It looks like busy weekend for Barrie residents This afternoon the annual Pony Show sponsored by the Barrie Chamber of Commerce kicked off at prn at the Barrie Fair Grounds This is bign flyoungster be riding and Novelty events for th chairs and potato racesl event for the small fry especiallyh Simcoe County who owns pony all entrants are assured of prizes kiddies will include musical There will also be 10 ponies and for GIG one donkey available for rides To add to the excitement the speclal feature will be harness racing with parimutuel betting available for those who want to take chance There will be four races of two heats each The ï¬rst heat commences at 130 pm PERFECT ENDING With day of rest in between the Rotary Club wtll round out the holiday weekend Monday with its an nual barbecue it will be long day commencing at arm and finishing after dark Servmg time will be 480 to pm Chairmen are Verne Beatty Tom Kerr and Joe Jewell The menu includes barbecued chicken chips and cole slaw with ice cream for dessert Beverages to be served are coffee and soft drinks Wives of members will lend helping hand Mon day morning when the meet at Hunts confectionery store to butter Iresh re to he served with the dinner They include Mrs Williams Mrs Syd Cox Mrs Walter Carruthers Mrs Joe Jewell Mrs Jack Hamilton and Mrs William Clark Théï¬rsï¬otï¬clï¬Fbarbecue was held at st Vin cent Park in 1953 This is the main fundraising project of the year for Rotarians To date proceeds have been used to build the tennis court at Strabane Bark and wading pools at Queens Park and Shear Park install lights at the tennis court at Queens Park and purchased an ambulance for the St John Ambulance Corps in the city Donations have also been made to set up track and field at Barrie Central Collegiate This year proceeds will be used to furnisha room in the new wing of Royal Victoria Hospital So its worthwhile cause and one the whole fam ily can enjoy PRENATAL COURSES With population of approximately 22000 Barrie has yet to introduce some prenntal courses for mothers tobe wonder why this hasnt been looked after Chat ting with expectant mothers so many question the fact that project of this kind hasnt been executed Its quite wonderful to picture that new pink ar rival but meanwhile how about focusing little more be some souety or bealt orgamza this City that could supply means and methods for healthier and reassuring stork arrival Ladiesin Waiting is handy booklet designed to pass on practical hints from the girls who have join the fraternity of new mothers It answers all questions from what color to decorate the nursery to what you should call your bundle of joy This booklet may be ob tained free of charge by writing to lIeinzBaby Foods Leamington Ontario great philosopher once said that child acquires his heritage 100 years before he is born so please lets not overlook these nine months FAMILY RECIPES In some families recipes are handed down from generation to generation and are invaluable am interested in seeming some of these old time gems from families in this area to pass on to our women readers It would be appreciated if the date the recipe was written and the originators name could be included Lets hear from you WHO WANTS ADVICE Do you really read and enjoy the column called Mary Haworths Mail This column often appears only once week because of lack of space or various other reasons feel that any local stories should be given preferencestothirtiradeofforlornfrustrated and rejected women would like to hear my readers opin ions Write to me in care of this paper and we will ï¬nd out the fate of Dear Mary Haworth hexmust Today is Douglas Stephen Moltatts ï¬rst Dougie as the young charm er is called by his parents Mr and Mrs Moiiott John son Street is wearing little boyfa suit iorhis birthday with blue and white checked ves tee and short blue punts Dougie loves to play ball es Phone Eileen Dixon or Notes are Intended to cover the general soclal III III the city and district Wedding nnnlverurlm brldge por tles birthdays coming ol age pnrtlca visitors and tro vellcra are all items oI Inter est to the women readers or thls page Your help in supplying this news wIll be greatly nppreclotcd EVENING CEREMONY Trinity Chapel Camp antden was the setting for the wedding of Mrs