Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1961, p. 5

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AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY STROUD Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bob Cowan nnd hiriand Mrs Don Cochrane on the ad dition of baby girls to their Iamilies Itii Linda Small is on holi day with Mr and Mrs ining Nelson at Big Bay Point Mr and Mrs Te llaar irom Holland have spent thepast week with Mr andhirs Gibbons Judging Tom the lineup at the Municipalmtlice much mon 5pmde me past ND mums ey is pouring into the treasury and many people are taking advantage at the reduction giv en or paying taxes prior to Aug On July 26 six at our WI women attended the 60th anni versary celebration DI the dis trict WI held at Thornton Mrs Charles Spencer and Mrs Campbell reported on the Dominion Conference which they had attended in Vancouv On Monday evening the end re addicts spent another plus urable evening in the hall when 12 games or euchre were play ed The six highest scores were held by Mrs McNabb and Garrick Mrs Jewison and Hutchinson Mrs Garrick and Fisher The pext eoehre will be hald MIN Mr and Mrs Morley Webb oi Cnpreol have returned home after holiday here with the tarmers lather and ers Russel Constable is now con valescng at his home alter in Barrie hospital An enjoyable evening was spent at St James Uniled Church on Friday evening when the parents of the children at tending the Vacation Bible School were invited to view the things that had been made by them during the 10 days Rev Bell of the Presbyt erian who conduct ed the devotional period at St James United with the juniors ORILLIA TEEN TOWN PRESENT SlillllllY MIDNIGHT DANCE WBTPAVALON COUCHIOHING PARK ORILLIA FEATURING IN $ER50N BOBBIE CURTOLA Dont You Sweetheart Me Also The COUNT vICToRs Admission 125 Per Person SPOT DANCEAND EVERYONE WELCOME Door Open At 30 pm AFTER SUNDAYMINITE QRUCUBEASI OF THE AMAZON In Color sonanornnvnRLv GARLAND 2ND MONSTER nir BRIDEgtOFFRANKENSTElNT furious messy HEMRI outlined what had been accom plished with than Rev lred Ianlrson directed Interesting biblical playcttes by the senior children Songs and recitation learned were also very impressive as well as master pieces made by their hands of many interesting things No doubt number at the chil dren will be sorry It is over and those who did not attend missed wondcrtal lodays Sorry to report tow per sons have had nasty typo oi flu Robert Cowan has been quite ill and confined to bed Mr and Mrs Gordon Suth erland Kay and Lyon and Mr and Mrs William Drinkall at Chatham are on holiday In relatives and triends Mr and Mrs Gordon Rob ertson and Donnie and visiting brotherinlnw and sister and Iumily Mr and Mrs Leppard Bonseaour Beach and visiting with their Sutherland unA ales and aunts Ladies and those interested in llowers are reminded that the annual Flower Show sponsored by the Womens Institute will take place in the Community Hall on Wednesday August 23 All entries must be in the hall by pm Anyone having flow ers will be welcome to show them Prize lists may be ob tained from Mrs Nelson Wat son or member of the In stitute RUGBY The Rugby WI will meet on Wednesday evening Aug at 815 pm at the home of Mrs John and Jack Langman Motto Nature never spoils her work by being in hurry Roll call hobby for farm woman Lunch committee Mrs Al bert Anderson Mrs Art Long man Mrs Jim Langrnan Mrs Clarke Horne Mr and Mrs William Rod gers and family were in Moo teith visiting their aunt Congratulatoins to on ior Red Cross in swimming Mr and Mrs Dave Rodgers and family of Burlington visit ed his parontu Mr and Mrs Thomas Rodgers while on holi day and then went on to Pet erborough when they took his nephews Gary and