PAGE FOUR CKBBl230 on the Dial Flyer Clubs II iul KBB progIIamsIIiiscd Battle Owen Sound ow are hear on iy thwugh itnrdny rxttpl nhrrr Tonlght Arena ludimteii IIIII MI IIII NIIIIII lIXrll Hill entries pull IIII II the tllllJlll down on thin lirst round pliotis lntilglll tit lliir 111 1111 ltril tin1 titlil in l1 III II II turn oiiinl in doublehmtlri it l5l iii 111 i11u rm AI 11m 5103 313 Wrrll llzl liiiliru ll1rs till illV t1i11 Itll 1111 into In till tIIiil rhino oi 1hr LHJl 3V to roiiiit llll llllr llll Iiiitl Vnm erl lltt ltultl 111i goJl llLl o11 llllll ll111 ltltil 111111 11 113 VVV urgedV Mviiiul iimls 1111111 1121 By KlLN ROBINSON llthir ll1tltJllolI ouuwllor Lkr3 lVltztiiiIttiitllt till llptitl 1rt1iii llii1 Illllllllll lltVt V1 llepurl litillttui V1 Ii ll llititrtl llilf 300 toiurr ll ll hythin l11 Till llrilltlh llliltluit llvwww lllrillttlltf lll Sat lillll lltiit Vkll lV11 111Ii Iltlll lues th1lltl IIIII VlVlIIll1 t1111oi 11131 Mon li1 lVII lllgzllllziltis 330 Midutteiiioon 335 lloud Ilrooit 3411 Mon I11llii llIrl llaneh 10 511 liu 1211i Newscast ll 43 lueslhnr llIIlIti Wheeler II 400 luli IJitll until titttl lllllVlVlllllMltI le l1lt fili Sui lotzr Hint 11 tho Week 330 Newsemt IltItI1IIIiIII lliuir until 700 titMontmllri Muirhiugnlnnz II Iitltl queslhius K1111 lxolitehIs VIVVV Hi News tVioin World of Sim19 lVI llt 1111114 Ml 330 New 12121 11llllllti III pim 111iiot 550 Bulletin llonrd 1159 Regional Wenther Repoit ii Iiiisi windm Ttlll lou lIVwIt Illttl his Islnuh 1s IIIIII II III II IIIHI It ml 715 Songs 111 1111 luies III IIII IIIIII IIII il111111nI ltti Ithill VltISI l11I 5111119 730 Mon niiiidn ll Work lurs li1hoto oIV l1oiies lt111 lltti lint Sui 33 lIiIs l11 1111t iiti IIHII 1111i1111111itt usputs ot 111 hth 111 In 1110 in 1Iitt 11llt tlIVrlllth III IX1 tumult 111131111 11tii 53151331 211I11 wW II IArmstrong Rink Im par=1 Fm Iumor Flyers Johnny JghnsonG flee Presrdent cme ol Win First Prize qTRlKEq open Group Finals Satisfactory Year In lS AND liiii luiiioi l1Is II gun llttll inst 111 senu rollp L3 11l ll1 Unis ouutl tinx II 11I1s1l1 Iilgltl tl llAirir 33 IQ lli1 Illll lllt suoiiti ioiitvsl HUWIIII I11 l1 to lilxr plm it Mr whorl li1I1 ul ItiiitliI Alleys ll the lJHill the l11gnr III III III Wzc tumk Huh IIIHI I31 II Iutl lol Inortl our the irms VV VI llhlI llxllll 111 Niuuntrs ltilkl high 01le IIII II II II II LIN li o1 Ulllllli lllr distritl honors IIII III II II II this lill Iinl itll lllul tu II 11111111111 tiulv ironi In our II III 11111 Iririud tlIiie sun1wer 1111111s Iioiu the llivis II II It Is not lllltl whether the total 11111 xill l1i11 tornnnl It llIII littlltlllilll lnl plIoll 11 II 111111 or not llll llluulll higli Ititsll11gttgt1 oi worlllg lliiric prodnrt llls I1a1Ii111i 11r VVV lltlll working 1l llll the grown piziil tltlll VV llon 11gtr Vllll lliilJtlHltr ol vI 1hr litl11 is Iut11t Iud the 11 Ill be out 11 illlVll lroiu Ilv ll11 nu mufit I11 1111lz11i Lo 11 llt lliliii 4le VIV V1 VV lllt ll1il1 lVlllll 1nil IolIlnnirI VVVIIVVVIVV V1 VIlV o1I Iu1lsoi Iillllll it in srtoirl 1ui oi llll tlllIllllll II III Itou llll lllItill trIIl IIIIII III II ltl mr lluln III III lluI1 llllwltll lll1s ll III And only III II II II 11 ll Ill 11111i oui UllItll to Inzr 11 llll nntlt l1 11th ll 