Evelyn Sullivan Cod rington Street and W02 Felix Carnere oi Comp Borden last evening Rev Mr Dobson ol ilciated ENTERTAINMENXS Prior to her marriage today in Trinity Anglican Church Miss Jeanette Eraser Blake Street has been guest at several en tertainments Miscellaneous sho wers were given for the bride elect by Miss Ruta Jansons Bony Street and Mrs Roy Petermao Victoria Street Mrs Bill Perigo Patterson Street Collingwood was hostess at supper party for Miss Fraser Trinity Church AYPU held weiner roast and presentation party at Oro Beach for Miss Fraser and the bridegroomcl ect Cpl Ben Pessah Mrs John James Fraser Blake Street was hostess ot rehear sal party last evening WEEKEND GUESTS Radu Jonescu Timmins Is guest of his son and daughter inIaw Mr and Mrs Steve Jonescu this Week Mr Jones on is en route home aftei be ing hospitalized at the Rehab ilitation Centre of the Work mens Compensation Hospital and son Don will be week end guests at the Jonescu res idence WEDDING GUESTS Out of city guestseattending the Pessah Fraser wedding ceremonyAinMmn t1Anglican Cburclntoday AMrs Jphn Pessah Lake Mr andMrs her Noranda Quebec Mrs Allan Fraser Ottawa Mr and Mrs David Pessah New Lisk Fraser Teur Kitchener Toronto Mrs Jonescu borne Elliott Lake Tony WebL A11iston Wonien peclally with his pet dog Sport who is also his bod guard llis vocabulary in cludes four words Mommy Daddy Sport and Brian Bless ed with blond curls peaches and cream complexion and big blue eyes it is little wonlt dor that Dougie is nlrcndy contestant in baby contest PEOPLE AND PLACES Audrey Coulson PA 66537 Willowdale Mr and Mrs Les IIe Fraser Midland Mr and Mrs Bill Perigo Collingwood Mr and Mrs Maurice Fraser Kitchener Mr and Mrs Fraser and family Mr and Mrs Duran and family all of Toronto The brlde is Miss Jeanette Fraser daughter of Mrs John James Fraser Blake Street The bridegroom Corporal Ben Pessah is the son oi Mr and Mrs John Pcssoh Kirkland Lake Ven Archdeacon head will olflciate at the alternoon ceremonY assisted by the brides brother Rev Bruce Fraser Willowdale TOUR BRITISH ISLES Osmond Rowe QC and Mrs Rowep Owen Street ar rived nt Malton today via BOAC from four weeks holi dayin the British Isles Mr and Mrs Rowe toured Scot land Ireland and England by motor car and visited many places olpinterest MUSKOKA HOLIDAY Misses Dorothy and Betty Da vres Edgehill Drive Elke Hoff mann Henry Street Ruthmarie Green Toronto Street returned to the city today from weeks holiday at Clevelands House Lake Bosses GreatGrandma Takes Joy Ride LANGLEY AFR Va AP Im afraid Im not doing very well Ive lost the earth said Mrs Zaddie Bunker At that moment Mrs Bunker was taking somewhat wobbly ride on the ALFA trainer is de vice used to stimulate an ac tual ride into orbit or Amer iganristronnuts here Mrs Bunker is 74Jagrent£ grandmother She stopped olf here Thursdaymrrcrosmom WShe makingW singlerenghirntrplane Grandma Bunker had little trouble controlling the ALFA capsule but she allowed aft erward that she wouldnt mind being real astronaut Id be just as safe in capV sule as here Mrs Bunker of Palm Springs Cnli won fame in 1959 as the first greatgrandmother to break the sound barrier in an airplane South Simcoé WI Celebrate 60th Anniversary At Thornton social meeting of the South Simeoe Womens lnstltute prov ed exceptional In its interest when ladies gathered In Thornton hall The hostesses for evening distri ct presid enter Allan Todd and Ice retnrytreasurer Mrs Weaver welcomed guests on arrival and presented all past presidents and secretory treasurers ol the district whomsages highllght oi the evenlng was hummus review of past meetings dating back to 1901 given by Mn Roy Goodlellow The Gllford Institute enlerv tained withthree folk aongl an der directlon of Mrs Ncsblt with Miss Kell at the plan The Everett Institute pres ted humorous skit Mrs Charles Spencer and Mrs Campbell pave terestlng reports on their five doytrlptotheACWWanan oouvu where countries were represented One high light In the sessions was lec ture by Dr Nancy Adams Saar katchewan who told of the great needs In the Caribbean The worlds need It great and mans so small but dont let it be said that we didnt try at all There are two times In the Caribbean Crop leit all with the thought that tImes and hard times which ran some