Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1950, p. 13

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TiIERSDAY 111311 Hospital Donations Iv 1174 MADE rnou 100w1101r WHEAT heres whole wheat in its most popular form Xgnfneed allthe goodness all the nourishment of whole wheat in your diet It contains vital mood elements And NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT is made from 100 whole wheat To strictrow serve fresh golden iNABISCO SHREDDED WHEATwith MILK and brown sugar Youll love it swso 12 51191 Biscuits inEvery Box Mr map15 Geo Seadon Mr and MrsWesley 10110 11 1L 11111 11311 11 VH VV 2111111 111 111111 3111411 11111 11 M11n111r 1119 if New Low 11 TV ilj illevhs 11r1 1111 1111 311 1H VVV 1le 111111111111 Allin f1 IVJVV ll llilllll 11111ts111g 31111 11V 2Vl1AV VVV 1V1I1 1V Jillll Mlnwuu Vt Kw to Siltlira 11111gt1111V 511111 V5 VV VVV 11V Sup11 hu1v mi All Hort11 V1V111111d 11111111 $111111l VV 1111 11 01114111 iV 31111 111 1111111 VV1 111 Knapp Ante Mills 3111111 1V gt1111111 1111111 331 VVV s11 51114 Mm VVV VV VV john 11 119 1111 VV Ni lW 11 1s Murmur 51111 VI Tl My Spamne VVV 11V 15 311111 111 L131 VV VV VV was pump 5W ILLIAM I1 Ioltsl llli 11 111 Ilmowrln VVVVVVV IVV VVVV IV VVV 11 11 VVVVV VV New VVV it W111 Jerhsiilfimlllixiih anadians 111m oerup1 top llhllltllls in the Iepsiula ompany of an HHVVAVVVVVV MVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VV VV Il 1i1t1 Muurehmh My idLi Limited with the appointment ot illiam It 1orsytlie as ltalrnmn VVEV VV VVV VVVV VVVV ml il SlHtluIr S1110 othe Board and of David hrnoueth is lrexident tw in V3 MAW VVV thVol1 511111111 and hits 311 511111 Mr 1901s the 1111di1n with 1111111 0th ptriente in the beverage Multan1 twp 31 1V AVVVVlVdWh VVlWHIH mil industry 111 this country and 111 the 1111111 States as also recently ip Sl1 at 311 l2 low Hill 1W distill pointed 1st ieielresident of the Pepsi1 011 ompan York Mr lVV AlVlVrV VV 111 Victoria lorv 1mm lienoueth prior to his llrlxllll 1puointinent as ittJresident audit VVVHVVVIVVVVVV lVVVVVVVVV Fred Peacock 51111 Managing Ilireetor of the zinadian onip111 jinn JV V11111111111 lhompwui 1111 1111111 ulati 11 11111K111 11 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Ior1ou Utopni 1111111 My VV 111$ 111111miin 1111111 311111 15gt Me 11111111 Mark Itlrmusup Utopia V311 VV EV Scmndlvn Midhumi 10 Iirolley VJtill 1111111111 Stiniless tjtopta V200 VV 1VVVVVVVVIVVVV1VVVVVVVVV MVVVVVVHNt 500 Smith 1111011 Neil llempster Utopia 31111 VV VVVVVVVVV VVVV VV Miss Doris Mason 1111111111111 5110 31 PM Nllllll UWIHH Vlel VV1 Smith Midlmmt 3V0lll111lt lC Burke 1110 Arnold IIVvVlzind Utopia 1111 310119 gmiih Midhurq 200 Mrs Itllgerald 1111 Win M1ller Utopm ltltVHltl VVV VV Sutton Wagner 101111 lvrauk lulplnek Utopm 311111 BARRIIuh N12 1111111l110512 BOOK lan anus Mldhuist all VV VV lltt 1111111tlt tttltllt 111 111111 VV 1mm SFV Midhurst mp Mr and lll II 1lelelll1e 101111 111111111 MeMasttu Utopia VV1 VV VV VV VV 1111 MusWV Midhum VV 20m Mrs li stiltivan family 1110 1111s litrtl1eltitleV Utopia 11111 VV 11 gtllllt to 111155 Hm 11 pm Mun 111111 lagis oi tllttlilll sutton 1119 Wattle Midhtlrst 25110 Vllllld SltVvilljl 10 lll Nl WK VV Your Telephone Business ttiee will Mrs AV AV hwm Midmlrst 1500 Mr and Mrs ainphell Mrs 14 It tonlsor1tdop1a 1300 II 111 111151111 lltet 1111 15 31111 11001 VV VV 2111111 111 Muir 111111111 11011 11 lad to cut you 11111 infouuatlon Ilod Spence Midhinst 2100 WW wait Dmvsm VV 5qu Johnston Illmesmlt p011 Arthur DoosoVn Utop1a 20011y plppgo mun Mm lqmnm HUN VVVVVIVVVIVVVVV VVVVVVVVVSV ML and MW Sm Mum 3105111 and Mrs Taylor Munro 11011 Mervm IoiVsonV Utopia 111111 VV VV Mm Monmm ngolMlV and Mrs Meltae 10011 Denney ltop1a 10011 Mm VVVVIVVV VARRKVKV MVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Lump Cumpmn 2301 IiuoxV 1lVlohi1 11111113 Utopia p00 01p and Mm Mink 21m 11 Iteahil 501111 lltetorVlurnbull Utopui 1000 llovli 211111115112 and Llllrs MgrVtairnonn Vhff lHLthtillltiVV ttncan aineron 1111113 711 rs Yougiey iii1111111nl1iiiiiiiCfiiiiiii1111 iiiiiilllioiisCluhor111111111111111111 Mrs Mercer 11111111111111 5111011 THEVBELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Mr