11 llll II II lnl in II1Is1I 111pt 121 1Iw11l 1n1 tliiourh 1111lsIoi III IIII II II IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III II mmhm 3p III 111 111 ll 1111111111115 Hltlllillll IIII III III II IIIII IIII II llilttll 1hr inigits 1I11I 1II liouutouii pils oli iultil WHY 11 IN lou1 Illlltlllli lies Ill tiir 111 ml lIHlM lll NV 1119 11 11 11 HI 11111 outshot II1 lIIois ruo 111111 on IKIIIIluI outsliot tlir lll Elms II III IIIiI II Iuil lost limosumo1111ozts 11 r11 WM 111 hllml AVHI =1 iii 11 ll ltd 1o 11 Ifipitii VV VV pomp1i ll liIIl 11 Iliti 1111 VVV VV Barrie MIkCS III IIiui lioi Iii1111 V1 1111 isi lltll souls II IIIIIIIIII HI III 13 II 1111 ll ill ll llll lIllI II II II II III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IllVVl iiur II nd LinnI lirstouiixi stills 11 11111211 It IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII II 11 gt3 tVl31 13 MI llhltiltll lldrllt llll leu 31 11 11 1t lgt111111zIVIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIII II IIIIi lIItlttllttl tiiv iLlI ll up IIIIIHII1 In 51111 111 tittitzzil 11I11 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII 11 21 to pilot tlv VII ICT 311 ltod1111i1x ll 413 VIIIHIIIIV 1113 opeinr in I11 Cdm 1w Ll1li1ll 13111 llllltiilltl4 lIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII II III II IN 11111 roiinteti 1ltl VVVVV lII IIilLIIII 112111 111111i= 11 II 11111 II II II II lIl ssttl iv ll on VV VVLVV IIIIIti 11111 1111 414 VV IV III 11111 51111111111 lwilu 111 III III I1 IIIII littWHV Vt ll1lill lliVlltS Emil llltl III itiittiiliutii 111 Mei IIII 11 41111311 II II II II 1in 1111 111111 ltltt lI IlVlll lVllll lvw 11 It ltlt Loin It with Ir Iiulttm In H111 11 wit 11 gt1 11 1111116 11 or IlIIlI Vil the In 211 HIII 11 VV VV VV lVVV VVVV iVVV VVV VV VVVll VVI Il VVL VV VIV IIV V1 lrillt ot 111 lltitlilllltills 1tplo VIv VI tltzi timid tip 4111 iltllltm 1IIv Im II Illllt 1111111111 ot tvI 1111 III II 11 ll VlitlilII inn l1 milllll 1Igt ll 1113 gttl QW Ioinniittee on 111 llIo 1211111 IoI imi 111111 lllVI on it The il1rrir liiiuiuei 1311I1IMIJII1II Ilopp1xIIII III IltIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIhIIIII sports llll 1111 1IthouL it l1 1111111 Almost the entire hockey Nrontl leut IIIII111IIIIlillahII XIIIIIn liItIlIIIIII ii nu1 1111 I1gt1 unison 111lo1111 1111 rhoIm Vino ll1lLllt the work is leIrlM IIIIvIII 11 IIu1l Illlllllltlrll Inr lsltriilrI Issmmu lllll 1uthor1l oi tlu IIIII IIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIII 11I pril ltl week in lltwwu 11nd eye is 11 work He scouted liltllil well known to tirst pirk ol eliihs wars the tIptIrItiI Item lt Ii ihilr Ihrrr his slurp 1iettrie ill lilltl 111111 ltlltllll no lem tiiIii l11r11 sporting mind doulit the ll1u 1lllinlloll Io rxlnt eimlors ltlitlillllt report ttwqu sillim close l1I iiio or lot1 14111111 IlI11 iiut ltl tllll in third pine in the 312141112 lellmps the llll routine was liiehrr i1s tor our snotInslrutii hi1 weakness for Coach l11111l1I ltllJIllV trIn lr1u the Illllltilllll out he disrovered lurrl lelletirr ho lllVl out nutIts tor KlltllCHOPVilllrllin liIIIehinIu 11 Ir il1rrieVIl11 111lflltil7 liriI Zillllll VV1lllll Ilium lrlirnle lo pertoinird tor lilll Ill1 Wines of the sdim Ir1r s1iII1I1l1 1tliul1iu