Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1950, p. 4

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Barrie 1111111111 Bring or Phone your AilDial uuryim LbltLAlt 11 HELP WANTED WAITRESS lll lo1l 111111111 1J 1311131 11 lie1321 11 11 11 ll 51111 11 liXllTllllrilll gt1 11111 llltul 11 11 11111 1111 St 111 YULNU 11 111111111 3111 11111 111 11l1 2111111 11 111 Stole llUUhlillllllfll 1111 pl 11 11 ltlllillt 1111 111211 11111e 11111111111 111111 21111111 1111 11111111111 1111 expe1111111 Apply 111m 21 11111 llxannmr JUNIOR 111 Shot that SllfNUI illllllll 11 1gt1lil1l 11 111 1111 Hindu11 1tlllltll 1311 1111 1111111111 11114117 rial 1111111111oi 111111 1111 13111111 li111i1111 116m UllUlllUNllY 1111 mini11111 211 01111 11111 1111111111 ilIa 1111 lituillll 111111111111 11 1ll1 lloducls ompany 111111111 lord 11 estulalnc No 1p1I1n11 lllt taHll Writt 111 ll 111gt111 lllllll Iltll lQ for I111 JUNIOR we l111k k11 111111111 pos for 1l1111 111111111111 111 1111111111gt1ry writing it Conunlssmn 1111111 SI detaib SllllUN 1111 1111111 11115111 1111111 11111 11 111111 it loud 111m 111115 Apply 111 11111 111111113 11111111 llllll Mont real rllllllb 111 1l 1111 l11 1p111111211j1 11111151111111 perienie 1i dunr 1311111 VA NTICI lly 111111ufac11111 liailors energet 1c icpicsclitai1 tricl 111 111111111115 tllllltilllt 1111 llt Nationally popular li1u11 11111 of etc 111 iotuil 11111 l1 Mus 111 willing to providi adequate sltourouniparlx and xr vice Barrie IIxan SlXRlIIARY111liASllRlZR ed foi Public School 13111111 facilities ppl Mile 111 13 lllll 1111111 11 ullo can devote full lime to general scciclarial duties Including 11111111 1111 program now under way 01 mence salary about mg before adogan lll POSITIONS duties chairman initlcc Public School 11111111 liar3 April 521011 March it ppl to 111111111 Slarl 1111 111 11l iiurge com iiiIll VANTED YOUNG quires MARRIED voman night work lli1 IIXPERIENcED MAN 11mm 1111 11011 on Barrie n11 Exai 1311 111111 farm nilici 11 111101 111D 1111 Box 1111 111171 2YOUNG RELlAlllJI ladies 11lt illile steady work if possibletll REGISTERED Shorlhorn bulls Phone 10271 111 11111111 24131 MATERNITY NURSlI available All work guaranteed Ihonc Verns Taxi 11112121 or apply BOX Angus 1017101 13 WANTED WANTED PORTABLE typew 111111 with c2151 in good Condition lhone 110152 Zt 101 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Reliable man as Dealer 111 Barrie aiy fine Iprcricnce not necess opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawlc1gh Products have been sold for years furnished oi leighs Dept lteal Big profits credit MLB1281 Products Write Raw 63 Mon 41601 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED BUSH fursale by acre 01 111111 acre Con Vcspr lcry near Unio Apply Jas Byrncs 6111 Ceme i16p DRY HARDWOOD 411 lengths or cut shorter kas dc Delivered Painswick Telephone Stroud 20 Silcdl ring 22 ACCOMMODATION WANTED CIVIL SERVANT desires to 191111 rooms Or morein or near Denis Barrie Would consider commodations Most car responsxble tenants ROOM AND BOARD ROOMS OR ROOM and board Queens Hotel Thornton SEED AND FEED NO IMIXEDand Timothy hay Barrie Exam 1014171 1FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent PROPERTY FOR SALE NEW 7RO0MED stucco dwelling immediate possession double lot goodwlocatrion in Stayncr Culham RealEstatc Broker Stay for sale Inerf if IICI LOST AND FOUND FOUNDSniallsumrof money near Momcs ShQStOle