and Mrs 11 Griffin 301 131111101 additional 10111100 Mr and Mrs Fullerton 20011 Arthur prince pm Harold St1bhzird 2000 Mr and Mrs AV Ilarvey 10110 Mrs Varrinor 1110 D1 Scott lirankhn Mr and Mrs putts 10111 Gribbin 1110 NJ USA 5710 It Payne 100 Taylor 100 John Wilson 100 mmwrnWVV my VVV Mrs Kiernnu 100 Burridgc 100 Mrs Pilkey 100 Frank Straetmans 100 McQueen 100 Theatre Grill Ltd 2500 Mr Mrs Galbraith 5000l Mr and Mrs Soule 500 WV Waters 500 Mr and Mrs GnSoule 20011 Whitbrcad Fcrndale 1000I Mrs Jas Kirton Ferudale 10001 Mrs Sadie Brooks 200 Strathy Toronto 100000 Dobson 4000 Mr and Mrs Jennctt 2500 Norman Hardakcr 1000 John MeBridge 100 Mr and Mrs Fladcr 500 Jones 500 VVVVVV Mr and Mrs 1000 Albert Flectham 100 Mr and Mrs Fle 11 x1 00 1mm 12 1272 Jazz 0212 Percy Thompson Crowe 1000 Mr and Mrs Partridge 500 Mr and Mrs West 500 Mr and Mrs Drummond 500 Mr Mrs Emerson Swain 2000 Mr and Mrs Elliotson 900 Lambert 000 Mr and Mrs Grant 1000 Mr and Mrs Geo Bauldry 2000 Mrs Dorothy HumphrcyV 100 Mr and Mrs McKenzte 600 Christie 1000 Phillip Wicks Mr Gluck Edward Crossland St Augus tines Seminary Toronto 1000 Percy Windsor 500 Crown Hill Womens Inst 5000 Ellen Dowson 5000 Nelson Walton Minesing 500 Ira Partridge Minesmg 500 1Mr Mrs Peter MeAuslen 25110 Miss Mclsaac 1000 John Reid 500 Bert Pringle 2000 Longson 2000 Blaehard 500 John Ctoughley 1000 Mrs Leeson Graham 200 BertHorneath 1011 Mr Jobst 20111 Bert Hooker 200 Doug MacIntosh 2000 Rabi Clifton 3000 Albert Hook 2500 Mr and Mrs Robt Murphy 500 Mrs Us Kenny 500 Arthur Robt Tilbrook 500 Mrs Bedard 100 Major Smith 200 Brown Co Ltd 50000 Thps Sewrey 2500 Miss Jean Knight 1500 Mrs Annie Simpson 3000 George Ellis 500 Sheirlock 11000 Norman Greenp 900 Mrs Bethume 100 Victor Crawford ay 600 Dafo Shanty Bav 100 Edward Dafoe Shanty Bay 100 Crawford Shanty Bay V100 David Pilkey Shanty Bay 300 Alex Campbell Shanty Bay 3000 Caldwell Shanty Bay 5000 Mrs Janet Stoddartgi Shanty Bay Stoddart Shanty Bay 500 A1 Hawkins Shanty Bay 1500 Mr and MrsWalker Caldwell Shanty Bay 200 Ernest Love Shanty Ba 2900 CampbllShanty Bay 1000 CampbellShanty Bay Mr and Mrs Norman Camp bell Jr Shanty VBay 1000 Francis Grob NewfiLowell 200 Mr and Mrs Wm Stewart 200 Otto Rnef Shanty Bay 1000 Mr and Mrs Wm Rhmehar 500 Mr and Mrs Isaac Aconley Shanty Bay 2000 Robt Aconley Shanty Bay 500 Mrs Mae MeClurkm Shanty Bay 5200 Mr and Mrsz Anderson Shanty Bay 1000 Mrs Heppleston 200 Lewis Anderson Shanty Bay 500 Mr and Mrs Heppleston 500 Edgerton McLean 1000 Mr and Mrs Eldon nson 500 Irene Moriarty 500 Mr and Mrs Jos Quinlan 2000 Mr Mrs Clarence Smith 2000 Mr Mrs Ken McGillivray 200 Grant Robinson 1000 er and Mrs mey 1000 Miss Norine Robinson Pushkoff 8L Co Mr and Mrs Bingham$ 2001 fPepsiColo Company Of Canada Appointments 151111 100111 THE BARR EXAMiNAR BARRii ORTARiO CANADK Paul fliiRTEEN wy 271 yoarW 147247526 kilowatt 252 from the greater power and smoothness Th TWOTONE FISHER INIERIORS Take good long look Study every phase and feature of this powerful pacesetting Chevrolet for 1950 And then youll know its rrt 17111 finest It lowest cort of operation of Its outstandmg new engine right down to its exceptional economy of purchase price operation and upkeep For Thats true any way you 1001 at this only Chevrolet brings you all Chevrolets car from the richer beauty of its Body by bimcar features 1t lowest cost Fisher to the rectier comfort Vof its two CURVE WINDSHIELD Come in See this only lowpriced car tone Fisher interior from the perfect with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY with all these major motoring advantages responsiveness of its CentrePoint Steer ing to the positive stopping qualities of Look around it and youll know its your its CordSafe Hydraulic Brakes and beltllllilllWllllll buy HIGHLY IMPROVED MORE POWERflVlLVALVElNHEAD ENGIyEVVtVV v1 WITH rowanin CARBURETOR AND LARGVER EXHAusrvA1vEs The ne Chevrolet engine now made eyenner bringingVyou mpreV VV power tgstr pickupbetter lowspeed performance bettermction every way Ln momenta MAINTAIN General Motors Value im Alums Morons gt 8389 Elizabetligt WW

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