Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1961, p. 2

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TOMMY Douglas was carried to the convention platiohn on the shoulders of Few Substantial Ch Made At Party Convention By ARCH MncKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CF The New Democratic Pariys platform is prophets of leitofcentre moder atism Iew substantial changes in the draft program were made at this weeks founding conven lioneither from the convention anJnJhe prolonged discus sion where the program com mittee processed 700 resolutions Those closed committee 505 sions shielded any doctrinal dis pute on such questions as the degree of public ownershi greater Canadian economic in depcndence full cmployment trade farm policy or federal provinciol relations NATO excepted leftwing ele ments tended in public discus sions to register their criticism only as suggestions for more so cialism and not by efforts to amend At Fridays conclusion some program sections remained uri approvgd mostof them nan supporters after the announce ment was made that be had controversial topics in the field of social security or on rights These were left the azmember national council oi the ratlLlflLhL handle In sinking out its claim as Canadas progressive party the new party hos attempted to combine emphasis on social and moral consciousness economic reform and what the majority regarded as political realism capable of appealing to the most electors WOULD HAVE ACT Full employment would be sought through guaranteed employment act subsidizing the retraining or moving of work ers and providing jobs as so cial right on application to the public local employment office 50 called social spending roods hospitals schools and the likewould be used to provide job opportunities Full employ ment wouldnt be possible the day after the New Democratic Party took office it was em phasized ILA Head Threatens To Extend Stevedore Strike MONTREAL CPICapt Wil llam Bradley of New York president of the Interna tional Loogshoremens Associa tion CLC threatened Friday to extend the TorontoHamilton stevednres strike through the end of this years navigation SEZSDII If this strike lasts another week we might as well wrap it up for the season he said Were no closer to settlement than we werirhefore Ifnegatintions are wrapped up for the duration of the ship ping season it appeared liker ocean cargo consigned to the two Ontario ports would be re routed to Montreal Capt Bradley made the state ment after win up two days of discussion withrepresenta tives of the Shipping Federation of Canada the organization of the ocean carriers Through Year Operators Limited employers of the stevedcrcs Cited in evidence in the in junction was the vlolencewhlch has punctuated the Hamilton strike since it began 24 days ago EATHEB Synopsis Cooler and drier air in Northern Ontario will slip south of the lower lakes by slightly cooler nights and lower humidity Pleasant weather is expected for Sunday but during the transition widespread show efs and thunderstorms are lik Elias neon Nina gara Western Lake Ontario Southern Georgian Bay Wind London Toronto Hamilton cw isolated showers and He said it was stalematgmundeflh ATinion meeting has Lean called inToropto today and Capt Bradley said he will re JmlL Hiremembers 17 5mm Leticiastarted Toronto widespread this afternoon an evening Clearing and turning Tlittle Iesa humid Sunday an MIDHURST BOYVVICTIM snorkelDéaths Raise CutqriéSBy Officials my run CANADIAN amass Eleven year old Gordon flirted was pulled dead from the municipal swinuning pool at Hamilton rccentlii his hand clutching rubbc rsoorkel head band whlch hnd wound tightly around his throat his teem clamped securely on the mouth piece of the $149 snorkel Near Saint John NB an tbur Tufts dived too deep while By JOHN BELANGER Canadian Press Staff Writer it was hectic week on the firrpotoostock exchange with won the New Democratic Party leadership The stand on public ownciship is this gt The New Democratic Party minubliandccnpcr ative ownership for such pu poscs as the operation of utili ties the development of re sources thu elimination oi mo uopoly concentrations of power and the operation of major en terprises immediately and di rectly atlectlng the entire or Lion There would be national in vestment board and expanded opportunities ior genuine pri vate initiative Ona spot where more teeth were put into the draft program came in the section on control of the economy by Canadians using sub in resolutions Thus legislation