ongThursday Box 117 cordwood Phone 2758 11161711 in Sheard 692l9p rural ac eful and 1728111 115le Owner may have sameby payingl for ad Phone 3223 BLACK BILLFOLD lost at BCI Thursday evening Contams sum lof money and valuable papers Re1 Wald Phone 3026 or tags MISCELLANEOUS HASTIE carpenter remodel kitchen cupboards and trim Phone 2176 THQUSE AND roofing repairs also bullding alterations carried out ef meny by H1Berresford Carpenl 191 Phone 3945 SINGER SERVICENew machines rentals repairs etc for information or write Singer SeWing Machine TCOmIIgwuod Semce in Barrie WE SPECIALIZE inMARSHALL and SIMMONS BEAUTYREST re Spring mattresses ike new Eiderdowns re covered Estimates given at time If satisfactory p1ck up deliver Friday Ontario pairs returned of call Tuesday Bedding CO formation Port Credit 2128 even Phone Company 37 115516112 lt 17le 5101111 3201 4365 Dtdly 5vl r1813 rebuilt 11511 ing farm FOR SALE 41 11 ua11f1Ill lllll l11l 11 MW 53111 11111131 111 1t1111111 llhl 12 Apply 17111 11 Siillllli 11111 311 111 S121 lllli lllSl 3111 11 11 1111 1111 111111 1111 1111121 l111 111 1111 11 11111s 11121 11111 213111 11lii Slll 11 1Q 11 1111 11111 to 111 i111 2111111 111 gt211 111 $11 l11111 1371 11 111 $150111t11N1l li1l11111i111gt 111 3111 111 11111 11111 1111111 1A 11111111 11211111 ll1 lili kolllvi Apt 11111 l1llli 1111111 1111 11111111 11111111 MACHINES mile 111 11111 11 1511121 1Ill1 till 11111111111 Fl 12111 11511111 111 llSlIlllllJ l1ltll1Rl and pc 1111i1i 11111111111111 f11 1111111 15 111d 11 1111111 tlieap 1111 111111li gtll1 1111111 111011 17111111 1A11111lS new llktl rentals repairs Special 11111115 promptly lillcd ll11r11 111 and 111111 11 11 liaylield St lclephonw 1111 1111311 WM MASllIR FEEDS for poultry hogs and cattle 111 11gt lno your re quirenienls 11111111111 delivery Tele phone 31111 llunlcr Slroud 11 ring 73l0p lltJNlZlIll ll1 Producer 111111 giowirl $11 per ton delivered to your 11111 Order your peat 1111191 Icneing and 1111111131 now lhoue raig llunler Slroud 1313 7771111311 lYIlIWRlllIRS office machines portables adding machines cash registers Sales and service 11 losncy 17 Francis St Barrie 11111111 1115 Box 117 SmithCor ona 11111ttllilll1 T211b ricMALI udwrit lpup for sale 1111 1111111 Treat Dane It months old $111 311 11120031 LIVESTOOK FOR SALE NllID111gs calllc cows and young Phone Barrie 3211 or Otn 1171211011 Scrviccable age llcrd New Slroud UlGITp lllSllIl IIEIFER coming 11 yrs old Good grade due March Maple Bred Apply Jim Raincy Cookslnwn ane 27rd 9llip MONEY T0 LOAN lNAllONAI IIOUSING LOANS builders loanspropertics financed 111 current rates LlllllllKl llenry Elrick Owen 181 Barrie 311161 100 ACRES LOT 7Con 13 Mu imur All ntccssaiy farm buildings farming acres fall wheat acres plowed balance hay and pas lure Good traclor land General 1school on farm on county plowed road Close to two churches further particulars apply on prem ises James Ferris Mansfield Ont RR CHICKS lFLOOR PRICE announced for eggs Plan your 1950 program now Early fall eggs bring best prices Early chicks produce these fall eggs We musthave your orders lfill them 30 day early order dis count PhODe 01 write Hunterfs 1Poultry Farm Stroud 13r5 1CHICKS FOR SALELots going out good year toraise brood of early chicks Gilmores are now selting for March delivery on chicks limited number of start ed pullcts now available Get your lchicks from reliable breeder ihatchery under government supcra