Larry Rod gers to spend week camp ing ALLISTON CANADIAN DRDNANCE JAEEEAD Riverdale Park Alliston was tho scene at large annual picnic for the employees and families of Canadian Ordnance Raiihead Camp Borden August Good weather added to the occasion and sports contests and refreshments provided by the Company created an at mosphere ot relaxation and companionship The youngsters enioyed the play equipment pro vided by the park and also the Rotary Fool and many ad ults availed themselves of the opportunity to go through the Alliston Museum situated on the grounds The committee in charge of the event are to be congratulated on the line pro gram and organization Results recently obtained lrom Robert Mitchell of Church St South Ailiston Son on Mrs John Mitchell was success Iul in obtaining First TCloss Ilonors in his engineering course Thissurn to forth 53 mag in thisdieiii Robert is working with the Iron Ore land Congratulations go to him from his friends in the Alliston Bra Mr and Mrs Fred Ellis of Alliston who have recently re turned from Frohisher Bay where they both teach public vschoolmarerpresentlyrinitoro to where they are attending summer coursesat the Univer young COLI ple plan to return to Frobisher Bay in September Waterloo University advise that $6 atTCarnlIiake Newfode CABLEY nie Jarratle Essen young people will conduct the church service in Hobart United Church next Sunday evening August at pm Everyone welcome We are sorry to report Miss Rose Quick is confined to the Soldiers Memorial Hospital in Oriliia with Infection oi the kncebone Best wishes go or her speedy recovery ANGUS The Horticultural Society is holding Flower Show and at temoon ten in the Angus Unit ed Church hall on August 28 The meetings are held the third crynne welcome Mis Barbara Duckworth spent last week with Miss Carolyn Pile oi Barrie at their cottage at Lak Miss Judith and Peggy Bush of Barrie are visiting their grandparents Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Mr and Mrs Douglas Kearn an and amin and Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton spent Sun day with Mr andlolra Bert Serd at Lavender Mr and Mrs Al Bourgeau Miss Mary and Sharon of Coh nor were recent vinitorl of Mr and Mrs Ernest Rarnrmnd Ros Wilkinson Call River spent the weekend with his mother and visited his other who is patient in Royal Vib toria Hospital Rarrie Pt Robert Bmatch left Mon day morning for Kingston where he will be stationed Mrr lamoteh and family will he Joining him soon Mrs Goldie Perkins Tumo to and Mr and Mrs Oscar twin and Mrs George Boer nt Shelbume spent Sunday at July 30 with Mr and Mrs SandlordPage Sympathy isextended to Mr and Mrs Carr Coulson Avenue intho sudden death of Mrs Carrs father John Wright of Toronto Mr and Mrs Clifford Duckworth have returned from motor trip to Winnipeg and Brandon Man vialake Suplt orior route retumlng via tho Northern Central States to Sauit Juntathey vis lied Mr and Mrs Fred Sough ton Terrace Bay and W0 and Mrs Jack Mann and arriin oi Winnipeg tanner residents Angu TQilENHllM Air and Mrs Deaville and son Chris and Mr and Mrs Sloan of Tomato were recent visitors with Miss Sloan Mrs Ross Skdton has re turned trom New York from visiting her niece Mrs Skel ton who is one at our senior citizens made the trip by plane from Malton Airport Mr and Mrs Morrow Riddell 0t Marathon visited Mr and Mrs Harvey Simpson last week Mrs Beiiord ol Port Credit is on two week vacation with her son and family litr and Mrs Bollard Mr and Mrs Bruce McDon ald at St Catherines were guests on Sunday with Mrs Crowe and lamily Blanche and Terry returned with them for two week holiday Recent holiday visitors with Mrs Wice were her my Mrs Easton ol barrio brother Raymond Enston ot Coldtake Alta