assured his listeners that the limits of 10 090 and 20000pesos and the limits on tihdrawal applicd only to money depositcd during thc weekend exchange ol cld currency for the issue of new banknotes oustgen Siarnml back cushioned in foam rubber Mellowtoned Maple finish 99 only $125 per week DECORATOR oustlions Tblilltlfl ZELLER BIG MONEYSAVING wuss CHooss now FROM SPECIAL AND THkIrTrnicso BUWYS 15 MONTHS 77° he sci $1502 51W SPECIAL Reg $3539 Iéby41lin Coffee Table and two 16by27 inE Payment $125 week CRICKET ARM CHAIR Designed for IanSIZE MEIEIICS rocker both with turnedalms nnd legs upholstered in muted multicolour print Buy Now andawe No Moneylowll Reg $99 Richhueslflcarduroys In wide decorator colnlirs Both shapes Foam Specialw MIRRO SPECIAL Reg $299 Aioot or bedroom ltdin woodvflame square ii round ubbar tilled Savings GRAND VALUE mirr or for halt prints Ruffle ndTabIés Mellowtoned Ma SPECIALl illIN LAMP SHADE Reg sess You savesmm Early Amer lean design in charming Colonial designed for Early Ame pie finish Buy Now NoDown sawmill an rLoon otrslze Lamp Shade ICIII decor Buyla pair at this Special lowtoned Maple 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