vision No reactors for four years Contact Gilmores Poultry Breed Farm 60 Penetang Street Phone 2735 Barric 2411161 PitOPERTY F0 RENT central Phone 271201 apply 105 Worsley 1516b TWO BEDROOMS for rent one messgirls Rent reasonable36 SELF CONTAINED furnished 1heated 2Ioom apartment Suitable for couple Phone 4203 between 9am and 4pm Tuesday Feb 23 11950 2v AUCTION SALES Wednqsduy March lA5L Scott Lot on 8th concession ofVes pra 1x1 mile west andfmile south ovantcn Mills Or2miles north of Minesing Station Auction sale of stock and implements Terms cash no reserve Sale at 1230 pm Slcssor and Jer ry Coughlin Auctioneers Phone 2577 Barrie 1520x Township of Flos Tenders for Dragging TENDERS marked as to con tents and addressed to Thos SmithCleIk Elmvale Ont will be received until 12 noon Satur day March4 1950 for rentai of truck with underbody blade for dragging on the roads of the Town ship during the season1950 Please state in detail type of equipment and for any further In Docs PET STOCK accredited mortgages purl FARMS FOR SALE Good clay loam suitable for mixed 30 store on one corner also public For 81516b for early chicks now in Order to single fOr man one room for busin Clapperton St Phone 3960 l516b gt1516p Ias WANT ADLETS lhrc adlrts ere llltl 11111111 Ll DI 11tc lugs nuiyru lttIurr 11m ltllllltLJtlUll uul were too lu classify uudcr bead lill 111 11115 11 11 111 111111 11 11111 11 3111 111 111lf11111ll1R t1 1111111 11 11 l11 11 11 VAllAl lllll11llll 1411 111 llitrll lllHlil 1113 1111w 11111 111 Al111uso 11 Royal 11 10111 lloxpnal li11 11111111 Jll 15111 111 li 31 11 111111111 1111 1111111 laughter 11111 1111111 I1111 llll1jll rgt1 1111 1111111 113111 llospual 1311111 11o111y 111311 111 All and Mn 1111111 liid well 1111 Iul1l11pSli111 111111111 111 lllllll 1111 11111111 1111111 ll11pilil Rflllll l1b11111y LZS 111311 to All 1111 11 1ll1111 151111111 1111 No 1111111111121 l111gt 1111111111111 and Mill FORBES the 111111 Victoria llospual 1111111 l111111 11 11131 to 11 1111 311 31111115 l111b1$ 1111 N12 111111 son Wayne 3111111131 illISON the Royal 11111111 llospllul ll11111 lebiuary 197111 111 and Mrs 11 iibson Rfl 111p llordcu daughter lllllS Al the loyal Victoria llospit1111111113 l1blu1i 1131 10311 111 Mr and Mrs l111anc 11111115 lhelpston daughter 22 1117111 111 Mr and Ilr Robertson Angus 51111 llllllgt DIED 111 sifieidy illOBEltTSONAt the Royal lkll11l wing 11 folia Hospital Barrio 11l1u11y1111 mum AAAMJIVLtt 1111111111 11311511111 CARA Ads Labor Porfy Will Form Govt Again In Britain Mr and Mrs Rawn Awarded 516985 111 111 11 lfl1 111 111 111111 lli1 111 to 11 1111l111= 111 1l gun 11l Till l1 111 111 111 111 111 11Il1 111121 111111111 111 121 111111111 111 111 11I1ll11l Wk 111 11 11 11111il 11 111111 11111 111 11x11 11 121 1111 311111 11 l1 1111 out 111 231 ll1l 11 111 15111 111111 11111 11111 l11111111 111 Hint91 1111 about 1111 111 1111 lltl llllttlllll 11 111 rim 1111 11 1111 liis 11111i1l1 l111 111 1111 111111 v1 1111111111 1111 1111111 lliili11 tlttllllll and 11111111 ll v1 1111vl1 ri11l1 143 tl 1111111 1111 l1bur Run 11 1111 11 11111111t in 111 1111 ll 111111 11111 11111r1tl1 11111 11t111 1111111 111 1111 211 1ppiiunilel III seals 111111 11 1111 l1bnr 121111 111111 1111 will would 111111111111 the Hill111 Opposition 111111 1111 111 1111111 111111 win11 1111 11111 1111I itll 111p 11111111111 11 1111 11111 11 lilS 1l 1111111111 111 1111 111 1111 l1111l 11111 l111111 