units lroui the lilIIIliue while the 1ts lll1 21it llotke uiodiut Vlllldlll ViIil Wylie of with popular tolored Sltll Wed llollzind Vlodziy lhiir Western lllt Parade and fir Morning 1111ls 1111111111 If ISVVHlVPIFH VV VkIVVEVVlIVVVPV Quil oihoy moon Ivinme MUM IIIIIzI llriliie lirnegu oI Illll ISLE loiIoiIto IorIo1 lost your llll lVll All Tint llll Pillndc In pIII IIIINI IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllll itueriils link amide Is puttqu iii good siiisonI on Sat lnlihensIIttinvr II III IIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIIIII lll win tor liulmII with thud tIuIdrnk egtI llllitllnts 741 310114 AVlm ill wk MI 11 senior Itid llIIILIlo Bisons si1r1oilin the starboard side Mom llV MVVVVXVVEVVIVVVIIV IIfiIVVVIVV TVmVV VIVeViViliVVMlVoIVIVIiiimiiVVV kip VlliVMIVIVIVIViIIV rt11 ltoiViils II1 iulultltitxt in the inelier loop produce VHVVVV VVVVVVVVVU is elmrdtVtiIIImi ViI Irh mid my more rrteutI hoekeins tor the lilrie me loinin lxinzislerskIIY 31 MI IIII putIII 51m HMmp mm II1IIltCIIIHII ol the EIInoriJl up winning Ion1re11l lloyiils lusII year llowie Vlttts llutlio Bltltio lttllllli I11o 1lt111I11od with ot lnrouto loiui liltlll 11nd lllll lirlhoro lame Wed 131 Spetizil until 1030 urine powws li11r1iltml skilli 11nd Jerry llrlVlllilIl prodIut ot the iiiuior Xiititiiiiilts in 1917 IIIII giIlIIUVIIEIXIIIIVIIVSIlIlIIIIMLIIIIIII oxiiIizIs 11I1w Ini1t new 11111t1oisI lti toIIIIn tIIIIe In porlon oIl tinI IIiinIelinI tirigniir lIxrmrr loIiI 11qu 112115 to 4111111 freedom onto or Hill riuxnt 111 stir tun ryiny is goi eonee BIII iilgIIIgtVEVIEVIIVSIIVIVgtimipuomvn llV VillllllllIYIilllhlI lltlttt iltVI uith the IruiorIih Ils IhisI IIuir as IiiI1 lord IKuulIsoII ol lilSlI 815 wIIdI IWIIIII Pmkms Itnrioirs VxhtlltdltIHI Is IinportnutI years junior lloyiils 11d IiiiidI lllll Iiuulor 11 0111110 oi TIIIIIISI LIICIII TIIICIII parade llthllltIlttllItliltili 111 these wines two seiisoiis ziqu 830 Mm VVJlllVlVVUIGUCSt Eman VVVVVVVVlVVVVZVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVV lVLVLiVVVl Ii111 luaut 81 Mike iietininder ol few 41in51lv0l1nl St tlohn IituIs 1IIII Ill Ilil1lt no lhe ue IIIIIIIII II II IIIII II III WIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IlIthisI hr 311 qu tIorrj moniueu 11 1IIioI11 ploy 11nd IIIIIIIIIIJI III IIIII II III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIII III Il ziiie lstnt gthowI itittlllttltitl oppoi Inns and 111t1 hurs Views on Recreation IIIIW CIIII CIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII lll lIIIligt linII niqu icons 1s pinyin eonrh Col lUIItI lIlIIUCIlhIII IIEIIIIIIII llxtl Immt of IIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 11 he Ione 1IIinil1r 11111 on the sIIIIon tongueI IIItIiIsIIIiIAIIii IIIII1II IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIxIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS IIIII IIIIIIIIII IISI lilltIIllIlIlEIIIrltlIIl sI gtIiIooI1II Minus IIIIuInIng IrllItllllIlI lItiI IliIIiiIIIII oisI iui ViiltzVTliino lVKlilltd lll1 In IIHIIIIIHI nyINII 111 1111 himIII IIltuuetttl 11p n11 IhII lIIti ousting tin wineI II IIIIIII SIIIICIIII IIIIII IIIII 5km III IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIliIIIIIl 1o 1l1II111lItII wes liut lusIt week ha slashed