would require all companies operating in Can ada to have minimum pcr ccntage oi Canadian content in capital and board membership ravens FAMILY FAB Like ILs political competitors the Ncw Demdhrolic Party ad hercs to support for the family farm effective marketing ma chinery and in general pro gram to ease the pinch between rising prices on farm needs and lower farm produce returns Public ownership if neces sary would be developed to re duce machinery fertilizer and other costs There would be system of guaranteed farm pro duce prices worked out on the basis of total farm costs FORECAST with scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon andsvening Mostly sunny and little cooler Sunday Wipds light except briefly squally lo thunderstorms Northern Georgian Bay A1 gunla Sault Ste Marie Tlma gami North Sudbury clouding over th showersand scattered thunderstorms clear ing this evening Mostly sunny and less humid Sunday Cooler 715 thlsratternoon Low tonight High Sunday MWMFWWM merger subsequent suspen sion and govemmeat take over prominent in the news The suspension oi ventures camoFriday afternoon after the cxchangos board of in quiry labelled July 21 Ven tures statement preceeding Mondays Ventures Falcon angermisleading The statement said The direc tors oi none of the three com panies Ventures Fulconbridge McIntyre Porcupinei have yet considered any concrete pro posal prepared to go before any board The exchange set up the in quiry committee Tuesday and statement although factual was in fact misleading and should owe been issued in the form in which it was Also in the news was the long waltcd and half ex pected breakthrough to the magic and elusive 600 mark on the industrial index The 20 stock market indicator went over the hill first at noon Fri day alter setting new highs throughout most oi the week The index closed at 60094 Fri day ahead more than 14 points on Die week The British Columbia govern ments takeover oi the huge BC Electric Company Tues day brought on flurry of trad ing in all company stocks and also produced sharp price falls Drops ranged between $375 and $10 in the preferrcds while BC Power turned over more than 43000 shares on the week OPP nrponrs IULY DEATHS Figures released today by In spector John Clark chief of On tario Provincial Police in Dis trict Seven show seven killed in the counties of Simcoe and Du fcrln and the district of Muskoka during the month of July Fatalities Fatal ac Injuries Total acc Speeding charges Careless driving Total traffic charges wearing conflict panicked and In Nova Seotia 13yearold boy became entangled in lake boiiom weeds and drowned He wore snorkel equipment Robert Woods 16 oi Mldhurst Ont drowned in 10 feet of Wu tcr inLakc Huron while swlm ming with snorkel swim ming companion could not reach other 11yearold Kenneth Ar him Imam 811 93 crossCanada survey by The Toronto Exthange Was Hectic ran mam murmur barman Auausr sin corsair saws Canadian Press found that each oi the four drowoiogs this year of persons wearing snorkels was followed by outcries from in ceased officials Its criminal that this type of equipment can get on the mar ke said Hamilton diving ex pert Iack Hathurst or Robert Imrie chair man of the planning and coor dinatiog committee of the NIP ferencc oi child safety Ontario Medical Association said legis lation to govern snorkels will have to comelust like the leg islatloa of life preservers WANTS BAN Largest Award OTTAWA CP The largest cash award ever paid out through the public service sug gestion award plan was pre sented Friday to Mrs Cy banikIIhe widow of the man who earned it Cybanski who died In June developed modification to the parachute harness mech anism which greatly increased safety of the equipment cheque for 8085 was pre sented by Chic of Air Staff Air Marshal Hugh Campbell to Mrs Cybansld Creates Vacuum TORONTO CHOntario Lib eral Leader Wintermcycr said With Merger Suspension News infitldaysjhuiijul less than monthproved no and iirilshed on the most ac tive list The RC Electric stocks were removed from the trading list Friday due to the closing of transfer facilities snows GAIN Dominion Foundries and steel to Algoma Steel Company of Hersey Trading in the group was light to moderatej The senior base metals llst showed number of sharp gains International Nickc Noranda and Venturenail hit new highs for the week along with Labrador Fractional gains went to Frobisher Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting and Min ing Corporation JulLtrndiananJlgh Willi ollioger at new of Vi elnty