lllbllilul tollingwoou 111111 XIax 1111111 1111 511111111 1111l111111 11111 111111 11111 1111111 111 8111111111111111 llthplldl To 1111 11 111111 break 11 11111111 511111 111 1111111 1111111 111 1111 shin and 111 11p111 rltlittl 11 1111111l 111l1 1111 111p Although 11 111111 now al1 11 11 about on 1111111112 11 111 1111 1111111111 ol 111lt 1111 1111 The 1114 111111 1111 111 1111 11 1r 11111 111 11111 11 11s l1oi111 1w 1111l 11111 111 still 11111 11111111 111 111171111111111 11 Sunsl 11Vl11111l The Mllltlllllll 111111111111111 lastl l111l was 111111111111 1111 IlvclieqlinI 11111t and 1111 11111111115 had lill been Department of 111 UN LIONINT Illlllas The amount 111 11111 111 Mr announced tlial his labor ly Rawn 1i 3101101 111 1111111311 him will for in ioverninrnt lolloulhg ages 1l11gt $133333 for hospilal anu llllllMlll3 11111i0 1R doctor llll Inlfed Kingdom In the Nomi111 T1 mount mm Mr nnuuons the Labor Party uill 111111 was 32111111 111115 $533113 rm111l1only felt seals more than hugmp and MW bills the combined opposition of 1111 BOYLlIN At Royal Victoria 118 Aiihongh M1 and MI Haw1Vlll1llllth and Liberals llJll 1911r11301 Illlfgili 31 both must have suffered 11nis111111 1111 acIsuu my e11 formerly of Moum lc11111s1 be 211 1HlimnlhiMdm NOVCI SCOIICI H1115 loved wife of Nelson Boylcnd11r Illlllllllll1 mother of Eva Mrs Monti11111 11 mm 1mm Ml 1WCtlllng For Sheep and sister11f Mrs Millai Illoiull Hunk 19 111 HIV 011111111101 Gucci Mount Dennis Sid and to escape with 111111 lives They HALIFAX 19111 23 111 ledJacksou England llcslmt also thought their own conditiongNQW 5111 411111mHl pH1 at llynn tllllllillitlS lunelal Residence 1273 Weston Rd Ser vice Monday pm Interment Riverside Cemetery Weston COUSE At his home ookstou 11 Alpine of North Ilollywood Calif in his 07th year Ifliis late residence Funeral will leave his late ILSlClLlltfc 11 p111on Tuesday Feb 28 01 sci vice in Cookstown United Church at 2210 p111 Interment Alliston Union Coincteiy Flowers grate fully declined GRAHAIVISuddcnly at his home 49 Charlotte 51 Barrie on Fri Graham beloved Ruth AlkLl in husband his 57th ley Funeral Home SClVlCC on Monday Cemetery dar Point Ontario on Friday Point Tuesday at 230 pm in 6th Line Cemetery lnnisfil iROBERTSONSuddcnly at 38th yearn Resting atJLloyd and Union Cemetery STRANGWAYS Memorial Hospital Friday Charlotte Hyndman dear broth er of Dr Hprbert Strangways of Cleveland and Aubrey of Toron Home Tottenham Funeral Mon day pm Interment Trinity United Cemetery Beeton 1Mas onicl home 73 Cpinberland St Barrie Ontario on Saturday February 25 1950 WilliaInTurnbull be loved husband of Mary Pricein his 83rd year Resting at the Jennett Funeral Hpme Bradford St Barrie for funeral service Interment AllistOn Union Ceme tery APPRECIATION We wish to thank Our kind neigh bors friends and relatives who helped in so many wiiysWduring Stewarts stay in hospital 1W0 also thank Doctors Taylor and Smith special and regular nurses for their kind and efficient care Stewart and Margaret McKeown 16b We wish to express our thanks to all who were so kindand help ful in saving the garage and con tents and also the household effects of the apartments above it in the fire of Feb 21 We would like Borden and 13X re departments and all the telephone Operators who so ably took care of the situ atiou formation apply to the undersign ed An accepted cheque for $200 must accompany each tender JOHN ROBERTSON for