Ottziwn neIltI 11 III mold URBB Sat more likon 11 IiIiImeIt ImI llllllt hum 111s across 111etoreh111d 21nd Is now suspended Night Cowboy 2111111113 Islunl1dI IIIIIIS III until 1111 11 lilttlntljllli Inooeii ltxniner Detroit lied Win star 1111 Cecil Denny lheuutf Jimmy Utlitltllgt 1111 llitlllil i1111eI o1 i1i111ttI1 lootbtill intltlt zire other lit MCCUIKVQ Sisaltendershiii is of priman in consistent performer lIl1lIIJ LIitltll VVlXI10 lllnkes Braves new VVVVSViiViVVniVfhliiiilhlqsmgs 11ioitziiiee The lender innst 11Vnder Will It llttV QIHV littl V111hlilenlVMVenioiies itthVVIVVmV VLVnPVlV IVMVViVV VVVSVVVUS needs Six VIVVVVVHVV iVVVVVVhVVVVVVV FIIIIIKIIII MCCIIIIIIICR IZlIlll ljillllll11gt 11o must him who also perloruml tor iIIt111Il orpinu the Jump lUldtll it Tgmp our for Dancing selt possess skills or know how to League is xidiue the non Henge alone with Bobth Bleuu who Sur Suowhzill Bridge ESICIIIC the services of lenders itV111111tl between the pi the Iiiinioi lloytds lost your Windsor ltioltul News Suianlery Dresontin V11 QltZtl ziriotw of skills Spittill ll 15qu 5491743 AVitlltrltll Jilttillts lilthmd iiirhe IliIunx 111 the Piano my muth1121de III1mm 1px 1bllilllil of 1111111111 51 MikeslohnnI Muretieh 11 IIIIIIIICFI IIIIIG IIIIILIIIIIIIlIltO lgtIeIIniIiIiudixuhiul ot wellA IInd ICliiudo RoomHI tilt Ihliitiouziles tIyre1Iher ptILkCllktS If gn III and AmhomI ptrsonnlit 11nd upiiqht ers tor tljr tttlIIltitii=I II uwm 1x019 mm Ilsglgmnmn com Ir HIIIIII IIgIIIIn lIIIIzIrnEIer wiItIh power Ito InItlutIneIe pletedi otiilItett1o rein61nd niftiiue to lit1p the plI1olthderinu inob araI er gin persona 111 011 or Barrie versi 3r Bees Lose IChildreii 11nd adults IIr VIr In Collinqwood VJ Winner lo4 lVVJ 51 oin WV PI irorrr IrrCrezition must ltllllCl the dis Former Flyers Seen COYCIY oi ote Vllllllc uiines Barrie Junior 13 13151115 whitecli Over Local Televrsron IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III WIMSIIII Vents ind skil llalthl through the motions of 120 te CIIIOI III IIICVCIIIIIIIH VVVdf feat in Colliniiwood Saturday nightI Iuie and wide variety of oppor as ther wound up their eesons IIIIIIIIICI I0 germ II III schedule against the Greenshiits mu moms Guelph tit StI Cfthinines Barrio at Burrie resident living on the St hliehuels high land iii the north east part of town had 11 111w television et 111 sor 511 dlllllllllt5 zit Guelph lll ediiesdnyAMnrlooros dl W111 lt1 lVlllliXlllilVliSS lllflilS 100 It 1111 III 111 illtlft 11111121111111 po 11111 lVIIiIittl 1lIII ltltllI molest totIIIIIIIIl 1111111 tliI1il ullrknitt liti ivIIoliIs lou llouluuiiui 111 II III lnsiitll 1111111111 lltillt 111111111 it lt lr 511mm llo iloizi IEIIIleItl tIillsiIlIlillHIIgt Svmmd purmd Vilill ml Home lthllIllltlH 1111111 1311 town 111 llVIIIiliiilllll liIIttl 1lttIIIlItlltl 3211111 th11 11111 15 Hit It 11111111 VlttYItillS llolhtiltt illlit wernniuH than 11 stiii lviinities ltoheine lltitIIIIIl l11 limo 11111154 ll1t1 znullorl I1 lhird leriotl HWHN s1 Mir1s Autumn 111 VV SI Mikes Mnisiiiill Itoii lIiuunu is 11111IIIIlI IoIMIIIot lIIligtV l11sh1ll 1v ne hierc ne hen thrill Guelph leads bestofti Iinterests phySIeeil sociil musiml IIhe lClOl tor the honIIesteItS idiomatic nature and 50 forthgot 5V1V9VCNVWV133VVVVIVILV