sister Frank Cou Mra Frank Gibson oi Ivy Mr and Mrs Paul Graham and ght to Mr and Mrs Vernon Wloe and daufllters Smithiilie and Mr and Mrs Creighton Wice oI Feaetangj Mrs Robert Thomson and Mrs Wicc were in Thorn ton on Wednesday evening at tending the social evening mar kingtho 60th anniversary at the South Simwe District Wo mens institute John Claridge at Ottawa spent the weekend with his mother Mrs Claridge Congratulations to Mr Mrs John Cheeseman nee shir ley Tough of King Cityt on the Bruce The mens doubles tournament held here on Wednaday July 213 was won by the following High for three wins Bill Stepbvensnn ot Tottenham and Poucher at Ailandaie two wins Matthews Allandaie one win lilr Luck at Newmarket Mixed triples on Saturday birth at son James AIR CONDITIONED lMPlllillll and July the prizes were ll won by home rinks with the visitors giving keen competition High tor three wins Ida Walk em lice and Bill Carlton high or two wins Ray Bax ter llhene Delaney and Bill Hammond high or one win Tough Claridge and Boyd Service next Sunday August in the United Church will be at am with 55 pre ceding This hour will prevail throughout August Sunday July the service was in charge of the Womanl Federation The choir was com posedot members of the WI Rev Mr Mitchell conducted the service The guest speaker was Mrs Howe oi Tor onto She is second vlcepresl dent oI Dominion Council LAST SHOWING TODAY ELVIS PRESLEY WlLD lN THE COUNTRY SUNDY MIDNIT 1205 lingwood spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton Mr and Mrs Roland Ham mond Montreal Rev and Mrs Robert Lacey and family at Toronto and Mr and Mrs Pat rick Lacey and Ruthie ot Wind Bring The Whole Family To file Lake Park Milllrmd to see the famous palllsaded ed under the careful supervision of Dr Wilfrid Jury noted Canlt adian archaeologist and Motor inn Over 350 feet in length the Village is hill scale reproduc tion at indian life in this country morethan 300 years ago it is highly recommended by boomers and educational authorities Itspnly short drive to Midland and the Huron Indian Village reconstrueb IIIIRON VILLAGE Open Daily non Sunday Lao pm pm Adults 50o Chlldnn me TOP HOLIDAY SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AT 1205 AM immortal liltliltll STARTS MONDAY CONTINUOUS FROM LSD pm am co anNSD Feamre Times iLio 410 640 925 THE MollORLEicTuaEIHnTsTAnrsirs OWN TRADITION OF GREATNEss uolmInRloone¢év AIfld laidid Ills fish the wildest one eyedjodr 0Y8 IIIIIII into all ID Last Time Todyr rem Dawn in nanwmmYrorurr Feature Times l55 355 5503 750 IO killiinumnmim faxMarne oou= WITH SAM SNEAD IN TECHNICOLOR 05 ENTERTAINMENT AT THE Wellworth trip to TORONTO MAIL URDERS NOW OPENS FRI AUG 4th AT 815 PM ALLSEATS RESERVED FEDERICO FELLINIS LA DOLGE VITA this Is the motion picture that shook the rominent like an earthquake that swept lnlemntionol honors like whirlwind mod nation to gosp it has been damned and applauded lauded and condemned In Home in Paris tendon in Tokyo it has played to cord nudism Iiod noon was SUNDAY 73 PM Monday to frirluy SIM Sit$on link$l50 MIIIIIEIS mat ministry IIJII Sol Svn blink 5700 in mm uer MalaMW mmmuuwmmmnvm mammwmmmnon mgminimum antmum wannam mums Tlvou THEATRE IICHMDND AT VICTORIA SIS TORONTO EMAAMI lllllll lilll on Iltlillll lamarson mm Adult Entertainmnt Eva snows Adult Entertainment AT 700 and 500 pan gt llflIflmh PsYeHo WWW DOUIfliE Bill ARCHFIENDS noon italic SHEIEASII TUESDAY AND Gianr noan maroon non FAMILY ENTERTAINME NT in soon TO son THIS HURONIA DRIVEqu SHOWING THURS and FRI anontom Whit Afloaan mmannual uLgcmno Innl WEDNESDAY an animation Freckles ClNEkLASCODE nsnnnnntAS DiTRAHiLARIOUS REDISKELIQN FULLER srAnrs KAT DUSK IN

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