in 51219b Road Superintendent 1516b PhelpstonRR 161 Mr and Mrs Vic McMasteI Big land bargaim The United States payment of only two cents1 Alaskalu an acre to Russia for 18671Cost was $7 200000 Feb 247771950 gtHa1old Strangways beloved husband of1 Tuesday February 28 at2 p1n1 ed husband of Annie King in his At Stevenson Alliston orryo to Resting at Anderson Funeral 116p to gIve speciilitanks to Camp Resting 1coinplelcly day February 21 1930 Thomas Resting at the Lloyd and Stock1n1de the icst of 11s lLdllU hou Barrie Tor Feb 37 31 Miami 330 p111 Interment Barrie Union1pllghl HOUSTONAt his holne Big Cc Rest ing at his home for service on Interment rillia on Thursday February 23 1950 George Albert Robertson belov Steckley Funeral Home Barriel for serVIce on Monday February 27 at p111 Interment Barrie TURNBULL SUddenly at his1Theres face that is haunting as1 ever And alvoice which brou 1htl us cheeI BED SERVICE Theres smile well foreveric 978 Forest Ave 51 Thomas mem er When in silence we dry ach teai giro Ibert and Doris Grandchild Jone crV 16b en Gail and Billy Axxxxmwmmxssmx ku 1L Wright brothers only $200 Feb 24 1950 John Houstoxi be loved husband of Amy Westwood 05 and dcarfalhcr Of Kathleen Ill11s chcr Captcol and Williami James Big Cedar 2491161 had not been nearly as bad as that 1111 try1111 11 11111111 up 11111v1l ol scoresof youngvcterans 11 S1111 111111cgtl 111 gtl111p ram11111 111 11115 1Ilrook 111111111 11 111121115 111 11111111111 MN 11W 101d 01 110 MW 8111 11111111111113 111 11andoiri1l 111111111 NZ on Fndny Pcb 241 no Hum 1111 it Sunitylnook ho bid losl 111111s 111 1l11 11gt Cousc beloved husband111ilaulbmllllllnw and both lllg nah Jun Richardson up artificial hands andbad came of John of Cookstown and 11110 feed himself 11 With thousantb of 1111gt of gt111lcdi foi sheep llllSlllL il11lfllll 1111 11111111al official gt1ll 111111111114 WW 91 1C could become 111 industry 1w parayud 110111 11111111111y 1111111 1111s11111 111111111 ling lm 9riirlzllm pohbl 1111 111111 l11111 population 011 duly Mfr ll1 been lllrpllllELLzgt11illlll during gym fhlul WINlrcccut years Sim1 11111 it 111 mlV 031 ha 11111011 110111 13111011 11 133111111 111 part ofthcir faces and were Oblig lihjmuh mm p50 Jlmhmu cCl lOlllll11gt montliyupon monlliu mm he mark 1dele of 1st1c surgery while their faces we pomp rebuilt 11 RlacSwtcu 1111clr11 111 11111 ti When we saw thb pTliful condi llhlng bml To 510 TIM ura grass province grows as 11 on Of SOHL 0f the 01m IIlcr here than In any olhcr parti of the country 11 1x Ml 111 111111151111 011111 l1 llc gL of Nova Scotia we have rough mlmmlm 15 ilully counliysldc unsuitable for 1ollic1 types of farming but it wrows vood rass for sheep Th Chm to CD thL1 Abandoned farms in these 11 gions he said could be used for sewn 01 ten Cnddlan hum lshcep ranching and would bring are wired for electricity Graham assistant ducctor of agriculture said ape Breton 515 one of the most xmarvcllous placcs in the world 1111 production of sheep STEEEENSONEdmLmd Stephen If the industry were to flourish son Feb Zap1949 i111 the provtncclioycvc1I11 Olaf As long as life my heart shall hold ham said he felt more attention Your memory ever Clear Imust be directed to better manage And ocr your grave in loving grief 111cm careful selection of Shall fall silent tear fotmthc different localities and 1L IN MEMORIAM 16D Wll MINT more widespread use of improved STEPHENSON1Ed1 who passed 