Porcupine allied on the week In ac tive trading The Western oil market was generally quiet as senior issues advanced in low range Cen tral Del Rio Home and I3 Pacific Petroleum and Hud sons Bay Oil oil rose fractionv ally Index changes at Toronto in dustrials up 1453 in $0084 golds down 27 to 87 base metals up 174 to 20 and Western oils up 575 to 9719 Index changes at Montrea Hanks up 37 to 674 utilities down to144 dusiriuls to 23 papers up 15 and lds 7p 21 to Police Break Up Riots In Hepublic CIUDAD TEUJILO nmini can Republic AWPolice tion in smashing an opposition rally dimmed hopes today that thc government can do much to bring democracy to nation that has known only oneman rule for 31 years An undetermined number of persons were injured and three were arrested Friday when po lice squads armed with ma chineguns and clubs smashed an antigovernment demonstra tion near Roman Catholic church hers Opposition leaders charged the incidentthe third of its kind in political freedom exists in the Dominican liepublic pollen and thoseallergic to it July 10 and spread to Hamilton the following day About 550 ILA members are involved The union wants the hourly wage rate increased to $240 from $198 conciliation board recommended $210 this year Eastern Lake Ontario Hali burton Sunny clouding over Avoid Animals Rabies Threaten Winghnm Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Petcrburough Trenton the respiratory system Highest pollen counts says Dr Moodie are found in South ern Ontario around Toronto The further north you go the lowel the count is know many chronic hay fever victims i7 iv Clubs said snorkels using ping Canada Canada Iron and Page pong hall valves ur combining breathing tubes are fdeath musing io action has been taken against firms Selling cheap un derwater breathing equipment in any oi the three provinces reporting snorkel drownings this your Snorkels masks and other un derwater equipment are banned immmuniclpnl swimming areas in Tomato Hamilton Peterbor ough and Ottawa The Canadian Red Cross 50 cicty branded as dangerous any floating toyor aquatic equipment that can be punc tured masks which cover the nose any type oi snorkel equip ment sklndivlng equipment in the hands of untrained people or children too young to handle th face masks Ontario Attorney General Kelso Roberis said parental common would probably beas effective as any law in controlling the sale and use of snorkels He sold his department had no im mediate plans for snorkel trol legislation control Friday Premier Frost is the Eli Boyaner chairman of the Progressive Conservative party Canadian Red Cross Society and his retirement as leader has water my service or New created vacuum none of his Bninswick condemned snorkels flowers can fill and underwater masks as great hazard He said cheap quallty models banned as dangerous toys In British Columbia where no drovmlngs have been blamed featured in the steel group WIiIi on morkals for more than two gain at more than three years Gino Gemma resident points whila smaller rises went of the BC Gouda While some of his Tory hell could stand in his reflection and momentarily shine with Mr Frost out so is the light be said in statement The premier announced his retirement as Ontario PC party leadcr last Wednesday He will being Will Extradite TORONTO CmJohn Papa lie 37 of Hamilton now serv ing 18 months in Jail for assault ing gambler Max Bluestcln will be extradited to the United States when he has completed his term Papalia was jailed for the an sault oi Bluestcin Maichit New York grand Jury has indicted him on charges that he wns part of conspiracy to smuggle heroin worth 320000 000 lntothe United States from Italy The matter came up in court Friday when Mr Justice Parker dismissed an application for writ at habens corpus for Papnlla DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS WellingtonSir Sidney George Holland as iormer prime minister oi New Zealnnd ParisMaurice Tourneur as producer of The Last oi the Mo hicans Dolls House and other movie classics His real name was Maurice Thomas Montreal Samuel Grant Montreal industrialist and phil antropist VancouverMrs MIO CokllI president oi the Canadian La dies Golf Union following stroke Plaque Honors Guiding Genius 0t Railway PORT ARTHUR iCPl plaque commemorating William Cornelius Van Home United States hora guiding genius oi the Canadian Pacific Rail way was dedicated at this Lakchead icrnun ai Friday by the Ontario Archeological and Historic Sites Board group of CPR officials on well as members oi the provol