ammo SATURDAY auousr m1 Plenty The honor of cutting the 60th anniversary cake was given to Mrs Stewart Iormerly oi Thornton president bullet Iundi brought tho evening to close past district For Hllr Style OI Distlncuon loan gomolr srYusrs MIPS MATERNITY APPAREL loo Colller St PA 33304 VELKAY naooarzuiurmnan Your tor Privacy and rs Hm Eoohomy we are living In land ol neiml as ennncn FOR nu ALI nor nu council WHoaoés not marvel at the flight ofa bird The roaring iet does not seem such miracle It cannot fly with the same grew and beauty and me Every bird must learn to fly The mother bird pushes her fledgling out oftoe nest The young bird falls helplessly unhl its wings disaover the invisible support of the air itemlives areoorisebeyondï¬ailhuman nature wetoo must learn lofty on wings of faith We must discover the invisible support of Gods praenoe and power Corne to Church Stmclay You can findithere the invisible support of ER ii ir iii in test its 533 cwiimmwmmwu¢u This FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTEDTO Tn ECAUSE OF THE CHURCH BXTHE POLLOWING INTERESTEDJNBIVJ DUALS AN BU SINESS ESTABLISHM ENTS mmuesvsm UPHOLSTEEY rANDRUGrCLEANERS THERRIEN GUI STONE St Pr mm 65 we DENNIS THERREN MGR PA 6W3 44 EllenSt ao Worsley 51 DENIS SHEAR LTD LUMBER AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES Phones Stmud ea Phlnswl ck cooKE CARTAGE and STORAGE LTD PA 56575 43 Essa Road Zenith some nLoXOM Barrie oonsmucrioN co LTD ea 83021 Cundles Road in mammogram BUILDING MATERIALS PA $5712 Highway 90 McCOLGAN SAND and exam mo Photo by Fovrru EXCHANGE vows AT EVENING RITES Guthrle Presbyterian Church was the setting for the marriage of Miss Mary Elizhheth Craw ford of Barrie and Edwin Emms Cockburn oi Shany Bay Rev Baulch of Barrie oiilciatcd Mrs Victor Crawford of Barrie The idegrooms parents are Mr nd Mrs Wilfred Cnckhurn of Shanty Bnyi Mr and Mrs Cockhurn will reside at Shanty bride is the daughter of Mr and on Annual Trip WALLISTQN Special Forty Wmmmot Allisto Womens institute en to Visit several dillerent points of interest in thatarea The tchener Chamber of 10mm merce hosted the event and tanned delightful day for the adies tour of Weston Bakery was one of the highlights olthe occnlt sion and the complete operation of bre from 51 hug and weighing the flour to the final stages where the loaves were placed in rule trucks for shipment Every thing was completely mechan ized and not once was the pro ducttoucbed by human hand Before leaving Watons the group was served morning cof fee and each person was given loaf of fresh bread The next stop was visit to MmofmackemleKing an attractive form setting in beautiful park The original furniture has been preserved Includihg some pieces that Mr King designed himselil ing dny dinner was enjoyed at the noted Stones Rock Way Rostnurantsituated ide the well known and beautiful hock VaryGarden ioyed bustrip to Kitchener making was observed To conclude happy interest giliere is only one WELCOME Eiilttq in mm cum 80 years of upuienco fostering and will business community life For information on WelcomoWogon phon PA 66302 saws AND SERVICE PA Hm ammo LOWREY ORGANS Phone Shoud lollG Aldous Beach SANDERSON MONUMENT co 154 Burton Ave VERNON ADAMS nxcavmrmo CONTRACTORS 161 Bradlord 4an answer error JOHN RUSSELL Prop PA 84444 239 Bradford PLANING MILLS Phone 7136 NnDDmssGARAQE rsxaoo srarron Elmvale PA 34441 Highway 27 south BILLBARRY 77 snEu SERVICE STATION PA ones on Dunlap St HURON MOTORS EASTEND VARIEY SIORE PA ems 153 Vespra 57 DELLA AND DAN McMANUS JOHNSON SON pA Hm 193 Blake st MACHINE SHOP mir Imelda Props PA 84994 es Ross St STARR BUILDING commcron ro om Stem Winn Mgnnow nooamc commcmn PA 66820 IIIlighwnyat Hollyr BRDM EY DECORATOF Napier St co SERVICE GRAB arNNiEi LESSEE PA 34225 Highway 25 and NDOleTEXAGOVSEEWCE noN cowonN LESSEE BARBIE IRON WORKS ramf mnnmst GEORGE REID PROP PA $5046 11 High St AL SMITH PROP Lefroy 60 Churchill GORDON SPRING ENTERPRISES Gordon Spring Pres BUILDING CONTRACTOR PA 85091 l185 Codrington St JOHNS FINA SERVICE STN AND SNACK BAR John VanDer Welie Prop PA $6582 RR Shanty Boy ATIENDyrIIE CHURCH or YOUR CHOICE MAltTm MODEL KITCHENS MARTIN poor PA sorei RR No Barrie Read The BarrieEraminer Church announcements Ior the Times or Services and Religious Activities