10 away Feb 23 19497 presence Is ever near us YouiiIOve remains with us yet You were the kind of father 1d MIXED ougorggtve ones you ncvci HAY mid STKAW TEvcr remembered by Don also CQRN Marie and grandchildren STEPHENSONIn memory of my father Edmund Stephenson who passed away Feb 28 1949 Delivered by Truck in 10 01 12 ton loads Immediate Delivery CARTERS VW$M$WW Tests new 120 Protein Desi Blatcbfordbf CRUMBLED OR MASH 44Boforo 530 oclock Saturday or Wednesday 2c word cosh minimum 35 3c word charged minimum 50 Box numb 25c extra By Private Firms tenoglap er =1 11 11 Hy 111 111 ll 11 b1 11 11 11 11 Im 11111111 limuanu oinp ll 1111 111 11111111 Permanent 1m Illnll gout 11Iry Pension Mls in 111ml lIlSllItllllllUll uul UV 111 iroup llhumtue llepl Lil fl 111 tIltIllllt lo IIo gt 111111 vanillul lH ll 11 If 11 EXPERIENCED ti 1111 111 uislnr 111111 11 111 111 Long Istance 11 1111 111l OPERATORS 111l 11111 I11II 11 11 11 111111t 111 11 111111 11111 11 111l 1111 15 111111111121 1111 111 1111111311 ii 11 WallaD111 21111 l111 ll Beams channels gut1 11 111111 1111111 lillllllli 11g HHHOHUIL UdS Sitlll 15 01110 MHI DIDc mites 11111 11 11mm 1111 1111 1111 S1iili l111l 111 21 11 10 Icle 111mm 30 121 11 lRM 111l 11 11i orluI King West Six In lwrltnr 111111111 11 Eli11101111 St Barrie 11 11111111 111 111 111l hi 1111 1111 Freel Free Free ja real good livelihood breeds Alex lVlacKinnon 111111115777111114 Vpsxmm svr lAtEE THREE 111131 flow 111 lTown Doesnt Want iSnow Given Away =2 Thorough Inspection Asked By Turnip Men galvanized and black 11111111111111x111111 I1p111111111 1ll1 111111111111 31111 111 from lg 11 Also best prices paid for scrap Iron 11111 COOKING DEMONSTRATION BARR1E COLLEGIATE 1111311qu Wednesday March 830 pm SEE THESE ESSOTANE ADVANTAGES IN ACTION L1G vs AUTOMATICALLY ACCURATE OVEN INSTANT HEAT CONTROL QUICKOLEAN EasyCLEAN BURNERS EVERY WANTED ECONOMICAL TEMRniATURE EASY TO INSTALL GASANGES ON SALE AT 111111113 AHWARE 80 DunlOp Si 91111111125 anemone 1949 MERCURY SEDAN COUPE Black Low Mileage 1049 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN Seamist Green in Spotless Condition 1949 METEOR DELUXE SEDAN Looks like New Car 1948 HILLMAN MINX Convertible Continental Desigu 1948 CHRYSLER SEDAN Owned and driven by company executive 1948 MERCURY COACH 114 wheel base excellent condition 1948 PONTIAC SEDANgeCOUPE Low mileage Spotless condition THE ABOVECARKX OUR5050 PEDIGREEGUARANTEE THIS WEEKSSPECIAL= is11111a $97500 IdPREWAR AISPEClAtS 5050 WARRANTIii 1101 30 DAYS o=o===o=or==oro 11111111151111le mama uni11 Chic1r Starter 20 PROTEIN FEED For better growth stronger bodies and economy in feed ingit pays to feed Blatchfords Crumbled Chick Starter 20971 protein feed Relishcd by chicksgrowth is therresulttry aebag todayyoulleif be more than satised Alliston Farmers Coop Alliston Brown 00 BARRIE Dennis BRADFORD Ila WilsonCOOKSTOWN Wilson MINESING Eric Mercer THORNTON Bell UTOIIA 1940 DODGE SEDAN 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1933 FORD SEDAN 1935 DESQTO SEDAN 1933 DODGE COACH 1933 CHEVROLET SEDAN RECONDITIONED mucng 1949 MERCURY 12 TON PICKUP excellent condition 1948 MERCURY ONE TON EXPRESS 12000 mites practicallybland new 1947 EORD1EEON PICKUP 19311NTERNATIONALPANELyr 1946 DODGE PANEL 1946 FORD TON 158 MORRISON Co LTD Successors to Morrison Motor Sales 3132 Bradford 51 Dia1 5566 Dario omgonomoaomm

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