IVIVRVIVVLVVVI1lTIIgtViI Heifesszllrt Barrie dl St Michaels allowed them to tie Barrie tor the IdIfICWIII Individ Il fi mice vIIyi toil rune in the Willi tatlriilln 11 loc1l ox VVIBV 111 gm VVVVVQd VVVVRV WEN VELVIVVVVVV lVlitiisdinV Vuelph 11 Sr C1tharV V0 mell C0 asportscastzind the TV unnoune LOUWDVWOUG 99le 19 59mm 19cm agency 0f i110 13901310 is or was interriewim none otl lVVVVVVS Vll lVVOSSVVV bl whang Ii the rst period and ZCl re reSponsile for Vosteling and ad Ihm SId MCNabIICI L1 IIIIII II 111 Barrie 111 Iieeessziryi 71l JImI lllllfgzjhf Iifillmlnllh th ImImlaleIlng ISUClIt rich program IBIIIIIC my III IIIIIII III SIIIISIIIISI Stillllllrl 111 sOl at Mailboms spec aims Ioi leisuretime opportumty WithIThe pictures and sound eznns SaturduyVi Results Barrb scorers in the tlt were the eXpenses borne bythe taxIthiough no and 1IcNilnQII guru IMtiilhoros Windeor in Lox Wither who payer there can be developed IBariie manv good boosts Two hlzirlboros lend bestofseven Einms Poland Wib MeAr do tocratic opportunity for all to nights lateern the some TVETTTCdstmmd Hi thin and 811 Harron each SCOIllit particmate in 21 Variety of desir Igucst athlete was Gordxir Panneli lBtitrie St Michaels on able and iewaidmg detuItIes momm IXBIIIIIC XIII IIIIWII IIIIIII BIIIIIL reads has best of five Ar qur er 1111a1se11es 171 Itommmnmxnmxwmxvvmws 311le BMW 19 uelph St mommies also had 11 lot of good things tosng qmt CIK Presents Premium BILLIHEWITT TONIGHT xxxysxaxx eriinal seiiL Inhout Barrie II 20 PopularIFeatUre 1c1ltas EVERY ITUESDAY 730 to 800 This weeks PresentationV favorites IsporiisoredY AYU ilnecessaryl Ir 9pm IIISponVsored by Robinson Hardware IIIIIIIII MORRISION co LTD Your Mercury LindolnI Meteor Dealere 3132 BRADFQRD ST DIAVLI5566 31 ERRDFQRDST fTouch Marie Oyerdrive op riOnal at extra cost provides easier more restful driving saves up 20 iuI gasolinei LoInger engine life handles and rotary locks for easy opening and names mIIIIIIIIII VWhfyy 3W1 My 36M LbVimmae acmelb getterbrake oer MWJhy Ease Stalin or Mom comeride in it drive itand youll get motoring New pushbutton door positiveclosingofdoors Now availablesmart new MEIIEOR MERCURY MERCURY TRUCKS FISH and CHIPS pm to pm Saturday 12 noon to 8Ipm FREE Dial 595 Delivery 38 Hayfield St BARRHI ml 6V 1111i glance at this sleek massive lowtotheroad 1950 ury will prove its better than ever in styling look at its Customized interiorwill tell you its er than ever in tailoring and interiortrim lint youre never enjoyed before For the 1950 Mercury rides drives and handles like no other car on the road With CushionCoil front springing and new LoungeRest foam rubber seat cushioning its better than ever in riding comfort Better in performance with 8cylinder Vtype 1107IHIp HiPower Compression engine Better in handlinga ease with StediLine stelaring Better in safety with thriftyIEconOMiser carburetor aInd gassaying Touth OMaIIC Overdrive optionalajt extra cost Better in road MERCURYLlNCOLNMETVEOR DivisroVN r0111 MOTOR COMPANY or CANADARLIMITIED llagnm am meerlihles ratg MimicVex page Mame20511 Varfa sons 00111 improired ISupeiSafety brakes Better in economyl withII vision withHIiWide visibility YeVIs orieride will prove this better than Iever Mereuryis the mean for you BARBIE