clnl board attended the cen monies in honor oi the man Who as managiu director of the railway company helped push it through the rocks and muskeg of Northern Ontario across the Prairies and through the moun tains to the Pacific in five oi the 10 years IlaWAIAMWi build it West Must Meet Demands In Berlin BERLIN ReuterslTrac main East German newspaper said today the Western powers must unconditionekdemands on the status of Berlin before being allowed to use traffic routes into the city after East Germany signs separate peace treaty with Russia Neues Dcutschlund insisted in an editorial that the Western powers would have to negotiate with East Germany and meet its unconditional demands for turning Berlin into demllitarlt izedvfrce city before they could use the traffic routes after the treaty is signed PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY gt City Police PA 8558 Provincial Police PA 66484 Fire Department PA 83131 Royal Victoria Hospital PA 85951 INSURANCE QUALITY WITH ECONOMY PROTECTION IS OUR PRODUCT SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS simmer co PA adios ll COIIIISI SE SIIIIG 302 JUST Co North To Escape Hay Fever Advice littered Br Healthllnii Go nnrh as far as you can who go up to the Lakehcad is the advice oifercd by Dr every year to get relief Main Moodle of the Slmcoe County causes of the trouble yard rag Jim If youcant get out of town Augustis the worst onth or the only other cure is session gorillawillfltestc sufierthemiserta otsneezmg number pollens on you to an inviting of the unscefiidnyesanLJiniLoutJhimmesyouareisek other unpleasant complaints of sltlvo to Once he isolates the Vspeciiic pollen he can prescribe HEADS BRANCH Norman Clark has been up pointed manager at The Toronto Dominion Banks Allandale Branch huggedng Giblt son who has been transferred to Kirkland Lake Mr Clark join ed theBank in 1330 at Burford andJmedmmaL branches before receivmg first managerial appointment at Mactier in 1950 He was man lger at Merritfin ior THE AMAZING 35 Miles Per Gallon Swedish CAR At 90 MPH Test Drive It At INMOTORS 23 Bradford St ltElllli1Tl0tl go iillrlltl flroiub Ilomcs manager at Thornbury He is married and has two son solution which will bring re lief Many sufferers have found that antihistamine drugs are effective against hay fever but physician should be consulted for advice on any treatment EVRGRERQRURERVROR WE ARE rxrrar CACOGRAPHERS Cacographcr one who has or shit to read illegible or incorrect writing or course niciaria Prescriptions are come maury or til to undth 1116 either on why It cant run than be are omens the drug re im known to you and $218 next year Veterinnxianw Haslett HON6P court in um was Issued here may of name wunefrcsidents and any sievedores Wellington Street term report from the federal labors at Hull It Will wrpeout the picket line all girl was Elixir cat huh of Local 1654 International The situation is not danger guneshoremeHAmcisdon Hi ous said Dr Haslett but care least until Wednesday should be exercised The injunction was obtained Shirley Moirow 15 of Cooks by iheJlandlton Harbor Ccm townrwho wasbittén by ber mission owner of the terminal pet cat Middle Sized Punch re and the Hamilton ShippingCom ceivedher eighth of 14 antirah pany and Hamilton Terminal lies shots today great may people entrust on with your Do NOT LEAVE YOUR HEATING PLANT DIRTY prescriptions May compound youni ALLSUMMER ASIT DOESMUCH DAMAGETO if SUNIIFE ASSURANCE THEENTIRE PlANT COMPANY orcaunoa DRUGsroRE ml gt Anderson counts 75 Saturdays $100 gnarben IJFFSWBARBEflgi SHOP 29 cm ama Anson from Minnainlde NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY COSTS ARE CERTAIN TO GO UP IN THE FALL FOR INSTANCE SEDROOM HOME ERECT gt ED PLUS LINING AND TRIM PACKAGE Not on than in certain When we in not abs11 IIch III VI hlVD IGId AM FIESCH IID by own will ghecir with the phyle vv Installed FOR TILEAS is THE ME TO HAVE YOUR FURNACE CLEANOUT OIL BglIflNERIUNLULDONE lt wn you need Pick up your prescription if Lhoppltn we will delivery promptly without extra or are you sure of landing surc years of independence and contentment Call meioday and Ier me tell youabout SUNVLIFEV Innrant and pension plans complete Home fataluul Summer Connie CBIIIGEHE MEI Garage catalogue free Name Address City Province Done Specin Rota Offered For August HEATING oceanMisfit CO OP Telephone Today Arrange for This Importanr Work To Be KEFAI IODIJCIS In flaox assokiLLIA risen am am Phillip District nunuuuru MFA 65451

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